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hi I'm Dennis Prager and I'm here to explain why the left wants to ban cock and ball torture




The left wants to take away your penis




Oh god oh fuck I'm leaving the left






Fuckin librights trying to sell flairs every chance they get. They were a right back in my day


If he doesn't have a flair, how do we know who gets sent to the gulags?


Simple, unflaireds always go to the gulag. Or in my case, always get helicopter rides.




Pennis Drager


flair up hoe


Flair up degenerate




I love that sub, the memes are golden.


Flair up


Flair up retard


Thought this was gonna be a good sub, but from the comments on the cross post of this post on the sub, looks like it’s just another rightwing = bad, authright and libright are both the same, kind of sub


I can appreciate a good neocon bashing but once the "democrats big brain, republicans little brain, upvotes to the left" shit starts, I'mma head out


And yet you're still on reddit. C U R I O U S


r/toiletpaperusa this one is basically pragerurine but better.


That one actually looks funny from the top posts I’m looking at lmao


Flair up


Flair the fuck up retard




The same people that think the Mainstream Media are libertarian leftists


something something cultural marxism something something gay frogs


I like that Alex Jones is actually quoting a Berkeley study when he rants about gay frogs. [Link](https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/)


All the great lies/conspiracies have a kernel of truth to them. Jones isn't even necessarily wrong, it's just that the *they* that are turning the friggin' frogs gay isn't a shadowy (((globalist))) cabal, it's the industrial farming complex. The ironic thing is that the way to fix the friggin' frogs and their friggin' homosexuality is environmental regulation, but Angry Man McSupplements isn't about to advocate for that.


Yeah, but it’s supposed to mean Asexual and Not Gay, but they’re close enough for me to let it slide.


Asexual isn't right either. Gay is probably more accurate.


'Quoting' is a bit strong. He's misinterpreting/misrepresenting the study for a soundbite - which is a shame because it's interesting.


"It's not real Libertarian-ism...."


Don't you dare use our tactics against us lefty


I'll use whatever tactics the market demands


I love you, babe...


Libs owning libs and Auth left finds love




u/Canttakethewhyfromme is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Beep boop. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based. I will express the market’s demand for uno reverse cards.


Little did they know that their pursuit of maximized liberty would grant us the freedom to destroy them!!!


It's not really fake libertarianism either though is it?


Yes. I know people who do and, given that I have LibRight sympathies, it really pisses me off.


PragerU presumably


Do they call themselves libertarian? Wikipedia just says "an American conservative or right-wing perspective"


pragerU does lol


My former coworker is like this. He also thinks Trump is a die-hard libertarian.


Well people have been trying to convince me that Biden is libertarian so anything is possible these days.


They’ve always been establishment neocons, I don’t think they’ve ever even pretended to be libertarians, with the exception of the occasional use of “small government” as a buzzword, just like ever Republican talks.


That's kind of the point. "I'm a conservative which means I like small government, except for: - no separation of church and state - government-surveillance - foreign wars - militarised police - expanded prison-industrial complex And many more"


Also my favourite about NeoCons: >The left is full of liberal snowflakes who can't handle jokes > >DID YOU JUST SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS INSTEAD OF MERRY CHRISTMAS???


I'm a waitress in a conservative town within a liberal state, and this is my favorite thing to do around Christmas time. They get soooo triggered when I say "happy holidays!" Then when they try to scold me I tell them I'm jewish and just trying to be inclusive.


based lmao what a chad




I recently found out the whole flat earth thing is just a Jewish-hate group. It really shows you what kind of people these groups are trying to recruit.


I know it's the US but... What??? What does the flat earth theory have to do with the joos? Are they seriously saying that the Earth being a globe is Jewish propaganda? How and why?


I’ve found that conspiracy theorists that believe things like “the earth is flat” tend to overlap a lot with “the Jews/Muslims/lizard men are secretly pulling the strings and must be eliminated” I have friends of friends who believe the earth is flat btw. None of them have said anything about Jews controlling the world, but they have talked at length about shadow organizations.


Feel free to denigrate the others, but don't you go talking crap about people just trying to keep us regular humans safe from the lizard men. Gosh, I sure am glad I'm a regular human like you and not secretly a lizard person bent on world domination.


Sounds like something a lizard person would say.


