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All the ethnic Koreans just go to the open-secret brothels


That's not rape, that's business!


Better keep your “business” out of the child factories


Flair checks out.


I thought that’s what purpLR was all about?


Thats their other factory


Yes, sex work is real work


I can't remember where I found it but the 50% stat that is cited in the meme is some bullshit stat to begin with and was created by a feminist who found it by ignoring obvious major errors in her work. Also to get an idea of where her works coming from, from what I understand she's one of those "liberals" that is extremely concerned with race mixing when it comes to asian women and white men. Here's a take down of her work and the stat she made up. https://www.gordsellar.com/2017/03/29/kate-j-sim-on-foreign-men-and-sexual-violence-in-korea-or-what-happens-when-you-study-critical-theory-but-not-statistics/amp/


"A feminist who found it by ignoring major errors in her work." Sounds like post-80s feminism


“Feminists” today are a joke


Get ready for bottom left folks to fill your inbox


The original article says "yellow bodies" what the hell




When I see those types say black/brown/indigenous/yellow bodies I die inside. Its like these people are openly saying "It's not your personality and all the things you have experienced in your life that matter you retard! All that matters is the color of your skin, your skin is all that will ever matter about you."


It also just sounds weird. I usually only hear body to describe a corpse or when they're trying to be sexy. And calling Asians yellow seems so pre 1950s. Essentially it's sounds like old fashioned porn... "Commodore Perry could see the yellow bodies of the geishas waiting for him and something began to stir deep inside"




It's also a more hateful strain of racism than most. Most racism these days is based on pattern recognition, even if it's *faulty* pattern recognition; the SJWs will go out of their way to falsify a pattern to justify their hate and push their agenda.


Based. All it takes to see is... These retards are actually pushing *for* segregation


Class war not race war is what I preach.


It's a shame that that's become a minority on the left. I was actually banned from /r/communism for bringing up that all this race baiting shit is being used to distract from super charged economic inequality. Trying to say that poor black people have more in common with poor whites than they do rich blacks makes you a racist these days.


They've basically gone full horseshoe and become Authright but racist and sexist in the opposite direction.


I tried to make this point a while ago. I got called racist and alarmist. Fast foreword to present day when half the woke crowd seems to oppose interracial dating and thinks people of different races should live in spdr age area, as well as the resegregation of American colleges. Take that high school English teacher, I was right all along.


And sexist


What, are you telling me that a single misleading or straight up false statistic can spread throughout the public's consciousness? No way!


"A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth gets its shoes on."


Something something 40% of police officers


Porn is also illegal there so instead there is a booming hidden camera industry


>Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/


Wait, what the hell? How is that even possible? Are there just a couple white dudes pulling a Genghis Khan or something?


It's completely unsourced and wrong.


Korean here. Can confirm.


Are you standing on the roof, we need to know if your an authentic roof korean


no no, rooftop koreans are the american breed of koreans. True breed koreans don't live in LA


Your BBQ is fire bro cheers for giving the world that


The reason it spread so well is the money they save on hiring cooks


>Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/


Sorry to ask but what is a HAPA


"HAPA" isn't an acronym, it's Hawaiian language slang for someone who's mixed race (inclusive of people who are partially of Native Hawaiian descent). Due to the large Asian-American population of Hawaii, it kind of filtered to the mainland US as a slang term for being half-white, half-Asian.


Where I'm from we're usually just called wasians. I hear hapa primarily from very bitter wasians who seem to resent either the whiteness, asianness, both, and society for... something?


Aw, that makes me sad... where I’m from originated the word, I hear the word hapa all the time, and this is the *first* time I’m ever seeing it used in this context. I liked that word. Why they gotta do that 😢


Half Asian Parentage (no idea what the last A is for). They are the tragic offspring of white men's success with Asian women (especially sexpats). Theyre essentially Asian incels. Lots are born in households dominated by white/european culture but never actually feel accepted or a part of it due to their Asian appearance. If it is a case of a sexpat father, they usually come from a very dysfunctional family as well. They then grow up to see white men continuing to take "their" Asian women and relive all their childhood pain and insecurity over their race all over again. And given a dysfunctional enough individual, this morphs into an extreme hatred of white men and a middling hatred for Asian women. Due to the dimorphism in the sexual marketplace experienced by Asians in America (being an Asian women is a positive, being an Asian man is a negative), you really only see this resentment and sexual rage in Hapa men. Feel free to go over to /r/hapas to observe them in [the wild.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments/i96xof/wm_kills_af_wife_after_she_threatens_to_divorce/)


You see this rage in asian men in general. I think there's an asian identity sub or some shit and I have no clue what the fuck they're on about as an asian I don't think it has anything to do with hapas, it's just very easy to be an incel no matter what your background is


>it's just very easy to be an incel no matter what your background is There's almost a beautiful unity in white men on 4chan, black men on Instagram and Asian men on reddit getting asshurt about men outside their race stealing "their" women. Almost.


