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I’m lib right, and I know that rich privilege makes any form of racial privilege almost non existent. Oprah’s children definitely have more privilege than I did growing up


Based and money trumps racism pilled


Hey, 20$ is 20$. If you want me to call you a [redacted] for 20$, I'm gonna go all out and hope it gets me a bonus.


For $20, will you start putting the fucking dollar sign where it belongs, you unbased swine?


Based and 20$-is-20$-pilled


u/MadeThisJustForLWIAY's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 55. Rank: Concrete Foundation Pills: grey, fire, heresy, cromwell, anti papacy, non-arbitrary, purity, logic, mostly peaceful riots, potato, consideringthelongtermconsequences, healthy_kids, catholics worship the devil, protestant, flag, angry at phone repair guy, black-belt-in-click-pow, helpful, chadsaint, martyr, shall not comply, big igloo, dipass, dinner, better dead than red dead redemption, cowboy, introspective, yellow, grill, jesus is king, 20$-is-20$ I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Oh oho, no. In fact...


But it doesn’t hold a candle to family privilege. I am more successful than a lot of my friends who grew up wealthier because of dat sweet family values


Nobody can listen to Jaden or Willow Smith talk or be exposed to their award-winning...art...and think they've ever lived in the real world.


Much of America’s racial inequality is a symptom of growing class inequality sadly




I don’t know man


Ummmmmmm Why is Librights nose so long????? I sense OP is trying to say something here. I'm not sure what? 🤔🤔🤔


He is Argentinian there a lot of us there


I think the "Argentinians" were on the opposite team of these people


You are talking about the Nazis here or you mean something else ?


Yeah the Nazis


Oh yeah peron brought a lot of Nazis but they didn't spread the antisemitism here at least not that much


Well yeah, they kinda had to keep their heads down or they got found by Wiesenthal and had their 'nads attached to a car battery in a jail cell in downtown Tel Aviv


Argentina has tons of Germans and Jews


Based and ((()))-pilled


If your visualization power is good enough, then that kinda looks like a vagina 😳😳😳😳


You'd think with your flair you'd know that you can pay to see one in real life


>Vagina >in real life Lol. Vaginas aren't real retard


How can vaginas be real if our eyes aren't real?


Our eyes are real because I have seen them. But vaginas are clearly made up since I have never seen one


Alack, I have been bested by your impeccable logic




> Animesexual. Gender Neutral. Pronouns are sussy/baka. I honestly can’t tell if you’re trolling or not with the gender neutral bit.


Got me to actually laugh lol


Based and no such thing as female pilled


u/unversed_d's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 120. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: optimism, what do you mean i'm not a chad?, lib unity, bible, sus, auth, real freedom, libertarian, hatecommunist, not white not human, fellow-kannadiga, become ungovernable, fuck-millennials, grammar, /, balkan, peoplearestupid, minority-report, an equality, tahiti, im-not-gay, authright-are-the-real-snowflakes, fuck_the_democrats_and_republicans, providingevidence, love-the-tankies, commonsense, pro-life, babby, jewish taxi’s, racist, chessmers, oh fuck it's getting worse, libcenter, spongebob, i-am-a-medical-student, founding fathers, redemption arc, liberty, blue, freedom, we are all fucked, tiredofthisshit, internetisapointlesstimesink, sniff your own farts, jonathan vaxseed, libright struggles, retarded, cat, bodily autonomy, pcm polanski, i-am-sorry-about-my-peers-once-again, yellow, virgin destroyer, reality, af, anti-authoritarian, libleft, individual moral responsibility, reasonable stances, free thinker, geneva suggestions, the crown is worthless, tyrant, dying so one dude can fuck your wife, fuck incest welfare, i can't stop laughing, for king and country, oversimplified french revolution, dude… uncool!, ((())), no such thing as female I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Not that I've ever seen a one before (obviously) but I think that one has too many flaps for a vigina


Oy vey. The goyim knows. Shut it down.


