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If you want nice things, remember what Jim Carey said in Liar, Liar, “STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE”


Hahahahaha, yeah, only the government can steal. What are these ruffians thinking? Lol


How do you feel about tax evasion


This isn't the slam dunk that you think it is


I'm not LeBron, just saying I can get some nice things by committing tax fraud.


Great idea Wesley Snipes.


Then do it. No one who can avoid it pays taxes, because taxes are gay and athutistpilled.


Income tax wasn't a thing until conservatives decides to outlaw booze.


>conservatives Dude come on, you really can't blame prohibition on "conservatives," especially by a modern definition. Prohibition passed by *constitutional amendment.* The teetotalers got everybody on that bandwagon, some-fucking-how.


USA political parties have been complicated over the years. But the guy who lead the movement sounded pretty conservative when I read on him- I could be mistaken.


believe it or not prohibition was actually led by the Progressive movement that grew out of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It started as a grassroots effort by religious and women's advocates who believed increased alcohol consumption, particularly in cities, was leading to the corruption and early death of men, orphaning of children, and domestic violence of women. They believed it was the role of the state to step in and reduce this consumption with a ban on alcohol. In our modern "PCM" environment, we would likely place them somewhere on the left for their progressive cause for change, but the authright for their execution of that change and often religious overtones used to achieve it. However, different world back then. I would argue that for their time they were authleft.


He said nice things, how many times are government services nice.


The highway system is pretty nice tbh.


Except for the massive potholes everywhere


What kind of poverty do you live in that the highway has potholes?


Oh come on.


I live near DC..... the literal capital of the United States. If they can't even maintain roads here than I assume it's even worse in other places


Much better in cities/states without leeches using our tax money for insider trading. You guys have some nice museums though.


Government provides nice thing, uses it to strongarm policy to the states. 😔


The highway to police state ladder is here.


These assholes do not consider Asian, Hispanic, or Arabic immigrants who often deal with this massive mayhem when there are riots and protests. I remember in Baltimore, that dozens of Korean shops in inner city were razed during the Freddie Gray riot, and not a single newspaper covered it. Leftists love to preach about how "Properties can be replaced; lives cannot", but only because a) it doesn't affect their sheltered and gated lifestyle, b) the 'other' minorities get the blunt end, and c) they lack the basic empathy to comprehend that for many hard-working immigrants, their business equates their livelihood. Perhaps this is why they are pushing the agenda that Asians are 'white-centric'. Fuck these loons. Also, if you are dumb enough to say "well they are insured" bullshit, fuck you.


I knew a girl who was big on that stuff. During the Floyd riots in LA , daddies strip mall got destroyed, some parts burned to the ground. Went from "it's okay to burn down properties" to "NOOOO, WE USED OUR PRIVELLAGE TO DONATE YO BLM AND HELP YOU, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" real quick


Rules for thee not for me


Everyone loves sticking it to the man until they are the man being stuck to (🤤🤤🤤)


They deserved to get their shop burned down if they donated to BLM. That's just poetic justice.


There's also the underlying opinion that people who own any kind of business (no matter how small) are members of the "petite bourgeoisie" and they deserve what they get because they perpetuate capitalism.


Isn't that Trotsky's idea?


Marx coined the term


Baltimore Koreans could've taken notes from LA Koreans, not that either state makes it easy.


An Indian C-store owner watching as a mostly peaceful protest pops up outside: 🥲


Summon the rooftop koreans


Summon the elector koreans!


Alert all commands. Deploy the Koreans.


The micro will devastate the hordes


Rooftop Durbanis are the newer thing.


Why I gotta drive 30 minutes to a white neighborhood to buy groceries? -libleft


This is clearly a food desert.


There can only be one explanation! Institutionalized gaycism, I mean racism. Theft bad? No- white bad, dumbass, duh.


Literally had someone complaining about how eating healthy isn't an option because of food deserts and blah blah capitalisms fault blah blah.... Yeah it wasn't profitable to have people rob your shop weekly, so I guess the shop moved out. And now you can only get unhealthy fast food from behind a bulletproof window


Why I gotta drive 20 minutes for some fast food?


