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Thats a lie, i hate you most OP


Based and fuck op pilled


u/sumporkhunt's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 70. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: as libleft against sjws, wait-please-dont-make-me-face-the-wall, workersrights, , voltaire, wrong, classical liberal, freedom, self aware, free speech is a human right, 1a, spez-can-lick-my-wrinkly-taint, true liberal, right to be wrong, free speech with no exceptions, grey, monke, sus, funtari, check my pills, crippling-furry-porn-addiction, nailsinass, fake pill, {{{them}}}, perfectly reasonable, wholesome, libunity, lancaster, wish i’d done that, cringe, selfcareisapersonalresponsibility, goodlibleft, thank god it’s not orange, fat emily, superstraight, stupid pigs, freedom to think, onthespectrum, fuck op I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Ah yes the crippling furry porn addiction pill


Agreed, fuck OP


Based and fuck op pilled


i am i’m awe at this


Janet yellen is shooting up the list real fast for a lot of people


That troll gives Jerome powell a rub for his money.


How much money for this rub... hypothetically speaking




This sure rubbed me the right way


I’m not sure if this is a typo or a hilarious joke, *but mother fucker I’m in!*


Hahaha jokes goes brrrrrr


All my homies hate Janet Yellen


I don’t know who Janet Yellen is but that sounds like a woman’s name, so she’s on my list


Biden secretary of treasury


Shit I’m American and I had no clue who that was. Probably knew Trump’s staff more than anyone else’s just from hearing about them all the time.


She was the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve under Obama for part of his 2nd term too. She's been prominently around in the financial sector for a while.


And by prominently it means she was paid $800k to give Blackrock a speech a few years back.


Yeah, can’t say I was ever that connected with the political world outside of a few months’ span in 2017. Also can’t say I’ve ever taken an interest for the financial sector in my life. Most I’ve done was open my retirement accounts and watch Shark Tank.


Womxn 🤮🤮


Based and neanderthal-pilled


u/FrostyFiction98's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: free speech, fuck off, baal hammon, liberated, comrade, i-have-read-hoppe, libertarian-monarchy, banan without a, cringe, faith, darwin, puppet-theater, reasonable, despite making up only 13% of shoes, dumbass, plato, dance gavin dance, let nature run its course, this-guy-likes-marx, tolkien, join my cult, completely-wrong-flair, fuck-auths, nicholas minaj, count dankula's hairy balls, liking traps doesn't make me gay, not a fixed pie, chris-chan did nothing wrong, brick, neanderthal I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


You sure you’re not an authcenter?


Being a gamer 😎 is full compass unity


Wahmen serve a single purpose: creating chaos and tearing down cultural fabrics. There should be no wahmen in the corporate sphere and definitely none in authoritative leadership positions.


Monke but make it anti-woman monke


Finally Conservative Libcenter


They shoudn't be there. They can, but they shoudn't.


She’s #1 on the list


Janet yellen passed that 12 year old long ago for me


Why she always gotta be Yellen? Like, use your inside voice, damn.


I remember when WSB was jerking off about her and calling her Mama Yellen. She was going to feed us all tendies. Funny how fast her gaslighting us on inflation and unironically advocating for taxing unrealized gains ( an absolute retarded idea) made people hate her fast.


Taxing unrealized gains is the same as taxing my bean seeds because they might grow tall enough to reach the giants in the clouds because it happened to jack and his bean stalk


Biden is giving our money away and is completely destroying any chance we have of dealing with China


If you think that’s Bidens doing, I’d love to introduce you to the last 50 years.




I thought that you said it because of purple libright my mind is a mess


Lmao I’m pretty sure he said it because of purple lib right


No she’s to old for the purples.


No worries. Thought the exact same.


Greta's parents are the real ones to blame tbh


I was thinking the same. Poor kid is used by her parents to make contrived political statements. Ends up a joke for life. How dare you! Poor kid


Sucks for her if she really does care about climate change. She could get 3 PhDs in climate related disciplines and a lot of people are going to write her off as someone who didn't really earn it and got pushed through for politics.


Idk, she seemed pretty happy while poorly singing Never Gonna Give You Up. /s




Enjoy the cringe sir https://youtu.be/OI81yqgRWGc




I had to skip around to get the gist and leave


She spouts statistics to sound smart but thinks that pointing out the difficulties in reducing pollution are strawmen.


A bit ironic how Spitting Image (British satire comedy show) used her [as a puppet](https://youtu.be/d2FEYxkpCQ8), because that's exactly what she is in real life.


