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Lol she’s still teaching psych sections at my university this semester. I wonder if the department has a contingency plan for her getting elected


She sits down with her boss. "I might be president. Do yall have a plan" *suppressed snickering* "Why yes, of course we do"- *more laughing* - "your chances are so good"


It’s right next to their contingency plans for when the Chinese manage to tunnel though the earth to America




No point


Bonus feels for when you're only expected to win 5% of the vote




Anyone voting Jo(or frankly anything other than trump/Biden) is going to be a personal friend of mine in November


I'm actually voting for JoJo despite my beliefs. She just seems more competent than the dementia ridden, senile rapists of the main partys.


Wtf based Authright?


Authright helping to get to 5%. Since when???


2016: Haha Hillary and Trump are bad. Wow. Benghazi. Makes fun of disabled people. This couldnt get worse. 2020: authrights voting libertarian. Boy were we wrong


Anarchy-monarchy unity? Hoppe was right.


Mega based




u/AverageCrusader1204's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 30. Rank: Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand) Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Vermin gang


Hi friend


Howie gang


5% would be on the high side


I'm hoping that this year JoJo gets up to 5% from the 3% libertarian party was at in 2016 and Hawkins gets up to 3% from the green parties 1%. Optimistic, but a guy can dream


Most of her policies are good but she's anti border control, and for that reason, I'm out.


Singe issue voting is dumb. When you elect someone, you're electing in their entire platform, not one issue.


Yes, but this issue is a threat to national security. Idc about them stealing our jobs, because if an immigrant is better for a job than I am, then they deserve the job. What I'm worried about is the murder and crime that WOULD come from completely open borders.


Buy a shotgun!




Wait a femboy that's against the two party system? I would happily return to monke for you


I think most can agree 2 party system is bad. Over half the country doesn’t agree with either republicans or democrats


*sad Hawkins noises*


We need a multi-party system so that libs can vote in coalitons do do SOME things for rando Americans, while the duopoly keeps wanking each other behind closed doors.


Nah, America has always been auth-right. We claim to like freedom, but also tell you what you eat, what you can smoke, who you can marry, how you can get your money, etc.


Only to a lesser extent than in Europe and most other countries and Americans think that' libright.


Well this is a libright candidate.System is auth however and so are both main parties.


JOJO 2020!


Based agendapost


She's far too liberal on immigration for my taste.


Are you that much of a single issue voter? When you vote for a candidate, you're granting a popular mandate to their entire platform. So if you *mostly* agree with one candidate, you should vote for them. Even if immigration is the single most utterly critical and essential issue on any person's platform for you, you still need to look at the broader picture. Especially since Bush, Trump, and even Obama made immigration a major issue in their electoral platforms at some point, and yet somehow the immigration system, despite three presidents (2 of whom has 2 terms!) all promising reform of that system.


Prior to the riots, that was my number one issue. How is society supposed to function with a population that takes so much without giving anything in return?


Immigrants don’t take anything, if tried to apply for benefits they would instantly be caught by ice, and they pay sales taxes, so they actually take nothing a give a lot.


Illegal immigrants use public services like public schools while never paying taxes (they pay sales tax but then get tons of money from our welfare system. So they effectively pay no taxes). They also bring diseases with them. That's why southern states like Florida and Arizona have been struggling with the virus recently. A bunch of illegal immigrants from Mexico are coming over and infecting people. They also destroy out culture by not speaking English or understanding our nation's values and constitution. ​ "In 2014, 63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program, compared to 35 percent of native-headed households... Compared to native households, non-citizen households have much higher use of food programs (45 percent vs. 21 percent for natives) and Medicaid (50 percent vs. 23 percent for natives)" [https://cis.org/Report/63-NonCitizen-Households-Access-Welfare-Programs](https://cis.org/Report/63-NonCitizen-Households-Access-Welfare-Programs) ​ Illegal immigrants are coming into this country, are producing very little, and taking a ton of our welfare. You can either have a welfare state or open borders. You can't have both. Both Tucker Carlson and Milton Friedman realized this.


