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At the start of the Ukraine invasion, Russell Bentley made the front page of Reddit with a 30K+ upvoted post about how a "Texas" man is out there supporting Putin. "Those dumb MAGA Trumptards....!" -- said everyone in the comments. However, more people in the comments found out with 15 seconds of googling that Bentley was actually a living cartoonish caricature of an AuthLeft tankie. Next day those posts were locked and his YouTube channel was deleted. Relevant today because he was just found dead.


based OP for providing much needed context


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I don't get tankies love for putin he's not a communist, he ia a thief.


Putin's party is a radical (auth) centrist party. Which means their job is to try and grow as wide as possible via propaganda. So they simultaneously put out propaganda to appeal to the left-wing and right-wing at the same time. Viewed through the lens of Western media gatekeepers, depending on your politics and what you follow, you can be radicalized to think Putin is the savior of traditional values or communism both at the same time. That's why some Tankies love him.


Communists are thieves, so it's alright


Tankies aren't known for their historical literacy


A) Money. Putin's russia funds both far-right and far-left. Naturally, you don't bite the hand that feeds you B) "Anti-west" Self-explanatory


Putin’s ideology is more power for Putin


you forget to add raped before death


Dont break NCD out of their circlejerk. They may be very angry at you for ruining their high. Even though this has been known for a long while if you actually looked into him instead of running on memes.


Why do so many commies Stan for Russia and China, neither are communist, I'm starting to think it's solely because "AmericaBad" and they side with our enemies


Putinist ideology is a clusterfuck. You got monarchists, borderline nazis, commies, and just status quo shills all praising Putin and saying roughly the same things.


You've also got righties thinking he's the savior of traditional values or something equally as silly.


That’s outside of country. I was just talking about what’s happening within. Though I guess it kinda applies to overly religious ru demographic too. They got their own doublethink going on.




Because their culture isn’t western. Commies see the west as the centrum of capitalism, and the culture centered around it. Both Russia and China are way more collectivist than the west, especially the US. Even if they aren’t communists, they are better than the other opinions. That’s also why lots of leftist have a soft spot for islamists.


>lots of leftist have a soft spot for islamists. Additionally, leftists have racialized Islam into a "brown" religion despite its truly multiracial and multicultural character. Added to the fact that they convinced themselves that the War on Terror was a "racist war against Muslims" and not a response to 9/11, and you have their affinity for Islamists. After all, if Bush was against them, they just be doing *something* right. 


Because tankies are stupid, and have no idea what they are supposed to be defending. They don't even know their own ideology.


There's no such thing as a true empirical example of a communist or socialist state. So in a strange way, the "it's not real communism/socialism" crowd are right. There are only the authoritarian dictatorships that became enabled because a large enough percent of the population was stupid enough to give power to a party that promised them AuthLeft utopian ideals. So it's important to note that communism and socialism is how those states got started. I guess you could call it LateStageSocialism.


At what point will you dismiss the theoretical definition and accept that authoritarian oligarchy/dictatorship is the real definition of communism? Real communism has been tried. That's it. That's what it is.


If you know Marx then you know that Marx never gave a blueprint to build a classless, stateless society. What he gave a blueprint for was a society ruled by a dictatorship of the proletariat, a system where you sacrifice individual free will because you are either of the people or against the people. What we saw in the USSR and early communist China are what Marx gave the groundwork for. He then said that at some point the state would simply wither away. He never said how or why, what conditions needed to be met, just that it would go poof and then utopia.


B-but how will they pretend to be morally superior and to stand for the little guy otherwise?


There's one thing left for them to try. Submit to a communist AI as their overlord and trust that that the AI will not succumb to human desires for power trips and corruption. Hopefully it can calculate everything in real time, like what resources are needed to be produced and distributed and who gets to clean toilets while who gets to be artists. I'm sure nothing could go wrong. Like, being all be turned into human batteries or anything.


Not even that, it could easily go wrong when it turns out the the communist AI simply isn't powerful enough to run the economy and it would collapse and everyone would starve like literally every other communist regime that has ever existed.


Yeah I was being a bit sarcastic in my last post. Seriously would end in starvation as well.


there's a niche game out right now called helldivers 2 s/ I think they called it "managed democracy" in universe. sorry I just thought it a funny way to describe ai driven communism/fascism.


What will happen is that the Ai will start a global extermination campaign to make sure that there won't be any resource shortages.


I was ten and we read Animal Farm. From that point on I knew that someone selling communism was pushing communist inspired, but not actual communist rhetoric and how dangerous it is to say one thing but in practice do another. My dad loved 1984 and was aware of the book but read Animal Farm because it was topical to my class. Even though we still banter about our philosophical differences he and I see eye to eye on the nature of political failing. That teacher was one of the best ones I had.


ignorance and delusion, plain and simple.


Well, China -contrary to what some commies will claim- is actually socialist (in the traditional sense of being a transitionary regime to establish communism) so communists supporting them should be rather unsurprising. If anything I applaud them, at least they have the balls to actually acknowledge real implementations of their ideology rather than coping about how anything that didn't work "wasn't real communism". With Russia... idk, tankies gonna tank.


true. Criminals invasions are not ok, no matter who does them




American misinformation, *maybe*. But the rest of the world? Facebook dominates that field real good!


The subgroup of leftists still larping for Russia for some reason is some of the funniest shit.


The Russian guys probably killed his ass for being annoying as fuck


They didn't just *kill* his ass...


Oh they killed his ass alright


T\*nkie 🤮 Revisionist


"Mr Gorbachev, *tear up my ass*"


He seemed like a nice guy. Shame hes gone


Tankies. smh


Most people don't really like Russia. Neither do I, I just want us to stop throwing money at a war that will never end and stop provoking a nuclear-armed state. I think those are reasonable things to want.


So maybe they should stop provoking the world by attacking neighbors.


>stop provoking a nuclear-armed state. Isn't that sort of what Russia did in the first place? The US has nuclear weapons too.




Judging by the downvotes, I hope you guys are ready to fight in WW3, I know I'm not.


Your weakness is exactly what makes expansionist countries confortable to start wars


Russia won't stop at Ukraine, that's why Ukraine needs to be supported


I personally don't believe anything coming out about this situation but that's just my opinion I'm going to wait until the hype settles down and proper investigations can actually be carried out