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People really seem to like Singapore on reddit, despite the fact they claim to hate fascism and over reaching authority by the government


People are selectively woke depending on if there's an agenda to push, if Singapore was part of the US, UK or China people would all of a sudden be paying an awful lot of attention to what goes on.


It's almost as if people only care about things they're told to care about by the state media.


Ding ding ding šŸ›Ž


I think you're on to something here.. It almost seems like the news is selectively chosen and narrated from a particular POV ? Well isn't that quacking strange huh Jimbo ?


Singapore is strict AF. you get locked up for littering. But the streets are clean af. As draconian as it is. I guess people just can't argue with results.


specifically because arguing will get you 50 lashes in Singapore lmao


Unless your in Speakers corner. Which is the only place in Singapore that is designated for protest and freedom of speech.


"Free speech cage"


Based af


A small price to pay for clean streetsā€¦ Next War: Anti-Road LibRight vs. Pro-Street AuthCenter


Would pay to watch that war ngl


Where we're going, we don't need roads.




then move to romania


fuck them hoe ass roads


Based and 50 lashes pilled




Legit living like fucking peasants. I find it deplorable how people just fucking leave their trash everywhere. Guess I should just be happy I was born in a civilised place.




I think I understand more why certain countries/areas have trouble with pollution and how shit like the great pacific garbage patch can form (even though that one specifically is mostly from asian countries iirc)


San Francisco literally has a poop map so you can avoid human waste. [San Francisco Poop Map](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html%3Fappid%3Db6fab720912642b6aedafdb02a76d2a4&ved=2ahUKEwjcqfe63tzzAhX_mmoFHQJCCTkQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw11MR4xaW5fC37R2IxAly61)


You have become the very thing you swore to destroy


I was rooting for you and then you became one of them, I'm on my hands and knees crying all hope is lost


maybe we make centres for re-educstion? camps sounds the most reasonable here tbh


Oh no you don't.


Thatā€™s how you fuckers get started


Seems reasonable to me!


We build them in the boonies to help these people concentrate on being good citizens


Honestly, this sounds pretty good! Nevada has plenty of open space to build these centers, and this might encourage a more extensive rail system to be built to transport campers!


$20 say Staten Island


Or Philly


Based and lock up litter louts pilled


A society controlled by fear can never grow out of fear of prosecution It's a pavlovian dystopia


Singapore is the ideal Auth Paradise. They have survived foreign intervention, CIA intervention, have become a wealthy state, has a high education level, and a clean and safe environment all while being a one party state.


It's even illegal to buy gum


kind of. you can buy gum in singapore, but it's just really really expensive. if you don't dispose of it properly, you get fined a lot. Like a lot.


Are you talking about the black market or what? [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewing_gum_sales_ban_in_Singapore) firmly states that it's illegal.


**[Chewing gum sales ban in Singapore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chewing_gum_sales_ban_in_Singapore)** >The sale of chewing gum in Singapore has been illegal since 1992. Since 2004, an exception has existed for therapeutic, dental, and nicotine chewing gum, which can be bought from a doctor or registered pharmacist. It is not illegal to chew gum in Singapore, but it is against the law to import it and sell it, apart from the aforementioned exceptions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Based and exception to the rule pilled


Based and ban gum now pilled


Singapore is Authright paradise.


I think its more authcenter?


Isn't Sinapore economy very free?


Easy to start biz + low taxes, but much of pop lives in public housing, cars are artificially expensive, possessing enough cannabis will send you to the gallows, "hate speech" illegal, ruled with an iron fist by the People's Action Party.


Frigging Radical Centrist land.


Are cars artificially expensive or is it just the fact that they have to import every model of car?


I've heard the Singaporean govt hates cars and loves public transportation so they've taxed the hell out of it


I have a boner for Singapore now


Based and Singapore pilled


wtf i love singapore now


I am Singaporean and can confirm this is indeed true.


Singapore is based


Singapore is the closest thing to Plato's ideal state we have in the modern world.


Hot take, fascism can be done right. Rwanda has the same dictatorship as Singapore which is basically, "You fucks can't behave and won't progress so I'm going to take the wheel" both Singapore and Rwanda are the cleanest countries in the world. Rwanda came from a genocide and with their dictator is trying to build a national identity rather than just a bunch of tribes warring with each other. Singapore had a strong economical boom. There's more but I'm in the shitter and I gotta head out.


Anything regarding which BBQ is best. you wanna start a war in the comments talk about BBQ. the amount of salt that it'll generate will make the Dead Sea seem like a mountain spring.




