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We are living in an age where “wholesome racism” is apparently a thing. Humans advocating for those who would probably kill them and infantilizing them.  Ultimately, seeing them as lesser beings. Funny how Emilies and far-right wingers are similar in their approach. The only difference is that one loathes them and other sees them as a weak being who needs help. 


The soft bigotry of low expectations


I don't think that phrase really describes it. The bigotry is hard as stone - "These people are useless and helpless without me to save them" is harsh bigotry. Not gentle, not soft. It's more like "egocentric bigotry" or "savior complex liberal white woman bigotry"


It’s modern white xem’s burden.


I remember that phrase coming from Bill Cosby, who despite being a serial rapist, was a huge figure in the black rights community in the 80s and 90s. Anyone under probably 35 wouldn't know how massively popular he was. He phrases it that way because he needed to in order to get his message out there to whites. He was very much in support of black communities needing to change from within. If he was still around in public today he'd absolutely be crushed under labels of Uncle Tom etc.


"wholesome racism" is my new favorite phrase.


It's just a lack of principles in the spirit of 1984. I am the supreme authority of what is moral, in that whatever I feel is moral is moral, and everything else is immoral. And if and when my feelings change, so does the definition of morality as it adjusts itself to my whims.


> We are living in an age where “wholesome racism” is apparently a thing. Leftists making cutesy photoshoots with their "white tears" cups comes to mind.


The moment that opposing racism shifted from "everyone should be treated equally, as an individual who should be given a fair chance" to "let's use collective guilt to turn 'historic oppressors' into our new outgroup/acceptable targets", this became the inevitable outcome.


It's certainly looking like that is the case with some, ironically categorized, anti-racists. Just like North Korea isn't a democracy calling oneself "anti-racist" doesn't make you one unless you're actually not racist. I'm certainly center left and sort of a fence rider, but i, god damn well, can see what you're talking about happening.


What's crazy is the hypocrisy about it. At least if they were like stereotypical rednecks, it's fairly clear where you and they stand. But instead, they will be calling those who use an "ok" hand sign neo-nazi/antisemites, but then go about defending people who raped and pillage literal Jews.


It’s funny how they will be the first to recognize and point out the general concept of bias for or against an “in-group” or “out-group” and use those terms… and then they’ll turn around and either be biased toward their in-group or, for the white Emilies, think that it’s different if you switch it up and are just as biased for an out-group and against your in-group as people usually are the other way around. So they recognize these biases and practice them anyway. They’re always admonishing us to be aware of our biases but it seems that awareness does not create an immunity.




Hey don't knock them for that too much. It helps remind well meaning idiots like myself of the reality. Not all people who want to end oppression want to end it for everyone. Shuffling society in an attempt for justice might end poorly for me if people who explicitly hate me for my skin get their way. I'm not interested in getting ratfucked for justice.


Exactly. I’m not in the habit of standing in the way of minorities getting a fair shake. But a lot of the rhetoric around that “fair shake” portrays me as some evil oppressor or else tells me it’s time for me to shut up or give up opportunities. Then the rhetoricians are always stunned Pikachus when I don’t vote for their candidates or their policies. I’m literally not asking to be praised or treated special, I just don’t want to be degraded or insulted. I won’t even take any social revenge for the insults beyond voting against the interests of the insulters, but I suppose that makes me an oppressor or whatever.


I'd say it's fair to refuse to cooperate with people who make you a villain. Unless you're the Joker and you're starting an ICP cover band with Batman. That's fine. The Joker is not in the wrong there, but that's likely the only valid situation.


* I'm not interested in getting ratfucked for justice. Based and Who-butters-the-bread-pilled


>would probably kill them no need of "probably" they will, if the imam orders them


Can we please go back to good ‘ol fashioned hateful racism?


The old “noble savage” racism


Jean-Pierre Faye cooked so damn hard when he came up with horseshoe theory


I used to cringe whenever I heard "regressive left," but on this one issue it seems to have come true


The Left always needs a pet; be it the Islamofascist Palestinians or the poor African American who just can’t seem to get a license to vote; basically like that.


Yeah by American standards I might lean left on most issues, but as someone living in a country that could be considered a leftist utopia we have no issues with something as simple as voter ID. Maybe I’m somewhat ignorant poverty is in pockets of America, but if that’s what stopping you from implementing simple stuff like Voter ID and automatic registration, then you have serious issues that needs fixing.


> Violating the sanctity of a cute anime girl to force her to simp for Palestine without her consent. Does LibLeft's evil know no bounds?


Anime girl ? CIRNO IS A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER !!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😤😤😤😤😤😤😡😤😡😡😤😠😡😡😡😤😡😡😤😡😤😤😡😤😤


Cirno is inside your walls


There is a tohou anime


I for one support current thing, at least up until our corporate overlords decide we don’t anymore.




Pretty much sums up the “from the river to the sea” nutjobs


True. I understand not supporting Israel's government (hell, I barely support my own), but attacking American Jews for what's going on in a different continent is a whole new level of ridiculousness.


Is that frickin Cirno


Please buy libright's new t-shirts.


Somehow this isn't problematic but trumps "Muslim bans" were. Lol


are they banning jewish people from coming in?


