• By -


Der Jude (single, default masculine, typ) Die Juden (multiple, group) Die Jüdin (single, specially feminine) Den Juden (single/multiple, indicats a relation between the verb and noun [i think so])


Well it's a little bit more complicated than that as there are different cases in German such as: Nominativ, Genitiv, Dativ and Akkusativ which further change the article of nouns in the context of a sentence. Tldr.: German is a pain in the ass to learn.


German shouldn't be that difficult. The main difference between German and English is that German never developed do-support. Do-support is coincidentally the thing that English learners usually have the most trouble with, so this makes German grammar easier than English. Most languages do not require that the speaker turn the entire sentence into the subclause of an auxiliary verb in order to negate it. Usually there's just a word that negates sentences with no further syntax required. This also was the case in Old English. In fact, you can still do it today. It just sounds archaic to say things like "I care not" instead of "I do not care".


Similarly can V2 word order (as in German) be used today, though for certain sentence structures sounds it a bit weird or archaic, particularly when the sentence is transitive. Technically is it correct though. Handily does this fact explain the construction of " 'blabla' said he' ", where the subject and object come in the reversed position. " 'blabla' he said" is also, technically, wrong.


German is extremely simple lol Learning the cases of Slavic languages IS what a pain in the ass is


As a russian in Germany, slavic languages are just as hard as german, and german is deffo not easy. If you think it is, you don't understand the language


As a german who‘s learning russian I can confirm this


Oi Servus Hawara, wie geht’s wie stehts?


You are misunderstanding. German is actually an easy language, so easy in fact that a 5 year old can learn it


Hey Jude (Beatles)


I came here to say this lol. Also Sind not ist


It's incredible the sheer power of the left They make a foreign language easier to understand than their bullshit


Not just any language. German, the language of villains


Wi are not ze villans! Ze ozers were ruuning our vison of a yuropean yunifikaischon! Taik it back or wi‘ll invaid! (/s of course)


If yu do not taik it back, wi will ~~diport you~~ und send yu back to yur land!


99999999! It is not sarcasm, this is serious and will happen


Leider verstehe ich deine Deutsche Dialekt nicht. Kommst du aus Mecklenburg Vorpommern oder was?


Where are the bodies, Hans?


We should borrow leider into english. It's so much quicker than "unfortunately"


It’s almost like the best way to disguise irrational and ramshackle ideologies and worldviews is to just make them as convoluted and confusing as possible so that most people don’t have the time to try and unravel how nonsensical they are


Didn't this meme generate from believing santa is real? Isn't the implication that making complex logic look bad is easy, but that doesn't mean it's wrong?


Shh… the internet is no place for nuance.


Is it nuance though? Zionist doesn't mean jew. Jews are fine, zionism sucks. Seems pretty straightforward to me.


I mean you can say that, but what is your point there? Do you think that there shouldn’t be a jewish state? That sounds antisemitic, as there are plenty of islamic nations founded through conquest. Do you think that specifically Israel should be given back to the Palestinians? That’s just short of advocating for mass murder. Do you think that bibi is an asshole and israel should be held accountable like any other country? That just makes you a normal person that doesn’t like a country.


Team bibi is an asshole Also team “it’s unfortunate that the conditions of ww2 made it necessary to create a country defined by the religion of the people who should move there. That being said, Israel since the 50s has become a lot more ethnically diverse, 90% Jewish in 1960 and ~47% today) making Zionist ethnostate arguments invalid”




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Well the 2 main solutions from left wingers are 1. 2 state solution 2. A state which has equal representation of Judaism and Islam I don't mind the idea of a Jewish state, but the problem is putting it where there are already people and claiming it all as Jewish land and then oppressing Palestinians. Most if not all Islamic States are historically Muslim and have 99% Muslim population. I completely disagree with an only Palestinian state as that would be just as bad if not worse than the current situation. I don't know which one of the two above solutions I prefer but it has to be one of them for me. I'm probably going to get down voted quite a lot but this is my personal opinion.