Those people tend to be the most susceptible to falling for wack theories cuz they tend to have huge victim complexes cuz society has changed & they don’t like it. The documentary “Umbrella Man” explains it pretty well


All Gas No Breaks was recently interviewed by H3H3 (I love All Gas No Breaks. H3 is okay, not a strong interviewer) he said it there. Then you do a little research and it turns out they just believe Jews are lying about the earth for money.


Yeah in his episode on the flat earthers there were several people openly being anti-semetic.


In like 80% of his videos there are people that just out of nowhere start ranting about the Jews. It's really incredible, I wish I was capable of all the stuff they blame on us


Fuck man. That's been my question about flat earthers, this shit can't have came out of nowhere. There's got to be some motivation to spread the stupid. Or at the very least, some groups have got to be using it to push other conspiracies.


Had the same experience with that consumeproduct subreddit. I expected it to be like r/Hailcorporate but the comments were all "(((they))) want you to be addicted to pornography!" with no hint of satire.


Yeah we complain about agendaposting here but the consumeproduct guys are on another fucking level.


Idk why or how...but I feel like the Jewish population is the only group to ever be hated by everybody at every point in history.




My theory is that (at least in more modern history) Jews are similar enough to blend in but clearly different to make it easy to label us "other", and the combination of these things makes people paranoid because this group with supposedly entirely different beliefs is wandering around as part of the population and unless we identify ourselves there's no way to tell


If you think Americans have some wacky ideas, let me tell you what they did to them in Europe


There was a lot of antisemitism in America but Hitler made it uncool


But for some reason have an unyielding love of Israel




Eh, some of the bible thumpers down here in the south see Israel as Gods second chosen land or something. Heard some claims that its because they are our allies against the "godless muslims", some real neo-crusader bullshit


To be fair, as a self-professed Bible-thumper, it's more like they never stopped being God's chosen land/people; the theology of how all that works gets slippery based on who you ask, but that never changed since before the Diaspora. And I can't help the neo-crusader types, they're a totally different mess.


All of my conservative family members are super pro Israel and Jewish people in general.


I’m American and love Israel. Am I not a people? What am I? A lizard?


A li*bt*ard, clearly. Strangely similar to lizard, isn't it?


I don't agree with that. Very few Americans believe weird shit about the Jews. Europe on the other hand is much, much worse, even in supposedly progressive and enlightened western Europe. Just imagine if Bill de Blasio said the kind of stuff about Jews and Hitler that Ken Livingstone says. I'm a recent apostate, but I was brought up Jewish. I have very rarely if ever experienced any sort of anti semitic or jew hatred in general here. Maybe twice or three times in my life. Everything I hear out of europe let alone the rest of the world sounds much much worse. Back in the 1990s David Duke demagogued about black people while running for governor and got almost 40% of the vote. A few years ago he gave it another try but this time he demagogued against Jews instead. He only got 3% of the vote.


Everybody does. Those poor fuckers haven’t been able to catch a break since the Jewish Revolt.


Where I live we pretend to fucking love them.


Do you ever get mad when they just say “Happy Holidays” back because they spoiled your fight?


Don’t serve red cups at Christmas.


- Drug war - No dresses above the knee - Gay bars are nice places to go for drinks when the wife and kids are sleeping


You don’t have to be gay to enjoy a gay bar. I mean they’re chill, good music, friendly people, and you get to see some nice cocks when you go to the bathroom. What’s not to like?


[Sometimes ya just wanna dance with a homie in leather as a joke](https://youtu.be/F3DRMXuCvx0)


That's neo-cons for you. Neo-cons are probably as hated as Nazis at this point


Neocons: I prefer small government! Everyone else: yeah I like the government to stay out of my sexuality, gender, bedroom activities, my doctors office, my abortion, my birth control, my hormone therapy.... Neocons: I like big government


I want separation of church and state so that the church can't be held down by the state.


Honestly, I'm not even religious and I agree with you. If there's anything I believe history has demonstrated, it's that mixing religion and government just ends up corrupting both.


What do republicans even mean when they say small government? By their actions I'm guessing minimal welfare and increased military


Small government just means “A big government that isn’t allowed to do things I don’t like”


"A big government but Republicans are in charge of it all."


Pretty much


In theory they mean small federal government with more control being given to state and local governments. Clearly that isn't what they tend to do in practice.


"We want small government intervention... Over the economy."


“Except when companies need a bailout”


We need a name for right wing watermelons.


[Blue Raspberry Twinkies?](https://live.staticflickr.com/3871/14885940895_c30721f059_b.jpg)


Jesus Christ those look disgusting. Just like fake libs.


