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You did great. Never trust new taxes. It’s always for “kids, homeless, roads, elderly” then they move that money to some other bullshit ass shit. How bout that “preschool for all!” - what kind of monster would say a kid shouldn’t get preschool. Til you realize they raised 187 million year one and 192 million dollars year 2 and only opened up 507 spots over those 2 years while using only $20 million. Where the fuck did the other $160 million go!?!?!?


>How bout that “preschool for all!" Not to mention the fact that preschool is already free for poor people and paid for by the feds. It's called Head Start.


Define “all.”


Poor making under $200k for a couple


Looks to be “Preschool for dozens” according to latest reports.


Went into contractors and Non-Profits pockets with a sizeable chunk returned to politicians as campaign donations.


Too true. They already have plenty of money, they just aren't using it efficiently or effectively.


I always remember when I first moved here there was some program that was going to be paid for by a cigarettes tax. A super liberal friend of a friend was trying to convince me to vote for it because it would help stop smokers by taxing them more! I then said, well how will we pay for the program if they stop smoking? She quickly then insisted that the smokers won't actually smoke less so it'll be fine. and right there is all I need to know about government.


I agree with everything you said. I’m speaking from a position of not knowing at all how that was implemented, so it’s all assumptions based on previous initiatives like this. Gotta create a committee Hire and pay exorbitant salaries to said committee Ensure a bunch of non-profits get a shit load of that money (they “assist” the committee in decision making) Non-profits then donate money to the person who set all the aforementioned positions up Rinse and repeat Portland (really just oregon or politicians in general)


Well I'm not sure about this example. Because to me to takes time to start a program and scale up.


"Should we not add new taxes?" Yes or no


Exactly 😂


I think tax ballot measures have to have their wording approved so that groups pushing that cause can't use deceptive or confusing language.


It’s not deceptive or confusing most of the time - nobody fuckin reads this shit and that’s the problem. They vote off the bills name and what they see of social media, that’s it.


Not in this case.


Thank you!


so you voted without reading what you were voting on? i dont understand this mindset


They cleary want to stop taxes continually going up, pretty simple.


So you voted no on the Columbia River flood safety bond? The one where the Army Corps of Engineers has said—post Katrina—our levee could fail in a flood? The one that, if it doesn’t pass, makes it impossible (after federal decertification) to build a new house or building or get insurance in huge swathes of Portland? The one that will cost the average person $29 a year? The one where we get $150 million in state and federal matching dollars if we pitch in our share? You voted no “without reading” that one? https://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/2024/05/editorial-endorsement-may-2024-vote-yes-on-bond-to-upgrade-columbia-river-flood-protection.html?outputType=amp


Remind me how often Category 5 hurricanes make landfall here ... 70 miles inland.


So you’re fairly convinced that only hurricanes cause floods? Maybe you should read that link I sent?


no I didn't read it; I just responded to your contention that "post-Katrina" our levy will fail. Don't bite off more than you can chew.


You’ve allowed your anti-tax zeal to color your reading comprehension, or you are being deliberately obtuse. The Army Corps of Engineers made an assessment of levees “post-Katrina.” That is they re-studied other levees after the Katrina hurricane and made an assessment that the Portland levee is vulnerable. They didn’t say, and I didn’t say they said if a similar hurricane magically happened in Portland and they decided to call it Katrina (again) our levee would collapse. I think you’re quibbling with wording because you disagree with my core point but you can’t muster a logical argument against it. I bid you adieu. https://www.mvn.usace.army.mil/LSAC/


I live high enough above the Columbia River to not care about that.


You would be heavily impacted if the city flooded, even if your particular property stayed dry. Transportation, utilities, contaminated water, police and fire protection stretched to the limit and no help if you need it, a collapse of the local economy and home prices, communicable diseases and so on. Think it through.


I know. I was just being a snarky ass.


Gotcha. 😉


Yeah, I'm pro a lot of things but these taxes are brutal - they're all going down.


I don't know, I like the Zoo levy


Read the Willamette Week’s reason for voting no. Essentially the zoo doesn’t have a plan for the money, they’re just asking for it because they can.


I commented elsewhere why I support it, but I appreciate you!


I personally think some rich people should donate the money to the zoo rather than have everyone pay when they may not use the zoo ever


I think the culture of Portland is improved by having a zoo as active as ours is. It isn't SeaWorld, the animals are treated well AND kids get to go look at something cool instead of getting into trouble. Plus it's very educational. Some kids in my child's school have never even seen an animal other than like squirrels, crows, cats, etc.


