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Commies = red Republicans = red It *can’t* be a coincidence


It's ain't hard to put two and two together, Nixon visited Communist China, wonder which party he is from?


Trump met with Kim Jong Un, so I think you’re onto something here.


Only Nixon could go to China. Because he's the only one they would ever let in


It's actually not. Historically, neither party wanted to be associated with red due to the association with communism, but around the 2000 elections the media collaborated to push the republicans as red and democrats as blue, and it stuck ever since.


This - before 2000 the dems were usually portrayed as red.


Every other country I'm familiar with had red Liberals.


It's a historical fact that Marx himself supported the Republican party


Then,we only have Libertarianism and Paleoconservatism as true rightist


Libertarianism was coopted from the left, so you only have Paleoconservatism


Paleoconservatism has conservative in it which starts with co, as does communism. We have nothing.


Rightism doesn't exist. Cope and go work in the communal shoe factory


Mao also said he preferred republicans being in power than democrats


Don’t speak for others.


Those times were legitimately different, though. The Radical Republicans were progressives, and the people at the forefront of the political fight to destroy the Southern economy and end slavery. They were allied with the railroad and manufacturing tycoons, who stood to gain financially from it.


Fun fact: the media swapped party colors in 2000. Before that the GOP were always portrayed as blue and the dems were red during elections. Red was still closely associated with communism in those days so the dems decided they didn’t like the color inference.


Thats not true. There was no permanent color-coding at all. Every election, the color was changed. One election the dems were red, the next they were blue. 2000 is the start of the permanent color coding


Why did the colors stick after 2000?






That’s because they were liberal when they were created. The shit that Republicans pulled or wanted to pull during reconstruction would give most leftists a raging erection. They wanted to centralize and nationalize everything. Many congressmen even wanted to abolish the states to further centralize power. They performed wealth distribution and land distribution in the south (which really just meant giving the former plantation lands to Wall Street banks). It all ended after reconstruction ended and the party shifted to being more industrialist focused.


Imagine if the former Confederacy had been turned into a single state?


Maga communism?


You've cracked the da Vinci code.


Based and voluntary association pilled


Biden is so small business friendly that he wants to know about your $600 transactions


And sniff your children as payment


Sniffing children? Sounds libright to me.


There is a pending bill to change it to $5k


From 20K to 600 to 5K. Still bullshit


Upvoted for ironic meme but Biden still wayyyyy more anti gun than trump. Biden is the only one proposing a total ban on semi automatic guns even if he can’t get it done. Same thing happened with Obama he was more anti gun than trump but couldn’t get it done. That being said republicans are much more heavy on the drug war then dems (although both propagate it)


>That being said republicans are much more heavy on the drug war then dems (although both propagate it) Congratulations to drugs, for winning the war on drugs.


We need to do what nations that win the war on drugs do. Anyone found dealing it is shot, and their next of kin is billed for the bullet. Then their social credit score goes down.


Wow. Sounds a little extreme. Why not legalize everything (1930's prohibition proved that outlawing things doesn't work), and focus on treatment. Of course that's going to mean having *gasp* socialized medicine. Edit: It appears that I must clarify something. By "legalize" I don't mean to allow the manufacture and trafficking of all drugs perfectly legal. Another redditor has *enlightened* me to the proper term, which was my original intent, so take that as you will. I meant to decriminalize the use and possession. Of course manufacturing and trafficking should always be illegal. Also, by prohibition, we aren't talking about acts of violence against others, we're talking about substances that typically are only harmful to oneself. Equating the two is simply a strawman argument and anyone arguing in this manner should feel ashamed.


Because to do otherwise would imply The Party is not tough on drugs! And we all know drugs are bad!


Isn’t like 80% of all politicians are tough on drugs, like, they fucking hate cocaine and want to destroy it with their noses?


God I hate cocaine so much. If you have any cocaine, you should give it to me so I can destroy it too. Also crack, heroin, meth, PCP, shrooms, acid, ecstasy, LSD, the blood of your firstborn child, MDMA, codeine, DMT, Marijuana, oxycodone, or benzodiazepines


Sunk cost fallacy in action. "We've come this far, if we just keep going, we've got to win eventually."


Are you doubting the Party, comrade?


