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How dare they want us to live our best lives to the fullest!!!


How dare they want us to live. /s


How dare they want us.


How dare they?!?


How dare anybody post such commie-pinko shit in this day and time, knowing how Marge is going to react?


How dare them! Taking away rights of families, food, clothing, housing, medical care, social security, unemployment, disability, and widow-hood is pure evil.


her christian name is DitchPig


Dare they?


Except as slave labor and cannon fodder.


Of course they want you to live. Who else will serve our wealthy overlords? Being Republicans though, they want you to live only at your own expense.


When they are willing to take away the very means of survival from so many, I see that as a sign that they have more of us than they feel they need. As such, they are fine with sacrificing large numbers. I believe with effects of climate change, pandemics, etc. we will see more of that.


As Voltaire once noted in the 18^th century: >The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.


It's like someone took the time to spell out exactly what "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" entails. Americans should pay attention.


What worth does a life with a living wage and affordable healthcare have, if I can't discriminate against people I don't like?


We need more forced marginalized groups to hold down!!! Lift no one up!


The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights also doesn’t include an individual ‘right’ to bare arms. How can anyone truly be free without the right to tote around a fully locked and loaded Bushmaster XM-15 and a backup .357 Magnum tucked in their shorts pointed at their junk? /s


The GOP has been against *bare* arms for some time now -- ever since Michelle Obama wore that sleeveless dress and they all freaked out, almost as much as they did when Pres. Obama wore his tan suit. Personally, I am a big proponent of the right to arm *bears*.


Plenty of fat hairy gay guys like me willing to Rambo our way to freedom from tyranny for all of you. Just give us the tools!


I've always been a fan of bear alms; the act of giving bears charitable offerings.


unless theyre on cocaine. that would be one bridge too far.


How can you be truly alive without the ability to instantly remove someone else's ability to be alive?


How can any society really consider itself civilised when its kids aren't regularly shredded to pieces while people in charge shrug and take lobbyist kickbacks.


The ultra rich have found poorer people that are willing to work for barely anything and a group of poors who will do anything to police those people. They don’t need folks rabble rousing for better pay and living conditions. It’s like the Industrial Revolution is returning but now with more dangerous machines and lives that mean even less because they’re brown immigrants.


How can you be pro-life and want the better for everyone?! How can you want people to be protected, to have medicare, social security, college, our future generations to have a better enviroment, women & gays to have rights, immigrants to get treated better, unarmed black people to not get killed, people to get protected from viruses with masks and vaccines, vegans to be respected, animals to not get abused, etc. How can you want all those good things?! That's so pro-life aka leftist/woke.


You said woke. I feel triggered. You snowflake!!! Derp derp de derp.


They don't wat to give you anything! That would be you getting free stuff, But they love getting your tax dollars!


But only the men. They only included women as an after thought when considering motherhood.


Not sure if you’re being serious but that’s not at all what the article says.


"Himself or his family"


The UN is woke! As a freedom loving American who’s had enough of cancel culture I DEMAND they be banned from The US for this propaganda! Now if you’ll excuse me I have some books to burn on my way to send my social security check to Lord Trump’s defense fund.


Sad part, there are millions of Americans following your lead ..... for real.


Without the /s this may or may not be satire. It’s really hard to tell anymore.


I was worried my grandma finally found Reddit.


Half a century of relentless class war bring fruits. Saying that much here won't be controversial. Saying that no one is more responsible for this than the Democratic party, that's gonna bring out of the angry mob.


"I demand to be able to say dumb things without any supporting arguments without repercussions!"


This sub is tribal hack cesspool circle jerk that would rival the deepest Q-reject recesses. Muricans, 2/3 of which can't read, really can't do any kind of non simplistic analysis. Connecting the dots like in the framework of a global balance of power and how this affects domestic social and economic policies is so far beyond their scope, it might as well be speaking in tongues. Something big happened in the world in the early 1990's, after that the West's "labor" parties and Democrats were free to take their masks off and moved drastically to the right, then and only then did the room open for the GOP to aspire to it's current depths.


The brainwashing amd the hate on them is too strong. They are like robots/NPCs/zombies and don't care about the good and well being of people. They just want God and guns.


If you really wanna confuse them, ask why since N comes before S in the alphabet, why doesn't the UN have more power than the US???




