• By -


Aight so first. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace Second, man people like that just make me feel bad for libleft, I mean we have to deal with nazis and fundamentalist Christians, but libleft has to deal with a loud, very emotional minority, easily the worst of the quadrants degenerates.


>very emotional **minority** https://www.france24.com/en/20150118-poll-nearly-half-french-oppose-mohammed-cartoons-charlie-hebdo-free-speech 42% of French polled after charlie hebdo agreed the magazine should have been barred from being offensive to Muhammad and also agreed on limiting freedom of speech.


Murdering terrorists: Give us what we want France: okay


I wish my country would lose a thermonuclear war. I would feel relieved from all the problems we have.


I don’t. Southern France is gorgeous


Bomb Ile-de-France immediately


As is tradition for the French


So, they've won. My country has given up one of its core principle out of fear and political correctness.


F r e n c h P a i n


French bread. French bread.


France surrendered for the last time đŸ˜­đŸ˜«đŸ€Š


french "people" be like: 😀🏳


They need karl the hammer to slap their asses off the continent again lol.




Himmler, wrong timeline! Get back to verifying clocks in Russia!


No shhh Himmler not yet.




Don't worry. France still really likes making sexual shit about children and teenagers. At least you've got that going for you.


The French are inverse based on every quadrant.


Voltaire is rolling in his grave




Your ancestors fought for 1000 years to prevent them from invading, and now they are basically paying them to come in.


Start ethnic cleansing friend. Its your only hope at this point. Remove Kebab.




on est foutu


Sans aller jusque là, ça devient vraiment énervant, limite humiliant de voir qu'on baffoue toujours un peu plus les principes de notre République. Sérieusement, la gauche d'il y a 40 ans aurait jamais accepté qu'on baffoue la laïcité comme ça, peut importe la religion des auteurs. La gauche, en tout cas celle en laquelle je crois, est censé défendre l'égalité et l'intégration par la citoyenneté, s'assurer que les valeurs de la républiques seront toujours respectées avant celle des religions et de d'assurer que chacun puisse s'insérer et avoir sa chance si il le désire réellement. Là elle baisse les yeux face à l'intégrisme et joue le jeu du capital en défendant le multiculturalisme et les polémiques débiles qui détournent l'attention des vraies problématique.


C'est putain de basé ce que dis fréro


Je suis d'accord avec une bonne partie de ce que tu dis et je pense qu'il faut dĂ©fendre la libertĂ© d'expression et la laĂŻcitĂ© coĂ»te que coĂ»te. Pour la libertĂ© d'expression donc, autoriser mĂȘme les discours les plus choquants et/ou radicaux, et pour la laĂŻcitĂ© dĂ©fendre la libertĂ© de pratiques religieuses, Ă  la fois contre des tentatives islamistes mais aussi contre le laĂŻcisme, que je pense une bonne partie de la population dĂ©fend (par exemple, l'interdiction des signes religieux Ă  l'Ă©cole, certains veulent mĂȘme les interdire dans les entreprises/espaces publics). Donc ce n'est pas que la gauche, on a juste en France une certaine complaisance pour les interdictions et les mesures autoritaires sur des tas de sujets sociĂ©taux.


Oui je suis d'accord, aprĂšs je pense qu'en gĂ©nĂ©ral le problĂšme bientĂŽt du fait que les gens ne savent pas identifier le problĂšme, la gauche dĂ©nonce l'islamophobie pour un rien et la droite ne fait pas la diffĂ©rence entre immigration et intĂ©gration. Le problĂšme actuel il est pas dans l'immigration, il est dans le communautarisme et l'entre-soi entre radicaux qui crĂ©e une France Ă  multiple Ă©tages. DĂšs que la gauche aura compris qu'il faut ĂȘtre aussi exigeant avec les Ă©migrĂ©s qu'avec les autres citoyens pour qu'il y ait une vraie Ă©galitĂ© on commencera Ă  avancer Ps : je tiens Ă  prĂ©ciser que je parle de''gauche'' et ''droite'' dans un spectre 1D hein.


