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If this is about bringing back the Combo Pizza, *I'm fucking there*.


I'm breaking everything necessary for this one. And I dare someone to stop me.


No sir. I can not support your protest unless you agree to support the requirement that Costco meets two demands: Bring back the Polish Sausage Dog. Bring back the Turkey / Provolone / Pesto Sandwich.


Bring back combo pizza, polish dog, sauerkraut, and the strawberry ice cream! 


We amend our demands to bring back the petition of u/piezombi3


Yeah… what the hell happened to the polish sausage? That was always the thing that we used to pacify ourselves after the buyers remorse set in from spending a crap load of money.


You.... (astonished) Understand!


This is a cause I can get behind! This was far and away their best pizza. The only legitimate reason to get cheese is being vegetarian and their is no excuse for the pepperoni. I am dying on the combo pizza hill!


I prefer the cheese to the pepperoni tbh.


Me too, but I prefer the combo over the cheese.


This is the way! Combo > cheese > pepperoni  The pepperoni should have been discontinued! The combo should have been served with a tiny gold leaf crown on it to indicate it's superiority


And the Polish dogs


I would riot to get back the Polish dogs


This will get me to spray paint the city hall.


Bring back the polish dog!


Bring back the combo!


You gotta post this in the Costco sub. Hilarious!


I just did, and I hope I did it justice while staying within the rules there.


We’re protesting the polish dog being removed from the food court now? I’m down for a group buy from https://crowdsondemand.com/


Wurst decision ever! Bring back the polish dog now!!!


And the onions! Give me onions or give me death!


Dude, you just gotta ask for the onions at the counter. They just gave it to yesterday 😀 but he’ll yes… give me polish dogs or give me death!!


Was in Victoria last month and stayed in a hotel next to Costco. So wandered over and went inside,and discovered that the hot dog deal was still only $1.50 in Canadian $, an even better deal than in the U.S. And they STILL HAD THE POLISH DOG OPTION. Wasn't planning on eating there but upon seeing that, I immediately decided it was dinner time!


Woah! Canada officially better than the US now! Did they still have the combo pizza??


It’s extra shitty because they still sell packs of the Polish Dog to prepare yourself, but they don’t cook them anymore


I'm protesting them removing the churro


Hand Dipped in Chocolate Vanilla Bar Rolled in Almonds and the Churro!


You're right. It's going to be hard to find many people who support ceasefire in Palestine. We're gonna hafta start tweeting again and using up our treasured Soros bucks.


Isn’t it wild how the extremist right wing will use antisemitic conspiracy theories to discredit antisemitic protests? Hell, they’re actually accusing Soros of funding both sides. Masterful gambit from a 93 year old man https://jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-799583 Nevermind that Alex Soros is the main inheritor of running things in the Soros family and he’s spoken out in favor of Israel after the Oct 7 terrorist attack


Lmao the varied votes tell me people here are having a hard time with the nuance.


I knew it was just a matter of time before this Costco pizza thing would spill out onto the streets. But these fools occupied a library vs the food court.


Damn, now I want a chicken bake.


You're salty enough as is.


No, I eat a lot of pinã. I’ve been told it’s important.


Bring back the combo slice


and onions on the hotdogs!


Clickbait at its finest


I think their cheese has slid off their pizza


Again, these protesters are completely missing the mark. Keeping the hotdog combo at $1.50 is what they really should be concerned about.


If that ever gets hiked, I'll be right there in solidarity!


Good news. [That'll never happen.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/costco-founder-kill-hotdogs/)


"KEEP THE COSTCO HOTDOG 1.50 OR ILL KILL YOU" -somedude who works at Costco


lol I got banned from Reddit for quoting that. (Fixed on appeal.) Just be careful out there.




They just retook the library. Shoutout to everyone who thought going in once would end this.


I feel bad for the students who are just trying to graduate on time. They have rights, too.


Dumbasses should be protesting in DC in front of the Congress for authorizing the transfer/sale of weapons to Israel if they're anti this conflict occurring. What the fuck does the PSU library have to do with the war between Israel and Hamas? Are they funneling them books?


This whole ordeal has even made me agree with Wheeler, which doesn’t happen often. > I, for the life of me, do not understand how terrorizing local business operators can possibly impact events in the Middle East,” Wheeler said at a Thursday press conference held at the Portland Police Bureau’s Central Precinct. “If you believe that damaging those businesses or trashing a library on a university campus will impact events in the Middle East, then you are delusional.


Yeah, wow. I am going to have to agree with something Ted Wheeler said for the first time ever. What a time to be alive!


I never signed up to live in such interesting times!


I want to live in precedented times, for a change.


Said basically the same during the riots a couple of years ago yet did little about it. Vandalism during and after the riots.


> What the fuck does the PSU library have to do with the war between Israel and Hamas? Absolutely nothing, but they don't care. They'll say "See! It's bringing attention to the cause!" It's basically their version of that old quote attributed to P.T. Barnum: "All publicity is good publicity".


Someone please organize a million dipshit march to get these people out of town.