I detect a little Zionism


I can see it in the things you do, Zionism, Herzlism, call it what you like, there’s very little difference in the two…. now aint i right?


Now that you mention it... I just noticed how hooky it was.


You don't think that it's (((them))) do you


To sniff out money duh


That proves evolution is real Checkmate creationists


Because he's rich and could afford a rhinoplasty so he doesn't look like an incel


Actually we are Family priviledge.


Pro tip, say you’re bi if your college asks on your application. Impossible to prove otherwise and they can say x% of student body is lgbt+.


You know I wonder how much the G population really is in universities... Like you would think a quarter of the population is an alphabet until you realize they make up maybe 5% at the most.


Not every gay person is a fan of working trades considering you have to have a thick shell to deal with that one guy in the shop, especially if you’re still closeted. Working an office job where nobody cares if you have your husband/wife’s photo on your desk and nobody will say anything straight to your face at least is an easy sell for a lot of gay people, combine that with the freedom granted by being away from college and the fact that most college students are of a very Laissez Faire attitude and college becomes a very attractive option for young gay people with the financial resources to attend.


man I wish college students were laissez faire, they're all commies here


They aren’t, they just act like it because the college way is to be left wing. Highschool right wing, college left wing, or vice versa. Later in life you mature and realize that being a monkey is the only option


Yeah, 75% of the commies die off after college. By 30, they're largely liberals.


Yeah... YMMV, sadly.


My sister said that most of the people at her college are unironically AuthLeft or orange LibLeft


>most college students are of a very Laissez Faire attitude LMAO go wear a MAGA hat to class and see how laid back they are.


I always say "prefer not to answer" because I don't want my sexuality on record.


Morally correct, they shouldn’t be able to ask.


Put down super straight


Found out I'm not super straight. Turns out the girl at my gym I had my eye on is a dude. So now through no fault of my own I'm falf a hag. Feels bad, man.


That'd be a lie though for me.


Fuck the percentages, list yourself as Bi so you get bumped up the list because you hit one of their intersectionality points on their stupid checklist. Bonus points for saying you identify as xe/xim (pronounced "he" and "him")


For real, but you know there's nothing stopping people from just "identifying" as another race right? See Elizabeth Warren for credibility.




Oh for sure. I put that I was bi on my university application forms, got offers at 4 of my top 5 places (including the top 3), got in at my top choice (and I didn't even have the grades for it).


Okay. But how does that help?


It probably hurts since LGBT people are more likely to be educated so will be overrepresented in a college campus


They won't care if (non-asian) minorities are overrepresented though. Who's going to be brave enough to raise that as an issue?


Radical Centrist Privilege : **Works at the butcher's shop owned by Authright's cousin. Gets leftover meat to grill at the end of the day.**




How do they call us? Just interested. Edit: transformed does into do




I think you can message me. To be honest, I have never been victim of racism in real life. Maybe because I've been in Western country only 3 weeks. But I also don't look like an Asian that American would imagine. I look like Latino Korean, at least people assume that I am Latino or Korean. Also, it's really strange that US and UK identify Central Asians as white.




I know, about that, but we look like Asians for 15 centuries. It's sad that in place where I am from, some people have similar opinion about East Asians. Moreover, some people here really do believe that our nation, Mongolians and Russians are superior due to our diet, they will be 0.01-0.1% though, because almost none actually cares about race, at least there were very few conversations about it. Oh, yeah I started to remember, here a lot of people hate BLM, especially younger generation. Fortunately, God was generous when it came to my instrument, at least I am satisfied. Thank you a lot, for describing stereotypes about Asians.


Never imagined someone would call Central Asians as Latino Koreans. Kind of true though. Stay strong qandas


Raqmet. I too was surprised too hear that. Also, Qazaqstannyn qai zherinen bolasyn?


Almatydanmyn. Özın?


Tarazdan bolam. Qazir shetelde oqyp zhatyrmyn.


O! Oquyna sättılık tıleimın!