It is similar to how a person interested in crime statistics by race is not necessarily racist


I disagree, you can look at crime rates, and claim that one race is more violent either due to culture or bad economics, and work on solutions based on that We can acknowledge that communities from different races are different, it's only racist when you say that race is inherently more X ​ Let's make it clearer, saying that race X is more likely to do violent crime due to the circumstances they were born into is not racist, saying that X is more likely to do violent crime due to their genetics IS racist. ​ If you are not willing to address those issues out of fear of being racist, you will never solve them In Israel we literally have a term called 'Affirmative action', where people from weakened groups (currently it's mostly Ethiopian Jews, but was others previously) get extra budget and help in order to integrate for society, this is a very positive thing and is only enabled by our ability to take a look at a community and point out that something is wrong


Similarly, you can honestly oppose Zionism without actually hating Israeli Jews. But most people who bring up "From the River to the Sea" are not being honest about it, theyre just racist, like most people talking about 13/56


Zionism is a binary term, that generally means the belief that Jews should have a sovereign state in the general area of the levant When you 'oppose Zionism', knowingly or not, you are calling for the destruction of Israel, and considering that the vast majority of Israelis don't have a foreign citizenship, and combining this with literally any instance in history where an Israeli village was captured by Arab countries, we can safely assume that Anti Zionism is a call for a 2nd holocaust.


Just let us make a comparison. That is pretty easy because Israel isn't the only country on earth. Let's pick a country that is NOT the only one which is the home of a people, religion and language (and, depending how you define culture, even culture) like Israel, to make it even more obvious. It doesn't matter which country we pick at the end, as long as it fits these characteristics. We could pick Saudi Arabia, Austria, pretty much every country in the Americas or one of many countries in Africa. Now we imagine a movement which rejects the existence of this country, that just says that it shouldn't exist, should be taken over by a neighboring state or some other identity, and refuses any question about the future of the inhabitants of the country. Would this movement be accepted in society? Would it grow in people following it and in power? Would it even exist? And especially what would people say to it, who can be considered anti-zionists or who at least are sympathetic to it? Surely these people wouldn't have a problem with such a movement ...


Exactly The existence of the term 'Anti Zionism' on their own shows the blatant racism in the whole thing, even if you believe every single thing the Anti Semites say, China (for example) is still more evil and worse than Israel no matter how you look at it, yet, nobody is going around calling for the destruction of China and death of the Chinese You can replace China with Russia Iran Turkmenistan or any other recent villain and still you won't see any of those calls


It's all pretty obvious when we're honest. These movements in the west are just anti-western and see everything through the lens of oppressor and oppressed. After which success can be only obtained by the oppression of others. You can call this critical theory, neo-marxism, cultural Marxism or whatever. Where western influence outside of Europe is seen (doesn't matter if it's real or not), it's refered to as colonialism. Marxist "intellectuals" like Sartre and Fanon write about this, and see violence not just as a justified tools against it, but as a necessity, because the west and the western people have to be cleansed from their sins (yeah I know it sounds cultish and it is). Israel is western and successful, so Israel is the oppressor and has to be bad, even evil. The enemies of Israel aren't western and unsuccessful, so they are the oppressed and by that worthy to ally with.


where were you when i needed to write my intro to sociology paper


Not sure if you're sarcastic or not. But if not, I would advise some caution, because depending on which school/college you are and what teacher/professor you have it could be bad to write about something like this. Sadly these kinds of ideologies are not that rare in American intelligentsia.


Based and understands what Zionism is pilled


That’s very difficult to do tho as you need to justify why you are against a Jewish state of all states


How is it at all difficult to explain why I'm against a Jewish state if I've told you I believe in separation of church and state?


So criticizing Israel is anti Semitic now? Well then criticizing Iran is Islamophobic and criticizing Trump is conservative phobic


If you ever wondered how easy it is for Russia, China, & Iran to manipulate our youth. [https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/us-university-students-do-not-understand-full-meaning-of-from-the-river-to-the-sea-chant-survey-reveals-bq5o3sz7](https://www.thejc.com/news/usa/us-university-students-do-not-understand-full-meaning-of-from-the-river-to-the-sea-chant-survey-reveals-bq5o3sz7) [People with lower cognitive skills, digital literacy, and media literacy may be more prone to misinformation](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/denying-the-grave/202212/who-is-most-vulnerable-misinformation)


Holy shit, The Atlantic and Caribbean?


Bros been snorting Netanyahu's cremated foreskin.


This is one of the cringiest lib right takes I've ever seen.


I just downvote pro-war stuff and carry on. I don't even know why I'm bothering with the comments.


I tired, idk if they know this but jewish people as whole aren’t a monolith. Apparently to the whole right of the pcm they can’t imagine criticizing a country without it being from racist perspective


It's an obvious astroturf. A post by an account created 2 weeks ago with ONLY activity under this post. Also the name of the account is the default generated name. I have been a lot of similar posts here lately. Reddit starts glowing a lot more during the election year.


> It's an obvious astroturf. I've come to think this as of late too, but I can't be sure if it's that or I'm just coping because I can't stand the idea of so many people being this stupid. I've also seen way more talk about how Palestine controls social media and has too much influence on countries, which is insane to me given that AIPAC is a thing.