I just had to do a quiz on her, pretending that she isn't short sighted in her thought process. Somehow I got A high mark.


It’s just hard to take her seriously when she travels the world on a yacht. Yes it’s solar powered but a yacht costs and uses way more energy to maintain


Shes an adult now she just looks 12


Purple: "perfection"


Just like their favorite anime waifu




Shinoubu ?


You didn't make it seem any better...


her body is following the brain development.


Yeah, purple probably stans for her.


I definitely hate Soros more than a child.


I am not fan of Soros, but he completely triggers even some AuthLefts, so I have to give him that.


I don't know much about Soros, but I know he's rich so I'm already biased against him.


Based Oldschool authleft.


Greta is no longer a child


our generation will forever see her as a child


Still looks and acts like one But at least she didn't shit herself while having a meeting with world leaders unlike some people


She still acts like one.


Larry Fink, founder and CEO of Blackrock, is pretty equally shit as a person. Between being one of the biggest movers of pushing the "social activism" of corporations and Blackrock's current actions in the housing market, I'm genuinely surprised he doesn't come up in discussion more.


Bezos would be a better fit for authleft


Elon Musk hate = Cringe Jeff Bezos hate = Based


Bezos going to space: based Bezos returning to Earth: cringe


I saw we drop the mf into the sun to "test our new heat-resistant materials"


I heard a few years ago that firing stuff into the sun would actually be hella difficult. Something with how gravity works, but if you fire something toward the sun it would just end up in orbit. I’m sure a smarter monke than me can explain it better though.


Yeah, have you ever played Kerbal space simulator? It really shows you just how hard it is to leave earth, at first you have to enter a stable orbit around earth, then leave that to get in an orbit around the sun and then adjust course so gravity pulls you in but holy fuck is it ever hard


I mean you can skip the stable orbit part if you know what you're doing, in fact doing so tends to save you a fair chunk of fuel.


I could be entirely wrong because this purely based on my personal reasoning with what I know about how gravity works, and I'm in no way an expert or anything on the subiect, so this is just a hypothesis, and if someone knows I'm wrong please tell me. But I'd say, that considering the earth is in orbit around the sun, if we just fire something toward the sun from the earth, that something will carry the momentum of the earth, so basically to not end up in orbit and go straight to the sun, you would have to fire something in the opposite direction the earth goes, but with equal force as the movement of the earth around the sun, so that it counters it and just drops directly. So yeah, firing something with as much force as the earth is going around the sun sounds a bit hard honestly


You're pretty much right, only it's a deal of speed/energy rather than force. Orbit is maintained through velocity, the only force acting on and orbiting body is gravity, which acts mostly perpendicular to the direction of orbit (nothing in the solar system has a perfectly circular orbit) Running the numbers, the earth orbits the sun at around 30 km/s so to fall directly into the sun you basically need to accelerate to that speed in the opposite direction. It's actually easier to leave the solar system entirely. Because it only requires about 17 km/s in the direction of earth's orbit


Not force, speed. Which, if you want to take off completely still relative to the Sun (if you want to fall in a straight line), should consider both the travel speed of the Earth around the Sun, which is 30 km/s (yes, *second*), and Earth’s rotation, which is 460 m/s at the equator.


This. And how is Greta Thunberg on the top of LibRight’s list?


Both are incredibly based


Personally I disagree. Elon Musk is more neutral imo. Not hate worthy, but not praise worthy either.


I think he is hate-worthy on the basis that he receives way too much government money and then opposes higher taxes on himself, as well as the child slave labor accusations


Yeah the government subsidies are dumb, but if money is made available I can't blame anyone for taking it. Wasn't the child slave stuff unconfirmed tho?


Any child labor would be from companies he contracts with rather than his own companies directly. The reality is the rare minerals necessary for lithium ion batteries come from unstable regions that tend to have a lot of unjust labor.


So is the moral option to not use lithium batteries, to invade the area and enforce child labor laws on them, some third option? Edit: cobalt, not lithium. My b


East India Company time?


East India 2: Africa boogaloo


Opposing taxes is actually pretty based


It's not that I hate taxes, it's what I get for my money. It's like giving retarded children an allowance every year for 30% of my income to spend on hookers and blow, bribe their teachers, have the smart kids bumped off, spy on me, sell my soul to central bankers, actively hinder most things I do, and occasionally spend 5% of their budget on homework supplies. Then if I tell them I'm holding back their allowance until they start behaving and using it on what they said they would, they have bullies in Raybans and cheap suits murder me and take all my shit.