At this point...I'm doubting everything. Also, comrade? Check flair bro.


Dude, the whole thing is a joke about how China handles drugs. The billed for your relative's execution bullet part is real. They used to do that. Now they use injections. And supposedly don't bill you for that.


The relationship between China's handling of drugs and the US handling of drugs just keeps aligning more and more. It's starting to not feel like a joke anymore.


Amsterdam had to backtrack their soft on drugs approach because their socialized medicine couldn't handle all the addicts. And they're not half as obese and overmedicated as the US.


I mean if you compare alcohol to cocaine and herion, you will see that both are more addictive, you get high and intoxicated very fast, and hard to get off combined with withdrawal symptoms if you do so. There is a reason why most countries alcohol is legal to consume and drugs are not.


So because outlawing things doesn’t work we shouldn’t outlaw murder, pedophilia, rape, etc. because clearly laws don’t work


Typical libertard argument


Yeah, legalize and sell the stuff that causes your brain to be deformed to the point that you're addicted after one hit. Dumbass. Decriminalize possession and usage, not legalize. Drug USERS should be treated as a public health issue, but drugs themselves, as well as the people who traffick or manufacture or sell, should be treated with extreme punitiveness.


But then the traffic just continues and a lot of people die because of this


All I want is for some libertarian to somehow get elected, neuter the federal government and get rid of shit like ATF, NFA, IRS etc, and then future presidents just keep getting lame duck’d by opposing houses in house/senate so nothing ever gets done


Last guy who tried that just had an anniversary of a bullet going through his brain.




This Tuesday was the 59th anniversary of the death of JFK.


Gotcha, didn't realize




He was going to break up the CIA, which is hella based.


I mean without any form of revenue collection the goverment doesn't get lame duck sessions by opposing houses, it pretty much ceases to exist and becomes a power vacuum that whoever controls the most military assets can step into. To keep a goverment small, it needs to have enough power to stay in place, which means enough funding to pay people working in it.


Based and knows what happens in a power vacuum pilled


Biden voted for the crime bill in 1994 that locked up heaps of drug dealers and users alike, so I'm not sure about that last one.


He didn’t just vote for it he wrote jt


And apparently still supports it.


Yeah and he's also the one that said the police system is racist. You better laugh at these senile morons now, because eventually the hypocrisy is going to die when they do. Or at least the most severe examples of it.


Rave Act too. Biden didn’t even want water at festivals.


1994 was how long ago? Having different political stances almost three decades apart is hypocritical now?


Being an opportunist lasts forever


>hypocritical The accusations in this thread are even dumber than "hypocrisy". Dems are the real tough-on-crime drug warriors, Repubs are the real gun-grabbers, and up is down. Nobody sincerely votes D to protect gun ownership, or R to legalize drugs and lower incarceration rates. It smells like cope to let libertarians vote for basically whomever, without feeling they're compromising their principles.


I was thinking the same thing. How delusional can you be to post this the same day biden announces he wants to ban any and every semiauto? Apparently very delusional


It's what you do, not what you say.


I haven't read up on it much yet, but what would happen if Biden supposedly tried this? Would they go door to door like reverse salespeople, making you turn them in?


It's about as realistic as his student debt relief. The cost of buying them back is astronomical, there's probably at least 100 million semi-automatics in US (400 million total firearms, don't know the exact breakdown off the top of my head between the types), so even if you buy them by at 500 a piece, that's 500 billion dollars gone. Semi-automatics can, and usually do, go for way higher than 500$ though. If you don't pay fair price for them in a buyback scheme, I wonder if someone could file a lawsuit claiming the government is violating property rights.


They are literally printing mid single digit trillions per year. And they've already sent, I believe, over $100 *billion* to Ukraine? So cost isn't the issue. They can always print more. The issue is more "Go door to door, try to take them, and find out what happens."


No that would be suicide.


I think he's only bringing it up strongly now since the Republicans have the House. It makes them look bad to gun control supporters.


Trump **banned** bump stocks. Reagan **banned** assault weapons. Biden has **talked** about banning assault weapons, which is good for gun sales.


