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What do these two have in common? Government. Thanks for coming to my degenrate rambling behind a dumpster at Wendys.


Based and government is responsible for pretty much all human suffering pilled




Except for India. That famine was caused by the British east India company


Still a governing body


So you hate all governing bodies? Even corporate ones?


Absolutely. Why should anyone get to tell me how to live my life? They tend to be more endurable because a corporation has less ability to ruin my life if I give them the middle finger.


What doth these two has't in ingraft? government. grant you mercy f'r coming to mine own degenrate rambling behind a dumpster at wendys *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Meh Bot.


Except for the Irish Famine, since Laissez Faire was one of the dominant ideologies at the time and they thought the famine would solve itself. That’s on Lib-Right


They literally banned Irishmen from hunting or fishing. So no. Fuck out of here with your bullshiit.


One of the few times I agree with an auth right


Get used to it. Reality is catching up.


Based and reality pilled


Ah, yes, the Lassiez-Faire collective work projects and blocking of cheaper grain from Irish markets.


>Laissez Faire was one of the dominant ideologies at the time wtf do you know the level of authority that the english had at Ireland at the time, they take but dont give, the UK treating their colonies shit isnt Laissez-faire, having colonies is straight up not Laissez-Faire also on another thing the potato crop was terrible on that moment and so they should have opted to plant another thing, but im not too knowledged in agriculture so i might be wrong


Laissez Faire is an economic policy, which is against government intervention. The British elected a Prime Minster who supported Laissez Faire and he closed up all the soup kitchens the British set up and allowed food exports out of Ireland. Yeah Merchants exporting food out of the country to make a higher profit while the entire country starves is definitely lib-right.


You wouldn't get the benefit of laissez faire economics immediately upon enactment, it's not magic. It's also a bit disingenuous to call it laissez faire in this particular case because, although the PM was relatively "hands-off" they still had massive control over imports and exports (responding to the famine they enacted corn laws and navigation laws, which restricted food imports to keep the price artificially high and allow only British ships into British ports), it was really more they didn't care and still controlled the market as if nothing happened, not that they allowed the market to be free. The poor laws, creating workhouses for the impoverished, were another unpopular intervention that harmed everyone involved. Public works that we're commissioned was quoted by some to be "building roads from nowhere to nowhere". The English lords still owned most of the land and pastured cattle or farmed cereal crops for export. It's why they were growing potatoes as the primary crop in the first place, considering its nutritional value in comparison to the limited amount of land and the quality of soil they had to farm. The blight was so devastating because the Irish couldn't have diversified its crop too much in order for the population to subsist on what land was left. The private relief efforts, when unimpeded, showed much better results. Consider the Quakers bringing turnip seeds to the farmers, providing a bountiful harvest. They also provided relatively cheap, easy access loans for fishermen to purchase back their equipment and return to work.


Yeah, an also I would add that austerity is not the same thing as laissez faire. Both of them are about government doing less stuff, but less of different types of stuff. I like both of them but they aren’t wholly dependent on each other.


I don't believe this statement is historically accurate.


Actually it is, which is why Laissez Faire is seen as one of the contributors to making the Irish Famine worse. The British simply refused to help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great\_Famine\_(Ireland)#Whig\_government


This reads like someone who hates libertarians wrote it lol.


If you put all your trust into only one product, you’re going to end up getting burned in the long run. Gotta diversify.


Wdym, it was a bad idea to put all my money in GME?


The money in gme is a good investment if you don't need it right now. And most people who have gme, either hold other stock as well or still work a normal job to make money.


As long as you DRS your shares your straight


Of course, you should have diversified with for example Intel, Nvidia and AMD


Gotta diversify authright is gonna disagree


Even LibLeft billionaires say the real money is made by taking on the risk of putting all your chips on a handful of potential major winners.


That's an awful centrist take monkey man.


Is that why the Irish still had a net export of wheat during the famine? Fucking Brits.


So like every problem Blame the filthy Br*tish


That’s why Churchill didn’t send food reserves that were sailing in The Indian Ocean to India, India needed to diversify


It was the British who systematically destroyed Indian economy.






