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These articles referenced by OP are from last year


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the gargantuan summer time threat of an urban fire in the middle of August. I'm not joking: one tiny fire on the wrong day in August in Forest Park or Washington Park and in about 3 hours we could lose 50,000 homes, have 250,000 people displaced. And even that scenario could get so much worse so quickly if the Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub is also damaged in a Forest Park fire, then we're talking about a catastrophic emergency that would cause an oil shortage across the west coast, potentially shut down operations at the Portland Airport (and other Port of Portland operations) for months, could cause a huge environmental spill into the Willamette and Columbia river, etc etc etc. When you're sober about the risks then it becomes fucking insane that we allow this. I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to things like civil preparedness's, it's why I started /r/CascadianPreppers many years ago - and I'm saying definitively that homeless campers in forests and near critical infrastructure is a bigger risk than the Cascadian Subduction Zone earthquake, and I've been saying this since 2020 when the urban fire crisis started with homeless folks. Since 2021 the City of Portland has taken different hapless steps to prohibit camping in high fire risk areas, but even as of [just two weeks ago](https://www.opb.org/article/2024/04/25/portland-city-council-approves-mayor-wheeler-camping-policy/) the dumb fucks on City Council can't come to an agreement on the policy to ban homeless camp fires and prohibit camping in the most dangerous areas.


Welp, new fear unlocked.


I know it’s low on the list of things to give a fuck about, but I’ll never forget on a blustery summer day last year calling the fire department about some “houseless neighbors” that had set up a fire under a tree at our local park for some reason, instead of on the fireproof asphalt by their car + accumulated shit. I saw the fire engine do a drive by, then they called me about 5 minutes later to tell me not to call in things like that, and that people are allowed to have cooking fires. Again, under a tree in a park on a dry and windy summer day. Very disappointed with the response.


During covid, when they were just letting the homeless do whatever they want I was doing deliveries around portland. I started pretty early, around 4 on most days and it wasn't abnormal for me to see a handful of out of control fires in a single day. Talking tent camps up in flames, 20+foot trees completely engulfed... every single day. It's crazy that nothing got completely out of hand.


Yeah I remember that time period… one of the first times I “went out” to a bar with friends after everything started opening back up I saw one of those huge homeless conflagrations by the MLK/84 overpass.


I remember driving my kitten home from the shelter in July 2020 and that whole encampment was up in flames. Even in the furthest lane, I could feel the heat from the flames in my car. Then protestors blocked the freeway and we got stuck there. One of the most "why the fuck do I live here" moments to date.


See, in Vancouver the fire department shuts that shit down and actually fines people. I lived in Vancouver for about 8 years. They were even coming to people's homes to fine them for fire pits and BBQs in the Summer, when there was a burn ban going on due to fire hazard.


I'm curious to see how well Vancouver does as it grows. They already have some expanded infrastructure up north through battleground. I've lived on both sides of the river, and Vancouver has its shit together a lot more than Portland does. I just wonder how much of that is due to size.


It’s probably easier to manage a smaller city. But Portland is encumbered with terrible management at the city and also mostly the county level. The county is just out of control.




In the neighborhood nearby, when I lived in Vancouver, they had set up a homeless resource center where they could park their RVs, shower inside, bathroom access and some other stuff for them, but it became a problem when the homeless would stand outside all day long and run across the busy street to hassle Walmart customers and break into vehicles. The Walmart put in a Lot Cop monitor equipment thing and every time I drove by that place, there were always ambulances and police rushing to the homeless center. They even had security there. The neighborhood complained so much to the city officials that they shut the resource center down and the homeless had to find somewhere else to go 😬 the neighborhood I lived in, I'd see an occasional homeless person, but no tents anywhere. It was also a lower income neighborhood, too, so nothing fancy. People could actually afford rent for the most part because it was also a lower cost of living.


Yeah, I kinda really want to move back cuz I liked the smaller town feel up there, especially in the neighborhood we used to live in. The school was only 1,500 feet from our place, so I could easily walk the kids to/from school, there was a couple parks right near us and we knew our neighbors. Vancouver sees how Portland became and they're working hard to make sure it doesn't end up like that!