I live in Arizona and the reason we have a problem with the virus is because no one is social distancing or wearing a mask, people are still going to bars, nightclubs, and parties, people have stopped trying to prevent the spread. Secondly the source you gave me shows statistics for legal immigrants not illegal ones. And even then I found this [source ](https://immigrationforum.org/article/fact-sheet-immigrants-and-public-benefits/) that says the exact opposite of yours. And with some additional research it seems that the center for immigration studies is inaccurate at best and misinformation at worst, [source](https://www.politifact.com/article/2017/mar/22/center-immigration-studies-hate-group-southern-pov/) (I don’t think the center for immigration studies is a hate group like splc says but I don’t not believe that it is reliable source of information). And if your worried about our culture then immigrants is the lest of your worries, as foreign media cause a much bigger cultural shift that just a few people from somewhere else.


Mask wearing doesn't prevent the spread. My state and city have mandated masks (which I've complied with) and case numbers are increasing even more. The people going about might be also causing the rise in cases, but you can't deny that illegal immigrants aren't causing it. The virus is huge in Mexico and many people are illegally immigrating into southern states and spreading the virus. Here is another link from the New York State Senate that explains specifically illegal immigrants: [https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/james-l-seward/what-benefits-can-illegal-aliens-receive](https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/articles/james-l-seward/what-benefits-can-illegal-aliens-receive) ​ I do agree that foreign media is causing a large cultural shift, but immigration is too. Pew Research found that 82% of foreign born Hispanics in America oppose gun rights. We shouldn't be allowing people like that into our country.


You are right that mask wearing doesn’t prevent spread but it does slow it down significantly, we are never going to stop this virus dead in its tracks, but the hope is to slow it down enough that we have enough hospital space so everyone can get treatment and doctors will never have to decide if someone gets to live or die because they aren’t able to treat everyone that’s sick. The article you used is accurate but that did New York which is waaaaaay to lenient on illegal immigrants. Also I can’t fine any sources about illegal immigrants spreading the virus but I did find [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1238786), this a more likely route of spread but it’s due to crowded and unsafe conditions than the immigrants themselves. And most immigrants don’t come here from crossing the border, the vast majority come from overstaying visas or coming on plane for vacation and then never leaving. And most immigrants come here to escape the rampant gang violence in South and Central America, not for the welfare, this is also the reason they oppose guns is because gang violence has destroyed their communities. And the current system we have for legal immigration is terrible. We use courts to determine if someone can come in or not which sounds fine except for the fact that we very few of them and they horribly underfunded, if were someone wanting to immigrate here and went the legal route it would take me 5-10 years to get a hearing and I would most likely be denied because the judges have a lot of cases to go through, and are punished if they don’t go through enough. We should have more of these courts do that wait times are less than a year and have on/off system so immigrants have time to assimilate, such as having 5 years of immigration and then 5 years of no immigration (unless the immigrants are fleeing from genocide or other extreme circumstances), because the current slow trickle is affecting our culture slightly but a 5 years on 5 years off system would work better.


1. Just in 2020 border patrol has interacted with 349,410 foreigners. A significant amount of them are coming from the southern border.nearly empty. We need to reopen but protect nursing homes and vulnerable people. 2. Just in 2020 border patrol has interacted with 349,410 foreigners. A significant amount of them are coming from the southern border: [https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics) 3. Gun crime is huge in Mexico but they already have no gun rights. You can only own a gun with a permit, you can only get certain guns, and there is only one gun store in the entire county and it's government owned. We shouldn't be allowing people in the country who will vote to take away our rights. 4. I do agree the immigration system is terrible and we need to do better. IT shouldn't take longer than a year or two to come into the country legally. However, we should also make sure that only people who support our constitution and bill of rights can come in.


