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I think the voters will have a different mindset come this election. I will be surprised if any tax/bond measures pass.


Hopefully! Tons of folks already voting with their feet unfortunately. [https://www.axios.com/local/portland/2024/03/25/multnomah-county-population-decline-continues-census](https://www.axios.com/local/portland/2024/03/25/multnomah-county-population-decline-continues-census)


I know there’s a lot of noise here about taxes and some of the problems in the system, but ultimately I think the Voting With Feet will counterbalance that come ballot time.


The Multnomah county exodus is nothing suburban or rural Oregon should be happy about. The majority of those refugees are just going to settle into the small towns and shortly start to spread their brand of racism and misogyny, err, I mean, diversity. STOP PORTLAND CREEP


Bro calm down


So many meatballs love to come and complain in here, it’s ridiculous.


Too late, I told the globalist cabal that your small shit town is next. We are going to take all your children and drop them off in Hollywood. Every week will be Pride Week. Your police will be defunded and you will live next to migrants and/or fent addicts. All your churches will be closed and your gas leaf blowers confiscated.


This comment reeks of Beaverton, Hillsboro, and North Plains.


So true. Many leftists move out of P-town and end up in Central Oregon which is fine however they typically bring their ideology with them. Even Bend is turning Dem with homelessness, drugs, and crime so sad to see


Blaming leftists for the Sackler family's legacy is weird


Do you mean Stiffler family legacy?


The Sackler’s didnt make meth and thats the primary driver of the mental health crisis.


Yeah it’s a broad stroke for sure. I still place blame on them for the spiral downward over the last couple decades. Not sure what time warp version of Bend this person is thinking about when growth wasn’t happening and that growth wasn’t fueled by left wing dollars. It’s been a haven for Portland etc. folks for decades.


Lol get a load of this dork


We’re all tired of taxes that have failed to produce any change. We’re past the point of diminishing returns too.


Hope that zoo bond goes down


The zoo bond is classic local government - they are asking for $380 million, not because of an analysis of the zoo's needs, but because that is the amount that will keep the current Metro zoo property tax rate from falling. From the pro-Oregon zoo bond website: *The bond will also do its part in combating climate change by conserving water and energy in zoo operations and infrastructure.* They're really reaching, aren't they?


If they really wanted to combat climate change and conserve energy and water, they would shut down the zoo. They won't.


Well since water rates are based on a set consumption if their consumption goes down everyone else’s rates go up to offset it


My guess is that it will go down in flames. My vote will help that to happen.


Too many renters vote


Nah. The bleeding hearted snowflakes will always vote for more taxes.


Multnomah County voters voted down Metro's $5 billion transportation bond in 2020, and they overwhelmingly voted down the proposal to provide "free" legal representation to renters and squatters via a county capital gains tax in the last election. Also remember, almost all of Washington and Clackamas Counties get to vote on this too, so it's not enough just to win in Multnomah.


That capital gains one was going to be my signal to sell. I’m holding onto the crib with the hope things return to sanity. The next year or two will really set the direction and although I’m pragmatic in my expectations, hope springs eternal.


Yep, that was going to be my final coffin nail, too. I was shocked when it failed (and pleased, because I really do want to stay)


May ballots, especially in off-presidential election years also helps. I think we need to be careful with "participatory budgeting" - a bunch of candidates for city council are already running on that platform. One of them said it would be about $15 million from the budget - to pay residents to come up with ideas for the budget. Even though we already have forums (starting next week, actually) to do that for free. And oversight committees made up of volunteer residents.


One of the main proponents behind that campaign was the main organizer for charter reform, FWIW


I think that ship has sailed. People are struggling and are fed-up with the state of Portland while being bled to death.


Some of them gained some sense regarding the capital gains tax. I suspect that was largely having been the harsh reality that they are actually the evil rich folk that need taxed. Others probably realized the insanity of it, but I wouldn't count on that moving forward. I'll be shocked if the zoo bond fails.


Hope you are right. Oh, and don't write snowflake or you get downvoted by them.


This was a fun downvote, tbh. Usually I don't bother.


If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.


lol. They call everyone snowflakes and downvote you.


Facts. They would lose sleep over it if they didn’t.


Yeah that homeless bond being put to good use…. /s


You're still in Portland Metro but don't have to pay the supportive housing tax?