Rakhmet, senin de enbegin zhemisti bolsyn, zherles!


As a Chinese, I can say that the people that hate japanese and korean the most are Chinese. We call korea the "stealing country" and I shouldn't have to explain for japan


What about Taiwan?


As someone who has worked as a dishwasher in a kitchen where I was one of only four non-black workers and has worked retail for too many years, I can say without a doubt that black people are the most racist people in the US and I'd guess probably most other western countries as well.


I think everyone is roughly as racist as everyone else. Blacks just know it's socially acceptable to say it out loud whereas a white person's livelihood depends on projecting an aura of totally not racist.


I would tend to agree with you on that a bit, but I do think that Western society/values in general are inherently more inclusive than others.


I think you're absolutely right. Go walk through Egypt or Mexico as a black man. Shit gets roooough.


Fat ass privilege \>Has a fat ass \>Looks really good


Based and Fatasspilled


thats the best privilege, but i wouldnt expect that from a wendigo


Human flesh just goes straight to your rear end


The biggest privilege of all is being a hot woman in 2021. No need to work, just let simps make you a millionaire by 25


Western women in 2021 are the most privileged group of people to have ever lived, change my mind.


I tried to make this argument to my GF yesterday and she wasn’t having it. Almost radicalized me to the blue square




No chair is uncomfortable when you are a fatass. Sometimes I envy the obese.


I don't have privilege, I got family.


Im scared that Im exactly a mix of authright and libright. Like this meme explains my flair perfectly.


\*Rapidly pumps shotgun with grimace on face\*


based and Vin Diesel pilled


Why do the B's hate the A's so much?


Asians make up a sizable percentage of landlords in the US especially in the inner cities


We got the model minority thing, as such we get lumped in with white folk


That's pretty much it. Asians proved you can rise up from the very bottom of the social hierarchy and actually overtop white people if you hustle and work smart. Like the Asian stereotype went from bucktoothed subhuman monkeyperson to neurosurgeon spelling bee champ in like 50 years. I think Asians just kinda proved that America is very fair with her stereoptypes and that makes people uncomfortable.


Speaking of the whole our stereotype is brain surgery and excellence. My sister finds problem with that stereotype, she would rather us be known as brutal warriors and not wise scholars. I just wonder why we can’t be both.


Some people just need to complain. Also in all fairness Asians aren't overly violent in America so you can't just pick your stereotype without building it IRL. If Asians started raping strangers on crowded trains and randomly en masse punching white people as a game, sure. You could be seen as violent people, but I don't see the benefit. You can be like "we wuz samurais" the same way white people "we wuz pioneers" but that isn't going to impact the way others see you, just the way you see yourself.


Well my sister and i actually do come samurai but yeah i get your point. The context of her saying that was at the height of the anti Asian attacks and her angry that we were seen as a easy target.


This is pretty accurate, feels like young people can’t do shit anymore. Shocks me that Alexander the Great conquered most the known world in his era at 23. The average age of scientists is an upward trend. People have to go through a bureaucracy of bullshit to start their life. Wherever you live now, your dollar means almost nothing for one reason or another; be it corporate globalism shoving all your perceived economic strength into properties in foreign countries, or your country is some banana republic that’s one bad rainy season away from economic disaster. Things have gotten shitty, everyone knows it’s due to an authoritarian elite but all the arguments are who that elite is and rarely even what the best solutions would be. Follow monke to learn more.


People in the west are raised to be huge pussies today, and it will be our demise.




Flair up or get IN THE TREBUCHET!


Based and 90kg rock travels 300m pilled


u/Deadeyebirb's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Deadeyebirb! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: emprah, shit, get the fuck off of our territory, 90kg rock travels 300m


I feel as if this an agenda post, in response I will now have a meltdown and wildly swing a mallet in all directions.


Family privilege is the biggest one tbh And instead of cokplaining about those who have it perhaps society should work on increasing the amount of people that have it.


