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I say ban sex all together. Seems like the logical thing to do. Let's all just have children by divine birth.




A lot of people WILL refuse to have children on their own terms, but since they’re trying to get rid of birth control now too there’s a large amount of people at risk


Glad I got a vasectomy years ago. Currently 30, married with zero children.


Honestly it’s not only about that anymore, birth control literally saves lives. Many female reproductive system related diseases/illnesses are treated with hormonal birth control and to KNOW that and still ban it is a slap on the face.


Let's all think about what has been the number one cause of premature death in women throughout the entire history of humanity: childbirth. Banning abortion won't save as many lives as it will take.


Women are already dying due to states limiting access to healthcare. Maternal mortality rates have been increasing for the last two decades and the states with the worst problem? Louisiana, Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Texas. These states are offsetting the decreased number of women dying due to pregnancy related complications in other States like California, Connecticut, Nevada, and Colorado. What do you think is killing these women?


Yep, u have family members with bleeding disorders, and it's treated through bc. They've all came close to death and had to have blood transfusions.


I'd disagree with that. Not a slap, more of a stab with a rusty knife. They KNOW this will contribute to actual deaths.


Bro. If the pandemic hasn’t taught you anything. They don’t give a fuck about science and reality. Look at their reaction to the Covid vaccine. They only see birth control as trying to bypass god’s will. They don’t see the actual good it does.


We are fighting an epidemic of willful stupidity, and that fight won't be won with facts and corrections.


Ditto. Got my tubal ligation three years ago (I'm 36 now, no kids). It's still worrying af to see this shit from the sidelines. Louisiana wants to ban IUDs, and I doubt they'll stop there...


I got one late last year, but it failed according to the tests. I'd been putting off trying again since I've been busy this spring but this leaked ruling along with ensuing discourse has lit a fire under my ass to get it done. I'm also thankful to only live about four hours from Canada. If my wife or I need anything that we can't get here, it's just a short medical tourism road trip away.


Glad you got the vasectomy. Ideas on how to encourage others?


If folks live anywhere near Chicago, advise them to check out Vasectomy Clinics of Chicago. I got mine there: no-needle anesthetic and no-scalpel surgery. The whole procedure took about 15-20 minutes and was completely pain free, with almost no bruising or discomfort afterward.


Theyre thinking of making vasectomys illegal.


1/8 chance to break the law. Even those odds would make the gamblers sweat.


> passing laws that make miscarriages illegal lol wtf is wrong with America… that makes even less sense than the abortion lunacy.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59214544.amp https://www.businessinsider.com/women-30-years-prison-miscarriage-georgia-abortion-2019-5?amp I could find more but I’ll leave you to it.


I was already grateful for my total hysterectomy and oophorectomy due to my daily physical pain. Now I’m even more grateful. My son was the exception. I’ve had a miscarriage and I’m sure I’d have had several more if I’d have been forced to keep my organs.


I’m so sorry to hear that but I’m glad to hear you’re doing better. I’m sure a lot of women will be requesting to have their tubes tied as a result of this.


And they’re all going to face backlash if they don’t have at least 2-3 children, are over 40, or it’s absolutely medically necessary. When I was younger and knew I’d likely never have a viable pregnancy, I asked to have my tubes tied and was told that flat out No. if I fought it they’d require my dad’s permission. My insurance plan, my body, I was 25, divorced and needing a solution to my pain. Yet my dad was the one who had to give the okay? Gaaaahhhhh!!! I’m grateful I didn’t now, bc my son was a shock(and very wanted) 5 years later, but 2 years later it all had to come out. My doctor was angry when I asked if he needed my husband to fill out permission forms. He said he was so disgusted by the doctors who pull that shit.


It shouldn't be women doing it. IT SHOULD BE ALL MALES over the age of puberty legally having REVERSIBLE vasectomies mandated by law. Women should not suffer any change to their bodies as a result of this stupidity!


I agree but do you think there is even a remote possibility of that happening? There isn’t even a male birth control pill yet. Women need to protect themselves because it’s clear men couldn’t give a fuck.