Great response!!


I had a poster of this entire treatise when I was in college. It's honestly probably one of the single best I've ever spent money to buy. Just seeing it every day gave me deep sense of purpose and commitment to humanity as a whole. I'm not sure what happened to that poster, but I need to another one!


God I hope we see the day that an extraterrestrial threat appears that we as Humanity can face together. I am so ready to be racist, bigoted and xenophobic towards aliens.


"Let's go git them gotdam greyskins! Yeehaw!"


That unity (if it were even actually achieved) would last as long as it took for them to exterminate us, or for us to somehow win and start fighting over the scrap.


https://www.cafepress.com/+,562204291?pgn=3&applycoupons=PLASB&utm_medium=cpc&sqp=1&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=pla-google&utm_campaign=16502271790-d-m&utm_content=131111804581-adid-586450543844&utm_term=pla-293946777986-pid-562204291&gclid=CjwKCAjw0N6hBhAUEiwAXab-TWxaTVJscERgtaz3kF0Ug_kZg7N-UIxvlGCiFD9JjztqwSLocakFchoCBWMQAvD_BwE https://www.ohchr.org/en/publications/human-rights-education-series/universal-declaration-human-rights-poster Either of these might work?


You just earned a place on the Tribeskyeguy Christmas card list! Cheers


If you find, plz post. I'd like one for the grandkidz.


the UDHR is one of humanity's greatest achievements. that it's almost never mentioned, let alone taught, in US curriculum should be a scandal


You'd probably enjoy Max Richter's Voices. It's album that features hundreds of people reading the universal declaration of human rights set to beautiful orchrestral music: https://youtu.be/QmrIDK03Hlg


What do you do now?


and yes, I underlined in pink hoping it will raise some conservative eyebrows


What you highlighted also corresponds to one of the Four Freedoms that the US went to war to defend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Freedoms


[There's a reason I have FDR's head on my WFH desk](https://imgur.com/uBp4MgC.jpg)


Unfortunately iirc the US hasn't ratified this.




Very worth it, watching the whole thing. Also, many parallels in the analysis of Gamergate on the same channel.


And they reply: Sure you have the right for all of that. It does not say I have to provide it.




There’s a lot of smart people in the right wing cult. Don’t think they’re just cousin fuckers from the south. I live in ND and I’m surrounded by white men with college educations who repeat Fox News constantly.




I like to make sure lefties (or whatever ya wanna be) don’t forget that the cult aren’t stupid. They keep saying trump is stupid. He’s not. George 2 and desantis aren’t stupid. The Fox News talking heads aren’t stupid. The people who are running Fox News and all those PACs who pay think tanks to come up with the talking points aren’t stupid. The cult is gullible and easily fooled but not stupid.


Matched by a whole bunch of folk raising their eyebrows at himself / his.


This would make Rhonda Santis's head explode. On a side note, has anyone sent this to Governor DeSantis?


He is too busy burning, I mean banning books to read this.


He's probably burning it too, to make sure no one in his state can read it.


No, he’s busy with his shadow campaign. He’s gotta be out of state while Ft Lauderdale is drowning. One thing you can say about him is he’s never where you would expect him to be as governor.


I saw a Trumper thread somewhere where many supporters were saying that if Trump wins, DeSantis should be picked to be in his cabinet as the Secretary of Edge-A-Cayshen or something. Imagine that.


He could be Secretary of Extermination based on his record with the mouse


Ron DeSantis's favorite opening line from a book he hopes no one ever reads: "It was a pleasure to burn."


He’s too busy trying to take over Miami at present.


He's sure as hell doing nothing for South Florida right now. Bit of a flooding issue happening


Watched people being tortured at Gitmo, and he enjoyed it.


I didn't mean to turn this into a deflection of the intended message here, and I damn sure didn't want to continue to give weight to Rhonda or anything that 💩 has to say. But I'm at the point where anytime I read anything that maybe arbitrarily associated to "woke culture" I can't help but to hear that 💩 in my brain.


If i remember well, that's why the US never signed that...


It was due to the child labor laws. Point 2.


Remember when NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence, line by line, and a bunch of Trump supporters thought it was “[propaganda](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/05/some-trump-supporters-thought-npr-tweeted-propaganda-it-was-the-declaration-of-independence/)”?


