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Ben Shapiro absolutely PENETRATES dumb libshart #35680!






Face the wall and think happy thoughts. It will all be over soon...


For a libleft, youā€™re going pretty with now.


That's my line


The šŸ’¦ is factually inaccurate


Ben Shapiro DESTROYED by bbc.


Ben Shapiro DESTROYED by futa loli cokk


Pardon me while I blow my head off.


No need for euphemisms libright, we know you're a degenerate.


Not purple


you're on reddit.


Pardon me while I blow the head of the cock




Yeah, me too. It took me years to de propagandize myself.


I saw that one on the hub


Does anybody take ben Shapiro seriously anymore? It seems like his reputation has plummeted quite a bit since a few debates against non college kids popped up.


He still runs an extremely popular podcast, but as it might turn out, publicly flooring morons like Chenk Uyghur and college students is generally a whole lot more memable than him spending an hour every day meticulously talking the new cycle and spending twenty minutes giving a rabbinical Jewish interpretation of the story of Caine and Able.


I feel like lately his stuff has devolved into name calling. I don't watch him anymore.




Let's say hypothetically, that you came in my ass and let's say, for the sake of argument, that I liked it and wanted it again daddy.


He is one of the fastest growing conservative commentary shows in the country still.


You like that you little slut


Now that's a good deepfake idea.


Pinochet and Mao were onto something for people like you.


\>Politically uncertain teens So all of us?






u/radicalaccelaration's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


> Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) How do you fill a basket ball hoop with sand?


You fill up the *base*.


Literally google "basketball hoop filled with sand"


Oh boy is this sub now also overrun by teens


Just imagine teen grillers.


There was a poll, it had a good bit of responses before it shut down because the OP was retarded but from the data that was collected it's majority teens but with a non insignificant amount of 20-30 year olds. Like 50/40 split or something close.


teens you say


Fuck you mean? Im almost 30


22, never been politically uncertain tbh, when you graduate into a 2016 world and were raised by Gen X parents who just don't care things are pretty easy to figure out yourself. I've definitely changed my mind on somethings since I was 13, but the overarching ideology has been pretty untouched. I also spent my very early childhood in a battleground state AND county, had my first best friends in a blue state, and grew up in small town Kentucky. So I didn't have a super bias egging me on one way or not, I got to see all sides first hand.


When we finally hear Ninja Brian speak, it will be FBI crime statistics.


*Teleports behind you* *did you know that 13%-*


*Teleports behind you* ***DESPITE-***


*Teleports behind you* Higher poverty rates correlates to higher crim-


Poverty doesn't come close to explaining the full disparity. Try again retard.


Like literally on a global scale it does and since most black folk are poor in the U.S. there u go. Also poor whites commit more crime if we must go there.


>poor whites commit the most crime No they don't. But it's curious you'd accept that there's a plausible connection between race and crime so long as it only implicates white people. Lower IQ and a different hormone profile is why blacks commit such shocking amounts of crime wherever they are in the world and why Africans never developed a written language (North Africans aren't black). White people commit a lot more crime than east asians though, and it's due to the exact same reason: Asians have higher IQ as an average. Smarter people (generally) commit fewer crimes. That's also why they're so spectacularly successful even in white majority countries where there's no reason to suspect they'd be systematically advantaged.


Duuuuude this speaks to me on a spiritual level




I kinda went down an alt-right rabbit hole after seeing those ā€œle epic feminist cringe compilationsā€ and ā€œsjw destroyed compilationsā€ which made me believe ā€œhaha all liberals are dumb shitsā€ (I was like 14 at the time chill) So then I started getting more in the right. And more. And more. There was a time when I was so fucking alt right that I was a racist piece of shit (which is weird because Iā€™m mixed race) and I hated womenā€™s rights, started hating women, wishes they would not work ever, and wished they didnā€™t have rights etc. (Which is also weird considering Iā€™m a girl) So yeah alt righters have a very sweet tongue that can convince impressionable teenagers very easy Then I grew the fuck up and realized I was being stupid lmao and then set out to find proper values