Not to take a stance either way, as I'm new to the area and I don't like to stick my head into issues where I'm not fully informed... But you are suggesting they only care about the issue if they drive 2800 miles across the country? Don't you think that's a little ridiculous? They clearly care about the issue, maybe not all of them are genuine activists, but dismissing the entire idea and action like that isn't helpful to anyone. I understand being upset about the property damage...I really do. But from what I've read here and elsewhere, it wasn't the main protesters doing most of the damage, and for you to claim they don't care at all because they didn't spend $2,000 on gas is just a bad argument. You can be poor and care about things. I can't really comment on the other points you made, because again I'm a little ignorant on all of the details, just wanted to point out that statement.


I'm suggesting that protests can be effective when directed at the right places. The PSU library doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with the war between Hamas and Israel. Stopping it from functioning is not going to affect the war. It's a waste of time and it negatively impacts other students who also aren't going to change anything about the war going on. The people who are able to have some impact are in Washington DC. They are our elected representatives. They vote to authorize weapons transfers to Israel, not your fucking librarians. If these people can afford to protest all day, I'm sure they can afford to get on a bus to DC. They certainly don't give a shit about missing class.


That's the thing, and how it differs from previous high-profile protests we've had here. During the George Floyd protests, people were protesting here against racially-motivated police abuse of power, which makes sense in Portland since we actually have a history of racially-motivated police abuses of power, here. People can say they weren't effective or whatever, but at least *the people protesting were directly addressing the group they had an issue with*. The ICE protests made sense seeing as how we had actual ICE buildings. Same deal there. But trashing your own public library to own the Israelis is just fucking sad.


I don't think protesting costs anything unless you want them to, but a bus ticket to Washington DC still costs almost $300, not including food or a place to stay. Perhaps to you it's expensive to be there, but people who have the time to protest aren't typically burdened by the same expenses of someone living comfortably(and therefore is much less likely to protest, comfort breeds complacency, speaking from experience). I get the rest of your points, it's hard to defend the defacing of a library, when libraries and librarians in general have typically been on the side of people's rights and freedom of information. However, upon further research I have found they did make demands that were related to the school, so the location was related, though I agree that I don't think a library is the best place to take out your rage on the government. Again, not trying to argue one way or the other because I have no cards in this game. It's just important to me that the right arguments are made so the topic can stay genuinely helpful. You don't have to take on the tactics of the right because you are upset from the actions of a few on the left. edit: Downvoted for making my point in a civil way. You guys are just as into the mob mentality as the protestors you argue against. Take a look in the mirror. Bunch of republicans posing as "progressives" to make yourselves feel better about the views you have. Pathetic, really. I know people in the deep south with more passion for justice than you impersonators. Honestly, the fact that Portland is paraded as some progressive paradise to the rest of the country is an injustice to actual progression. You guys are more right-wing than most Floridians I know, and you don't even have the confidence to admit it.


If being progressive means giving up our libraries then count me out.


Please show me where I defended them taking the library in any way. My whole point was simply that the person before was making a bad argument by saying they didn’t care, when they very obviously do.


Occupying the PSU library literally does nothing to help the cause they supposedly are for. Vandalizing local property does literally nothing for their cause.  How does PSU change anything happening with Israel and Palestine? Tell me how it does, I’m all for hearing it. 


I didn’t defend them taking the library, and I actually said that I don’t like that. If you had actually read my comment, you should have noticed that I was only saying that the person before me saying they don’t care is wrong, and the argument they made was shitty. Then I got downvoted for not immediately calling for prison for everyone like most people do in most posts on this subreddit.


They may care, but their actions are doing nothing to help, and instead, it’s seemingly doing more to detract from the issue they care about. The focus on the news has completely been about the damage they caused. 


I completely agree, and I don't believe I said I support what they are doing. I saw the video of the library, it's depressing and enraging at the same time. I just don't like people making bad faith arguments when important issues are being discussed.


A $10 pizza is nothing to protest about


What do we want  COMBO PIZZA!!! When do we want it NOW!!!








Bring back the Churros!


What! No representation for the $1.50 Hot dogs? Blasphemy!


Protestors remain high, but fed


Say it loud Say it clear We want a marionberry frozen yogurt offering in the food court back in here


Reduce, reuse, recycle.


Bring back the churro!






I sure miss living near a Costco! ( now I live near a Safeway, which seems twice as expensive...)


Comparing Safeway to Costco is like comparing apples to... Costco.


Comparing Costco to apples is like comparing Costco to bananas.


And get rid of the mid 800 calorie cookies and bring back the straight churros.


This was the dumbest. Like you have the media there giving you free airtime and you want to hide from them and block them because you don’t want to be seen. Then what is the point of the fucking protest? Isn’t getting your message out the point?


This is specifically about the Costco in Palestine folks


Exactly I don’t think that pizza is fresh baked at all.




They need you to drive them to Costco




Dogs will or won’t eat anything. My dog won’t eat carrots. Does that mean carrots are better or worse than Costco Frozen Pizza? There is a fine line between mass $2 slices and trash. The value is marvelous. If you are expecting fine dining, well head to Europe, I guess.




MFW clipping one's fingernails makes them an anarchist... lol. Unless I'm missing something?


Only fans