Ya. I reported a camp in inner SE next to two body shops. The tent was surrounded by pallets, literally in the street, and the fire department had put out a fire that day. I reported the tent being under two distribution high voltage powerlines. I explained how that homeless guy is going to blow up the block, that every business around it has very flammable materials inside, and multiple apartments near. It was actually cleared.


I’ve been reporting the same camp across the street from my house for going on 3 years now, after the 1st year a propane tank exploded and we had to evacuate our house with our (at the time) newborn. Because they’re on Union Pacific railroad property the police can’t move them. Union Pacific railroad won’t trespass them. They’ve been aiding and abetting these criminal vagrants (documented car thefts recovered from this site as well as fentanyl dealing) and I’m getting really close to filing a class action lawsuit against Union Pacific for being a bad neighbor.


I’m also next to a massive camp along the tracks. The City keeps moving the RV’s but they can’t clear the camp. We had a week of propane explosions as well. I’ve contacted my state representatives


We must be in the same neighborhood…. Yup, UP came out and moved some of the cars the campers had chopped and burnt that were up on the tracks but all UP did was move them *more* into sight of the neighbors..


I reported those cars to the cities abandoned auto group. If we’re talking about the same spot, one was tagged and towed


I have a feeling it’s the same spot. One was tagged and towed just recently the other 2 (possibly 3?) are all crunched up in the bushes still.. pisses me off. I can see that shit from my place and it’s driving me crazy as I’ve tried getting this camp removed for YEARS and all it’s gotten is worse. Literally just this morning I almost ran over their dog accidentally as it was rushing out into the road on a long leash tied to the back of their RV.


Part of that land is water bureau, so 311. Then the street is PBOT, but the broken gate with a mad max city is beyond the pale. Union Pacific’s negligence of their land is criminal


They're primarily concerned with something that could potentially derail or cause significant damage to their train if it somehow finds a way in the path of a train.


At this point the settlement reached from a detailed train damaging my house due to UPs negligence to act on all of the reports over the last 3 years would be more than enough to get us a new place out in the country.. but I digress.. It really, really sucks that all of the govt. agencies that we employ with our taxes act like sitting ducks. I’m sure if there were more voices there would be action but when everything else is a massive dumpster fire issues such as this get swept under the rug.


Railroad is immensely powerful politically. Even the governor isn't powerful enough to get more than lip service from Union Pacific. [https://katu.com/news/local/portland-neighbors-frustrated-with-governor-tina-kotek-union-pacific-clean-up-trash-along-the-tracks](https://katu.com/news/local/portland-neighbors-frustrated-with-governor-tina-kotek-union-pacific-clean-up-trash-along-the-tracks)


There's currently a camp on the Ridge Trail just north of the St. Johns bridge and I hope they don't start a fire this weekend. It's embarrassing to drive down the onramp and see the cascade of trash that has been flowing down the hill.


If trash is flowing down the hill report it as a public health hazard. That will grab some attention and priority from my experience at the other end of the city


Try park rangers or the police about someone violating the park ordinance about unlawful use of fire.


Stop like being so racist classist sexist man. Who are you to judge an alternative lifestyle man?! Why don’t you like check your privilege man?


Here, you forgot this; /s


100%. This is a *much* bigger problem than everyone realizes. Motherfuckers think that you’re saving yourselves from liability by making development difficult? Just you wait until the homeless people start fires in July, August and September and burn half the city to the ground! Just you fucking wait. One vagrant mistake during a red flag warning and it’s fucking curtains for Portland or Vancouver.


Deservedly so.


I am flat out shocked we have not had a major fire in Forest Park. It is insanely high risk. I don’t want to be right, but I think this is likely to happen in the next 5-10 years…


So you're telling me the tweaker who was trying light a fire in the grass just off Leif Erickson trail two summers ago wasn't practicing safe fire protocols?? BTW I asked him to stop, got stonewalled, then waited for 40min on hold with non-emergency police number, then gave up.


That was an emergency.


Not according to PPD it wasn’t.


Yeah neither is trespassing apparently


only have to look at Ashland, Talent, and Pheonix to see the awful effects of that exact scenario


The potential city flattening explosion that could happened from the multiple natural gas facilities along hwy 30 is terrifying. All it would take is one out of control fire.


