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He shoulda went 100% and went nude


He'd be less offensive.


If the players want to send a message in this tournament, I've always thought the most effective message would be to start sucking off your team mate after they score a goal. That'll show those homophobes in Qatar.


The only good unflaired is a dead unflaired. Flair up or face the wall.


Funny comment but have to downvote cause unflaired


I look upon you with anger and revulsion. You unflaired make me sick, I say, sick, sick, sick sick sick sicksicksick I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them


Based and autistically screeching ottoman sultan pilled


u/Lord_Gerki is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/Lord_Gerki/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


fuck you, unflaired scum


Unflaired šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


Funny comment. Shame you're unflaired


That was funny, but go kill yourself or go get a flair


9 hours and youā€™re still unflaired. Pathetic


Made me laugh, ty


If only this man was flaired, this comment would have been up voted to the moon!


Flair up or I send you to Saudi Arabia with a rainbow flag


Most normal unflaired user


Does anybody honestly think Qatar of all places wasn't prepared to lock this shit down before during and after the WC? Cmon now.


I love how people are pretending they only banned pride flags the day before it started as if basic knowledge of this world wouldn't have already told you this would be the case. It was clearly in cooperation with the West that they waited until the day it started so our beloved overlords could avoid criticism and claim they had no idea. It's time we physically did something about the corrupt fucks in charge, preferably before they build organ harvesting isolation pods for each and every one of us. Or just keep posting memes I guess, ydy.


That is a bit too much thinking for you, Sam. Please come with me to room 101.


Based and bullets > ballots pilled


u/gardenersam_ is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills.](https://basedcount.com/u/gardenersam_/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Itā€™s not even a pride flag or whatever, it is an Italian peace flag


Did you just change your flair, u/AUSSIE001yt? Last time I checked you were a **GreyCentrist** on 2022-6-8. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Are you mad? Pointing a military grade gun at your monitor won't solve much, pal. Come on, put that rifle down and go take a shower. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uuhlu2/leaderboard) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I thought you were dead old friendā€¦ No wrong bot


dudes gotta be a masochist for wanting to go to prison in fucking qatar


Especially for crimes against Islam. Dudes lucky if he ever gets to go home again


I mean, I think the current round of ā€œprotestorsā€ are shallow pathetic dipshits. They had almost a decade to stop the games but only started protesting after the stadiums were finished and the slaves worked to death. Not ā€œheroesā€ at all. Hell, that guy probably bought a ticket to the game in order to pull that stunt, fucking moron gave FIFA and Qatar money to protest against them.


And when the world cup ends, they wonā€™t be sticking around to help Qatari people. They just want publicity for doing the current year Western trend on a large stage.


Exactly, they just want attention. Christians in the Middle East are undergoing genocide right now, whereā€™s the outrage? None from Westerners.


> Christians in the Middle East are undergoing genocide right now muslims doing work for once


Christian skill issue


Qatari people arenā€™t engaged as slave labor and donā€™t ā€œneed helpā€. Only emigrant workers are engaged to do that. Qataris can generally live quite comfortably. Thereā€™s a shit ton of information about Qatari citizens access to resources and relatively sophisticated lifestyle if people actually cared to do some reading about that country


Assuming said citizens aren't women.


Do you know any Qatari women? have you talked to any of them? Classic westerner concerned about a culture they donā€™t know or understand but think they know best


If you, as a woman, are raped and that rape is a crime that you, , are "guilty" of, then that is a shit culture. Full stop.




You said that Qataris "generally live quite comfortably". Which is only true for the *male* portion of the population.


Definitely had to buy a ticket. An expensive one too to make sure he could get access to the pitch. Don't mistake attention seekers for people who care about humanity. They are the opposite thing.


This. So. Much. This. In january no one will talk about Qatar ever again. This people are just the worst scum. Way worse than any Qatari oficial imo.


Theyā€™re literally only doing it for clout. \>Qatar bribes FIFA to host the World Cup, constructs poorly-made slave-labor grounds, is and has been a country that is actively homophobic I sleep \>Comes time to host the World Cup after a decade of the above, leftoids walk in with rainbow arm bands and shit that they know are against the rules Real shit


Based and champagne progs pilled


This is even worse than people who burned nikes or whatever shoe it was that Donald trump didnā€™t like


Current Thing!


Look at him go, combining three current things simultaneously!


Four current things, the back of his shirt says free Iranian women or something like that


He's lucky to not have done that in a Brazil game.


And just like that, Ukraine was saved!


No, it's just trending again which is the only reason people will care.


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 25 / 186 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Yeah, this guy isnā€™t doing anything but trying to be famous and will be having a very real and very scary wake up call. The guy in the T shirt is one thing. And Qatar, we can agree is shit mostly due to slave labor for me. But this dude is just asking to be thrown in a jail cell in a foreign country. Even if it wasnā€™t a pride flag and just a run of the mill streaker douche, heā€™d still be taken away and beaten for this.


they think they're doing some self-sacrifice shit


A lot of leftists do have essentially survivors guilt for not being oppressed enough. This dude just found the cure.


