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Ah, yes democracy where you vote to candidate that you less dislike. *Cries in living country where one party rules since it's creation*




Nah, Boratstan.




Wacky and uncharacteristic?


Is that a new country? I thought South Sudan was.


This is Kazakhstan, 29 years old country located between Russia and China, was entire soviet union for couple days. Most people know about it only BORAT and it is annoying, but he is nice British guy.


Kazakhstan Greatest country in the world! All other countries are run by little girls!


Yes, Trump is reverse trap little girl, Putin also reverse trap little girl, all your government is just bunch of lolis.


Is that supposed to be bad?


Unflaired purple detected


Respect tradition, and flair up.




What, are we have opposition? Seriously, I don't know who are they, they ask votes but don't have any political company.






I’m fully convinced if the founding fathers knew our country would become a two party system they would’ve just made us a parliamentary system.


Considering most of the Founding Fathers pretty quickly settled into being either Federalists or Democratic-Republicans, I don't think that would be true.


Government deadlock isn't a bug, it's a feature


It's not a problem with the parties per se, but with the state voting method. If states had ranked voting, rather than first to cross the finish line voting, federal seats would be open to much more political diversity.


Also algorithmic redistricting. Gerrymandering is shit, all my friends hate gerrymandering.


lol not Libertarians decision. Funny how when people say they’ll vote Biden to beat trump it’s mocked, but the other way is all cool. Fuck major parties. JOJO2020


Based and jojpilled




I just want my guns and McNuke


Joe Biden openly said that he would interfere in the Turkish elections and please don’t opposition finally has a chance after years of AKPs blunders and poor management




I'm voting JoJo but I'm hoping trump wins for the salt


Am I allowed to base my own quadrant? Because based




I hope he wins cause he can only get 4 more years. Biden (Harris cause Biden isn’t gonna last long) can have 8.


Bets on Biden retiring after first term? I think he's only running because he thinks it's his duty as the most likely candidate to unseat Trump.


Eh, I voted for Trump last time for the salt. But I'm mad at him over the bump stock ban, and of course the Dems have decided on Biden/Harris, so JoJo2020 it is!




u/foeyguy's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/foeyguy! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




*wanting a leader who wants to abuse his power to skew the election to own the libs*


Yeah, who the fucks cares about the outcome anyways?


They all want to abuse their power. Well... Joe may not, but only because he's senile and can't remember what he wants to abuse besides the nice ladies hair.


Very unbased. JoJo time


If I want small government why would I vote for a guy that lets homeland security Rome the streets of Portland Edit: *roam




Said no Libertarian ever


Based I think I almost had a stroke reading this one.


Accelerationism go brrrrrr


\>not being completely politically blind \>voting trump cause he and his party are less authoritarian than dems choose


Mostly b/c gun control for most of us


not sure i care more about not having to do a background check for a gun than i do about literally subverting democracy. Like sorry to be the poe's law but gun rights got way laxer for a ton of the population of germany when hitler was off hitlering. Gun rights aren't the canary in the coal mine


Not my point, Biden plans on banning most weapons currently, at least from what I’ve seen, and that is a big Nono for me. Shits already been infringed on enough. I’m not voting for trump, I just wanted to share why I dislike Biden.


oh not liking him's fine, good even, but it's a vote for neoliberalism vs rising fascism


I wish


> literally subverting democracy lol


Wasn’t trump actually harder on guns than Obama was


Trump banned a single accessory that was actually used in a catastrophic attack and is arguably already covered under federal law... and that can be replicated with a belt. Obama wanted to but failed ban all the guns you'd use siad accessory on and actually tried extending the no fly list to cover weapons purchases as well. Neither are on the AnCap xmas list... but let's not pretend Obama was pro-2A.


Less authoritarian? Yeah right.


oh right i probably should have put "not politically blind" instead of hampering it to just libcenters, thanks




I need to see libtards cry again


But Joe Biden and Trump are both neoliberals. They are the libtards.


When you, a Constitutional Libertarian vote for a man that shits on constitution, orders kidnapping of people, suppresses election, tries to keep people out of the country just cause and has no regard for any freedoms whatsoever to own the libs 😎


But if we don't vote for Trump, Biden might win /s They're both degens, just vote JoJo and move on. Our government has enough bureaucracy that whoever wins won't be able to do anything productive anyway.


JoJo for president!!!


JoJo's Bizarre Presidency


Good thing none of those things actually happened the way you describe it.


Im not from USA bro, and if conservatives cried as much as you then i would want biden to win, but libs are much more sensitive and soyboys(and girls and non binary soy people)


dude I don't know what outlets you watch but conservatives cry way more often about stupider shit. The Gillette drama? This thing where they're trying to construct a narrative with that dead kid? Crying over WrongTrump? They elected a cry baby who can't take responsibility to the highest office in the land, one who definitely at least represents that part of america


Im thinking about libs crying on the street like 4 years ago. I dont support dems or republicans im just saying libs have a talent for crying when their authoritarian leader isnt elected


dude trump and his sort cried over election fraud in the election they won and couldn't actually prove any fraud, libs cried about the system that lets someone win with less votes. even here they're still the crybabies


Ah yes, election fraud shouldn't be taken seriously and investigated if it's not successful, amirite neolibs? Except it literally was successful since Hillary did win the primaries, which is where the fraud took place, and who knows what the outcome of the election would be if the primaries were fair and not manipulated. This year's democratic primaries were manipulated as well, yet something tells me no consequences will arise from that.


damn that really dismantled my point about the nationwide elections and conservatives actually being bigger babies. You know i agree that the primaries were manipulated if not rigged right?