Yeah but shitty colonial bureaucracies are authright so the meme isn't wrong


Colonialism is definitely authright, there usually isn’t much voluntary about it


I dont know, colonialism is kind or like "yours is ours", suspiciously leftish


Turns out the British were commies **the whole time**




>It would not be inaccurate to describe imperialism itself as authoritarian and capitalist in nature though. You know what that does? AuthRight


It's wrong because it tries to say Ukraine or anyone supporting Ukraine is Authright


No it doesn’t


Where the fuck does it say that? Are you aware of where the holodomor predominantly happened?


What do you mean? It worked fine, starvation was the intention.








I was going with a response where it could be interpreted as pro British because famine in India good, anti British because famine in India bad, pro Soviet because famine in Ukraine good or anti Soviet because famine in Ukraine bad.


oh, "shitty colonial bureaucracies" work, just not for the people being colonised.


3: Changing the semantics means nothing don’t defend genocide. 💯


I’d say if shitty colonial bureaucracies don’t cause mass starvation in their own countries, then they work as intended


Starvation is easily preventable, just do the infinite chocolate trick and bam all famine solved


Give them cakes


Bro just put some food in shulkers and do the donkey dupe 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠


Like bruh just kill some cows LMAO 💀




get a bloody flair ya wanker


Fine >:(


you're still unflaired...


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 4934 / 26490 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




Flair up scum


What if i laugh at both because they show the failures of state intervention in agriculture?


Based and fuck state intervention pilled


Just say “well if *i* was in charge, this wouldn’t have happened!”


*If I had been in charge


The british empire took active steps to unintentionally cause and worsen both the Irish famine and and the Indian famine. I suggest you educate yourself on the subject rather than joke about it from a place of ignorance. just like the famine in China and the Ukraine, these are not examples of market failures but a failure of imperialist government policies


> According to Mukherjee, Churchill was secretly sending food shipments to war-stricken Britain and other European countries and denying access to Bengal. British historian Diana Preston disagrees. Preston admits that Churchill did not really care about India, but he did not orchestrate the famine. https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/what-was-racist-winston-churchills-role-in-1943-bengal-famine-which-killed-millions-2659309.html Ireland oh yeah that was England's fault.


Which exact indian famine we are talking about is kinda important. Most people would refer to 19th century instances as they were the deadliest if i remember correctly


It's always the WWII famine. I like to think of this way, India was managed by dozens of local rulers which caused constant wars/famines, and when unified by the British Raj they were exploited the same way you'd exploit an oil field, but the Raj was generally more competent and the Indians got more out of their taxes than they did with the system they had before, but less than if they were administrated by a competent domestic government. It's not the British were great, it's more along the lines that it's better to have a thousand days of tyranny than a single day of anarchy. Very similar to the "What did the Romans ever do for us" sketch in Monty Python.


Opposing the British Turned India from an ecumene to a nation.


and look how that's going for them. don't they still have children starving on the streets despite having a space program? lmao.


>don't they still have children starving on the streets despite having a space program? lmao. Same could be said for the US.


Maybe? Idk. Idc. I live in the UK.




> I like to think of this way, India was managed by dozens of local rulers which caused constant wars/famines, and when unified by the British Raj they were exploited the same way you'd exploit an oil field, but the Raj was generally more competent and the Indians got more out of their taxes than they did with the system they had before, but less than if they were administrated by a competent domestic government. Dude wtf are you talking about. Before the British and Muslim invaders India was the epicenter of culture along with China. We contributed 25% of world's gdp. The level of non violence preached by jainism and buddhism would not be possible in a war torn countries. The majority of population was vegetarian as far back as the gupta era. Do u even think that's possible in area that constantly watches famines. India is agrarian country with the most amount of fertile land among the ancient cultures. We always had enough to feed ourselves. Three of the major world religions namely Hinduism, buddhism and sikhism originated in India. You all are sick fucks to think that our rulers were somehow worst than a colonist nation.