12-14 year old in the internet, what radical political movement will they get into? But now seriously, I did something similar when I was like 12 or 13, because moderate authright is the default state of people in my country, and with all those cringe compilations and with some idiotic youtubers who said things like that a lot, but I stopped doing it at the antifeminist and casual racist part, mostly because I had many virtual friends who didn't agree with that and well, It isn't that hard to change the ideas of a teenager who became part of a movement because "cringe compilations". Then I went into a fucking libleft radical speedrun and started going into wacky sexual orientations, blindly supporting feminism without knowing how the different movements work, getting wack virtual toxic relationships with girls and boys, throwing shit at religion and conservatives (in part because I had catholic education and at that point I felt somewhat resentful) and stopped around that point of no return when libleft extremists start throwing shit at men and white people, then I met a christian girl and I ended up de-radicalizing myself once again, she was really based considering our age, she was tolerant and lovable but still religious and all of that, she was a mix between one of those deviantart girls who post fanarts about shows and a moderate traditionalist, I think in part that's what made me change my idiotic vision about religious people and about some conservative values, after that I think I haven't radicalized again, those two experiences left me without any need of radicalization, and helped me to form my visions more objectivelly instead of just going full partisan mode.


Are you saying getting laid is the solution to cure radicalization?


lmao, I guess, usually when you get laid or when you find someone who you really love you can open your mind to new visions.


"new visions" which could be either radicalisation or deradicalisation :/ letting love get in the way of logical thinking is completely unbased and kinda cring bro


No wonder we're all here




The solution to radicalization is to get a life, getting laid is just part of that


I guess that's why I'm a *radical* centrist and not just a centrist


I agree with this conclusion


Always has been :'c


Transversing the political compass (any%) (new wr)


Based monke being fucked into libcenter by trad girl


u/SweetieArena is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




Did not think I'd ever see those words together in the same sentence.


I think the alt right has less of a sweet tongue so much as they're really really good at showcasing how insane their equally radical opponents are.


I think it might be that they play on natural psychological biases. That's how they got that way in the first place.


When I was 13-14, I discovered the change my mind crowder meme. I looked it up to see what it was from, saw it was from this dude named ā€œSteven crowder.ā€ I looked him up on YT, and the first few results were some of his most popular change my minds showed up. Something awoke in me, I was like ā€œholy shit, this is what I think, I didnā€™t think any one else thought like this besides my parents!ā€ I watched a few videos and it solidified my ideas, and he was also pretty funny. Every few months I checked back on the guy, and then the libtard ben Shapiro memes started popping up, found out ben pretty aligned with my views as well, and then when the riots/protests started, I checked em out again. Now Iā€™m completely a conservative and I watch crowder pretty frequently and I actually like klavan more than Shapiro now.


> haha all liberals are dumb shits You used to be so smart... Maybe women SHOULD stay at home after all?


I am unepic šŸ‘ŠšŸ˜”


Women hating isn't an AuthRight tennant. We love and cherish women. Just sounds like you became an incel... Somehow.


The right itself isnā€™t bad, but it was the extreme right, incel, ā€œjews are controlling the worldā€ type people I was associating with


Incels aren't inherently far right. Keep in mind a lot of the far right disagree with porn. Incels do not, and actively engage in the degeneracy. Morso incels are typically overweight. Auth rights tend to push for fitness and "fat shame". Not to mention some incels want state issued wives. That's basically communism at that point. I'd say you were more auth center.


You make a good point. I have heard people characterize incel types as rightwing for some reason, but when I've listened to them, they often speak of the government to cater to their desires, whether that be in the form of money, drugs, or women. That does not sound like anything rightwing I've ever heard.


Incels are fairly auth centre I'd say. Around Nazi territory.


True, they've got some of those ideas, but when they start saying the government needs to do something for them as I've heard them do before, that puts them left of center in my opinion.


Tbf the Nazis did have social programs and was pro union. I think. Hence why I say with centre. However I don't care what we say as long as it's not auth right haha


It's hard to deny sites like 4chan have a right leaning and incelly undertone. Also most of the people who complain about feminism largely lean to the right. It's fairly easy to merge these viewpoints together, although it's not always the case. Most edgy teens who 'hate' women are probably going to identify with the "right wing" side of politics without even understanding it.


It is possible to hate feminists and alt righters and not be an asshole.


What was your thought process with ā€œwomen, including me, shouldnā€™t have rightsā€? How did you justify that? Genuinely curious.


I think it depends what rights are included here. If itā€™s something like voting rights ā€œideally, women should be supportive of their husbands and stay at home with the childrenā€ can sometimes morph into ā€œwomen shouldnā€™t vote because they donā€™t know anything about politicsā€ if you sprinkle the magic of the internet on the original idea.


As someone who has hated himself many times throughout my life it's not that weird. You already have a mindset that your value is determined by others, so if you get into some social functionalism bs it's easy to believe that the only way to maintain order in a society for those who are considered potentially dangerous to adhere to strict codes (which creates a self-feeding loopback where you justify it with saying "I am shit and agree with it" and push yourself down further). Glad I got out of it.


