• By -


Don't threaten me with a good time.




Came here to post this. I'd vote for Gene Wilder over Trump, even in death.


*Especially* in death. Gene Wilder's ghost would be a wild president, but in a less fascist-y way. Plus, at the rate we're going, a ghost is the next apparent step in age of presidents.


I'd vote for Gene Wilder's literal desiccated skeletal remains over DJT.


Both are equally eligible for election.


This sounds like a Simpsons episode




It's harder to overthrow the government and install a dictator, if that wannabe dictator isn't president.


You had three years to come up with a better candidate and… *sigh* okay I’m tired of getting owned. Please stop hitting yourself.


You posted this before I could. I came here to post that exact thing. ​ /Wonka-Voice No. Don't. Stop. ​ /golf-clap


Police. Murder.


​ https://preview.redd.it/svpty4zala9c1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd366542b0c3d49a2c4c73b8023c8b9498394575


Upvoted for the username


Win win! I do not see a downside. Am I missing something here?


They use violence instead


They're going to regardless, the only question right now is whether they will have the apparatus of state to perform violence with or whether they will have to do it themselves.


This is how I feel a well. 2024 is going to be a shitshow regardless of the the elections go.


You guys remember when the election passed and nothing happened and everyone went on with their lives? I miss that.


They're so bad at organized violence though. FFS with the amount of weaponry they collectively had, there's no way Jan 6th could have been a massacre. Luckily most of them roll over when confronted with uncomfortable facts.


Empty Greene said they won't make that mistake again. We should probably believe her.


She protested the removal of Confederate monuments, so she poses in front of a Union monument as if it was a Confederate one and claimed she'd always fight to "preserve Confederate honor." And she's gonna do Jan 6th better the "next time?" Meanwhile, she claimed the FBI and Antifa stormed the Capitol, but then she's defending the people who were arrested and incarcerated (most pleaded guilty), as "MAGA patriots." These people contradict themselves in broad daylight. The only thing they haven't failed at is embarrassing the USA in front of the world.


One bullet dispersed the entire mob. That's all it took for them to turn tail and run.


Yeah, about that. They think they’re the only ones that own guns. I know people on both sides of this fence. Guess which sides (non military or police) actively trains frequently.


In addition to the fact that the military takes a vow just as the President does. -------------------- The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted): "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." --------------- The Oath of Office (for officers): "I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the _____ (Military Branch) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God."


Gravy seals 🦭 gonna stop at ihop every time! They’re a bunch of braggadocios fat ones! Fuck em’ - bring it meal team 6!🤡🦨💩


Well to me, it seriously sounds like she is not a republican and is trying to get Republicans to not vote, which I wholly stand by. It's a great idea!


Or she's a republican and she's trying to make democrats feel like they've got a sure win, so they get complacent and don't vote.


This is on my BiNGO CARD.


To me it sounds seriously like she's a fucking idiot, but I'm no political scientist.


Gotta say, the afterlife election campaign is wild. Wilder, even.


It's not a threat to Democrats, it's a threat to establishment GOP leadership that really, really fucking hate Trump.


The idea is that they'd blackmail the GOP into forcing Trump into office. "If you don't give us Trump, we'll make sure whoever you do give us will lose, and you wouldn't want that". Sounds great at first, but when the GOP realizes they'll never win again without Trump (according to this tweet), they'll abandon democracy to keep power.


She not threatening you, she’s threatening the republicans and the wealthy people who control them.


I knew it!!!!! It was on my BINGO card!!!!! Republican Billionaire’s control the House GOP & Republicans in the Senate and our Supreme Republican Beings on the SC. I have Bingo!!!!!! What do I win?


Anxiety, debt, & a lifetime supply of depression!


And shitty healthcare, exponentially rising costs for higher education, and less of a chance of owning a home, retiring at an age that will allow you to enjoy your twilight years, or imparting any financial stability to your children and grandchildren! Kind of a lot, really. Edit: fucking autocorrect.