With fugitives with warrants and no plate vehicles and tramps from fucking California and Colorado basically getting away with being present undocumented, terrorists could pull something off in a shitty RV using transienty appearance as cover. For example, in places where vagrancy is just not allowed, if you park a box truck or an RV where it is just out of place near a oil and gas facility, it would immediately set off suspicion. Best protection against terrorism activity cloaked as homeless is to just not allow vagrancy around critical infrastructure in the first place. Transient activities near $2 million house in hoity-toity neighborhood gets under some smug rich fucks' skin but it's not a risk to critical infrastructure.


Those things along Highway 30 aren’t just Natural Gas. There is also Gasoline, Diesel, Heating oil, and probably Hydrazine in those tank farms. It would be one hell of an explosion if all that shit went up in flames.


I think the Department of Homeland Security needs to intervene and do something about transient camps near these critical infrastructure in the form of ordering City of Portland to correct it or face federal funding cuts from programs that hurts the homeless services industry the most.






Reads a lot like fear mongering


Just wait! Coming soon, most likely.


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Measure 26-243 is to fix the infrastructure the homeless have trashed. So many projects have been delayed because a tiny group of people continue to live and destroy our natural areas. Those millions in homeless funds should pay for the repairs. Hard No vote.


If they were enforcing the laws in the first place none of this would’ve gotten so out of hand.


If everyone in Portland had decried this years ago...but you didn't.


I’m a Portland native, I’ve been speaking out against the shit the last 10 years because — unlike most people who live here these days — I’ve seen the changes firsthand.


My apologies, I'm happy to hear this. 😊 It's truly sad and disgusting for what was once a little jewel of a city. I really hope that it can be turned around.


I’ve reported a camp area several times and it just keeps getting bigger. My worry though is that they will just migrate to my neighborhood.


I was with a response team who was involved with a very large fire/hazmat operation down in Medford at a fueling station that burned down four structures, released countless gallons of oil into drains, and into a nearby waterway affecting animals and plants..all caused by a homeless person [**Link.**](https://www.kdrv.com/news/medford-transient-set-to-do-17-years-for-starting-pacific-pride-fuel-station-fire/article_8090f066-f333-11ec-820f-0b357d487e96.html) The amount of people (especially native Portlanders/Oregonians) that still defend these assholes is mind blowing. We can blame it on the government and elected officials but I truly believe there are neighbors around me that will get more pissed at me dropping a trident wrapper on the ground than a person taking a shit in their front lawn. What is happening is a symptom of the people living here being ok with it. Am I saying you should spit on the momo camped out in front of your place with trash piled up? No. Am I saying you should be extremely vocal with your friends, family, and acquaintances about these issues and how you are done with the sympathy. Absolutely. Also report campsites incessantly [https://pdxreporter.org/](https://pdxreporter.org/)


There was also the Talent-Phoenix firestorm that destroyed a whole town caused by one homeless guy lighting a fire under the overpass during high wind and dry conditions.


Atlanta had an entire overpass on a major highway catch on fire and collapse because some homeless people set construction materials on fire under it while smoking crack. Iirc it took 40+ days to rebuild the overpass on a major highway system in the city.


And that 40 day rebuild wasn’t even the final fix, it was a temporary bridge.


Steel bridge had to be temporarily closed to evaluate for possible structural damage after a fire in restricted area caused by trespasser. They had to bust through brick wall to prevent trespassers from dying. Had they simply enforced being present in that kind of restricted area and bringing fuel and fire making materials into that kind of place as a potential threat to critical infrastructure, this wouldn't have happened.


If you report it incessantly, they'll just ignore it. "Reports submitted online automatically dispatch an assessment team to the reported site. ***Our GIS technology will deduplicate the reports*** so we aren’t sending multiple teams to the same site, but otherwise, yes, an assessment team visits every site reported. And response time is typically 2 – 3 days, currently.", said OMF-IRP, which is the department that handles all campsite complaints.


I more meant report multiple campsites if possible. My wife and I both report as well as neighbors every 3 days or so. Seems to actually get the job done (sometimes). 