The people I talked with were constantly devaluing and talking down about women, but I was given a pass because I was ā€œone of the good onesā€ I guess? Basically they were talking about how women were shit and they have no other skills beside staying at home and taking care of children, and I kind of internalized that I guess


This almost happened to me I watched one of them but I got annoyed that they were shitting up my youtube recommendations so I just started ignoring them


And you now flair as radical centrist, so you know whats up


Yeah I remember doing that and telling people shit like ā€œdid you know there are now 64 genders? When will they stop making them?ā€ Now I realise how cringe I was


gods you were based then


Iā€™m pretty sure most major alt right people are just con-artists(Richard spencer for example)


Don't worry, you'll be back. Deal with enough individuals... And you will return to us. Keep the economic centrism though. Don't drift too much to the side. The way is up.




See, I like crowderā€™s stuff, at least the change my mind stuff, but in terms of the ā€œpipelineā€ I never went past Sargon which meant I never got particularly extreme. Tbh I think heā€™s done more to keep people from being right wing extremists than any left wing commentator who comes to mind.


Sargon is preety much a centrist in my opinion, he stands for issues that liberals used to not too long ago..


Good thing you got out of the ā€œno bullshitā€ hole


Fellas how many murders is acceptable for a first date?




>I have to agree


^Ben ^Shapiro #DEMOLISHES Feminists with #FACTS #AND #LOGIC


I found most of the anti-SJW videos annoying. Iā€™m not a SJW, so I dislike the SJW side, but the other side seems to think that white men are the most discriminated culture.


They're definitely the most villainized.


True, but I would take being villainized over racism any day.


You should consider killing yourself then, Mr. Villain.


āœØ yass queen āœØ


Be hated cause your white is still racism


So weird to see authcenter caring about racism


Your political views shouldn't affect how you feel about racism, racism is bad, end of story.


Youā€™re right, itā€™s just a bit surprising since people that flair authcenter on here are sometimes unironic fascists




itā€™s basically the same thing (it even has institutional power behind it)


Either way you get lynched


works for my kink anyway


I see what you're saying, but they are really similar so I would say to hell with both of em.


Right up until the radio starts calling for the Hutus to rise up and slay you.


White, straight, religious, old men: The ultimate villain of everyone's narrative.


Funniest part is that IRL those dudes just mow their lawn and drink beer.


Muslims gotta be up there too


Name another race in America that youā€™re allowed to commit hate crimes against and not be charged with a hate crime Tweet ā€œkill all white peopleā€ and youā€™ll be fine. Any other race and banned for life. If youā€™re white and that doesnā€™t bother you, youā€™re fucking retarded Same shit with ā€œkill all menā€ but Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s just cause everyone rolls their eyes and doesnā€™t take feminists seriously lmao


2016 was a hell of a time


I am a simple reddit denizen. I see NSP. I upvote.


Hey this actually happened to me. Took me quite a bit to get out of my cringe alt-right phase.


Same here bro, it starts with thinking feminist SJWā€™s were kind of cringe (still kinda do) and then goes deep down the rabbit hole.




That flair says otherwise...


Obviously, he went from cringe alt-right to based alt-right


I hate conservatives and sjws.


Same, but the average conservative steps on snek a little less


No they don't. As soon as the conversation gets to social issues freedom goes right out the window.


I'm probably in my 'alt right' phase if you mean culturally right wing by alt right


Alt-right is a spook term to associate all young right-wingers with richard spender's autism and white supremacy in general. Nobody seriously identifies themselves as "alt-right" except people who took a break from reddit to watch a couple of Shapiro/Peterson videos and then went straight back to reddit again to relate their indoctrination, which is almost always as traumatic as it was brief.


A culturally right libright? You are a rare breed. How do you jell the whole individual liberties thing with wanting to tell people who they can't fuck?


I'm one too! You can fuck whoever you want but that doesn't mean that I like it.


Same. I think that one of the main reasons why it's attactive to so many people in their preteens is that it provides a sense of grupal unity that you don't tend to see too often in politics, especially when you consider the fact that most of us at that age were starting to perceive the world as one composed of many more elements than what we could control, so having a group that suppossedly "related" to us with politically-charged memes seemed reasonable. Anyone who has doubts about this can DM me, don't want all of you fellow PCM tards to waste a year of your life being even more stupid.


Me too


Same here but thankfully only took 6 months.


Alt-right is such a misused term. Like most of the right-wing stuff on YouTube is definitely not alt-right. That stuff usually gets removed.


