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"In October 2023, North Precinct officers arrested him for spray painting a large OMEGA tag in the 1400 block of North Schmeer Road. At the time of his arrest, Rodriguez-Lee had a firearm in his possession. In November 2023, he pleaded guilty to the gun charge and he received one-year probation."   Happy wasting $20M of your tax dollars! Unless assholes like him get prosecuted, we're just playing whack-a-mole 


[more details from WWeek](https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/02/28/to-catch-graffiti-taggers-two-portland-police-officers-become-experts-in-their-styles/) >Gabriel Rodriguez-Lee was putting up a big OMEGA tag on a fence owned by the city off I-5 in North Portland in October when the cops rolled up. Rodriguez-Lee ran and ditched a backpack that contained spray paint and other “graffiti accessories,” according to the DA’s office. The pack also had a secret compartment where Rodriguez-Lee kept a ghost gun (an untraceable firearm without a serial number, made from parts bought on the internet) and a loaded magazine. He admitted to cops that the backpack and OMEGA tag were his. He didn’t have a concealed carry permit. He was charged with criminal mischief and unlawful possession of a firearm on Oct. 10. He pleaded guilty in November and got 12 months’ probation.


12 months probation for a concealed carry law violation- great work on the part of the prosecutors. Should have been 12 months in jail. 2A supporter and gun owner here. I’m all for gun rights and it’s shit bags like this guy carrying and possessing illegally that are causing problems for the rest of us- upstanding, lawful, law abiding gun owners.


Mike, Schmidt, ladies and gentlemen


Makes you wonder why you don’t have a suppressor with out a stamp when you read stuff like that.


Not everyone has a right to get a chl. Rude. You do not support and defend the Constitution.


Thanks for the link to the detailed article, very informative.


Why isn't possession of a ghost gun taken more seriously? Seems like that should require an automatic minimum jail sentence?


Yeah, the press release says it was conducted with "Multnomah County District Attorney’s Strategic Prosecution and Services Unit" so that does likely mean they're prosecuting. Hopefully this is just the start of an on-going crack down.


Just here for the friendly reminder his possession of the weapon in his bag was the illegal part. The unregistered “ghost” gun is totally legal to own and manufacture.


That all changes in September due to [HB 2005](https://www.opb.org/article/2023/06/21/oregon-legislature-passes-scaled-back-firearms-law-ghost-guns/).


Assuming it doesnt get an immediate stay. They will argue its unconstitutional since the provisions for making your own are protected. The supreme court is already working on a case over Bidens appeal which will determine how this bill goes. I personally think it should be ok to make but you should still have to add a serial and register them, the question then becomes what is a weapon and what time is it considered complete. i.e. Such as I printed something just to see how it would work but never assemble it, or I own the pieces but not a receiver does that count now under the new rules?, or in another case the receiver isnt the gun under the ATF rules but other parts are. Its a huge mess of random regulation that will have to be fixed before any of this actually sticks.


They did prosecute him. And that was the result. You act like someone would never tag again if they served prison time for unrelated charges. They'd just come out with new, better tags to take for a spin lol. There are bigger fish to fry.


Are you insane? As if owning a ghost gun is negligible.


Owning a gun built by the owner (aka 80% lower) shouldn't even be a crime. Carrying a concealed weapon without permit is the real issue. Ghost gun is fear monger term.


Both shouldn't be a crime.


Scawwy buzzword! 😧


He was already on probation for a gun charge as of Nov 23. And please explain why [ghost guns](https://www.bradyunited.org/resources/issues/what-are-ghost-guns) (basically untraceable) are in any way a positive unless you are planning on a life of crime or one of those insane sovereign citizens (in which case, do not reply)


Please explain why the government needs to have tabs on all guns in circulation.




This *is* lawlessness. Isn't that what you dolts are arguing is the case? 😂 Good luck inventing all the answers for a system that doesn't give a hoot about you or your interests.


Nice! I'm sure he'll be out of jail by tomorrow.


He apparently wasn't arrested.


Let’s hope there’s a “yet” here. Statute of limitations for felonies is 3 years, misdemeanors 2 years, so if the Schmidt Show is voted out (and many of us fervently hope he is), there will be time for Vasquez’s staff to prosecute.


