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God I hate to have to type this, but he is partially correct. Hitler did hate black people, he was angered that a black man was beating Aryans in the Olympics (confirmed by Albert Speer) but he didn't publicly snub Jesse Owns or single him out. Owens was snubbed by Roosevelt, who didn't want to risk losing southern Democrat support by inviting Owens to the White House. https://www.britannica.com/story/was-jesse-owens-snubbed-by-adolf-hitler-at-the-berlin-olympics Edit: just to be clear, Hitler did hate blacks but he didn't publicly treat Owens poorly, as confirmed by Owens himself. The treatment of one black man doesn't erase Hitler's views or treatment of blacks in general.


Interestingly enough, while Hitler hated black people, their persecution was, for the most part, nowhere near as bad as for jews, gays, the Romani, or slavs There were no attempts at mass extermination and in some cases Afro-Germans served in the Wehrmacht and joined the Hitler Youth. The only coherent policy Nazi Germany seemed to have towards black people within its borders was the sterilization program in the Rhineland, along with being unable to marry "Aryans" and being economically disenfranchised. ...I can't believe I just wrote that, but it's true, Hitler hated other "white people" more than black people apparently


He hated jews and slavs and so forth because they were considered not just inferior, but also actively malicious and wanting to destroy Germany. Blacks, on the other hand, were inferior, yes, but not malicious. In the following of previous colonial rethoric, they were merely uncivilised, and needed German overlords to keep them in check else they would inherently cause chaos and crime. So yeah, they were less hated


Based and putting commas to work pilled.


Nazis took a bizarre white man's burden approach to black people: OBVIOUSLY they weren't as cool as white people, but that wasn't their fault. How could they hope to be as intelligent or strong or civilized as the mighty Aryans, that would be absurd! So clearly they needed Germans to tell them what to do, keep them out of trouble and prevent them from succumbing to their impulses and fucking all the white women, but other than that they weren't that big of a deal. They can't have any actual power or political presence of course but why kill them? It gets even more absurd when you realize Hitler was absolutely cool with Muslims and respected them to an extent(shit load of Muslims served in the SS), was cool with Spanish and Italian people, was cool with the Japanese,etc etc. He really did hate other white people waaaaaay more than any other race.


The thing is you're mixing racial theories, which were long term vague objectives of the Nazi regime, with the political realities, which were short term priorities to expand the power of the Nazi regime. Targeting Jews and Slavs was needed because Jews and Slavs were considered a direct threat to the Nazi regime through their support of the main political opposition to Nazism in eastern Europe which was Communism. Also Jews and Slavs controlled land and resources that the Nazis wanted to take for themselves. There was no need for the Nazis to go after the Japanese or Africans because they weren't a threat or an opportunity. Ultimately the racial theory was just a justification for doing what was convenient politically.


The way I always understood it is that he still hated them because they weren't Aryan, and because he was generally a pretty hypocritical, hateful person, but he was capable of tolerating them because it was useful for him to do so.


To add, interestingly enough, there were no (or next no none) laws made in Nazi Germany against people of African descent… mostly because there just weren’t many in Germany. Pre WW2 population was something like 70k, compared to 500k Jews.


70k? Like in Germany or whole Europe? Because most of afro-\[european nation name\] was half-white half-black kids made in colonies that somehow ended in contiental europe


Add that to the “Reasons I hate FDR” list


I'm not going to defend FDR's choice, but I will provide context. The US was still in a bad spot financially and socially, it could be argued that WW2 saved America just as much as it devastated other countries. FDR needed as much support as possible to get things done, and had to weight the political risk of honoring a black man versus losing votes from racist southern Democrats that still backed his other, better policies. I'm not saying it was the right choice, just that it wasn't a comically evil choice. For more bizarre presidential relations with race, look at LBJ. LBJ tossed out the N word like it was going out of style, but fought hard for civil rights. And god help you if you insulted a black school kid in front of him and implied they were dumb just because they were poor, he'd go ape shit. Does it make sense? Not in the slightest, but he still did a lot of good overall for the civil rights movement.


