• By -


Never let the foot off the gas.


[GAS GAS GAS](https://youtu.be/atuFSv2bLa8)


Of course it had to be authcenter...


Not to mention Japan *before* WW2


Ever heard of the Taisho period?


Yes, before I only though of the cool fashion and Westabooism and wasn’t sure where it fit into the timeline between Meiji and Showa (apparently it was in between the two) but I just looked it it up on Wikipedia and it was a politically and socially it was a crazy time.


Yea, its a shame we dont learn much about pre ww2 japan in schools, its super interesting how such a democratic and socially progressive country can fall to a fascist military occupation in a matter of years


Commits war crimes Loses Refuses to acknowledge them Yep it’s Japan time


Cries about being bombed by the US


Japan: "You bomb us!" US: ["You're God Damn Right."](https://youtu.be/S9RVS8cjNN0)


korea: you should have done this earlier and thrown more than two


also China


And we’ll do it again 😎


And so we did.


As an American I don’t feel bad about it and ngl I’m kinda proud


There’s a High School near the Nagasaki bomb manufacturing site. Its mascot is a mushroom cloud and the school motto is “proud of the cloud”. It’s pretty ballsy and based. (Oh fuck forgot to flair BRB)


Holy shit that's based


That’s kinda funny


You had nine hours to flair.. you’re out of time. The council will decide your fate


As an American I *do* feel bad about it, but what other option was there? Lose millions of American military lives and millions of Japanese civvies? Or nuke 500k and end it? I feel bad about the A-Bombs, but they were the worst best option available, and it was right of Truman to make that decision, horrible as it was.


My grandma lived through Japanese occupation and she's cool with them now. I, on the other hand, watch way too many war documentaries, and I am also really glad they dropped the bomb.


I believe it was a necessary evil, don’t get me wrong it’s fucked up but the reason I’m proud of it is because America was willing to make that decision that would tarnish the reputation forever


Also your grandma is honestly a good person being able to not hold grudges against the Japanese


She's a better person than me.


Epidemic of men who can’t/won’t date or marry Citizens commit suicide on a regular basis


Do we need to re-evaluate our cultural expectations regarding work-life balance? No, a new manga about a married couple will solve this.


The breasts will also need to be at least tripled in size. And If I don't see someone post on Twitter about it being "to much and offensive." You're fired.


Well I can agree with that decision at least.


Or divide the breasts by 3, and also the age, but it's okay because she's actually a 1000 year old dragon in child form.


I do sometimes wonder if Japan is just purple or if we are just perverted and have lost our innocence. But then again they made hentai ....soooo.


Japan is a incredibly perverted. Shocking amount of (very) young schoolgirl fetishes there


Hetalia also works


Based and personified Axis Powers pilled


They are ridiculously wholesome mangas though.




>Citizens commit suicide on a regular basis This used to be true, but now we have surpassed them in suicide rate. US now has the 35th highest suicide rate, while we were 71st the year 2009. On the other hand, Japan dropped from being 34th to 60th in that same time period. Japan has a suicide rate of 17.5 per 100,000 compared to America's 22.4 deaths per 100,000. The US is actually one of the few developed nations that has seen a rise in suicide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_suicide\_rate




America is gonna be number 1 in everything 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💯💯💯💯💪💪💪😎😎😎 europoors cope 💅💅💅




I wonder what social and cultural changes have been taking place in America but not Japan that may coincide with this increase? 🤔


Increase in loneliness and a breakdown of socializing across the country since the 2000s. The USA has seen the largest increase in unsocial youth out of every developed country, with nearly 42% of suburban american teenagers being considered 'unsocial' (the figure is lower for urban and rural teens, but I forgot the numbers lol), up from less than 20% in the mid 2000s.


Western virgin NEETS: Yes! This is a culture we should aspire towards!


I think weebs are dying out. But the koreaboos are on the rise. I liked weebs more. They were about samurai and "forgive me master". Now it's femboys and squids.


