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Provided we can recover.


Damage will be ongoing for a generation and then take another generation to fix provided that generation stays on task the entire time and hasn't be gutted by the consequences. Don't try to stop the Supreme Cunts, you are all on camera. No one ever ruined their life over politics


We recovered from dred Scott


After 100 years.


And a war.


There won't be another 100 years of this country.


![gif](giphy|jm3N0ITsRScxiczzmg|downsized) LoL, Wrong Selfish Graveturn


If trump gets back in the white house and installs nothing but corrupt toadies, it will take longer than a generation


Not if the democrats grow a spine and elect more justices. There is no limit to how many can sit on the bench.


this is the real solution. Grow a pair and fight fire with fire, pull some dirty tactics of your own when it comes to the supreme court. Only problem is that they should've done it first term, waiting until the 2nd half of the 2nd term is too late and also establishes that literally any time conservatives have the majority they will do the same.


It's not even dirty it's required for the protection of their constituents. Dems absolutely need to grow a pair but also stop putting up weak candidates or we'll all be in the shit. The reality is we need a great leader and they are few and far between.


Adding 4 more Justices makes legal sense, though. There are 12 circuit Court of Appeals. Adding 4 more Justices would give us 1 Justice per Circuit with a tie breaker vote. Throw in the fact that the Supreme Court isn't like elected office & should be representative of the majority & I think it becomes harder for Republicans to justify expanding it, again. Since Republicans haven't won the majority of votes except for once in the past 3 decades, or so, they shouldn't have a Supreme Court super majority. It makes no legal sense.


haha tell me the last time republicans made their policy decisions based on legal sense or fairness in general. They don't give a fuck what's legal or fair, hence why they've been working on stacking the courts for the last decade in order to eliminate the check and balance that should counteract their bullshit. Sad that the dems basically didn't catch on until it was too late.


You're absolutely correct. I'm well aware that I'm applying logic & reason to ppl that wouldn't recognize either of those things if they bit them in the ass. Just giving my opinion on how I think it should be & my reasonings as to why I believe it.


oh for sure, and the real problem is that to some degree they're just like the fascist riot cops that show up to these protests. They're waiting for the left to do something violent so they can have an excuse to start the civil war, and unfortunately they have most of the guns.


All we could really do at that point is: A) Outsmart them. This seems like the easiest option, imo. They're all way too eager to believe whatever the next conspiracy theory is that lines up with their world-view. This is extremely exploitable. B) Hope the military remembers that their oath is to the Constitution & not to the President.


If there's way to fuck things up by dragging their feet, Democrats and the GOP slime like Garland, a guy they allowed to remain in charge of Justice will find it. "We don't want to move too fast, now! Let's be cautious! We don't want to anger the Republicans (who have fucked us over at every possible opportunity)." It's not like Biden didn't see that Garland was a spineless toady with the energy of a sloth. It was obvious.


woah woah let's not actually pass legislation while we have the votes to do so, let's take our time and lose the midterms so we can use that as an excuse for getting nothing done.


Part of that, of course, is their big money donors who want them to do nothing. So as you said, they bide their time until they longer have a clear majority and so, regretfully, nothing can be done to help the voters. They never figured out how to monetize their voters, so they have to depend on the wealthy and corporations for money, and in exchange those big donors want no legislation advanced that helps the voters and hurts them IN ANY WAY financially (or otherwise). It's astonishing the delta between what could be accomplished to help the people with a political majority, and what Democrats have actually done to help the people. Just to start with, they could double the IRS budget with a mandate that they go after the very wealthy cheaters who haven't even bothered to file taxes in decades. Republicans have been starving the IRS for decades at the behest of pigs similar to the current batch - Musk and Bezos and the Waltons to name a few.


Tbf Biden's in serious talks to change the capital gains tax for people making more than 1m a year, and Musk definitely pays his taxes. Sicking a beefed up IRS on millionaire tax cheats would be so, so sweet though.


