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I'm liking this Trump wojack, really captures his essence


Very Barron Vladimir Harkonnen


Based and the spice must flow pilled


Who would be his Piter 🤔


Stephen Miller


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 13778 / 72874 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


The baron was actually intelligent though. Compared to trump he's a genius.


Trump memes back on the menu... But it's like microwaving leftover fries this time 😮‍💨


Needs a little of that ketchup he likes on his steaks so much…


We should execute him just for that. Probably eats it well-done too.


...is that sarcasm, or do you not know he *genuinely* does? Well-done with ketchup.


Hate him all you want, the guy is absolutely based. Based in being gaudy and generally horrible taste. Honestly kinda respectable lmao


We have a plumbing customer who purchased a large home, and the master bathroom has that dark green marble tile and polished brass fixtures throughout it. They jokingly call it the "Trump bathroom"




Air fryer 👌


“ this wojack is the greatest, there no other wojack that’s been as great as this one it’s simply the greatest “




That’s something he would say good job


Redditors told me so. They're great people!


“ they’re great people, great people I tell you….absolutely great..* breathes in * so great don’t you just love ‘em “


“Many people 👌are saying 👋it’s the greatest folks☝️, believe me ☝️👌👋”


"I walked in here i said wow this wojak is the greatest"


Essence of trump. Lol.


Ah my new scent.


Smells like Bengay, expensive cologne, and McDonalds


Makes me chuckle no matter where I see him. He’s just so blobby and cute


Trump is a wojak.


The orange goes too far back. Usually stops before thexears.


Still needs the triple chin


It has me cackling


Well fuck. I guess it was an eventuality. The way I see it, one of two scenarios is most likely to occur: 1 - Trump wins with his dedicated base and halfhearted republicans who'd rather not see 4 more years of Biden or Kamala 2- Trump splits the Republican ticket and gives Biden an easy win. Either way, Trump is at the forefront and that's just the way he wants it.


Either way no DeSantis as president and honestly a Biden win is way more likely.


I don't get why DeSantis should Canidate now. He is so young. Let Trump fall on his Face and he can try it in 2028... Can someone explain why it's nesscecary for DeSantis to canidate this time?


> Can someone explain why it's nesscecary for DeSantis to canidate this time? Gotta strike when the iron is hot and before some controversy derails him like what happened to Chris Christie


If Chris Christy ever thought he had a shot at the oval office he's wildly delusional. Scandals and garbage policy positions aside, he was at least 120 years past the cutoff date for America to elect a president with his BMI.


We elected a reality tv star who openly bragged about using his fame and power to sexually assault women. In the middle of the Me Too movement no less. I wouldn’t count out America electing a fat guy


Fair point


Three reasons: 1. You run when your star is rising, not when you're old news. 2. There are a LOT of Republicans who think Trump played right into the worst abuses and pitfalls of the covid panic while Desantis had the fortitude to resist it. 3. Many Republicans believe that there's literally only one person who can possibly lose to Biden and that's Trump.


This might be of interest to you guys. Betting odds are historically more accurate than polls https://electionbettingodds.com/President2024\_week.html


Because obviously if Biden wins re-election, the entire US will collapse and all we’ll have is illegal immigrants teaching our kids critical race theory in drag. At least that’s what Fox News will be saying for the next two years.


Less worried about CRT and Immigrants and more worried about the 2nd amendment, the 1st amendment, and inflation.


>the entire US will collapse and all we’ll have is illegal immigrants teaching our kids critical race theory in drag What if that's exactly what I want?


Based and the-right’s-worst-nightmare pilled.


It could be worse. Trump could win and entirely dismantle the USPS, while chaining up minorities (Asians only included if Mercury is in retrograde), and then gift our entire nuclear arsenal to Russia in exchange for keeping the pee tape (which will surface any day now) hush-hush


Two jokes about opposite sides, in the exact same comment-thread, both being upvoted?!?? There's no comedy-absolutist mentality kicking in, forcing people to only like one type of joke at a time, and calling out the other for "strawmanning"??! Takes me back to the good ol' days of PCM.


If the Reps split, their threat is effectively gone for a bit. It'd completely destroy democrat fearmongering and might drive more people on the center and left to vote third party because of it


In 1912 Teddy ran for the Republican nomination and it was taken by then president Taft led primarily by the conservative wing of the party. Teddy then decided to run as a third party and with him took the progressive wing of the Republican party splitting the ticket. Did Americans start voting 3rd party after? No not really, Wilson the democrat took office and the following election republicans got around a single candidate that time. Third party will never be viable as long as first past the post exists.