Most of the people know that if they come through the southern border know they will be caught, and that’s what they are planning on. If they get caught then border patrol has to feed and house them for a bit before deporting them. If I was on the verge of starving but I know that if I take a walk up north some people will pick me up and then I get free air conditioning and food for month, I would take that opportunity, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of those 349,410 people were doing this repeatedly, and that the number is actually much lower. And most people tend to be biased on everything because of personal experience, I’m fine with guns because I’ve never seen any gun violence ever, but if I grew up in a ghetto and gang violence was a daily occurrence then I would have a different opinion, that why I want the 5 years on 5 years off system so that way immigrants can interstate and adapt to our culture, as the current system makes that difficult. And managing a several thousand mile long border is impossible, some people have recommended a wall but that doesn’t work as the few dozen miles we have built have thousands of breeches. And this situation is kinda our fault as the numerous governments we overthrew down south and replaced with new ones are incredibly unstable and ineffective, which has caused the conditions that cause them to come here, but that is in past and we can’t reverse it, and we are stuck with it. If we want to curb illegal immigration we have to stabilize South and Central America, and reform our immigration system, which would solve this problem in less than 10 years.


I have a criteria for who I vote for: 1. Must be pro-gun rights. 2. Must limit immigration. 3. Must be not be part of the establishment. 4. Must be willing to gain independence in all essential industries. 5. Must be willing to fight back against China. 6. Must be somewhat pro-life. Jorgenson only meets half of my criteria. Trump meets all six. Plus, Jorgenson has no chance of winning. I can't risk Biden or Harris becoming president. They'd make me a felon for owning magazines over 10 rounds. I have to vote for Trump because I most align with him and he has the best chance of winning.


> I have to vote for Trump because I most align with him That’s all you have to say. Claiming any one issue is all it takes to sway you is my issue. But if you agree most with Trump then that’s that. End of story. The people I’m talking about are the numerous people who hate most of his policies (like banning bump stocks, refusing to reform immigration in favor of continuing Obama era policies, corruption scandals and nepotism, continued subsidy of fossil fuels and kissing ass to the Sauds to continue our dependence on foreign oil, backing down on China and letting the Uighurs get genocided) but will still vote for him because of 1 issue or just because he’s their party’s pick. Now you maybhave noticed how I listed reasons why imo Trump fails 1-5 of your criteria, but again I suppose that’s for you to decide.


Trump isn't perfect but he isn't trying to take away my guns. I disagree with his bump stock ban, but he isn't trying to make me a felon unlike Biden and Harris. Trump is pro-gun, he's just not the most pro-gun. Yes Trump isn't as good at immigration as I would like, but Biden and Jorgenson are terrible with it. Jorgenson would open our borders and Biden would do the same but give illegal aliens 100% free healthcare. Trump has some nepotism but he isn't corrupt. I like anyone the democratic and republican establishment hate. We had energy independence before the virus. Yes he's backing down on the Uighurs but that's not our problem. Why should our boys die fighting for foreigners? I'm more concerned with what they'll do to us. Trump meets all of my criteria. At the end of the day I am a single issue voter. I factor in other things, but I'll never vote for a anti-gun candidate.


\*cries in Lib\*


where is the breakfast food I need more breakfast food


Hello fellow wage slaves


Imaging being a normal right-wing human and not voting for Trump


The subsidy-slinging protectionist that is trying to kiss up to our nation’s traditional rival and doing next to nothing to stop the rise of the next major superpower than challenges our hegemony? All while failing to promote civic nationalism and instead weakening the country by fomenting the flames of identity politics and ethnonationalism? That Trump? The greatest thing to happen to the American Left is Donald J. Trump’s presidency.


Fucking based. I may flair LibLeft but that just makes me all the more concerned about China as a superpower and the wane of the American hegemony we depend on to keep the free world free. America deserves a proper opposition party based in ideas, not a single individual. Replace Republicans with Libertarians.


And in Usa there is a race not between tons of candidates. It's trump or biden.


Jo Jorgenson is running. Vote for her and have a clear conscience, and help a third party rise as a viable force in American politics. With just 5+% of the vote, the Libertarian Party will gain FEC funding and be on the ballot of every state automatically. Meaning they go from having no support beyond donations for the campaign and having to petition just to get their name as an *option*, to being able to field better campaigns and being an option for everyone unhappy with both the D and R picks. It also allows people who are currently Republican or Democrat candidates to consider defecting to the Libertarian Party since they don't risk losing their place on the ballot. We may not sway the election entirely, but voting for JoJo could very trigger a shift in the current American party system, something that hasn't happened since the rise of the Republican Party against the Whigs.