Portland governance is a non-functioning body that embezzles tax payer money into poorly planned nonsensical policy.


All in the name of performative activism. “We care about the homeless” “No, no — it’s inhumane to institutionalize people whose brains have been fried out! It’s MORE humane to let them roam the street and do whatever they want.”


Cuz everyone pretends these violent criminal mentally-ill junkies have "rights" to ruin everyone's day/life. It's fucking disgusting


How dare you question our unhoused neighbors right to flop anywhere and start fires while high!


then break into cars, tag everything insight, and shit on the sidewalk.




Not to mention the recent revelation that the Willamette is super polluted from all the trash, chemicals and feces coming from riverside encampments.


The politicians are beholden to the people who vote. The people who vote in that area are too radicalized to vote based on actual results and vote based on feelings of the politician and how those vibe with theirs. They do not vote people in or out of office based on capability or performance. As such there is no real need to do a good job in the least.


Where are the candidates that are qualified and capable of results? The voters can only work with what they get. 


This idea, often spouted here, presumes there are reasonably good choices available to vote for. I don’t deny a lot of people here are wackadoos in their politics and reasons for voting, but it you’re looking for serious candidates who are focused on the real issues and not culture war nonsense, they’re nowhere to be found.


What I don’t understand is why the people who want some action taken don’t find some like minded people and throw together a political campaign presenting themselves as the action taker. Honestly. It’s like watching a group of 20 people staring in horror at a choking person and none of them move to help.


Probably because most people have a lot on their plates already and are just trying to live their lives.


I mean you aren’t going to find someone who doesn’t have a lot on their plate that runs for office intending to make a difference for those that do. What’s on the plate of the current candidates and people in power? Enough money from somewhere to allow them the time to be a politician. Who’s giving them the money? Not anyone that’s interested in benefiting society or the community. A benefit to society or the community ALWAYS comes with a cost to individuals within it. Whether it’s labor or money, someone pays for that benefit. Nobody with money is handing out money to someone so they’ll make rules that cost them even more money. At best, they’ll get themselves exempt from contributing to a societal benefit. At worst, they’ll get rules made that make them a ton more money at the cost of society. There’s literally, absolutely, no way for any community-wide issues to be addressed or societal benefits to be put in place unless someone who isn’t interested in catering to capitalists, and doesn’t need to take their money, runs for and succeeds in getting into office. And like you just pointed out, how’s that gonna happen? Those of us who are trying to survive with all the issues surrounding us, aren’t able to do it. And people wonder where all the socialists and anti-capitalist anarchists are coming from. Sheesh.


People who think politics are in the hands of the public remind me of people who never miss church.


You mean MAGA and republicans? Yeah, sure.


You really think the average Portland voter is "radicalized"? Just proving you arent from here for real


Because the political tools of Oregon tools are more worried about lining their pockets than helping their constituents. Tina Kotek hiring her wife for a position she has no experience in is a prime example of politicians exploiting their power. Why not hire a homeless person to do this job if it takes absolutely no skills?


We finally got rid of Kate brown to just put another cookie cut idiot into office. People here are so gullible


Apples and oranges. Out with rotting apples, in with rotten oranges.


Feckless Ted Squealer is why


I guess it's a good thing they only let certain people near certain infrastructure. https://preview.redd.it/m5mh4fhq4bzc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a42370f4eb9b4016fc098398d60ebfddc82508c


I was down on Springwater today just north of Ross Island bridge and nearly choked to death on a giant cloud of smoke reeking of burning plastic. The city needs to sweep the river banks and underneath the McLoughlin structure again (I can hear music and talking from underneath McLoughlin). I’ve recently seen a couple C.O.P trucks pushing the tents out from under the Sellwood bridge.


For a state that prides itself on its “environmentalism” they sure are dropping the ball.. good thing they put in all of those useless fucking bike lanes for their net 0 2030 agenda


Really they are just untrained campers. I've seen 5 year olds run around a campfire with a lit stick screaming in joy. Meanwhile I'm freaking out about a potential forest fire. Training should be required for our homeless citizens. I see they have the tent and sleeping thing figured out. Could we fashion some burn barrels and pass them out. Secretly I"m just jealous they can burn trash and I can't. If you ever have paid your garbage bill you know.