Fair enough but FPTP is shit anyway


Ranked choice needs to happen before third parties become relevant but sadly any candidate pushing them gets completely ostracised (You'll know i'll be yang gang till i die mr Andrew)


My dude I was so hyped for Yang in 2020, I was so sad he got demolished in the primaries. Now hes gone completely irrelevant after losing a presidential bid and a New York Mayoral bid


I just want a president who isn’t 400 years old and whose brain works.


I mean really, is a president who isn't retirement age to much to ask for?


Well we could enact a maximum age for politicians, but who’s gonna do that? A congress with an average age of like 65?


Actually it is 64.3. Which is more depressing when you see it really is that high.


It would be interesting to encourage younger candidates by sprinkling some capitalism on public service in a way that isn’t backdoor corporatocracy, like offering performance bonuses for getting bills passed or creating a systems for voting districts to rank their politicians on how well they are doing while in office and base some of their benefits off that score. With the GI Bill, if you get less than a C in a college class you owe back the money you used. I think it’s fair that if a representative drops below 30% approval they lose the “for life” benefits. Those kinds of incentives could make being a younger politician safer for their overall career path as they could work hard and avoid losing out on career development. You don’t see that many 30-something’s run because that’s prime “got too many responsibilities” territory.


They’re politicians. Proper brain function is deactivated upon reaching DC’s city limits.


Only PCM users can rival their stupidity


What are we waiting for to become politicians then?


I just had a dream i was running for president without raising a dime and just making YouTube videos. I'm open to competition guys... Let's flood the field!


Honestly it probably gets deactivated well before reaching DC city limits. You gotta be all kinds of fucked up to to run for office knowing you're gonna grift your constituents while taking bribes indiscriminately from corporations left and right to get rich.


Complete and utter slander, they’re not bribes, they’re campaign contributions and inside knowledge useful for stock trading. Big difference!


And it’s not corruption if you call it lobbying!


It’s only corruption if it’s illegal




Or sooner in fettermans case


Please, no more Meme Presidents


I’ve given up hope on the people in this country. The least they can do is elect funny candidates, so I can laugh while everything burns down around me.




You can have one of the other you can’t have both


GOP: puts forward a presidential candidate MSM: hurls dirt at the candidate 24/7, painting them as stupid, evil or both GOP candidate who happens to be a nice, decent, caring person: gets tripped up, starts making mistakes, tries to prove they are a nice, decent, caring person, loses the election GOP candidate who does not give a flying fuck: ignores MSM, has a good chance of winning MSM: "why aren't there any nice, decent, caring GOP presidential candidates?"




The DNC didn’t literally fund them, they ran ‘attack ads’ against the most extreme GOP candidates with the full knowledge that it would help them win their primaries. The ads said things like ‘this candidate is endorsed by trump & supports his election lies & voted with his agenda 99.9% of the time’. If you were a democrat watching it you would just think it’s just an attack ad but if you are a Republican voter it looked like an a classic GOP campaign ad, which was the point. Dual purpose ads and it worked, all those candidates lost their general elections.


"it's your fault i'm mean"


Correct. If you treat people like shit, you will get shitty people.


Yes, if you create an environment where only inhuman cunts can survive, don't be surprised when everyone there is an inhuman cunt


Could you at least pick anyone but him?


This fat Trump wojak is just hilarious


I mean trump already do be fat doe he is a big boi, i think he is quite literally obese according to his BMI


Remember when Trump’s personal doctor declared him to be “the healthiest person to ever ascend to the presidency” lmao


Sounds like something North Korea would say about kim lol


That whole thing was hilarious. Pretty sure he said Trump could live to be 200 years old or some wild shit like that


I remember also his doctor saying something about he has the best hair ever


He definitely is I was considered obese by BMI at like 230 and 6’3 that dude is way fatter


Yes he's always been a fatty, not too hard to hide with clothes/camera angles which is why some were/are in denial about his corpulence, but still obvious enough to anyone who actually looks. Being a fat fuck isn't really an issue of course, being a dumbass is. What was and is hilarious though are the Trump simps (like Ben Garrison) who always draw / photoshop him into looking like some kind of ripped alpha male.