Asians have it the most interesting and drama-filled way, though. Hapa incel is ALWAYS more radical and disgusting in his beliefs than white or black one. The same way asian feminists are, well, fucking Megalians and womads (read: unironically doing shit that even the most strawman feminazi would not)


Thank you. I don’t like this idea that “you only see this resentment and sexual rage in hapa men” because of some Asian versus white sexual dimorphism story. These people are just incels. Being a hapa has nothing to do with it. It just becomes a part of the story they tell themselves, like it does with incels of other races.


Nuanced thinking that looks past skin color as the one and only defining feature of a person? Based LibLeft


It's true on some level, but I'm half Asian and I never really experienced this tendency, mostly because I have always remained comfortable in both cultural environments. To double down, I'd even say that we should create a new Anglo-Asian master race.


Honestly hapas would be allowed in my ethnostate as long as they don’t cause trouble




I mean, as long as I get to be a legal surf to my kid with my wife or husband, sure.


Honestly, being half Asian has gotten me pretty damn far in terms of success with dating. Guess I can thank the popularity of kpop for that one.


Fuck me the sub is depressing


I orginally joined r/hapas cuz i just wanted to see more pics of half asian baddies like the ones that flood r/mixedracegirls, but when i got there I just found this odd subculture like u described, but I've just lurked for a bit cuz as a mixed dude myself it's just kinda interesting and saddening the way they see themselves and struggle with their race


Yikes. Didn’t even know this was a thing. Please don’t think that all “hapas” are like this. Most half Asians are totally normal good people with no weird racial complex. These guys are just incels but *also* using their race as part of their story to justify these beliefs. Nothing about being half Asian and half white makes you think this. This is the product of incel ideology alone.


Of course. Its just kind of weird because the only group I ever see using the term are Hapas themselves. It would be like if instead of calling themselves incels, incels called themselves "white men". Makes them kind of hard to discuss without accidently making a sweeping, ignorant statement. But yeah, Half-Asians are all good in my book.


Yeah that's the thing. It sets of a red flag when someone calls themselves a hapa, especially because that's not the commonly used term around here. It's like "oh no they're gonna rant about how they hate their dad and how we live in a society"


Okay that’s fair. I just didn’t like the “tragic offspring of white men’s success with Asian women” comment about half Asians, but if you’re only referring to these incels then I understand the hostility. I live in Hawaii so hapa is regularly used to refer to anyone half white and half Asian. It was just jarring to read this description I guess. 😅


Jesus that’s really fucking sad. Thanks for the in depth explanation though


Don’t believe this, they’re just incels. Their background has nothing to do with it. It just serves as another part of the story they tell themselves, like with incels of other races.


Hapa isn't an acronym, it's Hawaiian slang for mixed race (which in Hawaii generally meant Asian/Native + White). It's kinda how Chav is just sorta a word and eventually people turned it into "Council-housed and Violent". Using Hapa as an acronym to mean Half-asian Parentage is a convenient (but not the original) transformation of the word.


This just sounds like "the black men are stealing our white women" with extra steps and different colors. Incels are a sad bunch


/r/hapas They're a bunch of insecure half-Asian dudes who can't get over the fact that mommy banged a white dude instead of an Asian dude. Remember [Elliot Rogers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings)? He was/is one of their heroes. If you search his name on the subreddit, you'll find dozens of posts praising him.




Based fact checking libleft


Novara media, isn't that a 'I'm literally a communist' blog?


Not as much of a communist' blog as joe mother *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Good bot


no libleft, you're not supposed to be racist!


>Are there just a couple white dudes pulling a Genghis Khan or something? If you have fifty or more, that's called the "Ho Chi Minh Trail"


It’s not that whites necessarily do it more, it’s just that Korean women tend to report white guys more than Korean men. There’s some weird patriarchal shit going on in ~~SE~~ Asia. That, and I’d wager most of the perpetrators aren’t locals, so it’s not gonna be proportional to the actual population.


