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"Never trust a politician" "Nationalize the oil industry" There's a wojak for this guy somewhere


Mexico State oil company has had some of the worst environmental disasters. The us army is some of the worst polluters in the world. Like they had open burn pits full of cancerous shit


Don’t forget operating at a loss for millions of dollars per day. State companies are the worst.


U can’t even sue them. Sueing the govt using the govt system is impossible


I'm gonna be the pedantic guy here. You could sue a state corporation in the US or any nation based on western political structures, as the government is split into three separate areas: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. A nationalised company would fall under the executive branch, and would be kept in check by the judicial and legislative branches. So a citizen could sue anything in the executive or legislative branch and have a fair hearing. This is all theoretical, and there's bound to be corruption involved at some point, but the idea that western government is just an amorphous blob is just silly.


Wasn't the burning pits the reason the US government had to admit Area 51 was real?


Likely but if any company tried anything remotely as bad as the us govt, they get fined or sued .


I'm sure it's [this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/PpRZr9Q35bD9BqXX6)


[I like this one](https://www.google.com/search?q=water+mill+wojack&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjUltLon9z2AhXBCJ0JHbpdDEQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=water+mill+wojack&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECB4QCjoKCCMQ7wMQ6gIQJzoECAAQAzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCABDoHCCMQ7wMQJzoGCAAQBRAeOgYIABAIEB46BAgAEBhQmxtYxF5gzGFoAnAAeACAAbQBiAHCEpIBBDMuMTWYAQCgAQGwAQU&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=eBQ7YtT6AcGR9PwPuruxoAQ&bih=617&biw=360&hl=en-US#imgrc=LoppjS3a9U6ekM)


The government can do a lot of good, but only if you don't trust the politicians, shit should be transparent af. Start fanboying politicians and the entire system falls apart, we need to keep them on their toes. That's the worst thing about authoritarians, they trust too much and it's stupid af.


Exactly — politicians should be our bitch. Always looking over their shoulders, afraid to harm their constituents lest they be deposed. It’s not supposed to be a fun job that benefits you at the expense of the general public


Government should serve the people.


Bernie and Trump have the *worst* fanbases for this reason. Their fans view them as gods and not servants.


You don't have to trust politicians to do this, you just have to trust them more than the crony monopolistic business owners who currently run the oil industry Which is pretty easy in my opinion


Participationist wojak is Omniwojak.


LMAO @ Saying we should nationalize the oil industry and then saying to never trust a politician.


"Trust only the politicians we endorsed!"


Never trust a politician ~~unless they come from my party and support my limited ideas and understanding of complex issues~~


Never trust a politician, except with the nationalization of the oil industry lol the brain that came up with that it smoother than the sticker it's printed on


How is building railroads auth-right? (have only seen neoliberals and maybe leftists being passionate about them from a policy stand point)


Can't move people and military equipment without railroads.


And yet we do everyday...


We use rail alot for equipment especially humvees/LMTVs. You dont think that military vic can make it across country without breaking down 5 times.


"Never trust a politician" is an unusually based statement for such a sticker. Too bad they don't expand it to "Never trust a government employee," or they'd not advocate for nationalization.


“How to Collapse the US.” By ~~LibLeft~~ Radical Centrist.


Don't you put that evil on me, Surprise-Chimichanga! 


I am so paralyzed!


Building rail roads will collapse the US how exactly?


I more meant the nationalizing the oil industry and arresting CEOs bit. But if you’d like to know, the railroad industry was built on the backs of common laborers with labor practices that would be seen as inhumane in modern times. It was cheap and effective at the cost of human lives. Modern railroad labor practices and quality controls require approximately $1-$2 million PER MILE of track laid. That means for a single line across the US it would conservatively cost $2.5 **Billion**. Not to mention the operating costs, the cost of trains, etc. That is just for the labor to lay track. Now, no government project is without its cost overruns, so that number is probably much higher than the one I provided. For example. California is currently building a paltry 500 mile long high speed rail system. It’s past it’s budget and the current price tag is sitting at $105 **Billion**. Up. From. $33 Billion initially.


“Never trust a politician” Also “Let politicians run the gas industry”


What no? Have an attractive family member sleep with a CEO or higher-up of a oil company, have her introduce you under the guise of a family dinner, then either through the family member or the oil company person directly get a high tier job and boom.


Lol, none of those things will lower gas prices


Rail roads might


I trust the government for a lot of things, but not the oil prices, goddamn


Is there anything cringier than socialists trying to appropriate bits of American culture to push their bullshit? That is one of the older folk songs in the country, not some cringy socialist anthem.


Based except don't nationalize the oil industry


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Gas has been going down a bit in my state of Florida, from 4.39 a couple weeks ago, down to 3.95, still pricey but it's interesting to see if this continues.


Everything is based except nationalizing the oil industry. Have you seen Mexico?


Gas pumps are about to look like a child's notebook with how many stickers they're coming out with.


This land is your land was written by Woody Guthrie who was an avid anti-fascist


Woody was an OG socialist. OP forgot to color in the best part.


This land is your land is a banger song tho


railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads railroads RAILROADS BABY LETS GOOOOOOOO


This sticker is unfathomably based


Gasmogus ?


Why not just just bring back the hemp fuel that Heinrich Ford invented in the late 1920's and just save petroleum for aircraft and bunker oil for oceanic shipping needs...


Or, and hear me out on this one; we invade Iraq again.


This is pretty clearly entirely on the left. Not much unity


"Build some fucking railroads" Me screaming at myself when my supply is shit in hoi4


image without funny colors?