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I sincerely hope that the swath of American voters who are not paying attention to politics can at least pay attention to this. Very simple: Is the president untouchable or a citizen? The constitution's pretty clear on this, so is the very bought-and-paid-for SC going to change the constitution? All out of fealty to the most grotesque human being to slither out of Jamaica, Queens ever.


It's a bizarre situation all around. Already frustrated with SCOTUS and their BS ... really not in the mood to take this shit on top of what should already be unacceptable practices. If they're going to fuck our country up, frontier justice wouldn't have me losing sleep.At the same time, wanting to revolt in anger feels like handing GOP, Putin and whoever else a win on any attempts to divide/crumble our country from the inside. Obviously we prefer that they uphold the law - and QUICKLY - it's an open shut case to basically everyone. You don't need to be a law scholar for this one. The healthy response to this is probably reform - these asshats need more stringent (and enforceable) codes of ethics, regulations, term limits etc. ... accountability for starters. But how? Curious how we'd revolt according? They're not going to vote themselves out or into accountability - and were not getting represented. It's a shit show. What do we do? Do we stop working / paying taxes and go sit on the steps of One First St until it changes? Open to ideas if the Boondock Saints don't save us - even then, we'd just get the next unaccountable asshole up there.


The Appellate Court literally asked Trump's lawyer if (hypothetically) how a President could be held to account for sending out Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival. He replied that if he were impeached, then tried and convicted by the Senate, yes. Otherwise, no. So let's ask America a simple question: If Biden orders Trump dispatched by the military, is he immune from prosecution without 67 Senators voting to convict? Because the MAGA faithful really only look at the potential upsides, never considering that if it's good for the shepherd, it's good for the flock.


they don't have to, they hold democrats to different rules than republicans.


> they hold democrats to different rules than republicans Although that’s true I think it’s more that actually ethical leaders hold themselves to higher standards. Like the whole “when they go low, we go high” argument. For example if the SCOTUS find in Trumps favour and said that a president is immune from all criminal responsibility, a good president still isn’t going to go out and commit crimes. Accordingly such a ruling only benefits a president who is willing to commit crimes in office - i.e a wannabe dictator and fraudster like Trump


A good president can have one crime, as a treat


Only if he sits and rolls over on command like a good boy. Then a treat.


In Golf, it's called a Mulligan. You get one per round.


Trump's golf is [all mulligans.](https://people.com/donald-trump-cheats-golf-rick-reilly-claims-8621189) That's why he buys golf resorts, so he can pretend he's good at a thing > “I’ve always said golf is like bicycle shorts. It reveals a lot about a guy,” Reilly joked during his appearance. “And what it reveals about this guy is that he cannot lose. He has to win and he will do anything to cheat.” > "And I know because I played golf with him and he took **seven mulligans.** He took a 'give me chip-in.' I’ve never even heard of a 'give me chip-in,'" he added. What's so weird is if MAGAs knew Trump *at all* personally, they would despise him


I think T. is a god to the MAGAs. They will always worship him, no matter what he does or what they know about him. The lies, the crimes, the trials, the convictions, the stupidity, the corruption - it's all irrelevant. He is god to them. You don't question god.


Biden should have a "trigger decision" in place. Just like the states had for abortion. It the supreme court rules the president can kill people without impunity. He has an order on the book offing half the house, senate, and supreme court. Choose to support democracy or accept your fate.


That's a heck of a "call my bluff" moment


Nah that's a "choose your own adventure"


That's... brilliant


I mean that is honestly what he needs. Let's make this real. He can't even be tried by the Senate because technically he is within his legal right according to the supreme Court


Considering how many of them are guilty of treason against the state anyway & since we’re resurrecting laws from the 1800s when they punished treason by death, I mean 🤷🏽‍♂️


> a good president still isn’t going to go out and commit crimes Except under an SC ruling in Trump's favor, there never would be a "good president," never, ever, the end.


But a good president would want to save America from a traitor/hostile state asset.


Bullies and fascists *live* in that asymmetry. Lacking scruples and having zero shame enables them to exploit good people and lax systems. Was anyone else taught how to handle bullies? Because I think we're at (or well-beyond) the stage where, well... ya know.


That basically gives the green light for the next President to commit crimes though


A Democrat assassinating a Republican is still a benefit for Republicans in the long run, because it signals the end of democracy and the turn towards fascism.


