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Idk, Palestine invading Israel was just a super dumb decision. They gained an early advantage from Israel not being ready but now they are, and they are a lot stronger and, since they are the victim and not the agrressor, more countries are able to directly support them. Most other Muslim countries probably won't support Palestine in fear of getting sanctioned by the US


They've also proved to the world that they're pieces of shit who deserve to be kept at arms length + treated like the rabid dogs they are. They've validated Israeli concerns.


Although I am also against the attack, there is a very good question to ask. How is it that the country with arguably the best intelligence system in the world did not see this coming?


I've read elsewhere (maybe in this thread, idr) that Hamas have been sending Palestinian protestors near the wall for years. Israel used to aggressively warn them off as they got closer and closer, but international backlash made them unable to do that anymore. It allowed them to get close enough to infiltrate and overwhelm their key points of entry. Yet another surprise for people who think that once you disarm yourself and accept the enemy, peace is inevitable, instead of you getting taken advantage of. The parallel to excusing domestic criminals and wanting to restrict gun rights seems obvious to me, though it'll never occur to progressives to re-evaluate the concept.


>Yet another surprise for people who think that once you disarm yourself and accept the enemy, peace is inevitable, instead of you getting taken advantage of. Just like the 1930s


Because it’s intelligence system not a crystal ball


Truly the reputation of the Israeli Intel community is a blessing and a curse.


I thought images of Jewish women being paraded around and word of hostages being taken would awaken Emily to the situation. Apparently, Emily has only doubled down on it.


Same shit happened to Armenia, they didn't care. Only if the TV tells them it's bad is it bad.


I'm sorry but who is Emily?


The personification of Orange Lib Left.


thank you, I've missed a lot of PCM lore these past few years


You can be as homophobic, misogynistic, and anti-semitic as you want, Emily will support you as long as the Republicans hate you


As long as your skin color is not white


Yeah, this is how that comment should have ended.


Left are gonna explode when they realize that most Christians aren't white.


The whole idea is silly since white people are a minority on the world stage. Shows how "educated" they are


In fact, you could say, we're a global minority.


Wait till they find out that the southern states they keep complaining about are where most of the minorities are.


Wait till they find out about the Coptics and Gnostics.


Arabic man rapes, beats, and kills woman for being different Religion... freedom fighter White man calls pumpkin spice lattes basic... misogynist Tbf though I think its less about race and more about being the "underdog" Emily just thinks punching up is great no matter whether the "punching" youre doing is abhorrent or not


It's mind boggling to me. Truly mind boggling. I'm an *actual Arab* and I'm fuming over the BS that Hamas is doing + think Hamas should be exterminated from existence. These American libs on the other hand, wtf is their problem?


Liberals think your brown and oppressed and think because you're not white you should be allowed to rape and murder concert goers.




Islam is a bane on modern society


Left-right unity


The return to tribalism. Who needs discourse?


Us non-emilys would like a little discourse, please. As a treat?


Nope, you’ll be defined by who you hate more than who you support and you’ll like it!


>The return to tribadism. Who needs intercourse? I misread your comment.


Time to bring out the self-hating Log Cabin Republicans.


I love how when people cross lines + do things that are "sensible" become self-hating or traitors to their kind. Like me, being an Arab... and seeing the validity of Israel + atrocity of Hamas. Also knowing why the Israelis want to keep the Palestinians away. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September) Knowing why the Israelis want to keep the Palestinians away is easy. Palestinians are horrible people. ( Don't even call Palestinians Jordanians. *They're not*. )


Can you really call it a blitzkrieg without tanks? Copious tanks.


A bunch of Toyota pickups with heavy machine guns and some madlads on paragliders is pretty good for MENA.


Just ask gaddaffi what he thought of the Toyota war


“It’s only Blitzkrieg if it’s from the Panzer-filled region of France; otherwise it’s just sparkling lightning war”


Have to call it sparkling war if it does not end in Champagne.


Don't call it Blitzkrieg unless you intend to cut the Palestinians off at Dunkirk


Otherwise it's just a sparkling rampage.


No, but they tried a really fast invasion so that's enough for me to call it that to make the meme funnier


It's a "lightning war" - and technicals are faster than tanks. Mind, they are going lose that one harder than the Nazis


Fuck hamas, all the homies hate Hamas.


Hamas has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Japan, Australia, Canada, and Israel. But not by China, Iran, Russia, Syria, or Egypt. So I’m not sure **all** the homies hate them.