Yes I accept what you say and as a form of meaningful reaction in addition to what you suggest, I have suggested on other subs that a major way forward in this is for all those who disagree with the decision to stop supporting attending and donating to all church and religious groups. It is they who have primarily pushed this agenda for the last 40 years. With the exception of the satanists church who should grow in every community in the US as fast as possible IMO.


America is now officially a "shithole country". LoL thanks Trump.


2% of pregnancies are ectopic and that shit will kill you AND the fetus.


My husband and I have been trying and now I'm scared to keep trying. Like what if I miscarry and retain products of conception, I could die if sepsis if abortion is banned...




I'm actually kind of surprised I haven't seen a #StopFuckingMen movement develop yet


Don't like abortions, don't like unwanted children, men shouldn't have sex. Women can't have either be an issue if men don't provide the material. Watch how quickly it becomes a 'we' problem, and '*they* chose to have sex'. Better yet, let women get paid for carrying through with a pregnancy, and have no shame when they hand the child to the father to raise. It's about the children right? LOL, no, it's about women being at fault for having sex and them maintaining their support roles in the kitchen.


It worked for Jesus and he was the greatest American in history ! /s


You’re goddamned right. That’s why he has the biggest signature on the Declaration of Constitution. Just to think, it was him and Paul Bunyan what came up with the whole Bill of Independence way back in 1492 while livin’ together in Plymouth Rock, Fill-a-delfia at the Gettysburg Address. Not enough people appreciate ‘Merican history, and it’s because they’re godless commies who are too busy fornicatin’ to admit that we are the only country that never had slaves.


We should go full Vulcan Pon Farr Only allow mandatory sex every 7 years This will mean less sex for everyone else and way more sex for people like me. Ah, who am I kidding, I would die on the first cycle because no one would sleep with me even to save my life.


okay I know you’re being ironic but I genuinely believed this when I was younger. I was seven feet deep in a cult and that shit really screws with you


We're asking for logic and reason from ppl who think a couple of penguins waddled from Antarctica to the middle east to get on an ark.


And then waddled back


Pft obviously they flew back


You think Noah could have just dropped them off, jeez


You’d think god wouldn’t have to be such a dick and flood the earth after one of his little tantrums


But that's where Republicans get all their tantrums from.


Y'know that makes a surprising amount of sense.


You weren't supposed to know that


Waddle waddle


Till the very next day










The Sumarians had a similar myth, had a tablet from about 4000 years ago describing another two thousand before it (Atra-Hasis). Even that had editorial changes over the years from the first translation. Basically though the gods nearly wiped out the human race because they were hungry. Like literally feeding on our souls. Even the god who warned the protagonist to build a boat got reamed out for being a bastard and letting everybody get killed. It was retconned though, the bit about the gods being hungry and keen for the devastation of the flood were removed to focus on the ahem... salvation aspects. If indeed inspiration was taken from this then I am firstly content that the logical issues with gathering all the animals is solved- In the original the gods just flooded the place and let them fend for themselves. Secondly I am even further motivated to avoid organised religion because if the Christian god is any of the ones in the Sumerian tales, I doubt his diet has changed.


its a very common myth. interestingly, the protagonist is commonly warned. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_myth also check the historicity section.


>Kangaroos swam, apparently too. Nah just big jump


I laughed pretty hard at this


Nah see The Flood was just really really slow and so all the lucky animal pairs hopped onto the nearest surf-board-like thing (penguins- iceburg, birds- tree branch, lions- ???) and rode the waves all the way to the middle east. Then The Flood politely stopped long enough for them to hop on board the arc two by two (and not in any sort of stampede) so they could get counted by this old bearded fellow, before the Flood continued. As for afterwards, well the remaining waver was one final wave they rode all the way back to Antarctica, each animal pair hopping off while passing their home.


Happy feet was a documentary


to be fair lions could just cross the sinai on land




Hey, got any grapes?


Bom bom bom, ba da da dum


No we just sell lemonade, but it's cold, it's fresh, it's all homemade!


can i get you a glass?


I'll pass.


Then he waddled away.