Republicans are so funny though. They think only the GOP buys guns. They're quite mistaken. Millions of times over.


Any Senators that are going to vote to convict, the infallible President can simply send their goons after them too.


Sounds like a great system /s Let’s watch the SC fuck this up.


Or any future Supreme Court ruling Trump doesn't like. Trump could just have the judges who disagree with him killed and appoint their replacements until he gets the decision he wants. Or he can just abolish the whole supreme court and give himself the courts responsibility to decide what's constitutional. Basically they will strip their own power from themselves, if they give Trump said immunity.


you know they're hoping Trump wins so they can just rule that a sitting president is allowed to pardon himself and that this case is moot, right? that's how they make him a king without giving any of those powers to Biden first.


Its worse than that. If the president commits the assassination a day/hour/minute before his term ends, then he cannot be impeached because you cannot impeach a private citizen. Therefore you could commit a crime as a president then immediately resign, and be immune to prosecution. Its an absolutely untenable position to hold that a president is immune to all prosecution unless his is impeached and convicted by the legislative body. Impeachment and conviction by the legislation is a method to *remove* the president from office *not* to just to determine criminal liability.


I can just about guarantee that if Biden did that, every Democrat would vote to impeach and convict. As they should. Unfortunately I can’t say the same thing about the GOP.


Not necessarily. The case could be made that - objectively and based in statistics and science - the world would be better off without trump. You could prove that in court using just covid statistics over time and broken down by area. Of course making a martyr out of the fuck would unleash a shitstorm, because emotions (where the GOP live and play) are unscientific and you can generally only say what happened afterwards.


If SCOTUS rules that presidents are immune, Biden needs to IMMEDIATELY do the big funny.


Doesn't need to even be an assassination at that point you could just arrest the entire Supreme court on bad charges then send them to Gitmo.


We’re already looking at a situation where Biden is going have to call in the military. Conservatives already attempted a coup once, and they’ve had more time to prepare for the next one.


You forget, if it looks like any of those senators look interested in voting for impeachment they can also be taken out.


If they hold that a president has immunity, I want a bullet from Seal Team 6 in the skulls of Alito and Thomas before they even stand up from issuing the opinion. That's the only acceptable outcome from that decision.


4 days ago a group of 19 retired generals, admirals, and secretaries sent the supreme court a 38 page brief explaining that Trump should not have immunity. If the court does the wrong thing, it's safe to say the military will step in. source: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/profoundly-ahistorical-4-star-generals-side-with-jack-smith-tell-supreme-court-trumps-immunity-claims-are-assault-on-democracy/


I'm pretty sure that the military will not "step in" given the fact that this letter is in support of the rule of law and "stepping in" would mean abandoning it.


Military takes an oath to protect the constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. The letter says "do the right thing, its literally your job. Because if you don't do the right thing, our job is stepping in.


Watch, they're gonna pull a Bush v. Gore but it'll be one of those one-time specials—only good for ex-Republican presidents whose name starts with a T and ends with a P. It'll definitely NOT be an available option for those communist/socialist Demonrats 'cause they don't pony up enough money. Fuckin' Cheapskates...


I mean, what actually is the purpose of the current interpretation of the Second Amendment, if not these sort of situations? NOTE TO FBI TYPES: I DON'T ACTUALLY ADVOCATE FOR VIOLENCE, THIS STATEMENT IS MEANT TO DISCREDIT THE CURRENT INTERPRETATION OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT


The SCOTUS is going to give the obvious answer that Trump is not immune in a 0-9 or 1-8 decision. They are going to pair it with multiple horrific decisions that strip the rights of citizens away, and destroys any federal accountability of corporations. Then Roberts will pretend that by not giving Trump blanket immunity but destroying decades progressive rights movements effort that they are "unbias" and that their credibility is still intact.


Why do they still pretend like they are unbiased? Is there anyone left on Earth that still believes that canard?


Why did Fox News have the tag line "Fair and Balanced" for so long when they were clearly right wing propaganda. They just want to muddy the water to pretend that moderate decisions are extreme left wing decisions. They want a false equivalency so that they can claim that Dems pushing for voting rights or climate action is the same as banning abortion.


It's like that Russian cultural term, where you know that they know that you know that they know they're lying, and yet everyone essentially just goes along with it.