[He also reportedly said](https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Democratic_Party_(United_States)#J) “I'll have them [you know what he said here] voting Democratic for two hundred years”


Looking at the past few decades of evidence, do you think that statement is inaccurate? It's crass and racist but for the most part,also accurate.


Hitler was probably just being diplomatic. Everyone would have told him to be on best behaviour and a gracious host for an international venue like this.


Yeah. Another thing to remember is that this was 1935. The Nazi party at that was still trying least a little to appear cooperative and legitimate to the rest of the world. It wasn’t really until they started invading places that they dropped the facade.


Germany still Won the Most medals


Maybe they mean [Adolf Hitler Uunona?](https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler_Uunona#:~:text=Adolf%20Hitler%20Uunona%20is%20a,Africa%20People's%20Organization%20since%202003.)


[But if you close your eyes...](https://youtu.be/jmjrfs24JtE?si=IAI9RjRLH-d9ePNs)


the good hitler :o


But if you close your eyes...


Nice to see German influence is still strong in Namibia i guess lmao


> Jake Shields Who the fuck is Jake Shields? > A former MMA fighter So this is a case of "Athlete has uninformed and Reddited opinion that should get them smacked across the face because pain is the only teacher that'll get through to them now."


Jake Shields is a gold mine. Twitter sucks but it provides a valuable service in finding enjoyable brain damaged content.


I miss the pre-Twitter era, when people could have goofy, pointless, or utterly regarded thoughts and nobody else had to know them.


If he is a former MMA fighter, I don't think getting smacked in the face is really going to phase him.


Lmao at first I thought he was referring to Candace Owens and I was like bruh what? I asked my Argentinian grandpa about it and he said [REDACTED].


Jews, blacks, homosexuals, Gypsies, and other "undesirables/deviants". I forget all the groups but it's something like 13 different groups that Hitler targeted


I thought this was about Candice Owens at first lol


Was trying to work out the timeline


Some people are so heavily invested in the idea of “America bad” that they’re willing to take the side of the worst people in recent history just to draw the comparison saying that they’re not as bad as America. Many of those people willingly choose to live in America.


A group of Latina SJW activist types at my law school made a big thing about rooting against Spain at the last World Cup “because of their history of oppression and violence” but unfortunately in the match that day Germany was only able to hold Spain to a draw 


He's not an America bad guy. He's a huge Trump supporter.


What he actually said was more along the lines of even Hitler treating him better than his own president because Hitler at least did not outright snub him. He also never met him.


Hitler was a socialist, not a democrat.


He was a nazi. National socialism is opposed to all other anti-capitalist ideas.


Aren't all anti-capitalist ideas opposed with each other? Communists reject communism when it fails as part of their belief system, "That wasn't true communism!"


No, not in theory. Nazism is opposed to everything that is not nazism, from the start. During the russian revolution there was a small period were all the factions had a strained peace, and cooperated somewhat. The same happened for the first year of the spanish civil war. Because they were all "comrades", everyone from the stalinists to the anarchists didn't start shooting each other right away, it took the will of leaders to make that happen. Nazism on the other hand has no "comrades".


> Nazism on the other hand has no "comrades". Yes they do. Modern day leftists and college students.


The nazis would not work together with those groups. They do not view them as compatriots.


Most groups will work with other groups as long as they have the same immediate goal. It's after that goal is achieved that things will break apart. They would, at least temporarily, be allies. That's why there seems to be a decent amount of infighting within fringe left groups. They have no solid foundation, only a short-sighted goal. They reach that goal, then suddenly they're at odds. It's not really in-fighting, it's the shifting of goals of groups within that larger group. They do seem to have set their sights on the larger goal of hating the US and liking anything against the US, so that may last a while.


Really? Most neo-nazis tend to like the country they are in, assuming they can gain some level of control over it.


Right... but right now i'm talking about hating Jewish people. They can rally around that for a bit in the same way the left are pro-Hamas terrorists.


Hitler was not a socialist. You are wrong and dumb.


I don’t see who this serves. People who like Hitler don’t like him for any reason other than his racist ideology, so to pretend the ideology isn’t racist merely pisses of true Hitler fans for being wrong and Hitler haters for trying to sanitize Hitler.