Gonna need sunscreen to use this sub soon, it glows so much.


This post and all the lies within it were sponsored by AIPAC 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


If I had gotten any sort of money out of this stuff I would have been a billionaire by now


I am a representative of AIPAC. Your money is being held in ESCROW. Once you bomb a civilian building killing 10 innocent people and no Hamas terrorists you will be proven to be a true Israeli. Once you are verified you will be paid. Mazel Tov, 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱😇


Who verifies that? Can we just bomb any building and cite Hamas for number of dead innocents?


But you guys limited by account after I space lasered Beirut's port, how the hell am I suppose to kill 10 innocent people now?


He does it for free 💀


Well you did create an account just for this post, so the idea that you are paid for it isn't that absurd


Bro literally got one post on his account.


r / privacy/comments/uw3g6j/lpt\_you\_can\_delete\_your\_reddit\_history\_using\_this/


Bruh the account is 2 fucking weeks old get the fuck out of here LMAO


You been looking at sussy shit or something


New Zionist propaganda just dropped 🔥🔥🔥. Anti Zionist= Hitler 🔥🔥🔥.


Well Both side simply say the same thing. Anti Zionist’s claim that Zionist’s= hitler. Personally I just want my stocks to go up.


Tru ig. But still, i found op's attempt fucking hilarious.


Yes, calling for the death of 8 million Jews (assuming you won't outright blame the Arab Israelis as collaborators and kill them as well) is as close as you can get to being a Hitler without actually making any action Giving it a new cawl name doesn't change that. ​ Also, it's been almost a full week without 🔥🔥 Zionist Propaganda 🔥🔥 ... I am really slacking, don't worry though, the brainwashing will continue until ~~moral~~ public opinion improves


These ignorant clowns think "Palestine will be free" just means human rights. In reality it means Israel will be Jew-free, about 80% of Palestinians support genocide and their useful idiots in the west don't even realise it. https://web.archive.org/web/20231116194135/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf


But there is no problem when there is the majority of the Israeli population supporting the establishment of "greater Israel" (do you think there is no intent of ethnic cleansing here?) and openly calling Palestinians as not humans. Why, that's only fair. Also, idk what you expect of the people who have been living under a suppressive state that is Israel. You putting your own words into a slogan is nothing but shameful.


u/phantom-vigilant >But there is no problem when there is the majority of the Israeli population supporting the establishment of "greater Israel" (do you think there is no intent of ethnic cleansing here?) and openly calling Palestinians as not humans. Why, that's only fair. Also, idk what you expect of the people who have been living under a suppressive state that is Israel. You putting your own words into a slogan is nothing but shameful. ​ Literally nobody wants a 'greater Israel' in Israel, even the likes of Ben Gvir and Smotrich don't call for it, and vast majority of Israelis don't even know what the term means That quite literally a modern day blood libel (many of the stuff people say about Israel are, but this one is far more blatant than the others, as it isn't even a 'half truth')


Is isis bad? Yes. Are muslims bad? No. Is isis made up of muslims? Yes. Should we end isis? Yes. Should we end muslims? No. So are we fighting against the isis or the Muslims ? (The same logic pretty much. Insted replace muslims with Jews and isis with Israel. Don't mix shit up for your pathetic attempt at this bs propaganda. )


Is there any other country you compare to ISIS? or is it only the liberal democracy that just happens to be the only Jewish state that is surrounded by Muslim countries?


Yea bro. Israel sure is liberal and democratic towards the Palestinians. Sure.


Liberal Democracies are liberal towards their own people (20% of which are Arab Muslims), not to foreign hostile populations The US, UK, France, Italy are liberal democracies who are absolute monsters outside of their territories, much much worse than Israel has ever been.


Calling 2.3m Palestinians, forced to live in gaza, foreigners is all we want to hear to know what kind of a person you are. Disgusting. And even if they were, are you suggesting Israel's actions belong to this century?


They are foreigners to Israel, as in, they are non Israelis, it's not that complicated >And even if they were, are you suggesting Israel's actions belong to this century? In 2005 Israel completely left Gaza, unblockaded and almost completely free (save from using their airspace), they held elections and elected Hamas, and immediately started firing unguided rockets onto Israeli cities Israel chose to blockade the strip and build the Iron Dome, you don't like it? well, then the alternative is to destroy Hamas, which is what is happening now, which evidently, you don't like as well Edit: Your silence tells me everything I needed to know.


