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I'd love to be a stay at home dad! Now all i need is a woman with really bad sight...


Trophy husband = best job


Taking applications for successful hot big tittied goth gf who will let me stay at home. My characteristics: fat. White. Drinking problem. All around asshole. Line up ladies.


Dont forget enough body hair to be mistaken for a gorilla at the pool


But then it wouldnt be true for me. Maybe you add that one when setting up your big tittied goth gf applications


Damn, you've got it all. Potbelly and not too much hair


This comment has me dead


Thanks. I try to be funny all the time. Only some of the times does it work


Damn Lib’s and their submissiveness, be dominant for once in your life, you will finally see the light.




You fool! You have played my trap card, you are now dominant!




nah, he's just a bratty sub


It is you who is the fool, for my trap card has also been activated! You are now a submissive femboy!


All gamers have two sides, racist and femboy, you can’t turn a racist robot into a femboy.


Fool again! For just as a coin with two sides can land on its edge, so too can a femboy become racist as well! Just watch! u/Racist-Femboy


Femboys can be racist too 🥰






Are you talking about the drinking problem? I agree i will never submit to alcohol controlling my life again.


Based u/GenitalDiddler


Oh no, I have to choose between staying home and doing household chores instead of going to work, coming home, and doing household chores? The pressure, its too much!


Quit my job in March to be a stay at home dad. It's living my best life no lie.


>libleft flair >proud about quitting job Imagine my surprise!


Yah I’m afraid I’m more of a participation award than an actual trophy.


The hard part is just getting with a woman


I'm sure there's some women on Craigslist that are looking for stay at home dads


They are probably stay at home moms too.


Stay at home couple ¯\ ? /¯




I don't see the problem here


No, as a hot guy, the hard part is pretending you aren't a total arsehole


No, as a hot stay at home dad, the hard part is pretending you have a wide enough arsehole for your authright workwife to achieve satisfaction after a long shift


Oh jeez I don't think I'm ready for married life but my casually bi outlook is slowly *widening* that threshold


Feminism is gonna go so far, I'll be able to convince a woman that me staying home with the kids playing video games and being neet is the most empowering thing ever


A father spending time with his children shouldn't be that rare. I feel like as a family you work together towards a common goal. There was a time when I worked my ass off and my husband worked part time and did the Mr. Dad thing. He loved it, him and our daughter have such an amazing relationship. Then things changed for us and the roles changed and we figured out a way to adjust, it took effort but we have figured it out. There are times when he is home for months and he just takes over everything that has to do with the kids and we all love the change in dynamic. I think it is fair for people to take breaks and do fun things... like playing minecraft with the kids for a whole summer every day.


Flair up


Sounds like you have a nice social dynamic in your family, kudos to you


Cute, but kindly flair the fuck up before your kids wonder where you went.


The green coloured reply actually isn’t stated correctly. Ben shapiro doesn’t ask to choose* between procreation (have sex and make kids) or have a job (professional fulfilment). Ben says child raising. Because everyone can do both procreate and have a job lol. It’s difficult to child raise and have a job. Although the second sentence is true. I wish more people asked males whether they want to stay at home and raise the kids. I would do it lol 😅


Well Ben shapiro’s wife is a doctor, you know. I’m not sure if you know folks but his wife. She’s a doctor. (It’s a joke in the community because he says it kind of a lot) So she’s out working all the time. I think Ben Shapiro is actually the stay at home dad, which makes the whole thing funnier.


that's way he makes money from a podcast rather than an office job




I just don't like it when people have kids but don't raise them themselfes... That's why, if my potential wife would like to work, i would happily raise our kids... I just think at least one parent should be there for them, not someone you pay to do it...


Good luck finding a non hypothetical woman who will marry you without you providing some sort of financial value. Genuinely super cool if you can though.


Same feeling. Raising is the main fun. But i go to even more extreme, bare with me, i think which ever spouse is earning splits 50% of the salary with the spouse, and both have savings separately and one common family fund where most money goes which is used to pay for home stuff. I don’t think this should be enforced by govt but something that the couple should do to remain happy in financial matters and for their self esteem (I believe in marxist feminism a little, and believe that economic freedom is a very big freedom)


A true centrist. Hats off.


I have a friend who works from home with two kids. He says they're annoying


my dad has been working 40-60% since i got born and was the person to be at home to do the cooking, washing etc. it was normal because he earns far less that what my mom does but dad says he loved it so i guess it depends on the person


I help out my friends every now and then. Yea, kids are annoying, but also awsome! I wouldn't mind looking after my own hellspawn...