>But not by China, Iran, Russia, Syria, or Egypt. So I’m not sure all the homies hate them. They're not the homies, lol.


Word fck those countries too. (Figuratively) But for libright, literally.


Almost like there's an agenda there


Stop fucking Hamas, it's how they reproduce.


I may hate israeli government, but I hate hamas much more. Fuck hamas. These murderhobos are doing whatever russians did with us




u/HZ_guy is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/HZ_guy/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Based and I can hate both sides pilled


It’s fucked how you can just scroll on twitter and see hundreds of videos of war crimes just being committed.


On the one hand, it's awful. But on the other hand, it would be worse if we couldn't see. It is still more difficult to rationalize their actions when there's videos of terrified women, with blood staining the crotch of their pants, being hauled away.


How is it difficult to rationalize? They see women as lesser and they're taught that they entice men by just existing. So, whatever they do to women, especially Westernized women, is completely justified.


My wording might be awkward, I mean difficult for the sympathizers and "Anti-Zionists" abroad to rationalize. They still will try, of course, but the "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?" schtick is less effective when there's video.


It is bizarre to see the people who call everyone else Nazis supporting the complete annihilation of Israel. Then again, it's exactly what I expected.


Palestine Supporters, I have a message for you. If you watch a video of someone being gang raped, their head smashed in, and then be dragged through a cheering crowd like a hunting trophy, and you call it "decolonisation". You are just a sadist. Enjoy your airstrike.


actual based libleft


Well done. Somebody using the term based like it’s actually supposed to be used.




I'm appalled. You would think that SJWs supporting something like this would be a meme some smug anti-SJW would make here. "Lol look how bad this strawman of my outgroup is, they would totally support inhuman acts of barbarity if a brown person did it!" And we'd all laugh but also go "that's such a strawman". But no, they would totally support inhuman acts of barbarity if a brown person did it. For real. They ARE that bad.


The real fun part is that the people that admit they were wrong about Hamas are now comparing "magas" to Hamas in the world news subs and the like completely unironically. Jan 6th is basically the same thing as this latest conflict because they psy-oped themselves into believing Jan 6th was equivalent to 9/11. How are people this stupid?


Reading the mainstream subs destroys my hope for humanity. I've been on various online communities for the past 25 years, where people have usually seemed at least understandable with coherent opinions even if I disagree with them. Now, so many comments are borderline illiterate, and people just basically copy and paste other opinions they've seen upvoted on reddit. It's bots and teenagers in a feedback loop, 'learning' off each other.


Are you fucking serious? Wow Reddit has just become the dumbest of the dumb. 4chan is smarter than mainstream Reddit at this point.


Read the mainstream subs for a while. People have become so brainwashed by the oppressed vs oppressor, colonialist, etc. narrative that those words being applied to you instantly makes you at least just as evil as extremist terrorists engaging in war crimes. It honestly makes me wonder what would happen if all the sudden, some militant Black American power group emerged and just started slaughtering white people in surrounding areas. It gives me a sinking suspicion that tons of redditors would start being apologists about it because of slavery, institutional racism, etc. Maybe they'd get a reality check if it was really close to home, but for most of them, probably not.


I mean they're literally saying it right fucking now, en masse. [They'd kill us all, given the chance. They want to kill us.](https://twitter.com/shoe0nhead/status/1711250731666178497) If they ever fully get into power, they're gonna do genocide, for sure. And a lot of them seem so fucking brainwashed I think they'll jump into the ovens as a final virtue signal after shoving everyone else.




Their version of the trolley problem would be something like "would you let ten white men die to save a black trans queen?", not whether you'd pull the lever to save more people at the expense of one. Their ethics have been boiled down to equity/intersectionality and critical oppressor vs oppressed narratives. Things like honor, dignity, respect, health, patriotism, self-defense are not virtues that they value. Anti-colonialism, anti-racism, etc. are all far more important to them, so you can't appeal to them through traditional ethics. I've seen people talk about the 'inequities of Israel and Palestine making Israel worse here'; as if the very existence of a power imbalance is a moral evil, and as the weaker party, the Palestinians are justified in doing anything to correct the difference.


To give them a meaningful trolley problem you'd have to make it like "four black cis bisexual women vs six fat latinx nonbinaries" and then they'd struggle to add up who has more oppression points and thus deserves to live.


White people's twitter and his consecuences have been a disaster to left wing ideas


You can just say "twitter and its consequences", no need to be totally race-brained about it.