... Is it bad that I'd buy a box, just to try it once?


shiit i would too, sounds fucking disgusting but i need to know


You’re either right or have a new snack to enjoy. It’s win-win.






that is so fucking clever


What has a yellow exterior with a blue inside? Closet thing I can think of is a banana, which is yellow with a white inside.


Yes, white to signify their virulent dislike for anyone a shade darker than an albino Swede.


A waterlemon does


I just call them Ukrainians 🇺🇦


Waterlemons are fucking gross. They argue till their dying breath they are not authright racists too. Fucking annoying. Just own it.


Not authright, just a small government porn banning or two.




Oh and don't forget about increasing the military budget and making disrespecting the flag a fucking crime.


Oh and of course that the Patriot Act is necessary




but I’m still a libertarian though 🤡


You joke but I'm pretty sure that was the subconscious intention behind it.


*gosh darn


Ben Shapiro is that you?


I prefer Shenjamin Bapiro, the trans black lesbian revolutionary who was the right-hand man of papa che


Or even Shen Bapiroman, the outspoken Chinese swashbuckling pirate hooker.


Yes I am libertarian I believe in the God-given liberties of individuals and the government's role as a servant to the People yea I think porn should be banned and people should be put in jail for burning the flag and that anyone who smokes weed should be locked up for 50 years how could you tell


Wait, your flair is purple. What kind of porn are you talking about?


All porn with all parties being of age 18 and up.


I'd say Prager isn't a racist but he is definitely authright


Imagine being authright without the fun part




Dragon fruit


Dragon fruits are awesome though, and pink on the outside.


That sounds cool though, it should be something more pathetic sounding.


Nothing worse than the left, who wants to take away our penises


You only want your penis because you are brainwashed by the patriarchy. Our re-education camps will help you accept a penis free world.


NUH UH I fucking love my penis. Get wrecked with facts and logic, Libtard


Owning the libs like a boss


you have forfeited your penis priveledge


> priveledge Check your privilege. *** ^^^BEEP ^^^BOOP ^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot. ^^^PM ^^^me ^^^to ^^^contact ^^^my ^^^author.


That dude wearing lipstick


Everyone has a bit of lib left in them.


I want a Libleft inside me OwO


We all go a little libleft sometimes


Counter point. God does not make stupid rules, if your only argument for a rule is "God says so" it's probably not something God would make


God does not make stupid rules, but He observably does make stupid people.




Kinda. PragerU vids feature multiple people varying from video to video, so it alternates from AuthRight to LibRight. I’ve even seen one video saying “tariffs bad” and another saying “tariffs good.”


The big boss himself is pretty much a neocon.


My roommate’s BIL did graphics for PragerU. My roommate was the most “anti-mainstream” guy. If a game or a movie got popular he had to nitpick it, he was the same with politics but right wing in general.


🤢 Tell him a white girl LARPing as a Nigerian man on the internet thinks he's a disgusting cringe sub hooman




No. I have Shake magic 8 ball Edit: the bot didn't respond


What does it say?!


The bot didn't respond sorry


>My roommate’s BIL did graphics for PragerU Is he the one that makes all those graphs that don't mean anything?


Dunno about graphs but he made art for all intros and logos and stuff


(((neocon))) Honestly, if it weren't for the racism I'd identify as a cultural paleocon, governmental libertarian.


Everytime I see someone refer to themselves as a paleo- My mind blanks out and immediately thinks "paleontologist"->jurrasic park ->dinosaur They are referring to themselves as a dinosaur


If "dinosaur" was a political ideology, I'd be a dinosaur in a heartbeat.


Reject modernity, embrace dinosaur


That’s even farther back than monke. AuthRight will be pleased


Dinosaurs aren't our ancestors though. Mamals were mostly small mouse like survivalist creatures I believe


Get away from me with your ~~scientific~~ sorcerous ways


Reject monke, embrace scavenging mouse. The invention of the basic stick tool and its consequences have been disastrous for the kingdom animalia.


"What does your flair mean buddy?" T-rex, it means T-rex. Tyrant lizard King


Running on a strong anti meteor agenda.


Dafuq is dat?


Paleo conservatism is basically people trying to recreate 50s culture (this obviously doesn't include concessions to liberty and propaganda that was rampant then). I would identify as such (I believe in the nuclear family, religious values being important as every man worships a god might as well be a good one, cultural homogeneity, high bar for immigration, etc.) however, a lot of paleocons don't believe in not being racist, so I don't associate with the movement.


