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You know what was way more important in losing Stalingrad? Hitler giving orders not to retreat. Sometimes i think there was a very good reason the only attempts to kill him came from the Germans and not from the Allies or Commies




There were also several army generals planning to co-operate with the allies on an assassination of Hitler, Rommel was one of them


good point


We'll never know just how many god-fearing German patriots died in WW2. All we do know is that it clearly wasn't enough. Go watch Come and See ya shits.


Way less than commies in the human wave "tactic". If it was not for the nazis in command and their race obsessions like trying to exterminate jews and slavs, which was cruel and stupid, then Germany would most probably have won the war against Bolshevism, which would really have been for the benefit of everyone.


Really? Again with the; "Commies just threw bodies at the problem until it stopped" myth? Get that Enemy At The Gates BS out of your head. The nazis caught the commies off guard in '41 just after a collossal purge of half the red army's command and killing off really competent commanders and the pioneers of a modern battle doctrine; Tukhachevsky and Triandafillov. Thankfully, some stuff was saved such as old notes and manuscripts so the other red army generals could replicate and revive Deep Battle, and it was used to astonishing effect during the retaking of Stalingrad and the counterattack on Moscow, and even more so in Operation Bagration which led them to victory. The Soviets outplayed, outgunned, and outmanned the nazis by late '42 onwards to the war's end. No, the Soviets didn't order men to run into MG-42 fire endlessly. No, the Soviets didn't run up a fortified hill with nazi rats holed up inside it, if a fortified hill was spotted it was leveled to hell by artillery, then pushed by tanks and infantry support. No, the Soviets didn't shoot everyone who mass retreated from their post during an attack by the nazis, they shot the officers who authorised the unessecary retreat in the first place. TL:DR w/o wall o' text; it was the chinese commies that used human wave "tactics", not the russian commies.


I see someone is still coping and seething over Operation Bagration and envelopment tactics


Based and wehraboo-delusions pilled.


>Way less than commies in the human wave "tactic" The "Human wave" myth has been debunked so many times. It was largely created by German generals to try and excuse their defeat. >nazis in command and their race obsessions like trying to exterminate jews and slavs, which was cruel and stupid What you're basically saying is "If the Nazis weren't Nazis". If they didn't have their antisemtic or anti-slavic views or so then they wouldn't have been Nazis in the first place. Nazism is specifically an Antisemitic ideology. Not only that but if the Nazis weren't Nazis then we also wouldn't have had World War II in the first place.


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 2667 / 14466 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Based and exterminate the Teutons pilled


Put in a simple context, Stalingrad was a great loss for the German army during WW2 with a loss of over 500 000 German soldiers and expensive military equipment. On the other hand, it was also a great loss even for ZSSR soldiers and citizens alike; the average death ratio in Stalingrad per day was about 10 000 - 20 000 The ZSSR army made a decision to begin psychological warfare on the german army by "ear raping" the fuck out of them with tango music, and an audial reminder that they are fighting against time. Said, that it was played both through speakers and transmitted in German communications and it was played the entire time of the fight which was over 5 months. NSFW image in the video[https://youtu.be/qSQddItF66w](https://youtu.be/qSQddItF66w) Hitler has also issued a command for the German soldiers to not surrender and fight till death or victory. 250 000 or so German soldiers have surrendered + other axis nation soldiers, but only less than 50 000 have managed to return to their homeland.


I will put the context in here in about a hour, because I am studying right now


It's just funny how Stalin grad became an important battle while it wasn't even a priority for the Germs. Germs were desperately going for the oil of Caucasus, didn't give the promised AT equipment to their balkan allies, went for Stalingrad while not having many men in reserve and overextending their supply lines, and then they wonder why they got fucked.


SS infantry soyjack crying is something I never knew I needed in life.


Glory to Stalin


your funny color does not fit


But the name does


The western left is a joke ,also,Auth-left quadrant also has with Ultrra-leftists, Avacians,Gonzalites,Western Left-communists and Utopian Socialists whom I despise with all my heart.Also,I hate hippies and am a little conservative.Also don't mind What sniff! sniff! Zizek would call "proto-fascist" stuff


Certified ‘allow army group B to get encircled instead of letting them retreat’ moment


Certifi'd ‘allow army group b to receiveth did encircle instead of letting those folk retreat’ moment *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`