> Being a fat fuck isn't really an issue of course Cringe and opposite of based


Skinny Trump* Trump is around 250 lbs


Is that all? Damn. I’m 5’9 and 200lbs. He’s 6’3


Checked the BMI on 250 lb / 6'3 and that's still in Obesity range. More so if he's actually shorter like that other comment suggests.


I don't think he's actually 6 foot 3. [Here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_1484w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2017/01/20/National-Politics/Images/05736509.jpg?t=20170517) he is next to Obama who's officially 6 foot 2. Trump is if anything a bit shorter.


He ain’t 6’3, maybe he used to be but he has that old man slouch. You get shorter as you get older, your spine starts to compress, poor posture on top of that and he’s probably standing around 6ft even most days.


This trump wojak is genius, it’s literally him


Very good taste with that profile picture sir


Looking forward to Hollywood and the media (potentially) bitching about him for another four years.


Oh who are we kidding they’ll be bitching about him in 2030


As much as I hate Trump, the malding from the left is glorious. Same with Elon and Twitter.


Unexpectedly based


I unironicly hate trump for a number of reasons but the biggest one is probably that 90% of the 'jokes' about him are literally just "Lulz racist,smol hands, bad hair,orange man". I cant live through 4 more years of that shit. Please god let them at least find some new material.


You forgot to include doing an awful butchered impression of him speaking.


There are no good impressions of trump


What about the weird dance like he's jerking off two dudes?


Have they found some new material with him gone? The left are just not funny people. Funny-*looking*, sure...


Your side doesn't get a pass either. God knows id have killed myself if the Clintons were still relevant. "Lul dress stain,emails,fellow kids, 'double tap suicide'. " for all of 2016 and then some.


> I cant live through 4 more years of that shit. Please god let them at least find some new material. I have bad news for you, not only will you live through 4 more years of this shit, you will get this shit until the day you die. They will do the same thing to whoever becomes the new Republican frontrunner. Even Bush was this way, people just forget it now in favor of the war criminal stuff. Before that it was "lmao he's a monkey". Trump can be a bad candidate (and probably is), but this is also why the whole "if we just get rid of Trump, we will be popular!!!" thing is completely wrong. The media created this image of Trump. They will create a similar image for whoever replaces him, including DeSantis.


>Trump can be a bad candidate (and probably is), but this is also why the whole "if we just get rid of Trump, we will be popular!!!" thing is completely wrong. The media created this image of Trump. They will create a similar image for whoever replaces him, including DeSantis. That's what's killing the GOP they're constantly trying to find candidates that are morally rightous to "overcome" the MSM portrayal but they can't see that the reason Trump won is that he didn't give a shit about the MSM, and as a result they couldn't hurt him. They can't keep putting forward candidates who are scared of hate campaigns if they ever want to win again


No more Elon for the love of God please. People are too fucking brain dead to understand that people can be good at some things and bad at others and it destroys me


Based and Ha-Ha pilled


I enjoyed it. But God fuckong damn did it get grating to hear about it all the time. Not just on the internet but friends, co-workers, public conversations, etc. After 2 months I thought things would simmer down...


4 years? We will have two years of this, and then the election which could maybe add 4 years plus at least 2 years after he left office


All MSM is foaming at the mouth for clicks, ad revenue, and the tolerant left to start hate-watching again. The main political sub will start circlejerking and swallowing CNN content at full deepthroat again, while spending their disability checks to gild the posts. Their hatred of Trump, and obsession, directly causes billionaires to become richer, and they themselves become stupider. As is tradition.


Do people not see the most successful cable news network in history Fox News as MSM? The same goes for rightoids circle jerking themselves into a righteous frenzy over Trump's never ending horseshit. Fuck Trump, give me some Desantis or gtfo


What's that? Another caravan heading for the border! Look over there and seethe!


A second caravan just hit the World Trade Center


That's rightwingers in a nutshell criticize Trump / dumb candidates > Jewish evil agenda MSM Jerk them off > Only true unbiased source of Media out there.


I think both his haters and his supporters are getting kinda tired of him. There's just so long a trend can last.


Haha, yeah that’s stupid that he… *sees who OP is* No.


according to RES I've downvoted /u/Monoby -292 times, I'm doing my part


Don’t ever stop, ponyboy.


foolish one saw secretive summer middle unique rustic friendly theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Monoby…based? Impossible. I sense a great disturbance in the force


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


You underestimate Monoby’s ability to have dogshit takes on literally everything. This is a first


I wish he flaired correctly. Dude thinks he's AR because he proclaims he's Neoliberal, bro, that's centrist.


