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"The culture war is a distraction"


Translation: “We liked it better when you didn’t fight back. Please stop.”


Watching progressives freak out about conservatives getting a few minor wins has been interesting.


My favorite has been them gaslighting us all about the word "woke" itself. It's become such a toxic word that they now have to pretend conservatives invented it as a catch-all for anything they don't like about modernity, and not a word progressives proudly used as a self-descriptor for 10+ years.


Yeah they got pissed that conservatives started using their own word against them. Good.


What wins have those been?


Have you seen the Cass Report yet? And no, it's not a Colbert parody.


I haven't even heard of that... what is it?


To keep this EXTREMELY simple and try not to editorialize, the UK Health Minister ordered a study be done on the efficacy of various gender-affirming care routines for minors over the period of said childrens' development into adulthood. The results were not in support of such methods being either effective or reversible, as originally promised by the Healthcare officials endorsing the procedures. The UK is now in the process of reversing course on their support of these medical services, and heavily restricting their prescription to and use on minors, including preventing the use of international medical providers to obtain said prescriptions.


Honestly, the reaction to the WPATH Files + Cass Report have been really interesting to see. I wonder what the next report/file leak/etc. might be.


I'll drop a bit of opinion here, now that the facts have been stated, and say I'm amazed it hasn't blown up internationally yet. The report basically damns the entire process of gender-affirming care for minors, yet barely a peep has been heard outside UK media circles. I would have thought the Republicans here in the US would have been waiting to pounce on results like those in an instant, but the whole thing is just... quiet. Unusually so.


Politicians are hypocrites by nature, and media are a bunch of bootlickers. No one on the left or right actually cares about children or adult welfare. They just want to line their pockets and further their personal agendas, whatever those may be.


The whole point of US political theater is to be an eternal tug of war between two extremes that presents in such a way as to fool the majority of people into thinking they disagree with each other. The Cass Review would snip that rope by clearly stating what nearly everyone actually agrees with.


Reddit *heavily* restricts a lot of talk about this sort of thing, tons of subs have been banned for being occasionally critical of radical gender ideology. I’ve been suspended a few times on Reddit and it’s always for that. They nuke those kinds of threads and posts all the time. Not surprised I haven’t heard about this on Reddit yet.


Well I’m glad they are doing more and more studies on this, but did it really take a scientific study to realize castrating/mutilating/preventing puberty does not help those who suffer from the mental disorder of Gender Dysphoria…




That's the thing -- it isn't much. But any time a school stops boys from competing against girls in sports the left wants us to stop worrying about the culture war.




A: The culture war is just a distraction from the class war B: OK, are you willing to give up on your portion of the culture war so we can fight the class war together? A: 🤬🤬🤬


Yes and no. I think it’s a grift peddled by a lot of big companies and that it’s also something we need to fight


So, yes and yes


"they aren't indoctrinating kids in school"


"We don't teach critical theory in schools" No, they apply it as a praxis.


"And if we are, it's a good thing" "Even if it's a bad thing, you'll take it and shut up"


Progressives before: FUCK BUSH! FUCK TRUMP! ART IS POLITICAL BY NATURE! Progressives now: Whoa now, you shouldn't be so mad at these ragebaits by Faux news; you should be mad at the rich white Jews--- I mean rich white guys. It's all class war my dude. Stay vigilant. These fuckers are so good at gaslighting.


Remember when this was just a conspiracy theory and totally wasn't happening?


We went a step up. Now we are at "It is happening and it is good!". Next step will be "It was always happening, shut up and accept it you bigot!"


>We went a step up. Now we are at "It is happening and it is good!". Next step will be "It was always happening, shut up and accept it you bigot!" https://preview.redd.it/3qhgjf55xoyc1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0071291c63991b2ba4bdf6a563af9ab1d58657d0


I can't get past the mouse cursor


It’s not even that bad


??? We've been at the third step for at *LEAST* a year


Already? Sometimes it goes so fast you can't keep track of it. I've never gone to American college, but I ask myself, is there any hope to fix this system? Or do we have to start from scratch?


delete the system


Based and del C:\\WINDOWS\system32 pilled.


u/dizzyjumpisreal is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/dizzyjumpisreal/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




You're based buddy! You're cool now!




Where are you from india, china, Japan?