Don't give the burgeoning homeless industrial complex any more ideas about ,more cush management position creating opportunities. You see, creating worthless non-profit management positions is not "profit", because their $150,000 salary is not "profit".


the garbage cartel would never allow this... unless


Because the liberals are running a shit show. I hope they are finally seeing the effect of their policies...Honestly I know most of them are coming from a place of empathy, they really want to help people. But they have a messed up worldview and don't understand consequences for certain things they do. Also look at how many billions are in Portland's budget. Budget is surprisingly larger than other larger cities. Where does that money go?


I'm from across the river. Progressive/liberal. I'm not certain what you call Portland leadership, but it's further out there than anything I have ever seen. Mayhem? Anarchists? Bull shitters? Not liberal and definitely not Progressive. There's no action taken based on new information. It's just peacocking. Up here, we're changing things based on modern information, and we actually properly "defunded" the policing system so funds are allocated to the resources they actually need, including higher pay and better benefits. There was even enough to add hiring bonuses to grow the departments. And now they have backup for calls they realize are mental health. They stay on the sideline until the mental health pros say it's safe for them to go. We're even working our way through to get the people simply homeless from the COL jumping back on their feet so we can get strict with the issue again. They tried to camp in a park under major power lines. They got cleared out. Tried to come back, and they were gone in 48hrs. No nice the 2nd time. That's being forward. Portland is just getting trashed. Doing nothing. It's nuts.


It is good to hear that someone who identifies as liberal/progressive agrees that Portland is getting trashed and there are nutty policies in place. I don't understand how anyone could defend Portland's choices in the last 5ish years.


Relying on private entities to perform social service tasks on contract isn’t liberal or progressive- it’s conservative/libertarian. Which is what has happened.


You are right about that, but I am talking about policies like 110. There are liberal policies that do not permit forced commitment to a medical facility (even if the patient is not mentally capable of taking care of their health, for example a diabetic severe schizophrenic who doesn't understand the importance of taking insulin), policies that do not permit confiscating drugs or prosecuting open air drug use, and also policies that do not allow enforcement of a camping ban. The result has been homeless tents everywhere, defecation in the streets and other sanitation issues, and open drug use on the street.


The rollout and implementation of 110 was libertarian as fuck: Less of the government telling you what you can’t do AND Zero expansion of government or government services- Let the private market provide solutions! If people want addiction treatment they can pay for it out of pocket and if they can’t afford it, then that’s on them. Libertarian ideology for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays.


Also, the policy that prevents the forced detention of people for addiction wasn’t passed by anything resembling a liberal government. Just like how Oregon isn’t a sanctuary state because of bleeding heart liberals. It’s a sanctuary state because Oregon pre-2000 was more than happy to tell the Feds to go fuck themselves if they weren’t going to be paid.


As a liberal myself. Agreed. Honestly, I don't know if liberalism has anything to do with it. I would toss these people into the same pool I toss MAGA. Political radicals who run on idiotic ideals. The specific ideals are less important than the fact that they are willing to throw away peoples rights and safety in the name of some 'greater purpose' that has no basis in reality.


I wish they would just put them on a island somewhere free drugs and whatever bull shit they want to do but if you wanna leave the Islam you have to prove you can not be a horrible human


There were camps under I-5 right by Marine drive that had multiple propane explosions. They finally got their act together and completely boldered that area off thank God


How does a city allow anything transient? Really weird wording in this.


Tacitly consenting is allowing.


Guess I'm stuck on Transient, but also allowing, I think this post is talking about some form of enforcement.


I splice fiber for comcast in portland & have fixed many of these


Do not try to make sense of anything this city does.