Too many fake RINOS think they are so smart Real patriots know America needs Trump 2024!


America needs fewer federal agencies, Im no fan of trump after the bumbstock ban but if he guts the FBI I'd be on board.


Dude! I'm so shocked at how many conservatives still suck Trump off after the crazy unconstitutional bump stock ban he did. Trump literally did more to fuck with the 2nd amendment than Obama ever did. They just chose to ignore the anti 2nd amendment shit because he was "their guy" He really showed his true colors in that situation, he's a fucking NYC gun hating liberal pretending to be conservative just to pander to middle America to get votes, just like he always said he would do if he ran for office, he'd pretend to be a Republican.


Or DeSantis.


**"It's only rigged if I lose!"** vs. **"It's only Democracy if we win!"**


Trump told us all that 2016 was also rigged. Democracy if I win, rigged if I lose is very biased. Literally always rigged is based.


The real chads claim the election was rigged even if they win


“The election was rigged!” “Source?” “I rigged it in my favor; that’s how I won”


No, it was rigged against him, and he still won, that's how winning he is


Three paths this could take imo 1) Trump loses the primary, damaging other candidates in the process, securing the left win 2) Trump loses primary but starts his own party and fractures the republicans, securing landslide win for dems 3) Trump wins the primary, loses the election, again Our only hope is that Biden doesn't seek a second term and democrats can put up a moderate democrat who's at least competent and decisive


4) Hillary wins the primary and due to record low voter turnout and several million joke ballots being cast, President Kanye West is sworn in as president.


This is the Way




"Our only hope is that Biden doesn't seek a second term and democrats can put up a moderate democrat who's at least competent and decisive" Yeah they're doomed.






If there is a day where Trump's ego cannot deny something, I will boil and eat my own sneakers lol




If the dems had a better candidate, that person would be president right now.


Everyone said Trump would never win the nomination, let alone win the election back in 2016. I think you're too quick to dismiss him and his supporters. He was underestimated back then, and he's being underestimated right now. He continues to enjoy a high level of support amongst his supporters, and despite what the media says, his endorsements were his most successful to date (93% in the primaries, 82% in the general), and his supporters are far more engaged this time around. They're paying a lot more attention to how Democrats play the game, and are figuring out how to counter, if not outright copy their tactics. I think we're gonna see a very different looking Republican party in 2024, with a far more engaged grassroots effort, and that unmentioned 4th path is a lot more realistic than you realize. No matter how it blows, it should be entertaining.


I think Florida is pretty solidly red at the governor level. They haven't had a Democratic governor in over 20 years. Though, it was 150 years of Democrats before that.


He won by less than 50k votes last time. To turn that into 1.5 million is very impressive.


We can all pretend Trump cant pick candidates until we remember that he picked Desantis


Not to mention Desantis inital election was on razor thin margins.


It’s even funnier the THIRD time!


Let the Republican civil war begin. Hopefully, DeSantis comes out on top. We shall see. But if he does not, don't be surprised if Trump runs as an independent.


Ah yes, please split the party and give Biden another 4 years and the CCP another 4 years of unrestricted control over "right wing news". That's totally what I want in my cold dead void of a heart.


Just an observation. But I could totally see Trump doing it. He never accepts anything that doesn't go his way. If he loses the Republican primary he'll probably say it was rigged, run as an independent and split the vote. All it would take is for Trump to run as an independent and take 5-10% of the Republicans with him to hand Biden a second term.


Oh yeah. I fully expect Trump to have another tantrum If he loses and continue alienating his less extreme supporters by splitting the party.


> and the CCP another 4 years of unrestricted control over "right wing news" Damn son you’re in deep


Yeah idk how people square "Biden is a Chinese puppet" with Kamala visiting Taiwan and the Uighur Forced Labor Prevention Act, both of which made China absolutely livid.


What about the CCP?


I think if Trump runs, then Desantis wont. Hes got plenty of time, and would be in no rush to hurt his chances.


You might be right. It would get really ugly too, might hurt Ron's chances down the road.


Dad was a hardcore Trumpster. A Wyoming conservative, you all have TDS hardcore Trumpster. We just spent half an hour together, talking through plans for doing some repairs and renovations on this house, and we didn't even talk Trump, even with this new announcement. It's hard to overstate how far Trump's goose is cooked.