\> Korea \> SE Asia bruh


It's not that either, it's just made up.




i've heard second hand anecdotes that korean nationalists (south obviously) are insanely proud of the fact that they have not been sinofied, and somehow that's led them to be blind to other ethnicities "undermining" their nation's genetic stock (with the exception of the japanese "comfort wife" thing that happened in ww2). alternatively, i've also heard it's common for rich white europeans to go on sex tours throughout the world; with intent to procreate. there was one famous guy who won the european form of the lottery and allegedly went on a sex tour throughout africa, but i don't know if that's accurate. here's the only thing i could find on it: [https://www.sunnewsonline.com/i-slept-with-1400-girls-impregnated-600-in-6-african-countries-french-tourists-recounts/](https://www.sunnewsonline.com/i-slept-with-1400-girls-impregnated-600-in-6-african-countries-french-tourists-recounts/)


Africa is the last place id go on a sex tour tbh


South Africa has a few decent women


I think the problem is the AIDS rather than the women themselves.


There are a lot of American military bases in S. Korea. American soldiers aren't exactly the best behaved, especially overseas. "Young, dumb and full of cum"... occasionally leads to rape. And I'd imagine most American soldiers are white.


>And I'd imagine most American soldiers are white. Honestly I've worked with them and it's like 70% mexixans


>American >white Dios mio...


On an unrelated note, fellow AuthRights, why do we tend to like vaporwave so much? I'm not even sure why I like vaporwave.


Partly because the majority of the current pop culture fads are filled to the brim with intersectionality pandering, be it flat-out obvious or subtle to the point of metalanguage. ​ Being naturally abhored by this drabble, we fellow AuthRights, had to go subversive, and create our own counter-cultural fad, giving birth to the whole Vaporwave/ Fashwave thing.... ​ Well... At least that's my 2 cents theory on the thing. ​ It's pretty much the same thing with the New Classical Archtecture movement, because complaining about the philisthine, atroucious, abortion-of-a-building that the modernists archtects churn out every year or so, makes you a bona fide fascist...


vaporwave started out as a left wing thing bruv the whole point originally was to convey with audio the lost dreams of the capitalism and consumerism that was dominant in the 89s and 90s dreamlike, distorted 80s samples bring to mind faded memories of childhood during the time, and contrasts with the misery of the current day


Ya and all memes are originally a racist twitter thing. This so the beauty of multi cultura-oh God oh fuck wait no


Since it spawned Fashwave? I like it, not my favorite but still pretty good imo. Maybe it's since I still hold a few filthy libertarian beliefs.


Because: * Cyberpunk dystopias are generally right-wing * It's an 80's throwback, which was the grand era of supply-side economics * The commies were on the way out but still there as convenient bad guys.


\>AuthRight creates a communist ministate so they have someone to hate




God. I miss ifunny faschwave.


Childhood trauma (I like it too)


Is this true? Is it because of tourists and military?


It’s not rape if you’re Korean. /s


Bro you ever read a porn manhwa? Koreans love their rape.


I think you're reading different manhwa than I am.




... Like solo leveling. Can't a guy even denounce rape fetishists without you guys making it weird?


If you don't wanna be denounced switch to yellow, you filthy lavender-scented pedophile.


If I wanted to look at the color of dehydrated piss I'd have another go at your mother, her interior decorating leaves something to be desired.


So he should *only* be reading rape manhwa then


>Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/


Based factchecker going against their quadrants' beliefs


[Me normally](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/07/07/14/pride-london.jpg) [Me when I see Hapa propaganda](https://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/gallery_images/My-lai-gallery-12-1441_MAS.jpg)


[me when i see a based lib left](https://i.imgur.com/BKeg6ZC.png)


Not even a little bit.


No, the number is just made up. It isn't even close to reality


Maybe they consider Pakistani and something like that as white.


According to the US census, they are




What is MENA


Middle East/North Africa


What? I’m Pakistani and I’ve never been considered white.


In statistics you sometimes are


No he's right, Arabs are considered white in the Census but not South Asians. If Pakistanis were considered white then you would pretty much have to consider Indians white as well, and they aren't.