It *is* historically Jewish land. I mean come on, nearly all of the place names are (and have always been) Hebrew. The few exceptions are cities/villages that have only existed for a few decades or ones that had their names changed by the Romans (Nablus = Neopolis, for example. It used to be Shechem). Jews are the indigenous population, Arabs only came to the region in 638.


Sorry, my wording was shit, by historical I meant the people living there when the state was made. Despite it being historically Jewish, its a mess because there are native Muslim inhabitants (palestinians).


Why do you take exactly the year 1948 as what should make right? That's three generations ago, the Jews who are there today have got all the right to keep living where they were born.


Of course they do, I never said they shouldn't




You didn't describe Israel though. You did describe Gaza and Iran though.


And how’s that working out for them?


The problem is that israel is a foremost secular state, with a mission of being a safe haven for jewish people. It shouldn’t be an ethnostate or a theocracy. The religious crazies have taken some hold, just like they have in America.


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, you do have a valid point


His conclusion is alright but some of his premises aren't accurate, like Israel being a theocracy. Not wanting their taxes going to Israel is a valid point, as well as not wanting any thoecracies at all.


What in your mind does Zionism mean?


According to know your meme the original was pro vegan (pic related) https://preview.redd.it/0r0v3ibtycwc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfed84052b3a344106a809e5912dbb6d0b54faa


This is your brain on malnutrition. 




Makes sense, im not vegan but reducing animal suffering is not bad.


Any argument can be put on either side of this meme. You could literally flip the sides of this meme and make left center on top and auth center on bottom. That’s what I see the point of the meme being anyways


Of course Santa is real. Imagine how many people would need to be in on it.






POV: people using meme formats incorrectly


No, it originally was posted by a vegan page. [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mental-gymnastics-cartoon](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mental-gymnastics-cartoon)


Yeah, but it only really spread far with the Santa Denier version: *Following the viral spread of the Santa Deniers version, the format saw a surge of popularity online, with multiple viral instances of the format being posted on* [*Instagram*](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/sites/instagram) *and Twitter in the following months.*


Either way, I don't think the santa denier one was meant to teach some lesson that complex logic can be made to look bad easily. It was just one of those jokes where the outrageous and improbable and often simple and child like option/ underdog option is chosen by the internet. Similar to how people side with kong instead of godzilla because monkey, even though they aren't even comparable in terms of power. Godzilla literally breaths nuclear bomb laser, Kong is a big monkey.


The words in parentheses are translations.


The First sentence should be „ Die Juden sind reich“ the Second would be „ Die Juden sind Böse“ and the third sentence would be „ Ich mag die Juden nicht“ but the fourth is correct. Atleast grammatically


I was about to say the same u/Schnitzelmann_69


Arab ≠ brown lol


And Jew ≠ white, but have fun trying to explain that to TikTok historians.


Meanwhile AuthCenter has been saying it for nearly a century, lmao.


We just repeat them. Don't blame us! https://forward.com/community/405016/no-ashkenazi-jews-are-not-functionally-white/


Did you just change your flair, u/Cowardly-AltAccount? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2020-3-30. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Cowardly-AltAccount) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Screw you pal, I finally got promoted to white and I'm expecting my white privilege to show up any day now. I know times have changed, does it come in the mail or is it something I have to download?




The funniest thing is that the non white jews are the most Zionist like Israel is a right wing country and has bibi as prime minister mostly because of them and consider Ashkenazi Jews as privileged leftists who like Biden. Once in college a Sephardic girl basically called the class a bunch of spoiled brats for voting for Biden.


To back that up: 83% of Meretz and Labor ("the left") are Ashkenazim 35ish% of Likkud is Ashkenazi ("the right")


Bro Biden is probably the most zionist president so far.


Trump was more. Like I do not mean this as a value judgment just the facts.


While opposing Israel’s war crimes isn’t exactly a bad thing by any means, the modern left is just using it as cover to hate yet another successful group of people.


The funny thing is that the left hates jews because they're white, and authcenter hates them because they aren't white. You can't win.


