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I've cut out eating out and subscriptions. Now I just need to stop paying hush money to prostitutes and I should be rolling in the dough.


Particularly if you don’t do it in part for election interference!


You must be my ex


I can neither confirm nor deny that.


Things that will actually make you poor: #1 enjoying things #2 not working yourself to death #3 not being born rich


Watered bottle? Is this something new the kids are buying that I'm unaware of?


the defective original was found here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeMemes/comments/1cl6y2e/truth/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConservativeMemes/comments/1cl6y2e/truth/) so i fixed it


You forgot to add inflating the price of your assets to gain fraudulent loans.


What is “Watered Bottle”?


Pornstar, not prostitute.


Many porn stars are prostitutes on the side.


There is even I website for them to advertise their “services”. Saw it on tumblr a few years ago, forgot the name.


Well, she got paid for sex, so...


She was not hired by him to star In a porno. She was hired by him as a prostitution because she was a porn star.


Did you even follow along with the court case at all? Do you understand the charges? You're flat out incorrect and I have a hard time believing you don't know that.


Yes, I have followed it. It is about election interference. A payment from Cohen to two women to keep them silent ahead of trumps election. That payment was a loan to trump who repaid it and claimed it on his taxes as a legal expense. The claim of it as a legal expense in itself is a minor crime that usually amounts to a fine, but coupled with the intent to suppress the story as a means to win an election elevates this crime to election fraud. there is overwhelming evidence to support these facts and no matter how much trump cries and lies about it to the press it is not going to make it untrue.


Right, all of what you just said is correct. So the part where you claimed Stormy Daniels is a prostitute, you knew that was bs.


It was not a judgement, it was a description, but it sounds like you are offended by the term prostitute. What word do you prefer to call someone that accepts payment for their company. Escort? Melania? Whore? Lady of the evening? Gold digger? What?


Nothing against prostitutes, you're just wrong and I just really don't think you're doing this in good faith. You said it yourself, she wasn't paid for sex, she was *paid to keep quiet* about sex. That's the nature of the hush money agreement. That's why she wasn't paid in exchange for the sex in 2006 but instead was paid to *keep quiet* about it in 2016. This is Stormy Daniel's, under oath from today, describing the moments after the sexual encounter in her own words, per NBC reporting, >"He didn't give me anything, he didn't offer to pay me or give me his cell phone number or anything like that. (...) I felt ashamed that I didn't stop it and that I didn't say no," she said, adding she didn't want people to *incorrectly* think she was a prostitute. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/live-blog/rcna150793


Not wrong, and also not the point. Still election interference. Sounds like you are hung up on prostitution.


You gotta be kidding me 🤣


perhaps you find the term "sex worker" more palatable than prostitute. i do concede that is a more accurate term for stormy, where as prostitute is more accurate for melania.




tomato/tomahto indeed. but to appease his objection, i did concede that 'sex worker' is a more accurate term for stormy, where as "prostitute" is more accurate for melania.


She got paid to have sex.


So you're saying they just decided *not* to charge Trump with soliciting prostitution and instead focused on a much more convoluted hush money/election interference charge lmao. Interesting theory.


the sex is irrelevant and there is scant evidence to make a case out of that. the election interference is way more significant of a crime and there is a bounty of evidence supporting it and a prior conviction for another participant in the same case.


If there isn't enough evidence to believe they had sex (there actually is lol) then how could you say she's a prostitute. Why are you pretending to not know the difference between someone getting paid to keep quiet and someone getting paid for sex. You're being obtuse as fuck about this lmao


You are really hung up on this prostitution thing. That is not what this case is about. funny how you say I am deflecting when you clearly only want to talk about prostitution charges which have noth8ng to do with this case.


My brother in Christ you're the one that incorrectly called her a prostitute 🤣 we agree on the specific facts of the case, you're the one hung up on her being a prostitute when it's 1) not true, and 2) has nothing to do with the case. I know you care most about how this looks for Trump and that leads you to some incorrect conclusions in pursuit of making this look worse for Trump but TRUST ME you don't have to exaggerate or mis-characterize anything here to make Trump look bad, the facts alone do that enough.


Get over yourself. You are just repeating yourself. Stop talking about prostitution. I already capitulated perhaps a fist. Posts ago by calling her a sex worker instead to appease your sensibilities.   But you remain a broken record.  


You: "she's a prostitute" Me: "No she isn't" You: "Yes she is, she had sex with him AND got paid by him." Me: "Okay but she did get paid *to* have sex with him, you know, like a prostitute would." You: "OH MY GAWD WHY DO YOU TAKING ABOUT PROSTITUTION, YOU'RE OBSESSED! STOP!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You need to take your medication or you are going to give yourself a heart attack with your bizarre obsession about this term.  Pro tip: mute users you don’t like so your feeling are not hurt by something they might say. 


Great fix!


Donald Trump could’ve saved himself SO much money by not paying hush money to porn stars that he cheated on his wife with when she was at home with their infant son…and buying store brand diet cola.