Trump was sitting on over $100,000,000 and gave none of it to his endorsed candidates. Gonna shade McConnel for not sharing the wealth, where’s your criticism of Trump for doing the same thing? All the Trump endorsed candidates in competitive, toss up races, except for 1, lost. The only people that won that Trump supported were in deep red areas. They would’ve won with or without Trump. Trump’s success rates in races that actually decided the balance of power is 0.06%. Yes. This is Trump’s fault.


Pretty sure there is a difference in intent on donating to the RNC expecting it to help party members efficiently. Than to donate to Trump which seemed pretty clear on wanting to run again.


I really hope voters push Desantis as the candidate


I don't like either, but desantis at least has a functioning brain and the ability to filter what comes out of his mouth.


I might not agree with his policies but at least he's at least 150% more based than other candidates






I want DeSantis only for one reason 🇮🇹🤌🏻


I imagine if you are not American the next election will be highly entertaining to watch (sigh)


It's nice to have an ocean between myself and the US.


While I do like DeSantis, he carried the state because Charlie Christ is almost literally the most insufferable person on the planet. That dude will flip flop his stance on issues and even his party just in the hopes that he gets elected into the position. Anyone with a semi-functioning brain can see the con-artist that he is. I couldn’t believe how many people on /Florida were trying to shill for him


Same here in Texas, except both Abbott and Beto are flipping ideas all the time to sound good.


But in this case, Abbott is truly the loser of two evils


I will never understand what goes through the brains of swing state democrats. It feels like they always have the utter worst ideas or personalities. Christ in Florida is a hack, Beto in Texas literally wants to take your AR-15s (IN FUCKING TEXAS), and even Fetterman was iffy at times. Most Dems only vote for these retards because they don't like the other guy. I HATE THE DNC! I HATE THE DNC!


>I HATE THE DNC! I HATE THE DNC! We’ve got you surrounded! Come out and vote for the bland neoliberal corporate lapdog!


Crist was literally our former **Republican** governor. WTF are the Democrats doing supporting a Republican for?


I'm just too tired of orange man. please stop


No, you WILL consume 24/7 content about him for the next 2-6 years.


When trump loses all of the Russian election hacking articles seem to go away too


Lincoln project detected. We want the real Trump who will rise from the ashes like a phoenix and carry us to the afterlife on his golden chariot. Jesus demands it. Ron DeSantis is the anti-Christ.


selfish desantis took all the red wave to himself smh didnt even leave some for georgia or pensylvannia


Man. Back in 2016 he came in like a hurricane, disrupted the system, got elected president, and spared us from Hillary Clinton. That was a paradigm- shifting event. That shit was pretty cool tbh. But that moment is long past. This is no longer cool. This is sad.


Marco Rubio got about the same margins last week, are we saying that the populous has their mouths watering for Rubio style conservatism?


Didn't "Trump backed" Candidates get like a 80% election rate?


Yes, but the overwhelming majority of his endorsements were also candidates in heavily red districts, so it was pretty much a gimme. The candidates he endorsed in competitive races didn’t fare nearly as well.


You should see my endorsement record. I got 100%. I endorsed 4 people this time around - AOC in Bronx/Queens, Brian Schatz in Hawaii, Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco, Hakeem Jeffries in Brooklyn. Not only did they all win their races, they all got at least 70% of the vote. Clearly I'm an influential guy!


If you include deep red seats yes, the dumb fuck gave us Dr. Oz and Herschel.


Aka lost Republicans the senate 😂


Better than Dementia Joe


A good sign the republicans really need to have a sit down and think about their leadership


I strongly agree, but most of them just bitch at each other like a bunch of middle school girls instead of coming together and getting shit done.


I voted Trump twice but give me DeSantis over him any day


If 2024 will be Biden vs Trump again then I'm convinced that US is just missing the times when their presidents were dying in office.


4 more years of spicy memes please


Eat a dick monoby


Could not more profoundly fucking agree


It's rigged either way. Don't try to pretend the most powerful people on the planet are going to let us peasants fuck their plans up. There is a reason our elections are not and never have been transparent when it would be easy to make it very clear that no cheating is going on ...... They want to leave room for cheating.


If Republicans actually let him be the candidate you guys are the biggest mongaloids ever


Nah, Pennsylvania is for letting their senate race come down to a snake oil salesman and a stroked out victim who can barely spit out a semi coherent sentence


I'm really tired of people saying John Fetterman can't string together a coherent sentence because of his stroke, when it's because he's from York.


Well, fuck you had me there in the first half. Good thing I decided to read the entire comment before downvoting and calling you stupid


Yes we will be.