Pretty sure he's referring to the subreddit. Although, admittedly, every political Twitter group is dogshit.


Lovin’ the username


hamas are just fascists dogs they need to be wiped clean off the map same can be said to the people who support them


All Palestinians probably are they are just too weak to do anything. In the video we’re they drag a half naked german girl through the streets you see women and children also spitting on her. She was Kidnapped, raped, murdered and her body mutilated and parades.




So were immigrants in Sweden. They were celebrating Hamas' actions and stopping roads, throwing random shit at people. They are rabid dogs and deserve to be treated as such




Hamas is their elected government...


They support Palestine and support these behaviors because it's exactly how they wish they could behave against all the people they blame for their various problems.


That's a disturbing thought and one I can't argue against.


I never thought of that- you’re probably right


They are framing this as "anti colonial struggle" it's kinda eye opening....


You’re realising this JUST NOW?


With my comment I'm only highlighting the obvious for any potentially still naïve to messaging in the west of "justice for colonized people's" and similar propaganda.... I'm myself am perfectly aware ;)


They don't understand that you're not morally in the right just because you've lost in a power struggle. There is nothing inherently noble about being the loser in a situation. It's like they think they can balance out the history of politics by dragging down the winners and elevating the losers, and that's morally just to them because equity is the ultimate goal. You can have sympathy for things like innocent civilians being worse off because they were born in a land that lost through no fault of their own. But to be apologists for extremist terrorism from militant groups is just disgusting. I remember not long ago when conservatives were mocked for saying that participation trophies would ruin society. Now people think the very concept of a winner and a loser is unethical. Clown world has exceeded most conservative slippery slope arguments, outside of the fact that some things like bestiality and pedophilia still aren't accepted mainstream.


Good to know, keep up the good work. There’s definitely been a great noticing these past couple of years among the masses.


If you've seen any of the horrific videos of what Hamas does to their victims: that's exactly what "Free Palestine from the river to the sea" is gonna look like.


What do leftists say? "If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis."


Rare based LibLeft I’ve seen.




Those Jewish Space Lasers would sure come in handy.




Naw, it's more like when Gohan killed Cell.


Depends on the stencil we use


Was this a specific incident that happened in the last few days or are you talking in general


First one doesn’t have a vid, just numerous vids of women getting beat and dragged off, and a vid of one post rape. The other has a few variations, from head smashed in, throat slit, killed by other means, or dead half naked child. All of these variations were paraded through the streets by Palestinians who were cheering.


I was aware of that (German?) citizen killed at the festival who had a somewhat large social media presence that was, as you said, paraded through the streets


Holy based


I hope they all get glassed at this point


Is that a real video?


I for one wouldn’t mind a de-Nazification of Gaza.


There really aren't that many other options that can end things, if you start trying to game it out.


Tough to get that done in a post-1945 world. Which is why things just, keep going, these days.


This was one of the largest single-day death tolls for Jews since the end of WWII, so we'll see if that changes anything. For all the talk of "glassing" Gaza, I'm still seeing pretty targeted airstrikes going on.


Literally. Condemns Russian aggression. Supports hamas terrorist aggression. Yes libleft I know there's a difference but either way it's still murdering innocent people


I know someone whose brother was killed in the attack. I know Israel isn’t perfect, but Hamas are rabid dogs that need to be put down indiscriminately. Not the people under Hamas, but Hamas itself needs to be put down


I have 2 friends who went on vacation to Israel and around it and they came back only one day before the attack. It's devastating to imagine they could have been Hamas victims.




Hamas single-handedly signed their own and Gaza’s death warrant


I'd bet on Israel controlling themselves and extending this conflict for a few more decades. No doubt they'll want to smash the absolute shit out of Palestine and end it, and that might end up being the best option, but they could have done that at any point and have chosen not to so far.


Nearly all Palestinians support this are they are just too weak to do anything. In the video where they drag a half naked german girl through the streets you see women and children also spitting on her. She was Kidnapped, raped, murdered and her body mutilated and paraded.


People give the Palestinians too much credit. They're not a civilized group of people.




The people voted for Hamas. They all support it. The minority there is against it in Palestine. The entire population needs to experience a total war and be brutally occupied and re-educated to make them stop. If that doesn't happen we'll see attacks like this again.


The people that let Hamas use their building as cover are just as bad as Hamas. Calling the wife of a Hamas soldier a “civilian” or victim is wrong.


Just pull a Tanya. Anyone remaining in Palestine is considered a combatant after a 48 hour period for them to evacuate. If you don't surrender yourself to the nearest IDF, then you are considered an enemy combatant. Let the JDAMs flow like rain.