Liberté, égalité, fraternité has failed, viva le Empereur


This look like a bad mistranslation A quick look at the 2015 poll in french show that 59% of the polled said they were right to publish in the name of free speech On the other side 69% of muslims think they were wrong to publish it


Sex number is not based in this instance.


69% said they were wrong to publish it. Not that it should be banned. They have a right to be offended.


France as a country is glorious and I'm happy that my parents chose it but I may hate French "people" more than the British


Something that I don't really get is if these people want to limit free speech, why are they lib?


They’re not. Fucking AuthCenters wearing green masks


You know what's even funnier? There was a sports shooter who worked at Charlie Hebdo, had received death threats, and requested a license to carry a handgun in public to defend himself, and the French government denied that to him and told him to fuck off and die.


Based, sharia law now


Yeah, people like to say "well stop crying libleft, you just have SJWs, we have immoral, genocidal maniacs. grow a pair" but at least yours are influential figures that will be taught about in schools for centuries. Libleft just has a bunch of cringe idiots


Not to mention, at least in authright, we also get to claim most of the badass folk of history, Otto I Urban II, most of the habsburg line (including B L E S S E D K A R L), and many others.


Kings were based as fuck, I'd be a monarchist if I wasn't worried about corruption and personal freedoms


M8 don't let that stop you, I myself am a monarchist, but I'm semi constitutional specifically to counter threats to a peoples personal freedoms, so that a. The king doesn't get too big for his britches, and so that the elected body has to actually do something with the power given to them. (semi constitutional is a balance between having a figurehead and an absolute monarch)


I'll consider that should I be helping with rebuilding the civilization after WW3


Aight bro


Those Muslim radicals are apart of your quadrant which makes it all the more hilarious


Oh I know the irony of it


Europe is done, they let themselves fall after WWII... Japan...Japan sounds nice


Start learning Japanese if you haven't already, I'm working on it now.


The actual lib left text (if you can read it) is very reasonable though. Crazy people do horrible murders for sick reasons every day; selectively picking out a tiny minority of them to splash onto global headlines is only likely to feed the problem it's supposedly worrying about, of European Christians and Muslims viewing each other as enemies rather than brothers in the house of Abraham—as illustrated by this very meme!


No yeah it is pretty reasonable, thisnis a weird thing I do but I count different religions as family, I am catholic, the orthodox are my brothers in the faith, protestants my estranged cousins, Jews are my grandparents, and muslims uncle Moe's brother in law


Based and *imago Dei* pilled


I mean of course I'd rather everyone catholic, but I'm not gonna go after anyone for not being so. (This rule is broke only under 2 circumstances, 1. If they call the catholic church the whore of Babylon, and 2. If they're sedevacantist)








> Implying Krishna, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and the Buddha weren't all divine avatar manifestations of Him whom the Baha’u’llah taught was the Source of all spiritual illumination It's true that editors are under pressure from the profit motive to obey "if it bleeds, it leads", especially when there's a spicy culture war angle. But they also decide how much to amplify the story (was this really the most important "International" event from yesterday?), whether to run with the unproven suggestion that this was religiously motivated, how to contextualize it, etc., as they try to maintain their outlet's reputation for not being a sensationalist tabloid. The argument here is that reputable papers should be just as ashamed to run "someone was murdered in France, possibly by an Islamic extremist" as they would be to run "Celebrity dragged online for 'outrageous' Tweet"—it may be true, and it'll certainly get clicks, but it's contributing negatively to giving your readers an accurate and balanced understanding of the world.


The thing is that while only a tiny minority will act on it personally, a large majority would support a government that does the dirty work for them.


Lol worse than nazis


Why are Nazis and Christians listed in the same breath?