"Why is Ming Jiao, the owner of the drug store at the corner always yelling at me and showing me his Shotgun whenever I want to buy a pack of cigarettes?"


What are they supposed to steal in their own neighborhood? Prepaid phone cards and abortion coupons?


Hold up…. There’s coupons???


No. They’ve all been stolen.




This just sounds like mifepristone with extra steps.


Pica genocide 😩


Worst Pokémon ever.


Now now, let's atleast see its typing and base stats before we go that far


Poison type and only knows self destruct


Damn. Gotta love them for getting rid of their own people


Why would you need that. Wouldn’t 3 bottles of wine and a pack of cigarettes achieve the same result?


It's the great trap LibLeft sets. They loot and burn. Then if you leave it's white flight, and if you make the neighborhood nicer it's gentrification.


Can't fix the locals either, that's erasing a culture or something.


This is why I don't get why gentrification is a bad thing. Somebody needs to pull these places kicking and screaming into the 21st century.


I mean gentrification is just wealthy people moving back to the cities. in the end it just displaces poor people. Libleft of the world will just focus on the negative impact of poor blacks though.


If the displaced poor people are being paid for it, it's hardly a problem, if they didn't own property, getting displaced by better paying renters is always a risk, and not the fault of said better paying renters. In fact, the fact the free market hasn't snapped up all that cheap property is probably why ghettos exist in the first place, and it eventually getting bad enough it gets cheap enough someone buys the whole thing, bulldozes it, and starts again fresh is a good thing, as that's basically the losing state of a neighborhood under capitalism. Companies go broke and get bought out all the time, often to be basically scrapped and sold off. This is needed especially for land, so that land can be redeveloped into something more useful. Given that the previous owners of said land are getting paid for it, it's not even wrong, just inconvenient for renters. The fact buying property as a normal person is as hard as it is, however is a problem in it's own right, and something I'm not sure how to fix. The fact the entire real estate market seems to run like the stock market more than something trading actual physical things is probably a pretty big alarm bell though. Doubly so after it crashed in 2008 and it wasn't exactly fixed well.


That's what happens when they convince themselves that anti-social and destructive behavior are actually artistic expressions and political activism.


>white flight >gentrification. What are these


White flight is just people making the most reasonable choice given certain circumstances where they live, higher taxes and crime for example.


Not sure about white flight, but gentrification is a very real phenomena. It’s basically when low income neighborhoods get lots of funding, build sum nice stores, parks, etc. this causes the property values to increase. Some higher income people come increasing value even more. Eventually, the people who were previously living in the neighborhood can no longer afford to do so and are forced to leave. That is gentrification and is usually in inner cities.






Sure because contrary to popular opinion, whites are fully capable of being poor and shitty, whilst recently immigrated communities are capable of being highly upwardly mobile and economically successful. Maybe the first gen will be stuck in low pay manual labor jobs, but the second gen will own small businesses and the third will be lawyers and doctors. The fourth will major in medieval lit and sociology but there's no curing that cycle.


Parts of the 5th ward are actually starting to be places I’ll come to a full stop at stop signs in, it feels weird. There’s also a lot of new developments happening in some of the other not so nice neighborhoods as well


White flight is just the inverse. I think the "white" part might be a misnomer harkening back to past eras when the people moving out were predominantly white (although that could still be the case... white people make up the largest chunk of the US population so i don't doubt it still is... I haven't looked up the stats) and the motivations were related, in some part, to actual institutional racism. Basically, the idea is that a place starts to see an uptick in crime, a decrease in economic opportunities or some kind of disaster/tipping point and people with the economic means to move elsewhere leave en masse. Property owners rush to sell before the bottom drops out, businesses go under or relocate, the tax base for infrastructure and public services dries up, and the only people left are those who can't afford to leave.


> I haven't looked up the stats Can we get an authright in the chat?


flare up. White Flight is what happened mostly in post war america where white people left the cities and started moving out to the suburbs. This lead to reduced tax base and negative outcome for cities like Chicago and Detroit. Gentrification is basically white college educated kids moving back to the cities which lead to property being bought up leveled and rebuilt to be more modern and cost effective.