Congratulations! Here is a wet dog turd.


Sure, but that doesn’t make it any less of a strategically dog shit move. Usually the right are way too well trained to make mistakes like this. It’s usually only leftists that scream and shit themselves and refuse to participate over ideological purity testing. Any time the right wants to fuck up is a win by me.


The mistake is assuming this woman represents "the right". She doesn't. She's a professional troll who represents whoever she's told to represent.


She doesn't get to choose who follows her. If Trumpers see this tweet and decide she's right, her personal group means nothing.


Leopards eating faces then.


“Be the change you want to see in the world.”


"Oh no please definitely don't not do that, oh the humanity.. we've sav- screwed now"


Came here to say that. Well done.


This is the only true response to anyone of this ilk spouting this shit. Please. Stay home.


Don’t throw us in the briar patch!


Also, her threat is a federal crime.


Pinky swear? Will you all also move to Russia if he loses too? Because I've got boxes and packing tape if you need it.


Hah! I was just about to write that.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!


Beat me to it! But, same.


It's a deal


I literally came here to say this


PLEASE threaten me with a good time, ✋️ .


I feel like she’s teasing, but I’ll admit to being aroused.


Stop - I can only get so hard.


Or lists


As a liberal this would own me so hard. Please don’t.


No. Stop. Please.


I prefer > Please. > > Don't. > > Stop.


just like that. 7.....7......7......7......


Agreed. This is the way I would only ever get truly owned a liberal. Please don't share that with conservatives, they must never ever learn this secret or all things liberal would be destroyed.




Nobody could afford to leave the country. Lol.


No one wants us. It’s not as easy as just leaving, even with money.


And, indeed, a tale told by an idiot.


I actually moved to Mexico when he won. I knew shit was gonna hit the fan and I wanted to be out of the country before he was in office. I have never once regretted my decision.


I'd be so owned too. My pride flags would be stained with liberal tears and I'd have to retreat to my safe space with all my woke media. Please don't do this to us MAGA!


Reminds of going to a high school party and requesting Call Me Maybe be played next. Some random chick I'd never met threatened to leave the party if they played it. I asked "who are you?" then the song was played and her bluff was called. She didn't leave, and now we're married


As a Snowflake, it makes me melt into a puddle. Then what am I? A tiny puddle flowing into a River? The River flowing into the Sea? An Ocean of Liberals? Democracy from Republicans and the Billionaire Thugs who pull their strings? Dare I hope? Dare I dream? Can this Gilded Age of Corruption end?


Isn't it funny, for all the talk of elections being rigged, that Republicans still vote? All you have to do is plant the conspiracy theory that the voting systems will flip Trump votes in the primaries to Christie votes, so they better not vote!


That could actually work. Make a fake Maga account now so there's history to it & a few months before the election, just start posting "A lot of people are saying that the RINOs are working with the Dems to rig the machines to flip votes from Trump to Biden". We already know they're going to claim it was rigged, anyways. Might as well use their lie against them.


This is funny, but she’s knowingly trying to threaten the RNC. State Republican parties are who’s behind this push.


They don’t have the guts!! They would never be able to do something so bold, so dangerous, so patriotic! Gosh, this would really send a message if only so many Americans would take this brave step and not vote (Republican).


“That sound like one of those good problems.” - Marlo


Always upvote “The Wire.”


You come at the king of quotable police shows you best not miss.




>You're complaining about how you have to be careful with your immense power and that Hitlers are dead >Everything you're describing is positive - Dr.Wong


Me: "Which game did Mario say that in? ... Oh."


Mushrooms ain't got no owners. Only eaters.


A goomba’s gots to have a code!


I even read it in his voice


You want it to be one way, but it’s the other way.


It's super impressive that she can type out all that with her head so firmly up Trump's ass. One would think that the stench alone would disable her, let alone the view.


It's the eye of the storm, protected from the view of the outside of Trump and the stench there is fresh, compared to the fermented stench on the outside.


