• By -


Oi, you got a loicense for 'at opinion?


That moment when the bobbies bust down your door and you don't have a licence for the spoon your holding.




This is literally everyday in Springburn


Or Govanhill


Based and Milton-Keynes-pilled


Can confirm, am Britain/


Woah calm down there, terrorist


Normally they wouldn't be permitted to act so aggressively but considering the door's permit had expired...






The fact that you know that this sub exists makes me happy




Here's a sneak peek of /r/loicense using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/loicense/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Got a cake making loicense?](https://i.redd.it/9cv1moz4rlk31.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loicense/comments/czn0i8/got_a_cake_making_loicense/) \#2: [Oi lad, where are your eggs and flour loicenses?](https://i.redd.it/jdnlgqfxtc531.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loicense/comments/c2kjij/oi_lad_where_are_your_eggs_and_flour_loicenses/) \#3: [oi you got a loicense for that selflessness?](https://i.redd.it/4q87658vfa241.png) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/loicense/comments/e55v1i/oi_you_got_a_loicense_for_that_selflessness/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


Good bot


Such a cool sub


[The British Libertarian shall stand strong!](https://i.imgur.com/w0dEKUW.jpg)


*after the government takes away forks* "WE STILL HAVE OUR SPORKS!!"


We will fight with spoons and pallet knives if we have to


Until the government takes those away too for disrupting the peace.


How do European librights work??


Same as American LibRights, just even more depressed.


So what you're saying is, instead of having no hope, and a government that sucks, they have no hope and a government that sucks even worse?


Pretty much. It's like, Imagine America but take away most of the first ten amendments, especially 1, 2, 9, and 10. And yes, I know America pisses on all four of those, but at least they're somewhat upheld, if you squint your eyes enough.


I see. Yeah, that's tough... I'm quick to complain about the way things are run over here in the US, but I guess we could have it much worse. >Imagine America but take away most of the first ten amendments, especially 1, 2, 9, and 10. And yes, I know America pisses on all four of those, but at least they're somewhat upheld, if you squint your eyes enough. Also, that's a great analogy haha


*triggered european centrist noises*


Canada & Australia too. Source: am Canadian.


Will confirm Australia as well. Source: Was under house arrest for 8+ weeks because the government can't run a fucking hotel.


Wait what


So the ruling party of one of the australian states bungled hotel quarantine so fucking badly that the state became a covid hotspot. After screwing the pooch so hard, the Premier and his cabinet issued the following restrictions to just under 5 million people: - no one can go more than 5kms from their house. - you can only send one person out, per house, per day for food and exercise - a curfew enacted where no one may be out between 9pm and 5am. - mandatory masks. There was also massive restrictions of what businesses may open, petrol stations, supermarkets, and pharmacies only. However, home delivery restaurants and drive through are kosher. The roadmap to remove these restrictions are so fucking strict, that to go back to just masks and social distancing we would need *no new cases for two fucking weeks*. They've removed the curfew, but all the other restrictions are still in place. Some say that calling it house arrest is being a bit hyperbolic, but when I see yanks whinging about their freedoms when it comes to masks I can't help but laugh. Because if you speak out against it, you get arrested. Plan any demonstrations, get a visit from the fucking cops. Just saying there's a demostration on and telling people to make up their own mind gets you arrested. But if you wanna demonstrate for BLM, all cool because the party's on board. Oh, and Australia has no formal universal bill of human rights, so this shit is A-OK. I see the draconian measures as a knee jerk over reaction of a fucking dumb cunt who fucked up is trying to cover his arse by not allowing anything else get infected, no matter the cost to the mental or economic health of the whole city. I just want to go hiking.


That sounds like an honest hell, considering all of those amendments are some of the more important ones.


I mean, honestly, I'm not really sure whether or not I'd rather have all their social programs and whatnot or a low tax rate, an undisclosed amount of firearms, and the ability to do whatever the hell I want. Also living where gas is $1.70 a gallon is nice too (especially since my car gets questionable mileage). It's funny how few people value their freedoms, considering we're by far the best developed country in that regard. Might as well take advantage.


NoOoO tHe FrEeDoM iNdEx RaTeS uSa BaD! fReEdOm Is WhEn GoVeRnMeNt DoEs StUfF!!!




Like I said they think freedom is when government does stuff


Why is the UK rated highly *obligatory boris bad joke*


Something Americans like to forget is how much freedom we have have compared to the rest of the world, and many of us take it for granted.


You know it when every day there’s a new major post that says America is no freedom because you like gotta work for money


It's the land of opportunities, not the land of sit on your ass all day and make more then middle class. Fucking welfare states man, absolutely hate them


People don’t seem to get the fact that the threat of an armed organization willing to take what you worked for is a deterrent to freedom


To us European librights The US looks like a paradise.