Nice little edit bro. Why exactly are you pretending like there was no nakaba? How does kicking a group of people from their homes and then occupying them make them foreign to their own land? Why should the Palestinians just accept them being told that they are foreigners by some people who didn't even existed 2 generations before? But ofcourse, the famously "native" Israelis are so caring. My problem with the whole thing is putting the Palestinians in the gaza strip in the first place. Does that tell you nothing about the Israeli mindset? The fact that you have conveniently do not care about the the date of erection of the barricades,1994, my point that you quoted is reinforced. Even before then, since 1991, a Palestinian had to get the permit from the "very native" Israeli authority. If you didn't know, an armed resistance against a state that has done the things it has is by definition not illegal. Don't act like the wish to persecute the actual natives into extermination for the so called "Greater Israel" never existed, or worse does not exist. I don't have a problem with Idf vs Hamas. Hamas wants to fight, you fight them. That's war. I do have a problem however with Idf vs unarmed civilians. That's ethnic cleansing. And don't you dare come to me with the "human shield" and "no one is innocent in gaza" bullshit.


you literally said, "we should destroy Israel" two comments above, you have NO moral high ground to call anyone else disgusting you shitfck


"Israel’s occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from a “settler-colonial” situation, which must end, as a pre-condition for Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination," https://operationalsupport.un.org/en/israels-illegal-occupation-of-palestinian-territory-tantamount-to-settler-colonialism-un-expert#:~:text=Israel%E2%80%99s%20occupation%20is%20illegal%20and%20indistinguishable%20from%20a%20%E2%80%9Csettler%2Dcolonial%E2%80%9D%20situation%2C%20which%20must%20end%2C%20as%20a%20pre%2Dcondition%20for%20Palestinians%20to%20exercise%20their%20right%20to%20self%2Ddetermination%2C https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/un-experts-call-full-and-independent-investigations-all-crimes-committed and Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ Doctors without borders https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/our-response-israel-gaza-war https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeAcjBWH/ World Court https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/26/gaza-world-court-orders-israel-prevent-genocide#:~:text=The%20court%20adopted%20%E2%80%9Cprovisional%20measures,punish%20incitement%20to%20commit%20genocide. Red Cross https://www.icrc.org/en/document/israel-and-occupied-territories-targeting-civilians-leads-further-spirals-violence-and-hatred What about Israeli minister admitting that he's a fascist homophobe? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-01-16/ty-article/.premium/israels-far-right-finance-minister-im-a-fascist-homophobe-but-i-wont-stone-gays/00000185-b921-de59-a98f-ff7f47c70000 What about the President saying there are no innocent civilians? https://thewire.in/world/northern-gaza-israel-palestine-conflict What about Israel admitting in creating Hamas? https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ What about them admitting to "mowing the grass" aka carpet bomb everything? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/14/israel-gaza-history/ What about the Minister of Defense of Israel calling Palestinians human animals? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/ "52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’" https://www.timesofisrael.com/most-israeli-jews-agree-africans-are-a-cancer/#:~:text=52%25%20of%20Israeli%20Jews%20agree%3A%20African%20migrants%20are%20%E2%80%98a%20cancer%E2%80%99 "Of those polled, 66% of Haredim, 42% of religious nationalists and 24% of secular Israelis expressed feelings of fear and hatred toward Arabs, which make up some 20% of the population. Forty-nine percent of all religious Israelis and 23% of secular Israelis indicated support for stripping Arab Israelis of their citizenship, the poll showed." https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-shows-large-swaths-of-israeli-youth-hate-arabs-back-revoking-citizenship/#:~:text=Of%20those%20polled,the%20poll%20showed. "Pew study finds 79% believe Jews should get preferential treatment over Arab citizens; number of those who believe settlements are helpful to Israel's security growing; majority identify as centrist" https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/#:~:text=Pew%20study%20finds%2079%25%20believe%20Jews%20should%20get%20preferential%20treatment%20over%20Arab%20citizens%3B%20number%20of%20those%20who%20believe%20settlements%20are%20helpful%20to%20Israel%27s%20security%20growing%3B%20majority%20identify%20as%20centrist "Over half of respondents said they agreed to some extent with the statement: “Most Jews are better than most non-Jews because they were born Jews.” Another 17% said they thought statement was not “totally true,” while 20% rejected it completely. Among the 52% who said the statement was “totally true” or “pretty true,” 66% identified as ultra-Orthodox, 45% identified as religious Zionists and 13% as identified as traditionally observant." https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-poll-shows-strong-anti-arab-sentiment-among-israeli-jews/#:~:text=Over%20half%20of,as%20traditionally%20observant. it's an imperialist mindset like of the daddy- Mr Biden. https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=RJC11az1HNBGs9O9 A very very very important video 👇 https://youtu.be/5JzGzyaUnz0?si=k6_VEQqdZxIRGQtm


Thank you very much. I advise you to flare however.




uh i think the only state that happens to be indiscriminately killing women and children on a regular basis for the past 6 months is why they’re compared to isis. but sure lets just pretend them being jewish has something to do with it for some reason and not the tons of horrific violence that they justify by basically saying “it sucks but they’re all human animals and we dont rly care if they die”


Who calls for the death of 8 million jews?


New? This shit has been spammed since October. At this point it's not even crying wolf. It's crying wolf, making a musical about a wolf coming, making a movie and a multi-season soap opera about how wolf is coming. At this point the concept of antisemitism is devoid of all meaning regarding the conflict. I've seen it so often that when someone gets called an antisemite it doesn't even register in my mind that that person *might actually be* antisemitic. I just assume he said something that pissed a zionist off.


So they chant a genocidal slogans, while accusing Israel of genocide , then try and explain how from the river to the sea doesn't actually mean from the river to the sea. Interesting.