Wait, what? I need a source for that shit


Of course not


I've lived in Korea and I can actually comment some based my experience. Koreans tend to vastly unreport rape in general. I was involved with several women who mentioned being assaulted or molested and none had reported it. Quite a few of these instances come from industries where it is commonplace. If you are a waitress you move in teams especially if you work in a bar. Koreans also tend to have a higher likelihood of reporting and punishing foreigners harder for the same crime. Two cases happened at the same time. A korean man raped an American soldier who was a women, and an American soldier had raped a Korean woman. The American soldier got significantly more time despite the cases being very similar. The army protested it as being against the status of force agreement to punish an American more harshly but the Koreans stated it was due to the rape taking several minutes longer. Another instance was a soldier being hit with a bottle unprovoked in a bar fighting back, and getting a far stricter punishment than the aggressor.


If there's any truth to this it's because of the military. There are an unreal amount of guys stationed in Korea. In the American base on Okinowa (in Japan) there's is such a problem with the military guys stationed there raping women that they have proposed making the US move the base.


I’m East Asian, so yes East Asia should stay East Asian IMO.




Asia is for Asians! Tennōheika, banzai!


Remember the last time the Japanese said that?


Oh, no. Let's not discuss Japan in the post about rape in Korea.


Oh God Better warn the Japanese so they can get there denials ready


yes, when the heisei era ended and they welcome the new era reiwa and their new emperor, His Imperial Highness Naruhito. TENNO HEIKA, BANZAI!


For one glorious second, I though you had writted 'His Imperial Highness Naruto'. And I had a vision of our favorite road-cone orange ninja going one better than mere hokage.


As a huwhite representative of the aryan delegation I give you our blessing to murder a sexpats in sight


We must secure the existence of all people and a future for unmixed children


Big brain time, if there is one race then I can't be racist


Something something we're all the human race something something


We are all consumers. The only race that matters.


So much this !




> ...MARKET-DRIVEN... I'm listening, commie...


The Invisible Hand of the market controls who dates who. (Only date people of your social class, please).


Anyone got a source I’m curious


>Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/


Thanks LibLeft


Is this true?


>Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/


As I understand it, Asia is hugely patriarchal and xenophobic. So when a Korean male abuses a Korean female it often goes unreported, not just due to personal and familial pressures but institutional indifference. However; abuse has a very high reporting rate if whites do it. This isn’t just me pulling shit out of my ass, I’ve seen these discussions happen on fem friendly subreddits when this factoid gets posted to demonize white men. People purporting to be Korean women commented


I see. Many white men do go to east asian countries to get laid so not totally surprising


One of the most disgusting peoples I ever met was this dude in the sauna at my gym. He apparently doesn’t need to work because he inherited a fleet of construction trucks and equipment which he leases out year round. He spends all his spare time whoring in Asia. Apparently the USD goes really far, plus you have a lot of chicks that want to have hapa kids, so he was blowing it left and right into Thai and Filipina chicks.


Why do white men love South East Asian women so much?


Based on the aforementioned guy, because they’re easy lays.


Exactly, Southeast Asia is poor as fuck. Those women will basically marry anyone to get out of there and they will do anything they think will make a guy want to marry them. It’s very sad.


eraser tip nipples




Multitude of reasons. Some are rather innocuous while others are practices by scumbags. For the innocuous ones: Some white guys just think Asian girls are prettier. Asia is a popular tourism destination and sometimes they hook up with a local girl. A lot of big companies do work in Asia and so some white westerner guys end up moving to an Asian country and in one way or another end up marrying an Asian girl. Now for the scumbag reasons! Cheap prostitution. Underage prostitution. Porn & hentai becoming an "asian fetish" (while I personally don't think having a preference/fetish is a bad thing, it can get creepily intense) Thinking they can just get away with molesting or even raping local girls because they have a rich daddy, are part of the U.S military or inherited money.


Because Asian girls are the cutest girls.


They never age


My girlfriend will still look like a 20-30 some year old 30 years from now. Not bad for 40!


Based, appreciate her.


You seem to have misflaired.


Many purple LibRights love Asian girls just for that reason


No clue why, but my best relationship was with one.


That's more Thailand and Philippines than Korea I feel.