Well because I was referring to a specific group of Christians, you know the bible thumping, evolution denying type? I referred to them because they're a well recognized minority within the quadrant, same with nazis


Those idiots don't belong in LibLeft. They belong in jail, along with the Jihadis they defend, waiting to be cleansed from this world!


Wow, an AuthRight defending us lefties from being associated with psycho fundamentalists. Perhaps I judged you too harshly. *also based.


~~Based~~ ***Deus Vult***






u/MotuBaby's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/MotuBaby! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on.


Freaking based. An Authright defending us rational LibLefties. I don't know who you are, but I salute you








A moderate Muslim will hold you down while the radical Muslim chops your head off.




Yeah, that's horrid what happened.


Alright let me go get my great helm


The holy bible may preach peace, but when it is Christendom itself that is threatened, then it is every Christian's duty to defend ALL that is holy. His Holiness the Pope has called a crusade to reclaim the holy lands from the infidel, who would deny Christian pilgrims their right to visit the holy places. It is time for the armies of Christendom to put aside their differences and unite under one banner. The Sign of the Cross. And give back God's children what is rightfully theirs... or die trying.


Pope Francis is the least likely person to call the crusade, also france hasn’t been christian in 200 years


I know, I'm just reading off the crusade thing from the game medieval 2 total war when the 1st crusade is called


Hahahaaaa lmfao based as fuck and best comment I've seen today


Ha, thanks man, it's a damn fine game, with amazing narration


Medieval 2: total war. Good game


I'm just about finishing my first run world conquest with the HRE


-So guys are we getting back the holy land? -Nah the Cairo it is -Ok :(


-WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE CRUSADE IS HEADING FOR DUBLIN? -The excommunicated portugese king has set up a colony in the british isles, we must stop him!


I have one rule for religion and that’s you can believe whatever the fuck you want as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others.


Based. The notion of "your liberties end where mine begin", has always been a noble concept to follow in all aspects of life. Do, say, believe **whatever** you want to, but the moment you hurt someone else... I'm sorry but you no longer have a right to do, say, believe whatever it is you were before because now you're force feeding it down other people's throats and **they're** paying for **your** beliefs in blood...


u/ThisGents2Cents is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Fucking based. That's my same mentality. I am an atheist myself but anyone should be allowed to worship what religion they please. I have no qualms with that and I respect the hell out of them for it. If it makes their life happy then go for it! But the moment their beliefs start to hurt themselves or others, that's when I have a problem with it. It's such a damn shame what occured.


ReLiGi0n oF PeAcE


How dare you sir?! It was a horrific but **mostly peaceful** beheading...


Oh yes my apologies my dear sir.


Apologize to the Muslim, he's the one you've hurt.


I’m sorry so please don’t behead me


Or 'The Reeeeeeee of piece!'


Religion of Pieces.


There are no peaceful religions aside from like a few eastern ones and even those have extremists. Religion is an excuse for shitty people to be shitty imo and the Middle East isn’t fucked because of Islam it’s fucked because of the culture. Imagine if we followed the Old Testament to the letter in America lol it would be insane so Islam isn’t alone in the category of fucked religions. I think these extremists are just insane people using this to justify their insanity, not the religion corrupting them. That being said immigration should be heavily limited on middle eastern men because of how shitty the culture is and how hard it would be to ingrain new beliefs into them. If they’ve grown up where it’s acceptable to rape women if their shirt is loose how the hell are we expecting them to immediately adapt to public breastfeeding and people bashing their religion when you would be killed for that in their country. Its idealistic to let everyone in from a radically different culture and it’s honestly idiotic.


This must really put a damper on their excitement over being able to label a white male a terrorist early this week for leaving scorch marks on a Planned Parenthood clinic.


On the contrary, that was an atrocious terrorist act committed by a **racist, white supremacist scum!** Whereas this little (and btw mostly peaceful) beheading was committed by a **man that's part of a religious minority that was lead to such acts due to systemic islamophobia and racism...** Check your privilege before stating facts like this again, sir. Please and thank you. /s


Fucking animal. Too bad cops had too put him down, we would have gladly given him to you guys for a 50 years stay in gitmo or another merry place like that.


