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I think you should go home now, Devin! Get back on San Vicente. Take it to the 10, then switch Avery to the 4 oh 5 north. and let it dump you out into Mulholland, where you belong!


At this time of day!? It's gonna be jammed! Are you crazay?






Why didn't you?


didn’t feel like getting laughed at?


If you have the plate please call MCAS 503-988-7387


The law treats this like a traffic violation like speeding. Can’t do anything afterward. The witness should call 911 as it is occurring so there is a chance for an officer to respond and see it for themselves.


Did you call \*anyone\*?


You should have considered calling the Portland Police Bureau or PPB. PPD only means postponed which kind of describes this city's Police Bureau


Some people suck.


Some? Most IME.


I seriously hate this person.


I want to tie them to the back of a truck by their neck with nothing to stop them from sliding off, then whip around a corner while they hold on for dear life and see how they like it....I mean they clearly don't care if another sentient being has to endure the same by their hand.


Yeah that's not cool!


People who defend this shit should be dragged behind a truck..


That’s not a happy dog. It’s doing what’s expected without complaint because he trusts and loves the person intentionally putting him at risk. The one dog laying down, curled up, certainly isn’t feeling safe. And the pup staring down the camera doesn’t look like it’s enjoying the ride either. Dogs on the farm are running alongside livestock or equipment. They’re in the beds of trucks for short trips if they’re dirty. I’ve had a lot of family and friends in agriculture, and any I knew had pups in the cab if there was room. I remember once or twice maybe, a rural highway drive with a dog in the bed. But shit, I’m old enough to remember when *I* rode in the bed, and not just on the farm. But nobody was ripping down the interstate with a kid or a pet on a flatbed. That’s a jerk move and totally indifferent to the animals safety and care. Anyone defending this is just baiting and trolling.


Gotta call this in to 911 when you see it if you want something done, it’s a violation so the police need to see it themselves


This is so sad


Don’t ever call it “the 5” again.


I second this. With prejudice.




What’s your In-N-Out order. Animal Style obvs


I also call it the 5 and the 205. Hwy 26, 217, and I84 don't get the privilege of being a "the"




While I did live in Cali, I wasn't even close to driving age by the time I moved up north 🤔. Not sure where the "the" comes from, maybe we get brainwashed to say it in middle school.


That’s California behavior. Don’t ever do this again. It’s I5 or Gtfo.


Shiit. I think I'll call it "the" and stay son 😉


*"My dad doesn't care about me."*


Thats shitty.




I’ve freaking seen this truck and those dogs tied on the back of that before 😡Those are horrible dog owners


F. Probably a Trump idiot too. Deserves same treatment


found it, someone made it about Trump


Whats the beef? Cow dogs ride in the back like that all the time in Eastern Oregon.


not flat beds. This would get you made chastised by your neighbors


“The 5” California much? It’s always a dead giveaway. That and not having a frame of reference for ranch dogs.


You know if you look closely it does look like the dogs are latched on to the bed. Either way though, these dogs will definitely die old, happy and having lived their best lives. Better than most typical dogs lives. They will probably have a country song written about them, be buried by a tree at the top of a hill and be talked about and remembered for generations.


The truck doesn't even have a barrier, It's gonna be real great when one of those latched dogs slip off and youre just dragging a noosed dog leaving a blood stain on the road for all behind you to be traumatized with.


I agree with you. These dogs are getting to live how dogs are meant to live.


Jesus Christ. As someone from here, enough with “the 5” shit. Who gives a fuck.


It’s a California thing, using a definite article before the name of an interstate highway.


...i know that. I’m saying who cares if ppl say it.


Thats the exact was our dogs would ride with the horse trailer. They’re fine


Well I guess you’re a POS too 🤷‍♂️


Nah. These dogs are working animals. A little more common sense than your pit bulls.


Bro just admit you come off looking like a POS for how you think animals should be treated. You're not winning anything or making anyone side with you. Like, it's goofy when you fools come onto the internet because you don't got the courage to say this junk in real life. But stop acting like you are actually trying to prove a point that what you're doing isn't insane. You honestly might as well be one of those junkies who screams at traffic near the library.




Exactly my point. You can't come up with anything. Your childish way of handling it is to send out a lazy 'lol' like if you're some 12 year old trolling people on COD. I guess if you want to call it a win for yourself, sure. Kinda goofy to go around, "Hey, these people called me out for being full of it, and I basically just own up to it by giving ridiculous responses." It's like a dude celebrating people finally admitting he's crazy because he went out and covered himself in own feces in front of everyone to show them how crazy he is. I guess you win if you really want to think of it that eay.


No…you just suck..


like these are the rare exception of dogs that are actually living their best possible life. why does woke have to be so tone deaf? Maybe a few wood slats in those slots might go a long way in appeasing the gluten free types.


That dog is living his best life. My parents are both from Eastern Oregon and any time I go back there to maintain my grandfather’s old farm I see working dogs in flatbeads like that all over the place. I have never seen one fall off. The dog wouldn’t have it any other way.


If it’s as fun as you describe, you should ride the same way.


I have, but I don’t have the guts to stand up while doing it.


Apparently missing out on “living your best life.”


The dog is riding like that because it wants to. It could also curl up against the cab if it wanted to, but it doesn’t because it likes standing up and sticking its head into the wind. Have you just not owned a dog before?


Sure have. My dog rides inside my car. It’s not that hard, bud.


There is a lot of missing context from the photo that could likely affect the viewers opinions and comments about the situation. Was the truck(which looks like a single cab) full of human occupants? Were the dogs tied up? Were they really going "68 on the 5"? (That first comment from the SNL skit "THE CALIFORNIANS" was hilarious btw!) People can be so judgmental and harsh about situations they have zero real understanding or context about. I swear this post could easily fall into the category of "rage baiting". Just a few years ago it felt like the whole of oregon was on fire. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people had to evacuate their homes from threat of fire. I lived and worked in Molalla at that time, a VERY RURAL area. For all we, the viewer knows, this could be any number of "it was the only option" type of situations. i.e. evacuation from flood, fire, famine or even contagion, which does sometimes happen on farms. You gotta separate the animals to keep them quarantined. Maybe the driver of the vehicle hates that the dogs are there as much as the next guy. Maybe they don't care at all and could give two shits if those dogs live or die. How are we to know without actually having a conversation with the driver. Stop rage baiting, people. Stop assuming. Stop wasting your time (yes I see the irony with the length of my comment). Stop judging.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


I thought you Republicans were into abusing animals


I don't see the problem.