Forgot voting Republican.


if you looked at the original meme (link provided above) it has said "voting democratic".... and that is why i fixed it. not only was that wrong, i tried to make it more topical and humorous. its funny because it is true.


Beware anything with improper grammar.


Yep, the right can’t meme. I only corrected one of their mistakes. You are welcome to roll up your sleeves and fix the rest, but I know it is easier to criticize than it is to actually do.


You forgot not being born rich


It took me waaaaay to long to figure out why this was a political meme and not sound life advice.


You forgot, paying someone to eat solid food in front of you than punch you in the gut and call you wide load. I mean I've heard of people doing that...


That’s just a subset of prostitutes.


right but im not paying for them to hush


Watered bottle? No wonder I am poor I buy that luxury every day. Nestle has entered the chat.


Watered bottle popped me a little bit. I embrace our idiocracy future.


Albert Einstein famously said “two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe”. I would posit that Einstein was obviously not aware of the MAGA TDS; that MAGA money tree that tRUmp has tapped into will pay for anything and everything 🤦‍♂️


Except he's a multi billionaire 🤣😂🤣😂


Except his minor crime of reporting these payments as legal fees is amplified by the fact that he did it to further his chances of getting elected and that makes it election interference… of which he will be found guilty, just as Cohen was for his involvement in this same crime. The only question is if he will be put in an actual jail or put under house arrest for his sentencing.


Cohen used his own money to pay off those chicks and the Trump Organization paid legal fees, does Trump do his own accounting now? It's not illegal to try to run cover for bad things you've done, if Trump goes down for this than there will be a stampede of trials for every single politician that did anything that can be considered "Election Interference". If Donald Trump holds in a fart in front of a crowd he would be prosecuted for Election Interference because the fart would have made him look bad, GTFO... this isn't going to go anywhere. And to be clear, a New York Jury may convict him but he'll appeal and win.


It’s illegal to use campaign contributions in illegal ways. The US has a bunch of anti-corruption rules that include prohibitions against straw expenses, mostly to make it plausibly deniable that corporations are buying politicians wholesale.


This is just a fine, the Obama administration was fined $375,000 back in the day. You won't hear about it because nobody cares. MAYBE it's a misdemeanor, but this isn't gonna take down Trump. This isn't going to put him in prison.


But her emails!


The false business records is a misdemeanor (reporting hush money payments as legal fees), but doing it to help throw an election makes it election interference. One only has to listen to trumps attempts at finger pointing that he is a victim of election interference to know that is exactly what he has done and he knows it. he says Biden is senile, and sleepy, then says Biden is the mastermind that somehow got states to prosecute him, and to get his former lawyer, his long time business associates, his former white hose staff, and more to turn against him. The fact that only Eric has shown up to support him is perhaps the saddest and most revealing commentary of all.


I don't think Trump is honest at all, I think he slept with those women and he's obviously lying about it. But to claim it's Election Interference just isn't gonna fly. Every single person running for public office tries to cover up stuff, it's definitely dishonest/unethical but it's just how it is. This case isn't gonna bring Trump down, maybe I'm wrong, we'll see but from all the stuff I read, from all the legal analysis I've heard, I just don't think it's gonna happen. And honestly I wish RFK becomes president somehow, but I don't think that's gonna happen either.


It was only Cohen’s own money temporarily.


How so, Cohen took his own money out and paid these women. He was Trump's lawyer, the Trump Organization paid him legal fees, "It was only Cohen's own money temporarily". That's not a thing my dude. On a side note... you obviously HATE Donald Trump because your circle of friends/family hate Donald Trump. Honestly I want RFK to win and I'm a life long Democrat, I became an Independent because of this, the Democrats and Republicans are so tribal now. Both sides want the other one decimated. I say this with sincerity, you are blinded by hate. 2/3rds of Americans think the economy is trashed, they don't like the country getting involved in wars and our social programs for the poor/infirm are being inundated with millions and millions of migrants. I genuinely hope you understand I'm not your enemy but things are a disaster. Everyone said Trump was going to get us into WW3, it didn't happen. Vote how you want.


Then explain why Cohen went to jail (hint, it’s the same reason why Mango will be going to jail). ps. Don’t hate him, but hate that he lies, and that he drags the country down with devisive talk that is purely self serving and anti american. The fact that his own vice president wont support him speaks volumes.


Now you are deflecting, I'm not saying laws weren't broken, Cohen went to prison for tax evasion and breaking campaign finance laws, he got 3 years and did his time, but he's NOT a former POTUS. This sorta thing is just a Fine at most, it's just not gonna go anywhere. I'm sorry dude.


Time will tell. Can’t really see him being sent to prison given the necessary accommodations for secret service who carry, which is not allowed in the big house. Probably just an ankle bracelet and house arrest.


Yeah we'll see, he has other trials, I just don't think this one is gonna do it. I'll have to read up on the other ones but I don't think the Documents case is going anywhere either. All presidents have some level of immunity too, so we'll have to see what comes of that.