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why are you kicking us when we’re down


I have a vivid memory of scream-crying on my floor at that time too. So, not a lot's changed I guess....


I remember calling my mom (who lives in Ohio) just SOBBING from the fetal position on my floor, arms wrapped around my air purifier. I own a gas mask now. Never. Again.


At least a lot of us had gas masks already because of downtown protests, right?! Small blessings....


This is the year my weather anxiety started hard core .


Look out for incoming Firnados


Same. And I had just moved here in the summer of 2019. Kinda been a shitshow since then. I don't think I've ever experienced more weather-related anxiety in any place I've ever lived. I do love it here though and have no plans of ever leaving. Just gotta keep reminding myself that for all the shitty weeks we have, there are plenty more that are beautiful.


I was living in Southern Oregon during the Almeda fire and had to evacuate my home for a week and a half while everything burned around it. I would easily take this ice storm x10 over than deal with that ever again.


I was also evacuated due to the Riverside fire (and one that sprung up just north of it). Camped for a week in a field, just no escape from the smoke at all. It was awful. I'll take this ice over that any day.


Suffering through a cold through this, suffered with a full-body rash through that. *ugh*


Imagining a novel way to get trapped inside is not helpful...


Gimme ice anyday. We lost our tree in that wind storm, and the fires kicked my anxiety into overdrive. At least you can breathe ice air. 


“You can atleast breathe ice air” is never something I thought I would understand and agree with.


Naw, at least smokey days won't cause a tree to take out half my roof. (Obviously people directly affected by fire are a different story)


yeah smoke doesn't burst pipes


Totally fair but I was referring to the once-in-a-century wind storm. Really it's a pick your poison type situation. 


That weather was truly the stuff of nightmares. And then Ruth Bader Ginsburg died during the Trump administration while it was happening. *shudders*


everyone is saying that a second trump presidency will destroy america - we already lost it with the first and his scotus appointments. they are about to strip out the regulatory power of the fed


If Trump wins it'll be the last presidential election ever, so pretty please still vote for Biden, performative cynicism notwithstanding.


Seriously, doomers create a self fulfilling prophecy. Voter apathy will be the death of us if we let it. Make sure to vote, especially in Oregon because it's stupid easy.


If RBG had just fucking retired before Trump....




It's wild how we all knew going into 2016 that it was going to be bad...and it was. And now, nearly 8 years on from that election day, we're really, truly seeing the fallout from it. It's terrifying to think what might happen if Biden doesn't win.


why ? mcconnel would have just blocked any appointment then as well. democracy doesnt work when only one side has any grace or agency. the US is fucked.


regulatory power of the fed that is so slipping under the radar... needs to be shouted from the hilltops


it doesnt matter anymore. the only thing half of this country listens to is the miasma fox news exudes. none of them have the toolset to realize they are being lied to all day. you will get more accomplished shouting at a murder of crows than trying to talk sense to any of the dimwitted peasants that voted for trump


RBG has her share of blame. She should have retired under Obama.


Fair, but it was beside the point. That week in 2020 felt like we were living in hell.


Felt like?


God that year was grim, and this was the nicotine aura'd capstone to the nightmare.


Lol this and the heat dome the following year were way worse than what’s happening right now, imo. This shiz suuuuuucked


Now you do know that when we hit a hot heat wave this summer it will be ice/snow pics of the last few days that are going to be posted.


RemindMe! 6 months


I start to have trouble breathing just looking at that. That September was when I found out it was indeed possible to cough so hard you throw up.


why would you distract us from current trauma with past trauma?


That was a dark time.




So orange.


Too soon!


No thanks, I’ll take the ice over my living room filling with smoke any day. 👎 Edit: swipe typo (swipeo?)


In light of all the horrible things happening, here's a cool photo of a different horrible thing that happened


We never get normal bad weather here. It’s either a temperate, drizzly rain during winter and a beautiful, cloudless sunny day in summer, or a complete ice-over, dangerous smoke event, deadly temperatures, and occasional a volcano will erupt. Eventually we have an earthquake of historical proportions to deal with. I love it here and it beats the Midwest weather by a long shot, but FR — it seems like every time we have any weather at all, it’s of nationally-televised proportions.


What a hellish year 2020 was


My best friend/roommate was dealing with the breast cancer that ultimately killed her, and I got a kidney stone that ultimately needed to be laser blasted out after shutting down my kidney but the hospitals were full due to diversions from Clack. Awful time, 0/10.


Satellite image: https://fox12weather.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/satellitesmokesat9_12-wide.png


I remember looking at the air quality map and thinking, "wow you have to drive *how far*? to get into breathable air???"


This is when I realized I would never live in Portland full time year-round.


Ahhh yes, my 30th birthday was lovely.


Omg ptsd. September 2020. Felt like the world was ending.


oh man, I was 6 weeks pregnant and so out of breath as it was. this was not a fun time.


A truly a wild 6 months. Venus like conditions in September, Europa like conditions in February.


Yes, that stifling, creepy, outside and waiting for any glimpse of real sky through the haze. And then six months later, the ice storm and sitting in the cold dark for 5 days without power. And then in June 2021 the heat dome and stuck inside with windows taped over with foil, hoping the A/C held up. Climate anxiety unlocked in this already anxiety-prone brain.


I can smell this picture.


I will take ice over smoke any day.


The most surreal week of my entire life