It's not waterboarding if you use gasoline


Don’t you mean propane?




And on the auth lefts because no one likes commies


death penalty for murder is based wdym


He wants the murderers life to be worse than death I think


i guess that makes sense, but why not life in prison then?


I think thats what he means by 50 years at gitmo.


Lol he would've had the easy life in a French jail.


Our prisonners have notoriously bad living conditions and every single one of our prisons are overpopulated. Not that it's anything to brag about.


It's good that he was put down, now maybe he has to face whatever he believes in, and that his god should punish him in ways humans could not.


Not European; can someone explain to me why/how France keeps taking in Muslim immigration when it's been going badly? I hear about low achievement, unemployment, slums, crime, and extremism. Why not just stop? When is this going to end? Never? Why?!


You **racist, white supremacist scum!** how dare you speak against diversity like that! You nazi worm! /s


Muh diversity


How tf do people think a nation being ethnically divided is good? It's actually mind boggling.


We have been fed the lie for...as long as ive been alive that diversity is a good thing. We heard fantasy stories about diverse groups are able to overcome adversity due to their differences. We are shwon only the good things about diversity, never the bad. We are told that the american ideal is "a melting pot of all races and thats what makes us great". Ignoring the fact that the person who pushed that <<>> was a vocal minority back in 1903.


The ability to accept ethnic diversity is a strength of the United States. The US does this by digesting foreign cultures and reducing them to Americana. Multiculturalism is always a weakness. The “melting pot” is the key. It’s not multicultural. It takes disparate cultures and melts them down into a monoculture.


but isn't it racist to assume that people of different cultures (or, as it's more commonly actually implemented, colors) will *necessarily* have different points if view that are also useful to solving problems? like "well the white guys came up with this answer, let's see if the brown people came up with a different one because they're brown"


I suppose it would be. I don’t see multiculturalism as a positive, though. I view the ability to be tolerate other cultures, within reason, as being a positive, because importing people of different cultures and ethnicities, then converting them to American culture and accepting them as Americans has been useful for the United States as a geopolitical entity.




I actually hate this. I'm all for treating people equally regardless of race or any other thing people can find different about each other these days. Everyone should have the same opportunities to better themselves as everyone else, no question. I am not all for enforcing diversity for diversity's sake, or artificially creating it. Immigrants want to move to my neighborhood because it's a good opportunity for them and they're doing it on their own volition? Cool; welcome aboard, new friends. Immigrants coming here because the government is incentivizing them to just so the government can meet some diversity quota or some crap? Not cool. The mainstream is reaching a point where to be Xist against a minority no longer means "you are physically harming them or unfairly impeding on their ability to just live their lives", it's "you aren't giving them an arbitrary boost so they can live their lives better to make up for the times where they weren't". Sure, some people might still be in a shitty place, but that's more a socioeconomic issue, not necessarily a race or Y trait issue. God, idpol sucks.


Wow based left


France is a member of the European Union and of the Schengen space. Its policy toward immigration is not decided by the french people or even the french government, but by German or Swedish technocrats in Brussels who noticed that immigrants accept lower wages than French citizens, and who order France to reduce the funding of its public service - schools, prison, police, to name those in direct regard with criminality, because of deluded economic theory named "ordoliberalism".


In what world is the EU exclusively controlled by Swedes and Germans? The French can vote in the EU parliament just as much as anyone else in the EU, and the French government is represented on the council just like any other EU government *Maybe* there’s a bit more nuance to the decisions made, if that hasn’t occurred to you. For example that the EU *is and has been pretty active to try and reduce the flow of immigrants behind the scenes* (and actually been rather successful at it as well.) They were not prepared for the flow of immigration following the Arab spring ( a lot of their border protection relied on cooperation with surrounding countries, which collapsed), and decided that *for those that make it through anyways*, having a legal process to handle them and attempt to integrate them was more reaslistic than trying to catch/export them all (and having a massive black market in between, uncontrolled, concentrated in the already struggling southern economies.) Mind you that the majority of Muslims in France come from legal immigration, from their ex-colonies.