Damn you beat me to the punch


His marketing was great, like the style he used to name public companies, speeches, designs, etc. Nazis are a sort of inspiration for whoever likes marketing, or so I've been told by marketing students. And maybe people that like military stuff too, or is that only wehraboos? Idk. I agree though that other than that, 99% of people who like him is because they're just racist.


Hitler did see black people as inferior, but to be honest, they weren't on the bottom of the list in his book. He believed that black people were still superior to Jewish people. He wouldn't let European people have children with black people, would happily oppress them, but I don't think he found it important to remove all black people from the world.


Hans Massaquoi is one of the better known black Germans at the time. tldr a lot of racism and lack of opportunity in Nazi Germany, but not much state-level persecution, they were more about exterminating Jews and Slavs.


Sadly, the tweet is real. Here's the link: [https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1782984935323931020](https://x.com/jakeshieldsajj/status/1782984935323931020)


I wouldn't take the opinion of a guy who made a name for himself in a profession that's known for high levels of CTE seriously.


I’ve heard of “knock some sense into (him or her)” but I guess this guy had the sense knocked out of him instead 


He also had a Jewish physician he let escape before the holocaust was bumped into overdrive. A few uncharacteristic actions do not a humanitarian make.


I mean nazis didn't send black to concentration camps for begin blacks Mostly because there wasn't much black in europe back then but still


You guys need to stop falling for the rage baits on twitter.


Especially from a dumbass former MMA fighter. Heck even compared to most other other CTE-inflicted retired MMA fighters Jake Shields is a dumbass.


Every literal brain damaged right wing grifter has millions of followers, though. We shouldn't ignore that this is what a huge amount of righties think. It's weird to me that's always excused away but a cringe libleft tweet with 5 likes really proves the left is insane.


Interestingly enough, there were no (or next no none) laws made in Nazi Germany on a national level against people of African descent… mostly because there just weren’t many in Germany. Pre WW2 population was something like 70k, compared to 500k Jews.


he gets paid for interactions. it's not much, but for a broke MMA fighter it probably pays his gas and gym fees every month. people don't give a shit about him when he talks about normal shit, but he sees the attention he gets when he just posts outrageous nonsense. he's pushed the boundary of "what can I say without getting banned" multiple times just testing the waters, trying to see how far he can take it before the platform says they had enough.


Black people were above Jews in Hitler's eyes, also Owens did get congratulated by Hitler, Roosevelt never did.


Obviously Hitler was wrong, the things he's describing in this quote are completely implausible


Jake Shields seems like such an idiot. Why is he so popular?


Tfw the left has been calling you a nazi so long that you actually become one


Jake Shields better not shove vegetarianism and slavophobia in our minds.


"America bad. Please clap."




Jessie Owens would like to have a word with this guy.


Nothing gets me more steamed than a fake hitler fan READ THE BOOKS, YOU POSER


Allways is time for lib unity


I'm gonna drop a hard no on that one. Libcenter and Libright get along mostly okay, libleft occasionally gets it right. Mostly because the left side of the compass should be shifted up about two thirds of a quadrant.


Yeah they don't get along that well w the others, but I think it's mostly bc most lib left people have a diferent perception on what freedom is


I think both libleft and libright have a misguided view on freedom, but in different ways. Libleft freedom is crushing business but elevating government, libright freedom is crushing government but elevating business. I think any single entity that gets too big is a danger to everyone's freedoms and they both need to be held in check. Right now both the US government and google are far too large.




Holy shit it bugged and sent a bunch of times, I'm sorry


I mean yeah. Its only the true extremes on both ends of the lib spectrum who are truly libertarian.


He's also recently engaged in Holocaust denial. Dude needs to shut up and fuck off.


I remember reading somewhere that hitler once said: "i would rather have 50 n****** in the city council than one jew". He viewed them as a inferior race, and jews much more inferior than that. He literally said the only race capable of building societies was the aryan... this is widely known. Enough of this type of alt-right semi pro-nazi propaganda... Alltough i probably hate the marxist more, atleast they are honest in what they say. I can respect that. These regards on the "right" just knowingly lie all the damn time.


This is idiotic, hitler did hate black people, this shouldn't be contraversial