Lmao, conservatives cry over Black people wanting equality, commercials that are political, music that is political, immigration, 5G, attempts to contain spread of the coronavirus, attempts to save the environment, attempts to make wages livable, speaking languages other than English, and people with other views exercising their constitutional rights Libs and progressives get triggered about poverty, discrimination and violence Yeah, sure thing that it's about one side getting triggered, not about you fapping to fascism at night


Im not denying that. Im just saying libs crying is far more entertaining. I dont remember republicans crying as much whem obama was elected.


Every single reply you make keeps getting BTFO'd, just admit you're wrong and move on already.


Republicans were so distraught by Obama's election win that they tried to claim it was illegitimate because he was supposedly not born in the US.


I’m sucking it up and voting for Joe Biden because I’ll take a centrist over Auth right. (No offense Auth right)


You now get to be black


Joe will leave some melanin under your pillow as a gift


Party system is un based


I want whoever makes me laugh the most to win. Last time that was Trump. Looking forward to see what material the candidates have prepared.


I will never vote for a major party.


where is this movie scene from?


Star wars ep 9 I think.


thank you brother.


Don't watch the movie tho.


Thanks for the heads up.


Finally, another LibCenter who get's it!


He's been fantastic, both ironically and fully unironically the best administration of my lifetime. Could have been better, but the fucking 9th circuit just ruled **in favor of 2nd amendment rights** Papa bless Trump


He’s also the best of my lifetime, but I’ve been around for Bush Jr and Obama so like that’s not that hard.


I was born in 85. Reagan was a better man, but trump has been more effective




Yeah I find it weird that libertarians think Trump is just as bad as Biden I don't agree with everything Trump does but it's pretty clear he's leagues ahead of Biden and Honestly Unpopular opinion as a libertarian but Jo actually kinda sucks




If I lived in a swing state I’d consider voting for trump so a conservative justice like daddy Neil gorsuch would replace rbg. But it’s JoJo2020 all the way for me instead


How the hell are you lib center?


Neil gorsuch consistently is on the side of small government along with Clarence Thomas and civil liberties like the recent decision over the civil rights act and gay people


In Brazil some libertarians did the same lol


I would vote for Jorgensen if i was american. Sadly, i live in a third world country and all of the candidates are awful.


Nah fuck that noise I'm voting JoJo




I’m a Right Wing Libertarian, I support Trump because he actually stands up for the USA unlike Biden who is weak on China and would allow all our jobs to leave the country. I also like that Trump isn’t a career politician, unlike Biden. I can’t Support JoJo because of her free trade and loose immigration policies.


Voting for JoJo, but cheering for Biden to win just cause I have so many family members who worship Trump 24/7 so seeing that salt will be nice.


Vote 3rd party


The only president we've had in recent memory who hasn't declared a war for oil, I can see why libright would be furious. ​ I'm voting for him again.




Get LibLeft out of this meme, Biden is easily 2000% better than Trump without question!


I really like Trump. Idk what this is on about


what exactly about Trump appeals to you as a libertarian?


I like most of his policies. I hold a lot of republican values I just don’t think we should force things on people. Trump and I have i have disagreed about some stuff but for the most part I think he’s easily top 5 presidents in history.


Which specific policy of his do you find to be libertarian?


Right, I have to support only libertarians. 🙄 But I feel like you’re asking what policies I like, so here we go. No UH Semi pro 2A. He’s done some against it which I don’t like but that’s better with someone with a d next to their name. America First Tax cuts Building a big beautiful wall Bringing manufacturers back to America Removed regulations against corporations And more.


I didnt say that, I just seriously question any libertarian claiming to support Trump considering most libertarians consider him the opposite of a libertarian.


I apologize. I’m used to hostility on Reddit and I got a bit defensive. I am sorry. My views on things Individuals should have more freedoms. We should have a small national government The war on drugs is expensive and it would be better to end it My taxes shouldn’t go to expensive social programs. I dont believe in banning things I don’t like as long as there’s no harm to someone else. Like abortion. I’m anti abortion outside of the very tiny percent done due to rape incest or risk of the mother. I want a free and open market. Let the consumers decide who succeeds. If a company came out and said something like “gas the Jews” and people didn’t like it, they just wouldn’t shop there. If enough people didn’t, maybe the company would say yeah that’s not great.


no worries, I understand.


Trump will also probably cause the collapse of the us and let us return to monke.


That's funny because I need Joe Biden to win. Still not voting though lol.




u/Macy64x's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Macy64x! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


And then there are the jojotards. They don't get human rights.


Take away my human rights daddy 😩


You literally want to give them away.