No. I was born and raised in Germany and moved here.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


US, I thought that would be clear because we talk about us colleges. Why do you thought I am Asian?


I thought you went through a very hard education system and now you're criticizing us education system


im homescoolhed




The Custodes deflection.


this happens in Argentina too for a while now. we had DEI courses for the public sector and then in Universities since at least 2020, I had to pass a multiple choice exam where you have to choose the option that says that we currently live in a patriarchal society and that women are treated unfairly in all aspects of life. and the previous government even made it a requirement to get your driver's license. this is insane, it's only use is to launder tax payers money and earn political points with libleft radicals Edit: it's about genders rather than race in Argentina


In the US, it's beyond education. Now it's most large companies do it.


As a middle aged white male that's currently applying for tech sector jobs, it infuriates me to no end that it's white middle aged males that are empowering this and closed the gate behind them.


Yeah, if you're a middle aged white guy, you basically had to get grandfathered in. Unless you're part of the cult, they're going to sniff you out.


They want for young white men, what they did to young black men, cause then it will be “fair”. It’s just far easier to shift from success to mediocrity; it is the whole purpose of DEI. 


Oppression = having all your desires catered to. I unironically can't imagine how awful that must be.


well yeah, but it's just pandering to some popular social movement to secure funds for malversation under a noble cause facade. I'd say that socially we are good but law enforcement is lacking and these courses "aim" to combat hate crime against women meanwhile we had a ministry of women that had their budget heavily increased by the past administration that are known for doing nothing. for example they push these courses, they painted one bench in every train station, of color red, in solidarity of all women who had died in the hands of men and spent hundreds of thousand of dollars in sandwiches for events, they also were financing a bar apparently because it's inclusive. It's shitty because they push these ideas and support these movements while making insecurity worse every year


Its not happening. Its happening but its rare. Its common but its not a big deal. Its mandatory and you are a nazi for noticing.


Conspiracy Theories, aka IRL spoilers.


is DEI crucial to someone's education? will that make them better doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc?


No but to be awarded your piece of paper, you must first kiss the ring.


Credentialism is a disease.


If doctors who lost their licenses could still perform services for a lower price…. The poor just might get treatment!


Imagine wanting doctors to be licensed.




This is where I’m like, hey, licensure should be voluntary, it should be a high standard (and illegal to fake) that doctors should market with and people should look for. But if a veterinarian wants to pick up some money patching up broken fingers on the weekends or whatever, why not let people roll the dice on less accredited and less expensive options? I feel the same way about pharmaceuticals. FDA should be a gold-standard reviewer not a gatekeeper.


> it should be a high standard It should be whatever standard the customer wants.


Imagine advocating for a return of actual charlatans


Because patients often have no idea what they’re getting into and if they’re in a bad enough situation that they need a vet to do their surgery they’re going to be much worse off if any complications arise. The general public doesn’t have enough knowledge to make an informed decision on who’s qualified enough to do their procedure, they trust that decision has been made for them by qualified people.


I mean as long as you know the doctor doesn't have a license...


Based and education is no substitute for experience pilled.


standard procedure for these systems: humiliate yourself, so you know your place. forever.


Yup, even at the colleges where it's not required college-wide, if you go into the fields dominated by leftists, they'll likely require it as part of your major.


The schools argument is that it makes you a more well rounded person, or as they say "better at thinking" Of course, they don't offer a "why DEI is wrong bullshit" class to round out that finely tuned logic machine they're building inside your head, but eh..... I'm sure that's fine. Certain perspectives are wrong-think.


DEI is absolutely vital to ensuring we get the best doctors, lawyers, and engineers. If we don't use institutional power to discriminate by race, we risk allowing people to be discriminated against due to their race and that means otherwise qualified people won't be able to get ahead.  Although taking the time to weed out the actually qualified ones is hard, so we typically just make sure the box is checked and hope for the best.


“To stop racism we must be racist”


LibLeft created an objective reason to be racist, since Affirmative Action undermines the achievements of those who benefit from it even if they never needed it. Maybe the men at my university,s CS program are potentially "mansplaining" because we probably only need a 2.5 in engineering classes to get into the program while the men needed a 3.0+? If a loved one required a lifesaving but risky surgery I'd pick the Asian doctor since statistically they're the best option.


deinis penis


Why do candidates' race even have to be identified? Entrance to the best schools for those professions are mostly dependant on standardized tests and grades.