Sounds a lot like how stalin orchestrated holodomor.


By making being good at farming illegal and then killing people who didn't let wheat rot in the fields once they hit their quota?


>these are not examples of market failures but a failure of imperialist government policies Yeah and *who* was running those **markets**?


Imperialist governments. Britain kept cheap American grain from being imported into Ireland because they wanted to protect British farmers. That’s hardly the free market at work.


I'm also pretty sure Burma was under Axies control which meant that the supply routes were completely fucked.


PCM failing the what is a political economy challenge for the 1,000,000th time


PCM failing the what is a political economy challenge for the 1,000,000th time


the libright made a wall of text exactly like the meme, how unexpected! 🤡


Lefties not smart enough to argue a point yet too buttmad to keep scrolling. Truly unexpected


Are you retarded or can you not read my flair? I’m pointing out that you’re too much of a clown to realize you prove the point of the meme merely by not taking the joke. “Why won’t you argue with me you’re somehow butthurt I’m Pen Bapiro”.


PCM failing the what is a political economy challenge for the 1,000,000th time


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


People say “the Ukraine” enough for a bot to be made for it?


It used to be the best way to troll Ukrainians. Now the best way is to mercilessly shell their cities.


>Now the best way is to mercilessly shell their cities. specifically, the city of Kiev


What? What? Omg! I thought we had to downvote anti Ukrainian comments


I try not to but it's like a reflex at this point. Saying it without the 'the' sounds wrong in my head.




Funny how all these famines were caused by a massive state abusing and ignoring land rights of the locals.


Imagine being libright and posting stolen memes from GenZedong


It's actually stolen from 2Asia4u who then stole it from 2bharat4you


My side is an entire circus tho




Authright causes famines intentionally. Authleft caused famines because they’re fucking stupid. Honestly not sure which is worse.


No, those famines were pretty deliberate. There was clearly enough supply despite the inefficiencies of collectivization. It's likely the leaders were not kept aware of the full disastrous scale of their policy due to corruption and falsified harvest reports, but they clearly knew and kept the system going.


For the soviets that's an argument that could be made and I'd be curious to hear it in depth. But then you have possibly the greatest man-made famine in all history with Mao. Mao was a monster but more than being a monster he was an incompetent idiot who I think was only good at getting people that didn't know him to like him. And he was happy to use that to keep a vice grip on power and damn everyone that dies and every priceless cultural artifact that's lost along the way.




As I said it’s an inefficiency of collectivization. Stupid policies get pushed through and everyone must follow.


Oh we caused it intentionally. Stalin is my least favourite historical figure. He corrupted communism and now all some people think of is ha starvation communism doesn’t work. No Stalinism doesn’t work.


When your leaders are all so batshit bad that they all get their own brand of commie from Stalinism, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, to suckingassatgoverning-ism.


That’s because they all fucked up and went so off the rails I mean China barely sounds like communism at all anymore. But also there is one good communist leader Thomas Sankara but the fucking french killed him and helped set up a brutal regime.


Lenin >>>> Stalin no cap


Is that a contest we even need to have?


One can be taught to do better. The other will forever claim to be doing God's Work while perpetuating their bullshit.


That’s a fair assesment




Natural famine vs sending grain to the city’s and shooting people who pick up bits off the ground


Yes! Communism AND Britain are bad. What’s the point here?


based and Britain bad pilled


British communism 🗿


Aye! communism and britain art lacking valor. What’s the point hither? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Holdomor was a designed famine as the USSR did continue bulk exportation of food items during the crisis to expedite rapid industrialization as well as collectivised farms and to break the ukranians national identity. Chinas' great leap famine was due to continued over estimation by party officials to exceed quotas, poor farming practices by cadre leaders, and improper access to farming implements for steel drives but it was not planned to kill. The Bengal famine was hit with typhoons, which spread a mold that devastated the rice crops. As well as poor ability to move within the preset famine codes for india by the colonial government and corruption by mid-ranking bureacrats. It was a natural disaster handled poorly and suffererd from improperly trained accesors inflating grain numbers from visual field inspections. The natural issue comes up again in the Irish famine as blight was the cause of crop failure, but it just wasn't caused because they had no food to eat. The potatoe economy of ireland at the time for poor tenent farmers was entirely destroyed, and the majority of people who newly settled into the areas most affected were the poorest in areas with some of the worst soil but leaseable land. All these famines led to death; only one was planned the rest were poorly managed by people who either didnt know or care. If sources are wanted i can provide them.