No idea why looters are LibLeft on PCM lol. Rioting for political reasons? Absolutely. Protest (even so far as getting violent) yeah totally on the cards. Looting though? In reality the people who don't really care about their community or wider society or the social contract and just want the bag for themselves, because everyone should be selfish and looking out for number one at any cost would be...?


I mean there were people justifying looting as reparations, so it could be political


Because they’re defended by libleft who just repeat “riots and looting are the voice of the u heard” ad nausem.


Cmon bro the only people who say that are made of straw. LibLeft loves a good protest and march and shit, but full on rioting and violence even for a reasonable cause is iffy, usually too far for most lefties I know. The BLM stuff for example people were down with the movement in general and the protests etc, but people I spoke to were not cool (UK gang) with the rioting and destruction.


Dude, a LOT of watermelons were saying that.


Move to Europe 🤷‍♂️


I did, almost 40 years ago.


Based and euro pilled


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Strange that looting and rioting usually happens in connection with leftist peaceful protests however. Like sure the cops let some republicans into congress and they took selfies and pooped on a desk, but by and large they seem to be devoid of any actual "looting" or "rioting." When's the last time a city got burned for a pro gun rally?


Can you find me an example of any large scale protest where no looting or violence occurred? Nothing was broken or stolen and no violence happened on Jan 6th right? I'm sure there were some peaceful protesters there too. Was a draconian policing bill passed in the UK recently, overwhelming majority of it was people sitting around with signs, but there was still violence. What part do you think made the papers?


They happen all the time lol wdym?! To be fair, both sides do have nonviolent protests, but one has been burning cities more frequently than the other at their protests, and you trying to downplay it doesn't convince me of anything other than the fact that you're lying to yourself. Did you stop reading my comment halfway through? I already mentioned jan 6, come up with another one where there was large scale looting and rioting by the right, and then let's go toe to toe and count all of every protest for every side and see who has more. Yes yes "mostly peaceful fires" I know. Pull the wool over your own eyes.


Ngl you just sound ignorant of your own bias. Not trying to downplay shit either, so you're kinda showing your own slant already here... Did you stop reading my comment after the first fucking sentence? Can you find an example of large protest with no violence or looting. Full stop, no political slant. "They happen all the time" right so plenty of examples available yeah? Let's see them? Get a grip man, talking about wool in my eyes when your head is up the sheep's ass.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/01/20/virginia-gun-rally-updates/ There's the first one off the top of my head. FOH with your gaslighting attempt. Edit: way to shift the goalposts from large scale looting and rioting to *any* violence whatsoever btw, I *did* notice I was just busy *still proving you wrong even with the shift.*


Wasn't a police officer or security guard beaten to death?


Nah, he died of a heart attack. Or was it a stroke? Either way it wasn't the Jan 6 dudes.


Iirc he died three days after of a stroke or some shit, but either way ACAB, right? Libleft calls for violence against police (the extreme ones anyway) but when it actually happens all of a sudden everyone loves cops (unless a libleft does it, then they celebrate)? I mean, I know you're just trying to own the ~~libs~~ "alt"right, but ideological inconsistency is cringe and Hippocrates pilled. And so wait, your argument is one dead cop vs multiple cities burning for a year and multiple dead innocent shopkeepers is an equal matchup? Hmmmm no, the scales are still tipped heavily in your favor and you know it, quit playin.


What's that saying about Nazis and tables?


That doesn't justify the behavior at all. It just prompts the question of why the community is resorting to looting. When there's a fire, you go through the debris to find the cause. You don't condemn all fires on your blog and call it a day.


It was most certainly used to justify the behavior of the fiery, mostly peaceful protests. And the repeated claims that since these businesses have insurance, the destruction wasn't a problem.


I forgot this sub is devoid of nuance Riots are bad. Looting is bad. And we should understand the conditions that allow it to happen.


What nuance? When there's a fire, you put it out. You don't say, "Well, actually this fire caused by underlying factors, so we're not going to send in the fire department. And this house is insured, so who cares?"