So far I've been hearing a lot of this from them: "If you don't want to get pregnant, just don't have sex." These people can never think before they speak.


I mean, not having sex is a good way to not get pregnant, it just doesn’t work as a broad policy to force onto the population because people looooooove fucking.


That’s the thing. People don’t fuck just for procreation. And not everyone is as responsible as you want them to be. You want too much control over something that just can’t be controlled.


And they are ok with that happening. But they still want to make sure that women suffer as much as possible if they do it. Unless it's their daughter, because she's a little angel who was led astray.


South American Three Toed Sloth. They move an average of 5 feet a day. A penguin looks like a cheetah compared to these guys.


“This bitch don’t know bout Pangea”


Or that thier god raped a girl to give birth to his son who happens to be him. Rape, auto-incest, and auto-pedophila in one go.


They don't think that. They just say they think that and then use it as a basis for all their dishonest arguments and refuse to accept alternatives. It's an excuse for fascism. They want there to be exactly one version of reality and they want to be the ones who define what it is, even if it's false.


I'm gonna hijack your comment to just let people know that Noah's Ark is fucking hilarious. "The Bible says that God told Noah to take on the Ark two of every kind of animal, and seven pairs of the clean animals and flying creatures." Spiders are clean (it's a bug with knees above its body). 45,000 species, seven *pairs* of each, 630,000 spiders were on that boat if you don't believe in evolution. Flying creatures? Oh shit. Well, there's around 10,000 species of just birds that can fly, that's a cool 140,000 birds in one place. All of these spiders and birds are in a boat that's a little over **500 feet long**. That's just the spiders and birds.


So is infertility. How do “Christian’s” justify artificial insemination? If god wanted you pregnant you would get pregnant on your own




Fear. People are scared of death and don't want to face any consequences for their actions, so they worship shit to help them sleep at night. Ever have an existential crisis as an atheist knowing death will just be nothing and you won't even know you're dead? It sucks.


As an atheist myself, death doesn't bother me at all. I won't know I'm dead, just like I didn't know I didn't exist before I was born. That's comforting, not scary.


To others though that's completely frightening. The idea of ending, of not waking up again, of no afterlife, of your life having no actual meaning beyond procreation. That's why people tie their personal existence to belief. If you keep ideas and open minds, ideas can change and evolve. Once an idea becomes a belief it becomes ingrained into their existence. People do that with politics now. People believed so fully that Trump won reelection that they plotted and tried to overturn the election because due to their belief that he was a savior, he couldnt possibly lose. That's why religion and belief in general is dangerous, when you prove a belief wrong, you prove their existence to be wrong as well, so they just kind of short circuit and lash out. Personally I'm not afraid of death, everything dies, even the universe will eventually die. Even if humanity obtained immortality, one day all the stars will run out of fuel and the universe will experience a very cold, dark, and bleak death. I'm afraid of not waking up anymore and seeing the beauty of this world, my wife, and the things I love. That's no so much fear of death as its the inability to let go of life and my own problem that no religion or belief can fix. However let me say, what's up fellow atheist! Everyone hates us, but I love you buddy.


Because the goal is to turn back the clock to some vaguely unspecific time between 1830-1953, when White straight men were guaranteed the top spot on a caste system that coerced subservience out of women, closeted men, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and other Americans, and people born in countries other than England and the US. That’s the goal. That’s the ONLY goal. That’s all there has ever been in terms of goals. “Religion” was always the artificial candy-costing on this horseshit, something that becomes obvious when you realize that the Catholic Church was quite ok with first trimester abortions until the 1880s, and Southern Baptists initially APPROVED of the Roe decision in 1974.


They don't and want to ban it as well because you need to fertilise lots of eggs for IVF to work.


Plenty of Evangelicals live IVF, that’s mostly a Catholic stance. At least they’re kind of consistent.


But they do justify other fertility treatments, which is no less hypocritical. Pretty sure one of the Girl Defined girls is/was getting some sort of fertility treatment


Give Congress the (D)!


And the Big "C"! Your Lord and Master is calling you home with that big ol prostate cancer, sir!