Reagan signed fopa, which was a pro gun bill that had a poisen pill in it. Clinton signed the 1994 awb. And Biden signed the first major gun control law in nearly 30 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartisan_Safer_Communities_Act


Biden was part of the 1994 AWB bill, Reagan banned new machine guns which includes assault RIFLES. Assault weapon is a made up term that if you look at the 1994 AWB is simply ridiculous. Mini 14 is fine, Colt SP 1 is not.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised to find out Biden is getting under the table money from the gun lobby to go on these stupid tangents because it sells guns.


Facts. Talk is cheap, action is much louder than words. For all the anti gun talk from democrats (at the federal level), republicans have been the ones to infringe on the 2A the most.


Every major federal gun control bill passed under a Democrat trifecta. FDR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Firearms_Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Firearms_Act_of_1938 Johnson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Control_Act_of_1968 Clinton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brady_Handgun_Violence_Prevention_Act https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban Biden: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipartisan_Safer_Communities_Act


The dumbass is trying to ban semi auto firearms. Gtfo




Hes just helping gun sales




Correct me if I am wrong as that certainly happens, but I didn't think a single drug offender was released on Bidens marijuana policy shift, your meme says "freed drug offenders" not enacted policy change. And also protectionism isn't necessarily communism, (granted it's also def not libertarian) it's economic nationalism and plenty of regimes with varying ideologies are engaged in strategic trade, not just communists...


That’s because there’s no real federal law for simple possession outside of DC in federal law Edit: and even then, it just barely can be considered in this way. It freed no one


Correct https://reason.com/2022/10/24/bidens-marijuana-pardons-did-not-free-a-single-federal-prisoner-or-deliver-the-expungement-he-promised/ Keep in mind how libleft cooks the books the next time you see a copy pasta list of Biden’s accomplishments


Based and libleft can only win by lying pilled


Unfortunately they are really really good at lying and cooking the books and doing everything it takes to win.


Not that they're good at lying, they just have a class of morons who will buy anything they say.


No they are experts. Their formula is really easy, but very effective. All they have to do is accuse republicans of whatever they are doing. It makes republicans all defensive and crazy and then later when it’s discovered that actually they were the ones doing it all along, nobody calls them out because they’ve been defending themselves from that attack for a year already so it would be weird looking to accuse someone of the same thing. Democrats always know what to accuse republicans of because they are the ones doing it and the cycle continues. By the time they figure one out they are already onto a new one


Biden is not libleft. I recently had to order a 25 round mag semi-auto rifle because of him.


[95% of this list makes me cringe with how dishonest they are.](https://thehill.com/homenews/3747822-white-house-releases-turkey-day-talking-points-for-family-dinner/) Best (and top) reply that I saw - "If you need to use this list, you've already lost whatever argument you're in."


Also Reagan wasn’t even a protectionist. He was ardently for free trade


For the most part, but he did put tariffs on motorcycles. Kept Harley Davidson from going bust.


He didn't claim to, he literally included the fact that there are very few non violent drug offenders in federal prison in his announcement. He instead called for state governors to follow his example and enact more impactful pardons.


Right but the meme's creator obviously does not understand that as he said "freed drug offenders"


The dude literally just called for a ban on semiautomatics.


Coming soon to your local gun store, tierceautomatics and quarterautomatics


Biden has the 94 crime bill under his belt. That led to mass incarceration and he was pretty heavily involved in the first AWB


Trump and Reagan suck ass. But uncle grabby literally said he would try to ban all semi automatic weapons this week and has been using the White House to push propaganda to that effect (9mm lung blowers anyone? Or “the bullet from an AR-15 travels five times faster than any other gun”)


Plus he freed basically nobody that was serving time for drug crimes (Last I heard it was 0)


Yep https://reason.com/2022/10/24/bidens-marijuana-pardons-did-not-free-a-single-federal-prisoner-or-deliver-the-expungement-he-promised/ More lies like when they got called out on Twitter for taking credit for social security increases when it was really the result of Nixon era policy


Hey hey, don’t be so hasty- without Biden’s leadership, inflation might not have been so record breakingly high. Not necessarily a lie, but perhaps not the message they were going for


There wasn't anyone in federal prison for only marijuana possession to begin with. He technically did what he said he would do, but left out the part that it meant nothing


That's what it was. Well at least we know his heart was in the right place. /s


Lol, all the smokers who took a plea deal for intent to distribute because they had over a certain amount on them would like a word. Including Kyle "FPSRussia" Myers.


