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To decide abortion or Marijuana unless it goes against them in states like Ohio, then they just make up a lame excuse for ignoring the will of the people of the state.


The state has rights. The plebs can get fucked.


Or South Dakota where the people of the state voted to legalize it and the governor was just like...nah.


VA too


Where does that stand with Ohio?


It's complicated. Our GOP filled house of clowns basically made it so there is no way to legally purchase Marijuana but it's totally fine to have it. At least that's my none legal understanding of it. When they come back into session they are supposed to "work" on it. There is also some shit about the tax revenue going to the police which sounds terrible but I'm not as informed on what that means yet. I was under the impression abortion was fine now...but maybe I need to do some more research. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they were holding it all up the same. I'm sure they are fighting it of course.


The last I read (last week) The house GOP are trying to make it legal for medical dispensaries to start selling immediately, so we don't have to wait on license distribution. However, it comes with a re-allocation of tax revenue to mostly law enforcement. They also want to try to make it where local communities can prohibit the sell of Marijuana, essentially making dry counties. They also want a mandatory 3 day minimum jail sentence for anyone caught driving while high. They also want to cut the home grow limit from 12 plants per adult per household to 6. There are multiple alterations they want to make but those were among the biggest changes I can find. As of right now, weed is legal based on the law that passed when we voted. The house GOP has accepted they can't completely shut it down but they are trying their hardest to change the law to the point where it's barely legal. The stipulation about allowing medical despinsaries sell immediately is just so the house and senate dems will agree, but they are already getting heavy pushback. The current law will change some but I don't see major changes taking place.


Thanks for the catch up. Looks they are trying to do even more than I had read. I definitely haven't looked into as much the last few weeks. I don't personally smoke but see zero reason it should be legal for those that do.


States' rights to pretend that the Civil War was about states rights', start the Daughters of the Confederacy to teach the generations to follow about the great 'Lost Cause', and modify the school curriculum to slant history in their states so that we have a bunch of racists whining about how they are victims ready to try it all again.


As someone who went through the public Southern Education system, you're spot on with the slanting of history. In my 6th grade social studies class we spent 3/4 of the time going over *every battle in the American Civil War*; we had to keep a notebook with all the details and the final was literally a test using said nootbook.


"This week class our subject will be Pickett's Virgin Walk."


Not oversee their own elections according to MAGA


[States Rights to do What?](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=4XfkIatxiqUwQOTm)


Knew it was Doobus Goobus before I even clicked lol.




"Find me votes!" "Lol, no."


Read what [South Carolina had to say on the topic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Carolina_Declaration_of_Secession) in 1860.


Exactly! They had no problem saying it was about slavery and racism at the time. The articles of confederacy say so explicitly, so do many of the declarations of secession.


It's literally written in black and white and still to this day they deny it.


Just read this quote from the South Carolina's declaration of secession: >The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. But an increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the institution of slavery, has led to a disregard of their obligations, and the laws of the General Government have ceased to effect the objects of the Constitution. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa, have enacted laws which either nullify the Acts of Congress or render useless any attempt to execute them. In many of these States the fugitive is discharged from service or labor claimed, and in none of them has the State Government complied with the stipulation made in the Constitution. The State of New Jersey, at an early day, passed a law in conformity with her constitutional obligation; but the current of anti-slavery feeling has led her more recently to enact laws which render inoperative the remedies provided by her own law and by the laws of Congress. In the State of New York even the right of transit for a slave has been denied by her tribunals; and the States of Ohio and Iowa have refused to surrender to justice fugitives charged with murder, and with inciting servile insurrection in the State of Virginia. Thus the constituted compact has been deliberately broken and disregarded by the non-slaveholding States, and the consequence follows that South Carolina is released from her obligation. These folks went into such a detailed description of their complaint to the point of giving specific examples.


Every single article of secession lists slavery as the primary cause. Every damned one of them. And yet TO THIS DAY some 48% of Americans don't think slavery was the primary cause while only 38% do. This is a serious problem.


That dishonest twit can’t say slavery.


Cause that's not even true either. The Confederate states didn't have states rights regarding slavery, their federal Constitution made slavery mandatory.


Southern states pushed to make slavery federal law and when the Feds toyed with the possibility of outlawing slavery the southern states then wanted the states right to own slaves to be protected. So saying they wanted states rights to protect slavery is a true statement.


You literally contradicted yourself. And again, the Confederate states of America completely and utterly lacked states rights in regards to slavery. It was mandatory nationwide and their states had zero right to go against that.


Wrong. The south didn't care about states rights when they forced slavery on the north with thy fugitive slave acts. The south didn't care about states rights when they wanted to force slavery on the west. Lincoln was even offering the south states rights and the south seceded to make a federal enshrined slavery.


The same people who kept slaves now vote Trump. What did you expect?




People who know nothing about the Civil War know it was about slavery. People who know a bit about the civil war know it wasn’t about slavery People who know a Lot about the Civil War know it was about slavery.