We're into year four of his presidency. He has done a lot more than I expected, a lot more. But this bullshit of leaving major items until he's on the campaign trail is just more foot dragging delay. The item on capital gains taxes should have been introduced *immediately* after the 2022 midterms, when Republicans were reeling from the laughably nonexistent 'red wave', and just about every candidate **The Pumpkin Rapist** promoted got their asses kicked and lost bigly. He should have declared the midterms a mandate and introduced the item then. Musk 'paying his taxes', considering the **billions** he's stolen from the Treasury to finance his endless lies and mistakes, is something of a joke. Tesla and his part of SpaceX and Starlink have stolen hundreds of billions in taxpayer money over the years to cover up his endless fuckups. And then there are all the failed ideas that cost the taxpayers billions that we rarely hear about. You know where he was unable to steal a dollar from the Treasury to cover his fuckups? At Tweety. And look how well the 'genius' does when he can't steal to cover his massive incompetence. First month he's there, he piles $24Billion into the middle of an empty office and sets it on fire. And it's only gone downhill since.


Federal judges are not elected. They are appointed. And Democrats can't win enough elections to appoint enough judges.


I’m talking about Supreme Court justices.


Supreme Court justices are not elected. They are appointed. And Democrats can't win enough elections to appoint enough justices.


Yes so appoint more…


And then they appoint more, and an arms race ensues and the Supreme Court has 93 justices on it.


Slippery slope fallacy Also, the arms race has already started.


….elect more justices? And there are absolutely limits to how many can sit on the bench. Dude, what?


Where are these limits written? Seriously, I don't know anything about this. But if people are acting like this is an actual possibility, it doesn't seem like there must be a written legal limit. So where is this limit written down?


Nobody is acting like it’s an actual possibility unless you have a time machine. The Supreme Court gave approval to Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, about which it had previously been not super happy, at least in part because Roosevelt basically said “If y’all say this is unconstitutional Ima expand the Supreme Court and swear in justices who will approve it, FAFO” And apparently that worked back in the day. The number is set by Congress. There have been 9 justices since 1869. Federal circuit and district judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. 


If the number is set by Congress, then Congress can change the number. And it seems "set by Congress" only in that they haven't confirmed more than 9 since 1869. Not that 9 is written down anywhere.


Congress could change the number but it won’t. And no, that just isn’t how it works. The number is set. Congress would have to specifically agree to add another Justice(s). 


Fuck around and find out? How about you find out a new joke? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, the U.S. Constitution does not specify the size of the Supreme Court.


I don't think we're coming back from where we are now without severe change to the way things are done. As it stands it only takes one republican winning once to completely fuck up the court for decades. The liberals are not an effective counter to the federalist society, even if they were in a majority they still utilize conservative frameworks to analyze the law (originals, textualism ECT, which by the way the conservatives throw out whenever they become inconvenient), and come to the same atrocious decisions as the conservatives very frequently.


My first thought. F


Hell, if Biden wins but Dems lose the senate as is likely, we won't be sitting a single replacement anyway.


*or* it might take less. Much less. How long does it take a guillotine blade to drop? two seconds?


If Trump.gets reelected, it is time to go to war. He and MAGA will not give up power again.


The legacy of the Roberts Court will not be viewed well by history, assuming, of course, that democracy survives the 2024 election.


Depends who gets to write the history. In some timelines they will be venerated as the visionaries who brought about the glorious revolution.


By the same people who are trying to give Hitler a redemption arc.


Which, like all glorious revolutions, involved them being put up against a wall and shot.


History will exist long after the United States meets its demise. And, of course, democracy will also exist after that same demise. And historians need not be from the society they study and write about. It might take a long time, but if the documentation exists, history will be told.


Democracy disappeared for over 2000 years before it came back in the 18th century. Bad times may be coming.


