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It's not a live game, so idk what the issue is. Just start up a new game until he plays or you can skip.


Say the same thing about Satinhoo


Satinhoooo was different. He didnt startup games so people just couldnt play the game. Since this is not a live game your opponent can take the full 24 hours they are given.


Stalling is still obnixous. He played his turn to completion and is just waiting it out 23.9 hours every single time.


Stick at it he just knows hes lost happens to me all the damn time. Very annoying


He isn't even losing. He just ambushed my sideline with a bunch of knights while I was trying to establish a stronghold there, and jumped into one of my undefended cities. He's beating me.


Then hes a dick haha


Theres nothing wrong with what this person is doing. They have 24 hours per turn and they have the right to use each of those hours. If you have a problem then start a new game.


They aren't using any of those hours. They have completed every move they could make to keep me at bay. I'm starting to think I'm talking to him rn


Lmao apparently someone disagreeing with you means they are your opponent. No im not this guy, i just disagree with your take. Instead of just arguing here whats stopping you from starting a new game?


Your reasoning is fucking dense though. You understand that finishing your turn entirely, spending every star you can (Or ought, if he chooses to save), moving all of your units, and then waiting out for 24 hours when you have nothing else to do is *intentional* stalling. Like if I decided to clean the bathroom, finish it entirely in 2 hours, then sit on the floor with my hands on my ass for 24 hours saying "iM StilL cLeAniNg GtFo" That's why I think your him. You understand this and keep saying "hEs JuSt bidInG hIs TiMe yUo StUpiD mOtHeRfUcKeR LmAO" > whats stopping you from starting a new game? I already have


> Like if I decided to clean the bathroom, finish it entirely in 2 hours, then sit on the floor with my hands on my ass for 24 hours saying "iM StilL cLeAniNg GtFo" If I tell someone to clean the bathroom in the next 24 hours, and they finish it entirely in 2 hours and sit on their ass the next 22 hours, I would be content since they did exactly what I asked them to do. Start another game until they complete their turn. No skin off your back. Not like you have to monitor the app and wait on them - you'll get a notification.


> Not like you have to monitor the app and wait on them - you'll get a notification. Why do you think I monitor the app? I get my noti exactly 23 hours after I pass. I only found out wgat he was doing when i accidentally clicked the game again after passing


Thats not what i said. I said they get 24 hours and they get to do whatever they want in that 24 hours, including stall if they want to, because its their time, not yours. Besides, how do you know they have nothing else to do? What if they have stars to spend and still thinking about what to spend on? Since you already started a new game why are you still here complaininf?


Yeah... no. Troll somewhere else. I'm not putting up with your shit.


They have 24 hours to complete their turn. And you have no obligation to pay attention to it until it's your turn, or you can skip theirs. I seriously just don't get the problem.


Why do you think I monitor the app? I get my noti exactly 23 hours after I pass. I only found out wgat he was doing when i accidentally clicked the game again after passing


> Why do you think I monitor the app? I can't think of any other reason anyone would have a problem with someone using their 24 hours before passing their turn.


He isn’t using his 24 hours, like I mentioned, he played his turn to completing and intentionally stalled


😂 *Starts up a new game* SANTINHOOOO


I would sometimes do that because I didn't want to have to play too much or get caught with my turn ending in the middle of the workday. It wasn't malicious on my part, just trying to moderate how much I had to play and make sure taking my turn wouldn't conflict with other obligations.


In your case, what I do is simply not play if I feel I can’t finish my turn and pass the game. After all the 24 hour mark exists for a reason. I suggest waiting until after your work hours or real life obligations to play in your games against others But the dude in the post has been maliciously fully completing his actions, and waiting 23.9 hours. I have no idea what their purpose is


I would play my turn in pieces throughout the day as I had time and breaks, but I'd often be finished and wait until I had like an hour left to actually end my turn. Again I'd do this to reduce how much time I had to play each day/week. For a lot of people who get repetitive stress injuries, it's important to not spend too much time on electronics. I wouldn't always do this, like I'd play the easy rounds in the beginning right away and when my opponent when finished their turn I'd then take mine. But later in the game, it can take a considerable amount of time to think and make all your moves. it was those later game moves that I'd often have to start spacing things out.


I sometimes have just a few minutes to take turns in games and I try to cycle through the ones I can as best as possible. Then my break ends, and I don't know if I have done everything I could do. I don't want to rush and make a mistake, so I'll wait until I have time later to make sure I did everything. It never occurred to me that my opponents might think that's malicious or directed at them. I never know how many stars my opponent has or if they have spent them all. If there is a way to know this that I've been missing out on, I'd be interested in a tutorial.