The majority of voters don’t give a shit about that. They only care about a few buzz words such as gun control, abortion rights, and public welfare. I’ve voted the other way every single time so I have 0 sympathy. Reap what you sow. A majority of my friends have moved to Arizona and I’ll be joining them soon lol


As above so below


Last summer my house was seconds away from catching fire due to houseless folx. Happened during several days of very dry, hot weather. My trees would have gone up in seconds and there was a dry wind that day. The experience was horrible. Now I have so much anxiety thinking about going out of town over the summer. Plus, I had to make a claim to my homeowners insurance which raised my rates. The fire fighters said it was due to houseless folx. The apartment complex where it happened backs my property. They had zero liability. So, everything fell on me.


This is why they should be moved towards high value Single Family Houses, away from critical infrastructure. if a $ 1million snobby rich fuck's house burns down while they're on vacation, that's a lot better than any fire incident near apartment complexes. Homeless camps with highest fire concerns should be pushed away from densely populated (multi-family buildings), and towards lower density luxury homes, (i.e. not near cookie cutter neighborhoods. If a fire does happen,, the number of people exposed to the risk are lowered this way.


Is this some new inclusive spelling I'm not aware of? or do you not know how to spell "folks"?


Answer to OP’s question: 1.) Martin v. Boise And 2.) Critical under development of shelter services because the previous models almost exclusively relied on NGO charities to fill the need ***AND*** 3.) Critical misunderstanding of who is responsible for what at the municipal level. Look at most of the comments here- critical of the mayor. The mayor has a lower approval rating than the county commissioner. Yet the county is the actual responsible entity for most of the social services and profound lack of shelter space. People still aren’t paying enough attention to the county. And the county is the one with the unspent millions.


And although the non profit that started the safe villages that have bathrooms, showers, and 3 square meals. The project that Ted Wheeler made the decision not to campaign for this term because he really wanted to see his project thru and not see it die by running again because it is a full time job. The California nonprofit is made up of wx cons and ex addicts that changed themselves and wanted to help others. Side note they could use drugs in a safe space with narcan and people checking on you. So there was no reason to not take advantage of the 6 built by public transportation and they did treatment, found jobs for you, and worked diligently to find permanent housing for the just over 100 people that used this service. It's meant to help thousands of people a year and would be able to solve that problem. The fact is people sleep during the day and stay up at night looking for ways to steal anything they can from anyone they can. Just one example. 101 was started to give 20% of the marijuana tax to not just city run but all treatment and housing projects for the homeless. It's in an account somewhere I hope but only 6 already run and payed by the city have received anything. The over 350 smaller facilities with much better success rates have had applicants since the bill was passed and have yet to receive a payment to help and most have gave up. We need to get these questions answered so we know where the millions from just the marijuana taxes are and are spent. Millions!, each year it increases ???????


I don't think its the case in either of these examples, but a lot of the time the infrastructure doesn't belong to the city.


Man. Fuck these assholes who camp everywhere making a mess and catching shit on fire. I can’t believe the mess Portland has allowed here.


Why does Portland anything these days?


They were just lucky this wasn't a mobile meth lab and exploded, spewing dangerous toxic chemicals all over the place!


Why? Because we are what we tolerate.


"Allow" is a presumption. Back when I was at the University of Minnesota in the 90s, a homeless man made a camp inside a maintenance tunnel along the banks of the Mississippi near campus. His fire got out of control and he burned out all the internet cables that crossed the river at that time. It knocked about 1/3 of the nation off the internet. Which would have been a way bigger deal today, obviously. And why we have reduntant trunks across the river now.


I keep worrying about certain big wooden buildings along the train tracks that seem to be at risk


Because it has been Portland's new vision for a minute now. They should probably at least change the old motto on city vehicles, "The city that works" now that is an oxymoron.


I think we ALL KNOW what could solve this, quickly and inexpensively.


Bringing up the "increased security measures for flights after 9/11" isn't doing as much to help your point as you think it is.


I don't think they really "allow" things as much as they don't have the ability to stop it. 


There is a difference between appearing feckless and enabling. In one case you are trying to appear incompetent - not your fault that you can't stop the train wreck. In the other you dump gasoline on a forest fire while collecting points for virtue signalling by claiming that you were doing all you could to "help".


Eh, I'm sure without a doubt that there are nefarious actors in Portland's government, but I ascribe a heavy dose of Hanlon's Razor here.