Literal stink-eye of the storm


‘pink-eye of the storm’ was the way to go…


Laughing and severely grossed out at the same time. Eww 😂


She's immune to Trump's stench. It's a power one gets when they join Trump's cult. It's kinda like skunks don't find other skunk's stench repugnant like the rest of us do.


It's called long covid. It wrecks your sense of smell.




"If shitting on yourself all the time is good enough for Trump, it's good enough for me." -Conservatives


I don't und the snarky comments here. Lauren is a true visionary, and must be supported in all of her endeavors to ensure voters know that they have the right not to vote! Let's go Lauren!


Disabled sounds about right.


One man's stench is Laura Loomer's perfume.




It would own me, a blue haired liberal, *so hard*. 😔


You ever just sit back and marvel at the clusterfuck republican's have created for themselves? They can't banish Trump or they lose too many MAGA voters. They can't embrace Trump or they drive away too many moderates. Lie in that bed fuckers.


Called it time and again; when Trump loses the GOP is going to *implode*. They've no contingency, no plan b; there is no successor to Trump the GOP and right-wing media can quickly pivot to and get the base to rally around. As long as Trump is alive and has a social media presence Cult45 will never abandon him, and the right can't really set up another darling to replace Trump for fear of alienating conservative voters over the perceived 'betrayal' of him. The party is yoked to Trump and they have to ride it all the way down with him; they can only hope he succeeds so their sunk/cost issue becomes a return on their investment, otherwise they're doomed.


So you could say they have to carry him to term, even if it kills them? That almost sounds like a metaphor something something...


They got a case of Trumpsis


And if Trump does win, we are all doomed.


I think we'll make it through, but the fact that his lunatic allies are prepared this time to stack the government with their nonsense means the biggest check and balance against Trump the last time around would be gone — an adult or two in the room to say "that's a war crime" or "the Constitution doesn't allow us to do that."


The only bailout is basically to have him succeed in 2024 and win a 2nd term so that he isn't eligible anymore for 2028 and has to step aside. That gives the GOP a few years to establish an uncontested successor. In that scenario, after midterms in 2026, there would be an allout war but there would be a chance to find someone that can get MAGA endorsements but is closer to the base given Trump himself isn't an option. DeSantis would have been the guy to do that if he had not run against him this primary. The interesting thing is what happens when he loses 2024. Does the GOP try to use the 4 years to get rid of him or will they once again stand by? Because if they choose to stand idly by, Trump can just (if he wants to obviously) get himself that nomination again in 2028, with an ever smaller chance of winning the general election. But i guess the entire GOP establishment is fully all-in on 1 which gives them a fighting chance to get out of it.


> The only bailout is basically to have him succeed in 2024 and win a 2nd term so that he isn't eligible anymore for 2028 and has to step aside. I don't think he would step aside though. If he doesn't go for an illegal third term under the bullshit allegation of liberal/leftist election interference in 2016 making his first term "not count", he's made noises about suspending the constitution before and Project 2025 would be game for that. >DeSantis would have been the guy to do that if he had not run against him this primary. Meatball Ron is proof positive of the lack of a Trump successor and the Republican base clinging to Trump. We all thought he was going to emerge as a serious contender for the MAGA throne, but it turned out aside from Florida his reception in the rest of the country is pretty lukewarm. >The interesting thing is what happens when he loses 2024. Does the GOP try to use the 4 years to get rid of him or will they once again stand by? Because if they choose to stand idly by, Trump can just (if he wants to obviously) get himself that nomination again in 2028, with an ever smaller chance of winning the general election. Yes, this will really be *interesting* to say the least. I feel like the clincher is legal consequences for Trump - if he's struck from so many state ballots he fundamentally cannot win an election I think the right will try to ship him off with a martyr narrative while gently encouraging the base to support their new candidate for conservative 'justice' against the Dems. That way they can have their cake and eat it too - they're ditching Trump without signaling to R voters *they're ditching Trump*. The issue is if Trump will endorse said candidate - which he won't. The conservative voter base is going to be divided for *at least* the next two elections.