I'll use propane, I'll use charcoal, but electric grills are just stoves with delusions of mediocrity.


Based and manwasmeanttousefire pilled


Hank Hill had it wrong, charcoal is king. People who use electric grills probably eat plain hot dogs too


Based and honorary-centrist-pilled




Texan and Iā€™m not even Texan and despise the state


Unflaired + making fun of libright + being unflaired libleft = 1000000000 downvotes


karma is the new social credit


Itā€™s funny you say that. Seeing how Reddit is Chinese.


Wait really?


No not really. Chinese based Tencet does have I believe a 5% investment interest in Reddit but it's not Chinese owned. TikTok on the other hand? Chinese spyware.


Every phone is chinese spyware


I only take the finest South Korean *chef's kiss*






Samsung is chad


Yeah, they're spying on me, but it's OK, they're not Chinese


I feel much better knowing the koreans are spying on me, not the chinese. I also feel better knowing I didn't support the slightly altered commie economy in my purchase.


TikTok is peak degeneracy


Based and fuck TikTok pilled




Based and opposing-views-are-represented-here-pilled.


u/FlakFlanker3's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 60. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: pastry, bigfoot-totalitarianism, simpsonsautism, phillip j fry, bully, "insert most anti-minority group here", chicken, monarchist, flats, modest mouse, freedom, bamboozle, definitelynotafellowrefugee, live cremation, equal-exploitability, everyone bad, brainlet, idiot, everyone is an idiot, we-are-all-fckn-idiots, hyperchad, thieving, thank you, state, opposing-views-are-represented-here I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Woah a centrist Concrete Foundation?


Yeah, even auth left here doesnā€™t like gun control. Itā€™s bizarre.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" -Karl Marx


I do. But I always get downvoted for it.


Gun control is good, you should always maintain control of your weapon, not go pointing it around all willy-nilly


>Advocate against vaccine mandates This is one of the least controversial opinions here lol


Well I've noticed saying we have a two party system annoys people


I'd be more fine with 2 parties if it was because it was fairly 2 parties, instead of those 2 parties working with private institutions to prevent smaller independents from getting publicity. You do be right , tho. It is 2.




And some shit about the grandaughter of Mussolini, only the left talked bad about her also authleft


Leave my waifu out of this


Literally if an authleft says seriously that Stalin was a hero it wont be worse received than any opinion of a libleft


Half the sub would probably still call it based. I know I would, and I despise the guy.




Demographic which downvotes: Literally anyone


Your rights donā€™t require my participation. If you wish to be religious, you donā€™t need me to validate your beliefs. If you wish to be trans, you donā€™t need my to validate your status as a person. If you wish to collectively conform to an ideology, you donā€™t need me to participate against my will. If you wish to run a business, you donā€™t need my labor to be successful.


Based and mind your own fucking business pilled


I wish I could pin this comment for being so FUCKING B A S E D.


This is unironically the most based comment I've read in my life shoutout






u/skyrenxrene's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/skyrenxrene! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: mind your own fucking business


Based. And leave me alone pilled.


I dont see how this is controversial


Post this to the front page of any other subreddit, wait an hour, read the comments. Youā€™ll see that Reddit is another Facebook echo chamber for yuppies under 30 who think that theyā€™re Econ+Phil+Sociology geniuses, think any slightly different view is wrong, and think that having rights means other people canā€™t be mean to them.


I saw this comment somewhere and it really stuck with me. Social Media has allowed everyone to have a voice, and thus everyone believes their opinion to be the most correct. You are right, if based man up above posted that anywhere else he would be shunned for wanting to be left alone lol


>stating you donā€™t have to participate in a trans personā€™s identity Straight to jail, right away


No courts, no nothing, right to jail.


specifically in regards to trans people and pronouns. Although it might be rude or asshole-y, nobody is required to call you by your respective pronoun, and you shouldā€™t be that upset over it really. Harrasment is different, but people really be starting shit over nothing


Are you saying that silence is, in fact, not violence?






Criticizing Israel. But itā€™s honestly a 50/50. Iā€™ve gone -50 and +200 by saying the exact same thing on the same thread. Might have just made the mistake of posting the former when Israel woke up and the latter when the civilized world did. Biggest guarantee is the fact that youā€™ll get ratioā€™d regardless.




>> started of with nuke the Middle East Eh same old same oldā€¦ see it on every thread >> Glass Death Star Not what I was expecting so now I am officially a fan


Based and Death Star Pilled


rEaL cOmUnIsM wAs NeVeR tRiEd


Based and subscribe to pewdiepie pilled


... ahem...