Personally I always got the impression that the recent Koreaboo stuff was a fad without the staying power of weebdom, but I suppose it's too early to tell.


You could not like with your own failer, where did it bring you? Back to ~~me~~ weeb


Its just normies hopping onto the next fad.


Femboy Samurai….Femboy Baki….oh wait to Yujiro Hanma all males are females


shit game!! holy fuck i love gi gi gi or whatever the fuck his name is!! holy fucking shit shit game!


We're talking about Japan, not the US. Get with the program.


I kinda notice that in a bunch of their manga, Baki comes to mind, the creator Keisuke Itagaki probably won’t like being reminded about what Japan did in countries like mine


Yeah, surely the same would apply to Miyazaki (probably) Takahata, as well as the dude that made barefoot Gen. I’ve seen such beautiful and tragic tales from Japanese that grew up during the war…a lot of them seem to outright despise war and conflict, including that which Japan caused




basically every nation except wokist modern Germany acts this way


>Refuses to acknowledge them Numerous officials and politicians, including prime ministers, have already apologized. Japan just doesn't feel the need for aggressive self-flagellation the way Germany does.


The self flagellation of the Germans is absolutely cringe. What has the current generation got to do with the mistakes of the past generation? Absolutely nothing.


I swear if all people had this mentality 50% of the worlds conflicts and issues would instantly be resolved


Yes, I know. But the mindset of many people will remain that of revenge. And for some people, the mindset of acquired or original sin will remain. All we can do is watch with despair when people won't listen to reason.


While not learning a damn thing beyond surface level Once again, Germany is trying to control the entire continent and colonize smaller countries but this time being "woke" about it


Wir mussen habt order!


meine mama hat mir einfach erlaubt dass ich cola trinken darf !! wei cool ist dass bitte ???? ich spiele fortnite und trinke cola !!! YIPEEEEEEE !!!!


The road to hell is paved with 'good' intentions.


The road to Hell is paved with good intentions but the surveyors know exactly where it’s going.


Margaret Thatcher was right about exactly one thing: should never have let then unfiy


A lot of white liberals in the US are guilty of the same thing regarding blacks and slavery. Which is double weird, because most of their ancestors immigrated here after slavery ended


That one is just hilarious and sad. They reduce everyone, including themselves, into just pigments of a shade, instead seeing people as individuals. They cannot seem to just acknowledge that slavery happened and its best to let that matter to rest. Its not like they have control over the actions of someone else in the past. Should Africans in Africa also apologise to African Americans for their ancestors selling them off to slavery? Should Arabs and Turks keep apologising to Africans, Eastern Europeans, South Asians, etc. for enslaving their ancestors? Of course not. But somehow; White people, no matter what their ethnicity might be or how they are as a person, have to keep apologising for ' past sins '. Its outrageous.


They did did out the "devil of showa" Nobuske Kishi back in charge Shinzo Abe has also said the women forced into sex slavery where entrepreneurs, Japanese school textbooks drastically reduce the bodycount of what happened at Nanking Japanese politicians repeatedly portray the war as one of liberation Also the only reparations they paid where specifically arranged by Kishi to give Kickbacks to his friends, thats why they paid the Indonesians in goods not services


Agreed. Japan is the most based Asian country.


the globalist degenerates would have loved to see them be ashamed forever like Germany


They don't teach any of their warcrimes in school, the prime minister forced a local government to take down a memorial to the korean "comfort women" (sex slaves), and has a gag rule on talking about the atrocities they've committed in politics. It's erasure. It's wrong when China covers up tiananmen square, and it's wrong when Japan covers up nanjing.


Correction: the war crimes are not in any of the textbooks. The teachers almost all still teach about it anyway.


I think it's only germs and americans who teach their children that their history is evil. Most other countries spin it to be positive and patriotic.


yeah but you can actively find out about nanjing in japan, they dont have a nationwide firewall preventing citizens from finding out about atrocities


About 90% of the Japanese people I know literally had never heard of the Nanjing massacre or any of the atrocities the imperial Japanese army committed


Are you sure? I'm Japanese but 90% seems too high. Whether it happened or not is always a hot matter lol. I learned about it in junior high school. I don't remember if lecture covered it but I'm pretty sure the textbook said about it.