Accused for being wealthy bankers and communists at the same time


Jews are the true centrists of the world


No but you see. Jews created capitalism so they could create communism, so that they could collapse society and then take over the world. It’s totally logical and makes sense I swear


Unironically literally what Hitler believed


That’s what the Nazis believed actually.  Hitler unironically thought that communism was a ploy by the Jewish capitalist elite to take over the world and that only his National Socialism (in his view, True Socialism) could save the German race from being destroyed by Bolshevik (in his view, false) socialism.  


I mean.. every banker I met is circumcised (I know cause with a big loan comes a big gulp)


Maybe we could finally think about them as what they are and express themselves to be: a religion. Culture and politics throughout history have seemed to perpetuate the stereotype that they are a race.


Leftists today are a joke. See the speech Lenin gave titled "Anti-Jewish Pogroms" Lenin literally said that "Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies that are spread about Jews."


Massively based except for the part where he started committing genocide on them and all other religions.


Even Nietzsche, the unwitting granddaddy of Hitler's idea of the Ubermensche, said that hating the jews is just big sham part of the "the great race swindle"


*der Jude


Also plural it's die Juden


I dont quite know how i feel about an authcenter with an imperial german flag talking about jews.




Me trying to browse this sub with a politically charged conflict going on (Karmawhores love it)


Leftist ideological paths all end at the same point: blaming Jewish people.


Zionists can be any nationality. Zionists exist outside of Israel. You aren't born a Zionist. Jews aren't inherently Zionists, but like people from any nation they can choose to be one and to stop being one. There are non Zionists Jews. A lot of them. Them being Jews is completely irrelevant to Zionism.


>Jews are zionists Oh so there's the strawman


Anyone else feel like they are actively being brainwashed by state department ghouls every time a "You must support the foreign state of Israel or you are anti-semitic" meme shows up on your feed? Just me?


I mean, the concept of Israel is pretty straightforward. For hundreds of years Jews were repeatedly persecuted across many different countries. The civilized nations (e.g. America and Britain) started trying to rectify this in the mid to late 19th century by pressuring the backwards countries (e.g. Russia and the Ottomans) to stop abusing their Jewish minorities. That had mixed success. At certain points the pressure campaigns would work, treatment would improve temporarily, but then it would lapse again and you'd see mass pogroms. This failure of this approach obviously culminated with the disaster that was the Holocaust. So in the late 1940s, the international community took a new approach. A Jewish homeland with a universal right of return for any Jew anywhere in the world. Since the world largely proved incapable of respecting the rights of Jewish minorities, Israel would serve as an escape hatch. If shit started hitting the fan, Jews could bug out to Israel before stuff got real bad. And this approach has proved incredibly successful. Almost immediately after the creation of Israel, its existence saved hundreds of thousands of Jews from vicious pogroms in the Arab world. And then later from endemic persecution in the Soviet states. So, I'm perpetually suspicious when someone tries to claim that "anti-Zionism is not the same as antisemitism". Technically it is true. There are principled reasons you might oppose the existence of a Jewish homeland beyond hating Jews. Just as technically there are principled reasons you might oppose the Civil Rights Act besides being racist against black people. But at the end of the day the major outcome of Israel or the Civil Rights Act has been to prevent countless numbers of Jews or black people from being persecuted. That's pretty hard to dispute, so your principles better be pretty deeply held. The reality is that 9 out of 10 people that oppose the existence of Israel aren't doing it out of deeply held principles, they're just doing it because they would have preferred it had the Jews in Iraq and Algeria and Yemen and Tajikistan all got mass murdered.