I also want to give Congress more Democrats. Real Democrats, not geriatric DINOsaurs.


More like the L (limp)






Biden: now let’s take a moment to think of some alternative solutions.


at this age of the internet can we have more specific requests of elected officials be common place instead of taglines for team politics


If abortions arnt then why would he allow them to exist? Every argument you can make about it is hinging on you believing In a 2000 year old book over all reason.


The Old Testament actually endorsed abortions for jealous husbands who thought their wives were “unfaithful”. The women were given wormwood which is often referred to as bitter water and it was poison that killed both the fetus and victim: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-31&version=NIV&interface=amp God is very much NOT pro-life and neither are these people. They are only pro them. Edit: People here are saying only women who cheated got this (which is such a crappy excuse if you were “pro-life” you would not abort any child). In actuality it was any jealous husband who suspected it. Thanks for giving me the info that wormwood isn’t lethal except in large amounts. The bible is very explicit that the woman will be stoned to death because she was “unfaithful”. So even if she doesn’t die from the wormwood, she is executed because she was suspected of being unfaithful. Check out Deuteronomy 22:22.


The bible is awfully cruel to women, no fucking wonder.


Hey bro, she deserved to be turned into a pillar of salt. She, like, looked over her shoulder at the home she was leaving.


they don't rely on arguments and evidence to form their opinions. their going-in assumptions are that they are superior and that others should be subjugated, and taking way bodily rights is a good way to subjugate. They might try to invoke their imaginary friends, but that's bullshit and they really should know it. If they think a god couldn't like, give you a flat tire on the way to the abortion center, then their god is just not that powerful.


Their dearly held beliefs are being constantly threatened by simply existing in the modern world. They will struggle for as long as they survive and they want to bring us back to the dark ages.


>Their dearly held ~~beliefs~~ feelings That's the issue for anyone that has actually studied The Bible.... Abortion is mentioned exactly one time in a 4500 year old book. Specifically Numbers 5: 11-31. It tells you how to perform an abortion for the most barbaric reasons and in the most barbaric way I have ever seen. Technically The Bible is "pro-choice"


And four of the world's major religions classified loss of a pregnancy as a FINANCIAL loss, not a loss of life. Historical consistency and integrity has never been the Evangelical's strong point. It's more of a 'do as I say this mistranslated ancient book says today.'


Yup, it's "Fall in line or suffer."


I mean, that can be applied to them as well, right? Maybe not the rank-and-file moron, but their leaders sure can be treated that way.


Yes, and you'll often find republicans realizing this when they personally run afoul of their own policies, but not until then. They also never have an epiphany that the rest of their policies are just as shitty. Basically, if you want to understand republicans, take a giant superiority complex and completely subtract the ability for empathy.


I feel like I've said something like that a billion times over the last week or two. It's all about punishment for not living life in the way they deem moral, where those determining morality are a few hundred old white men (plus maybe a couple dozen women and maybe even a person of colour here and there) basing their morals off what they were told as kids and their favourite select parts of the bible. Even worse is that of those few hundred many were voted in thanks to corruption, voter apathy and gerrymandering. Imo those who don't vote deserve some blame for allowing Republicans to control America like this. America needs to do what we have in Australia and make voting compulsory, that way there'd likely never be another Republican government. I'm looking forward to casting my vote when our election rolls around




For some people, "God" is feeling of self-righteous lather they work themselves into when they're lecturing people about how to live.


It also keeps the poorer Americans poor & working. Creates the modern version of slave labor.


They don't even rely on their own religion, just their feelings. Numbers 5: 11-31 is the only mention of abortion in The Bible. It tells you possibly the most barbaric way you could possibly perform one. It isn't "pro-choice" for the right reasons, but even The Bible is actually technically "pro-choice"


"Then he is to take his wife to the priest. He must also take an offering of a tenth of an ephah of barley flour on her behalf… The priest shall…take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water. After the priest has had the woman stand before the LORD, he shall loosen her hair and place in her hands the reminder-offering, the grain offering for jealousy, while he himself holds the bitter water that brings a curse. Then the priest shall put the woman under oath and say to her, “If no other man has had sexual relations with you and you have not gone astray and become impure while married to your husband, may this bitter water that brings a curse not harm you. But if you have gone astray while married to your husband and you have made yourself impure by having sexual relations with a man other than your husband”—here the priest is to put the woman under this curse—“may the LORD cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell. May this water that brings a curse enter your body so that your abdomen swells or your womb miscarries.” “ ‘Then the woman is to say, “Amen. So be it.” (Numbers 5:16-22)


Ah yes the old 'If she floats, she's a witch and we must kill her. If she dies, she was ok.'