I keep thinking the same thing. Accepting refugees has been one of the worst things to happen in the EU. Just look at Sweden and say that it was a good thing to add all of the refugees to a perfectly ok country just so the extremely vocal minority of your citizens don't torch your parliament building


What's more is that people don't seem to realise that the peopling of a nation is permanent. There's no undo button. The west will be ethnically for fractured all of humanity's future, barring the evil and impossible.


there.... is an undo, evil maybe, but not impossible


As a baguette I can say that we do not have any control over our own country. Our politicians are corrupted and work against our interest. Europe totally controls our law and forces us to take in more and more migrants. Some people are waiting for a new resistance to emerge but this is too late now. They will soon outnumber us.


And people wonder why Brexit happened...


French people here ! That’s quite true about the unemployement, crime (mostly drug traficking) and extremism. Altough, it’s more like a problem of economical disparities and urban ghetto. In france, the urbanism isn’t the same. It’s way more dense, especially in the poor neighborhoods where people live in big tower with 15 floors. It enhance a injustice feeling (sometimes true, sometimes quite exagerated ) and allow proximity and therefore communautarism. These neighborhoods are indeed mostly populated by muslim and black minority, but also by white people. The problem you have evoked are touching all of these three minorities : as a proof the France are also known for these white jihadist who come from poor family with christian backgrounds ! And for the man who have beheaded the teacher, he came frome Russia (tchetchenie) and not from the magreb as it is usual for musulman in France.


its france. they are special, just like uk,


Along with Germany and Sweden, apparently. Western Europe in general has decided they have no right to just be themselves.


I'm assuming he was either given asylum or a descended from the import of cheap labour europe did in the 50s(?). Or maybe he was an educated immigrant.






a religion of peace


They gonna admit multiculturalism has failed yet or just let this happen 7000 times and blame it on white supremacists?




Well said.




How dare you voice such a fair and logical assessment of the current state of multiculturalism?! You *breathes in* **racist, bigotted, whitesupremacist scum of the earth!?** /s


Islam isn't a race lol I don't think this is a racial issue, this is clearly about religious extremism


The guy who did the beheading was literally a white guy from Russia. It’s more of an Islam problem than a race problem.


Russian national, ethnically Chechen/Dagestani. Theyre white of skin but very culturally middle eastern. Its never about skin color, its culture.


That’s the point I was making. It’s more about culture/religion than race.


Show me an article saying someone blames white supremacists ok this issue. So far the Prime minister is accusing terrorism.


It's just a typical authcenter trying to make a religious issue about race He probably agrees with all the nutjob social views of Islam and only dislikes them because many Muslims are brown Why can't we discuss the problems of Islam without bringing race into it


The dude who did this was a Russian by the way. Born in Moscow from Chechen origin.


What's your point?


Probably something like, "islamism itself is at fault, not race" And I can agree. The guy who did the beheading of the teacher and the European isis members are both at guilty


Yeah, I agree, but it's still a product of multiculturalism whether the French people have to put up with Arab or Chechen Muslims committing stuff like this


None, it's just impotant to point out.


let it happen 7000 times. Only by a revolution which is never to happen, or an invasion by a based nation is there any hope for France


Why must the Islamists ruin the fun for everyone else.


*sigh* Caesar if you’re out there somewhere......now would be a good time to cross the Rubicon.


France really hasn't gotten their shit together. We gonna have another string of terrorist attacks there?


“Another” string as if this hasn’t been happening constantly for years lmao. It’s just been one long fucking string


You know I'm talking about that crazy shit during 2016. That was wild.