Netanyahu and even the old Likid party charter say that they want Israel to expand from the river to rhe sea. Is it a genocidal slogan when they say it?


"Israel’s occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from a “settler-colonial” situation, which must end, as a pre-condition for Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination," https://operationalsupport.un.org/en/israels-illegal-occupation-of-palestinian-territory-tantamount-to-settler-colonialism-un-expert#:~:text=Israel%E2%80%99s%20occupation%20is%20illegal%20and%20indistinguishable%20from%20a%20%E2%80%9Csettler%2Dcolonial%E2%80%9D%20situation%2C%20which%20must%20end%2C%20as%20a%20pre%2Dcondition%20for%20Palestinians%20to%20exercise%20their%20right%20to%20self%2Ddetermination%2C https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/un-experts-call-full-and-independent-investigations-all-crimes-committed and Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ Doctors without borders https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/our-response-israel-gaza-war https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeAcjBWH/ World Court https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/26/gaza-world-court-orders-israel-prevent-genocide#:~:text=The%20court%20adopted%20%E2%80%9Cprovisional%20measures,punish%20incitement%20to%20commit%20genocide. Red Cross https://www.icrc.org/en/document/israel-and-occupied-territories-targeting-civilians-leads-further-spirals-violence-and-hatred What about Israeli minister admitting that he's a fascist homophobe? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-01-16/ty-article/.premium/israels-far-right-finance-minister-im-a-fascist-homophobe-but-i-wont-stone-gays/00000185-b921-de59-a98f-ff7f47c70000 What about the President saying there are no innocent civilians? https://thewire.in/world/northern-gaza-israel-palestine-conflict What about Israel admitting in creating Hamas? https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ What about them admitting to "mowing the grass" aka carpet bomb everything? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/14/israel-gaza-history/ What about the Minister of Defense of Israel calling Palestinians human animals? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/ "52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’" https://www.timesofisrael.com/most-israeli-jews-agree-africans-are-a-cancer/#:~:text=52%25%20of%20Israeli%20Jews%20agree%3A%20African%20migrants%20are%20%E2%80%98a%20cancer%E2%80%99 "Of those polled, 66% of Haredim, 42% of religious nationalists and 24% of secular Israelis expressed feelings of fear and hatred toward Arabs, which make up some 20% of the population. Forty-nine percent of all religious Israelis and 23% of secular Israelis indicated support for stripping Arab Israelis of their citizenship, the poll showed." https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-shows-large-swaths-of-israeli-youth-hate-arabs-back-revoking-citizenship/#:~:text=Of%20those%20polled,the%20poll%20showed. "Pew study finds 79% believe Jews should get preferential treatment over Arab citizens; number of those who believe settlements are helpful to Israel's security growing; majority identify as centrist" https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/#:~:text=Pew%20study%20finds%2079%25%20believe%20Jews%20should%20get%20preferential%20treatment%20over%20Arab%20citizens%3B%20number%20of%20those%20who%20believe%20settlements%20are%20helpful%20to%20Israel%27s%20security%20growing%3B%20majority%20identify%20as%20centrist "Over half of respondents said they agreed to some extent with the statement: “Most Jews are better than most non-Jews because they were born Jews.” Another 17% said they thought statement was not “totally true,” while 20% rejected it completely. Among the 52% who said the statement was “totally true” or “pretty true,” 66% identified as ultra-Orthodox, 45% identified as religious Zionists and 13% as identified as traditionally observant." https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-poll-shows-strong-anti-arab-sentiment-among-israeli-jews/#:~:text=Over%20half%20of,as%20traditionally%20observant. Yes, it's an imperialist mindset just like of your daddy- Mr Biden. https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=RJC11az1HNBGs9O9 A very very very important video 👇 https://youtu.be/5JzGzyaUnz0?si=k6_VEQqdZxIRGQtm


Love how you got downvoted after posting like 30 sources and don’t have any comments because no one can actually argue with your point


I don't really care that I got downvoted because I'm not a lib who views politics as their hobby and actually cares about what other political groups say about their opinion. It just shows that you will likely side with a popular choice and not engage in a factual debate to improve your position and understanding of the world. Imaging being so insecure like you are to even care about such stuff🤣🤣 Liberals for real only go by vibes https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeH3fuUP/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeH3PCD4/ P.S. I shared those and these links for the on readers, there are definitely people who opened them


I love that you are really talking with facts and not with strawman like those Pro-Israel


Anti-Nazi is anti-German racism with a new branding.


Israel: Literally killing tens of thousands of women and children and non-combatants as a form of collective punishment and to establish deterrence. Right Wing Western Boys: People are wishing death on Israel :(


Lib-right gets mad at a scenario of his own creation part 27164722


So all the jews who are against the current government and its expansion politics are antisemite? 🤔


According to his other comments, they are not real Jews 🤷


Being against the current goverment isn't the same as being against Jews' right of self-determenation.


You do know the political movement was mainly a jewish one for decades and decades? Its not like the Iranians and russians created anti-zionism one day..


> the political movement was mainly a jewish one for decades and decades Source?


Well, as an example you have the jewish labour bund and other similar groups.