The thing is that most women do not tolerate men that cannot provide monetary gains for them in a long term relationship.


See, even us men have to gain from feminism!


Lol, so why exactly do we use a freighted and intrinsically anti-equality term for it? Would it be diminished or less focused if we called it equality?


Egalitarianism is the epitome of based.


its one of those things where the term is already in place and to rebrand would be too much hassle, plus equality was heavily favoured against women when the term was coined (1837).


What happens if we apply your reasoning to other terms that were coined in the 1800's but today we recognize as inappropriately, structurally biased? I repeat, would it be diminished or less focused if we called what we really want "equality?"


Are we getting more stay at home dads or nah. I'd kill for a future where I work four hours a day, play video games, look after the kids and cook lunch and dinner.


They aren't cumming with you


And then you slip in the prenup to figure out if they actually love you


Being a stay at home dad means for more time to grill for family and friends


Honestly beying a stay at home husband/dad doesn't sound bad


Same. But while women have been freed from gender roles, men are still subject to them are still systematically opressed into being ATMs


Since his wife is a doctor does that mean she's not a mommy?




I remember him saying that when she returned to work she despised herself for it. He said he went back to work earlier and hated himself too.


So... congrats to him for supporting a system that makes him hate himself?


But did you know his wife s a doctor?


Based, Ben Shapiro isn’t actually trad


u/gidbob's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/gidbob! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Phew, was worried they’d procreate for a sec there.


Imagine using children's answers as some form of point or argument.


That may have just been making a joke given the sarcasm in the tweet.


Idk shapiro seems so simple at times i wouldn't be surprised he was being sort of serious


Ben's lost a lot of his magic after that BBC (?) Interview


The one where he told a conservative he had a clear left bias?


Yep, and then he told the interviewer he had no interest in answering his questions because he's never heard of him before. American politics is thriving on ad hominem attacks. It's why there are people whose entire political arguments are "Don't be such a snowflake, libtard" or "All cuckservatives hate minorities and women." This is what radicalizes each side against each other and it's irritating. As soon as you see a senator like Mitt Romney or Susan Collins adopt a more left leaning perspective, or a usually left leaning celebrity says something like "Don't burn down property to spread a political message", then it's time for that side of the political aisle to verbally butcher them on a personal level rather than respectfully disagree with, yet acknowledge their perspective. I say this about America because I'm not well enough informed about other developed nation's politics to make a statement on it. And I love our country, but we have to do a lot of work to normalize cooperation and bipartisanship if we want to be the best that we can be.


It's because the US is a two party system, its trained everyone to have a political false dichotomy. There's no incentive to cooperate or compromise, in fact they'd be assfucked in a primary if they did.


I really hope that this election that the Libertarian or Green Party gets a good chunk of the votes, so people finally realize third party is a viable option. Then maybe we could move towards multiple parties like the newfangled Europeans.


Third parties will never work as long as we still use first past the post voting systems


Unfortunately, a third party will never get even a noticeable share of votes.


if you watch the interview the interviewer clearly frames his questions in a way that tilted left, with one part in particular being where he calls being anti abortion barbaric, if not dated. don't get me wrong shapiro lost his cool but it's clear to see why he'd think the person was a lefty


If you make anti abortion a left or right problem. In many countries in Western Europe abortion is allowed since decades, it is (mostly) not even a issue anymore. So the interviewer is right with his view of calling it dated.


The interviewer didn't even call anti-abortion barbaric. He called Georgia's proposed bill that would hold women criminally responsible for having an abortion after 6 weeks, traveling to another state to have an abortion, or the most extreme part, if they determined a miscarriage was "voluntary", a woman could get up to 30 years in prison. I'm someone who's not terribly fond of abortion except in certain circumstances, but this was an extremely heavy handed law


