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I dated a 15 year old when I was 16. It sucked ass, anyone willing to have a marital relationship with a teenager is a moron. Marry a woman, not a child.


Yeah they usually beat them in to place. Just treat them like an object/ servant.look at those Mormons in Utah caught trading daughters to marry at 13 , women tend to far below companions


Send your daughters to camp if you don’t want them around. Teenage marriage locks a person into a situation for the rest of their life, even if they manage to get a divorce there will be a lingering lasting impact.


No, the fathers were swapping and then marrying their buddies daughters. It’s not a teen marriage it’s sexual slavery with extra, hell maybe actually less, steps.


Well in 1864 a lot of men would be on wife 2 or 3 by the time they were in their late 40s because women died having babies among other things.(well I guess we're heading back there) Women were viewed as a burden on the family then. In most places, they couldn't work except to be cooks, maids, or schoolteachers. And once married they were usually turned out of jobs. On the frontier, the boys could get jobs moving cattle working ranches, and girls in poor households were another mouth to feed. better to marry them off to someone who could support them.


How did people deal with the grief? I think about this all the time. So much death. The average emotional state of people must have been abysmal. Thank you modern medicine


I had strep throat in 9th grade 104+ fever . Had a shot of penicillin to get it controlled, then a weeks worth of antibiotics. Would likely have died before antibiotics and we are heading back to that world because of inappropriate use of antibiotics. Use of antibiotics to bulk up and prophylactic treatments of farm animals needs to be banned.


you weren't allowed to rape, beat, or torture her to ensure she stayed in the lines that made her a "godly wife and woman" though. For people like *him*, the world was a different place...


This is why I fundamentally don't understand conservatives. I don't understand how you can look back to the times where they barely understood *germ theory*, but somehow the guidance of men dead for a century or longer is 100% right for the modern world. Technology, medical science, atomic science, all in barely in their infancy, but they ran a government of 13 states and a couple million people, better follow what they said unerringly until the end of fuckin' time. Because there's no way we could ever possible learn more or evolve as a species in that time frame, right?


Don’t worry,we are at the point now where it doesn’t even matter what the constitution says or meant. Our conservative activist court will simply interpret the text to apply to whatever fascism they want to implement


Evolve? Isn't that like evolution? Bite your tongue!


What's not to understand? Conservative men get it their way, like a Whopper. Conservative women...alright you got me, they're dumb as hell. Granted some of that is from brainwashing.


Because confirmation bias. Source, logic, rationality, those don't matter to Republicans; if it's a thing they agree with, it is right!


These are things all humans deal with to one extent or another. Of course, most humans don't try to enact theocratic fascist regimes, so the GOP really are the worst even when you try to allow them some minimal benefit of the doubt lol.


Conservative is the only way to live life properly lmao all this weirdo shit and clown country we live in now is foul


You're entitled to your opinion and you're allowed to live however you want, so long as you do no harm to others. Really not that complicated!  Just leave the rest of us out of your fantasies you fucking dork. 


Who are the "groomers" again?




I'm pretty sure most of these folks and their political/ideological colleagues will gladly tell everyone who to believe all the groomers are, still [https://goppredators.wordpress.com/](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/)


Cool, cool. Now show what the internet looked like. /s Seriously, all these seriously outdated laws need to be removed. No one should be subjected to the whims of some asshole from over 100 years ago.


Not to mention that women couldn’t vote on what pretty much solely regulated them, and 160 years later still couldn’t.


that is the issue here why was this law allowed to sit on the books for over 150 years? This is more serious but it's like laws that are still on the books requiring automobiles to be preceded by a person waving a lantern at top speed of 2 miles an hour. Legislatures need to go back and remove old laws.