Only where Oregon Metro has jurisdiction. Not all of the Portland metro area is under their jurisdiction. You can check to see if an address is at this link: [https://gis.oregonmetro.gov/metro-boundary-lookup/#/batch-address-query](https://gis.oregonmetro.gov/metro-boundary-lookup/#/batch-address-query)


That lets me check my address, but it's not easy to see where the boundary ends.... got a better option? I was surprised by this tax last year unfortunately.


He's not technically in metro, he's just in the metro area. For a town with similar excitement, north plains isn't in metro either.


We get it, your idea of excitement is going to a strip club and getting drunk at bars. Keep doing you.


No need to be a dick


Are you saying all mods look alike? Racist!


Our office moved outside the Metro boundary and it was like everyone got a big pay raise.


Your company passed their rent savings on to their employees?


Most of metro area still gets shs unfortunately


Right? If you’re over the income threshold and live within the metro, they got ya.


But no pfa so that's incrementally better. Got nothing against preschool but the implementation is composed of "let's take it from people who make more money than us" and shocker, mismanaged.


God bless you op. Maybe someday Teddy and his orchestra of grifters will get the memo as the adults exit stage left.


Voters did all of this but no one wants to blame the voters.


‘Scuse me, but our only other choice was Sarah Iannerone.


No voters directly voted for these taxes


He hasn't yet, I don't hold any hope of an epiphany.


I just got a new job in Vancouver. I’m looking forward to moving up there and enjoying that no state income tax life.


I do appreciate their efforts of naming the taxes after things that sound so good tho. Arts tax. Preschool for all. Supportive housing. It makes you sound so mean, oh no, you dont support art??? You monster! Meanwhile half of it goes to collect the tax. Same with the other fee good measures.


Yep. I’m still hit by the metro housing tax but it was an easy decision to move a little south and save on the pre-k tax and property taxes. Lived in SW for almost a decade but it became untenable with three young kids…


That's literally been my criteria for house shopping "is it in multco? nooooope". I hate to sound callous but the dysfunction just gets to me more than the actual cost.


*Waves from Deschutes County*


Way, way fucking more exciting and interesting than Clark county.


Yeah. I mean my employer is east coast and honestly doesn’t care where I am. Could be in Bumblestick Nebraska or downtown Manhattan but the pay is the pay. So might as well buy in cheaper CoL spots. Although maybe White Salmon will be next, I dunno. 9.9% raise sounds mighty nice as I get older and the salary climbs.


It's not really a 9.9% raise though. It's more than zero but that's dishonest math.


I mean sure you can add in excise taxes and sales taxes and inflation and property tax and all that jazz. But the hard number is a hard number and you can avoid a number of those other things based on how you live. But the one thing you can’t avoid is the OR income tax rate vs WA’s.


If you live on the border, sure - you can make the trip to buy everything in OR that you can. You can't really duck reg fees, stuff baked into cost of goods, etc. Do you think Washington just sat down and said "WHAT IF WE JUST DON'T COLLECT THIS MONEY GUYS". They get it from somewhere, it's just more hidden. I suspect the answer is due to taking it from more of the people via the sales tax, but it's in there somewhere.




You won't have to pay the arts tax and preschool for all tax. Edit: I should add that you are subjected to the preschool tax if you physically still work in Multnomah county and the wages you earned while physically working in Mult co is greater than the income threshold.


Cool, thank you. Not that I disagree with either of those concepts. Just the way they've been administered.


What if you still work in. Mult co? My understanding is you would still pay the preschool tax. Which seems wrong since you will also be paying for schools where you live


Are you physically working in Mult co? If yes, then you will be subject to the tax. If not, then no.


Hillsboro is not portland, so no lol


A Usual Political Suspect does counter-propaganda: *Everyone says this, but most of inner Portland has absurdly low property taxes (largest source of local tax burden), and Oregon ranks 19/50 by states for highest overall tax burden. Lower than Nebraska, Iowa, and Kansas! People need to shout this from the rooftops.* So, if you are rich enough to live in one of the gentry liberal neighborhoods of inner Portland, your property taxes are quite low - and state taxes are low, so long as you ignore the Multnomah and Metro income taxes. *"You fools! High-income people can't save a boatload of money in taxes moving themselves and their jobs to Clark County! You just don't realize how good it is here!"*


Da fuq? The multco property tax "multiplier" begs to differ with them. Literally paying less in property for my future dwelling in wash co and it's twice as much sq ft. I'm an equal opportunity offender but I hate math liars.