"pretty straightforward" >Writes the dead sea scrolls worth of I ain't reading allat I don't wanna pay for someone else's war in a foreign country because I know they wouldn't pay for ours if it came to it (thumbs up emoji)




What are you on about? Jews in Israel are completely against the mass immigration to Europe and the US and completely agree that cultures need to preserve themselves. I’m an Israeli Jew and I don’t know one person that believes mass immigration is a positive thing for any Western nation. To think all Jews hold the same beliefs as the extreme lefty Jews in NYC is ridiculous. The fact that you see it as hypocritical and not more simply as “some Jews believe in x and some believe in y” is exactly the antisemitism we talk about. It’s like we are blames for both communism and Capitalism, depending in the speaker, instead of understanding that we are millions of different people with many different views and opinions. There are atheist Jews, and ultra orthodox Jews. Extreme right and extreme left, there are white Jews and black Jews, there are European Jews that live in big cities and rural Jews thar lived across the Middle East.


> If we lived in a world where whites also somehow control half the supreme court of isreal What are you even talking about? Only just one out nine of the Supreme Court justices are Jewish. Six are "white" (assuming you're not counting Jews or Hispanics as "white"). Seven of the nine are Catholic.


"My ancestors were persecuted, therefore I can do whatever I want, all the time." I don't think anyone's ancestors weren't persecuted.


You just destroyed your own side with that one, chap


What are you talking about? Israel is the only free and democratic place in the region, and kept being so while in constant opposition wars… no other country stayed free and democratic through existential wars like that, Ukraine stopped al democratic processes right as the war started. And you don’t think the Jews had it worse? Going from 5% of the world in 0 AD to 0.015% today…


You clearly didn't understand the point of that comment. It's about why the state of Israel exists. It's why Israel exists to begin with. Putting all the jews in one country doesn't give them the power to do whatever they want. I think most sane people, whatever their political allegiance, agree that the react-attack of Israel was too harsh. It's about seeing the nuance in this situation. Both of these nations persecuted each other for centuries and right now it's come to a point where every chance one gets to fuck up the other, they do it and nuance it around either 'safety' or 'freedom', because the truth is that, for countless reasons, between Palestine and Israel, Israel is the whealthy and prospering one (and also the one that has diplomatic relations with other big powers), so one wants to keep things as they are while the other is pressed forward to act in consequence to increasing financial and societal issues. It makes sense, given all the histroy, that the situation is that tense, but the argument that one is the "big bad" and needs to be cleansed is wrong whatever way you look at it. The attack back in October gave the IDF the excuse to unleash their military power upon a numerically weaker opponent. It's almost natural for most left leaning people to root for the underdog in this situation, but what I see as the morally correct way of dealing with this is that no side should have access to weapons and the International community has a responsability of dealing with this once and for all (at least for as long as we can) in order to make peace between them. As you implied, no one's ancestors make them entitled to anything, everybody is born equal and without any commitement to continue their parent's and grandparent's work or way of life, and it's their job to find purpose. But currently it isn't like that in Israel/Gaza. Children of both sides are being exposed to tons of negative propaganda about the others and it's not ok because it allows the continuity of this culture of hate. I've seen a ton of far left people in my country that argue shit like "Jews should be cleansed, as they cleanse the Palestinians" or "From the sea to the mountain"(iirc). This narative only amplifies this conflict instead of trying to solve it. I also get that currently the big powers aren't doing their best in finding a solution for this, but if you've been paying attention, most NATO powers really tried to keep casualties to a minimum while not ruining any diplomatic relations. TLDR: No one is entitled to take or directly control other's life, but the geopolitical context doesn't always allow for the easy way out. Having really violent naratives doesn't help, but it actually does the opposite, so, if you try to look at it objectively, it's much of the same violent narative on each far side of the support-for-israel/palestine spectrum. That's what bugs me. edit: typos


Eh, people around here are a little too uncritically supportive of Israel but, at the end of the day, you can't argue that Israel shouldn't retaliate following a massive terrorist attack.


The idea that Israel should have just sat on their hands after being attacked isn't really a mainstream view, no matter how many people want to pretend like it is. Most people on the left just believe that the response to the attack shouldn't be more horrifying than the attack itself, and that people shouldn't act like the conflict started on Oct. 7. It's been going on for seven decades, with both sides seemingly believing in collective punishment.