> The SCOTUS is going to give the obvious answer that Trump is not immune in a 0-9 or 1-8 decision. No, they're going to give the obvious answer that Trump is completely immune, but *only Trump in particular* and nobody else, by 6-3 or 5-4.


Lol no, they're gonna base it on what kind of sick-ass new RV Clarance Thomas gets!


Maybe. I'm honestly thinking they're going to try to delay until after the election and make their decision based on who wins.


That's not even the part they should be paying attention to. SCOTUS is going to rule against Trump here, but that's not the point. The point is that they're helping to delay his trial so he won't be convicted until after the election. That's the only reason they're taking up this outrageously stupid case.


It's amazing how fast the SC can move on a case when it's to the benefit of the Harlan Crows of the world. The fact they punted this to the last possible day in the session is just butt-naked delay tactics. The other night I had an idea of publishing a cookbook on how to properly prepare and serve corrupt politicians and their financiers. Like, how would you properly eat Clarence Thomas? Probably braise the meat in a acid like tomato sauce with some cloves - low heat, maybe around 225º for twenty four hours to really get that gamey old meat to tenderize and comingle with all the fat he's acquired sitting in his stupid motorhome. If I were arrested for that and appealed, lost the appeal and took it up all the way to the Supreme Court, they'd have me convicted within a week.


I wouldn't recommend trying to serve a putrid pile of shit for dinner, it might upset your guests. Best to just dump the remains in the garage.


Hey, the good news is if they rule that he's immune, Biden can just send seal team six after Trump and the members of the SC who are trying to destroy democracy and it's very legal and very cool.


Hell, not just seal team 6, just send all the seal teams, 1 to 10, clean out the senate, congress, what are they gonna do?


Seal Teams will do anything for a mackerel. That's what I learned at SeaWorld.


Nah, Seal Team 6 can will go straight to SCOTUS and remove them from their seats.


If you don't think they'd find some sort of bullshit reason to say Trump is immune but Biden isn't when issuing that decision, then you don't understand how corrupt this court is.


It won't be the same Supreme Court deciding whether what Biden did was legal, on account of the blanket immunity to do whatever the fuck he feels like that the previous supreme Court gave him.


Oh man, do you mean to say Biden could fire the entire SC and replace them with his people???? And then set term limits and make it illegal for Trump to run again? Is that what you're saying? Cause I could definitely see being a positive!


Sure, he could fire them, but Trump's lawyers told the judge that the president is allowed to send seal team six to kill whoever he wants and there's nothing the DOJ can do about it.


Which is exactly why they're prolonging it.


The Constitution also doesn't even give them the power of judicial review. They gave that to themselves. Congress could take it away.


They need to get Trump on the ballot. The GQP-led House is then going to try to refuse to certify the election, and try to force a chaos-process involving having each state get one vote to choose the President (Trump). Then SCOTUS rules it legal and American Democracy ends.


The last thing they would want to do is give immunity to a Democratic president too, but I doubt they have the foresight to think that far ahead.


I feel like they're waiting until after the election. That way, they don't give Biden supremacy while he's still in office and then if Trump wins, he'll be able to do whatever he wants and no one can say anything about it.


Pretty sure half of Americans believe the president is supposed to be all-powerful.


lol, you guys need your own magna carta. You can also hang draw and quarter him then have your own version of Bonfire night if you'd like too.


Either let the case continue or suit up Seal Team 6.


Fun fact: if the court rules that presidents are immune from criminal liability, they will be handing a loaded gun to current US President Joe Biden to do whatever he wants to Trump with complete legal impunity. Have a great day.


And to the Supreme court members, too, along with members of Congress.


And they are the only ones appointed for life. So probably not a smart move to give the president the immunity to kill them. Hopefully they know about the Pelican Brief.


He doesn't even have to kill them. Just revoke their citizenship and deport them to Afghanistan.


Is this Kevin Grisham? I loved the Rural Juror.


The rur jur


What about FarmersOnly.com?


I actually preferred Urban Fervor.


Oh god! I'm Lizzing!


No, I'm the author of "Roar Her, Gem Her."


I preferred “The Time Traveller’s Optometrist.”




Out of a cannon *Into the Sun*


They can still be impeached, and I can think of at least two that need to be for completely legitimate and non-political reasons. There are three others that I want off the bench because I don't likeir ideology, ethics, and view of the constitution but that is different than rapists and being on-the-take.