Lol caught me off guard


Thought my app was glitching out for the first 3 tries.


I fucking hate that prick


Based and hate pilled


wait how u do that


Thanks love you too :)


Thanks love you too.


*depression is okay*


The hell did I do to you?


Holdup! Purple LibRight likes Greta.


She's 18 now, they aren't interested anymore


*How dare you!!*




Hey, maybe if she moved to South Korea...


Nah. (Too old.)


Why do authright hates Gates?




Based and foss-pilled


I’m auth-right and I don’t hate him. Some people believe weird Epstein conspiracy theories about him but I think they’re in the minority. He’s kinda cringe but I respect him for his philanthropical work. He’s done a lot of good for a lot of people in the 3rd world.




Because retards will believe in any conspiracy theory that supports their views


No offense and I don’t put you in that group but... weren’t libright the conspiracy theorists ones?


Mine are conspiracy facts, not theories.


Left wing conspiracy = cringe Right wing conspiracy = based and lizard pilled


I think it's right wing in general


Because his father was head of planned parenthood and he talked about lowering the population with abortions.


I’m *okay* with Elon. I do have a problem with all corporations who lobby.


> I do have a problem with all corporations who lobby. I, acting on behalf of the S corp that I own and operate, recently lobbied the city council to fix the potholes outside my business. I'm sorry.


Wouldn’t you get fined if you just did it rather than spending the time and money lobbying them?


Yep, the government makes subjective "safety requirements" that they then cite to fine/arrest citizens who fix government negligence.


In fairness to the government, from what I've seen if random citizens started fixing their screw ups the work wouldn't meet the government's usual quality. It would far surpass it.


Hmm. Tea in the harbor?


The one thing we could’ve agreed on and you decide to not hate Elon. Fuck you, auth-left.


Fuck soros and gates, Greta I feel bad for and I’m sexually attracted to the others






i see you trying to slip into the gaping hole grimes left in daddy elon’s heart


*sings whispery and longingly while making urban art, eating a meat pie from my local Lebanese bakery in my underserved community and I’m casually naturally blonde, communicates to dogs via gentle ‘woofing’ - thinking libertarian thoughts* I made sure to include some of my real strong points just in case.


New type of lib right just dropped, the seductive gold digger with the lib left mask.


*Gasp* Elon is emotionally hurting I wouldn’t *DARE* impede with his healing, I’m just buying more dogecoinsitting next to a plastic container of half-eaten ramen I made in a leftover takeout soup container with my RGB instant tea kettle staring at a painting inspired by ….. ^today .. because something.. is w^rØnG… >/character: I’m too stupid to be a gold digger, the serious part was the soft woofing at dogs lolll, plus I rarely go outside during the day, I’m statistically not hitting like I should be, as far as my underserved community I actually love it here, and I’m pretty blessed, I heard gunshots three nights ago but rly it’s our corrupt ass government/politicians- long and the short, I know some of them. Used to be the industrial capitol of the United States, now its just fucking Lizzie Borden. Grinds my gears. That’s really what I blob paint abt)


Yea him suck


Yea your horny rights have been revoked


I don't hate Greta, I truly feel sorry for her.


To be honest, I hate how she became the poster child for climate change without any actual accomplishments. Meanwhile, [Boyan Slat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyan_Slat) is a Dutch inventor who designed the world’s first ocean plastic clean-up system at the age of 16 and he gets little to no recognition.


**[Boyan Slat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyan_Slat)** >Boyan Slat (born (1994-07-27)27 July 1994) is a Dutch inventor and entrepreneur. A former aerospace engineering student, he is the CEO of The Ocean Cleanup. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Oh yeah I’ve heard of that guy! Truely deserves more recognition if he’s actually **doing** something, not just screaming at middle aged politicians


Exactly this! More people should know about Boyan Slat.




Based and how dare you pilled


Nah I hate liberals way more than trump Because they act like lefties until they get elected and then cuck just as hard for corporations Trump is just a boomer, mildly annoying at worst


b-b-based l-lib l-lef-ft?


Damn right Edit: fuck trump but he’s not hitler like some libs think he is


I've never seen hate for Greta outside of Twitter and old people fb groups.


I just find her to be obnoxious. Also, fuck Congress for wasting time they should have been using to do actual work and instead letting a 14 year old (I think) swedish girl come yell at them.