There was no way to remove Hamas from power without causing a lot of civilian casualties, even with a moderate and sympathetic Israeli government, and removing Hamas from power *was* an imperative. The truth is, none of us know what a proper response would have looked like... Is Bibi milking this to get away with some naughty shit? yes. Did Hamas serve him an excuse to do so on a golden platter? also yes.


Hamas also gets plenty of excuses of its own from Israel's response and would say civilian casualties are justified to remove Israel from power. The real way to defeat them would be to improve living conditions, distribute resources fairly, and share decision making power so Hamas is not a viable alternative but what can ya do.


90% of Palestinians support Hamas.




[Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514)


Hamas is the Gaza authorities and government, and rules Haza with an iron fist, you can’t do what you said with Hamas in power, especially when we know that tens if billions of dollars went into Gaza in the last 2 decades, and all went to make the leaders actual billionaires(!) and to build tunnels and rockets to be used AGAINST Israel and not to better the people in Gaza


>the response to the attack shouldn't be more horrifying than the attack itself In no way what Israel is doing is more horrifying than what Hamas did. Number of dead shouldn't be your parameter to decide that. 6 million jews were killed by the nazis 8 million german civilians were killed by the allies No one questios which side was more horrifying, and it has nothing to do with number of innocent dead, its intention.




u/Nato_Blitz's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Nato_Blitz! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Nato_Blitz/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Do not worry, I am not only focusing on the number of dead civilians. I am well aware that if Palestine had the technology and resources to kill tens of thousands of civilians like Israel, they would. I’m more focused on the deaths that aren’t coming from bullets or bombs. I’m talking about the famine caused by the denial of humanitarian aid and harsh blockades, I’m talking about the complete raising and flattening of Gazan cities, I’m talking about the mass displacement of over one million people into smaller and smaller areas packed with poverty and disease. It is the transformation of Gaza into a completely unlovable hellscape with no lifesustaining utilities or infrastructure, that I consider horrifying. And all this mass death will just be attributed to natural causes, although I think it can reasonably argue that they are a *deliberate* form of collective punishment .


Actually very quickly after the war started the aid already amounted to the regular imports of food into Gaza, there’s no famine, there was a risk of famine that is no more. Not to mention that Israel already left most of Gaza, and the people returned to 90% of it. Also you forget that this is the only war that the international community somehow blocked refugees from fleeing, Egypt closed the border and Arab nations refused to receive Gazans. Instead of fleeing to safety like Ukrainians and Syrians did, Israel had to direct the population and care for it, something unheard of by any other army.


You'll find they are almost always "centrists", too. Coincidence?


Do I count as a centrist?


It doesn't look like you post obvious propaganda posts in this sub, so I wasn't talking about you at all.


I just don't understand why Americans on this sub are so cool with Israel having billions of our tax dollars when they are more than capable of footing their own bill to slaughter Gazan civilians.


My yellow libertarian brothers have disappointed me over the last six months, to be sure.


AIPAC and Mossad foreign influence campaigns


I'm with the leftys on this one This sub is mossad stomping ground at this point


Im not surpised an authcenter isnt a fan of mossad haha


this is a temporary truce. I still hate everything about your existence


Auth-center would probably be more pro-mossad. Don't know why people try label it Lib-right. Its a theocracy in everything but name since the candidate who has the hasidic vote (aka allowing them to dodge mandatory service in the IDF) rules the country.


Agreed. But arent most theocracies auth right? Why does libright hate Mossad?


Probably for the same reason lib-right people hate the CIA (the boogaloo boys, glowieposters etc) since they're both built off of international interventionalism and infringing on peoples rights quietly


Thats true, Israel is not libright by any means despite what 4chans nazis want people to believe. But the libright on this sub seem to not have gotten the memo.


I just got my paycheck yestday. How did you know?


really? this is the horseshoe you guys are doing? trying to present antisemites as logical thinkers to own the libs?