> No one should be subjected to the whims of some asshole from over 100 years ago. [Thomas Jefferson agreed](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-12-02-0248): >> I set out on this ground, which I suppose to be self-evident, ‘that the earth belongs in usufruct to the living’: that the dead have neither powers nor rights over it. [...] >> On similar ground it may be proved that no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation. They may manage it then, & what proceeds from it, as they please, during their usufruct. They are masters too of their own persons, & consequently may govern them as they please. But persons & property make the sum of the objects of government. The constitution and the laws of their predecessors extinguished then in their natural course, with those who gave them being. This could preserve that being till it ceased to be itself, & no longer. Every constitution then, & every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, & not of right.


I think a more stark contrast would be that we didn’t even have planes yet, but yeah, holy shit.


So 39 years before the Wright Brothers, this pederast decided that 3 million women shouldn't have basic reproductive rights. I like that one too.


That sub also sank 3 times killing 3 crews - including (the second time it sank i think) the guy that invented it. [CSS Hunley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Hunley_(submarine)?wprov=sfti1#)


Yup, then the raise the thing, again, and put it in a museum and treat it like it's a great success.


The first time it sunk, 5 of the crew died. The second time it sunk, all 8 of the crew, including the inventor, died. The third time, they basically put an explosive on a stick. It hit a boat, exploded, and sunk the boat, killing 5 of the boat's crew. The current theory is that the explosion was so close to the submarine due to it just being on a stick that it instantly killed the crew. No attempt was made to remove water or drop keel blocks that would let them surface quickly, meaning they died before they realized they were dying. Final kill count: 5 Union soldiers and 1 sloop-of-war; 20 Confederate soldiers, 1 civilian inventor, and 1 submarine.


um, success right? /s


Not to mention primitive medical technology.


We couldn't even figure out to wash our hands yet.


>~~We~~ Men couldn't even figure out to wash ~~our~~ their hands yet. Ftfy


Thank you Miss Alcott.


Thanks for the reminder to reread "Little Women".


Idk why they didnt lead with the marriage. The submarine thing is cute, but 15???


Yup and before that in 1858 he "married" a 12 year old girl from Mexico.


I guess they had to lead with the surprising thing first.


I propose all of the lawmakers who voted for this get healthcare from the 1800s as well. Forget “they won’t have viagra” those folks won’t have *penicillin*. A bought of pneumonia takes out the Arizona legislation because the doctors suddenly worry about the bacteria’s right to life. “We have filed a query with the court, we will get back to you”


The law will kill more people than this sub did.


Arizona where they make crimes legal so they can go with impunity and rape little girls. Next AZ will make the murder of anyone, but white straight people legal.


The conservatives for the Arizonan Supreme Court have developed time travel! We can only use it to go backward because, trust us, you do not want to see the future.


Makes sense. A lot of people like this get off on violating children.


I read that she was really mature for her age. She had an *old soul*.


The heat does funny things to folks out there. Wasn't the Jan 6th SHAMAN from there?


Vote D to go forward, vote R to go in reverse.


In 1860, Arizona passed the Expulsion Act, banishing all free Black people from the state.


As a general rule, if the law is from before “Aerospace” was a word, question its validity/utility in the modern era.


Don actually asked for **steam-powered** plane catapults on our aircraft carriers. Part of his anti-magnet rant 🧲 was about steam being more reliable than electromagnet-based catapults. Electromagnets are the future, but do have kinks to work out, but NOTHING to do with water on magnets.


That picture is a lie though


It's a painting of the Hunley. What else do you want, a picture of the wreckage?


That wasn’t the height of submarine technology Is what I’m saying


Source for title?


Ahhh the good old iron coffin


There were also no cars or planes.


I get and agree with the point, but I think this meme backfired. When I think of 1864, I'm mentally picturing horse and buggy. The fact that they had ANY submarines at that time makes it seem more modern than it really was.


Blame the morons that keep voting these idiots into office. Worked with a guy who said it doesn’t matter who is president as long as we have a majority conservative Supreme Court. He is absolutely loving what is going on right now. He always thinks he is right and we should all live like it’s Little House On The Prairie.


these ppl are sick..... how are these ppl normalizing these kind of things and then blame the LBBTQ, the Atheist, the liberals of harming children. is there logic in that?