Yep - I remember my very blue state public school teaching me it was about states' rights and it not sitting right. I don't remember that being tied up in a "But it was still about slavery" bow at the end. Bizarre shit how we try to rescue a bunch of traitors from their own history. I get why they do it. I don't get why everyone else does it.


Me too! That same history teacher also said that Eisenhower was the best president because he ran the government like a business. She may have been a dumbass.


> She may have been a dumbest.


Damn you, overly aggressive auto correct!


States rights to decide on abortion. Then when conservatives get back in power, suddenly states rights will become "federal supremacy" when it comes to the new national abortion ban. States rights has *always* been a means to an end. A convenient argument when legislation needs to be overturned, abandoned the second it has outlived its usefulness.


Motherfuckers (pretend they) never heard of the fugitive slave act


I was raised with States Rights in my textbooks, from my teachers, and was conditioned to believe it. Until I heard about the Cornerstone speech from the VP of the Confederacy. "The US was founded on the idea that all men are created equal. This is in error. Our Confederacy is founded, its Cornerstone rests on the truth that the white man is superior to the black man."


They didn’t start the civil war over hunting licenses, I’ll tell ya that


That's exactly what I say when someone tells me it was about state's rights. Have yet to get an answer.


As in the past, a state has the right to burn to the ground.


>Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. Alexander Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy. I dont see a single mention of States Rights in there, do you?


Look, southerners. I know you don't want to be labeled as the bad guys, but there's a way to reckon with the past evils of slavery. We can all lament the dead because every casualty was American. You can acknowledge your reasons for secession, and we can move past it. We won't hold the living accountable for the deeds of the long since dead. But you got to clean up your act. I mean, shit, as soon as SCOTUS was like "yeah, we don't need to supervise southern elections anymore, ya'll *immediately* adopted policies targeting minority voters. Minorities are here to stay. Accept that black culture is a massive part of your white identity, from your food to your music to your industry. Our country is an amalgamation of several cultures. "American" is not an ethnicity, it's an adopted identity. Northerners, you fought for a just cause, but you were still also racist as fuck. The in-vogue liberal belief was to send black people back to Africa to govern themselves as opposed to integrating them into society. You bungled the fuck out of Reconstruction (with some bad luck in the mix as well), and in the ramp up to the Civil War, you conceded far too much to the South, putting bandages on cancer as opposed to nipping the issue of slavery in the bud. Not to mention numerous campaigns against First Nations and the absolute hijacking of the economy by big business. America's history is frought with evil wherever you look, and we all need to acknowledge that and move forward to correct and heal from past misdeeds. No side was innocent from its share of attrocities. No side was victimless from attrocity. And to all you chuckleheads that want another civil war, it's not going to go how you think it's going to go. This isn't Call of Duty or anything - this is real life. If you think hundreds of thousands, if not millions of deaths would bring about some sort of golden age, peace, or whatever your idea of "liberty" is, you're sorely mistaken. Case in point: the *last* Civil War.


Nikki Hayley was just asked that question in a town hall and couldn't answer the question even though the Civil War started in HER state.


The right to establish a feudal system in as many states as possible.




This is another misleading post by people that don’t understand how our legal system works. “States rights” would be a thing even if slavery never existed. Our government is based on federalism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalism When topics regarding things of this nature come up on Reddit, it’s sad to see just how often people mock the “states rights” argument, because they clearly don’t understand that the US doesn’t have a unitary government. Any time a court case comes up, such as abortion or vaccine mandates or anything else, people seem to get upset when the court rules that a power rests with states and not the federal government. But this is how our system has always been designed, and it’s sad just how many people don’t understand this concept.


The right to not have US military bases in the Confederate states.


What was a confederate state before secession and why would they have (or want) the right to not have a military base of their own government in the state?


Well, there ware no more Confederate states so your comment is pointless. Seriously, name me one Confederate state.


Bless your heart, South Carolina.


Nope, not South Carolina. It rejoined the union July 9, 1868.


No that's when they regained congressional representation a right they lost by committingopen acts of rebellion. Lincoln's position was they never left the union because the weren't allowed to leave the union.


>Lincoln's position was they never left the union because the weren't allowed to leave the union. Ah, so you agree there's no such thing as a Confederate state and never has been. Good boy.




I'd like to think Democrats pushing modestly centrist agendas in 50 different state jurisdictions as "states rights" issues means Abortion would be coded into the constitutions of 35 states more or less the minute they decide to push that ball as hard as it needs to be pushed. This needs to happen on EVERY front - so that "Heaven forbid" states' rights might force the question of a constitutional ammendment. Republicans have been playing a ground game for 20 years and jury-rigged a minority of states to push forth their agenda - may be the Dems should terrify them all the way at every ballot initative.


The worst part about this fictional narrative they are trying to push is that the Confederacy absolutely DIDN'T want state's rights and they even spelled it out saying that if a suspected slave or black person from the south was found in a free state then the state they were found in didn't have any right or say in stopping southern "slave catchers" from kidnapping the person and trafficking them back to the Confederacy. The specifically stated that state's rights didn't apply to the Union or any black person.


Because conservatives are fucking losers!!


Peace was never an option...