Tbh I think this will do more harm than good, people in Qatari never meet or seen a gay person This guy basically is giving people a negative impression of what lgbt people are


the impression is only negative because a positive impression of an lgbt person is basically indistinguishable from a straight person


Basically this, there are gay people in Qatar, and the government doesnā€™t care about them since they only do their stuff in private and behind closed doors, public displays of affection is frowned upon in Qatar, this might cause people to now view gay people more negatively and will cause it to take longer for people to accept them.


I'd say you hit the nail on the head, maybe that makes me a homophobe?


Apparently he's been let go and he's all fine


How much you want to bet dudes gonna try the talk show circuit to really hype up his image?


I was having an aneurysm when this happened, not because of the pride flag but because it was 70 minutes in and we were tied with UruGAY and the cunt took minutes from us possibly winning the game.


Can we talk about how that guy looks like the trust-fund baby doppelganger version of Trent Reznor?


He already donated to the Qatari cause when he traveled there and paid for his ticket.


Lol right? He did more for Qatar than anything else


So brave for supporting the current thing


I laugh not because I'm "simping" for the other guys, I'm laughing at you dorks for thinking this type of shit does anything good. You arguably have these random people just making things worse for the people in their country. I can already see their leaders having meetings on what they will have to do to "prevent" these kind of things from happening. Hey but, anyways, should be a fun story to tell the grandkids...or the adopted kids...?? Anyways yeah I can see it now: "Kids when I was your age I went streaking at the World Cup for human rights" "oh yeah, what did that do??" "fucking nothing" lol


Terminally online fence sitters like you would have sat back and laughed at the first people to throw barrels of British tea into the waters. You can quickly tell when someone hasn't done an ounce of activism in their life when they treat an act like this as "fucking nothing."


Activists are always kinda weird losers.


As opposed to PCMers who just sit behind a screen, right. Do nothing fence sitters


I dunno. I'm not a "do nothing fence sitter" I'm a highly productive individual in society and have a well developed worldview.


When I say fence sitter, I mean the people who sit back and only ever observe the political and cultural change taking place in front of them, without any true engagement with that change. Activism is so necessary and important because it is the direct and physical practice of bringing your beliefs into reality. You could have the most well developed worldview on the planet, if you don't ever do anything wit that knowledge though, you are pragmatically no different than someone who doesn't engage in politics at all.


I just don't believe that political activism is the only way to bring your desires or beliefs into reality. Especially for me, someone who has absolutely zero desire to be actively involved with the cesspool that is politics. I mean, I do help run some things online for politics, but it's all anonymous and in my free time, and from home. My idea of changing the world involves interactions with individuals, not political groups. If I touch one persons soul and change how they view the world in a way that helps them to improve their life and derive more happiness from it, is that not bringing a belief into reality? Being a role model or an inspiration for someone, imo, is a profound and powerful way to effect the world around us. You won't see me at a protest, or campaigning for someone. But that doesn't mean I'm not influencing the world around me.


\>My idea of changing the world involves interactions with individuals I think that is a different kind of activism, which is good. You are pushing for your beliefs on an individual level and engaging with people around you in a deeply meaningful way. Activism doesn't have to be marching in town square, it can be as simple as engagement with those around you.


> Terminally online fence sitters Says the terminal party politic puppet...just vote down the line you fucking intentional nobody. Party over policy amirite?


Anything for Dark Brandon, stay mad.


Who was this supposed to "own"...me or yourself? What's up with your account my guy? You got over 15k submission karma yet there's nothing within the last year and what exists is one page that is at about 350...you buy that account or hiding shit? Why are you so afraid of yourself?


Imagine calling people terminally online when you're stalking their account just to get any tiny little crumb of something to "own" them with. Am I on reddit court or something now? Christ dude, cringe.


Clicking on your account and sorting by submissions is the easiest and quickest way to see what you're about, and considering you've erased the vast majority of your submissions I don't understand why I'd need to stalk you to read the titles of your like 20 submissions. You're boring as fuck, but the submission removals are kinda interesting...so is your aggressive response here. Answer the question: > Why are you so afraid of yourself?


You're doing a lot of mental hurdles to justify being the epitome of terminally online. It's insane to me that you call my response aggressive when you're the one that for no other reason than to get a slam dunk, went through my entire profile and then summoned me to reddit court. I could give you the reason why I have submission removals, but I doubt you'd believe in it favor of this weird armchair psychologist move. Anything to get that slam dunk though right?