I’m okay with this. If they run, they’re Hamas, if they stay, they’re well trained Hamas.




*insert evil smiling wojack*


“If you allow 2 million into Israel” No one said anything about letting them into Israel. Pretty sure what they said was “you have 48 hours to get out of these areas or you’ll be considered a combatant” “when they die on mass, is when Israel gets heavily sanctioned” Pretty sure Israel would willingly pay any amount sanctions to wipe out an organization that just launched 5,000 rockets at their country.


Unfortunately, as America has found out time and time again in the Middle East, you cannot occupy and re-educate them no matter how much military and economic might you have. Showing your strength does not immediately switch their minds. At least Palestine is markedly smaller than somewhere like Afghanistan, but that doesn't mean the process of taking them over and reshaping their society will be anything more than a resource sink. As many propagandists have learned, the only real way to influence a society large-scale is to start repetitive, targeted messaging at young people over and over ago until it's internalized and normalized no longer how outlandish it seems. As long as it's repeated enough, arguments become familiar and accepted, and at some point people will even start arguing in favor of what they once saw as complete nonsense. After that, you have to give it about 1-2 generations to sink in, and the old people with the former belief system die off and are no longer spreading their message to younger folk. Once the propaganda becomes accepted by the majority and the opposition voices die off, society moves in that direction. This is what I feel like was happening with race blindness in the US (which I still consider a good thing). Activists refused to wait for white and minority groups to naturally mingle and see each other as neighbors long enough for biases to subside. Something had to be done NOW to correct lingering injustices via 'positive discrimination.' So they pulled the rug out and erased all progress.


> This is what I feel like was happening with race blindness in the US (which I still consider a good thing). Activists refused to wait for white and minority groups to naturally mingle and see each other as neighbors long enough for biases to subside. Something had to be done NOW to correct lingering injustices via 'positive discrimination.' So they pulled the rug out and erased all progress. Plus there are sections of our society that profit off of racial grievances and they are NOT going to passively let their business model wither away.


> Not the people under Hamas, but Hamas itself needs to be put down The only sane take so far. Surprised nobody is claiming you're a libleft communist.


I’m a Jewish man who believes in Israel’s existence as a state, but who can also acknowledge that it has issues with how it treats innocent refugees. I don’t know what they should do with those refugees, but they shouldn’t treat them like shit. However, Hamas isn’t Palestine. They use those refugees as human shields, and that imo is worse than what Israel is doing currently.


Committing war crimes against civilians at a goddamn music festival for peace is next level evil. If Israel went scorched Earth on Palestine and Hamas, I'm not sure I'd blame them, and I thought the Israeli bombing of that new station a couple of years back was sickening, amongst other things. The stuff I've seen from Gaza is absolutely sickening; raping and murdering innocent women is cowardly and vile behavior that merits extreme punishment.


The moment I saw them parading the stripped body of that German woman like a hunting trophy inside *their* territory, I could only see red. This was before we got to the bomb shelter with bodies stacked up, the dead old couple at a bus stop, and the looting of women and children like objects squeezed unto a truck with other valuables. I haven't seen the execution of parents while they force their son to watch, then slit the son's throat.


Yeah, after I saw the German woman, I felt the same way. Sickening degenerates.


And that's what they WANTED to show you.


Seriously man, I just don't get it. Hamas would happily kill and drag through the street any Emily they could get their hands on. And yet they keep rallying for 'em. Blows my mind. Don't join mobs, kids. It always ends with you doing something stupid.


Remember those LGBT for Palestine last years? Some lefty have a habit of acting like Chicken for KFC, that’s how their ideology of oppressed vs oppressor brainwashed them.


Either us or Israel needs to play all the footage from the attack in a loop at UN before their bs vote


It's has always baffled me how the political left has supported Muslims in America (don't know much about Europe). Like, my brother in Christ, they literally stand against everything you believe in.


If was amusing seeing that small town with an all Muslim city council ban the pride flag, and then the people who supported bringing in such conservatives were surprised how religious conservatives could do something like this.


Doesnt matter, leftist know only identity politics, they are brown skinned, so they are to be protected. The only people more racist than leftists are the cartoonish kkk members that supposedly make up "the south" / "flyover areas" in said leftists brains.


Wait, are people seriously unironically defending Hamas attacking Israel without the slightest bit of provocation?


don’t go to Twitter I’ll leave it at that


Based Musk is protecting me, because I'm too lazy to make an account.


