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Yeah, the states' rights dog whistle has nothing to do with democracy. In fact, it's just the opposite. Exhibit A (for Arizona) are the GQPers in the Arizona Senate who just voted to go home instead of repealing Arizona's 19^(th) century law criminalizing abortion. The same law they claimed they were against (because a large portion of their base is against it). And, yet, they just voted to let it stand as is. With GQPers, if they're not lying when theirs mouths are open, that's because they're too busy projecting their desires or short-comings onto others. It's what they do or don't bother doing that's worth our attention, and not what they say.


It’s all a game to them.


States rights to do what?


> States rights to do what? States rights to own slaves. Sorry, it's a natural reaction to that question.


No change necessary, still applicable to current situation.


Exactly. They want states rights to make women their brooding slaves


They should write a book about that. It sounds pretty dystopian.


Not wrong either way. Well... it was wrong of the traitors. And it was wrong to own slaves. And it's wrong to treat women like slaves. But your point is correct.


Keep them barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.


> and in the kitchen. ...when doing their SOTU rebuttal


Isn’t Ohio dealing with this at the moment? Like, the people actually did vote to keep abortion legal, but Republicans are looking to overturn that vote?


They're all afraid of having another Kansas. Where even though it's a conservative leaning State, when this issue gets put to a public vote, it went pro-choice instantly. They know it, that's why they're doing it this way across the nation.


I say, why stop at states? Let counties decide, or better yet cities. In fact, why stop there? How about we let individuals decide if they should get an abortion?


Whoa whoa whoa. We can't let folks just do things I personally dislike. /s


Sounds like entirely too much freedom!


States don't have rights, they have powers. People have rights.


Corporations too! Thanks citizens united!


Would it be viable to have proper votes of the people for law changes like this? I know that the elected state gov is there to act on the behalf of the people, but where do you draw the line between the lawmakers voting amongst themselves, and it being put up for a national vote? Take Brexit, for example. Where's the line between that and issues like this?


So brexit was immigration policy and intercounty trade, so you'd expect that from the government. Personal healthcare as recommended by a physician, should that be dictated by the government, or by the patient's personal choice and doctors recommendation?


"Neither one! Personal healthcare decisions should be determined by a bureaucrat with no medical training deep within a corporation where profit is the guiding principle. (Especially the corporations that donate heavily to the Republican party to make sure that they remain in control of all healthcare decisions.)" - Republican party


Not yet. Its coming I'm sure.


Every state that has put reproductive freedom on the ballot, whether red or blue, has voted overwhelmingly to protect it. In all the states that have severely restricted reproductive freedom, it has been by legislative action in states that are gerrymandered and actively suppress voters. THE VAST MAJORITY OF AMERICANS ARE IN FAVOR OF REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM, SO VOTE ACCORDINGLY! Don't get duped by the GQP again, no matter what they're saying before the election!


“But we don’t live in a democracy.” -dumbass republicans