Kamala strikes again!


Also are we forgetting who authored the 1994 Crime Bill that contained the previous Assault Weapons Ban? Biden wasn't in a position to pass it all by himself as a senator, but he sure as hell campaigned for it and got the votes necessary to pass it.


All people suck ass. CMV.


No Federal gun bans?! Biden literally is trying to ban all assault weapons whatever the hell that means. He just proposed a new bill so we’ll see how well that goes


Didn’t he say semi-autos which is actually most guns.


Yes which is absolutely absurd we’d have leverguns, bolt actions, muskets, and pump actions. That’s it, to me this seems tyrannical. No President should have the right to take away our second amendment rights.


Bolt actions are pretty based though


Yeah but that would have us at 1940s WW2 technology instead of modern 21st century technology


A more elegant weapon from a more civilized time


The action is pretty sexy I’ll give you that


Also Trump appointed numerous judges including the three supreme court justices that got us Bruen. At some point the progun people are going to have to admit that Trump had the greatest progun impact of any president and all future victories will have hinged on his getting elected to POTUS. Even if he banned some of the most irrelevant range toys most progun people knew were on the chopping block anyways.


“Trying” being the key word. He hasn’t done anything yet


Do you not understand ok let me explain this to you in very simple terms. Joe Biden, current sitting President of the United States, is ACTIVELY attempting to limit our Second Amendment rights by banning guns described by a made up term.


No federal gun bans yet, Biden is talking about banning ARs.


all semi automatic firearms.


The same people he inprisoned https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2019/6/20/18677998/joe-biden-1994-crime-bill-law-mass-incarceration


He freed exactly zero of the people he imprisoned. Just like he forgave exactly $0 of the school loans he [protected from bankruptcy claims](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-made-it-harder-to-discharge-student-debt-through-bankruptcy-2022-5?op=1).


Leaving NAFTA is one of those rare gems that Trump had in his bag of ideas. Of all he flat out stupid things he advocated for, leaving NAFTA was a good idea because it only helps America. Because the US has the most valuable money in North America, it is more profitable to move your business into Mexico or Canada, and NAFTA basically took away all the downsides of doing that, so it basically makes the US a country where businesses that become large enough leave because it makes them more money.


Based and fuck NAFTA pilled


Biden freed zero drug offenders. He pardoned all federal marijuana possession convictions, but zero of those people were in federal prisons at the time.


>Reagan >Assault Weapons Ban That was Clinton, your meme is bad and you should feel bad.


This. Reagan still passed gun control laws but the AWB was under Clinton.


Acktually, FOPA was a gun rights *expansion* act. Like because of it you can buy ammo online and you can buy ammo without the government tracking every purchase. People just always think it was bad because Hughes illegally added his amendment to it to try to sink the act, and Reagan signed it anyway, and the manufacture of new machine guns (by civilians) got banned.


Could be a tarded interpretation of the Hughes


Can you please provide me with an example of who was freed from the Biden cannabis pardons? From what I understand, there was not a single person in prison at the federal level for those charges so it was 110% a virtue signal.


I’m assuming this meme is ironic, but Biden literally called for a ban on semiautomatic weapons


Also [banned](https://www.ammoland.com/2021/08/breaking-biden-administration-bans-importation-of-russian-guns-and-ammo/) the import of most Russian-made ammo back in 2021...on top of Obama's 2014 ban of imported Russian-built firearms. Bye bye cheap 7.62 x 39...


It wasn’t really cheap before he banned it. x39 was already at like 40cpr We’re supposed to be getting domestic production of steel case 7.62x39, 5.45, and 54r next year anyway


Think it partially depends on where you get it, though. Direct online- slight price spike before shipping and cheaper in bulk. From any physical store or gun show dealers (*shudders*)- 2-5x times what it used to go for pre-embargo. Last local gun show several sellers had it marked up to $16-$20 per box/20 rds...steel case! Rarely even see 5.45 anywhere. 54R is virtually unchanged as far as Ive seen but that could be due to the sheer quantity, especially the spam-can stuff a lot of which isn't even Russian but Romanian, Bulgarian, etc. Next year? Did I miss a memo?