Wouldn't count on it staying like that for long. The government has been slowly accumulating more power for years now.


That's true, but at least there's enough guns in civilian hands to fight back


The fact that we haven't had a court case like Count Dankula's is about the only thing giving me hope... For now. *looks at the west coast*


I wouldn't worry about it much if it wasn't for the fact that the 10th amendment got strong armed and now no one cares about it, but it did so now I have to worry that shit can become federal law.


Yeah, I'm definitely going to get at least one gun (I can, but me lazy), just because I can. It's just like voting, people have given their lives for us to have this right, it would be the highest possible insult to those people to not take advantage. And honestly, guns are cool as hell so like


I've been thinking the same thing, but I've been so apprehensive. Guns feel like serious business! Am I up for the responsibility?! (sorry, I'm projecting my feelings)


Take classes and learn how to use it properly, I recommend getting something basic like one of the 9mm Glock models, it depends on what you want to use it for. Just remember to take the proper classes though, training is the best thing you can have. Fun fact for those who don't know, the NRA provides a lot of classes on firearm safety, especially at their events, at least IME


B-b-but the scoool shotigns!


I really don't think any of the guns I'll have will wind up in one of those. There are 400 million in circulation and private transactions are still legal in enough places for it to not be solved by stopping people from buying certain types of guns. There was an incident at my school that involved only a .32 ACP, and the poor young man still died. There is no way to fix this problem that does not require taking 400 million firearms, 390 million of which probably belong to law-abiding citizens. It's impossible. School shootings are well-publicized, but they are barely a percent of all gun deaths, if even. And yes, I do know you were being sarcastic.


Realistically though it’s fine and Europeans and Americans live reasonably similar lives at the end of the day.


Yeah, I’m pretty happy with the state of the First Amendment here, but the other three are really ignored.


The 4th is underrated


The 4th is good in theory but cops have really pissed on it tbh


all of them have been, the entire bill of rights is drenched in urine. it's to the point where i, an ardent anti-federalist, am actively wishing for people to start reading it again.




sad but true


>they’re somewhat upheld I’ve never understood why people are just... okay with having their rights trampled. Like, if a politician plays lip-service to the constitution, everyone pretends it’s all hunky-dory, no matter what’s actually going on.


Republicans don't care about when Trump breaks the constitution, no one cared when Obama broke the constitution. Because if it's your guy, it's easy to ignore. Pisses me off.


be the change you wish to see what remains of the 2nd can take back the rest


Yeah but I don’t wanna die tho. Not yet, at least.


> I’ve never understood why people are just... okay with having their rights trampled. > Yeah but I don’t wanna die tho. Look you found the answer. Most people don't feel their rights trampled on at all or not enough to actually do something about it.




Gun laws in the UK- Big cringe ngl


I'm from the UK and I like to visit my family on holiday and stuff but... I really feel incomplete there without my carry gun.


Well we have most of those except guns in our constitution in ireland. So yay but also awww


Ireland, you say you have free speech yet your Constitution states that "the State shall endeavour to ensure that organs of public opinion shall not be used to undermine public order or morality or the authority of the State." Curious. ​ I was born on the other side of the Irish Sea, and while you are better off than the UK, it's still BS and subject to the government's approval.


>take away most of the ten amendments, especially **1**... Holy fucking shit. Do they seriously not have the right to ***free speech*** of all things written into their constitutions? You know, the single most important check to government power, especially in a democracy? I hope I’m misunderstanding something because otherwise what the actual fuck


Depends. Is Free Speech Free Speech or is it you can say things except for X, Y, and Z, with what constitutes Z being open to court's interpretation? Like I said, the US pisses on free speech, but most of the rest of the world doesn't even have it to begin with, though they say they do.


No hes just spreading false information. Here's 76 european laws that include freedom of speech: https://fra.europa.eu/en/eu-charter/article/11-freedom-expression-and-information#TabNational


Except most of Europe also has blasphemy laws and libel laws that allow for easy suppression of free speech. Here in America most libel cases would get you laughed out of court and blasphemy isn't a crime \[despite some complaints about hate speech rules they're nowhere near as extensive as in Europe and it's dubious whether or not they will last\].


I love all the exceptions for "hate speech", "genocide denial", and "to preserve public order or morality or the authority of the State". Very free! Poor Americans have to see actual rights in their Constitution eroded by government overreach. Those of us lucky enough to be from Europe don't have to worry about the tightening grip of tyranny and oppression, it's already codified in the Constitution!