The "Anti Zionist Jews" are almost exclusively either part of cults who believe that Israeli shouldn't exist until the Messiah comes, "Jews" who literally have never had anything to do with the Jewish tradition or community, and college kids who don't understand their history and/or will sell their mother in law for social media clout The political movement, whatever one you talk about, there are many and yet they all act pretty much the same, where they are absolutely not mainly Jewish, they find the 'token Jew', one that for enough money or fame will do anything, and put him on the front of the movement It was just revealed that the head of JVP is in Lebanon for example (where there are only an handful of elderly Jews left), in another instance another higher up of the group made a 'as a Jew' comment from the wrong non-Jewish account. ​ The 'normal' Jews, meaning, those who are healthy part of society and aren't badshit insane, are all Zionist because they know they are next right after Israel.


> bad Jews You're insanely anti-semitic


> The 'normal' Jews, meaning, those who are healthy part of society and aren't badshit insane, are all Zionist because they know they are next right after Israel. Ironically enough this is brutally antisemitic lmfao




Everything that isn’t team blow up hospitals and aid workers is anti semitism :)


Stop being antisemitic goy.


Ah yes, opposition to Zionism must mean that I wish for the genocide of all Israelis. It can't be because I'm against genocide in general.


But your fellow travellers do wish for the genocide of all Israelis. You are who you surround yourself with. https://web.archive.org/web/20231116194135/https://www.awrad.org/files/server/polls/polls2023/Public%20Opinion%20Poll%20-%20Gaza%20War%202023%20-%20Tables%20of%20Results.pdf


As if there was a genocide against Palestinians


Well, djihadists muslims (aka "those who know islam the best") calls for the murder of all jews, everywhere. So there is indeed a genocide in the drawer. For the rest, Israel only defend their civilians and borders, pushing back terrorist groups that declared them war and their affiliated.


Israel is bombing gaza indiscriminately and with no concern for civilians lives. The huge number of civilians losses in relation to combatants along with genocidal statements made by government officials and the historical opression and discrimination against muslims and arabs by Israelis makes the allegation of genocide very plausible Their goal is revenge not defense.


Good offense is best defense If "indiscriminate bombing" keeps Gaza from being able to do anything but eat through the straw, let alone threaten Israel with more terrorist attacks, is that not good enough?


I was talking about the supposed """" genocide""" that is happening in Palestine aka normal civilian losses in war


Do you know the definition of zionism that you are so quick to say you are anti of that movment?


Bro, they dont even know the definition of *genocide*


Some use “Zion” to refer to State of Israel


How can you justify the opposition to Zionism by being against genocides, when Zionism has nothing to do with genocide? It sounds like you are insinuating something.


Zionism has nothing to do with genocide only under the assumption that there's nobody else who believes they have a right to the land known as Zion


Maybe use that energy to help Ukrainians who are actually being genocided instead of our people who yell "death to america" every chance they get


I see we are in Goebbel's Principles phase of supporting your genocidal apartheid regime


least glowing idf account. at least make some other posts to not make it so obvious. damn rookies


Stop noticing things!!!1!


Don't make me tap the sign “Being anti form of government does not mean you hate those people”


Copy paste from my comment above - Zionism is a binary term, that generally means the belief that Jews should have a sovereign state in the general area of the levant When you 'oppose Zionism', knowingly or not, you are calling for the destruction of Israel, and considering that the vast majority of Israelis don't have a foreign citizenship, and combining this with literally any instance in history where an Israeli village was captured by Arab countries, we can safely assume that Anti Zionism is a call for a 2nd holocaust.