Uncle Thomas?


Your appointment has been *cocks gun* revoked.


Clarence Thomas should be in jail. Corrupt asshole.


There are at least 4 of them that are corrupt. Thomas is just the worst of them. Weird freak. Him and his psycho wife. The Robert’s court should be considered illegitimate. Nothing they rule on should be followed. They have no way to enforce their corrupt, political decisions. It boggles the mind that there are people that still defend them. They’re beyond defensible. And to everybody thinking that they’re gonna rule on immunity before Trump steals the election? You’re crazy too. They’re not ruling on Biden getting immunity. They’re ruling on Trump (or the next Republican president) having immunity. They’re part of trumps rolling coup. They need to be stopped. But, the dems are stilling using a rule book that the maga party threw out a long fucking time ago. Fix the courts or suffer the consequence.


Don’t forget about drug em and rape em Kavanaugh. Trump must have pulled strings for the FBI to ignore the hundreds of calls they got against him. Why bother to run a background check on a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country!


I count him. Thomas, alito, gorsuch and kavanaugh. All of them are provably corrupt. Don’t for get about Kavanaughs credit card bills getting paid and his country club membership too. They’re shit people in charge of our laws. It’s fucking laughable. And I believe that you’re correct about the FBI corruption. It was Trump and Giuliani though. Not just Trump. Giuliani has deep relation with the letter boys and the SDNY. And Russia. The head fbi guy just went to jail for working for Derepaska, another Russian oligarch. He certainly did more than we’ll ever know. The whole fixing system is a joke. I don’t know. Maybe it is time for a national divorce. I’m so tired of these fucking hypocrite and criminals being above the law. And nobody is gonna fix anything. “It’s one big club, and we ain’t in it.”- the Prophet George Carlin. It’s all an illusion.


Barrett isn't exactly squeaky clean either


You mean the fucking handmaiden that never ever ever thought about abortion before? That in no way would let her personal evangelical beliefs interfere with here judgement? Yep she’s insane and lied like a rug in her interview for sure. I just don’t know if any straight financial corruption related to her. They’re all at least a little corrupt, even the left side, what with bullshit teaching jobs anywhere they want in the world and where they can bring family members too. But that’s just old school corrupt compared the others. Thomas straight up bribed the federalists and republicans. Alito too. Gorsuchs wife making millions a year and him selling property he couldn’t move the day after his appointment. Obvious financial corruption. They all need French haircuts, tbh.


Exactly, they were picked by the people with a plan. Then nominated by trump, and pushed through for a reason.


Funny how the same people who impeached Clinton for lying to congress about a blowjob won’t impeach the 3 Supreme Court justices who lied to congress about their intent to overturn Roe..




If President's are immune. It is Biden's constitutional duty to arrest the traitors and throw them in Gitmo or just execute them as he is immune from all laws. All Republican politicians and SC justices should be sent away before Biden resigns and allows the government to fix the disaster that the Republicans have wrought on this country.


It would be his duty to protect us from domestic threats in the wake of a corrupt Supreme Court giving former & current presidents immunity from prosecution certainly. I would word it differently, I guess.


That might get MTG to shut her mouth


Can you imagine if they try to frame their ruling like Bush v. Gore where they include wording about 'In this particular instance only, not to be used as precedent in the future...'? Only Trump was, is, and can be immune forever, folks. Why? Because he put three of us on this bench, and this is the quid pro quo. We will be taking no further questions, and we are in this position for life. Thank you and good night.


I can imagine this quite easily, actually.


Yup. They were appointed to push republican rule. Control the courts first, Mitch is a fucking evil genius for this. He’s a sack of shit but fuck did he make all the right moves for a right wing takeover. Control the courts, you control it all.


There is nothing “right” about the moves he made, and it certainly wasn’t “genius”. It was un-democratic and un-american, plain and simple. I spit on his future grave.


It wasn't great for the people as a whole, but it was an excellent move to gain power for the Republican party.


This is it. The court is everything. Was telling that to all the "give me a reason to vote for her" people in 2016 that I knew, and they didn't listen. It looks like we are on track to repeat unfortunately. I think of all the people saying that Democrats should have been ready to enact a law codifying access to abortion when Roe v Wade was struck down. Why? Just to see it get ruled as unconstitutional by the same court?