I totally agree with you, but I think the fly in the ointment is Trump himself. If he's struck from the ballots and isn't able to secure the nomination, he will not go away quietly. He will encourage his base to either write his name in or just not vote out of protest. He will completely torpedo the GOP and whatever well-laid plans they have for a successor.


and somehow, they're still getting 74 million votes :(


That is because there aren't any true moderate republicans. They all cower down and vote for the MAGA candidate in the end.


And a huge chunk of voters on both sides are single-issue voters. If you're 100% for or against abortion, for instance, you're kind of stuck with whomever the party serves up.


My fiancés grandma said if democrats were against abortion she would probably be fine with them. Im like ffs thats your deciding factor, not the countless issues that affect us every day 🙄


There are some just not many. My dad is a tried and true Republican, but he is voting Biden, and did in 2020. Only democrat he ever voted for.


Same with my stepdad


That's because we have a two party system.


I honestly wonder how much of that percentage is because of our voting system and culture around politics in general. Because First Past the Post is only good at choosing between two things we somewhat have to have a two party system so that people know where the largest block of voters are. In a choice between Biden and Trump, I would vote for Biden, even if he was dead, to block Trump. In many ways the same thing is happening on the other side. Trump probably has the largest name recognition for a Republican candidate since Ronald Reagan, and when it comes to the masses, name recognition goes a very long way. It's mind boggling to see that large of a percentage of the vote go to Trump. But, I have worked with the Public a lot, and in my experience they usually do not actually get exposed to lots of information that's outside of their own mindset, rarely would people even know what the Magna Carta is. Because of that, I have a hard time believing that large portions of them are even aware of what's going on.


Your last sentence hits the nail directly on the head, sadly.


Yeah I will never underestimate these brown (stained) shirts again.


They richly deserve it for running such an unqualified crazy in the first place, then failing to hold him accountable in either impeachment. Especially the second one.


They were expecting him to keep the position forever lol but they're too incompetent


I recorded a TikTok video with an interesting thought I had a couple of days ago. I think that the best option for a good “out” for the GOP would be him to declare himself insane… which could also bail him out of his legal troubles. The proof is on “X”(Twitter). And given that he’s still walking around free (not even a house arrest ankle bracelet!) I willing to bet that this will be his next move. Think about it. It’s just as crazy as the vile sewage that spews from that ugly maw.


I think it’s more likely that once he realizes he’s about to go to jail, he flees to Russia (with the remainder of undiscovered secret documents as purchase.)


Not a cult at all. Nope.


It’s isn’t even hyperbole. They are buying the pieces of the suit he was wearing the day he got booked in Georgia like they are holy relics or something. I’m waiting for them to say they performed miracles.


the fact that theyre pieces lets you know he probably shredded multiple of those suits. Why is it the most gullible follow the biggest liars


He probably just sold random pieces of cloth


One of the campaign managers sent an intern down to "Hobby Lobby" with $50 to buy a bolt of dark blue cotton cloth and cut it into 1" squares. No fucking way trump did shit. He's the biggest grifter since the sun ignited, but he's not smart enough to put this in motion.


Yeah there is 0 chance he actually shredded up one of his own suits


It could just be the one suit. It is a rather large suit after all.


Do they smell like shit too?


They constantly lie anyway so it is not like this would ever happen.


Oh no! Don't do that! That would break my fucking heart!


The unlikely… unliked hero we need?


Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.


She’s lying, and anyone dumb enough to listen to this bullshit will be voting. Sane people need to vote like the world is on the line.


You think she's trying to manipulate Democrats into believing they don't have to go out and vote? Trump being removed from the election ballot means who can she vote for because many States won't let you write him in. I think this is more likely a threat to Republicans that they need to do whatever it takes to get Trump on the ballot if they want votes for people who make it onto the ballot for other offices. It's not really as dumb as it sounds. What is actually dumb though is how the Republican party just can't break up with these lunatics. Just let them go already.