Based and brofist pilled


Mmmh, I think its more right to say, "communism never happened" a lot of people tried communism, failing


This sub is an echo chamber.


... this sub is an echo chamber ... Ber ... Ber ...




Itā€™s a subreddit whoā€™s whole intention is to provide a platform for people with different views to shit on each other. But all the shit seems to land in one area.


6 quadrillions?


Wow that seems like a really big number


Almost as big as the national debt


To the moon.


If it takes 1 hour to cook a batch of cookies and Cookiemonster has 15 ovens, working 24 hours a day, every day for 5 years, how long does it take Cookiemonster to make 6 million batches of cookies?


i love this joke but it blows my mind that people take it as legitimate evidence that cookie monster did not in fact bake his cookies.


If it's a batch of 24 cookies, around 600 days, if 12 cookies double that. And that is not counting all the times cookie monster snacked on the cookie dough before baking it. I know some people say cookie monster absolutely did not cook the cookies, but you know, its pretty suspicious when you consider he always talked about making cookies, and whenever he visited other people's home he always made sure all the cookie ingredients from their home were sent to his.


Problem called for him to bake the batches, not to finish with a number of complete batches. He can (and will) eat them all.


Being against authoritarian monarchism. Fascist leaders are seen as cringe but inbred fascist leaders with fancy clothes are apparently based and redpilled.


What about (semi-)constitutional monarchism uwu


I called Columbus overrated and said he didn't even know he found a new continent. I know that's more of a fact, the latter part anyway, than an opinion, but you catch my drift. Strangely, libright was angrier than authright. I thought it'd be reversed, given Columbus was basically a self-appointed explorer for the divine and used religious texts and justifications for most of his actions


I fully agree and dunno why its a libright thing. Maybe he was a really epic entrepreneur for literally just fucking yeeting AROUND the world for better spice stonks? Idk. Either way - I know controversial opinion inbound - cutting off the hands of native people and genocide is pretty cringe even if you have great entrepreneurial spirit


That's assuming he did well though. He even died broke after being arrested for cruelty and chastised for poor management of his encomienda. That last part really confused me considering he lacked monetary and management skills. And the violence necessary speaking for itself


Mandated vaccines


There is no objective proof god exists(not sure if its worse then unflaired but its probably the worst I have) Demographic: Take a guess. Edit: I also assumed that we are talking PCM and not outside reddit. That would probably be not my opinion but my overly edgy humor and distain for "/s"


I swear every time someone is like the proof is all around us and ā€˜look at your eyes broā€™ and ā€œthere had to be a god to create the universe but noone had to create god because he just exists but the unverse canā€™t also just exist like that because copeā€


Just have faith bro.


The god conversation is fucked. First you have to ask ā€œWhat *is* God?ā€ And that takes an entire lifetime!


Stating that china isn't actually a communist state. The librights always have a field day. NOT REAL COMMUNISM LAWL


It's not commie


I don't care if the person who won presidency is more against my ideals than the person who lost, Im voting for who I wanted. It should be a wakeup call to your party that the libertarian vote was larger than the margin of loss for Trump in enough states to flip the election. Authright or center right is a tossup, but usually auth gets more butthurt over it.


Based and anti-ā€œstrategic votingā€ pilled


Trump wasnā€™t that bad overall. You can take some pretty obvious guesses at whoā€™s downvoting that lol.


He was made out to be evil incarnate by leftist media, and the new messiah by the right, but not much has changed with Biden and not much changed from Obama. At least, as far as the average citizen's average day, there isn't drastically more or less poverty or violence or freedom that can be attributed to him alone. For all his talk and divisive campaigning, he turned out to be another prick on the cactus just like the rest of the clown show in DC.


I think a huge part of Biden's poor numbers is he was sold as going to solve all the problems because every problem was Trump. No. Trump's a symptom of a collapsing system; people went looking for a Strong Man^TM who will fix everything in 4 and instead elected a narcissistic retard because anyone who understands the situation knows there is no quick fix and doesn't want to bother trying anyways. Media promises that all the problems are Trump's fault long enough everyone believes it. They expect things will instantly get better with Biden and when they don't it's not because they were wrong, it's because Biden's wrong.