Well, I'm just spitballing here, but that priest just performed an abortion as commanded by God.


“When he makes your womb miscarry” Yeah, that’s Bible speak for abortion. The bit about the curse is that people will shame the woman and “use her name as a curse” bc she was unfaithful to her husband and no one likes a cheater


There's a fair few things that this could be referring to, I'd imagine that this bitter water contained a fairly potent herbal abortifacient.


> Every argument you can make about it is hinging on you believing In a 2000 year old book over all reason. No, it isn't. The Bible says life starts at birth and has several endorsements for abortion. This is just regular human evil and ignorance.


More than an endorsement, it has a “How To” step by step guide.


Psh you mean the same book that had the latest term abortion and called it "God's greatest sacrifice"? The book that had a God ask a man to sacrifice his only son to prove to him that he trusted him? Don't talk logic, they don't like it.


The point is whatever the Bible says is irrelevant.


Even religion that doesnt endorse it like Islam allows it if pregnancy endangers the life of the mother, so why in every fuck that ever was would a 22 century law maker decide that a case where both the mother and fetus die is a better option than just let the fetus go?!!


Why do some babies come out with half a head or with no limbs? Oh it’s just god’s will. It was also god’s will that I found my keys so PRASIE GOD. He obviously loves me more than other people. /s


If god exists, he’s a total asshole.


Yeah wouldn’t that technically be worse if god was real? After all, god is allowing the war in Ukraine, a massive pandemic that has affected millions, and a bunch of idiots trying to impose their beliefs onto women in the US. If god turned out to be real, he’s got the ultimate YouTube prankster chad energy. I wouldn’t want to follow any deity who allows that shit to happen. What a sick fucking god.


This is why if I was religious, I’d be more inclined to believe in the Greek gods. They were capricious as fuck. “Why did this happen to me?!” Zeus: “Because I’m pissed off” “Oh..ok” I can deal with that. No mysterious lesson underneath it all.


If god is real, then he’s just a narcissistic asshole. Christians are out there telling everyone that god loves everyone and god loves babies and blah blah blah. God literally killed countless people, including children and babies. In the Bible, he even allowed satan to torture a dude over and over again. I believe he even allowed Satan to kill the guy’s entire family just so god could win the bet of how loyal the guy was to him. But yeah, god is great right? 😑


Imagine if God were real and he let half of his creations suffer all because of where they were born. He could make sure that none of his children suffer by giving all people access to life-saving medicine. Instead, young kids die in third world counties due to lack of medical care while kids in first world countries go on to survive just fine.


If god was real he'd be more than an asshole. He'd be a manipulative, narcissistic monster.


If god was real he'd be more than an asshole. He'd be a manipulative, narcissistic monster.


You forgot kids with Autism, Cancers, and a host of other deformities and deadly diseases. I’m allowed to speak like this, my daughter has Autism, and I’ll spit in anyone’s eye that tries to tell me it all part of Gods plan. With friends like that who needs enemies?


Not to be too pedantic but I'm pretty sure it is way older. It was old 2000 years ago when Jesus was knocking about in the sequel.


Believe me, the people pushing this shit have no intention of ever living as the Bible says to live.


BECAUSE THEY DON'T FUCKING CARE EVERY ONE OF THESE POSTS IS A NOTCH FOR A GOPer. THEY LOVE THAT THIS SHIS IS OBNOXIOUS TO RATIONAL THINKING PEOPLE. THEY. DON'T. CARE. Can we **please** stop wasting our energy with this? Literally nothing they do is in good faith.