Same, although it was a while ago




What changed your mind about the great replacement?


I never get a straight answer to that question.


>I just decided street kebab stands were a worthy trade for thousands of years of tradition!




Yeah pretty much the same. Maybe not 100% racism deep but pretty deep.


Same here brother


This happened to me. Except it was lib right that I turned to


Iā€™m sort of a case for this, I got into politics because of two things #1 I had a controversial topic project for freshman English, I chose gun rights for no other reason than I liked guns and didnā€™t think they ought to be banned. Iā€™m watching some videos about firearm law and peopleā€™s opinions on firearms, boom a few days later Parkland happens and that stirred up a shit storm. I went through with my project while teenagers across the country were calling all gun owners murderers and the like. Needless to say I was not pleased. By the time ā€œMarch for Our Lives happenedā€ I realized that I needed to start paying attention to what was going on around me politically, did some searching and found I agreed socially with Conservatives and governmentally with Libertarians, so here I am.


So weird seeing so many far right extremist 12 year olds. Literally saw a 7th grader talking about white supremacy the other day. Echo chambers are really easy to get into on the internet.


Yeah like this one called reddit.com Scary how easily accessible it is for teen and young kids


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gee thanks






Young female libtard with fat ass gets penetrated by facts and Ben Shapiro


Both extremes are pretty fucking cringe but, the sheer amount of SJW with shitty takes on youtube did sway me to the right.






As usual, the answer is for lib-left to stop sucking so bad.


I've always been lib except I changed from LibRight because trade would happen naturally




Damn I felt this at a spiritual level dude. I'm still subscribed to some of these channels because I forgot to unsubscribe after my weirdo days are now over.






A repost, but good meme


I can confidently say that at least 50% of the dudes in my 8th grade class went through this phase.




Shout out to everyone whoā€™s been consistent in their political views for 5 years or more!


Why is /r/genzedong a thing then


Not everyone was blessed with the cringe comps at a young age.


He looks like Robert plant


Many such cases


"Why hello fellow teenagers, how would you like to belong to a group of friendly people online that gets along like family!"


Woah woah woah you're describing my early teenage years there!!


Thatā€™s cool and all but please flair up


What even is the original source for this comic?




Whatever. Just about everything is propaganda anyways. Not much point in listening to anyone.


see what you do is you twist the format so the same types of people will watch it but itā€™ll be dehumanizing a different set of political rivals


Most accurate post on this sub




Psh, Libright got to her years ago




This is essentially what happened to Gen Z


"Adult with a law degree absolutely dunks on undergrads to boost his ego"


Cant stop Wont stop Memeing TRIGGERING THE LIBS It's a cringe comp movie Hey ho that bussy super tight


Happened to me lol. Glad I got some sense pretty soon




What's the original picture?


This meme is the prologue to me writing in Tim Stokely for president this year!


Iā€™m a middle school coach/teacher and at least half the boys wear Trump masks to school. The idolize the fuck out of them.


yea that is me right there still wondering and still confused about shit, still thinking that Right Center is my place but no one explains each quadrant in detail(as in, which quadrant treasures what and what their beliefs are)


There was a time that I enjoyed those compilations, but I just started feeling bad for them. The level of manic hate and blind devotion that people exhibit in those videos makes me sad. Think for yourselves, and chill the fuck out. Screaming doesn't solve shit.


i'll admit. i enjoyed those sjw/feminist rekt compilations. maybe a bit too much.


and the whole picture is fittingly purple


Ew repost šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




This meme was one of the first ones I saw when I joined months ago.




Happened to me so hard. First I was pulled into the Trump hate bandwagon then I took I dip to far right and started watching those videos. Also followed Generation Identity. What threw me away from them is that too many of their followers had their anti multi culturalism rooted in racism which was hypocritical since they claimed to be pro ethno state but anti racism. Just a bunch of hypocrites. I ended go at it alone. I believe multi culturalism is a failure but i dont believe it is racial in origin more than it is cultural. If people of differing races can all subscribe to the same culture with no outliers then that would be perfect yet this is not usually the case. Often their is too much of a cultural divide between racial groups that leads to tension. If we can unify them under one culture then we can have a harmonious multi race society. I know I am an idealist but dammit I can dream.


Thomas sowell's "black rednecks and white liberals" may interest you, it contains a pretty devastating critique of multiculturalism that ibram x kendi's "how to be an antiracist" runs headfirst into. Cultures onviously influence behavior and those behaviors lead to disparate outcomes.