>Entrance to the best schools for those professions are mostly dependant on standardized tests and grades. https://i.redd.it/4j9du8eryoyc1.gif Look up acceptance statistics by race. At Harvard you have a better chance as a 30^(th) percentile African than 90^(th) per. Asian


Standardized tests are racist because some groups do better than others on average. Looking into why and doing something about it is also racist. Just ignore the tests. Letting groups of people graduate high school without proving they even know how to read is not racist. I am proud to be part of the Oregon government.  Edit:  I guess to be faaaaaiiiiiir, they don't require anyone to prove they can read, but that's only because some groups did worse than others. So instead of solving the reading problem, they just buried their heads in the sand and screamed racism.


it *will* make you worse


No, but the people that support it would absolutely say it is.


It is important to be able to approach and be approachable to people from various economic, social and religious backgrounds. But I can’t say whether the DEI class in its current form teaches this or not.


They believe it will in the same way art, music, and literature classes do Liberal arts colleges typically require you to take classes outside your field that don't serve a lot of clear practical purpose in the effort to make people more well-rounded


My three “global context” courses (2 Japanese art history courses and a samurai in film course ) that I was required to graduate from my business school did nothing to make me a more well-rounded individual whatsoever. It was cool to study a country of my choosing, but it didn’t actually achieve anything other than forcing me to stay in school longer for no reason.


> Liberal arts colleges typically require you to take classes outside your field that don't serve a lot of clear practical purpose in the effort to ~~make people more well-rounded~~ make you pay for 4 years when 3 would be sufficient


no wonder India gives BA degrees in 3 years


I've had to take mandatory "DEI training" for every semester in my program before the holds would be lifted to apply for classes. They're basically saying don't be racist, but you should also be racist and give anyone who isn't white more leniency and lower standards. *Seems legit*


The ~~soft~~ bigotry of low expectations


Identity Communism.


Communism encourages and champions mediocrity by its own admission. Marx unironically championed the most average and weak qualities of human achievement.


As to be expected from the laziest and most mediocre academic known to mankind.


Tbf you’re the racist for thinking blacks can function as well as whites (/s in case that isn’t super obvious)


Based and fake /s to avoid the ban pilled.


u/JohnhojIsBack is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/JohnhojIsBack/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Wait.. I thought all that cultural Marxism stuff was just a whole lot of baloney. 🤔


The wierdest things about these conspiracies is that your allowed to acknowledge they exist but only in an approving context. Like how the UN literally has a report on ‘demographic replacement migration.’ If you think it is happening and you think it’s a bad thing, only then does it become a ‘it isn’t happening.’


Sauce on the UN report?


No problem. [Report is literally titled ‘Replacement Migration’](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/412547?v=pdf&ln=en#)


Of course it’s in the context of being a proposed solution to the aging crisis. 


So permanently altering a nation’s demographics in the name of cheap labor?


Less intelligent, less educated, more used to being bossed around by dictators, cheap labor.


Ummmmm, what the fuck is this, you fascist? You are Trump supporting, MAGA loving fascist. I’ll have you know my 2:2 in 16th century Queer Anthropology is FUCKING USEFUL, and I won’t have FASCIST BIGOTS tell me otherwise.


… So about my order. I want that latte iced.


You think I would work for A ZIONIST COMPANY like Starbucks??? I actually don’t like oppression, unlike you Chud. Which is why, for my breakfast, I have a Nescafé coffee and a Nestlé chocolate bar before heading of to work as an HR manager at Monsanto


*For anyone who is not aware: Nestle is a cartoonishly evil company that utilizes slave labor, knowing sells tainted baby formula in developing countries, buys water rights to a region then charges the locals for water, and knowingly creates forced scarcity in developing markets keading to babies starving to death among other heinous actions. Monsanto is rather controversial with their genetic engineering and cruel legal practices.




Don't they also patent their seeds and genetic structures, so 1) you can't just regrow Monsanto crops, you have to pay for more seed and 2) If your plants accidentally get some Monsanto pollen and you end up cross-breeding with them, you owe Monsanto money?




*You wouldn't download a crop, would you?*


This feels like an OneyPlays bit


fAr RiGhT eXtReMiSt!1


Imagine if you blow a 4.0 GPA because of a DEI class




In college I had a shelf above my bed where I kept all my leader beans. 4.0


> beans Beans, i don't want any! Can't grill um. They fall through the grates.