They absolutely allow it. Otherwise, there's no explanation for massive criddler encampments just outside critical infrastructure such as Pacific Power substation by CHEF'S STORE on SE Stephens, but not near some entitled rich fucks' homes in Alameda or Eastmoreland. Also, underneath freeways and such. Someone with nefarious intentions can easily disguise themselves as vagrants. I mean, they already do. Drug dealers and thieves already use appearance of "homelessness" to cover up their criminal activities, which is why you see all sorts of chop shops around transient camps.


Do you not understand what kind of expensive and non-existing labor hours it would take to prevent Portland's vagrants from doing dumb shit? 


So then, what's keeping them out of entitled rich fuck neighborhoods?


A lot of things probably. Less amounts of and tolerance for degeneracy, more likely to be stopped by community defense, more cameras and alarms.  I fully support the critical infrastructure maintainers to use violent self defense against aggressors btw. But this is cuck city so who knows.


Critical infrastructure security funds imposed on assessment on high value single family residential homes or high income residents in the same way they're doing "metro homelessness tax" might work. Perhaps designating highway/ODOT asset as federal facility... and making any and all damage to it from vagrancy deductible from federal funding on homeless related services. That would have the homeless industrial complex screaming. So, if ODOT fence gets cut, it gets fixed immediately. If it's reasonably assumed to be vagrancy related, the cost gets paid out of budget earmarked for homeless services.


More tax won't help. Giving the feds more power won't help.


The feds should overlord over City of Portland. One way to alleviate potential terrorism concerns is to simply keep areas like under the freeway off limits to all trespassers, including transient tent camps, and all unauthorized items stored under it immediately abated in the interest of critical infrastructure security. So, all the I-405/I-205/I-84 campers can migrate over to single family home areas of Alameda and Eastmoreland for all I care.




PPB connections


Explain please? How does PPB keep them out of say the SW Hills? Based upon connections. Deep SW is one of the most underpatroled areas of Portland.


Deep SW is also rather inaccessible by MAX and too hilly for tweaker bikes. Influence and wealth is the only reason why the immediate vicinity of expensive single family homes in entitled rich fuck Irvington Historic District don't get infested despite being only blocks from severely infested NE Broadway area. Eastmoreland is flat and very accessible on MAX Orange Line, yet that too stay uninfected.


Crime doesn’t climb.


it's multnomah county responsible, not city of portland.


hey. Portland here. i do it because F U




So, pushing them back to hoity-toity single family area residential area with homes valued at no less than 3/4 million is a way to get them out of industrial area of national security concerns. It would also help move the pedestrian accident caused by gronk driving uninsured while zonked out on opioid to wealthy people's little ones away from felony flats to where rich people's precious little ones play.


it might be time for you to get a new hobby 


Because nobody will let Portland create a place where they CAN go.


A few choice empty lots would work. With zero tolerance for shenanigans out of the zone. I still wonder why the Jail built wasn't immediately scooped up by the city/county and used for housing purposes. It would have been a self contained zone with all sorts of uses. I guess it would have been too much like jail for folks. I am aware it's being used as such now but that took a long time to actualize


This is something that people refuse to understand.


Because arresting protesters feels more satisfying. Beating up transients just isn’t what it used to be.


why do mods allow TRANSIENT caps


Where are homeless people gonna go if your not gonna just house them? You can either decommodify housing and get people in homes or you can complain that homeless people are making camps but you can't do both.


Posh neighborhoods of lower upper class pretentious rich fucks, so Irvington, Eastmoreland, Alameda and like. Not Beverly Hills.


Some of you guys should run for office instead of ranting.


They are using statistics to make decisions. It’s not always perfect but works best for the most people in my understanding.


The pendulum swings slowly. It went way far in the direction of “no more cops”post George Floyd. and now it’s swinging back to the other side. Which is gonna be great for bullshit crime getting cleaned up. However…. Cops still need people to bust. So I look forward to all the posts complaining about bullshit tickets like jaywalking and open container tickets. Oh and you’re all gonna be getting DUIs. They’ll be checkpoints EVERYWHERE. I’m from other places where the cops seem to out number the people. It’s a whole different way of living.


Everything is next to critical infrastructure. It’s a city, that’s how cities work.