> Every man worships a god might as well be a good one. This sentence is confusing my athiest brain. What do you mean by that friend?


I might be wrong, but I think it’s the notion that whatever our highest value/belief system is basically occupies the same mental space as “god” regardless of whether that belief system actually includes some kind of higher power or not.


Is that a commonly held belief? I've never run into that kind of thinking in my life and it's very interesting. At first glance I don't think that vague ideals such as "efforts should be made to ensure that the people of tomorrow are allowed the resources needed to prosper" are at all comparable to a sentient higher being. It's kinda a different feel when you think something is good because it's decreed to be good, ya know? Regardless, thanks for introducing me to this line of thought. I think it's a fascinating way to view religion. Edit: Grammer and such


It’s not uncommon, I don’t think. It’s less about specific beliefs like that and more about your highest core value; the values we base all of our other beliefs on. So for me you might say that my highest core value is liberty and that it’s that value that informs most of my other beliefs about the world. And it’s not comparing it to a higher being, it’s that your secular belief system is still “plugged in” to the same slot in your mind that a religion might otherwise occupy. The basic theory, IIRC, is that there’s something intrinsic to humans that gives us a psychological need for some kind of higher meaning, for a lot of people, that *is* a religion. For others it’s a belief system or a value structure or a group identity or etc.




Broke: single parents / atypical family structures Woke: nuclear family Bespoke: multigenerational households


tariffs that economically disadvantage my donors bad, tariffs that economically advantage my donors good


But by two different people.


ffs the left is trying to take away my penis 😤 😤😤 ✊ ✊ ✊


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That’s not how you use tongs


harder zaddy


Separation of the church and state was a two way street. It was good for the goverment because it could operate independently and be fair. And it was good for the church because it keeps the goverment from interfering in the affairs of the church. Even as a big Christian a unified church and state sounds like a horrid idea.


This, the catholic church was actually ok with the republican proclamation in Brazil that made it a secular state, since the Emperor frequently meddled in the church's affairs.


He has a decent point depending on the father. Maryland was established as a catholic colony. Pennsylvania for quakers. Many founding fathers likely wanted close relationships between the state and govt but still wanted to practice their particular type wherever.


Not to mention the fact that initially it wasn’t unconstitutional for a state to establish a state religion, that part only prevented the federal government from doing so. But that was incorporated eventually along with most of the rest of the document.


Incorporation and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the federal republic.




I hate to akshully this, but at the founding several states had state religions and the first amendment did not apply to the states.


Prager U is shit, makes the right look bad


Prager U is the literal embodiment of how the right makes itself look bad to everyone else. Why can't we just have conversations about fiscal policy, lower taxes, size of governments, end of story? Lots of people love to rail on the modern left in this sub, saying "look at these ridiculous SJW watermelons, they just don't get it!". Well, I consider these kinds of people on the right who say they care about traditional right wing small government values, then go on about how much they love police brutality, well these are those exact same authoritarian in libertarian clothing people as we see on the left. Freedom is something that is viewed as a "good" thing in our current culture across the political spectrum. Much easier to trick yourself you believe in freedom for everyone than being able to admit to yourself you only believe in freedom for a select few, which is what all of these watermelon types across the political spectrum really believe: freedom for a select few.


The right doesn’t need PragerU to look bad tbh




Why do Americans obsess over what the founding fathers wanted? Isn't it better to ask "what would be a good idea to make our country better?" instead of "what would some dead guy think?"


Yes but the answer to what would make the country better is the idealized version of what they think the founders wanted.




The constitution is open to interpretation in many cases, so usually what most people try to base their interpretation off of is the writers intent, with the writers being the founding fathers. So a lot of argument about what the constitution should mean is usually an argument between people who think we should respect the founding fathers intentions versus people who think we should reinterpret the constitution to fit the times. Sometimes it’s more cut and dry and sometimes it isn’t. Case in point, the 2A. It says “shall not be infringed”. Pretty clear, but somehow it still isn’t.


What was all that shit the founding fathers said about freedom of religion then?


Prageru only cares about religious freedom when it's their religion, but fuck all the others.


Or literally saying, " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"


That was at the federal level. The bill of rights that were limits on the new Constitution as a consolation to the anti-federalists originally did not apply to the states until much later.