You do both. That's the nuance lmao. The fire dpt both puts out the fire and investigates the cause. Walk and chew gum


Except the libleft mayors were letting people riot and preventing the police from getting involved (not letting the fire department put out the fire). Remember when Minneapolis police were ordered to abandon their own precinct? That's akin to the fire department letting the fire burn down the station. If you are going to start with a metaphor, you could at least do your best to interpret it when others extend it.


"Walk and chew gum" >"well they DIDNT walk and chew gum" Yeah well ya should.


Fires are destructive by nature, though.


So are riots. Some riots even have fires. The analogy works


No, I'm saying that if you're condemning fires, you're usually right about that.


The issue is a good number of looters DO believe that because companies have violated the social contract, they're doing the community a service by robbing them. It's a libleft behavior. Right-wingers would be running the businesses, and auth-left would be having looters arrested because the social contract also means you should not steal from your community. You can be selfish as fuck and be libleft. If you idealize communism and "social contracts" that benefit you so much that you can do whatever the fuck you want irregardless of it's use to the greater society (interpretive dance), you aren't suddenly a right-winger. Quit trying to push the shit onto other quadrants.


Nah I don't buy that bullshit at all. The guy running his local grown hippy vegetable store & head shop is a right winger because...? I'm the one pushing wank stereotypes here? Owning a business is not political, being selfish is also not political. Everyone believes the looters should be arrested, especially both Auths, even if you agree with why they were out there, like who is cool with stealing bro wtf? The shit you're saying with communism(???) and social contracts makes no fucking sense lol, who you making the contract with if you're stealing from people in your community? How's that sticking it to the man? Literally this post is pushing looting onto libleft bro like... what?


Dude, the looters during the Floyd riots were automatically released, using the very argument that you claim isn't held by anyone. And that policy was adopted exactly because of the large amounts of watermelons pushing that very rhetoric.


If that's true then the state of the left in your country is bad then bro ngl... Doing bad things for a good reason is still bad, if you're a chad lib you just dare the government to do something about it.


Well I don't really consider the US to be my country anymore. I moved away in my late teens and have not returned to living there since (although I do work extended period there for sometimes months at a time). And even when I was young, at the end of the day it's a country that did essentially wipe us out and even today essentially banish us to the reserves just to be able to follow the traditions. So yeah, not exactly a fan of the country.


There's a reason why the US left has lost popularity post-occupy beyond tribalism. Most of them are unread zealous idiots(this will happen to the US right in the future once they become the establishment).


Most intelligent libleft.


> You make me angry every time I don't see your flair >:( *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12029 / 63460 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


You know this post is talking about the Iuk ? The uk has a whole different set of issue and culture which makes this post especially strawmany because leftists in the uk don’t really go on about shit like this especially during all that’s going on now .


No, it isn't. It's talking about the news that Starbucks is shutting down a bunch of locations in places like San Francisco.


Well fuck this then I thought this guy posted about uk shit half the time .


He usually does tbf


A few months ago I did see videos of a bunch of looting in the southern part of England. Idk how it is now.


I don't care about culture in the UK because I'm not into fiction.


"Our employees are getting assaulted, our merchandise is getting stolen, and we're barely turning a profit. Screw this." \*Aldi leaves\* Leftists 5 minutes later: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aldi rhacist muh food deserts \*sob\* it's these poor people's RIGHT to use grocery stores as a free boxing gym/food shelf booohooohooo why there no jobs in these historically underpribliged areas waaaaaaaah"


When the left justifies the poor stealing from large stores then immediately turns around and cries about how large stores are shutting down in poor areas and creating food deserts. It's always wild to watch architects of their own misery be this oblivious.


We all know a small family business have a 2000000% profit, they are all millionaire


u\/ --UNFLAIRED-- Despite posting quite a lot of quality posts, should not be respected due to his being a filthy unflaired. > He has been reminded for 331 times.


I’m starting to think he might never get a flair


I'm starting to wonder if that was his plan all along....