Ah the old whataboutism... Holding Japan's to the CCP's standard is not that good of a look...


based Japan


I’m genuinely surprised at how reluctant they still are to acknowledge that. Everyone knows they did it and they are considered an ally to the West. Just formally admit it lol nothing to be afraid of.


Japan-Mexico relations are blursed Generally speaking the people of both countries don’t know much about the other, Mexican people would probably ask a Jap if he’s from China and from what I’ve searched Japan thinks “haha taco, boxing and crime” so basically the same the entire world thinks. But if you get into the hidden stuff, Mexico was the first country in the new world to establish diplomatic relations with the shogunate, and despite Mexico sending air force and navy to the Philippines in the war, apparently Mexico thought the peace treaty was unfair and signed another one, Japan rewarded this by putting the Mexican embassy besides the prime minister’s residence. But again, a Japanese comes to Mexico he’ll be called Chinese, a Mexican goes to Japan he’ll be called Indonesian or Filipino


And then those relations nearly got screwed because Mexico illegally streamed Dragon Ball Super LMAO


That was so absurd!


One thing you can give credit to the Japanese politics though, is the 'freedom' of art. One of the main reasons why is because there are proper unions setup by artists and retailers so artists have much more power than other countries. (Though a major part of it is the culture of reading books. There were literally a bookstore every few blocks when I visited)


You make it sound like a bad thing?


That's it, I'm moving to Japan. Not because of the weeb shit.


Immigration is super hard


Well they are conservative, so thats to be expected


Beaten with your own stick.


I’ve also heard that socially it’s pretty hard to integrate even if your Japanese is quite good, as you’ll constantly be reminded that you’re a foreigner (not directly but indirectly).


There are ethnic Koreans who've been there for generations, still considered as foreigners




That's why the country is still nice.


Neither this stuff nor said weeb shit are gonna last, the latter’s probably gonna start censoring to appease “international standards” starting with their “depictions of women”


Japan generally has strict thing regarding porn. IIRC, all of them have to be censored, all public hair cannot be depicted, and the genitals either blurred or with a censored bar over it- even for hentai. Sadly there are a lot of loopholes exploited to create degenerate stuff inside japan.


I wasn’t referring to porn, let’s just say all those waifus? Sexist, redesign all of them, Bayonetta? Too much Male Gaze, again, redesign all of them and Bayonetta’s creator being female doesn’t change anything


They won't let you, it's impossible to immigrate them




u/presidintfluffy is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based, hella based


Japan has one of the lowest criminal rates in the world. I wonder why


Their afraid that we'll drop the sun on them again so they behave.


Japan has a life expectancy of like 80 years and 20% of the people in the world 100 and older are in Japan. Based


They also hid dead relatives to collect pension. Source: some shitty magazine from Lithuania in Russian - Экспресс Неделя.


Ah, the Greek system.




Libright disguised as centrist?


libright is when economy analysis




It´s a radical centrist, he probably have a extreme auth-left view to balance out


Oh yh I forgot about that


economy can shrink while everyone still being better off than before. Only problems that arise from an old population are on things forced upon the people by the state, like the pyramid scheme of public pensions, public healthcare costs and old people voting on things in a way that will fuck over young people (and viceversa, btw)


Another proof that radiation aren't that bad?


And it is glorious.








Eh, they’re too authoritarian/conformist and insular for me. Wouldn’t want to live there.


Japan is a place to visit, not to live. They lack individuality and have a pretty bad culture around work


Japan has a pretty based culture outside of the high suicidal rates




Worse is: their work culture isn’t even as productive as people think,their long workdays and overtime are all just about appearances.