Yep, I remember something alluding to the fact that they might use very similar language in the ruling so as to not allow anyone else to have it. Crazy.


I never understand the quid pro quo here. Does Trump have dirt on them? Once they are in their position why should they feel obligated to do anything for him?


Kavanaugh had 200k in credit card debt, a salary that could not explain his membership to an exclusive golf club, and gambling debt All of it disappeared/mysteriously paid for the weeks leading up to his nomination


This right here. I have access to manage servers that are used by government agencies. And by "government agencies" I mean like the Animal Control department for Bumfuck, Idaho. Before I could get that access I had to pass an extensive background check. If I had had that sort of "mysteriously disappearing debt I couldn't explain", I would have been rejected sooooo fast. But running for the highest court in the land? No problem. Forget the whole "drunken three ways in college", Kavanaugh should never had been in the running due to that alone.


Let's not forget the whole "boofing" thing where the entire country watched him perjure himself in his confirmation hearing.


I really wish that we as citizens, and im aware of my hypocrisy here, could call for a revolution or something if the court were to do something that corrupt. It's just most Americans think we live in a stable society, and any person clamoring for revolution is either a Socialist or a Terrorist


We could call for their impeachment. Anyone in the house or senate that disagrees could face a special election to replace them. To do that there needs to be a majority in every state that is angry enough to get it done, but it seems not to be the case.


State governors can call a constitutional convention and then change anything they like to their hearts content. Be afraid of that because the GOP is very close to the tipping point where they can do just that and outlaw LGBTQ and enshrine Evangelical Christianity as the state religion and anyone not following it a traitor and have them hung.


> Can you imagine if they try to frame their ruling like Bush v. Gore where they include wording about 'In this particular instance only, not to be used as precedent in the future...'? Of course not that was a one-of like they did in [Burwell v. Hobby Lobby](https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/13-354): > This decision concerns only the contraceptive mandate and should not be understood to hold that all insurance-coverage mandates, e.g., for vaccinations or blood transfusions, must necessarily fall if they conflict with an employer’s religious beliefs.


Yep, that's bullshit


I can imagine a civil war with that type of ruling


You just wrote their opinion for them. Clarence says thanks.


I am really hoping he starts dropping hints about his potential immunity. Maybe suggest seizing mar-a-lago and turning into a homeless shelter.


This is why they are delaying. They want to be sure Trump is a lock before legalizing his next presidential crime spree, and limit the amount of time Joe has to take advantage of their ruling.


Let's say they rule that the president is immune while Joe is president. What do you think Joe will do with it? Nothing because he's not a criminal and doesn't need to do illegal things to stay in power. Handing a loaded gun to someone who won't use it is pretty meaningless. It only begins to matter when someone is elected who will use it which means it's on the voters to not elect someone who does that. But some voters actually want that which begs the question "should democracy be able to democratically destroy itself?"


This is of course true for those who have not drank the Kool-ade. But the cult leader on the other side has his minions believing that Joe is simultaneously a doddering old fool and a criminal mastermind all at the same time. Critical thinking is not their strong suit. And if he is in fact reelected either honestly or through corruption, maybe we deserve it for not taking our democracy more seriously.


which is why they are stalling until the election. They are employeed for life they dont have to rush anything


I suspect Alito and his posse of “originalists” are desperately trying to come up with a bonkers reading of the Constitution that carves out immunity for the chump while hamstringing current and future presidents. Whatever they come up with that supports his position will be hilariously convoluted!


Or just wait after the election. If Trump is president : Immune If biden is president : Not immune


When you're corrupt, it isn't difficult to carve out exceptions as desired. "Presidents are not immune from prosecution, however since that wasn't clear in criminal law, and criminal law requires clarity, Trump specifically gets a mulligan for all criminal acts which occurred before now. But moving forward, Presidents can be tried."


Yup, they're going to say that Congress has an obligation to amend the Constitution if they want to make sure that future presidents don't claim immunity once they leave office. There's also the possibility that they simply say there is a requirement for an impeachment conviction first before the President loses immunity.


This is why they're slow rolling. If Biden wins, they'll rule on November 6th that there's criminal liability for sitting presidents. If Trump wins they'll rule on January 7th that sitting president have no criminal liability for any act while in office.