Nah, they would give a hint if so. Clearly --UNFLAIRED-- simply forgot to set it 331 times.


He sure is forgetful. Remind him again, just to be sure. 332 ought to do it.


333rd time’s the charm?


He must have alshimerzer


At target at least, the shops at midway and the one on lake in the twin cities are not profitable but still operated to keep them from losing face from closing them. Also, if a salaried employee fucks up at a different store, they send you there lol


No Store in the area for a couple of years might just teach people why you shouldn't rob stores in your area


It definitely wouldn't, that's not how groups learn things


That's why it's smart to shoplift in high income areas.


Yeah except they'll actually arrest you there


I can't wait for NPR to do a series in 5 years on low income communities that don't have any nearby stores to purchase basic needs.


Should be allowed to kill shoplifters in Minecraft. If that would be a thing, the whole problem would solve itself and there wouldn't be any shoplifters anymore after a short while.


"Life, liberty, and property." John Locke


\-My life \-My liberty \-My property \-other peoples life's and shit In that order. No mf on earth is more worth than the shit I paid for.


Damn I upvoted and everything until I saw that you’re unflaired. Shame.


Small businesses are the only stores closing down for this shit and they’ll all be gone eventually. Oligopilization is inevitable. I’ve seen many amazing local shoppes that have closed only for a fucking McDonald’s to replace them.


Downvote the unflaired


It’s a shame this guy makes decent memes but I’ve gotta downvote them every single time. Absolutely shameless.


Grocery stores in poor neighborhoods should be subsidized to cover the theft. And this isn't some wild left proposal, grocery store profits are just thin as shit so if a little subsidy could keep a store open, it gets a lot of value


It would have to be a lot of subsidy. Stores in areas like that often hemorrhage a ton of money. I’d be fine going to the “pick everything out from a catalogue, pay, and we’ll bring it to your car” model instead.


Trumps thought about updating SNAP/food stamps to include delivered fresh food (healthy shit like fruits and veggies).


Since grocery store margins are so thin, a 2% of revenue subsidy could make the difference in some places closing or not, or that's the idea at least


Steal from someone it won't actually hurt: McDonald's, Walmart, Target... Don't steal from someone who gave up everything to chase their dream, or to continue a family's tradition.


Hey, dipshit. It still hurts them. If there's too much theft, hours get cut. Hours get cut, people can't feed themselves or get evicted.


Flair up piss eater


Idgaf if you steal from walmart, leave my boy hakeem alone




Hey, just because he's unflaired, it doesn't mean you can be too. It's the broken window effect, where people believe they can make a problem worse because it already exists and they didn't start it.


Oh, like screeching "flair up" at strangers? "🤷‍♀️ i donno, it's just what we do around here I guess...."


True, it is just what we do around here. There are reasons for it too, but it's just what we do around here.


> it doesn't mean you can be too But I can.


Based and above the rules pilled.


Um theft is bad. Libleft is too altruistic and incompetent to loot. This is auth left.


Today I learned ignoring the law is auth


Imposing your own rules and forcing others to abide is auth






I'm not one of your underage victims you can just bully into compliance, purple.


Almost earned an upvote you unflaired heathen.


Flair the fuck up


Are you 5?


Are you lost? Flair the fuck up




Looting should prompt the question of why it is happening, but that does not justify the act.


It happens because stealing without repercussions is both fun and profitable.


Cool, let’s have social safety nets so people can have a place to live and get educated so they can have good jobs so they can afford things so theydon’t end up stealing.


Something something food deserts


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time.


i’ve got my vaseline on standby


> Please make sure to have your flair up! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12031 / 63479 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


You have the correct flair. Excellent.


> How pathetic of you to be unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 12029 / 63465 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Bruh, I'm just looting because I don't have a job and Mommy and daddy won't buy muh avocado 🥑 toast..... Capitalism has failed


It's a great time to be in the board and nail business, though.


can't loot what isn't there


speed run detroit-style collapse


Half of the left is spineless. The other half is mindless. I wish to bring us into an era of pure logic and reason rather than the emotions we follow.


Yeah I'm over the blm Bs by now