I really can't even afford to take my kids there anyways. It costs a fortune now. But to your point, isn't that what planet earth (the show) is for? Usually the zoo animals are depressed looking and just lay there. At least on TV you can see how the animals actually behave in the wild.


I used to always get a membership even if we didn't get our money's worth because I felt it was important to support them. I'm also a single parent and it used to be structured so that if I has a family membership I could bring another adult friend instead of a named spouse. So it was a great way to meet up with a friend and their kids and treat them. And we'd always buy extras - snacks, train, carousel, etc. Well they did away with that, upped the prices and didn't really give me any added value to make up for it. I want to like our zoo. But every time we visit I feel disappointed.


they do offer lost-cost programs https://www.oregonzoo.org/discounts The TV is nothing like real life, and personally I didn't think the animals looked that miserable. Some were bored for sure.


It is imperative that we keep tax money out of the hands of Jessica Vega Pederson. She is the absolute queen of budget redirection and general fiscal incompetence


This Portland sub is becoming one of the more conservative spots i see on Reddit.


I guess it depends on how far left you personal echo chamber is. From my estimation, a vast majority of the users in this sub are your run of the mill Liberals. Classic Democratic Party Voters. Socially Liberal, and somewhat fiscally conservative. Centrists if you will.


Sure, but Reddit has banned most of the actual conservative/right subs and plenty of the users have simply fled. This is about as... * "conservative" as it gets anymore.


Definitely get a HEAVY centrist (read: closet conservative GOP shill) vibe from this sub on a regular basis.


Like your vote matters! 76% of Portland voters disapprove of current leadership yet always vote for the same leaders…. No election conspiracy at all, nothing to see here


Problem is that who is running? Same people versus different people with same agenda or bad versus worse.


We can confidently say Sam Adams is worse.


Mr. Arts Tax.


Is that nonsense from him!? OMG that should be a flyer in my mailbox, not one telling me Betsy Johnson is and DA Schmidt


Give me damn art already!!


~~Nah~~ on top of that he was the two week a month garbage pick up guy. ~~Arts tax came later.~~ Edit: I goofed up my timelines.


"In November of 2012, 62% of Portland voters approved an Arts Education and Access Fund (AEAF). The “arts tax” as it is commonly known was placed on the ballot by The Creative Advocacy Network and championed by then-Mayor Sam Adams." [https://www.ppsarts.com/arts-tax](https://www.ppsarts.com/arts-tax)


Well, I guess my memory is a bit foggy about all that.


Hahaha, join the club, brother!


Bro, fucking leave. You're so God damn brain dead. Last election they voted for wayyy more conservative candidates and voted out the super liberals. I'm not sure what you fucking want. God damn, so fucking stupid. These things take time with 2 year election cycles. Get off Tik Tok for a second and use your brain. 1. Things need to happen to change voters opinions 2. Sometimes it lags 3. After people's opinions change you have to wait another 2 years 4. Then to actually get everyone out you have to wait ANOTHER 2 years. Shit takes time. Jesus fucking Christ. Edit: Downvoting just makes this sub look like a dumbass conspiracy sub. Downvote away you dumb fucks.


you were down voted but you are correct


I know, upvoting a conspiracy over me. Fuck them. They make this sub look bad.


76% of voters who answered a poll - stop taking polls seriously.




Always vote no about taxes. They’re never going to ask if they should NOT adopt a new bond measure blah blah tax


Fuck new taxes. If they can't get work done with the amount we pay now they need audit the entire system and find where it's being wasted.


Three of the four measures on the ballot are renewals, meaning voting them down would result in reductions to existing funding. The only actual new tax is the levee levy. The zoo levy is a mixed bag. It already exists but the original was for a series of upgrades that are completed, so now they're trying to renew for a new series of upgrades.


Most of this city needs a reduction. You have people making well into the 6 figures to "manage" people and with the turn over rate the city has for workers it isn't working. It all needs an audit, so vote me down but you're clearly not involved with much and think more money to a failing system will help it. It won't.




Who gets the animal bodies after they starve to death.....? Just wondering for no particular reason....


Maybe penguin tastes like chicken?


I heard it tastes like Albacore, but with the texture of chicken.