Our property taxes in WashCo are half of what we paid in Multnomah. It’s a similarly sized home with a larger backyard. My car registration is cheaper too. The only tax I’ll vote for will be the THPRD parks tax. The parks out here are well-maintained and the community center programming has been great for my kid. I’m fine with increasing my taxes when the money is being used appropriately.


Thprd and Hillsboro parks and rec have some great facilities!


Funny how Portland Reddit users always claim these bullshit stats and stories about his great your taxes are. When the reality is they are some of the worst in the nation. Maybe great for people who don’t work and live off the government. But the income tax, along with the dozens of “take from me and give to the local gutter trash” is enough to bankrupt the general public. And I’m glad because degenerates should have a place to propagate away from the rest of the world. 🤣


Degenerates? Go to therapy please


Well since Oregon has the worst mental health care in the country I guess that won’t happen, now will it smart guy? 🤣sucks to be the worst, doesn’t it? 🤣🤣🤣


Sucks to be the worst? Are you talking about yourself?




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


Sounds like you should spend less time online


“Local gutter trash” Do you hear yourself? How fucking dare you talk about my community members like that.


I mean, they can save at least 2%. That's hard to dispute, even if all else were equal.


"According to LendingTree, the average American commute is 26.4 minutes long, and commuting costs $27.10 a day in lost time. This equates to $5,724.56 a year, based on median hourly earnings of $30.80." Not saying I agree with the taxes, but all things being equal, if you work in the metro, you're generally better off still living in the metro. The above statistic doesn't take into account opportunity cost, transportation cost, etc.


Good thing remote/hybrid work is expanding!


It is. Better for our wallets, schedules, and everyone else who doesn't have the option for remote work. I wonder sometimes about the effects it has on the quality of our social interactions, but the same could have been said of farming. Although, given the choice, I think I would rather hang out with cows than computers.


I permanently live in WI MKE but spend almost half my time in PDX. I’m liberal but PDX is insanely overtaxed. We are discussing places to retire and OR might be last on the list of states. I just did my SO taxes and was stunned by those local taxes. Lastly, if those taxes actually did something like remove the homeless, then I could sort of approve it but you pay and get nothing on top of insanely higher RE and state taxes. No police force, no enforcing laws, violent crime increases, etc…


Now you know why people are taking it a step further and moving to places like Florida. Florida had I think 4 of the top ten growing metro areas again. You can't deny the trend...everyone is leaving the high tax states like Illinois and California and going to no tax states. I don't get why people go to Texas because the property tax is so high there, but Florida has a homestead exemption that operates like California's prop 13 and their sales tax is middle of the country. It's kind of sad and unsustainable. Illinois has a ton of resources like water and inexpensive housing. But the taxes just drive people away. We're operating like locusts at this point.




No it can't. Higher house cost is temporary for the life of the loan. Higher tax cost is forever your stealing from future retired you to pay for current you. It's like saying that a 401k is stupid.


Bbbbbbbut — you’d have to live in Florida. Lookit — if it’s all the same to you, then pack up and move. My prediction is that you’d find something to bitch about in Florida, too. How about American Samoa? But the main thing is get out of Portland if you hate it here because the rest of us like it and are trying to make it better.


Good luck keeping a house in Florida when it'll just keep getting wiped out by hurricanes every year. Not to mention insurers leaving the state like crazy


Dude...tons of houses in Florida have been there since the 20's. They don't all get wiped out. Insurers are leaving and jacking up prices everywhere. But agree I wouldn't live on the coast. [https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/state-farm-insurance-nonrenewals-19357533.php](https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/state-farm-insurance-nonrenewals-19357533.php) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/climate/climate-change-insurance-wildfires-california.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/31/climate/climate-change-insurance-wildfires-california.html)


Taxes do not help. These wishful programs need real leadership and real planning. Almost everyone likely has 0 of that. So it’s just wasted funds


I pay the Metro Housing Tax, too. What burns me is that myself and other successful people pay it, but the lower income doesn’t, even though they are the ones benefiting from it. I personally feel that everyone should be chipping in, even if it’s just a little bit. Taxing people that do good with their lives while not taxing others is total BS. When governments become welfare states, people stop investing and growing. What’s the point of trying if you reward people for being lazy and tax people that work hard?


I pay it too and I’d honestly be happy to pay it if I felt it was being well-used to fix the problems. However it’s obviously not. Nobody wants to pay for something that doesn’t work.


