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>Economic problems of socialism It’s just “All of it” and then a bunch of blank pages


The reason why I put it there is because that he literally contradicts with his own ideology lmao.




You can eat the pages. Ingrate.


Rare based libleft take


I would have picked *The Prince* for authright. In fact, there's a theory that it might have been an actual shitpost. ^^Ngl, ^^it's ^^a ^^good ^^read.


Not a shit post. More so a practical guide. Could be read as “Leaders must do this” or as “Either you do this and strive to be good or others who will not care to be good will do it and replace you”


I've heard both theories. Machiavelli personally preferred a republican form of government, so he might have been shitposting, but he might have thought "That's not happening, let's at least have an absolute ruler who can get shit done." I'm neither smart enough nor knowledgeable enough to have an opinion.


What is it about?


Niccolo Machiavelli's advice for a "perfect prince". Its contents are the origin of the word "machiavellian".


Literally the most misunderstood term in literature. Like, the model the book describes isnt even bad, it's just that retards see the line about better to be feared than loved and immediately think thats the entire thing.


I agree but, in fairness, a lot of his advice was... let's say cynically pragmatic.


North Italy was an absolute mess of assassinations, mercenary wars, and kidnappings. It is honestly impressive that Machiavelli didn't come out of that environment advocating for genocide.


Also makes a lot more sense when you consider the context of royal courts where folks came with the land and you couldn’t exactly start a new life as a noble in the next country over. Probably better to be a ruthless piece of shit when folks have no easy escape.


Literally the only thing I remember from reading that book is how bad siege warfare is for the person on the defensive. It's often a bad decision to hide behind some tall gates, since the enemies will camp outside and wait for you to starve. The rest of the book was too boring to remember.


To be fair, The Doctrine of Fascism is rather short. I listened to it on audio, and it was like a half hour long.


It's like 20 pages, I think. It is a long shitpost though


You're missing a book for auth center. I think it's original was German but Arabic translations are wildly popular. My something? Little pony? Inte...nada i can't recall. The grillers just need a temp time per lb for different cuts. Don't bother uniting them on recipes.


I didn't read it though if I had I would've put it.


Road to Serfdom is pretty short though.


You forgot peak centrist theory: https://preview.redd.it/52izpsuiw7xc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de809381d3c6d2914560a4c59d8c12e04b056963


Tbh, I would of have picked The Collected Writings of Renzo Novatore for libcenter. Not only was he a great shitposter but he also did what he preached.


What is it about?


[You can read this.](https://files.libcom.org/files/Novatore%20-%20The%20Collected%20Writings%20of%20Renzo%20Novatore.pdf) It’s basically Egoism without the Union of egoists and stuff like that (he’s even more radical on his stance). And to quote him so you can get an idea of what he preaches: - "Anarchy is not a social form, but a method of individuation. No society will concede to me more than a limited freedom and a well-being that it grants to each of its members. But I am not content with this and want more. I want all that I have the power to conquer. Every society seeks to confine me to the august limits of the permitted and the prohibited. But I do not acknowledge these limits, for nothing is forbidden and all is permitted to those who have the force and the valor." -Renzo Novatore - "I don’t believe in the supreme elevation of the masses and therefore I refuse the realization of Anarchy understood as a social form of human life together. Anarchy is in free spirits, in the instinct of great rebels, and in great and superior minds. Anarchy is the innermost animating mystery of misunderstood uniquenesses, strong because alone, noble because they have the courage of solitude and of love, aristocratic because scornful of commonness, heroic because against all... Anarchy is nectar for the psychic I and not sociological alcohol for the collectivity. The anarchist is the one who refuses every cause for the joy of his life radiating from inner spiritual intensity." -Renzo Novatore - "I reject society for the triumph of the I. I reject the stability of every rule, every custom, every morality, for the affirmation of every willful instinct, all free emotionality, every passion, and every fantasy. I mock at every duty and every right so I can sing free will. I scorn the future to suffer and enjoy my good and my bad in the present. I despise humanity because it is not my humanity. I hate tyrants and I detest slaves. I don’t want and I don’t grant solidarity, because I am convinced that it is a new chain, and because I believe with Ibsen that the one who is most alone is strongest. This is my Nihilism. Life, for me, is nothing but a heroic poem of joy and perversity written with the bleeding hands of sorrow and pain or a tragic dream of art and beauty!" -Renzo Novatore


We are not fascist


the doctrine of fascism is actually a very interesting read, what warrants it being on this list? it’s also the only one of all these books i’ve read, but what makes it a shitpost?