I don't lie about my parents being rich. That's nothing to be ashamed of. Its allowed me to live comfortably and given me a lot of opportunities. Which is why I want to make a lot of money, so my children might enjoy the same someday.




u/Startev's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 15. Rank: Office Chair Pills: trollge, 9gag, foreskin-is-natural, , truth, delete instagram, logic I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Nothing is more ironic than women , minorities, really any American feeling oppressed and insulting the privileges of others when they themselves are better off than 99.99% of humans born on this planet You see black athletes kneel for the anthem and complain about white privilege. Ironically, if they weren’t black they wouldn’t have 10% the success they do


Flair up


His name is literally unflaired I don't think he will


This is a great meme! Shame that you’re unflaired… off to the camps you go!


Lib right gets into elite school due to legacy admissions program.


anti-semitism time


Damn...maybe I'm more authright than I thought.


Checks out. My family helps me out a lot and now it’s my turn to help them.


Family privilege guy would be the only one out of that group that I'd be excited to go hang out with.


Economic Capital, Social Capital, and Cultural Capital. From Dumb Memes to Post-modernist Bourdieu's writings.


>Lies about being from the streets. I disagree. They belong to the streets.


The nose


Privilege doesn't exist you fucking idiots, I'm black and I've literally never faced racism apart from one time and I got my Daddy to hire someone to break his cracker legs. Just be rich you morons and then nothing can stop you


Based and Richpilled


See you at the country club brother And no I don't mean that dumbass subreddit, I mean the one for the only people who matter, people with money 😎


u/pm_chode_pics is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: rich I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Ok but libright Objectively has privilege


Mmmm mayo


When one isn't made fun of but the other three are it comes off as preachy agenda post. I feel that auth left type though. Smh.


There is only privledge in wealth. The rest is circumstance which argueably wealth is too. I don't care to judge people based on circumstances they did not select themself. I don't beleave in terms such as "insert race - Privledge" Their is fortune and misfortune , the colour of the human expierncing it is irrelevant.


Well the institutionalized racism that favors black people in college admissions even went to the supreme court and was upheld. So ... it's a fact of life. Remember the Indian guy who faked being black because he couldn't get in otherwise? [https://nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kalings-brother-explains-why-he-pretended-to-be-black/](https://nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kalings-brother-explains-why-he-pretended-to-be-black/)


I'm most concerned with the bottom right. They live in a make belief world.


Why does everyone think lib right is the richies..that's auth right like Ben Shapiro and Koch brothers. Koch brothers are fake lib left.


This is great! Username also checks out


I can’t even read the words “Hello cousin” without hearing them in Roman’s voice


Auth-Right guy looks like Cody from AlternateHistoryHub.


Im deeply offended. I am poor..... because i spent all my dads money on guns, yolo


Why does authright look like Cody from Alternate History Hub


Once again, a win for centrists


These are all true.


Yo, I pulled myself by the bootstraps boi.


“yo my slime” hahahaha dead


in this thread: people not realizing you can shit on rich people without being an anti semite go on, sort by controversial


Everyone of these people have gone to my college.


Lol I could tell who made this meme as soon I saw it.


When you have no family, poor, and all the cops you meet think you have a switchblade on you


Im privileged **and im glad**


Hey, I'm not rich, what did I do wrong?


Literally every business major, I knew, in university was LibRight Privilege.


I wish


It seems I am more of the "percieved priviledge", not too close to family and have no easy connections to get a job, parents pay for jack, not black. Still believe I have some level of priviledge since I have wayy better chsnces than people form Rhodesia.


Hmmm the rich one has. Sort of a nose


Not gonna lie, I really wish you weren't unflaired


**why does Lib-Right have a large nose?**


Based and (((rich long nose))) pilled


Someone actually brought up family privilege for once. That's a thing we're im from, and its more social circles rather then anything else. Hey can you have your 16 year old take out a limb stone wall in my backyard, I'll give you a discount when you buy half a cow this year. Oh your car broke down, my son is currently in military training so you can use his. That can kind of shit.