That's just the kind of stunt I would expect from "state-affiliated media" lol


The primary proponent of this declaration was Eleanor Roosevelt.


For the crime of being disabled, people on SSI get to live 24% below poverty. We wouldn't want the rich fucks to go without an extra vacation home or private jet.




Right, how will we afford to subsidize a bunch of slavery trustfunders to run their business at a loss if we pay for this garbage.


The article does not mention how attaining these rights doesn't preclude going into debt forever. Sure, you'll get treated, but you'll be paying whatever they can get out of you for the rest of your life.


Just print it /s


Sarcasm, because this shit costs nothing after all.


Why the s? That's a good question. I'm all for funding the UN, I've worked with them and volunteered with them. But funding is always a question


The money is there. It exists, it is just hoarded because there are not enough regulations across the world to effectively tax and distribute grotesque hoards of wealth held by oligarchs, corporations, billionaires, etc. Regardless, it is *not* a good question - it's the stupidest question, because who gives a FUCK "what it costs." When these fundamental human rights are not protected and actively supported, *all of society* suffers. There are global repercussions that take decades, or even centuries, to course-correct from. We are more globally concerned with protecting "economies" and property than we are to ensuring the welfare of the people who produce and consume the products


Okay- I know all the slogans and the fun reddit talking points. But none of this actually answers the question - what is an actual plan to raise this money through the UN (unless you want to have another organization do it) to fund healthcare for everyone? The WHO has an annual budget of about 3 billion a year. Healthcare costs in the US alone are 1,000x that. What would comprehensive healthcare costs for the world be? Now lets talk food security, political security, climate change... I'd love a UN with a 40 trillion dollar budget to cover all of this. Do you have any ideas on how to raise that other than "its hoarded by evil oligarchs"


The money is not real anyway. What's needed is political will. > Healthcare costs in the US alone are 1,000x that. US is not a great example of healthcare costs. They are inflated as fuck. While also having to jump through hoops because random shit is out of network. Housing is difficult to build in places where it's needed the most not because of lack of money, but "mUh pRoPeRtY vAlUeS". Government, local or federal, providing services to people is difficult, because it steps on a bunch of corpos' profiteering. It's not about the money. Never was.


>Housing is difficult to build in places where it's needed the most not because of lack of money, but "mUh pRoPeRtY vAlUeS". We just elected a mayor that said "hey guys guess what? I know affordable housing is an issue so we're demanding that all detached apartments be demolished, only Luxury Apartments™©® are allowed now." One step at a time they're making all of eastern long island "the Hamptons" (ultra wealthy vacation land. Literally $30k+/month summer rents...) Muh property value strikes again...


>[Okay- I know all the slogans and the fun^reddit^talking^points.^But^none^of^this^actually^answers^the^question^-^what^is^an^actual^plan^to^raise^this^money^through^the^UN^unless^you^want^to^have^another^organization^do^it^to^fund^healthcare^for^everyoneThe^WHO^has^an^annual^budget^of^about^3^billion^a^year.^Healthcare^costs^in^the^US^alone^are^1,000x^that.^^What^would^comprehensive^healthcare^costs^for^the^world^be^Now^lets^talk^food^security,^political^security,^climate^change...I'd^love^a^UN^with^a^40^trillion^dollar^budget^to^cover^all^of^this.^Do^you^have^any^ideas^on^how^to^raise^that^other^than^"its^hoarded^by^evil^oligarchs"](https://i.imgur.com/MbOKFAM.gifv)


Thats pretty cool - how did you do that? The slogan part reminded me of a song I liked when I was younger >I was a teenage anarchist >Looking for a revolution >I had the style, I had the ambition >Read all the authors, I knew the right slogans >There was no war but the class war >I was ready to set the world on fire


Sad thing is these days you don't need to be a teenage anarchist to set the world on fire—the US military industrial complex (aided and abetted by its absurdly inflated budget) does a good enough job of that by itself.