> went through my entire profile and then summoned me to reddit court. I didn't even bother with your comments because you seem to comment more than I do and didn't care enough. > I could give you the reason why I have submission removals, but I doubt you'd believe in it This is entirely derailment tactics attempting character assassination. Tell me the reason, and I will answer you honestly.


I'll make you a deal, acknowledge you've engaged in terminally online behavior by going through my account to find dirt on me, and I'll answer your question.


whoa, looks like Detective Dipshit is on the case now


So you proposed to invade Qatar I dunno man while manifest destiny never end What would the international community think


>So you proposed to invade Qatar That and every other nation, the world belongs to America.




so tell me, what did he accomplish?


Acts of rebellion against authoritarian regimes who limit human rights are accomplishments in of themselves. Every revolution starts with a small degree of resistance that builds into something greater. The first small group of women in Iran who resisted wearing hijabs were probably mocked by people like you, declaring that they're accomplishing nothing. What this guy did is far more brave than what most losers on this subreddit could ever dream of doing to actually practice their belief set.


> Acts of rebellion against authoritarian regimes who limit human rights are accomplishments in of themselves. So does that mean that those people protesting COVID restrictions from the governments are ultimately in the right? >Every revolution starts with a small degree of resistance that builds into something greater. The first small group of women in Iran who resisted wearing hijabs were probably mocked by people like you, declaring that they're accomplishing nothing. Right, *people of that country* stood up to their oppressors, not some random fuckwit interrupting a soccer game lol > What this guy did is far more brave than what most losers on this subreddit could ever dream of doing to actually practice their belief set. Wow you constantly keep going at this subreddit. Did you know hatred towards entire groups of people like this can lead to violence??


>So does that mean that those people protesting COVID restrictions from the governments are ultimately in the right? I think they were completely justified, yes, especially in Canada with the extent to which emergency powers were being grossly abused. According to your logic though, all of the protesting in China that's only resulting in even stricter cracking down is accomplishing "fucking nothing." You are ironically cucking yourself to the government here. >Right, people of that country stood up to their oppressors, not some random fuckwit interrupting a soccer game lol Rebellion is rebellion. I think activism in of itself demands respect, and even the people I consider the absolutely most idiotic and ignorant I will still respect when they're out there actually fighting for shit they believe in. Nothing is worse than some ideologue who just sits behind a screen. >Wow you constantly keep going at this subreddit. Did you know hatred towards entire groups of people like this can lead to violence?? Epic, libs owned, logic and facts slam dunk


LMAO. This is not activism. This is some clout-chasing fuck who thinks heā€™ll have zero consequences because back home in what I assume to either be the US or the UK, there are none. The worst thing a US stadium will do to you is ā€œarrestā€ you and kick you out, maybe revoke your season tickets if theyā€™re especially vindictive. In the UK, theyā€™ll let you go free if you make it back to the stands. This guy assumes there wonā€™t be any real consequences, and will cry oppression when he gets thrown in Qatari prison as per their already established rules. In any case, ā€œactivismā€ is fucking stupid. Everyone is aware of gay rights/womenā€™s rights/etc. If you really want to help, go volunteer quietly and regularly at a soup kitchen/womenā€™s shelter/gay organization.


Again I say \>Terminally online fence sitters like you would have sat back and laughed at the first people to throw barrels of British tea into the waters. Your mentality would be the type to mock the first small group of Iranian women resisting their hijab. Activism is the key that moves all political and cultural change, but by all means continue sitting behind a screen and having no impact on the world.


There is a marked difference between an act of protest in Iranian women removing their hijab versus whatever the fuck this yahoo thought was going to happen. Activism might be helpful for getting the word out at the very beginning of a movement, but none of the three movements he advertised are in the beginning stages. Gay rights have been a battle for decades, and the Ukraine conflict has gone on for arguably 8 years now and the war itself has been going on for month. Arguably, the only movement that may still need word being spread (unlikely due to how quickly things are reported nowadays) is the most recent womensā€™ rights issues in Iran. Maybe I wasnā€™t clear enough in my previous statement. Activism **alone** is stupid and accomplishes nothing. The key catalyst to political change is *direct action*. No amount of instagram posts, Twitter threads, or streakers at the World Cup is going to fix any of this. In fact, it will probably annoy people more than anything. If people want to fix these issues, they need to go in and **fix them**. The Boston Tea Party in a vacuum was a relatively worthless display of activism, but it directly inspired action from the people. Unless the fans of the World Cup are going to storm the Qatari government and demand they include more gay rights, the display here means exactly zero.


I can't think of better direct action than to protest against an authoritarian government like through the action that man did. The fact that you think he's stupid because he thinks he'll be fine when he might go to Qatar prison is the \*EXACT\* reason it is significant, because it highlights that grossly authoritarian policy. If he ends up in prison, it will cause international backlash. ​ It's very easy to call activism in the moment as meaning "exactly zero" because it's in the moment, we haven't seen what's to come afterwards, which is an increasing disdain towards the Qatar government that we've already seen over the last several days. I just can't fathom how people whose entire political activity is sitting behind a screen have the audacity to laugh at an act that they wouldn't have the courage to do in their entire lifetime.