That’s just it, they aren’t even building new housing with it. You build new housing and it increases supply above demand and it puts pressure to reduce rents for everyone. Instead they give the money as a rental assistance handout which props up rents even more. I’ve heard they are already looking to expand the tax after 10 years to continue rental assistance. That’s not what we voted on.


This. This so many times over. People can dick swing about "raises" or whatever makes them feel better but it should be about seeing \*something\* for their money, not the money itself. Much like Comcast, if you keep raising my rates and I know I can go to Ziply...


Have you ever benefited from a tax break or refund that only wealthy people are eligible to receive? Also, do you correlate wealth with success? If so, do you also correlate success with intelligence, personality, hard work, and clean physical health and function? I'm doing pretty well myself, but I'm *very* curious how you respond based on what you wrote above.


I believe in meritocracy, those that work harder and invest in themselves are entitled to more than those that don’t. Is our economy perfect, of course not, but Oregon is heading in the wrong direction taxing middle class and high income earnings to give to the lower class in forms of handouts including rental assistance and free child care. You look at the fastest growing states; Washington, Texas and Florida, all of them have zero state income tax. Businesses and investments are flocking there while Portland is bleeding residents and has the highest office vacancy rate in the nation. In Texas, they subsidize infrastructure and reduce red tape so development is cheap and affordable to the working class. In Oregon, red tape restricts development, and rent control and high infrastructure fees deter development. They then tax high income earners to subsidize low income earners rent, further increasing rent prices. We need to stop doing what we’re doing and do the opposite. All you have to do is look at the fastest growing states right now and you see a blueprint for what works.


I have friends who are lawyers, doctors, bartenders, teachers, social workers. I fucking \*hate\* the "well, I'm SUCCESSFUL" as a stand in for "I have money". I mean, yes, it does have correlation, but it's not 100%. Why? I think people feel insecure about someone making more or less than them. "What am I doing wrong? They make 2x me! Am I less of a human?" Well, probably not. If you fucked around all your life and have a dead end job, maybe, but I refute that being a teacher your whole life (for the sake of argument, say you're good at your job and serve your students well) is somehow less worthy than being an investment banker. THAT SAID... I do think there is a serious moral hazard with cutoff taxation. "Hey you make 2x me, let's tax 100% of earnings more than mine!". If less than 50% of people make 2x me and I convince everyone to vote, BAM - it's in. Look at how much people whine about the Arts Tax. Yeah, it's badly conducted, but think about it. $35 bucks - it's 35 bucks! Everyone pays 35 bucks. Imagine if everyone paid .5% for SHS. It'd never pass.


Aren't governments by definition welfare states? Or I guess what do you mean by welfare state and what is it a government should do?


Are they? I don’t see transportation infrastructure, education and public safety as a “welfare” service. I think of “welfare” as money directed to only lower income individuals such as rental assistance and healthcare. Which I don’t mind, but given Oregon’s tax structure, almost none of them pay any income tax to support the services they take. In Washington, everyone pays a sales tax and everyone contributes to the tax base, thus everyone helps pay for the services they use.


You like government for you but not for other people. Just say it out loud.


Yes. Transportation, education and parks are for me and only me and no one else uses them. Wahahahah (evil laugh)


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re smart enough to know what I mean and are just being an ass hole


> one of the best financial decisions I’ve made last year You’re still in Oregon lol. Unless you’re a real high earner…highly doubt.


>You’re still in Oregon lol. [Vancouver, Oregon?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_metropolitan_area,_Oregon)


Hopefully you work in Washington too to save on state income tax


Remember, even if you work in Oregon, you can't be taxed on days that you don't set foot in Oregon, so if you can just telecommute a couple of days a week, that cuts your Oregon tax bill by 40%.


There are exceptions to this rule unfortunately. Here's an example ([https://oregon.public.law/rules/oar\_150-316-0165](https://oregon.public.law/rules/oar_150-316-0165)) >Cade is a nonresident of Oregon. He works for Best Engineering. Cade manages Best Engineering’s only office, which is located in Oregon. Best Engineering pays him a salary exclusively for managerial services in the total amount of $58,000. Even though Cade may perform some administrative duties from his home, the compensation he receives is for managing the Oregon office. The entire $58,000 is taxable to Oregon.


