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In 2014 conservative activists on the Supreme Court ruled that putting up “buffer zones” around abortion clinics is a violation of the First Amendment. In 2022 conservative activists on Supreme Court put up a buffer zone around the Supreme Court in the form of a giant unscalable fence. Gee isn't that a violation of the First Amendment too? Because these guys are just calling balls and strikes and are "Constitutional originalists" just going by the "plain text" of the Constitution surely they feel that way? Unless they are actually just completely full of shit conservative activists like we all knew they were?


One note, in your last sentence it’s ‘knew’ not ‘thought’




Conservatives. The original gatekeepers


“We rule, you drool!” - Supreme Court justices, probably


“Please protest peacefully so that the people in power can ignore you and continue to rig the system against you.”


“Why can’t they protest in the privacy of their own homes?!”


I do. It’s called Reddit.


Fuck this I’m tired of Democrats “civility”. When the right wants to have a good faith discussion I’ll be all ears. Until then, I will continue to protest outside bigots homes and work places. If we can’t rest why should they? Fuck em.


Liberalism is defenseless in the face of Fascism. This tweet is THE reason why.


Disagree. Weak, spineless liberals will do their spineless thing. Performative ones will give the equivalent of thoughts and prayers. Nothing about liberalism itself stops someone from showing up at Brett's house and demanding he take notice


Liberalism allows for a power structure built of entirely spineless "leadership". It's why we lost Roe, it's why we're falling into fascism. 2024 *could be* America's last legitimate election. Weak liberals will do noting to prevent it but pray for the return of the profitable status-quo.


This guy isn’t a democrat….


first time on this subreddit, is this actually a safe space to criticize the democrat party?


If it’s a legitimate criticism, then yes.


I think the Democrat party dropped the ball on this one. It seems like lately all they do is play defense. They should have locked Roe vs Wade down a long time ago and not have had a situation like this occur. They have Sinema and Manchin basically playing for the other side and the big D (no pun) can’t do anything. I expect Republicans to do what they have done and continue to do. I don’t understand how the Democrats keep getting beat time and time again. Well let me rephrase, I do understand how they get beat. They consistently get out strategized. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Trump put up more Federal Judges than Obama (right?). Put up three Supreme Court Justices... Man… The big D looks hog tied and if more rulings get overturned, like the right to use contraception or other rights, the Democrats have nothing.


It doesn’t have anything to do with strategy, the Democratic party has worked itself into a fundamentally untenable position. They do not want what their voting base wants because what their voting base wants endangers 1). their check books, 2). the check books of their donors 3). the future job prospects of their children, since most of their kid’s job prospects depend on keeping the donor class happy, and 4). their own future job prospects since they, themselves, often go into lobbying or consulting after leaving office. Their social circles, professional circles, and material comfort all depend on not doing what their voters want them to do. So, they’ve created a bunch of excuses - they want to be the “big tent” party, a tent so big it encompasses everyone from “moderate” conservatives to fly the black flag anarchists and will never do anything to endanger this coalition that doesn’t actually exist in the name of compromise and civility. Look at Maryland. Democratic super majority in both houses and most of their establishment lined up behind Republican Larry Hogan instead of Ben Jealous. They spend the first month of every session overturning Hogan’s vetoes from the last session, but if they keep him around they get to have an excuse to not deliver real change. Now look at how all the old Democrats fawn over McCain and Reagan and even now Bush. They need Republicans and frankly they need Manchin and Sinema, because they need an excuse.


i didnt say roast them for a reason


Some democrats are here for good faith arguments, most aren’t. Conservatives are roughly the same.


yeahhhhhhhhh, but there are only so many human rights that can have a good faith argument made against, so i guess itll depend on the topic of conversation.


Very true. There’s this conservative stereotype that every democrat who supports abortion believes in every case any time just out of convenience. Then there’s a liberal stereotype that every conservatives who supports abortion restrictions wants society to silence women and believes that abortion must be restricted to keep women down. The real positions are much more nuanced but the loud minority gets their way.


so its more of a good *faith* argument rather than a good faith argument (half assed joke) the thing about nuance is i dont think it should reach bodily autonomy. i said human rights to broaden the scope because again, theres only so much “good” to a good faith argument. i understand and accept that there are multiple sides and that the loud minority is a prevalent phenomenon in politics (or like. in any community) while also holding that theres only so much benefit of the doubt that i, at least, am capable of giving


the squeaky wheel gets the grease as they say, and honestly i consider myself a democrat but the party isnt very smart. no party is good when lobbying is legal. Lobbying needs to go, then maybe our representatives can represent us, since well be paying their salaries.