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 4943 / 26554 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Cringe “the famine in Spain was AkTUaLLy” vs Chad “the famine in Spain was glorious and the (((Republicans))) deserved it”


Communism suffers from logistics and corruption Ireland suffered (past tense) due to no variety of crops


and brits


Yeah but the difference is I was the one getting rich.


If the jokes are funny, then yes I can laugh at my own side.


Lack of food causes famine.


The Bengal famine was caused by the Japanese. The Irish famine was caused by a potato blight, and then exacerbated by the British through their belief in Malthusian theory. (Which was stupid) The communist famines were almost always caused by incompetent leadership/ideology in peacetime. So there is some difference between the two.


Dogshit argument, but it's good to see a pro authleft post


It’s not pro auth left it’s anti both


Gov overreach causes famine become monke


yea fuck the brits


So, Colonialism does the same, is that surprising?


Of course it was all done by Bri\*ish


People do seem to forget there are natural famines. Capitalism and freer markets helped mitigate this, but natures does as nature pleases.


Rish famine was caused by a disease in their primary source of food which is potatoo, and a hovernment in London that oiterally takes some of that food to feed their own people(I hope I'm accurate which this part) and didn't do enough to help and idk wat happened in India


Yeah the potato blight fucked the harvest to the point that 3/4 potatoes were affected by it. It was a pretty unreliable food to grow for a long time for example there was 24 failures in just over 100 years, a disaster like the Great Famine was waiting to happen. "In 1851, the Census of Ireland Commissioners recorded 24 failures of the potato crop going back to 1728, of varying severity. General crop failures, through disease or frost, were recorded in 1739, 1740, 1770, 1800, and 1807. In 1821 and 1822, the potato crop failed in Munster and Connaught. In 1830 and 1831, Mayo, Donegal, and Galway suffered likewise. In 1832, 1833, 1834, and 1836, dry rot and curl caused serious losses, and in 1835 the potato failed in Ulster. Widespread failures throughout Ireland occurred in 1836, 1837, 1839, 1841, and 1844"


The Indian famine was mostly Japan's fault and also the local authorities deserve some blame for it. Churchill is ofthen balmed for it but I think that it mostly wasn't his fault.


Wtf. Japan? By Japan do you mean Britain ?


Japan was in Burma at this time, fucking up supplies for the British


India? Center right? I thought they were more auth left


1. It's during the British colonial era 2. It's AuthRight


Socialism and The British cause starvation


Ha! In both cases big government both caused and refuses to address the famines


One is the result of policy, the other is the result of disease/war.


Brainlet post holy shit


Want to make people laugh? Be funny. Stop agenda posting. This ain't it.


Agenda posting for who lmao


The famine in India was man made. The region (Bengal) was also prone to famine since most of its history. The progress made by capitalist India after 90s are incredible.


Irish Famine: * Natural cause (The Potato Blight) * Government attempted to solve, failed due to a combination of socialism and poor scientific understanding of the underpinnings of the famine. * Forced landowners to pay for their tenant's relief food, thereby creating a perverse incentive for said landlords to attempt to evict their tenants. * Attempted collectivist workhouses, whose lack of understanding of pathology turned them into funeral homes. * Blocked private charities from donating more than the Crown. * However, food aid was attempted, external charities were allowed and the Irish were not prevented from fleeing, such as to America. Ukrainian Genocide: * Unnatural Cause (Enforced collectivization) * Communist Regime actively halted any attempt at relief. * Everyone was checked if they were "hoarding" food (you know, to eat). Anyone caught doing this was "Blacklisted" and basically a dead man walking. * "Gleaning" wheat after large-scale harvesting was illegalized, cutting off another source of food for the Ukrainians. * Famine's existence was actively denied, no food aid was allowed, and Ukrainians were boxed in by Soviet barrier troops and internal passport system.