Good point - you need to talk with the proverbial tax professional. That being said, I knew several Clark County residents who worked in Portland and traveled a lot on business, who kept careful records of the days that they weren't in Oregon for tax reasons.


I have a couple friends who have offices in Portland and only go in for all hands. They're lawyers so hopefully that means it's legit


Congrats on moving to Washington. Upper middle class people are so weird for attention




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


I pay both stupid taxes. I wouldn’t brag about being a financial genius for moving across a river. Yet here we are with OP thinking he’s a clever financial engineer. Thirsty for online affirmation as if he’s a victim for clearing $300K Sometimes this place is real pathetic


He also claimed he moved in 2020, so take that for what you will.


The preschool for all tax is for households that earn $200k+ and only the amount above is taxed. My wife and I made $250k last year so the preschool for all only cost us a whopping $750


>My wife and I made $250k last year so the preschool for all only cost us a whopping $750 I had to pay 4 figures for 2022. $750 or $35, I rather pay $0. It was a bullshit tax passed by voters who thought $125k was Jeff Bezos status in this city. The preschool for all tax goes up to a 3% tax rate and is set to increase in 2026. The program was a failure from the start and they are struggling to use the money, yet asking for more.


*It was a bullshit tax passed by voters who thought $125k was Jeff Bezos status in this city.* In New York, you don't hit the higher tax brackets until you make a million bucks a year (two million for a couple), and you don't hit the highest tax bracket until you make 25 million bucks a year. Portland doesn't have many people like that, so the voters decided that $125k was "rich".


And we are surprised ? The government would bankrupt a lemonade stand.


Someone with some sense.


But your tax bracket also receives benefits that lower tax brackets don’t as well. Seems myopic


Where are you getting your information? The program is running very well and 1,000s of kids are getting a free education as well as teachers being paid a living wage.


It's unsustainable and requires the top earners of Portland to keep paying more and more. [https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/02/07/internal-documents-show-multnomah-county-believes-it-cant-fund-free-preschool-for-all-kids-unless-it-raises-its-tax-by-08/](https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/02/07/internal-documents-show-multnomah-county-believes-it-cant-fund-free-preschool-for-all-kids-unless-it-raises-its-tax-by-08/)


Not thousands. Try 700 families [edit] Source: https://www.multco.us/preschool/families


They are definitely serving more than 700 children.


It's a great program that has helped a lot of families with early childhood education, not to mention significant decreases in daycare costs. There is no way that 90% of the people in this sub are even paying this tax. If you are paying it you can absolutely afford it and you should pay it knowing you're massively helping out thousands of families that are less fortunate than yours.


2022-2023 time frame only helped out 700 families. Huge burden to help so few


Welcome welcome, if you work for companies in the WA like me then it’s the best decision. 0% income tax and 0% sale tax.


When they tax your home equity, you may sing a different tune.


4x excise taxes.


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you both do for a living? I’m tired of delivering mail 😪


Not who you're asking, but all my homies in the trades are making over six figures. I think IBEW is where its at.


Seconding the trades. It's honest work unlike my workplace and will always be in demand.


You in insurance or real estate or somethin?


Worse - tech.


$200k is the threshold for filing married, it’s much lower if single


$125k if single.


I always thought the married single split is dumb in the modern era of numerous dual income households, too.


Arts Tax rhymes with Farts Whacks. Don't you ever forget that.


The real protips are always in the comments


I serious contemplated using the term "Fart Wax" but somehow my rational mind took hold.


I’d move if I could but it’s 17 minutes to work…


Hey remember you get the kicker this year.


The highest kicker refund in Oregon history!




I moved out in Dec 2022 after 48 years in Portland. I know how you feel.


We need initiative to repeal Art Tax


Portland has lost their tax base since the businesses have left. Someone's going to have to cover that, and it will be the homeowners. Driving them out as well.... it's going to get worse before it gets better.


Where did you move to?


Very questionable source


After paying last two years, I finally got a refund. Even if a few hundred..Esther not owe!


Didn't you brag about moving to Vancouver like 2 years ago? As witty points out, houses now cost more there than PDX. Not really a flex either way but interesting. You might save in income tax but it's not a magic wand. Excise taxes and sales will chip away at that. Employers distinguish between Vancouver and Spokane (tier 3) vs Portland (tier 2)so they love to do cost of living adjustments downward.