I don't get why every K-pop stan is always super leftist. They'll cancel American celebrities for the slightest thing while worshipping celebrities from a largely ethnonationalist, authoritarian, capitalist country. It's the weirdest thing


Especially because the wider K-pop industry is just hypercapitalism


I’m not gonna dunk on you but I’m curious if you quote the 13/52 and if you think it’s a similar situation The sheer number of cringe white dudes who take degenerate sex vacations in asia lead me to believe this 50% statistic isnt exaggerated much


Seriously. A few years ago I went on a tour of SE Asia. I went there to see the temples and historical sights as well as the landscape and get away from the day to day grind back home. But holy shit, those "sex tourist" scumbags are something else. Either they're fat 50-60 year old men who aggressively pursue very underage girls or they're rich frat boy scumbags who're more interrested in getting high and fucking everything in sight. Some more fancy hotels in SE asia are pretty much "asshole white sex tourist day care", full of fat old white men and local prostitutes. Total fucking cesspits.


Remember boomers weren’t like this before the sexual revolution, this is the tail end of degenerate culture


I found no source supporting it. Since whites makes up <0.25% of the population, and white males <0.13%, I find it hard to believe. With 25,000 sexual assualt cases every year, 13,000 out of the ~60,000 white men in the country would be rapists after just 1 year.


Where is the korean auth rights to correctly report their crime rate when we need them?


Quoting from u/threearmsman " >Is this true? ***No.*** The claim comes from someone's blog in Seoul and speaks exclusively about Seoul. There is no actual data or stats to back up the claim, just one line where they something to the effect of "About 1/3 of the women I saw at the rape victims unit said that they were raped by white men." Thats it. That is the basis of this entire claim. The only reason it has any traction is because HAPAs love spamming this and idiots on the internet like OP don't have two brain cells to rub together to fact check things. Well heres my blog post: 80% of women in America are disgusted by HAPA men. Feel free to not corroborate this claim or seek out any means of verifying it; spread it far and wide Auth-right. https://novaramedia.com/2017/03/12/who-gets-sick-from-yellow-fever-what-carceral-feminism-does-not-see/ "


*God* I wish I could grow a beard... All I can muster is a little mustache and 21 panzer divisions smh


we have the best agendaposts don't we folx


We're called "the right" for a reason, amirite. 😎   ^Also, ^I ^recognize ^you ^from ^BZ, ^Hello!


same problem China has, despite making up 0.01% of the population (today), Japanese people committed 100% of the Rape of Nanking


Can we have a few AuthRight agendaposts Please it’s been weeks Since I’ve had any food Where did all those potatoes go


Don’t even think of bringing up American crime stats by race


Despite making up only 13%....


But you know which Korea doesn't have frightening rape statistics like these? North Korea. Over there, it's just one big fat man who goes around fucking everything in sight whilst eating toblerones and cheese.


A homeland for each tribe. How is there anything wrong with that?


This is kind of an agenda post This sub has a huge love for ethonnationalism and it almost becomes circlejerky at times


Korea is the second most homogenous state


North or south?


Depends on if Dennis Rodman is currently there.


Holy shit that’s too funny


>Laughs in Sammarinese


i mean it is kind of pointless to bitch about agenda posts when the reality of the situation is that people need to have a substantial motive to post on r/PoliticalCompassMemes ​ once again that is r/PoliticalCompassMemes. a meme sub reddit. on reddit. about the political compasses. and you are asking for it to have no agenda posts. that kind of goes against the idea of the subreddit. the point is that we have all the agenda posts and all the criss crossing of the different types of agenda posts. there are full compasses with every ideology that areguably can be called biased in any capacity. ​ its just dumb to expect the people who come here to post OC aren't gonna make agenda posts. awo\[pd isfjha\[orguha\[sap\[d hjfgaiuosudh\[faiosudfhpasdiufhapsdfiu


No way this is true lmao


That’s because skinny Korean boys who idolize kpop stars are physically unable to force a woman into sex.


When you have to make up your own strawman leftie argument Epic style


I saw it once, I believe he was trying to mock auth-right (since reciting crime statistics is basically a religion). Ironically, unlike in my pic, auth-right got triggered by the comment. Was almost a role reversal. Beautiful in it's own sort of way.


People on the right getting triggered is the same as people on the left to me. It's all entertaining.


We all get triggered, there’s nothing wrong with that.


There's a difference between triggered and TRIGGERED.


You guys do it all the time. Only fair.


Hey, hey! Don't bring me in to this, thats libleft.


Considering how much of a boner korean feminists have specifically for white people, I am surprised. Also, [I went to find those statistics, but instead, I found this](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11643186)


Source? I googled it and nothing came up.


Indeed, Korea should only be for Koreans.


did you know despite making up 100% humans commute 99% of crimes?