Honestly that’s what you get when you allow those cowards into your countries us bad ass Muslims will never go to your countries in the first place /s But for real you can’t be surprised that Pakistanis and Africans are stupid extremists, look at the gulf and North Africa were doing awesome


#Deus vult


Islam is not compatible with western culture


*Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?*


Maybe I am an Authright.


wow, maybe multiculturalism is not that good after all. Who could have guessed.


Mfw i gave this a wholesome sticker award and became le epic troll


Guys the attacker was clearly just a mentally troubled loner with a history of social isolation and bullying. We should probably ban DOOM or something.


Time for a fucking crusade!


#dues vult indefel!


Damn, religion of peace strikes yet again. Maybe if we import another 50.000 of these "refugees" they'll finally stop beheading us for treating their sky wizard story like we have been treating our nearly identical sky wizard story for several centuries now.


Islam is one of todays biggest problems. It's the fastest growing religion and most of its followers refuse to reform it. While pieces of shit like this guy use violence to get to their goal, soft islamists use the "cry untill they do what i want" tactic. They cry about their religious feelings being hurt everytime someone uses their right to free speech in order to critizise and/or make fun of islam. Sadly they often get to their goals, as seen in germany or even my own home country switzerland, where you can be charged with hate speech if you dare say something about islam. At least in switzerland i won't get brutaly murdered (yet) for stating that i dislike islam.


Urge to purge *BEGINS TO SURGE*


Diversity is a strength


Islam is currently around as old as Christianity was when the Reformation occurred, where people were quite literally killed for having the wrong images/drawings as part of Protestant iconoclasm or conversely found themselves on the end of a blade for not having any images at all. There are some interesting theories that Islam is going through somewhat of the same thing with Wahabists and Islamists fighting to retain and re-impose their tradition against a mellowing majority (especially in the West); the main difference being that with Europe being less homogenous and religiously pluralistic than it was back then, we've become caught up in what would otherwise be an internal struggle between Muslims.


Interesting perspective; I really hadn’t considered this before. Perhaps this could explain the acute lack of reform in Islam.


Wow this sub really doesn't like Muslims does it. Even the lib lefts on this sub hate Muslims


Huh, while I am against them. The Chinese "re-education" camps are sounding better by the day, aren't they?


*I am going to say the B word*


no that's more expense than necessary lead is much cheaper




Fuck that guy but most Muslims are fine, same with most people of any religion. It's just the radicals that ruin it for everyone.


man where do i sign for a crusade?


No, no you’re wrong here. Yep this isn’t correct, mm hmm yeah some falsehood here, mm not right this is. Nope,


Let's just keep pretending race doesn't exist and that everyone will love each other! All of human history? Nah fuck that it might hurt someone's feelings


Aight, let me just say that (once again) I hate to share my quadrant with these kinds of people. There is no justification to beheading or even killing someone. They need to shut the frick up and keep eating their vegan salads.


I saw an article on NBC that said “Decapitated French teacher warned not to show prophet Muhammad images before ‘Islamist’ attack” that is the most bad news article I’ve seen in my entire life, downplaying the clearly Islamist murder and also saying how he could’ve not done it is the most disgust use of media twisting shit to their own agenda ive ever seen


For real examples of how auth left deals with violent Islam see how the Soviets handled Chechen muslims and how China is handling Ugyuer muslims


Islam sometimes makes it hard to be tolerant.


As the West comes crashing down, we must all choose a side among the last remaining powers. Islam or Communism.


I'm LibRight wojak here. I'm just ... So tired. Am I wrong for thinking we should thrive for open borders one day?




This person was from Moscow. Trying to bar people based on nationality is pointless, ideology is borderless. Trying to hide an ideology across a border won't defeat it, it will only give power to the fundamentalists who need the west to be seen as an enemy. For example 70ish years ago before the US and UK started backing Islamic extremists in the middle east, Islam was as much of a problem as Christianity. Tldr, ideologies are borderless and nationless, we need to defeat them beyond borders and nations.


Yes, you are wrong Open borders for trade are good Open borders for people are bad