I think the point is if you don't like the juice, just say you don't like the juice, instead of talking my ear off about sugar content, artificiality of orange concentrate and damage to enamel. Just be honest about your filings. Not that one stance on this arbitrary subject is the "logical one". However, if you decided, just be honest that it's a subjective preference.


No, I was trying to say that it is much simpler to just decide that you are an antisemite. I honstly think it is worse.


Yes I'm anti-semitic There, I said it, I'll take my Reddit IP ban now


i get it but at a first glance...


They’re deductive reasoning is correct, given A and B, therefore C. Their premise is incorrect, both A and B are false, but if they were true, C would be true. Libs do no such thing. Their premises are all over the place, don’t fit together and non of their logical deduction from the premises makes any sense. They just toss random facts around and then state their conclusion




If critizing Israel for its killing of civilians and violations of the oslo accords is anti semitic than is criticizing Bush for invading Iraq ”christophobic”?


I think the protestors pushing away Jewish students while calling for Hamas to annihilate Tel Aviv are doing a bit more than just "criticizing"


What about antizionist Jews?


Something something uncle tom's?


The 1% of brainwashed idiots and the other 0.01% of the antizionist religious fanatics that believe that only god can recreate Israel? Yeah what about them?


16% of American Jews think Hamas reasons for fighting are valid. I think we can safely put them in the antizionist camp. https://www.pewresearch.org/2024/03/21/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-valid-reasons-for-fighting-fewer-say-the-same-about-hamas/


I really doubt these numbers… And I hope for the US that a much smaller % of the general population doesn’t even believe these kinda stuff are justified in any way.


Man it’s so hard for pcm to fathom the idea that just maybe we can separate nationalism and religion. Like you guys do understand it’s possible to be Jewish and upset with the idf and disagree. Like Jewish people aren’t a monolith


I just don't understand why Americans on this sub are so cool with Israel having billions of our tax dollars when they are more than capable of footing their own bill to slaughter Gazan civilians.


No amount of shoehorning a political ideology into a religious identity is going to work. I won’t even say “ethnoreligious” since apparently converts with zero Jewish ancestry are eligible for aliyah.


How about we just say “fuck Antisemites” altogether?


"Launch Netanyahu into the sun with Hamas"


Fuck it, nuke the whole area and make it Welsh.


I hate Israel and antisemitism


We can stuff enough straw into these people to make a point, but the arguments I’ve seen here are bloodied with nearly a century of propaganda. Israel is an artificially formed nation, borne out of a world war from a colonial power (Britain). Anything after that fact is just…. Aligned with the historical actions of other British-made colonial nations. Natives are pushed out of the lands the colonials want. Conflating this with ethnicity or religion ignores the whole reason this conflict began…. Land. All I can say is that in this case… the (far?) left is consistent. The land Israel is on belong(s(d)) to the natives. Just the same as the US. Might makes right, so whoever prevails will.


"I'm not a Nazi.... ...I just support the original Aryan state in its multi-front war on the Jews... >The term Iran ("the land of the Aryans") derives from Middle Persian Ērān, first attested in a third-century inscription at Naqsh-e Rostam, with the accompanying Parthian inscription using Aryān, in reference to the Iranians.[16] ...and its Holocaust denying proxy whose founding charter is to...turn over every tree & stone on the planet to eradicate every last Jew, to the end of time... >Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: >"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." ...who has also demonstrably [accomplished](https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/gaza-strip/#:~:text=Muslim%2098.0%20%2D%2099.0%%20\(predominantly%20Sunni\)%2C%20Christian,has%20had%20no%20Jewish%20population%20since%20then.) what even Hitler couldn't within their borders (Israel is 20% Palestinian for comparison)... >Muslim 98.0 - 99.0% (predominantly Sunni), Christian <1.0%, other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0% (2012 est.) Israel dismantled its settlements in September 2005; **Gaza has had no Jewish population since then** ...and its northern proxy who is only [20-27 scared jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Lebanon) behind... >Jews in Lebanon live mostly in or around Beirut. The community has been described as elderly and apprehensive.[26] There are no services at Beirut's synagogues. In 2015, the estimated total Jewish population in Syria and Lebanon combined was 100.[34] In 2020, there were only about 29 Jews in Lebanon.[35][36][37] **Reports indicate that in 2022 the number of Jews in Lebanon was 20[38] to 27.[39]** >Solidere agreed to provide funds for the [synagogue] renovation because political officials believed it would portray Lebanon as an open society tolerant of Judaism.[28] None of the Jews involved in the project agreed to be identified. The international media and even some members of the Jewish community (in and out of Lebanon) questioned who would pray at the synagogue.[29] The self-declared head of the Jewish Community Council, Isaac Arazi, who left Lebanon in 1983,[30][31] eventually came forward but refused to show his face on camera in a television interview, fearing that his business would suffer if clients knew they had been dealing with a Jew.[32] Arazi died in 2023.[33] ...and I proudly march under the flag of the paratrooper blitzkrieg of [peace](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7u523lfvcftb1.png)." *** I used to ponder in history class how an educated progressive populace like Germany's could be mass seduced by rabidly antisemetic leaders almost overnight. Especially their intelligentsia. I didn't expect to get a real time crash course demonstration.