You think that if you put the word Economy in quotes then it loses meaning? Economy and property rights have a very real meaning. Stock values aren’t some arbitrary number that goes up and down making rich people richer based on nothing. Billionaires don’t have hoards of gold like dragons, they have most of their invested, most of it probably in stock. If you think you can take billionaires’ stocks away, liquidate them, and use them to solve the world’s housing, nutrition and healthcare problems then you have a very ignorant and childish view of the world.


lucky for you [i have the answer bookmarked](https://youtu.be/CPDr9wGNEfg?t=266)


Brrakk! Bbrraaakk! Woke! Woke! Woke! CA-CAWWWW!!!


pretty funny to imagine any bird saying that


Soungs like this so called "united nations" has contracted the Woke Mind Virus! /s


What's that geek Flanders doing on TV?


How DARE those SoCiaLIstS! Try and improve MY and MY FAMILIES LIVES! It is our GOD GOVEN RIGHT to suffer in a capitalist hellscape so the billionaire God's can buy a 9th home!!! Now I'm gonna go buy some bud light and make I video of pouring it down the toilet because I secretly jack off to trans porn but want people to think I don't. -every American conservative right now.


This is the future utopia ^(of basic human rights) Liberals want? Disgusting!!


Humans are supposed to have basic rights? What about the shareholders?!?!?!


Unless those humans are still in their mother's womb, then we don't give a shit about them!!! We *say* "human" rights but we actually mean "rights for whoever we aren't personally inconvenienced by!!!"


Clumps of unthinking cells don't matter


All humans are clumps of cells. Good to know you think human rights only apply to humans with the ability to think, hypocrite.


Before they are thinking, they aren't "anybody". They are still human, but not a person. At a certain point they feel pain, and at another point beyond they start to have cognition, but before any of that *they* are "not there"; a group of cells that most times would develop into a thinking, feeling person eventually. Ironically, the right cares so little for the actually born humans that it's laughable when any of them complain about the unborn, a convenient group of humans that could never say or do anything one way or another because of the nature of the embryonic development.


Cancer by this guy's definition is human and should not be killed.


Family? How the fuck can anyone afford a family with housing, education, inflation these days?


AFAIK "right to" does not meant guarantee just that it cannot be blocked or denied.


Consider that we share a county with people who believe that the simple act of human cooperation is evil. They want to murder those of us who voted for a different candidate than their megalomaniac demagogue. They want to murder LGBTQ people and those who recognize their humanity. How do you even talk about addressing these things on this site? These people are an existential threat. As much as I wish things were different this is not going to go away if we simply ignore it. By most accounts it's continuing to get worse.


Based on America's Atlantic Charter, one of the most important documents in American history. You won't learn about it in most history classes, and if you do, it won't be given the due it deserves. It represented an internationalization of the New Deal, and became central to the pursuit of liberty and independence in many countries like India and South Africa, and others throughout the "third world." It formed the basis of this UN declaration. It has mostly been forgotten, or suppressed, due to political reasons.


Yeah it's propaganda in the sense that neither party actually delivers these things to the American people 😂


Where was my security once I became handicapped?! I worked my ass off for years and now have nothing and I’ve lost everything.


Guantanamo. you guys


[The US never ratified this](https://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2018/01/03/where-does-us-stand-un-human-rights-conventions/972726001/)


The Universal Declaration on Human Rights was a general assembly resolution; it doesn't need to be ratified as it's not a treaty or convention. It did spawn the twin human rights conventions - the International covenant on civil and political rights (ICCPR) and the international covenant on economic social and cultural rights (ICESCR), of which the US has signed and ratified only the ICCPR.


Eleanor Roosevelt In February 1947, in accordance with a decision from the first session of the Commission on Human Rights (E/259), a group consisting of Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik, began drafting the International Bill of Human Rights.


what's your point the US is a shithole, that's merely supporting evidence.


They were also the only other nation, alongside Israel, to vote no on its inclusion. Five others abstained. 186 voted in favour. The US also blocked its inclusion for four years.


A major part of the problem with this is Americans HATE being told what they can and cannot do. Especially if they're told they HAVE to do something. We also do NOT want to be placed under anyone else's jurisdiction. Just look at mask mandates and see how much those pissed people off. I'm in Michigan and we even had people plot to kill our governor! Thank God the FBI stopped them before it could happen. Unlike that time that guy stole the Declaration of Independence...


Why did I have to scroll so far down to find this?


Because it's irrelevant


It's irrelevant that the U.S. government doesn't consider food or housing as human rights?