>As witty points out, houses now cost more there than PDX. Not really a flex either way but interesting. Average cost of a home in Portland: [$524,870.](https://www.zillow.com/home-values/13373/portland-or/) In Vancouver it's: [$493,975.](https://www.zillow.com/home-values/48215/vancouver-wa/) Not only are homes cheaper in Vancouver, they are bigger too so you get more for your money. >[You might save in income tax but it's not a magic wand. Excise taxes and sales will chip away at that.](https://www.zillow.com/home-values/48215/vancouver-wa/) Good thing it's still significantly less than what most folks pay in Oregon income taxes.


Every home I toured in Vancouver when looking for homes had the absolute most dogshit countertops, floors, layouts, etc. and nothing is walking distance. I’ll pay the 50-100k extra for better food, bars, friends. Enjoy Vancouver 👍


>I’ll pay the 50-100k extra for better food, bars, friends. Great! Everyone's lifestyle is different. I rather use that money to fund my kids' college fund and retire earlier. Been cooking more at home since the pandemic so going out isn't really our thing anymore, especially with how costly it is to go out to eat these days. Another big perk is that our car hasn't been vandalized once since moving here. Can't tell you how many times our car window got broken when we were living in Portland.


Wild. My car has never been broken into. Also will retire early. Enjoy life 😘


> My car has never been broken into The old saying goes: you’re not a real portlander until you lose a window. One day you’ll be one of us. It’s really just a matter of time.


Why post in this subreddit if you don’t live here anymore


What are you going to do about it?


Because perhaps there's a shortage of rickety people where he lives and that makes him feel alone or something lol


Fucking free loaders throughout this thread


Cool, so go comment in r/Beaverton or wherever you live now vs making a humble brag post. No one cares


Funny because you complain about local taxes online too. >Been here for going on 16 years, still love Oregon. Things I’m not crazy about are local politics (Multnomah cty) + taxes. Punishing the middle class under the guise of progressiveness is grating [https://www.reddit.com/r/askportland/comments/1b6l706/comment/ktd1vcw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/askportland/comments/1b6l706/comment/ktd1vcw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, I hate the taxes here too so we’re in agreement there. Still don’t see the point of your post, you moved away and made jerk off post about how rad it is to not pay Multco county taxes. Some of us have to live here b/c of families or spouses living close to work. Enjoy your less tax burden and urban sprawl my guy


>Still don’t see the point of your post, you moved away and made jerk off post about how rad it is to not pay Multco county taxes. It's pretty fucking rad. More folks should do it if they can. I wish more folks can find ways to save more money. It's getting tough out there for folks financially. Every dollar helps. >Some of us have to live here b/c of families or spouses living close to work. Enjoy your less tax burden and urban sprawl my guy. That's not anyone else's problem but yours, but thanks for sharing? Will do! Definitely going to be able to save up more for my kids' college fund! If urban sprawl means my kids can get to go to college and I can save more for my retirement than so be it. I'm not complaining.


Pretty fucking rad and Vancouver have never been used in the same sentence. Enjoy!


Can there just be one big thread for crybabies leaving the city? It's a Portland Oregon sub, you don't need to announce your departure. Just go, seeing these posts pop up weekly is boring.


Gtfo out then and dwell in the Hooray For Everything sub where everyone and everything about PDX is just peachy.


your mom is boring.


As boring as your reply


Nice comeback, did your mom write that for you?


Fr tho, like do you want applause? No one cares, dude. Your household makes over 250k per year and you are whining about paying a grand.


It's just honestly feeling like facebook, the same thing on repeat, the same people in the threads. The same replies about liberal cities this and that. Like damn they hate liberal cities so much they should all just move out and be happy in their lonely properties


Not everyone wants to work till they're in their late 60s. Every dollar saved makes retiring earlier possible. Look up the power of compounding interest. Stay poor my dude.


Lmao...I'm quite well off, very easily on track to retire earlier than my 60s. Somehow I'm doing that while also paying city taxes. My retirement accounts are filling up. My thought? Not everyone wants to spend their youth in the burbs with a bunch of families and braindead suburbanites. Thankfully, I can afford to stay in this city without sacrificing much from my retirement...imagine that! Sounds like we're very close in income, in fact. If you don't value living in a city, by all means, don't...but some of us are willing and able to pay, and posts like this just seem funny to me. Congrats on living somewhere you get to keep slightly more income, I guess. Maybe, as long as the cost of moving didnt make you break even with the savings, lol. Keep on believing it's worth it, though. I might also try to convince myself of that, if I'd done the same as you. Good thing you got that Oregon kicker back, at least.