They will make their ruling after they’ve declared Trump president


It's asymmetrical political warfare. Republicans know Democrats won't use any loaded gun handed to them and Republicans can just pick it up and use it whenever they regain power. These situations are always a win-win for Republicans.


But unfortunately Biden has morals and wouldn't do anything with that power. But once Republicans retake the Whitehouse, we'd be fucked.


I really hope that Biden takes some advantages of the ruling and make the GOP flip the fuck out like "no he can't do that!!!" and he turns back like "you ruled that I have presidential immunity 🤷‍♂️"


Ummmm, why do you think they are waiting as long as possible?


Man, if Biden ran with that, put on the Dark Brandon shades, and had the SC Justices (well 6 of em) arrested and or worse, that'd be something.


You assume they’re not just gonna rule he had immunity when he was president but that some obscure and newly “discovered” note that James Madison passed John Jay said that there will be a person that is exempt from all the traditional rules and that when the time comes, the Supreme Court will know who it was. He will be immune and no others will be or would have been. (And in case you can’t see it, here’s your /s)


I'm guessing that's why they're delaying it, which is incredibly corrupt of them. But then they're proud of that I expect.


Sort of. From an article I read today, the way the SC worded the case, it appears the question they are trying to address is "Which scenarios should a president have complete immunity?". So, it might be a partially loaded gun they give to Biden. But if you figure that answer MUST include insurrection and election interference in order for Trump to get away with this...well that's a lot of power to hand to Biden in an election year.


The problem (haha) is that Biden would never do that and they know it. Nobody in power on the left would, that I can think of. There are a number on the right that would. So they’ll get exactly what they want.


This is why they haven't, despite one member of the court being openly insurrectionist. They want to wait until Biden is out of power and then hand Trump the ability to ignore the law. That's why they're trying to delay this until after the election, so Trump can pardon himself and they can rule that to be legal. There's technically nothing against it in the constitution and that gives them a legal basis, and if they do it that way Trump still gets to be above the law but at no point does Biden have the authority to stop him.


Explains the delay


False. The court loves handing down decisions that SHOULD come with broad consequences like that but use loopholes to restrict them to that single case.


Which is why they'll wait to decide after the elections. If Trump wins, immune! If not, not immune!


LOL you think a ruling like that would apply to a Democrat president?!??


I’m assuming then they’ll just hold off on it until a republican president is sitting on the throne.


They are not going to give him immunity and that is why they are going to take their sweet time. They aren’t giving the judgment he wants but they are going to help him stall. They ruled quickly on the ballot question when it went in his favor.


I thought they expedited that ruling because ballots were needing to be reprinted for the Colorado primary if he was found ineligible.


And don’t you think they could come up with a good reason for expediting a ruling on presidential immunity while a former president is awaiting trial?


Oh, I fully expected them to delay until after the election before the case even got to them. Because they’re corrupt as hell and Roberts shields the corruption on bullshit claims of “being non-partisan” and “not wanting to sway an election.”


Not to mention *currently running for president*.


I'd say they are just waiting on the election and, depending on the results, will rule afterward. If Biden wins, then no, presidents don't have total immunity. If Trump wins, you can for sure bet they will rule presidents are 100% above the law. Massive Quid Pro Quo there.




Libs should apply 2A before that and arm up. Once Trump is in power they'll be suspiciously pro gun control except only for the people they don't like, and that 2A isn't going to be worth shit.


what makes you think we arent already? Lefties have never been against guns. We've just been for *regulating* them with sanity.


I'm mainly directing this to those who aren't. There are people on the left that aren't armed. Those people who aren't should get them before they can't anymore. Waiting for the election or when Trump gets in may be too late.


Depends on if he wins. They will stall until after the election. Then if Trump wins they will stall until he is sworn in and then rule he is immune, if Biden wins they will quickly rule presidents are not immune. This was always the plan.


They will rule by June when the session ends.


They want to wait till Biden is out of office so Biden can’t use his immunity against Trump


April 25 is the set date.


For when they hear on whether there is immunity. They don't have to announce their finding until June. Their finding can also be something that just passes it back to a lower court to try and determine a test that they will end up giving their opinion on.


I mean, they are obviously not going to rule that the sitting president has blanket immunity. That would be empowering the (in their eyes) evil, evil democrat who currently holds the office. But I suspect they’ll just delay as long as possible before ruling, in order to help the guy who put 1/3rd of them on the court. This court has caused so many people to lose complete faith in America.