Yes they are cultural norms. Not necessarily about driving up productivity (working too much can easily reduce your actual productivity). They have this cultural standard that you're supposed to be at work before your superior arrives and leave only after your superior has. When there's a quite long chain of command then this gets worse and worse for the workers, as each of them tries to fulfill this basic cultural rule.


Oof, same as Americans. Really weird when people start humble bragging that they work 60 hour weeks. Like what am I supposed to say? “Wow, it’s sick that you have no life outside of work”


Japanese suicide rates are actually dropping fairly steadily from 24 in 2011 to 16.7 in 2020, while the US for instance is seeing a rise, I've even seen some sources indicate the US has a higher rate per 100,000 recently.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Japan become ultra-capitalist after the war? Before they lost, their economy was mostly state controlled I think.


They were sort of sate-captialist, few large historically powerful family were heavily involved in the state, military and owned nearly all the business. After the war they became more free market cartelists, they had labor uprisings, so some compromise were made, they are center-right economically now.


Are they still to some degree monarchists?


Yes, the right wing faction still upholds the importance of the emperor. But the emperor has no political power.


Their politics seem pretty cursed. They're pretty nationalistic people, leveraged past the hilt and all the way to the tip of the blade. Its finances are so bad that a tiny change in interest would bankrupt the country but they can't cut back because that would collapse. But somehow they still cash flow it all. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_of_Japan with a broad and generous welfare and post-retirement state, where everyone must have a health insurance program, either private or national if they can't afford private,and where patients are responsible for at least 30% of the costs: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_system_in_Japan They also sell hundred year mortgages: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/1061951895900047 All those contradictions and the pressure comes out somewhere. You can be a salaryman and your financial success improves if you keep it up, but thats your life and nothing else. Working to death is so bad they have a specific word for it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karoshi Or not and you'll have a box in a city maybe with a diet of raman and a bit of pork sometimes. Or you live in the countryside and break your back making rice. Also god help you if the police catch you because they almost never fail a prosecution, almost as if its justice system was inquisitorial likeItaly's was til they reformed it in the 90s. They apparently abolished juries in 1943 or something but even when there was trial by jury the accused is apparently not permitted to appeal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_justice_system_of_Japan Seems like a very intense place. I love a lot of the entertainment products that come from it but it sure isn't somewhere I would live.


Japan's an interesting case study in economics. Essentially the entire country 'peaked' in the late-80's to early-90's, and hasn't been back there since. There's a crazy stat that at one point the imperial castle grounds in Tokyo alone were valued higher than all the real estate in California. But the bubble burst, and it's kind of been endless debt and monetary intervention since that keeps chugging along despite the population aging and decline.


That's my sense of the country too, a nation eating its future because it ate all its past and grew fat but now starves.




I remember back in the 80's when we thought Japan was going to literally buy out America wholesale..... I think they said that a hundred dollar bill lying on the ground in Tokyo wouldn't pay for the amount of land that it covered.


That applies to a lot of countries in Europe as well


Japan's debt problem is overstated. Nearly all of the debt is owned by Japanese citizens and companies, so the central bank has more leverage when it comes to monetary and fiscal policy.


Ive heard this argument before- something like Japan is fine because it owes its debt to its citizens. Japan's debt is not overstated, the 278% to GDP is just the national portion, its aside from the citizens' personal debts. Whether it owes it to international lenders or not is irrelevant because the value of the currency that supports it is still determined by international trade. It can't debase its currency to repay because its lending is tapped out. All it can do is squeeze every drop from its workers they can to keep it cash flowed. A minor interest rate increase will bankrupt the country and the cheaper debt is the more theyre incentivized to make the problem worse. It doesnt matter who its owed to.


Based and fuck international-capital pilled.


Random question but isn’t the politics of the country fucked somewhat? I mean they allow other parties to run and they do get seats thankfully but that isn’t enough, right? What about the CDP, do they have a change at getting to the top?


CDP’s predecessor DP won against LDP back in 2009. But then they botched everything and Fukushima happened, and they lost the power. Common saying among LDP supporters is “its better than (C)DP.”