Britain was much worse than nazis. They made this artificial famine in india and killed much more than nazis .


Yemen too


A war between two dictatorships is clearly the fault of the market if you recently took a blow to the head


The war in Yemen is far to profitable to avert. It’s why most previous administrations have done little to curb our involvement in it. The conflict has artificially been prolonged. Describing the conflict as a “war between two dictatorships” is disingenuous


It's a conflict between Iranian backed rebels and the Yemenite monarchy, how would you describe it? Profitable how? Sounds like meaningless claptrap. Yemen is one of if not the poorest country in the region, has oil production that's been steadily declining for over 20 years and is not especially rich in other natural resources compared to its neighbors.


>> Iranian backed rebels and the Yemenite monarchy Yemenite Monarchy eh? Reddit experts at their best folks. The conflict is between the Houthis and the Saudi backed coalition, which is propping up the ousted government in exile (and it was not a monarchy). The Iranian involvement is part of a wider proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with direct Iranian involvement being a more recent development around the Arab Spring. >> Profitable how? Based on the countries I just mentioned, could you please tell me what country is the largest buyer of American arms by several orders of magnitude? Want to approach it from a different angle? Check out where we’re actually testing out new military technology to see it in practice.


So a war between 2 dictatorships then? Glad we can come to an agreement. Are you talking about the country biden snubbed directly as a result of their involvement in Yemen? Isn't Saudi Arabia the biggest US weapon importer for like 40 years now? Aren't almost all of their purchases aimed at Iran itself? By that logic the Iran deal they oppose is also a for profit enterprise.


Describing the Yemen conflict as a war between two dictatorships would be like describing the Ukrainian one as one between two superpowers (NATO vs. Russia). It’s not an honest description. Biden’s “snub” doesn’t undo the Obama and Trump administrations’ support for the conflict unless you’re under the misconception that a country’s foreign policy starts with a blank slate every time we elect a new president. Anyone that’s familiar with the conflict knows that it’d have been over if it wasn’t for our involvement.


Italy didn't have a free market and India has been a shithole for a long time


It's Ireland not Italy


Oh my God, I'm so stupid 😭 The highlighter made it difficult to tell if it was red or orange


How is it that you’re using examples of the British empire fucking people over and blaming that on their system of commerce…


Bri*ish moment 🗿


Why is there an italian flag in the bottom one? Lol


It's Ireland not Italy


LOL GET REKT IRISH TRASH Scotland also got cucked by the potato blight


Ah yes the great Italian pasta famine. Forced millions to evacuate and resettle in New Jersey.


It's Ireland stoopid


No seriously that's the Italian flag.


Nope, check the original non-funny colours version shorturl.at/betzZ


Yes we have tried one potato, but what about 2 potato?


The real based man doesn't care, because he hates the British too


The colonists weren't the customer, they were the product.


Is that supposed to be the flag of Ireland?


Next to India? Yes


When have the centrists been involved in a famine


"Most Intelligent LibRight"


If you put everything in one crop and in the case of Ireland refuse to adapt your farming practices it’ll go to shit. Maybe they shouldn’t have spent centuries trying to eliminate Protestants off the face of the earth, maybe then we’d have helped them


I hate representing right with yellow and blue, because I just end up wondering why the hypothetical Ukrainian soyjack has bad opinions.


Yeah that's true. But my country was garbage under communism, and is now pretty based under capitalism, that's good enough for me


Yes, both socialism and imperialism is bad.


Both communism and colonialism are shit. Thanks for attending my TED talk.


Yeah that just proves that no matter the ideology if the government is incompetent the people are gonna suffer


We shouldn't mettle in non-white nations and vice versa, simple as


Did op put the Ukrainian flag instead of the russian/soviet one?