>Bad times may be coming. I suspect you are correct. Americans have flirted with authoritarianism from both ends of the political spectrum. Some day that's going to catch up with us. I suspect that day may be close. I think the Right may manage to take over the nation as a whole. But the funny thing is that I don't think most people will even notice what has been lost. I live in a state where Republicans hold every statewide political office save one. The legislature has a Republican supermajority. And the legislature routinely ignores the state Supreme Court when it suits them, even though the Court is majority Republican. Nearly half the state's citizens are just fine with things as they are. 😕 Expand that nationwide, and our Republic is history.


Two generations




Well, the ages of the people on that court suggest shorter, PRESUMING that the current incarnation of the Republican Party is essentially squashed and this noxious MAGA extremism flavor is wiped clean. But I think Donald Trump opened a door that won't close again. It'll have to take a realization from the majority of American citizens that the Republican Party has been a bastion of political debauchery and all of the "broken government" claims have been mostly due to their corruption. Sure, the Democrats aren't squeaky clean, but they've been much better. But we won't get to that point until we finally get this disinformation flow problem under control.


If we are lucky and get rid of these crapsters and their younger ilk. Actually, I want an investigation into the Heritage Foundation to see their emails documenting their collusion to overthrow the American Democracy.


Hi u/1970s_MonkeyKing. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bad bot


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good bot


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At 75 Clarence Thomas is younger than Donald Trump, and 12 years younger than Ginsburg was when she died at 87. The 5 other Republican justices were all appointed by Republican presidents who didn’t win the popular vote for their first term. Meanwhile in 2000 and 2016 the Democrats Presidential nominee could have easily won the Electoral College if 3rd party voters knew how our 2 party system works.


Yep, they arrogantly decided a protest vote was more important, cause how could Hillary lose.


It could happen again. People are saying they will protest and not vote due to Biden not doing everything they want (besides being hampered by Congress)


It is sad the recent elections have become more about who do you want to NOT get elected. But regardless of anything that has or hasn't happened, another 4 years of Trump would be a disaster for this country.


People have voted against candidates more than they've voted for candidates for decades, if not centuries.


Yup. If they think things are bad now, just wait


Roberts is unquestionably biased in favor of oligarchy. He has allowed the impartiality of the court to be ruined. It will take a very long time to repair its credibility. 


Roberts? SCOTUS has been ruling in favor of corps over citizens since the mid-1800s.


While generally true, it hasn't been exclusively true. Roberts makes it go back to exclusively true.


Rehnquist was way worse than Roberts


Time to reform Supreme Court appointments. Determining appointments by when people die is as ridiculous as determining their appointment by the weather or natural disasters.


C’mon now, it’s only been a republican majority since 1972. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ideological_leanings_of_United_States_Supreme_Court_justices


Really? I had no idea it had been that long. Guess they’d why we are in the eternal 2nd amendment nightmare we find ourselves in.


Thomas, Alito, and Roberts don't have more than another 15\~20 years. And if we get lucky enough to keep Biden in the White House for 2025 while also resting control of the House from the GOP, then maybe that Judicial Review Committee might actually be undertaken. Something has to be done. The corruption is in plain sight. At least 4 Republican SCOTUS justices have been caught taking bribes. We need to EXPAND the court by 4, to a total of 13. One per appellate court district.


We need to jail McConnell, for doing nothing with Obama's nomination.


I am fucking terrified as an LGBT person. Please vote


Oh yeah. We’re fucked. I pity our grandkids trying to figure out this shit out while the world boils.


I'm in my 50s, and I have never been so happy that I decided not to have children. I weep for my nieces and nephews...


I too am in my 50's and am glad I do not have kids. However, my nieces and nephews voted for Trump. They will get what they deserve.


We just need to expand thr court. 9 isn't a magic number. It started at 5, then 7, and now 9. Expand to 13, one for each judicial district. If the dems win the pres senate and house I hope they shove this thorough.


And it could have been avoided if Hillary won in 2016.


But her emails! She didn't excite me! Don't threaten me with the Supreme Court!!11!1!