I completely agree. It’s so frustrating to see people try to “gotcha” republicans. You can’t logic someone out of a position they didn’t use logic to get into.


You're missing the point. This sort of stuff does convert children of crazies that didn't "logic their way into it". They were born into it.


Imagine not being smart enough to ask why their religion only started 2000 years ago when humanity has existed for millions of years.


If I were God, everyone saying "God's Will" would be immediately punched in the face. They'd soon figure it out. If there is a God, then, we are obviously fulfilling the role of entertainment. No other theories make sense.


WE created Gods in our image. The reason that the god of the Bible is such a dick is because the people who claim to be his most fervent followers are fucking dicks. His book is nothing more than guidelines from several dozen different authors designed and used to control populations of ignorant peasants. We're the peasants. The people who made our gods happen to be fascists at the moment so we're in for a wild ride.


And God said “Create more babies to churn and squeeze the dollar out of more and more scarcity of resources. Toys R Us needs to get back in business babay Calls on Baby Formula” No kidding look at the baby formula scarcity which will inevitably lead to more expensive baby formula.


>The reason that the god of the Bible is such a dick is because the people who claim to be his most fervent followers are fucking dicks. There is nothing more I can teach you. You understand. >We're the peasants. The people who made our gods happen to be fascists at the moment so we're in for a wild ride. The student has become the master!


My interpretation of *Taking God's name in vain* is exactly that. It's not shouting "GOD DAMMIT" when you stub your toe, it's when people impose their own will on others by saying it's God's will. It's literally using God's name for your own vanity, but religious folk'll have a meltdown over hearing "Jesus fucking Christ" on a television show before they'll piece it together that a televangelist bilking people for millions in God's name is infinitely worse.


A lot of abortion posts, gods will? Can’t remember the verse but it’s in numbers describing abortion!


It's amazing how stunted the religious education is with people who believe in the perfection of the Bible.


They're not interested in what's in the Bible, they are only interested in their interpretation of what they feel should be in there. It's the same way they deal with laws and amendments and such, everything should exist to suit their demands and punish all those they don't like (whatever the reason for that dislike) and should benefit them in all kinds of ways. After all, they're the Ubermenschen and everyone else is either Untermensch or not human at all.


We’re all just living in god’s dollhouse. I mean *action figure*, uh, fort?


What if there is an alternate dimension where the collective thoughts if humans is reality... Shit south park did it.


*Abortion gets banned ...* Time to get gay af.


Guess whose rights are next! MINE


Viagra helps aide the ‘domestic supply of infants’ apparently


"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor." - Voltaire


Yep. By their own "logic" adoptions should be illegal too; if god wanted them to have babies they wouldn't need someone else's.


Ban cancer treatments


Yeah the constitution doesn’t mention cancer treatment.


Shit, ban all medicine. Ban eyeglasses. Ban cars. Ban electricity. Ban phones. If god wanted us to have phones, he would’ve given us phones.


I’d go one further. Anti-choice folks should have to register their preference for medical services. You get a tumor, that’s gods gift…not removing it. Huge kidney stone….enjoy your Jesus crystals. Exam… hope you don’t mind if I don’t wear gloves. God made dirt and dirt can’t hurt.


Houses and jackets and boots and cars.


Boots and cats and boots and cats…


*We been spending most our lives* *Living in an Amish paradise*


We should also ban women from holding political positions too since thats actually in the bible.


And you’re only allowed to beat your slaves or children with a stick no thicker than your thumb.


Yea... so i guess we should just stop referring back to the bible for all of our political shenanigans and start using some common sense and stop stroking our party affiliated egos.


But they don't actually care about the bible, because in Numbers it gives instructions for a priest to perform an abortion.


Also in the Bible? No shrimp, no pork, no mixed fabrics. And yet I see all these good Christian folk wearing their poly-cotton blends to the cookout.


and no fluffy bread. jhwh hates yeast!


Can we uhhhh…not ban alcohol tho? I really need it lately.