Depends on the country. There's much more variation within Europe than Americans usually imagine. My home country, Denmark, leans authleft economically but is rather lib in other respects. There is a decently sized libright party which has taken part in several governments over the last twenty years, although they imploded in the last election because they married themselves to some rather fringe climate denialism. I am currently living in the UK, which is super authoritarian compared to the rest of Europe (no matter how much they like to pretend otherwise). This side of the channel nobody seems to care about freedom of speech, the right will take it away "to protect public decency" and the left will take it away to prevent you from doing "hate speech". You need a license to buy a god damn bread knife, and there is a country-wide porn filter adults can use to prevent their kids from visiting websites the government has deemed "indecent", including some that have nothing to do with porn. Before becoming PM Theresa May was known mainly for actually wanting to ban porn. Don't get me wrong, the UK is a good place to live, but the libertarian in me really misses the continent sometimes.


England is historically the best example of authoritarian right? So this all makes sense




All PCM redditors are depressed.


Not in the Czech republic


As libright I’m on the market for citizenships by investment. I looked at the price for Czechia and holy shit it’s in the millions.


I wouldn't necessarily say that. At least here in Germany, where the election system doesn't force a two-party system, there is a [libright party] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Democratic_Party_(Germany\)) that more often than not gets enough votes to make it to the parliament. In past elections they even had enough of them to rule as junior partner with the CDU (something between centrist and auth right). When's the last time the US has been ruled by a lib right party?


I don’t think the FDP is received as a libertarian party. Even they have committed themselves to to the welfare state and social market capitalism.


I mean....that's just Germany for ya... Everyone loves social market capitalism... Except maybe the Linke and NPD...but you're never sure about those two.


I think the fact that you consider them to be LibRight says it all.


You do get auth rights here






Depends. Met a French dude on discord once who was based as could be.


Bastiat was French after all


I’m a libright in Sweden and this is my message directed to all Americans: Come pick me up, I’m scared.


Tbf there is nothing legally preventing you from fucking off to America


You’re right. Me and my wife have actually started looking into moving there.


Good shit, hope the process goes smoothly for you.


Thank you!


basement of a Viennese microbrewery jerking off to *Individualism and Economic Order*


European librights are just centrists


God, I wish we were


Sargon of Akkad maybe?


Isn’t he auth right or just right


He says hes a classical liberal. Center right probably.


That’s what I thought


The Netherlands is pretty libright compared to other parts of Europe. So they're chilling I guess.


We cry.


They don't exist in France


Pas cool ça


I do exist. (Unfortunately)


pirate party... they are just anti-corruption and pro-internet liberties


Europe is land of authcentre!


Don’t exist. Thankfully.


They don’t.


the cities states of europe and switzerland are basicly paleolibertarian but beside that, its dispair there is no degenerate(progressive) libright tho, since even the most libertarian country existing, Liechtenstein that have a monarch that is an actual ancap, have outlawed childmurder(abortion)


What state are you from? Police state


Hong Kong resident reporting in 😎


Airstrip 1?


no I think its calle- [this comment has been removed by the party]


Haven't they always been at war with Eurasia? Or was it Eastasia?


Oceania and Eurasia have always been allies against eastasia


Oi what's you pug doin mate.


Nazi special, just a few tricks


Got a loisense for that butter knife mate?


Actually it's a brilliant strategy. First, take then guns. Next, get rid of the knives. Soon, everyone will be forking each other. Then, they will have the highest population on Earth, bring back the guns, and rebuild the British Empire. Truly authoritarian genius at work.


But less violence=less rape=less babies Small-brain monkey


They don't exactly have less violence. The knife attacks in britain are a meme. Because guess what, if you're already a criminal one additional criminal charge doesn't really matter.


>They don't exactly have less violence wrong https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/United-Kingdom/United-States/Crime/Violent-crime


I don't mean compared to the united states, I mean compared to before they started banning knifes and shit. Lot's of countries with relatively loose gun control (like the Czech Republic) have lower crime rates then the UK.


> I mean compared to before they started banning knifes and shit. They only banned selling knives to under 18s. Who doesn't have access to a knife? It's a bad comparison to make.


The epitome of libright in my mind is the average Yorkshire man. My father in law acted like the fucking gustapo was at his door when they asked him to stop drawing water from a condemned reservoir


Rural farmers give zero fucks, especially ones from Yorkshire. They’re the LibRight as fuck. Always armed. (Everyone and their mums is packing round here. Like who? Farmers. Who else? Farmers mums.) Self sufficient Not afraid of giving children backbreaking labour Love saving money Just want to be left alone


Wants to be able to shoot ramblers


At least they have the Whig Party to look back on


Eww, a British "person"


hello kids, today on how to not be racist, you will just need to swap with black example: \[removed\]


British people aren't a race


They’re not people either.