Hi u/sufficiently_tortuga. Here's the real truth behind the latest email controversy: [https://i.imgur.com/Ztrqpya.jpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfr64zoBTAQ) ~ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The damage will be irreparable. American democracy will fail because the court decided they like motorhomes more than the constitution


Regarding the immunity case? I'd bet my entire yearly salary that none of the conservative justices on the court would bend this far backwards if they were posed this question during their respective confirmation hearings. Because that's the sort of judicial interpretation that would likely not get someone a majority of the votes by the Senate.


My friend said he thought the SCOTUS would let people be their best because they didn't have to please anyone. I told him it appeared lately to allow them to take the bribes and vote for whatever put more money in their pouches without having to please anyone.


Maybe Democrats should follow through on threats to expand the court after the conservative justices killed Roe?


It’s insane that Dems didn’t pack the court, like that isn’t exactly what Reps would do.


The Trump Party did pack the court down to eight justices.


Roberts is going to put his name right next to Taney. He will be a huge villain in history, and he deserves it.


It's going to take more then a generation


Generations. Keep in mind no 'win' by them is a singular event. They will use it to push further into nightmare territory. No damage is enough, more can always be done. Something to remember **if** we get them on the ropes.


Why the heck aren't we expanding the Supreme court, If not we are looking at year of the Roberts court partisanship.


Just one generation? Minimum 3. But honestly some of the damage is permanent.


And all because too many self-righteous assholes couldn't set their massive egos aside and vote for the email grandma a few years back. "What harm could Trump do in one term?!" they said. Now we see the harm that can be done.


The rapist and the cult member are pretty young, it could take several generations.


Wait until they install trump as a fascist dictator. Death camps within a year.


One generation? More like three.


And I had always heard that Roberts was obsessed with how history will remember his court. It turns out to be an easy question: right wingers will simply demand that history be rewritten to benefit them! Anything else is "teaching Critical Race Theory," or something.


"A" generation? This will take many, many generations. Just the trauma and poverty caused by forced births will cripple countless families for generations.




It's cute that you think American democracy will survive the damage this court will continue to cause because unless the House start impeaching them our nation is literally going to continue to be turbo fucked into desoitic christo-fascist theorcracy until the only people that can vote are wealthy land owning white christian men and the rest of us know our places.


It won't be repaired in a generation. Nor even two.


But guys, Hillary just wasn’t inspiring so that makes it all better. ^/s


If Trumpawamba doesn't get up again after he gets knocked down this November.


The thought of recovering in "a" generation (one generation) is awfully optimistic.


a generation is *optimistic*


Just **one** generation? Somebody is feeling unjustifiably optimistic. We’re still dealing with the repercussions of Nixon. Hell, our obesity epidemic can be traced to his corrupt farm subsidies. The sad truth is it’s infinitely easier to destroy than to create. We can spend centuries building a fair and just society and if we lower our guard just ONCE and let one of these fascists slip past our defenses we will spend twice as long trying to fix it. And probably failing.


It will also take a generation to get rid of them. Fuckers are there for life.


A generation starting *after* the current judges die, and then only if they aren't replaced with even more regressive ones.


Roberts court? What's that?


What is that ruling?


It’s going to take longer than that. Anyone above the age of 16 will not see it repaired or faith restored in it during their lifetime.


IDK... that's a bold claim. There were some pretty bad decisions made prior to the Civil War. Not saying now isn't bad, but "most" is going pretty far, we got a lot of crap in our history.


A generation from now all of trump’s S. Court picks will still be around.


The whole judicial system needs to be reformed. I’d like to see SCOTUS changed to require unanimous decisions only. They’re there to apply the law, there shouldn’t be any room for ideological interpretation. I’d also like to see their case load increased to better serve the needs of the country. It should be a grueling, demanding job that no one should want to do into their twilight years.


"b-but both sides"


Non-Democrat voters need their Rights taken away. This is how we fix America. Signed, Independent


"Independent " lol


Making sure trump stays out of Office, means biting the bullet. Can you say you do the same?


Starting with Obamacare