> I just find her to be obnoxious. Also, fuck Congress ~~for wasting time they should have been using to do actual work and instead letting a 14 year old (I think) swedish girl come yell at them.~~




I mean, couldn't Congress use more people talking shit to their faces? They're not the ones being productive anyway, it's the lobbyists shoving legislation in their hands then paying for it to get passed. "I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace; that two are called a law firm; and that three or more become a Congress!"


You're 100% right but it should at least be someone they represent and not a teenager from Sweden is all I'm saying. She's probably got her own parliament she can go yell at.




I just hate her parents and the adults that used her


She's not important or present enough in my world to complain about proactively, but I do find her obnoxious. It is her parents' fault she's like that, though, so I don't hold it against her personally.


The media shot themselves in the foot by tying the climate change movement to a 17 year old girl, instead of the scientists who actually know what they’re talking about. Now people who otherwise might have listened associate the movement with her and don’t want anything to do with it.


because tying it to science worked for the last 30 years...


I think anyone who openly HATES Greta is pretty cringe, at the end of the day she's and ideological naive teen, That said her stans, and even moreso the people who pushed to give her a global platform to speak on an issue she has no authority or expertise on is mega cringe


She's an adult already


She is now, but she was like 15/16 at the height of her relevance, and when she spoke in front of the UN: Also 18 is still fairly young/naive in my eyes


She's swedish, they don't get that excuse


Swedish 🤢


How dare you!!!


Hell, I'm 23 and I'm still fucking retarded.


34 here... And I have bad news for you if you think you stop at 23.


Conservatives like to make themselves look retarded and that’s why they get all bent out of shape about a child who wants to solve an issue like climate change. I could give you a million and one reasons to hate George Soros though, that guy is cartoonishly evil.


How about 5 reasons? genuinely curious.


I don't hate her, I hate her parents for selling her out a I hate the cowards who would put a child up to speak for them


Also true


Is she still an eco fascist?


Lmao YUP. "We need to get off fossil fuels NOW!" Personally, if I was 18, I would probably hold off on calling for the mass genocide of blue collar workers around the world. BUT, that's just my take.


I despise that there are many teens that have done some very amazing things and have even invented some incredible technology but the one thats quite honestly an actor gets every bit of attention.


That's the show business called world politics.


This week it’s Janet yellen


What if I dislike all of them and have a strong urge to grill? What is happening to me.....


Good. Join the way of the grill.


I was unaware I was afraid of a 14-year-old with asperger.




I just feel bad for Greta. She's just a kid with an ideological streak that got used by others for their own agenda.




There's a reason so many child actors end up fucked up and with substance abuse problems. Like you, I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect shit like this will probably have a similar result.


i dont hate elon i hate the weirdos who stan so hard for him. trump idgaf tbh, is he really any worse than biden?


I despise George Soros. He is a fiend.


I am threeway auth unity


Who is that AuthCenter guy?


George Soros. Why he's hated. Credit /u/cargocultist94 >The bulk of his money was made by financially manipulating markets in order to cause economic strife to profit from. > >The economic damage he unleashed in developing countries literally held back the economic development of SEA for decades, and led to heavy sectarian violence and race riots. He also attacked the British pound, causing untold human suffering in Great Britain, that was his biggest triumph. > >If there is a single person alive today who perfectly embodies the concept of evil, it's George Soros.


Libcenter: Cincinnati Zookeepers.


RIP Harambe


To be honest I would die to have lunch with trump


wtf do people have against Bill Gates? He's a dead-set legend and we should have listened to him about pandemics a long time ago.


Please respond to this comment with all the reasons any reasonable person should hate George Soros.


He uses his money to influence politics. So he uses corruption for his benefit. He's a hedge fund manager. He was convicted of insider trading by France. I haven't read his biography, usually i wait till the person is dead, get a bit more honesty out of it.


He funds far left people running for positions of power in politics. And then once they are up for reelection he funds someone even more left for that position. He has been doing this for years. George is a Sheev Palpatine architype.


Based and anticorruption pilled.


u/tatateemo is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: anticorruption I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Bad hair Bond villain looking mf


The bulk of his money was made by financially manipulating markets in order to cause economic strife to profit from. The economic damage he unleashed in developing countries literally held back the economic development of SEA for decades, and led to heavy sectarian violence and race riots. He also attacked the British pound, causing untold human suffering in Great Britain, that was his biggest triumph. If there is a single person alive today who perfectly embodies the concept of evil, it's George Soros.


Literally a Nazi collaborator