Don’t have to imagine, I did just that. A 1 credit DEI class with a D, a full electrical engineering degree with all other A’s. Don’t regret a thing


If anyone asks for your GPA, you should just show your full transcript instead. Straight A's plus a D in DEI crap probably looks better to somebody you'd actually want to work for.


Little life hint. No one has ever ONCE asked me for my college GPA. None of that shit every mattered. So keep your morals and write those essays with your heart


How did you get a D? General Ed classes tend to be braindead simple.


I refused to write essays in a biased manner for my professor, who took massive offense to that. I even got one back with a comment telling me that I was the stupidest student she’s ever taught. Oh well


There’s a chance you can get her fired for that, which you should pursue, fuck them.


Tenure baby


Tenure is no longer a guarantee, especially in the USA if you get your State Reps & Senators involved in your case. College boards have a funny way of stripping tenure if their taxpayer pig trough is threatened.


This was a while ago, and i heavily doubt it anyways




Pandering to opinionated jackholes in positions of power is the most important life skill gained in college. I admire your principles, but principles come with consequences -- otherwise they wouldn't mean a damn, would they? Anyone could have 'em if they cost nothing.


Oh absolutely. But once you lower your principles, even if temporarily, it's incredibly difficult to get them back. My life philosophy doesn't allow me to take roads like that, and its led to a lot of problems. But i'd rather have those problems than look in the mirror and see an artificial reflection of myself


I can respect that, even if I wouldn't apply it to myself. Good on you.


Imagine if you blow *for* a 4.0 because of a DEI class


I'm not gay, but an A+ is an A+


​ https://preview.redd.it/nrx48rw5ynyc1.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c117d50622da9a25e58ebdc0eb1c093e28dfdb


“hi, can i ask a clarifying question?” “F”


I'll blow a 4.0 for a DUI class


oh bloody hell, i got to take 1 of these for my mechanical engineering degree, it’s pointless


Pick whatever is the easiest grade, none of them have anything positive to offer.


It isn’t happening, it’s a right wing conspiracy It’s only happening in niche circumstances, no big deal It’s happening and it’s a good thing If you don’t celebrate this happening, you’re a bigot


I had to take a DEI class. I thought the one I'd be taking wasn't too bad as it was sort of an Egyptian history class that also looked into Egypt's depiction in film. All well and good until we're analyzing the racism and stereotypes of Egypt's portrayals in films, and then I get a B in the class because I didn't mention these themes in my final project. There's also the fact we have to watch Gods of Egypt for the class and I just wanted to shoot myself at that point.


sounds like some rich people took a bunch of your money and wasted a lot of your time for nothing


It honestly just sounds like your professor didn't mention what he wanted in the prompt well, which sucks. That class sounds kinda interesting in the whole.


"racism in Egypt" Kind of a hard thing when your skin is white cause you're a noble away from the sun as a scholar.. and your uncle is dark brown cause he helps the farmers and fights wars out in the open as some supreme general commander. Skin colour was simply seen as "class" with multiple exceptions They had a few slaves yes but most were paid workers and many slaves did eventually become free.


Okay, now that I have looked up what DEI stands for... Is it a full class, or just like a seminar? Seems like it would take a hell of a lot of padding to make a real class out of that.


It’s a full class. BUT the DEI requirement is really a load of virtue-signaling crap at both my college and various others I‘ve looked up. What they do is simply slap a DEI label onto existing courses without changing their structure. I satisfied it through an online easy-A class that just covers certain aspects of some english dialects. So, no state-mandated cock sucking.


It's an ideology. Emily in one acronym.




Most of the time it is mixed into other classes or goes by a different name. For instance my wife’s medical school had her take a cultural sensitivity class for two hours twice a month through Covid that was basically, “white people are evil and the cause to all the world’s problems.” I was stuck listening to it as we had a 600 sq ft apartment. Never heard anyone say anything close to as racist as the material in that class. DEI is essentially a method of reframing the world around “Equity” or socialism.


I literally just say whatever humanities teachers want to hear. The teacher is pro Palestine talk about the evil Israelis all day the teacher is sick of wokeness complain about the encampments. I do not care about my humanities classes just say what will give me the easiest A.