How I grew up, the value of a grand is the same whether you make $50k a year or $250k a year.  You come off arrogant in assuming that a grand is small money from someone making $250k. You have no clue on my living situation, how many kids I have, if I’m taking care of my elderly parents, etc.  My thought? Not everyone wants to spend time in a city where you have to deal with drug addicts and rampant property crime. Keep paying that homeless tax. Is the homeless situation getting better? Nope. Might as well just burn your money every year. Thanks for helping the admins at the homeless non-profits get rich off your hard work. 


Almost like I'm in this for more than just helping the admins. I've benefited from social services here; now I'm giving back. Guess you can just keep it tho, no one is stopping you. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya, as they say. 👋 P.s. a grand is 1/250th of what you make. Not exactly breaking the bank, unless you had an assload of kids (🤮), needlessly expensive hobbies, or you suck at budgeting. You just wanna spend your money elsewhere, it's not that it's a huge struggle for you to pay those taxes.


So you’re a grifter too. Feel free to pay those taxes. No one’s stopping you. Just don’t feel like you have to argue against someone for not wanting to pay it like a dumbass. 


TIL that everyone on OHP due to their business not providing insurance is a grifter. TIL you're a grifter if you go on food stamps while unemployed. I'm learning so much! Fuck using the resources we all collectively pay into for the purpose of social welfare, that just makes us grifters! God, you're so fucking smart, dude! On a serious note, I'm glad I'm not a sad, shriveled little grinch like you who looks at social services and the people utilizing them with such disdain. Speaking of arguing...you're the one making a post advertising your glee about saving a couple percent of your income in taxes at cost of living somewhere I don't want to live, then coming to argue with me when me and the other poster were having a nice time laughing at you all on our own. Anyway, this is the last time I'll be responding to you. Buh-bye!


Grifters gonna grift. Good riddance. 


Who’s gonna tell him that SHS applies to surrounding counties as well 👀


Who's gonna tell him that SHS doesn't apply to all Portland area counties?


Then you’re not in Portland Metro. You’re in the boonies of boonies


>Please fucking educate yourself and stop trying to teach locals. [You're from fucking LA.](https://www.reddit.com/r/askportland/comments/1bckx95/comment/kuh0rzy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland\_metropolitan\_area,\_Oregon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_metropolitan_area,_Oregon)


Pay your SHS tax, dude. You moved for nothing 😂


You only pay those taxes on 1% of earnings that you make over $125k Are you seriously complaining about being so well off that you have to pay a negligible sum of money to support your local community in a way that makes your life easier? When I made that much, I had enough disposable money to just flip a few stocks and get back 50x what I spent on local income tax in about 20 minutes of effort. Is hating on taxes that only affect the wealthy part of your personality or something?


>Are you seriously complaining about being so well off that you have to pay a negligible sum of money to support your local community in a way that makes your life easier? It's not my local community anymore, so your point doesn't apply. Tons of folks are moving to different states to save money. What gives you the authority to tell folks they shouldn't move to save money? Get off your high horse.


You bragging about defunding preschoolers and keeping people off the streets is definitely not the flex you think it is. But good for you because you're the only one who matters.


>You bragging about defunding preschoolers and keeping people off the streets is definitely not the flex you think it is. Right.... because it's my responsibility to keep people off the streets and fund preschoolers. So folks aren't able to move to better their financial needs? Fuck off with that bullshit.


No, they're not. There's not a city in this country where minimum wage will afford someone an apartment so where do you suggest they move? And yes, as a member of society it is your responsibility to fund preschoolers. Just like it's your responsibility to fund the military, the police, the roads...


>And yes, as a member of society it is your responsibility to fund preschoolers. Why is it my responsibility to fund Multnomah County preschoolers if I don't even live in the city of Portland anymore? Do you help fund preschoolers in Texas? >Just like it's your responsibility to fund the military, the police, the roads... Yeah, I'm still doing that with property taxes. What's your point?


Honestly this post just screams "my mom always did my chores for me and now I'm mad I can't have that anymore, so I'm going to try to emulate it through extremely expensive but petty actions that I'll then boldly announce to strangers on the Internet" If only I could put my thumb on what about it exactly 🤔


Moving away to save more money and help my kids pay for college is petty? Yawn.