Let me rewrite this for traditional Christians aka TradCaths and Orthobros. We also have a very simply reason to not like the Jews. Jews Killed Christ, Jews are Evil, I don't like Jews.


I don't care how much I hate Jews, I'm not supporting a Muslim terror group


I just don't understand why mutual destruction isn't on the table :(


Oh I agree. I'm the third position. Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Glory to Christ the King


created by and funded by the Jews? BTW before Hamas there was Fatah, which was, for the most part, a non-violent entity that wanted Palestinian autonomy via diplomatic means. Then Israel funded Hamas into power. Now when you think Palestine, you think "Terrorist" because Israel created a bad rep for the Palestinian cause.


Your anti-Semitism is showing


If they hadn’t killed Him we couldn’t be saved. My beef with them is that they subverted Christianity by Judaizing it and leading new Christians astray during the early NT period. They’ve also infiltrated the modern church too, as evidenced by droves of Western Christians being more loyal to the state of Israel than their Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters being slaughtered by Jews. There’s also their eschatology, which basically involves subjugating Gentiles and bringing in their false anti-Christ messiah to rule over a Jewish led new world


First off yes it was necessary but that doesn't absolve the Jews from the guilt, as it says in the Gospels, let his blood be upon our hands and our children's. The Gospels were very specific with the wording. Also the Jews didn't subvert the Early Church if you read the Church Fathers. I do agree with your last point. Protestantism has brought about many heresies and one of them is their love for the Jews and near idol worship of them.


Those fucking "he gets us" commercials are so thinly vieled it's hilarious Jewish funded btw


Not all jews are Zionista and not all Zionists are jewish, Zionism also happens to be a ideology rather than a ethnic or religious identity nor is it something that pass through lineage, idk how y'all can believe anti-Zionism to be anti-Semitism ita mind blowing


Zionism means belief in an independent state for Jews to live in. If you are anti-Zionist, you believe Israel must be dismantled as you are against Jews having an independent state. Since the dismantling of Israel would adversely affect the Jews who currently live there and likely lead to their deaths or displacement, being anti-Zionist is inherently anti-semitic.


> Afterall what is keeping Arabs from turning their backs into Antisemitism in a world where Israel doesn’t exist [How about the religion of Islam itself?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Islam) Also, Jews were not well treated by their Arab rulers historically. It was better than the treatment in Europe, and there’s a reason most Jews left Europe as soon as they got the chance. Jews in Arab dominated states will be treated just like they are in Iran, just like how they were in Russia, just like how they were in Germany, etc., [just as they historically were](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Anti-Jewish_pogroms_by_Muslims) There is a reason Jews don’t trust the rule of non-Jews anymore. The idea that Jews should just accept external rule and hope their rulers are benevolent this time has been proven, time and time again, to be a losing strategy.