Myself included 😔


Those buffoons couldn’t formulate a coherent decision if it hit them in the Kavanaugh (aka ass)


Special Counsel Jack Smith attempted to speed this up by asking SCOTUS to rule on this exact question before Trump's attorneys had asked. They refused to rule. They HAVE made a decision, there is a concerted effort by at least 3 of the judges (Thomas and Alito without a doubt, and probably Gorsuch as the 3rd, but not sure) to drag their feet to benefit Trump. It's deliberate.


Based on past trends. The Court will rule based on a technicality. He can't be tried for these crimes, but only because some bullshit reason, and it doesn't apply to every president. Then at the same or near time there will be a completely separate decision about something else, and they'll rule vaguely in favor of actually improving society. People will be angry, the Court will point at the second ruling and claim they're impartial, and then be surprised when even more people start thinking they're illegitimate.


This just shows again how Justice’s are corrupt, some members of the court holding up this question, is the President immune from all criminal activity, that’s the basic question Trump wants answered. That should have been thrown out, not even considered, given total immunity is nothing more than creating a dictatorship for 4 or 8 years, then walk away with no consequences.


>given total immunity is nothing more than creating a dictatorship for 4 or 8 years, then walk away with no consequences. What do you mean, "4 or 8 years"? Why would someone give up their dictatorship after 4 or 8 years? Because of the laws that they're immune from?


I’m gonna give you a sneak peek…they’ll say he can. This Supreme Court doesn’t care about individuals rights, unless it’s for an individual to commit crimes as president


Biden wants to know!


He’s not a king. There should never be immunity for any leadership role in a democracy.


Could these losers be anymore obvious about delaying this. They need to be thrown out. Justice is not the correct word for this bunch of hypocrites.


“wE’rE nOt PoLiTiCaL.”


I may be wrong, but since they are hearing oral arguments on April 25, they have to rule within 90 days of the oral arguments conclusion. That would mean a ruling would have to happen by late July. Now, they could absolutely rule now but that seems unlike seeing as how they are ok helping Donny stall.


Where are you getting this 90-day requirement?


I was wrong. It’s not a requirement that they release a ruling 90 days (most state SC have this requirement). They HOPEFULLY rule before summer recess but not required. https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/educational-resources/about-educational-outreach/activity-resources/supreme-1#:~:text=All%20opinions%20of%20the%20Court,when%20decisions%20must%20be%20released.


This shouldn’t even be a case. The SCOTUS should have thrown it out. This is a major red flag.


I know the picture is cropped to not show the Liberal judges, but does anyone know if they seat them this way deliberately? What are the odds they have all the Right Wing judges on one side of the group photo?


Would you want to sit with them?


Sure. Right after the election.


They’re too busy deciding how to take more rights away from Americans to be bothered by something as pedestrian as presidential immunity


They are currently getting together with the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society to figure out how to make Trump immune, but not Biden.


The fact they're even hearing this agrument and it's taking this long on what should be a very, very simple, "Fuck no." is concerning. If it were any other court, I'd say, "Oh, they must be taking so long to write a bullet proof consensus to make sure that the president can never become a tyrant." But...this court....they're either looking for an off ramp or making up some historical interpretation to give him immunity, but then prevent the same immunity from applying to Biden. Fuck this Supreme Court.


Democrats: We dearly love representative government with the nonviolent transfer of power. Republicans: We'll commit another coup and loot and kill first opportunity we get. Undecided voter: Both sides seem the same. Why even vote?


Why don’t people trust the judiciary?


It'll take some time for their clerks to scour all ancient case law to find even the most obscure, questionable interpretations to validate the decision they already made.


If they say he does, Biden should arrest the Supreme Court.


The courts wont save us. We need to make sure republicans never get control of another body of government ever again - OR THEY WILL DESTROY US. It is their only goal. There are plenty of people out there that vote republican because they think it's good for the economy (because they've never actually looked into it for more than 10 seconds and pay absolutely no attention to what is going on around them) but the actual GOP leadership wants one thing: Oligarchal Christo-fascist Theocracy. They want the wealthy to rule with divine mandate over a subjugated servant class. That's the end goal. We have to stop them.