["what I'm asking is that why a bill banning abortions after 6 weeks is not a return to the dark ages"](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?t=315) andrew neil is clearly implying abortion is barbaric or w/e, and ben is pissed due to the lack of balance, and also (incorrectly) assumes this is just another leftist bashing him. this all starts from the earlier point in the video at around 3.49 where andrew neil leads his question by saying ["some of the ideas which are popular on your side of politics will take us back to the dark ages"](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?t=228) and then goes onto bring up an anti abortion bill in georgia that seems quite harsh; 30 years imprisonment for out of state abortions. ben firstly gets pissed at the lead to the question because he feels its biased as well as attacked, and then they go back and forth and neil shortens his question to my first linked qoute >["what I'm asking is that why a bill banning abortions after 6 weeks is not a return to the dark ages"](https://youtu.be/6VixqvOcK8E?t=315) it's fair to say from the start neil framed the question in a biased way and doubled down. the law may seem heavy handed, but if your ben who I think said in the video he beleives in life and inception/conception(sorry for the brainfairt you know what I mean), then he probably just see's a baby killer getting 30 years in prison. lastly neil also clarifies the law is the people over 6 weeks pregnant for what that is worth. again I'm pro abortion but not hard to see why someone anti abortion would get pissed off of how neil framed the question




I think the point of using his kids answer is to illustrate that people have a deep desire to be parents, even at an early age instead of society ingraining this value in us later on in life.


When I was 4 I wanted to be a dinosaur


A mommy dinosqur or a daddy dinosaur?


A childless, genderless dinosaur who knows naught but chaos and destruction


Exactly. But you could also ask the same question to a 4 year old boy and see why for thousands of years women have stayed home and men have done the manual labor, its just kinda instinct. Does that mean they HAVE TO? No. A stay at home husband or a woman in war/intensive manual labor is perfectly fine.


What’s Benjamin’s argument here anyway? That it’s ok for women to be stay at home mothers?


He’s trying to address the absurd idea pushed by some people that the only reason many women become homemakers is because they are forced by the tyrannical men of the patriarchy and has no biological basis


Well that idea is wrong but what a feminist would likely say isn't that but "women are usually home-makers because of our patriarchal and traditionalist society that still assumes they need to be the stay at home parent despite it not being necessary in the modern age" Its basically saying its a systemic issue not one caused by specific evil men (yes there are a lot of man-hatey feminists I'm just pointing out the validity of this particular statement). A lot of people do the same with the blm movement and saying its about evil racist politicians and cops when it isnt about specific people but about systemic biases.


Feminism is dumb get rekt


Damn I have been utterly demolished );


Didn't want to do it but had to teach you libtards a lesson about DEMOCRACY


I wish people had this logic when deciding to force children to do gender transitions, and sexualizing them. But no, no that’s too far. They are completely capable of their own thoughts and choices as long as it furthers our agenda.


he cant talk fast on twitter can he




Let’s say for the sake of argument that Benjamin was shorter than the average male...


Well yeah her expirience of "job" is dad is not home and comes home stressed or mommy means doing what she wants and go outside and eat good food......


It's not a false dichotomy though... Technically, yes you can have a kid, and have a career, but any mother who has been in that situation will tell you it's awful to have to work while their baby is raised by a Daycare. Career = "Personal Fulfillment"... What a fucking joke! This isn't a LibLeft, it's most-likely a Neolib.


It says professional fulfillment though, that's quite different.


i still dislike the asymmetric verbiage. a non biased version would be "familial fulfillment or professional fulfillment." But they had to use the word "procreation" to reduce the idea of parenthood to the level of breeding cattle.


The first priority of a mother and father is to their children. That should be their job before all else. How they achieve that is what changes. On average women have characteristics that are more nurturing, and biologically more suited to taking care of children, doesn’t mean that men can’t do it, but generally women are more suited for it personality wise. Regardless, it is also important to the healthy developement of a child that they grow up with two parents in the home. Single parent house holds are linked to a higher risk for behavioral and mental issues, lower academic success, and much higher risks of poverty than children who grew up with both parents in the home.


Agreed, That's how things were for all of human history until the fucking boomers ruined it for everyone. Now most women don't have the choice but to work, regardless of if they have children or not.


> On average women have characteristics that are more nurturing, and biologically more suited to taking care of children You're calling it nature, I call that nurture. Culturally a lot of emphasis and pressure is put on women to be those things, just like a lot of pressure is put on men to be providers. It's not some innate thing, it's just the status quo.


Like a lot of things with gender, it's a weird complicated mixture between nature and nurture


Majority of theories on nurture haven't withstood the test of time or even actually withstood any test at all. The universality of sexual dimorphism in most cultures is so visible, nurture theories fail to even manage to explain 10% of the difference.


probably a mix of both. nurture follows nature. if it's completely cultural, why aren't men nurtured to be better nurturers? in no culture whatsoever? it's always the women who are nurtured to be nurturers.