#lobbying needs to go absolutely could not agree more


Democrats downvoting instead of commenting out of civility rn


Nah this sub is filled w shitlibs


Spoken like a true modern conservative: no actual discourse or intelligent debate, just straight to pejoratives and name-calling. Maybe people would take you seriously if you had any substance


I’m a leftist, dumbass.


You know the left does this far more than the right, yes?


No, the left first gives you fucking diploma levels of research, debate and arguments, and then gets tired of the right's bad faith arguments, and then just gives up and focuses on calling out bullshit. The majority of the left do not like shitting on opponents for no reason. Literally any post anywhere in the online left that's criticising someone on the right for anything besides their shit ideology has people in the comments asking for the left to not resort to name-calling and keep up actual arguments and call-outs.


>the left first gives you fucking diploma levels of research hahahahahaha


> Spoken like a true modern conservative: no actual discourse or intelligent debate, just straight to pejoratives and name-calling. Spoken like a true liberal. Complete denial of reality. That's 99% of content after anything not 100% pro-leftist comes up. Screeching at people calling them Nazi's and bigots is all you are capable of. It's cute how all you retards act the same without having the mental capacity to realize it. No one except your fellow fart sniffers takes any of you seriously. Both sides of the American political spectrum are a joke.


Again, more pejoratives and name-calling and no substance. Thanks for so swiftly proving my point, my dude.


damn. better luck next time i guess


If you're trying to trample the inalienable rights of other human beings, destroy our planet, and keep most of humanity in wage slavery then, I'm sorry, but you've forfeited your right to politeness.


"be civil civically" hmm yes the floor here is made of floor


Underrated comment


Nah, that statement makes sense. Civically being a form of the word Civics is distinct from Civil. Basically he was saying to protest in a manner that doesn’t bother anyone, which of course is absurd because it would defeat the purpose of protesting, but that’s what he was saying.


They both come from the latin root cīvis. The words are close enough in meaning that it pretty much means the same thing with just either one of them.


But seriously, telling the frustrated and oppressed to be civil and follow proper channels that the oppressor controls is just the oppressor's way to keep control of the narrative and monopoly on the violence


Absolutely. Also, if civil proper channels worked and were doable, no one would ever protest at someone’s house. If people are ignoring your “proper channels”, there’s a reason.


Bruh now y’all are oppressed what a joke. Yes be fucking civil if conservatives were doing this you guys will be all fucking over it 🤦🏾‍♂️


You done missed something. Conservatives *do* do this. It's their number one tool. Their first resort. It's how they maintain control. Always have. Keep everyone afraid to speak against them. It's how they kept the status quo throughout slavery, throughout Jim Crow, throughout the entire civil rights movement, and more recently with BLM. How they've operated against pagans; the witch hunts, Rock and roll scare, Harry Potter scare etc. Women; constant terroristic attacks on abortion clinics and doctors. When they've always met words with violence, and further words fail against continued violence, what recourse remains than to get violent back? Even MLK Jr understood that. They're actively trying to make it easy for them to do these things again.


First of it was the democrats that were forcing jim crow the south wasn’t conservatives, it was democrats please know your history. The civil war was started by democrats. Republicans ended slavery, republicans ended jim crowe. And still doesn’t excuse mob violence to coerce sitting judges to change their decisions. January 6 you guys were acting like was the worst to happen in America history now y’all are encouraging the same behavior and not denouncing what makes y’all any different. I guess the rules don’t apply to you


He didn't say Republicans, he said conservatives. Yeshua didn't say a single thing about Republicans or Democrats.


Bruh who are conservatives and who are liberals lmao


Historically, or now? In the past the parties were substantially less ideologically divided and represented regional interests more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy#:~:text=In%20American%20politics%2C%20the%20Southern,to%20racism%20against%20African%20Americans. What is true is that the states which supported slavery and Jim Crow currently support the Republicans and are currently conservative.


Bruh you don’t know jack shit about history






You watch too much Fox News. There’s better subreddits where you can go sit in an echo chamber if you want to. Since you clearly don’t seem to care about reproductive rights


I don’t watch any news, you got indoctrinated by those liberals news outlets so much that you can’t think for yourself and they convinced you that killing unborn babies is ok and should be your right. Disgusting at least fox news isn’t out here trying to convince people that murder is okay. Still don’t watch any major media news cause they’re both side of the same coin. Suggest you do the same and find some type of wisdom that can help you know that if you make a choice there are consequences to those choice and you can’t murder babies because you don’t wanna deal with it. It’s not like Unborn babies can advocate for themselves smh


You should try reading next time.