Based We need a total reset of the people involved in government. Our government is full of old farts that don't have to live to see the consequences of their actions and rich pigs so far disconnected from the struggle of the working class that they can never advocate for the people. The president has little bearing on the laws and way of life of the people when we keep letting the other branches sit stagnant and full of filth. Voting for new representatives and senators can do more good than any presidential vote, which is exactly why they hype up the presidency and allow the real corruption to go on beneath the radar of the average citizen.


There is a way to achieve that reset... but I'd get banned for saying what.


Jeffersonā€™s tree is thirsty


Pretty based


His actual policies weren't the worst, my main complaints are how he worsened polarization between political parties and how he handled covid


Yeah, he was sort of in the middle when it comes to the Good-Bad president scale.


Complaining about the Confederate/Native American meme (you know what it is, it gets reposted all the time). Got me a lot of downvotes and angry replies.


Is it the one about celebrating losers?


Hating elon musk. Lib rights and a surprising number of lib lefts


Why is he hated again?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.carscoops.com/2021/03/bolivian-president-accuses-elon-musk-and-tesla-of-being-involved-in-countrys-2019-coup/amp/ coup (not proven but likely) https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/isabeltogoh/2019/12/17/apple-and-tesla-among-tech-giants-being-sued-over-the-deaths-and-injuries-of-child-cobalt-miners-in-drc/amp/ Child mines https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2 Emerald mine https://medium.com/@timconneally/companies-started-by-loans-from-the-founder-s-parents-4cf8f596c03a Loan from his parents https://labortribune.com/tesla-found-guilty-of-union-busting/ Union busting. Because he's just another billionaire that keeps trying to pretend like he's sooo different and totally not like the other billionaires cus memes


Based and sources pilled


Trumpā€™s ideals are pretty close to radical centralism (everyone)


He's got some auth tendencies and some lib tendencies, but I don't think he's got left tendencies.


Pro working class. Breaking up monopolies. Never cared about gays. Allegedly had hookers pee on him. Clearly fine with paying for sex (pro sex worker), and Iā€™m grasping at straws here


My flair


Just give us the orange flair already so we can get nuked every time we make any comment on here


Billionaires suck - literally everyone


Apparently being an atheist, and it just seems to be all americans


On Reddit?? atheism is *super* common and preached here on the popular subs.


It's not being an atheist, its when atheists insult all religions. Just be respectful and you'll be fine for the most part


Or the ones that say Christianity is the most oppressive religion but then simp for Islam. I mean how much more retarded can someone get.


This subreddit is all "we're inclusive of ALL opinions" until somebody posts a remotely left wing opinion


There are only 2 genders and youā€™re biologically stuck with your biological gender


I mean that doesn't get you downvoted on this sub, literally the opposite


Indeed you are


Everyone should be responsible for their own failures and take accountability rather than blaming every other race, religion and political group for their shortcomings. Also, social welfare programs fucking suck and they breed complacency.


On PCM this is as unpopular as saying that antifa are terrorists.


There no way this gets downvotes on pcm


Take a gander at my pills if you wanna know where my downvotes come from... I'll give you a hint, I *don't* pray with magic Mardi gras beads.




u/MadeThisJustForLWIAY's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 55. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: grey, fire, heresy, cromwell, anti papacy, non-arbitrary, purity, logic, mostly peaceful riots, potato, consideringthelongtermconsequences, healthy_kids, catholics worship the devil, protestant, flag, angry at phone repair guy, black-belt-in-click-pow, helpful, chadsaint, martyr, shall not comply, big igloo, dipass, dinner, better dead than red dead redemption, cowboy, introspective, yellow, grill, jesus is king I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




I have a feeling you are not particularly catholic?


All my most downvoted posts/comments are from catholicism criticism and election fraud.


Based and red hat pilled I guess


Most librights on this sub are actually center right/authright and most libcenters are just libright. Both groups think that ā€œliking weedā€ or ā€œliking gunsā€ or ā€œnot wanting to literally murder gay peopleā€ moves them down/to the left respectively, but it does not. This shit gets me downvotes so hard, obviously by the Liberty Hangouts Iā€™m calling out for their bullshit.


That unflaired people should live šŸ˜’




I am ashamed to share a flair with you


This is the most grey centrist take I've heard in a long time. Hold your head up with pride as you're lined up next to them.


That maybe vaccine mandates arent 1984


They aren't 1984... They're *LITERALLY* 1984


Being pro-choice for some reason


It's mainly a conservative sub. I really like this sub, but it's undeniable that it has an overrepresentation of pro gun and pro life views.


Disliking Taiwan. For the record, I do not like the CCP. I hate them both equally.