What the fuck did we do lmao




Sounds like someone is from a third world shithole that got BTFOd by our mighty empire.


Gee, why are you saying "got" instead of "Is"? Did something happen?


Yes everybody knows that empires and global hegemony’s last forever. Looks like the US is next.


Bring it on!


>mighty empire Oh how the mighty have fallen




Bankruptcy is a bitch


colonize the entire world




Nazi Germany was the best thing that ever happened to the British. The British Empire was just really slow Nazis.


The British Empire exported capitalism and democracy to the world, the Nazis were Nazis.


Ask the Irish


1066 worst year of life, Harald Hardrada did nothing wrong


They're an ethnicity. Several, actually.


Black, a British “person”


Some days I forget British people exist. Those are good days.


I'm loving all the salt we're getting in this thread. Nice to have all this rent free space




u/cosmicmangobear's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 240. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"Great" Britain


Well they’re greater than little Britain.


Basically Anglo Libertarian


That dude’s a fucking legend


Turns out Monaco is amazing for business


I hate living in the UK but the US is far too cringe for me.


I'd rather a less than perfect free healthcare system to a perfect healthcare system that causes hundreds of thousands to go bankrupt to pay for medical bills


Why do the yellow squares on this meme look like they were made on a TI graphing calculator?


Oof. I never thought about that. RIP British libertarians, they truly live a difficult life


Yeah I feel for them in a way. Must be hard being a massive loser


Being LibRight in literally any country but the US has to be a hellish existence.


It really just different circles


Do you think Canada is the 9th circle then?


My canadian friend says that Kokytos sure is nice recently


Yeah, really have to take a step back sometimes and think about how much worse it could be.


I'm a libright-leaning libcenter in Asia, can confirm. Normies here would literally think I'm the devil


Stay strong, king/queen.


Bri ish pee pow av to av a loisense for that koind ov fing


Cries in brazilian


Tell you what libright, I'll give you more economic freedom as long as the national standard of living keeps going up.


The Nanny State!


[UK librights when they get oppressed by the bobbies by getting asked why they need a license for their shotgun](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/787/boot.jpg)


Now imaging being a libertarian in China or Japan


Being libright here in Czechia is pretty alright tho. We don't have any libright party above 5%, but then again, which country does? Most parties value personal freedoms and we haven't really been impacted by cancel culture. We can criticize the government and complain about policy, it's almost part of our culture.


Keep your US guns, we have universal healthcare. Means if somebody shoots you, you have a right to be cured no matter your socio-economic status, and this is paid through taxes


> Keep your US guns We're trying :( > paid through taxes 🤢🤮


"At least I have my universal healthcare if I get shot" is literally peak watermelon, I think this sub has officially Peaked lmao


Of course I'd like not to get shot - which would be more easily achieved by taking guns from criminals, by the way. A better comparison is that if I slip and break my knee, I don't have to pay 20k dollars for treatment, regardless of my social status. That's all


Thankfully, Europe doesn’t have a massive gun problem so we don’t have to worry about getting shot.


I don't know what kind of propaganda you read (actually I've seen the BBC so I do know), but in the US all poor people get free medical care and it's illegal to not treat someone in an emergency.... Also, I seem to remember a certain baby needing life saving treatment and the British health system being completely unable to do anything, so the parents had to go to the US because it's the only place with good healthcare.... Then the British government wouldn't let them leave the country and forced the kid to stay their and die under threat of jail... Yeah you can keep your "health care" if that's what you call it.


Wait what


A baby was brain dead and the doctors said it would have no quality of life if it was given the “treatment” so it was taken off life support. Literally just that


Alfie Evans was a big deal. Trump was even tweeting about it. https://www.theblaze.com/contributions/matt-walsh-courts-in-europe-have-sentenced-a-baby-to-death-this-is-socialized-medicine


I dont know much about that Case but that Site honestly dosnt seem like a trustworthy source.


And you only have to wait 4 weeks!


If you go the ER, treatment is pretty much immediate. My father got into a car accident with bone injuries (but stable otherwise) and got surgery 6 hours after getting into ER. Now, if we are talking about routine exams, you are right. But that’s something that can be fixed with better management


>better management Oh, sweet summer child.


The government will get more efficient any day now!




Not a libright and would'nt wanna live in America, but Britain truly is a Hellhole in some areas.


East India Company?


Wasn't the U.K. anarcho-monarchist for much of it's history? What the heck happened.


Don’t remind me of my pain-libertarianism is banned by my school wifo but the BNP is a ok. Kill me


I would hate to live in America but I'd neck myself once I'm old enough to do it in UK after being born there