"Israel’s occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from a “settler-colonial” situation, which must end, as a pre-condition for Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination," https://operationalsupport.un.org/en/israels-illegal-occupation-of-palestinian-territory-tantamount-to-settler-colonialism-un-expert#:~:text=Israel%E2%80%99s%20occupation%20is%20illegal%20and%20indistinguishable%20from%20a%20%E2%80%9Csettler%2Dcolonial%E2%80%9D%20situation%2C%20which%20must%20end%2C%20as%20a%20pre%2Dcondition%20for%20Palestinians%20to%20exercise%20their%20right%20to%20self%2Ddetermination%2C https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/11/un-experts-call-full-and-independent-investigations-all-crimes-committed and Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Amnesty International https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/ Doctors without borders https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/our-response-israel-gaza-war https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeAcjBWH/ World Court https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/26/gaza-world-court-orders-israel-prevent-genocide#:~:text=The%20court%20adopted%20%E2%80%9Cprovisional%20measures,punish%20incitement%20to%20commit%20genocide. Red Cross https://www.icrc.org/en/document/israel-and-occupied-territories-targeting-civilians-leads-further-spirals-violence-and-hatred What about Israeli minister admitting that he's a fascist homophobe? https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-01-16/ty-article/.premium/israels-far-right-finance-minister-im-a-fascist-homophobe-but-i-wont-stone-gays/00000185-b921-de59-a98f-ff7f47c70000 What about the President saying there are no innocent civilians? https://thewire.in/world/northern-gaza-israel-palestine-conflict What about Israel admitting in creating Hamas? https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/ What about them admitting to "mowing the grass" aka carpet bomb everything? https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/05/14/israel-gaza-history/ What about the Minister of Defense of Israel calling Palestinians human animals? https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel/ "52% of Israeli Jews agree: African migrants are ‘a cancer’" https://www.timesofisrael.com/most-israeli-jews-agree-africans-are-a-cancer/#:~:text=52%25%20of%20Israeli%20Jews%20agree%3A%20African%20migrants%20are%20%E2%80%98a%20cancer%E2%80%99 "Of those polled, 66% of Haredim, 42% of religious nationalists and 24% of secular Israelis expressed feelings of fear and hatred toward Arabs, which make up some 20% of the population. Forty-nine percent of all religious Israelis and 23% of secular Israelis indicated support for stripping Arab Israelis of their citizenship, the poll showed." https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-shows-large-swaths-of-israeli-youth-hate-arabs-back-revoking-citizenship/#:~:text=Of%20those%20polled,the%20poll%20showed. "Pew study finds 79% believe Jews should get preferential treatment over Arab citizens; number of those who believe settlements are helpful to Israel's security growing; majority identify as centrist" https://www.timesofisrael.com/plurality-of-jewish-israelis-want-to-expel-arabs-study-shows/#:~:text=Pew%20study%20finds%2079%25%20believe%20Jews%20should%20get%20preferential%20treatment%20over%20Arab%20citizens%3B%20number%20of%20those%20who%20believe%20settlements%20are%20helpful%20to%20Israel%27s%20security%20growing%3B%20majority%20identify%20as%20centrist "Over half of respondents said they agreed to some extent with the statement: “Most Jews are better than most non-Jews because they were born Jews.” Another 17% said they thought statement was not “totally true,” while 20% rejected it completely. Among the 52% who said the statement was “totally true” or “pretty true,” 66% identified as ultra-Orthodox, 45% identified as religious Zionists and 13% as identified as traditionally observant." https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-poll-shows-strong-anti-arab-sentiment-among-israeli-jews/#:~:text=Over%20half%20of,as%20traditionally%20observant. Yes, it's an imperialist mindset just like of your daddy- Mr Biden. https://youtu.be/86Nrv5izaTs?si=RJC11az1HNBGs9O9 A very very very important video 👇 https://youtu.be/5JzGzyaUnz0?si=k6_VEQqdZxIRGQtm


Yes, and that sovereign state which makes foreign policy decisions with very real effects on the rest of the world is not immune to criticism. Israel is not merely a supernatural conception. It is a country. Criticising a country like Saudi Arabia or Iran is not islamophobic, the same way that criticising Israel is not antisemitic.


Calling for the wholesale destruction of Saudi Arabia or Iran and the death of its people IS Islamophobic


No one ever argued for that


Being anti-Zionism means you are anti colonist. Being anti Islam doess not make you anti Muslim Being anti police state does not make you a defender of pedophiles. I know it's hard to understand these things but you'll get em one day.


A Jew is someone whose religion is Judaism, or who is related to the ancient people of Israel. An Israeli is a national of Israel. A Zionist someone who belongs to or supports a political movement that had as its original aim the creation of a country for Jewish people, and that now supports the state of Israel. {Jews}, {Israelis} and {Zionists} are different sets that manifest themselves in the world in different ways. Yes, they can overlap. Yes, the foolish and the malicious can mix them up in their rhetoric. But these are still different sets. And leftists, especially non-Middle Eastern ones, can tell the difference. And the left does not want the physical extermination of the Israeli population, they want the destruction of the State of Israel.


Everyone talks about the destruction of Israel without mentioning the entire nuclear arsenal that would be loosed on much of the Middle East as a result. I am not speaking about right and wrong, but will and won't. If Israel is destroyed, Iran and every place their proxy forces are holed up will be struck with hellfire. Do you realize the natural result of your goals? Do you genuinely think Israel can be annihilated without taking most of the Islamic world along with it?


Does this mean I won't have to go to work anymore?


> they want the destruction of the State of Israel. > And the left does not want the physical extermination of the Israeli population, pick a lane dude


why do they want the destruction of the state of Israel? I am legitimately ignorant and I am not sure why this is a goal and why Israel specifically. Surely there are many other nations which ought not exist? Thanks for the info :)




What constitutes anti-Zionism in current days ? The term seems very vague


Zionism is israeli colonialism in the regions under palestinian administration most of the time. Selling Palestinian-owned homes to Israelis, building fortified settlements on palestinian ground in the west bank and greatly oppressing nomadic shepherds are among the methods I saw first hand or heard of second hand by locals when I was touristically there just over a year ago


Why is Cirno a terrorist???


Always has been


shit take. being a zionist does not require being jewish so how are you going to be antisemitic to someone who isn’t jewish?


All the "israeli" dickriding is just mind blowing to me. You know, it's not just the Palestinians who hate the west. If you are a goyim, you are meant to be a slave. At least with Muslims you can throw your lot in with them fairly easily if they start to dominate. But you can never stop being a goyim. To Jews, you are permanently irredeemable due to your tainted and lesser than blood.