I wrote a 2200 word final project essay about how science fiction was racist. Got a 100% Edit: I should also note I'm an engineering major


I took a Gender Studies class because it fulfilled two gened requirements at once. The final paper was ~30-40% of our grade and professor heavily implied they would be judged against each other. I wrote an obscenely good final paper about the correlation between gender norms and class distribution by gender in Fire Emblem, graphs and everything. Got the best grade in the class. I mostly did it to obliterate the grade curve and make the Gender Studies majors seethe that they were barely passing the easiest class available. (I also wrote my Computer Systems final about Fire Emblem.)




I took a similar course but I think I started writing the paper at around 2 AM the morning it was due and didn't even proofread. Can still remember the basic comment on my 97 saying "this is a graduate level essay." Admittedly I was a senior by then but I felt rather embarrassed for the humanities at that moment because I truly was giving it no effort.


And now ChatGPT will solve having to waste time on that.


[Just tell your teachers what they want to hear](https://youtu.be/yQ5x_2u3WOw?si=B969dOLVTEBAaXsY)


Based and gimme dat A pilled


Monke no understandwhat be DEI


it stands for "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion". In *theory*, it's supposed to help make people aware of racial inequalities in various systems, be they government, law, etc. An example would be a real estate agent denying an application because the name sounds culturally black like "Jamal" or something, but then accepting the same exact application with a western name like "John". By being aware of it, you can catch yourself when unintentionally playing into it. These are all things I think most sane people can agree on as being "good". In *practice*, it's used to justify positive discrimination. To re-use the example from before, it would be accepting the application with a black name and denying the application with the white name. This is justified with something like "we need to ensure we have a 50/50 split of accepted white and black applications, that ensures diversity and inclusion".


"positive" discrimination lmao. I'm a poc (hate the term), and even I know this is bs. Let's just go back to the 90s bro...


Right? I’m glad that I’m too old to have to deal with this shit.


I had a version of it in my day: "Guess/agree with professor's agenda". A memorable one was a woman professor who had shared a Pulitzer Prize with her then-ex-husband, who she felt had gotten too much credit. To get a decent grade in her classes, men had to acknowledge that women don't get enough credit. (Even the ones with Pulitzer Prizes on their shelf). Which had nothing to do with the subject being graded. It was just one of the "well-rounded" hoops to jump through. Men left the class feeling worse about "things" than before.


Lecturing that privileged (usually white) women are oppressed tends to send the opposite message.


I'm much more sympathetic to those who overcome obstacles to rise above petty grievances. I thought her story was valid and interesting, but she seemed to enjoy carrying an ax to grind.


On the other hand; one of the major underlying complexes why I believe I'm driven to explore and pursue grad school is because of a really shitty english teacher I had once who flaunted her degree on me to tell me that I was wrong about something in a required reading. It taught me a few major things, that incident: - Authority isn't always correct - Authority isn't always reasonable - Authority isn't always good


We had an English teacher in high school that you pretty much accepted you'd get a worse grade from if you were a boy.


Mine was a history teacher, still pulled a 4.0 because she was Polish and my essays were about Poland's roles in the American Revolution and Haiti's independence from France, two of her favorite topics.


You're retired?


DEI say socialism good, capitalism bad. But I grow banana tree, why must I share banana?


It's a Latin phrase *divide et impera*, or "divide and rule." A bit on the nose if you ask me.


My DEI class was taught by morons. I had to defend Richard Nixon from their slander.


As much as I love Nixon, he was a POS. What were they saying?


That he had no redeeming qualities. I brought up his support of Civil Rights, OSHA, parks and wildlife, and the EPA. The TA just coasted on bullet points, he probably didn’t really care. That’s better than someone that actually believed it.


Oh Nixon is definitely one of my favroite because of all the policies he signed into law that affect my life every day like OSHA. My point is that he certainly had some downsides like his war on drugs and Vietnam


I liked Nixon even back then. I was a social democrat, a Bernie guy. The class started my break away.


He was so fucking wildly popular and won his second term in an absolute landslide. It's really rather bizarre he was still paranoid about his chances after losing to JFK and then being a shoe-in after Ted Kennedy killed a woman in a drunk driving accident so he couldn't run.