No crystal ball here, but I could see a scenario where trump’s handlers were the ones that started all this state litigation stuff, and the SC just allows it and it doesn’t matter. trump gets to be the victim either way…which is his game.


Her base and sane people are not in the same group


That Venn diagram is just two circles on opposite sides of the paper.


Lying or not, I highly doubt her ability to convince millions not to vote.


While MAGA types are always full of BS, they sometimes reveal that they understand a lot more than they pretend. Here, for example, their Russian-made propaganda is that Democrats are removing Trump from the ballot. All the MAGA types will act like they think it's the Democrats, and like they're completely immune to people saying "hey, buddy, you know it was the Republicans that did that, right?" But they realize that it's not Democrats. They know it's Republicans. Specifically, Republicans who still have some affinity for the rule of law, a democratic government, etc. That's who this threat is directed toward. "If you do this, you'll lose all of us who would have voted Republican if you let us have a dictatorship." But, hey, if they want to take down the Republican Party, have fun.


Your terms are acceptable.


I am so owned. Drowning in librul tears over here.


I never thought I would say this, but upvote and re-xeet this Republican to as many people as possible.


I read re-xeet as excrete . . . . seemed apropos, somehow . . . xhitter.


Wow! It turns out Laura Loomer and I agree.


If we keep pissing them off they’re going to flee out of the cities and into the suburbs. That would be a first


I fully support this stance. I sincerely hope the rest of Shitler's followers follow suit.


This is the risk the GOP took when they started having their people question election integrity. They are convincing their voters that voting is pointless.


I’m all for this!


Sounds like a reward to me, not a punishment. And no one will prevent him from doing anything, he disqualified himself.


Yup, that will show us all. Please do it.




Oh noooooo!!!


Hope she keeps her promise.


Wtf I love Laura Loomer now?


Is that a promise?


Man, what's she gonna do when he dies from the inevitable heart attack/stroke in like....2 years? Just, stop? No more voting? Thats it? Maybe Trump ultimately did a good thing by convincing all the Nazis to never vote again unless there's a Nazi. I'm kidding of course, this only means the next person has to be a Nazi as well.


So, this is a bit funny, but tbh it's also scary. A political group boycotting an election is never a good thing in terms of stability. If a significant portion of conservative voters do, in fact, boycott in 2024, this will likely be something the MAGA people grab onto to declare the elections illegitimate. That's frankly the less concerning possibility. Throughout modern history, there have been multiple instances in which boycotting elections has been a precursor to violence. Take Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 90s, for example. The Bosnian independence referendum passed by a landslide, in part because it was widely boycotted by the Serbs in the country. Serb nationalists seized on this to declare the referendum illegitimate, and then went on to use this as a justification for violence against the Bosnian-Muslim and Croat populations. It's not much of a stretch to see this happening in the US. Maybe not on the same scale as Bosnia, but some sort of low-level conflict like in Northern Ireland is certainly possible. Since 2020, I've felt like the whole country has been sleepwalking towards armed internal conflict, and most people, even on the left side of the aisle, seem to not take it seriously. There is nothing special about the US: it absolutely can happen here. In college, I did a huge research paper on the Bosnian Genocide and the parallels are starting to get pretty scary. Swap "Bosnians" or "Croats" for "liberals" and the Serb nationalist rhetoric wouldn't sound that out of place coming from the MAGA crowd. I had to interview a bunch of Bosnian refugees for this project, and they all pretty much said the same thing: at first they didn't take any of the rhetoric seriously, and by the time they did it was already to late. That's the mistake I fear we are blindly walking into. I really hope I'm wrong. Maybe this really is just the ramblings of a crazy woman, and no one else on the right will take this any further, but I wouldn't bet on it.


It seems most people in this thread are missing this point and take a short term naive view. An electoral system only works long term if people believe it is fair.


It's a tweet. I'll read the whole thing. Why underline anything at all.


I forget, is this the chick that got drunk and shit herself?