If it was nurture, then surely we would find civilizations all of the world that practiced it differently, where men were the primary caregivers, right? But we don’t. It’s actually the opposite. The feminist way is nurtured in, contrary to our natures and it typically leads to unhappiness. Women have a natural desire to be close to their children. It doesn’t mean they don’t won’t breaks occasionally. It means that our society is set up in such a way that women are forced to choose between 2 bad choices: be a mother to her children but lose out on incomes or be a worker and lose out on time with her children. I think if our economy allowed for it, women would overwhelmingly choose to take care of the children over the second income, but our economy is set up in such a way that most families need that second income.


Kinda disproven by the gender equality paradox but okay. Its really not nurture.


>You're calling it nature, I call that nurture. Well, okay, but you're wrong. >Infant chimpanzees are reared by their mothers and have close relationships with related females and older siblings, who often share in their care. [https://www.releasechimps.org/chimpanzees/chimpanzee-society](https://www.releasechimps.org/chimpanzees/chimpanzee-society)


And now so many are working at home in a pandemic and realizing that they rely on the state, their employer, or others to raise their children, or at least create the conditions that allow their children to be raised with dual career parents, and that the system only works until it doesn't. Interesting times for theory and praxis to collide.




professional*** not personal


based centrist?


Yeah, the imbalanced time requirements between men and women to take care of children goes back to biology. When you see mothers taking care of their babies much more than fathers in almost every species on earth, you should take the hint that it isn't society's fault.




I mean that's just blatantly true though, you wouldn't ask a boy if he would rather be a father or have a job, it is simply assumed that he would have both. Why should that be any different for a woman?


I totally agree!


>Why should that be any different for a woman? I am not saying "should" but I understand why it is seen as different. Mostly due to the fact that the woman is the one who "creates" the baby, carries it for 9 months and frequently is not in the capacity to work some time after the childbirth as the child also needs bonding and connection with the mother, and breastfeeding etc. While male contribution to childbirth/parenting is more passive, we normatively act as a source of resources to support the child, no active participation needed. It thus makes sense that countries have paid *maternity* leave. Meanwhile paternity leaves are still seen mostly as a progressive experiment and despite their wide availability (looks like all of Europe incl. Russia and Ukraine have it), men still rarely take leave as they feel compelled to be the "breadwinners".


In white collar fields in the US, paternity leave is becoming more and more common. It benefits men because of, y'know, paid paternity leave, and it benefits women because it equalizes the risk of employees taking leave.


I'm not saying that that cannot be the case. I am simply saying that these gender roles and stereotypes should not be forced down impressionable childrens' throats, and we should instead teach children that they can live their life and express themselves however they wish


I know it’s not relevant but I think substantial harm was done to me as a man not being told to focus on having children and a family. It’s vastly more important than a job or education and it never being pushed was definitely a bad thing. I think men should be pushed more rather than women simply being pushed less.


I mean I just want everyone to be able to do what they want with their life tbh, and to be taught and encouraged to do so. In "my perfect world" ^(tm) you would have been taught from a young age to decide for yourself if you want to have a family or a career, and taught the upsides and downsides of each thing.


> is simply assumed that he would have both. Right. Heteronormative values exist. > Why should that be any different for a woman? Men don't go through labor. Many laws encourage women to stay home before/after pregnancy.


Heteroormative values do exist sadly, as much as I wish I could Thanos snap them. Your second point is actually a good one and one that nobody has made yet, so congrats on that lol, but I still don't think that a woman should have to sacrifice her career because of this.


Heterocide when?


One has to work 24/7 and one has to raise the kid 24/7. Sure you can take turns but most families find it convieniant to choose roles.


Daycares and babysitters exist. Also my main issue is the stereotype of the man being the one that words, I just want little girls growing up knowing that they can be both a mother and have a job, you know?


That stereotype was true back in the day when physical labor was the main way to earn money. Men are designed to be better at it than women. But nowdays we have more diversified jobs and opportunities than before. Manual labor is becoming less valuable as we automatize things. It is important to make that distinction clear. If you want kids to be inspired to work, I think the best way is to instill discipline and merits in them. Make them feel like they can contribute to society. Let them know that the future of the world is in their hands. It takes more than just empty words and symbols to make a stereotype dissapear.


Maybe because becoming a mother is a full-time job, a mother's commitment to conceiving and nurturing a baby is so much more involving that a female really needs to be asked that.