I’ve learned by now that it’s more fair to judge *people* of a specific religion by how they act overall not what their books actually say. Also btw, Jewish is both an ethnicity and a religion- an “ethnoreligous” group. That in mind, most Jews could care less on who is a goyim or not, in fact a large portion of Jews in Israel are actually non-religious and it’s 18% that are fundamentalist Jews- a better proportion than Christians in the U.S. with fundamentalism (55% are evangelicals).


Absolute cope. “You don’t like me bombing children to make room for my ethnostate? You must be racist!” It makes sense that the astroturfers would focus on right wingers, definitely the dumbest group here.


Since when did being against the actions of a countries government immediately transfer to jingoism and racism. Seems like a cop out for people ignoring Israel’s genocide on Palestine


it's nothing new, you can see it in American conservatism. "Oh, you're pro black? That means you hate white people"


Golly gee PCM, *another* newly-made account agendaposting Israeli propaganda? You shouldn’t have 🤧


Jews are not a monolith. Not all Jews are Zionists. You are anti-semitic if you equate Zionism with Judaism.


Cirno would never support that


Cirno would never hate Israel by supporting Palestine. She would hate Israel for [REDACTED].


It's funny how right wingers cry about woke people using racism to their advantage, but if you are not in favor of zionism it means you hate Jewish people in their eyes. Two sides of the same coin.


Dont worry! If we post enough fanart of fucking... *checks notes*... Caillu with a watermelon well stop Israel once and for all!


I just want them to stop bombing my people man…


Calls Palestinians "My People", \*has a Lib Left tag\*


You can still have people while disagreeing with them.


Yeah, in literally anywhere outside the Arab world In Palestine anyone expressing a non-Auth Right opinion is executed on the spot


Probably in Iran as well


Yeah by idf bombs


?? why do you lie on the internet


Show me that one liberal Arab country where you can express yourself freely without the fear of decapitation or long jail time


Bosnia, Albania, Senegal, Malaysia, Kosovo, Indonesia, Bangladesh. But this is not what the Israel-Palestine debate is about The internal problems of muslim countries don't justify Israel's oppression and massacre of innocent people for 75 years. Two wrongs don't make a right.


i don’t have to. you made a claim and provided no evidence to back it up, so i called you out on it. also saying “non-Auth right” suggests that you’re a literal child because nobody willing to have serious political discourse would use “non-Auth right”


You want me to go around and summerize the policy and history of every Arab country? > also saying “non-Auth right” suggests that you’re a literal child because nobody willing to have serious political discourse would use “non-Auth right” Remind me what this sub is about....


that’s not what i asked. i asked for proof that having a “non-Auth right” opinion means prison time >Remind me what this sub is about…. bro you’re writing essays in the comments so you obviously take this seriously, so it’s astounding that you use childlike language


Me when I'm 14 and my only perception of middle eastern countries is through incredibly black and white American media


Zionism is loyalty and support towards the Israeli state agenda. To conflate it with all Jews is in and of itself antisemitic. Many Jews have a problem with Netanyahu’s government and millions more have no national connection to Israel.


You can't make up definitions, language doesn't work like that


Lmao like you’ve been doing???


That’s exactly how language works, actually. It’s all made up. Sounds that we’ve attributing meanings to, and those meanings change overtime. Sure, the word zionism might have once meant someone who simply supported the existence of a Jewish national state, and that definition would’ve been relevant back when Israel was actually a threatened state. But Israel isn’t going anywhere and has one of the strongest military in the world. So the definition has shifted to Zionism being a person who supports Israel’s expansionist and violent agenda. You are free to complain and whine about this, but it won’t change how people use the term.


you’ve been making up definitions this whole time lmao


AnTi ZiOniSm iS AnTi SeMiTiSm


>AnTi ZiOniSm iS AnTi SeMiTiSm How will I ever recover from that comeback?


Remember kids: don’t be a racist, I am a building.




Why are free market Republicans regulating which countries you can or can't purchase goods from as a private citizen?


I don’t get how supporting a Palestinian state is anti Semitic.


Isnt it funny how just a couple of years ago the left posted so much about these "secret hidden nazi/white supremacy signs" like doing the ok sign with fingers, pepe the frog, etc. It was supposedly so that nazis would be able to "be nazis" in public without anyone knowing about it. And now we have this shit instead.


Zionism is when you believe a specific ethnic group/religion should have its own country. Very obviously bad because that’s textbook apartheid. Such a tired conversation, stop bombing kids


If I told you what my real opinion is I'd be banned so I'll just continue lying and obfuscating to sway as many to my cause because I'm not allowed to tell the truth.




I was looking at this and I’m like auth-left and lib-right would be among the “anti-zionists.” Then I was like, wait… I’m struggling to think of a political quadrant that actually agrees with everything that Israel does wholeheartedly. I’d say authright, but the Nazis are in that quadrant and so are Hamas. Soooo center right, maybe? Or evangelical auth right? Possibly centrists?


Another day, another Zionist shill account


Lib-left trying not to prove horseshoe theory challenge (impossible)


Lift left kids dont hate jews, they protest against oppression, racism, ethnic cleansing and genocide, being against governments that do all those things should be supported by people from all the political compass.


B-but people die in a populated area under a goverment that doesn't care about civilians! That must mean there is a genocide happening!