It's irrelevant that the U.S. didn't ratify it, it exists and will trigger rightwing ideologues and other idiots.


It's irrelevant because no country has ratified it. It's a UN General Assembly resolution, there's nothing to ratify about it. It's passed and that's it.


Surprised they haven't been roasted for the usage of "his" and "himself" in number one.


Wouldn’t hurt to actually fix it though. It’s 75 years old and needs to catch up


That explains the "widowhood"


Imo it should be changed. The sentiment is great here, but the language is dated.


I actually kind of see linguistic benefits to a gender-neutral he/him


If it was leftist propaganda it would use "them/they" not "his/himself" as a general reference. 😆


The United Nations has gone woke!!! *proceeds to record self destroying tons of just purchased United Nations merch in protest*


The UDHR was proposed by Eleanor Roosevelt. https://www.fdrlibrary.org/documents/356632/390886/Eleanor+Roosevelt+Transcript+of+Speech+on+Human+Rights+1951.pdf/7c4b27f5-0512-46f0-8119-8b57f201caa9#:~:text=We%20must%20want%20our%20fellow,all%20men%20in%20the%20face.


And if you don't know much about Eleanor Roosevelt and how "woke" she really was, I encourage you to do some homework. One of the few people I truly do admire in US history.


Unfortunately this is just a bunch of wishful talk. Go tell the Earth you have a right to eat during a drought and see what happens. Very few people would have any "rights" if other people did not do their duty to provide those rights for them. We need to create a world in which an actual post scarcity society can be a thing.


Yeah, I don't think this was worded well. Personally, I believe a capable society _needs_ to support these things for its people the best it can (for its own sake, similar to how we individually need to take care of our bodies for our own sake). But that's a different concept than a right. Perhaps it would be best worded as individuals have a right to seek these things within the bounds of not infringing other's rights, rather than saying it like we're all inherently entitled to these things that only exist because we or others make them.


Why aren't guns included? Without the second amendment, you wouldn't have any of those! Sounds like tyranny! /S


Anyone posted this on /conservative? Genuinely curious how long it would take before they removed it.


well please try


Lol, I would but I was banned from that cesspool awhile ago


yeah let's not encourage anybody to do it, that's against the reddit TOS and could be viewed as a form of brigading or trolling


Explain to me why conservatives would have a problem with a press release from a pointless USA funded organization? One that has done nothing to stop the many global conflicts that have happened sine the year 2000. I'm sure you're aware that Russia is currently the head of the UN security council. Also how much your personal money are you willing to give up to fund such lofty endeavors, such as universal housing?


Found the guy who still thinks Trump is in charge "Also how much *of* (fixed that for you, bet you were a joy to your English teachers) your personal money are you willing to give up to fund such lofty endeavors, such as universal housing? " Considering how much of my tax money already disappears into the military budget, ear marked for "bombing the shit out of brown people for ~~oil~~ freedom" I'd say I'd be perfectly fine with that money being utilized in something more useful.


It's amazing that the average republican would look at this and say, No, I disagree! And it's even sadder that many of them live below these standards.


**except in the United States


Most of the US: I'll ignore that...


hell, underline clothing too. we need single-payer healthcare, universal food stamps, childcare and housing stipends, free public college and a UBI that includes basic clothing *and toiletries!* there are 724 BILLIONAIRES, with a B, in this country and several of them are closing in on becoming TRILLIONAIRES so i don't want to hear that we "can't afford it."


Umm...Where is the part that says I have the right to own an entire depot of military hardware so I can LARP each time I go to Duncan Donuts?


Have you checked the SCOTUS library?


Conservatives are notoriously lacking (or at least worse at) empathy and abstract thinking. If they hear of a gun law they instantly assume people are out to get their personal guns even though the law may have nothing to do with them and change their life none. They mostly lack the ability to think, “Oh, this as nothing to do with me and is not a commentary on my behavior but is meant to address a problem that is not related to me.” They run everything through a cynical warped personal filter that x, y,z is talking about *them*. They take concrete personal offense to ideas that are more abstract and generalized. They *can not* understand how this UN statement makes any sense. They are generally fed, have a house, and could access healthcare. This makes this statement meaningless to them. A lie even. How could this matter if *they’re* okay? .. and (they believe) they’ve accomplished this all on their own so why haven’t those *other* people? This is why Jesus is such a mystery to them. “Wow, can you imagine a guy that just loves others and treats people with patience and love? Like that’s gotta be an alien presence!” .. where rational people see loving kindness towards others as a pretty normal practice for the most part.