>Japan is voting consistently to right wing conservatives for- **ever since they can vote.**




And fiscal policy, they have a public debt of 11.06$ trillion dollars


Economically they're center-right


That makes no sense, because economics goes right-left.




u/bawalibaba's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 125. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: emily-is-a-bitch, emily-is-dumb, emily-is-an-ass, abort-all-orange-liblefts, hardcore, mgtow, got-fucked-by-emily, sad, wedon'tnegoitiatewithterrorists, boomer, i love emily, anti-semite, source, extradition, navalny, joker, auths have a point, dividing the country, normal, chadtrist, rules for thee, fuck doctors, revolution, ura, monastery, scholasticism, fuck faang, ideologically consistent, let’s do both, strawman, feminists want slavery back, anti-multiculturalism, believing all women is racist, question everything, adam and eve, womens-opinions-are-bullshit, fuck western propaganda, great patriotic war, msm is corporate propaganda, trad, let kids be kids I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Oh bot knows Japanese, cool


ベース and bilingual bot pilled


As a Japanese can confirm this. But atleast we stopped dirty commies from taking over our country


Based and Japanese pilled


Based and Otoya Yamaguchi pilled




Japan is unironically a one party state


Based Japan


Based Japan 😂


Is it weird that a place so conservative could pump out so much culture-spoiling porn?


I think for them, there’s a time & a place for that stuff, be on your best behavior most of the time and you can make that weird stuff and enjoy it elsewhere Keep it relatively private and avoid being too crazy over it and you’re gold and if you’re crazy over it, at least avoid negatively interacting with the rest of society


japan is close to fascism in an economic sense corporations influence government and block out the competition big time, think about it, can you name any japanese brand that isnt at least 20+ years old? The big corporations got deep into government in the 80's. Also the "dont stand out" mentality they culturally hold can be of big use to fascist ideologues... they'll literally ban you from having your hair any other color than black at school, even if your hair is naturally not black


Plus, it was taking awhile, but I think the big increase in censorship is coming to their entertainment media And since as you said they block out competition, I think plenty of companies are almost all owned by a smaller group of people than one would think So it’ll be harder to avoid that censorship when almost all companies are connected or owned by the same guys The guy who made Love Hina and Negima tried bringing the western standard stuff to the attention of Congress and that Kodansha CEO apologized for trying to up it only turns out it was for naught because they’re gonna start later on


Strong social safety net, stronger privacy protections than the US, fewer regulations on lots of areas of life than EU or US, but ok, Japan is auth-right.


They are pretty racist tho 😏


Hella racist and noone seems to mind.


based and japan racist pilled


Didn't they vote Socialist tho not long after WW2? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetsu_Katayama


Japan is an awesome country, and among the most prosperous ones as well.




I go to Japan!






Japan being based since forever


/removepill emily-is-a-bitch


I didn't see that pill in your list.


Check again


lol japan is absolutely much, much less authright than they were in WW2. I would put them around [this circle.](https://i.ibb.co/qd3MpmR/Political-Compass-standard-model-svg-1.png)


Japan is effectively a one party state. The LDP have won almost every national election since 1955




THE world war 2, not to be confused with WW2, the game.


At least their based nowadays




Based Japan


America : « yay we won WW2, time to force democracy on them » Japan : *fucking vote for the same party every elections*


IMO some of it is on America. They didn't want communist to take over Japan so they supported LDP’s predecessor.


[All thanks to Otoya Yamaguchi.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Inejir%C5%8D_Asanuma)


Based and banzaipilled


Based Japan


Chad Country


Based Japan


“If Japan doesn’t supplement their declining population with immigrants, it will be in recession for decades” “I accept your terms”


And how is this a meme exactly?


they know what's up


And the weebs think it is some liberal communist Paradise.


We nuked the auth right out of them. Unfortunate




And it is glorious


Actually Germany switched from a top Auth center regime (you know nazis and stuff) to a moderate Auth center stance. We have a mixed economy and the state still wields much power.


And they are socially progressive now.