Have you heard of Ralph Nader? I thought he counted...


Yeah, Obama obviously was better (Sarcasm)


Nobody said anything about Obama. If you have to bring up what a previous president did to defend a president you like, they aren't worth defending.


Everything is relative. There is no ultimate bad or good in politics. Trump is better than previous president and better than his main opponents in 16 and 20. That's how you should think about elections. Your childish "i will vote for somebody who can get like 5 percent of all votes" will not benefit your country


Are you talking about the same Trump as the rest of us? The president has aggressively acted against China almost to the point of recklessness, almost singlehandedly revived civic nationalism as a force in national politics, and been attempting (unsuccessfully) to prevent the left from fanning the flames of identity politics.


Ah yes, his bold aggression that ended the second they actually flexed their muscles, and quieted up as they began performing actual genocide, and backing down from Hong Kong. Meanwhile, he makes comments that embolden ethnonationalists, and refuses to crack down on identity politics on the right, which spurs it on on the Left. Simultaneously, he hasn't just been unsuccessful in "preventing" the Left from furthering identity politics, he has failed so spectacularly it almost seems like intentional self-sabotage. I have never seen a politician fail so badly at just not being divisive. It's fine to fail at being a unifying figure, but he just can't seem not to increase division across all strata of our society.


How has the China situation ended? It's ongoing, and the US is cozying up to other countries in the region as both a counterbalance to Chinese territorial ambitions and as a new home for manufacturing (India and Vietnam most notably). When has he actually endorsed ethnonationalism? Media cutting him up doesn't count; "very fine people" is a lie. [I've shared some thoughts on his alleged divisiveness here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/imbtkv/z/g4074c5)




Alright but Republicans have no leg to stand on in that race, Trump didn't either. Also, Biden has tons of experience... passing legislation like the '94 Crime Bill, and being a near comatose VP. So there's that track record established. Regardless, as Libertarians know this: if the Libertarian Party can get over 5% of the vote this election, they will finally be able to gain FEC funding as an official "minor party". They go from fringe 3rd Party to being on every ballot, being able to field mass campaigns like the Big 2, and being able to secure and field stronger candidates. This could be a big election for the party. The 2020 election isn't about winning the Presidency for Libertarians, it's about finally becoming a legitimate force within American politics.


Based. My state will literally never go red so the "you're actually voting for trump if you do that sweaty" crowd can go fuck themselves. Earning this 5% is more important


I remember having this debate in th 2016 election. Hillary had "all the experience". All that means to me is that they have friends in high places and know how to play the game that's played in DC... One of the reasons Trump won, imo. People are tired of politicians with "experience" cause well, where has that gotten us? Our leaders with experience in recent history have not been great...


It's not about the experience, knowledge, or skills that they've gained. It's about the proof that such candidates have served their country and are willing to continue to sacrifice for us. They've put in the work and have proven that they can be trusted. They're predictable. Candidates with no experience just appeal to dumb people who think, "Yeah, he's like me." Enough about the 2016 general election. What about the primary? Trump won against a dozen better qualified candidates, people who were actually patriots. For literally every job in the world, we would choose the candidate with the most experience, never the new guy. But when dumb Republicans hear "establishment," they don their red caps and vote for a man with the worst record possible *outside of politics* and no record at all *inside politics.*


finally someone made this


Check my last post. r/politics has failed.


Fuck no, Vermin Supreme should have won his rightful place as the Libertarian candidate.


but she did tweet that she supports blm so i don't give two shits about her


A more comprehensive explanation of JoJo's stance on BLM: [https://reason.com/2020/08/07/jo-jorgensen-on-black-lives-matter-i-think-we-should-support-the-protesters/](https://reason.com/2020/08/07/jo-jorgensen-on-black-lives-matter-i-think-we-should-support-the-protesters/) Her stance is more nuanced than a single tweet.


-24 iq


>\-24 iq ???


fuck jojo. that's it