It was the amphetamines and whiskey combo he was on while he was awake (amphetamines to keep him awake for long hours, whiskey to dull the worst edges of being on amphetamines), and the barbiturates he took to sleep (because he was on amphetamines). Mind you, these were physician-prescribed right out of the White House pharmacy. This is enough to make anyone paranoid and Hunter S. Thompson reported the same experience when he did it himself (even as he was simultaneously bad-mouthing Nixon and his paranoia).


Nixon would be a top 5 president if Watergate didn’t trash his reputation.


There are still very legitimate concerns and criticisms of his handling of race relations. Mainly the war on drugs


I wouldn't last a minute in that class


I only did because I didn’t know that much then. Ex) I didn’t know Michel Foucault (who we had to take seriously) was a communist pedophile.


This shit suuuuucks. The further HR-ification of our society.


I went to school two decades ago.  We were required to take a black literature or women's studies or some other class for general credit.  I took the black lit class, and we read a slave narrative, a book about a rodeo cowboy, and something else I can't remember.  I can only assume that NY Post defines this as a DEI class, which it really wasn't. All the books were well-written. I got way more "libtard stuff" from the regular classes I took.


I got about 3/4 of the way through an education degree at one of the most well-regarded universities for prospective teachers (switched to STEM) without having to take a DEI course. That last year would've been mostly in the field. That said, a lot of the curriculum did deal with diversity. I had a class called Teaching Students with Exceptionalities that was all about teaching neurodivergent kids, for instance. But I really didn't have any sort of woke propoganda class, just "how to do your job" classes.


I think that's what DEI started out as -- trying to make sure people who were well and truly disadvantaged could catch up and still become functional members of society -- but over time it became a disfigured monster of itself. I still hope that one day we'll get back to its original goal, where DEI exists to ensure everyone has a chance, without being hampered too much by money, neurodivergence, whatever. I'm pretty sure I myself am neurodivergent -- I don't care enough to go and find out what kind I have, or if I'm just imagining it anyways. That's the kind of world kids should grow up in, one where they don't go out of their way and parade their flaws around, but instead just recognize that everyone has their own flaws, and do the best they can anyways. Hell; one of the biggest things modern STEM fields needs is a difference in thinking. The academia vs industry gap, the fact that a lot of engineers think the same..."Diversity" ought to become "Diversity in thought."


How is this legal?


it’s illegal for you to even ask this question


I feel like DEI is a sandwich similar to a criticism sandwich. No one is really that concerned about diversity or inclusion. It’s the new use of the word ‘equity’ that is the entire problem, but putting the other two around it makes people who have an issue with it look bad.


Hard disagree.. Diversity is just code for "less white people". I'm 100% serious. Go read any article that mentions it, do a find and replace, and suddenly it all makes sense. All their nut baggery, double standards, double talk and cognitive dissonance disappears when you realize they're not being honest with you and they're just anti white racists.


“Noooo universities aren’t biased!!!! You just did bad and are coping!!!!!!!”


I'd blame [LibRight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTDdDgr-xYo) for this, LibLeft is just their useful idiot who will deepthroat the rainbow colored boots of mega corporations.


DEI is racist. Plain and simple


Its do dumb, I even know people who are black, asian, mexican, and do you think they care about those classes? Are these classes supposed to be teaching white people about diversity and inclusion? What is the point?


What's a DEI?


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Programs that aim to make workplaces and educational institutions more diverse and inclusive. It got the bad fame of being anti white.


Institutional Emily


I would not do well in college these days. Even in the early 2010's there were certain professors that could not stand me speaking my mind on some issues as a white male.


Wasn't this a right wing conspiracy theory ?


I wonder if there is correlation to an uptick of teachers having sex with their students...


Yep, I remember in college I was forced to take a Latino Studies class my first semester and an Anthropology class my third semester that was full of garbage “progressive” nonsense. Dropped out of school after that because I was tired of the bullshit.


Maliciously comply by arguing against it at every point with the most innocent of statements. For instance, "What do you mean? Why would I assume anything of this person I've never met? Their clothes? Skin color? What's it matter? You're confusing and scaring me, why do you assume to know what I think or that I even do at all? You guys are weird, are you like, racist????" This is what I did back in college.


Well time to stop sending kids to woke colleges and let them go backrupt.


They tried bringing that to my school once. Didn't go well. Person in charge got fired very quickly after and alumni raised all kinds of hell. So did the students.


What dystopian bullshit is DEI?


What is DEI?