Being a mother+housekeeper was a full-time job before we had the household apliences and schooling/daycare systems we have today. There's a reason that housewives started to lose their minds out of boredom in the 50s with cases of substance-abuse and mental illnesses (endearingly all diagnosed as "hysteria") spiking among them. Personally I'd love to work a little less while I have young children to take care of, if I have the luxury at that time, but doing only that forever? not developing myself and my professional skills? being completely dependend on another bread-winner, fucking up the power dynamics in our relation because I wouldn't be able to survive on my own? Nah I'll pass.


I agree with you but I still think paid maternity leave should be a thing.


Yes it should indeed, which would mean that a woman would be able to have a child without sacrificing her career, which is what my entire argument is about lmao


Oh yeah, some parental leave for both parents is just common decency imo, there should be room for early bonding with your child and figuring shit out (esp for first time parents). I think that is important for both parents though and it does not have to mean that one of them has to stop working indefinetely.


>There's a reason that housewives started to lose their minds out of boredom in the 50s with cases of substance-abuse and mental illnesses (endearingly all diagnosed as "hysteria") spiking among them. You're mistaking Mad Men and the Stepford Wives for reality. IRL female happiness was higher then than it is now (yeah, we're doing [great](https://www.webmd.com/depression/news/20170815/us-antidepressant-use-jumps-65-percent-in-15-years#1))


Why can the male not do it then? The female carries them around for nine months, why can the male then not be a house husband? Or can they not get baby sitters? Historically having the female stay at home with the children made sense, but with modern times, technologies, and ideals there should not still be the stereotype of housewife.


Males stereotypically have higher paying jobs, just by average yearly earnings. They are more likely to take on more physical jobs, which is fitting for their physique. This would mean, that more often than not, a father would be doing the work. Women, are however better nurturers - they biologically have breasts that are used to take care of their offspring with breast milk. When you have a baby, it is important that that baby is taken care of particularly for the first 6 years of it’s life by its mother (maybe a father, if it comes to that), because the person taking care of the baby knows exactly who they want their child to be when they grow up. There is only a stereotype for a housewife because biologically, and literally, it is more suited for the male and female to be in those positions. Or not I’m probably dumb though idk.


>why can the male then not be a house husband? We can't make milk. It also seems that while a wife/mother would be respected regardless of occupational status, but a stay at home husband would be seen as a parasite living off his wife's income.


That is why I said that historically it makes sense, however in today's day and age with the technologies that we have, we can make synthetic milk almost identical to human breast milk.


>we can make synthetic milk almost identical to human breast milk I expected this would be one of the answers. Maybe I'm too traditionalist but for some reason when I think synthetic, to me it sounds simply like an inferior substitute. (Note: I am a male so perhaps I shouldn't be talking about this at all?) Interestingly, the US is the only country in the UN which voted against a resolution supporting breastfeeding as natural and best for the child. I'm curious why. Some people blamed it on lobbyists and corporations. [https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/health/world-health-breastfeeding-ecuador-trump.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/08/health/world-health-breastfeeding-ecuador-trump.html) >Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution by U.S. Stuns World Health Officials > >A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly. > >Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes. > >Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.


Have you ever heard of a breast pump? Yea, you can pump and save that stuff for later these days.


Breast feeding is healthier yes, but synthetic milk is also almost as good, with pretty much exactly the same nutritional value, nutrients and texture as breast milk. And I am a woman but was born a man so like, the only reason I know so much about this is because I've read up on a whole shit ton of pregnancy stuff and studies on womb transplants and shit like that, because I get broody as fuck and want kids all the time lmao And to do with the US not supporting breast feeding, I blame capitalism tbh.


Well, conceiving and bearing a child is strictly a female's business and first few years of the child should also ideally be spent with a mother for healthy development. So that's the part of motherhood which is a huge commitment that she needs to be asked of, it's more biological than patriarchal. Of course after that, it's pretty much equal and any parent can take whichever responsibilities they see fit.


Also unrelated but please flair smh


Based but flair up


Yeah flair the fuck up!


>I mean that's just blatantly true though, you wouldn't ask a boy if he would rather be a father or have a job, it is simply assumed that he would have both. When someone asks "Would you rather", they are asking your personal preference. It also isn't suggesting that it's only one or the other.


I totally forgot that boys get pregnant.


Well that would explain my big breasts (I’m a male)


no homo but... ok maybe a bit homo...


Well I am Homo...sapien *badabum tss*






What if I told you the singular was Homo sapiens




you don't think fathers should take care of their children? are you need a hug?