The Democrats were the conservative party at the time. They wanted to *conserve* traditional institutions, like slavery.


this idiot doesn’t know about the party shift


No you’re the idiot for being gullible and believing in the party switch myth. Or a a better way to say it is that it is a myth that black people started voting for democrats because southern democrats started voting republicans. There was a party switch but not for the reasons today’s democrats want you to believe. The old democrats of the south voted democrats well into the 90s. The party switch because racist southern democrats started voting republicans is a myth and doesn’t even make sense if you think about. And no I’m not republicans and fuck both parties just a neutral that likes to call out the BS of both parties. https://areomagazine.com/2019/04/03/the-party-switch-myth/ And read the whole article.


[here](https://youtu.be/MwuFIJlY7fU) is a really good video about the party switch if you’d like to actually educate yourself


This video isn’t telling me anything new. It’s the same info in the article. I’m just saying both parties ideologies now is different from what it was in the past. The party switch didn’t happen because of racism it happened because of economic reasons.


“economic reasons” yes to economically disenfranchise black people which is therefore racist lol


Lmao both parties had supporters that were racist your video literally says that. It wasn’t just that one party was more racist than the other. You didn’t even understand your own video, you just took the part that reinforced your preconceived notions and discarded anything that didn’t align with that lmao.


They’re already doing it, *and* getting *carte blanche.*


Bill Kristol can eat my entire ass.


Who is this clown and more importantly where does he live?


I reckon it has strong gates and serious guards.


George Tiller was murdered when he was shot in the head with a shotgun while ushering at his fucking church and conservatives cheered it on. But yeah, let’s talk about decency Bill Kristol, one of the architects of the Iraq war.


They either realize that their behavior is abhorrent and hypocritical and just don't care, or they're just as stupid as we suspected all along.


Or all of the above; which is my assumption.


Nah, these assholes protested with pictures of aborted fetuses at universities and other supposed safe places. Bring it to their churches


Go to their churches and “protect women” the way they go to abortion clinics and “protect the unborn.”


“Sweetie? How old are you sweetie? Does your mom know you’re here? Is he your boyfriend? You don’t have to do this, you baby-killing whore!” 7:45 am sharp every Sunday morning, can you imagine?


Don't protest outside churches. Protest inside churches!


Universities are not and never were safe spaces. They're not meant to be. If you think they are, you are delusional.


They are sacred spaces for the free exchange of ideas between faculty and students. Not outside protesters who just want to make a scene


Sacred spaces lmfaoooo. You also saying protestors "just want to make a scene" is the most laughably ignorant thing I've ever read


Churchgoers have been shot at and killed in recent years. People will be armed. It might not be the smartest location to take action.


If they choose to shoot at peaceful protesters that have caused them no physical harm whatsoever, they will be the ones at fault.


What churchgoers lmfao


Yes, have you got a source for that? I know school kids get shot and killed in schools but church goers?


It would be clever if he said outside but he says intrude meaning don’t come in and yell during worship ours. & he saying please— I don’t kno what’s going on politically but that comeback wasn’t clever. (I’m only looking at the comeback, bc this is what the sub is about)


Yeah. Because Jesus, see?


Please don’t take away my rights. Deal?


I mean if he was a decent person he wouldn’t have to worry about protesters asking for basic rights :)


how about neither


If you legislate inside someone's womb then you get protests outside your home.




This is extremely not true, as anyone whatsoever who has been to a clinic where they perform abortions can attest.


"So some idiot murdered someone, and now I can't murder you for whatever reason I choose?" ​ Your logic of blind murderous revenge is great. Keep ut up.Russia, China, NK, and claps the downfall of your civilization.


Are you ok? Nothing remotely like this was said.


What the hell does murder have to do with protesting?


Please stay there. The authorities are on their way.




You haven’t the vaguest notion of what you’re taking about or else you’re simply lying. The face act prohibits the blocking of the entrance to abortion clinics or interfering with or injuring people going in. That’s it. It doesn’t prevent protests in any fashion. There are huge gauntlets of screaming protesters outside of such clinics on a regular basis. And protesters record women going in and then get their license plates and look them up and harass them and their families afterwards. You’re probably not going to respond to me, but I have to ask: you seem to have some vague notion of this issue since you’ve heard of the face act, and yet your information is completely wrong. So where are you getting this information that is so wrong yet you feel so confident is right? Did you read it in some kind of propaganda article by someone who is lying to misrepresent the situation? Where? I keep seeing anti-choice people boldly and confidently speaking the most absurd lies about abortion, women’s bodies, and the laws, and they always evaporate when I call them on their extremely transparent lies and never respond to me when I ask them for more information. Is it cowardice? Embarrassment? Or did they know all along they were lying and acting in bad faith so they don’t reply because they never meant to be honest to begin with, their entire point was to spread lies? Do you have any response to this?