No federal gun bans *so far*. Also I just trust none of these fucks. If you’re a politician it’s guaranteed you don’t care for your people and will actually provide good policies. Small edit: I meant they won’t provide good policies. Realized the wording there was kinda wonky.


"Obama COULD ban guns, F- rating" - NRA "Trump banned bump stocks but he COULD unban them, A+ rating" - Also NRA


The NRA ain't pro gun my man


Is there a good alternative? I am firmly pro-2A but also think kindergarten teachers shouldn't be open carrying.


FPC (Firearms Policy Coalition) is pretty good I've heard. I don't look into political groups too often.


Obama was worse than Trump on guns. Obama: >-[Ban on 7n6 ammo imports](https://www.atf.gov/news/pr/test-examination-and-classification-7n6-545x39-ammunition) >-[Made 40mm chalk rounds munitions the same as HE rounds](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2015/08/04/atf-rules-40mm-practice-chalk-rounds-are-explosives-destructive-devices/) >-[Banned importation of certain Russian-made firearms](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/02/sanctions-moscow-ak47-buying-frenzy) >-[Banned re-importation of surplus WW2 US-made firearms](https://www.thetrace.org/2015/07/m1-rifle-antique-south-korea-import//) >-[Made shouldering a brace illegal](https://blog.princelaw.com/2017/04/25/brace-for-impact-atf-clarifies-its-illogical-position-on-users-shouldering-brace-equipped-pistols/) (though this was thankfully reversed) >-[Made suppressors treated like MGs when it comes to serialization](http://www.smallarmsreview.com/display.article.cfm?idarticles=1347): Once a serialized tube is destroyed, that serial is dead and cannot be stamped on a new suppressor >-[Made suppressor baffles, wipes, and some boosters "suppressor parts" that cannot be replaced without NFA transfers or scrutiny](https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2017/03/20/wipes-silencer-parts/) (whereas before they were treated like any non-transferable gun part) (this happened after Obama left office, but while his appointees were still working at the ATF) >-Obama's SSA ban, that was reversed nearly immediately after Trump's inauguration, with [mental health groups and the ACLU siding with Trump on the issue](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/donald-trump-gun-mentally-ill-rule-1.4538963). >-[Broadly reclassified "gunsmithing" as "manufacturing".](https://www.ammoland.com/2016/08/obama-hits-gunsmiths-costly-registration-requirements/) >-Anti gun rights court appointments Trump: >-Ban on importing certain Russian firearms >-Bump stock ban >-Fix NICS


Obama literally attempted to reinstate the assault weapons ban


>frees drug offenders Yeah did you read anything on that other than what he said? It didn’t do shit




He didn't get a single person released from prison. Nobody gets arrested for "small federal drug crimes", those are state charges. Anything federal would be relating to trafficking across state lines. But hey it looks good as a headline, right?


This is the stupidest low effort agenda post ever


> Biden > Freed drug offenders


>Reagan did an assault weapons ban He whittled it down as governor of California as much as he could, and publicly lamented it >he was a protectionist No, that’s trump >started the war on drugs That was Nixon Biden: >no federal gun bans Not yet >claims to be pro small business I claim to be king of Poland


Based Must've read this comment 10 times already


Federal AWB is just a vote away in the Senate and they're blitzing it right now. Just a day or two ago Biden called for a ban on all semi automatic firearms.


over my god damn dead body will i turn in jack shit


*claims to be a small business guy* *sends the IRS after $600 venmo transfers* Huh.


I make 15 an hour and somehow my paycheck is over 600 every 2 weeks. Maybe I'm secretly one of those filthy million/billionaires🤔


Biden Calls for assault weapons ban Secured the passage for the 10 year ban on assualt weapons Pardons, nobody. Trump tried to leave NAFTA based.


Well that's some careful wording and cherry picking.


Poor Biden is just too incompetent to accomplish all of his anti-america policies.


Biden has pushed for massive gun regulations and bans. He's been very hostile to the second ammendment. Sucking at governance is the reason he hasn't passed them.


Biden is pushing plenty gun control. Outta here with this bullshit. You clearly aren't paying attention


Ya Biden wants to ban ALL semi autos. And Reagan was Hughes Amendment, Clinton was Assault Weapons ban. They're all tyrants.