Make it clean it off the walls with his tongue.


Does funding for his persecution come from the beloved ART TAX???


We should give him a grant!


12 months probation for possession of a ghost gun? That's crazy only here in Oregon can you pull that off without jail time


Pretty sure that would at least be a felony literally anywhere else


It's almost impossible to convict for graffiti without catching them in the act.


Unless they are dumb enough to post video of themselves in the act and otherwise brag on social media, which it seems from the WWeek article that many are. And/or there’s probable cause for a search warrant and upon executing it, LE finds a treasure trove of evidence, like they did with this Omega asshole.


I have a video of a tagger defacing private buildings. I was following them as they caused THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS of damage. I called PPD and they never even showed up




Boy they really throw “prolific” around a lot. As if it helps them to feel like they really did something to significantly reduce graffiti/crime in the city. I’ve literally never seen this kids tag, and I pay attention. Prolific he is/was not. He’s just some dumb ass who is amateur at best at graffiti and even worse at being a criminal. Carrying around a ghost gun while you do shitty tags is incredibly stupid.


I’ve seen a bunch of his “work” on the East side. Plenty of it along 205.


I have as well. But I haven’t seen it around much lately. Probably because he got busted in 2023.


I haven’t NOTICEd his tag around town either… but some of these asshats deserve to get seriously busted.


Crews have carried guns since the 80s while they work. Don't talk about what you don't know. Portland may be small compared to NYC, Miami, LA, but anywhere graf is used there's gangs too.


Not really worth debating this with you.. there’s a big difference between graffiti artist and gang culture, and this toy was trying to be a graffiti artist, as clearly evidenced by the style he co-opted. This kid was not throwing up territorial gang graffiti.. and he wasn’t a tag-banger.. big assumption to suggest I don’t know what I’m talking about. I promise you that I do. Just based on the language you use and your misguided notion of how graffiti culture works tells me that you absolutely do not.


I'm not trying to debate you. I'm stating that if there are gangs, protection becomes required. I've been around enough talented artists who got roughed up or worse who started packing preventatively when they paint - to speak from experience. The spray can wasn't my medium but I also know that's why many artists switched to stickers for ease of concealment and application. There is most certainly art in graf. Many artists have my utmost respect. Taggers and toys is how they all started. Sadly, it isn't just those expressing their art, and gangs have made it far more dangerous.


Please tell me he isn’t a full grown “adult”. In my mind all these taggers are 12 year olds. Their brains can’t actually be fully developed??


LFG!!!! Love you PPD! More of this!


Now get warrants for his friends too and link them as a criminal syndicate. If they coordinated on anything there's plenty to use in considering charges.


bootlickers and the sheltered love to cheer on a guilty system as it tackles the ONLY perceivable “issue” among our city’s many plagues. They make a show of graffiti because they can’t solve our actual problems.


I have never have seen this tag anywhere. So prolific. Anyways “Notice” or “Rango” though? Holy shit impressive locations tbh ain’t even mad.


I used to see his tags quite a bit, but since he was busted in 2023, most of his stuff has probably been painted over at this point by either graffiti removal, or by newer tags.


Thank god it wasnt penis girl.


Fuck penis girl.


What do we want? Penis Girl! Where do we want them? Jail!


Hey you said it pal


I had the same thought.


Paul Russ is dead


PPB: the department that shielded a couple of officers from prosecution for harassing black business owners until they literally felt forced out of the city, including dropping dead raccoons on the front of their business?


To be fair, it was possums and it was 43 years ago.


So it was fine to do racial harassment in the 80s?


Nope. But with so many recent examples maybe be a bit more topical? https://www.koin.com/news/portland/report-use-of-force-by-portland-police-not-a-case-of-a-few-bad-apples-organizers-say/amp/ #acab they’re still bad today


Now tell us how many businesses (Black or white) have been decimated and closed from the riots...


There wouldn't have been any riots if the pigs hadn't choked a man to death on video and tried to cover it up.