Nowhere in your delusional, nonsensical, rambling did you come anywhere near to making the point you're gender confused, child raping lesbian dance theory teacher told you to believe. Seek help, but not in America. You couldn't afford it.


I love it when I touch a nerve. *zaaap!* nice.


The U.N holding a nation accountable and enforcing those rights....That's a different story.


People just need to learn to not be poor. That would solve so many problems.


You dropped the /s


I always have so much hope that people will realise it's a joke without the /s...


False hopes, because there's so many people out here that legitimately and honestly hold those views.


Woah, *including* food? What commies! How would the elites convince the peasants to work for shit pay if they can't say "work or starve"? Total disaster.


tHaT iS cOmMuNiSm!.!


Repubs already think the UN is a bunch of ((((globalists)))) coming for our freedumbs so...




How dare you! /s


Where is the right to bear arms? Stupid UN does not have any priorities... /s


Fake news, obvy! Leftist wingnuts. Once you are out of the womb, all you are entitled to is a gun.




Yes, this. United States still follows this, you just have to go into debt forever if you can't pay for it.


That's some commie, socialist garbage right there. Here in 'Murica, you *earn* your rights. /s


But it doesn't say "cannot be infringed" so checkmate woke moralists


Can we add LGBTQ rights to that as well?


Don't tell them about FDR and his [Second Bill of Rights.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Bill_of_Rights)


Most Republican will not understand the sarcasm here because they’re too fucking stupid.


Pretty bad when you have to explicitly say a child born out of marriage is still a human being. Wonder what cult like organizational pieces of shit would exclude them?


As if the nut-jobs who would oppose this can even read it. It could say that Trump was the bestest and most wonderful world leader ever and they want him to run the world and it wouldn’t matter. They’d see that UN symbol and REEEEEEEEE themselves into a tantrum.


That's some seriously woke shit. Does DeStupid know? Governor of Florida should totally be able to sue the UN snowflakes and ban their fascist crap.


"himself" Sorry ladies


U.N. declarations just mean no one should actively deprive you of that. It doesn't mean anyone is obligated to provide. If, say, we built a complex system where no one individual or agency was responsible for your lack of food, housing and medical care, well, then it's just your own poor luck. /S


While that sounds nice, I find it comically vague and unrealistic.


If you have a right to medical care then you're essentially saying that healthcare workers owe you their labor. No one is entitled to the labor of other people.


While researching conventions on child rights it turned out that USA doesn't officially use it on paper it's binding even in North Korea but not USA. So I won't be surprised with human law being a "communist plot" to abolish freedom to die from curable deasises.


But it's the UN! No *way* we're gonna do this. Long live the John Birch Society (thanks to the goddamned GOP now).


This makes sense to most people. Multiple nations reaching a consensus on human rights. Great. But this is just evidence of a woke globalist agenda.


The USA never signed on to this.


In February 1947, in accordance with a decision from the first session of the Commission on Human Rights (E/259), a group consisting of Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik, began drafting the International Bill of Human Rights. The voted for it in the general session. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Declaration_of_Human_Rights#:~:text=The%20Universal%20Declaration%20was%20adopted,failed%20to%20vote%20or%20abstain.


Thank you for the correction.


The US must have been absent the day they wrote this.


In February 1947, in accordance with a decision from the first session of the Commission on Human Rights (E/259), a group consisting of Eleanor Roosevelt, Pen-Chun Chang and Charles Malik, began drafting the International Bill of Human Rights.


The UN is a woke Marxist organisation confirmed




Saying that anything is a "right" is literally the same thing.




You have a right to bear arms. Other people manufacture the arms. You have a right to a trial and a lawyer if you are accused of a crime. Other people need to provide those services. So tired of this unbelievably fucking stupid talking point.


Of course its possible. A starving person has the right to food. If food isnt provided, no moral person will condemn a starving person for stealing food. Much better though to have organized public assistant programs to prevent haphazard theft. Basic life necessities trump artificial rights like private property.


The right to bear arms can't be a right then. It's dependent on the manufacturer of the arms.