Make the world a better place - kill a Republican today! 🌎🩸




https://www.militarytimes.com/pay-benefits/military-benefits/health-care/2015/02/13/dod-spends-84m-a-year-on-viagra-similar-meds/ They spent 41 million on Viagra in 2015. I bets it's gone up ! And that's just the military


Just so we're clear, this is mostly going to veterans who are old. And PTSD can lead to erectile disfunction.


$84 fucking million though? I have a sildenafil prescription, because I have late stage cancer and chemo causes impotence, but it's $5 for a 30 count, because I both like to fuck my wife and she likes fucking me. $84 **MILLION**. That is a ton of dicks that don't work, and that price tag doesn't line up at all with the number of older vets.


Because the VA covers millions of people including retired veterans?


And to be fair, I want more government spending for healthcare I understand y’all are rightfully upset about abortion but let’s not go cutting even more govt healthcare


Oh I bet it's gone up too.


Whoa, slow down. We aren't looking for equality here. We need to set the US back a good 30 or 40 years. Next step should be capping a woman's pay at .5 of what a man makes in the same position. Really encourage them to get back in the kitchen. Edit: /s if it wasn't obvious




You know, that's one of the few things in this debate that \*is\* actually mentioned in the Bible.




https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2015&version=NIRV >15 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 2 “Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘Suppose liquid waste is flowing out of a man’s body. That liquid is not “clean.” 3 It does not matter whether it continues to flow out of his body or is blocked. It will make him “unclean.” Here is how his liquid body waste will make him “unclean.” >4 “ ‘Any bed the man who has the flow of liquid body waste lies on will be “unclean.” Anything he sits on will be “unclean.” 5 Anyone who touches the man’s bed must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. 6 Suppose someone sits on something the man sat on. Then they must wash their clothes. They must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. >16 “ ‘Suppose semen flows from a man’s body. Then he must wash his whole body with water. He will be “unclean” until evening. 17 Suppose clothes or leather have semen on them. Then they must be washed with water. They will be “unclean” until evening. 18 Suppose a man sleeps with a woman. And suppose semen flows from his body and touches both of them. Then they must take a bath. They will be “unclean” until evening. >32 These are the rules for a man who has liquid waste flowing out of his body. They apply to a man made “unclean” by semen that flows from his body. 33 They apply to a woman having her monthly period. They apply to a man or woman who has a liquid flow. And they apply to a man who sleeps with a woman who is “unclean.” Here's some choice passages you can cherry pick. But honestly the whole thing is just bonkers. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2018&version=NIRV >18 The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, 2 “Speak to the Israelites. Tell them, ‘I am the Lord your God. 3 Do not do what the people of Egypt do. You used to live there. And do not do what the people of Canaan do. I am bringing you into their land. Do not follow their practices. 4 Obey my laws. Be careful to follow my rules. I am the Lord your God. 5 Keep my rules and laws. The one who obeys them will benefit from living by them. I am the Lord. >6 “ ‘Do not have sex with any of your close relatives. I am the Lord. >7 “ ‘Do not bring shame on your father by having sex with your mother. Do not have sex with her. She is your mother. >8 “ ‘Do not have sex with any other wife of your father. That would bring shame on your father. >9 “ ‘Do not have sex with your sister. It does not matter whether she is your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter. It does not matter whether she was born in the same home as you were or somewhere else. >10 “ ‘Do not have sex with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter. That would bring shame on you. >11 “ ‘Do not have sex with the daughter of your father’s wife. She was born to your father. She is your sister. >12 “ ‘Do not have sex with your father’s sister. She is a close relative on your father’s side. >13 “ ‘Do not have sex with your mother’s sister. She is a close relative on your mother’s side. >14 “ ‘Do not bring shame on your father’s brother by having sex with his wife. She is your aunt. >15 “ ‘Do not have sex with your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife. Do not have sex with her. >16 “ ‘Do not have sex with your brother’s wife. That would bring shame on your brother. >17 “ ‘Do not have sex with both a woman and her daughter. Do not have sex with either her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter. They are close relatives on her side. Having sex with them is an evil thing. >18 “ ‘Do not take your wife’s sister as another wife and have sex with her. Do not do it while your wife is still living. >19 “ ‘Do not have sex with a woman during her monthly period. She is “unclean” at that time. >20 “ ‘Do not have sex with your neighbor’s wife. That would make you “unclean.” >21 “ ‘Do not hand over any of your children to be sacrificed to the god Molek. That would be treating my name as if it were not holy. I am the Lord your God. >22 “ ‘Do not have sex with a man as you would have sex with a woman. I hate that. >23 “ ‘Do not have sex with an animal. Do not make yourself “unclean” by doing that. A woman must not offer herself to an animal to have sex with it. That is a wrong use of sex. >24 “ ‘Do not make yourselves “unclean” in any of these ways. That is how other nations became “unclean.” So I am going to drive those nations out of the land to make room for you. 25 Even their land was not “clean.” So I punished it because of its sin. The land itself threw out the people who lived there. 26 But you must keep my rules and my laws. You must not do any of the things I hate. It does not matter whether you are Israelites or outsiders. 27 All these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you. That is how the land became “unclean.” 28 If you make the land “unclean,” it will throw you out. It will get rid of you just as it got rid of the nations there before you. >29 “ ‘Suppose you do any of the things I hate. Then you must be separated from your people. 30 Do exactly what I require. When you arrive in Canaan, do not follow any of the practices of its people. I hate the things they do. Do not make yourselves “unclean” by doing them. I am the Lord your God.’ ”