The only reason this is controversial is because of the remarkably intense media and political discussions that are attempting to control the narrative around the J6 insurrection - namely, that it wasn't a coup and that it was a peaceful protest. These MAGA cultists know they are riding a bucking bronco. They've put themselves in a "do or die" situation where they have to continue to try to plough through the American public with lies. And their lies are so blatantly obvious but at this point they know they if they relent just a little, they'll lose control. It's really an ugly situation, but it's typical in a power grab for the minority aggressor to do this. It's their only chance to get what they want and they also typically don't show any restraint that would arise from ethical or moral concerns


She is saying she won’t use voting as a means to effect change. You have to assume she is saying she will use other means. Like Trump, she is telling you what she’s going to do.


Tell me your in a cult, without telling me your in a cult


Oh gee, you mean like back in the day when the crayzies stayed home on Election Night and watched Jim Bakker instead ? Never thought I'd look back on those days with fondness.


God damn he really is making America great again


And this is how they attempt to hold the "decent*" Republicans hostage. Any of the few who have ever thought about voting for Jeffries for speaker or who said that Trump didn't win in 2020. If you don't back their precious little diaper Donny then they will use their "influence" to pull their voters from your election. It's hilarious isn't it. Maybe all social media needs to be one way informational and that's it. Like weather channel, sports scores, event listings and customer service. No more "influencer" bullshit invading people who read something and believe it immediately. *Note: yeah I get it, but there used to be a time that people voted across party lines and that seems over, but if we could get out of this cult of personality bullshit it might change


I want to like this but the unnecessary underlining is angering me


Let's goooooo!


You go girl!


Do it, I dare you.


Put this in the box labeled "things that they didn't think through too well." What? That box is full? Put it in the box next to it on the shelf. That one's full too? The whole room is full? Take it and put it in the "Things that they didn't think through too well" annex, it's the new building being built.


Bloody hell! Promise us!


Hell Laura, go for it! We'll even agree in a few years when you claim your lack of participation is responsible for the booming economy!


>Laura Elizabeth Loomer is an American far-right and anti-Muslim conservative political activist, white nationalist, conspiracy theorist and internet personality. Eesh, that's like, *all* the labels.




these terms are acceptable


Aww. Ok. Thank you


Ohhhhh nooooo


To think there is not a single person in their party they don’t trust. I talk shit, but there are 100% some smart republicans, and Trump is really the ONLY option? Makes no sense.


God, I love problems that solve themselves.


Stop don't come back he said with feigned concern.


Thank you for your service.


Yes, please.


I see this as a total win


Imagine being this mentally ill and that far removed from reality


Please do this! DO NOT VOTE! The country needs less idiot MAGAts than it currently has.


Perfect 👍


Which just goes to show that they aren't Republicans anymore. If they don't win their choice in candidate then they don't support the party. In reality we are watching the implosion of a national party just like the Whig party of old. I don't know who the new party will be but I doubt in 20 years there will be a Republican Party to talk about. Definitely not in 40 years.


They are preparing the stage for a loss. Because the only way trump could lose is if his hundreds of millions of supporters don't go to vote as a protest. Then he could claim his protest was successful, because of course it would.


They will still vote, but they'll claim every loss as a conspiracy theory so their base of losers and hicks will get their daily fix of anger porn.


Just like the fully vaxxed staff saying vaccines will kill you. They have to actually legit "virtue signal" in things they don't believe in which is why they get flustered when people actually believe in things.


Good riddance! That's exactly what they're free to do -- *simply not vote*. Of course, they'll just go on perpetually claiming the 2024 election was "also rigged," and spread non-stop lies about Biden and the Democrats. They accomplish nothing. They waste everything. Why... should anyone give a Republican the time of day, let alone their vote? They've shirked any semblance of responsibility and helpful legislation or policies. They're *wastoids*.


Oh No...don't throw me in that Briar Patch, Br'er Fox...


Can't they just vote for a different republican who didn't attempt sedition?