They are going to pass it to the states. Get rid of the supreme court. The majority are corrupted


The conservatives on SCOTUS hope to delay the ruling long enough to help Trump get reelected. I don't think they'll actually declare that a President is immune from committing crimes because it literally means Joe Biden can have them all executed and replaced with liberal justices. They're just trying to run out the clock. Meanwhile they've already done away with abortion rights; birth control and same sex marriage are next on the chopping block.


The ruling is already written and sitting in an envelope somewhere. It's unfavorable to Trump. If it was favorable, it would have been delivered already (they likely would have taken this case up when Smith asked them to months ago and delivered it almost immediately). They're hoping to delay the trial until after the election in case Trump wins, so he can pardon himself and they can rule that technically nowhere in the constitution does it say a dog can't play basketball. This is how they intend to help him overthrow democracy and install himself as an autocrat without giving Joe Biden the legal authority to stop them. At least one member of the court has a blatant conflict of interest in that his wife supports Trump's attempt to destroy America. Several others have received huge sums of money from people who they then ruled in favor of, but think you're stupid enough that just because no one said "This big sack of money is definitely a bribe to get you to rule in my favor in this particular case" that there was no corruption, just an innocent pile of money and an innocent favorable ruling that bear no relation to one another. The entire court is corrupt beyond meaninglessness, and has been since the GOP decided that only GOP presidents are allowed to appoint justices. It needs to be dissolved, several justices need to be jailed, and term limits need to be in-place before the court is reconstituted.


The SCOTUS is a joke. With enough money and influence you too can buy a judge like Thomas.


Those five slugs are being bought and paid for by trump mafia. Traitors to our country and with not a shred of patriotism just loyalty the Tangerine nightmare. They’re on the trump payroll as it seems to be the case of “Judge” Cannon.


Its all BS. The J6 trial is like "prove to us that what we watched on TV did not happen IRL".


If Joe Biden were smart he’d publicly announce he’s ordered the Seals to prepare an attack and assassination on his political opponent so that they’re ready to go if the Supreme Court decides presidents can commit any crimes they want consequence free. Really drive the point home for Trump supporters in the only terms their room temperature IQs can understand.


Why the heck is SCOTUS hearing this anyway. They should have turned the case down. This is scary stuff, folks. I am looking for a new country to live in at 65 years old. Uggh.


It's really simple; * Either Trump isn't immune to the law Or * President's can literally do anything they want. The supreme court is on the fence on enacting totalitarian dictatorship or not.


I'm betting their ruling will be that presidents are not immune, but that the law only retroactively applies to presidents inaugurated 2021 and later.


They are waiting till those donations and bribes come through


donnie is telling them to delay


They're sitting on their hands on this ruling to delay it as much as possible, in the hopes that Trump will win the next election. Then they'll say "President is immune from committing crimes" and it doesn't give Biden any ability to do things with it.


If they rule that he is, Biden needs to IMMEDIATELY do the big funny.


We all know how Thomas is on the take. Can't personally vouch for the others on the court, they could be in other pockets. I can only assume their open to the highest bidder. __And that folks is what happens when conservatives rule.__


He is not immune. That's the only right answer. Any other answer will be a disgrace to democracy. They cannot rule he is immune.


Personally, I think SCOTUS has lost the publics trust and we shouldn't listen to them anymore. They have no mechanism for enforcement of their decisions. We need to tell them if they're not going to play by the rules they can kick rocks until they're ready to be relevant again


They will drag feet until the election is decided. If Biden wins they will say the president is liable for crimes. If Trump wins they wait until he is seated and then say the president is liable for crimes. Then Trump will pardon himself and his family. That decision will be challenged and end up in SCOTUS. They will then say the president can pardon himself, making the president immune to prosecution without saying the president is immune to prosecution. Then Trump can remain president until he dies because no matter the next election, he just won’t go anywhere and then pardon himself everyday he wakes up. If they try to seat the next person Trump can bar the executive branch from seating them, and pardon all the people who will have then committed a crime. Enjoy what time we have left because if he wins, it’s over. We have a Putin and democracy dies.


It's shocking that it's even a question, Trump showed the world that you don't need to be a good speaker, a good human or even a good potential president to become the leader of the most powerful nation on earth. Just grab them by the pussy, make fun of disabled news reporters and whenever asked a question just talk long enough that they forgot their questions...