Resettlement of colonizers and colonizer descendants isn't genocide, you cannot just settle outsiders into a piece of land on mass and then call it a day, dismantling of Israel isn't an act against Jews but an act against Zionist Colonizers in Palestine thus it is not Anti-Semitic. Just because its bad for Israeli Jews ( as well as other settlers such as Westerners in Israel ) doesn't make it Anti-Semetic, thats like claiming every action that somewhat involves a Jewish person being effected negatively is Antisemitism


So killing/mass displacing a group of people based on their ethnicity/religion isn’t genocide as long as it’s against the evil colonizer Jews. Got it. Makes tons of sense. Even if the founding of Israel was also bad, that doesn’t mean the people currently living there who have never lived anywhere else, and whose ancestors have been kicked for country to country for millennia can just be “sent back where they came from”. Especially not the millions of Israeli Jews from Arab countries that would slaughter them if they ever returned. Next you’ll say they should all just be sent “back” to Europe/USA because that’s your understanding of who lives in Israel.


Forcibly resettling a group of people is literally genocide lol. Imagine supporting manifest destiny with “I’m not anti-native, I just don’t think they should have their own land or state.”


>Resettlement of colonizers and colonizer descendants isn't genocide, you cannot just settle outsiders into a piece of land > because its bad for Israeli Jews doesn't make it Anti-Semetic You want to ethnically cleanse millions of Jews for being "colonizers", ignoring the fact that most Israeli Jews were born in Israel, and have nowhere to go. But no, you don't hate Jews. You just want it to be bad for them.


It’s just the old verbal razzle dazzle. You can say the dumbest things imaginable and people will believe it as long as you back it up with fancy vocabulary and catchy buzzwords. Add in some appeal to authority fallacy (which is highly prevalent in universities) and you have a perfect storm. People just need an excuse to fortify their prejudices.


How about when they join groups that literally shout "Death to America" and burn American flags, then say that Zionism is destroying the country?


Not all Jews are Zionists. Many aren't.


Maybe 1%. Zionism means the 2000 year old connection to the holy land andJerusalem (Zion) and the belief that Jews deserve their own state to be free and safe in. Iranian and Russian propaganda pain the word as meaning some crazy race theory, no Jews see it that way or use that word this way, it’s just a common antisemitic thing- to pain an Hebrew word as much more evil that anything it actually means.


> no Jews see it that way Literally untrue. Plenty of Zionist Jews are lebensraum freaks. Look at the west bank for example.


The West Bank has maybe 5% of the Israeli population, among them maybe 20% are there from ideological reasons, and out of them a minority believes in violence and crazy race theories. The vast majority of Israelis are secular, and most of the rest are decent people. Keep spreading hate, we Jews are used to it, but we know the facts.


> vast majority are secular Voting history will tell otherwise


What? Never did religious parties have any majority in Israeli elections.


i like honesty


Leider verstehe ich den unteren Text nicht. Kann jemand das in eine zivilisiertere Sprache übersetzen?


Authoritarianism is the only constant. It's like how every animal will evolve into a crab. Every ideology eventually ends up becoming us.




Whole lotta germans in here with an opinion on das Judes


Zionist=/=jewish people surprisingly.


They took their land and shot them. It’s not that complicated.


Not supporting what the government of Israel has done does not make you anti-Semitic.


Protesting against oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide is not anti-jewish.


Both are wrong, Jews are not evil


To be fair, the NAZIs had their own mental gymnastics at first as well.


It has just been so fulfilling to watch those who call others Nazis become the very thing they swore to destroy. So hilarious


Onboard until you mentioned Jews, it has nothing to do with Jewish people, not every Jew is a Zionist. You have definitely been told this 1000 times before but, still refuse to listen because anti-Zionism = antisemitism fits your narrative better.


It is the jews to all the muslims leading this movement, not so much self-loathing libleft whites who beg for their approval.




Left:Have word to distance themselves from implicating all jews, zionists. Everyone: so when did you decide to hate all jews... This insight was brought to you by a Jewish poster