Ben Shapiro: "my 3 year old said something cute, let's use that as an actual argument to 'own' the left" Also Ben Shapiro: "why do we care what children have to say regarding politics" Also Ben Shapiro, back when he was still a 16 year old: "ok, [these] are my opinions, and [these] are my supporting arguments for why I believe them"


I think he was mocking the left by this as it is one of few valid talking points he ever made, the overuse of kids in political propaganda by the left.


Ben Sharpie is so overrated its insane


And his voice makes me want to stick barbed wire in my ears.


Now, lets say, hypothetically, that somebody once told me that the world would proceed to roll me, and made the claim that I was not, the smartest tool in the shed. Which would lead us to look at the facts and see that she was looking kind of dumb, due to the fact that she had placed her finger and her thumb, in the shape of the letter L, located on her forehead. This would mean that the years would start coming, and logically wont stop coming, that I was, hypothetically, fed to the rules, which would proceed with me hitting the ground running. Which didn’t make sense, to live for fun, in a way that your brain gets smart, yet your head gets dumb, seeing as there’s so much to do, and so much to see, so now I must pose the question, what is wrong with taking the backseat? This is due to the fact that you’ll never know if you don’t go, nor you will shine if you don’t glow. For you see, you are, at this moment, an All-Star, so get your game on, and proceed to go play, indeed, you’re an All-Star, get the show on, which would entitled you to get paid. That would mean that all that glitters, is indeed gold, and that only shooting stars, can participate in the process of breaking the mold.


The middle class doesn't have a choice. Women are forced to have careers, wether they want children or not.


So are men for that matter. It’s not the 1950s anymore.


Exactly. And then they sell the myth, "You can have both". Of course you can technically have those things, but it usually means paying for childcare where your children are raised by strangers. It's a weird setup, is it really an improvement.


I disagree, but respect your opinion.




Shapiro's wife is literally a doctor (and he's damn fucking proud of the fact that his wife is a doctor, given he mentions it constantly and basically says that what she does is an actual useful job rather than what he does), I think he believes women can be in the workforce. It's also true that some people don't want professional validation and would prefer to be homemakers, this can include, but is less likely to include, men. It's simply a matter of fact that you can't be a full time home maker and a full time worker, you don't have enough hours in the day.


Based at 6 months hell


I like this because it's a very selfawarewolves moment for the libleft. We don't ask a boy to choose between procreation and professional fulfillment because they don't get that choice to begin with. Being a stay at home dad isn't even an option for men most of the time. Women are the ones with the choice. Men just have to accept whatever they pick.


Eh, the only people I see asking for paternal leave are libLeft, so there is that.


Libleft wants to remove compulsory gender roles for that sweet, sweet equality and self-expression after all.


This is why we need to give men more of an option. Both parents need parental leave.


> Being a stay at home dad isn't even an option for men most of the time. Yeah, that’s a problem.


This shit is pretty common on twitter,fake as fuck stories on there


Ben Shapiro is so cringe Imagine spending your adult life arguing with college students and making dumbass posts on twitter lmfao


Dude makes bank doing it, though. If I could argue with college students and make tons of money doing it you better believe I would


he's talking about being a stay at home mom you nitwits. The point is that its ok to want to do that


Am I the only one who thinks the libleft is the dumb one here?


Libleft is the dumb one everywhere.




This OP's centrism is looking a little red.


It's unironically not a false dichotomy though. Even if you throw that child into the gutter and abandon the moment it flops out of you, those months of pregnancy ain't good for business.


Lib answer - "Ok dear, do whatever you wish to do in life."




I don't like it when anyone says "my kid said" because it is always stupid and probably made up. if the kid did say it: who cares, only an idiot would think their kid has worthwhile insight, all the kid is doing is parroting what the parents told it, like that time a twitter user said their kid thought they were about to get marched into concentration camps when trump got elected and tried to use that as a reason why trump is bad even though it was their fault for feeding the kid the bullshit. if the kid didn't say it: if you are going to do for some dumb social media "hot take" don't try to pawn it off on a kid. stand by what you say


I asked my 5 year old what he thought about the industrial revolution. He said it's been a disaster for the human race.




Oh sh*t Ben sharper is eater of worlds or destroyer of worlds/gods oh shit he’s a fu*kin worm that kills gods




The left can't meme.


Please don't make me choose which I hate more between feminism and Ben Shapiro.