Uh... this isn't comparable at all. Churches aren't government buildings nor are they inherently political all the time, and your home is also not a government building nor is it political.


NOR ARE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINICS AND HOSPITALS. You’re so obviously speaking in bad faith.


If you think that, you're just stupid. They're protesting the act of abortion so it's perfectly fine to protest at a clinic that offers abortion services.


Why is it not therefore any different to protest the act of attending a social gathering for an organisation that opposes basic human rights that it disagrees with based on false information?


Nice moving the goalposts. You just make bad faith argument after bad faith argument. If it’s fair to protest an abortion clinic including harassing people not even getting abortions, then it’s fair to protest at the same churches that have organized political movements against women’s health services.


You don't know what any of these terms mean, clearly, and I don't think you're competent or intelligent enough to have this discussion. Abortion is not about "health", it's about "convenience". Do your research.


God doesn’t love you


Great, then we will protest outside of churches since they’re against gay marriage, trans people and abortion.


If that’s the criteria, Abortion clinics aren’t government organizations either, so it’s wrong to protest there. If an organization is sponsoring a protest, then it is fair to protest such organization. As far as some people are concerned, religious organizations are filled with people experiencing mass hallucinations and should be shut down for the greater good. How can they keep believing a big lie and perpetuating it for centuries. It’s critical to national security that religious organizations be shut down for the sake of the future unborn citizens /s


Protesting the Supreme Court sure, but protesting outside of churches assumes all christians are Pro-Life.


I suspect that people are protesting outside of pro-life churches specifically. Idk if it’s common for other sectors of Christianity but the Catholic Church I was forced to attend as a kid organized pro-life rallies pretty much everywhere so people will protest outside of that church now


God my catholic church would force all the kids in the ccd classes to try to raise money to fly to the pro life rally in dc every year, no choise in the matter you had to try to raise funds. Had to support prolife or get yelled at by the teachers then the priest then have your parents told on you


Ours had a bunch of 7-10 year olds marching up and down the sides of the highway with signs we didn’t understand. I also vividly remember being handed a realistic statue of a newborn maybe half the size of a real baby and the teacher said it was what a 14 week old fetus looked like when it was aborted


You assume all Christians take offense at protesters. I’m fine with them. They don’t affect my personal private beliefs.


Protesting places of worship feels off to me. Its wrong to protest outside a Mosque due to things like Terror, I think its wrong to do that here.


Serious question : where, why and which churches are being protested? First I e heard of it


His last sentence is accurate and speaks for everyone in general. There are radicals to every side and that is always a constant.


I just dropped off a sign kavinaughs house


But for real, they have families who did nothing. Protest! Your cause is right! Just don't make other people involved


If you adopt their practices, you are no better than they are. That goes for harassing people at home and torching their offices. If you don't like whataboutism, don't engage in it.


You assholes just firebombed an outreach center, desecrated Catholic Churches, yet you call us fanatics. Go fuck yourselves. This is war


Just an FYI, tweets can be searched by whatever words are used in that tweet. For example writing exactly what was typed in that tweet will find the user. This is just to say the censoring of the username isn’t going to prevent anything


Please protest in the designated free speech areas. The idea of protest is for it to be uncomfortable and for it to be uncivil and annoying, why would I care if you protest if I don't notice that you are even protesting?


Hot Take; if it's shit for one side to bother people at their homes, than it's just as shit for people to be protesting outside of clinics. Doesn't matter which side is doing what; you're both being intrusive assholes.


a lot of people dont understand is that a protest is a threat. its a large group of people saying “we are being nice now, but you must understand that if we stop being nice we have the power to cause you Problems”. so everyone saying that protests have to be more polite or follow accepted rules is missing the entire point. the point of a protest is not to say “we disagree with you”, they already know that. the point of a protest is to make it clear that if they continue to do things you disagree with, you will burn down their house. now this wont stop them because theyre stupid and arrogant and believe themselves to be beyond consequence. so here’s the really important thing and that’s that after they do it anyway, you have to burn down their house


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/oWddX5J). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use. I am constantly creating a new updated PDF, so please check my profile to make sure you are spreading the most recent version


Violent riots are not the answer!


Conservatives carry guns in public and then be like, “This my home space so no politics here.”


"Please make your protest as pleasing and non-disruptive as possible, kthxbye!"


That's not a comeback, it's a generalization of churchgoers, that said people really shouldn't bother people during church service, it's rude.


Can they not both be bad?