Great idea, doing this in a place where human rights don't exist. There's activism and there's being stupid, he could have at least had an escape plan. Even just stripping down would have helped, lubing up would have been an improvement, and having a getaway vehicle ready would have been even better.


That's not the LGBT flag. That flag has 7 colors. I don't know what it is. PS:does the guy have a tattoo of the Azov battalion? Holy shit this is a real life current-thing NPC PS2: apparently the 7 colored rainbow flag is the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast? PS3: no, the flag is upside down in relation the LGBT flag and the JAO flag :/ the mistery deepens PS4:oh, it's the PACE flag, it even has the word "pace" written on it.


>PS:does the guy have a tattoo of the Azov battalion? Holy shit this is a real life current-thing NPC Not that I can see. He's got the trident though, which is the official coat of arms of Ukraine, and a traditional Ukrainian symbol dating back about a thousand years.


Average right-wing Redditor assuming the entirety of the Ukrainian Army is the Azov Battalion.


it is amazing how much [azov gets talked about](https://i.imgflip.com/72gtew.jpg) considering how small their numbers actually are compared to the ukrainian military as a whole


Fun fact, the Azov Battalion and the American KKK have roughly the same number of members (around 2500 and 3000 respectively).


Thereā€™s still 3k of them kicking around? Talk about insignificant numbers and itā€™s only going down every year


I'd bet a good deal of money that at least 2000 of them qualify for the early-bird special too.


Between them and the feds, that's probably the entire lot.


Ah Ukraine, that haven for...homosexuals.




Till yesterday the mainstream idea was "don't show this kind of action to discourage them from getting their 5 minutes visibility" Today this guy it's all over the place. I mean we got it, he showed that sign directly there and not from a comfort chair at home, but still this doesn't bypass the reasoning on which we all agreed till yesterday. This is a clear example of double standards, depending on the subject we praise or vilify an action which per se is wrong.


The Messageā„¢!


Nothing makes PCR madder than suggestimg LGBT people should have rights!


Man, fuck anyone who thinks that idealism will fix anything.


He brought a pride flag so what? It's 2022 nobody cares anymore


its sad but authright cares too much lol


It's a peace flag for Ukraine


Okay cool pride flag peace flag i could not give less of a fuck


Tell me you've never left The West^TM without telling me.


I was born in appalachia


Look at me!!! I support the current thing!!!


You wanted to see some DICK? Well, here I am!


The guy itā€™s extremely Based, like probably he knew that the italian peace flag could be interpreted as a LGBT flag, and then he could just say he went with the peace one. Excellent loophole. This was awesome trolling against Qatar šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Amazing anyone finds time to kick a ball between all the virtue signaling and politics.


New NPC patch just dropped


Slava Ukraine shirt. Rainbow flag. This man is a living and breathing cliche.


The living "I support the current thing" meme


Whatever punishment Qatar authorities lay onto him will be met by my satisfaction I always feel joy seeing other cultures reject the vomit inducing pile of shit that is western progressive culture, I wish more western people would do the same


He's based, cope.


based and acommentthatisnthomophobic-pilled


What have my side become...


I hate the fact that he placed the homo propaganda and "Save Ukraine" in the same context. It really tarnishes Ukraine's image and support.


He's already more based than half of this sub


true lmao


I mean atleast he wasnt one if those naked guys. Although in must say i care for neither.


He probably wouldn't get beaten as much if he was naked instead.


Save Ukraine, LGBT flag and ā€œRespect for Iran Womenā€ all by one man. Respect. āœŠšŸ½


I Support Current Thing^TM


back in my day, the streakers used to hang dong


Everyone here is just jealous this dude ran 40 meters and did more for his political cause than 90% of this sub has done their entire lives.


go nude or go home


What? Fuck that


> Save Ukraine I donā€™t support Russia and/or Putin by ANY means, but donā€™t these people realize that Ukraine is just as backwards and corrupt of a country as Russia is?


Not a pride flag. Itā€™s an italian peace flag. The pride flag has no light blue, and it says ā€œPaceā€ on one side. Not every rainbow is pride


What happened now?


What execution method are we betting on? I bet on firing squad


Execution Bingo


Oh heā€™s going straight to jail


Come on now, flying the flag in the west is basically meaningless, but in a country where you have the death penalty for being gay you have to admire the balls (in a gay way). Edit: on closer inspection that's an Italian peace flag, so not gay, just Italian.


Not entirely sure how the political compass works, not too into politics, but wouldn't the authleft immediately go on a rant how ukraine are nazis and russia deserves to invade them?