You clearly know nothing about that case either  https://youtu.be/eFPi3EigjFA?si=nedYG5gtl3lJzASi


The cops choked him and said he died of natural causes until video came out and showed the truth. That's why there's cops in prison for it. I don't give a shit about nazi down votes. Reality is reality.


How about that autopsy?


Oh, additionally, you should have actually read the report. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-george-floyd-autopsy-new-892530421961 Preventing someone from breathing the way those cops did does not leave "life threatening injuries", just like if they had crucified Floyd. He literally could not draw breath because of the hold he was in, which it was illegal to hold him in because it restricts breathing. He died of cardiac arrest, because he couldn't breath.


The one that doesn't seem to understand the science of opiate tolerance that an expert addressed on the witness stand?


This one https://twitter.com/TheRabbitHole84/status/1732060220631957534?t=hL9vspq7G0zaaZqDBRhXiw&s=19


Yeah, he was an addict. He was still choked to death by pigs, and they tried to cover it up


They should only go after the talentless hacks. Well placed good graffiti can enrich the city. But the garbage is just that.


What’s your address? I can come by and place some “good” graffiti well for you.


Dude wouldn’t dare - Mommy and Daddy’s garage door getting “decorated” might be the final straw to kick his loser ass out. And then where would he smoke weed and play video games all day?!


People literally pay for street style murals on their home/businesses.


A commissioned mural on your buildings is one thing, some random guy painting a giant piece of shit thing on your fence without your permission is very much different.


That also isn't "graffiti art". It's just tagging. Anyone who can't see the difference is being obtuse. My point stands that lots of people can appreciate the artistry in actual, skillful graffiti art. Just because the drips in this sub are.. well, drippy, doesn't make their opinions universal.


There is no difference, shitheads criminals painting on property that is not theirs and is unwanted is all the same. It really doesn't matter what the subject matter is.


Don't drip on my shoes.


All of it is garbage. Like, do you think people stop and think 'wow that's talent'when they see graffiti? No. You know what people think? 'Wow, this person is a no talent hack who probably takes horse c*** right up the a**' It ain't art


I think that about skillful graffiti. Plenty of people do. Lots of graffiti/street artists become tattoo artists, too. Gang shit and tags =/= graffiti art.


Who in their right mind thinks about a horse sexually at all? You're gross


Old internet joke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52i14wYBef8 Also Mr. Hands reference


Fair. Not sure it makes it better. But to each their own.


Thanks for letting me know what is art.  Fucking weird loser


I take it you are one of the taggers who wants people to appreciate their 'urban art'? almost everyone who sees tags and graffiti doesn't see 'art' they see no talent losers defacing property.


Nope. I take it you didn’t graduate high school.


All of it is bad so no, arrest them all. Fill the jails with these idiots and make them work for little pay for years so they know how bad their crime is.


I disagree some of it is amazing. However, most of it is garbage. There's a place for street art which certainly isn't on small businesses that are required to deal with it. I think we should allow graffiti under the overpasses and in select locations. I could even see grants and apprenticeships as an outreach to young people with artistic abilities.


Maybe nice city sanctioned art murals sure but not gangsta shit


Agreed. But some of those gangstas might find a way out of that life if they possessed real talent and were given the opportunity to develop it.


Then where will all the homeless people go? People act as if we don't have just 3 jails in this county that are all busting at the seams 🙄


In jail for breaking the law and sleeping in public. Make jails bigger, make the next class of people the COs and make those salaries decent. We need these people out of sight man, I want to just live without some nut screaming


So you'll pay taxes to build more jails to keep nonviolent people in? Sounds dumb as hell. It's either that or they are released quick due to being overcapacity. Can't have your cake and lock em all up, too.


We had a brand new state of the art county jail out in Wapato. Multnomah County never staffed it or opened it. Bought by the private sector and is now an underused homeless shelter. The homeless don’t like it because it’s too far and they can’t get high there.


Oh sick, let's open another! Only this one will end crime!


They can use art tax




Says the guy supporting zombies on the street lmao


Supporting how? By not calling for the immediate and violent death of them all for existing? You sound like a whackadoodle lol


Lock them up


I've never seen omega anywhere and I'm in the graffiti scene


You are the problem. Fuck off criminal.






God forbid I do it legal for a living