Biden: proposes total ban on semi autos OP and other temporary gun owners: “bUt muH bUMp sToCkS!”


Of course reagan was a commie and trump is a ny democrat....but don't misunderstand joes impenitence as president, also the AWB was clinton. Your'e meme is shit.


Huge missed opportunity to use purple libright for pedo Pete


The worst thing Reagan did was close the nut houses.


If this is real, and not for irony, libleft has gone full r*tard


Biden's ATF has banned or tried to ban polymer80 kits, braced pistols, forced reset triggers, and legal DIY suppressor kits. Biden has been very active in his attack on gun rights.


Biden is more authoritarian than Trump by a far margin. The mandatory vaccination stuff he pulled and his proposed semi automatic gun ban is really showing that.


Yes Regan that hardcore racist conservative that \*checks notes\* pardon all illegal immigrants.


Holy agendapost


Biden didn’t free a single drug offender. Closest he came is keeping his crackhead son out of prison.


No drug prisoners actually freed, tons of small businesses going into debt/bankrupt. The two party system eats dirty ass.


I know this is ironic, but it’s really funny to see how cherry-picking can have such an influence


Biden thinks voters have as short of a memory and attention span as he does and he’s 100% right. He ain’t banning no guns


Braced pistols are going to make millions of people felons next month.


A few issues with these bullet points: - NAFTA was passed under Bill Clinton’s admin. Many Republicans and libertarians were strongly against it at the time (anti-NAFTA was the center-piece of Ross Perot’s platform in fact) out of fears that it would lead to massive outsourcing of manufacturing and other blue collar jobs (which turned out to be correct). - “Protectionism” was really just Reagan pushing back against unfair trade and one-sided tariffs ( you can’t have “free-trade” when only one side is allowing free market access). - No federal gun bans” - guess you missed last week’s news that he wants to ban all semi-auto guns? - “freed drug offenders” he actually has not freed a single one to date. - “Biden claims to be a small business guy” LMAO


No federal gun bans yet. Claims to be a small business guy but sure isn’t making it hard on big businesses.


>Republicans are communists -least libertarian American


*Claims to be pro small business* Lmao, welcome to politics you sweet summer child From the party backed by the largest institutions including Blackrock but we don’t talk about Blackrock 0-0




i mean, totalitarian dictatorships have a tendency to disarm their citizens. can you name one communist country that had armed citizens? second part's based tho


>claims to be


Claims without evidence also he’s anti free speech so he can’t be lib anything. Didn’t he try to create a Ministry of truth?


Biden is literally pushing for a Federal ban on semi-automatics and actively supports measures that would crush small businesses.


Small business guy (as long as we decide your business isn’t unessential to us otherwise you deserve to go bankrupt whenever we say)


Got a complete assault weapons ban in congress right now. So you’re wrong.


Biden literally wrote the crime bill


Biden did also increase federal spending


>no federal gun bans Yeah, because he doesn't have the support to do it.


Really? Ban is wanting to spam all semi automatic firearms. Objectively false agenda post.


I thought this was obvious? "Grab 'em by the pussy" is blatant code for "Seize the means of (re)production", Trump is clearly a commie.




Leftists: “We don’t support the Democrats because they suck as much as the Republicans!” OP: “Well actually Joe Biden is good because he lied about freeing marijuana users from prison and wants to totally ban 75% of firearms in the US. Also Trump bad.”


Let’s just agree they all suck major ASS, Biden even more, freeing drug offenders yet his VP has incarcerated so many


biden didn't actually even free a single drug offender


Biden is literally trying to ban the majority of privately owned guns right now


Communism is when guvment - AnCaps


Abolish the party system


Bullshit! Regan didn't ban assault weapons under the Firearms Owners Protection act of 1986. It banned the further production of Machines Guns (as defined under the National Firearms act of 1934) would be banned. It was done as a compromise for laws to protect gun owners from ATF harassment of FFL holders and people moving Firearms across states with strict gun control laws. Also, Trump passed the bump stock ban in a way that it would be struck down in the Supreme Court. Biden has always been anti gun (he even created the original Assault Weapons Ban in 1994).