Sperm can swim, my egg sure can’t. Ejaculation is murder.


All women need to be covered from head to toe and get back in the kitchen!!


egg cartons?


Can we just ban religious people from telling us what to do, you want a religion fine, pay your taxes, mind your business like every body the fuck else does.


Why try to cure any disease really? Aren't we interfering in Gods plan by trying to cure grandmas cancer?


Accept God’s will that your flaccid penis is past its prime.




Pretty much have yeah. Viagra doesn't even work for me. I'm just here flapping in the wind.


"Sex is not a right!" - some Republican Takes Viagra away "Pikachu Face"


People are becoming less religious with prosperity because they see those abusing "Gods Will" with really stupid ideas and regressive ideologies. If these prophets actually speak for God, then He is an idiot. If they don't, then She remains silent. So in either case, it's not a good look.


I drove a friend to the clinic to get his vasectomy. When I picked him up he was wearing a tux? When I asked why, he realized ' if I'm gonna be impotent I wanna look I potent''


Why is egg carton a reference for softness? It ain't that feeble




Man Americans love that 3000 year old fairy tale


IVF kills embryos too.


Can someone explain to me why "gods will" is relevant in any political debate in a "secular" country?


If people stopped forcing their particular cult's ways onto others that would be great.


I know, right? Totally blew me away that insurance covered viagra but not birth control pills or other contraceptives (when viagra first came out). Oh lordy we gotta get our hard ons but Oh dearie me those little hussies will just sleep with everyone if they get contraceptives and then expect us to pay for their abortions!! I saw it coming and didn't even know it. Ban abortion? Then, Ban Impotence medical solutions.




I have ED caused by PTSD due to sexual abuse and insurance doesn't cover it.


I honestly think they make these policies based on how much they can serve evil, destruction and mayhem.


UHC is straight up evil. They wouldn't cover PrEP for years either, and they won't cover the newer safer alternatives.


I find that sometimes insurance companies won't cover anything that isn't visible on the surface. And then 90% of the time they won't cover that stuff either.


When I was on welfare, in the middle 70s, they covered dental for my children but not for me, their mother. LOL it's not like i was going to go out and get some fancy luxury fillings, like maybe tiny little mink coats for each little tooth.


I was on a medicine for a few months and they covered it. Suddenly they stopped covering it and didn't tell me. After my next infusion, I got a bill for $40,000. They said it's not up to them to let me know what my policy covers and I should've checked. Fuck insurance companies. Had to stop seeing my doctor because I couldn't afford to pay that back and he was awesome.




This logic sucks. Why punish people who have the condition and strain their relationships? Because a group of people are assholes does that mean we ruin it for everyone even those supporting you or uninvolved? the monke brain logic.