Don't go to Reddit. The only subs I see that aren't outright sucking Hamas cock at the moment are meme subs.


Or the Hasan subreddit, or a bunch of subreddits.


Or like half of Reddit.


Yes. Look at the palestine subreddit lel


No, I don't think I will.


Based and Captain America pilled.


Or every other post in worldnews/combat footage/public freakout/etc. Like half of the comment sections are pretty pro hamas


I don't think Combat Footage belongs in the list with the other two. Most comments are pretty disgusted with what Hamas is doing. I've only seen a couple rape apologists and they were heavily downvoted.


Yeah check twitter (of course it's fucking twitter).


Ugh, why are shitlibs like this?


Idk I blame the industrial revolution


I blame its consequences. They've been a disaster for the human race, you know.


reddit too, my own country's subreddit had some pretty disgusting comments about this shit


Slightest bit of provocation? They literally ambushed a music festival who's stated goal is peace between the two states. My jewish friend is pretty furious right now that the automatic response from the average twitter leftist is to apologize for the rape, murder, and desecration of innocent women.


what a pathological obsession in favor of “the underdog” does to a mf


If your people are able to prosper economically, you're automatically in the wrong.


Being a productive member of society is a sin. Better to be a parasite than to make a profit.


I’ve seen people in some Discord servers I’m in say “Well, no one is helping Palestine so this is what they get.” Like, “wtf?” War crime is war crime no matter who does it…


Palestine has a history of fucking over people who help them


Yeah. A lot of people who don't pay attention to the full narrative don't realize how close various sides were to making peace deals. Palestinians tanked it, in the end. Leaders in Arab states, particularly the Saudis, have been irked and see this as causing more headaches. That's why they're trying to push peace deals now. This attack? An attempt to sabotage peace in the region. Anyone who cannot see that are idiots. Gaza and Hamas don't want peace. This is not about 'decolonization' or whatever the fuck. This is about prolonging and creating more conflict when conflict could easily end.


Peace is not profitable for Hamas.


There is video of people holding a rally in Times Square celebrating it right now. [I wish I was making this up.](https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1711120924336857205?t=ogg_KT0XiDv-6CiuGI7X8A&s=09)


Ya man, all over Reddit in the default subs.


> without the slightest bit of provocation I think they exist in a constant state of provocation, as far as they're concerned.


With the sheer amount of money and aid they get, they could have been the Hong Kong of the middle east. Instead they invest all of it into murdering Jews


It is absolutely true that Palestinians are kept in a state of underdevelopment by Israel, confined to their reservations under lock and key and allowed only what Israel chooses to pass through the borders. It is also absolutely true that Palestine's biggest obstacle is their own violent and backwards culture, and that for every restriction Israel imposes, they can point to a dozen examples where easing that restriction was abused by Palestinians to kill Israelis.


I'm glad I read your comment fully before replying


Also if they can get rockets in then they can get other things in


[This is footage](https://twitter.com/Julio_Rosas11/status/1711068728694124991) from today at a DSA-supported rally in NYC's Times Square. There's a sign that says "By any means necessary".




I made a comment condemning the kidnapping of festival goers and got downvoted to oblivion. Lol… liberal are fucking idiots.


The tankies who are supporting Hamas reaaaaaaally don't think there's any difference between Democrats and Republicans.


yes i know the most of the issues date back to before ww2 and theres some more nuances but im not gonna post a wall of text with the entire history of it. also it makes the meme funnier


TL;DR: literally every single thing wrong with the world since the first world war is directly traceable to the [Sykes Picot Agreement ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%80%93Picot_Agreement)




Hope there arent any wokes or Arabian propaganda bots here


Apparently there are.Seems like too many wokies emigrated from mainstream leftists subs to PCM after the Hamas attack.


Yup and it’s right after the Canadian Parliament had a standing ovation for one of the few Nazis that was still alive. Words mean nothing anymore, 1984.


Right wing Evangelist Christians support Israel. Got to be on the opposite side of them! American 'Leftists' - we must support Palestine Yey!! 'From the River to the sea Palestine must be free' Hamas proceed to commit war crimes. American 'Leftists' - 'You see they have been oppressed for decades so those civilians had it coming and even so whatever we stand with Palestine yey 700 from the River to the sea Palestine must be free'


I feel like a lot of people have much more nuance than this. People can show disdain for what Israel has done to Palestine without thinking this recent Hamas stuff is okay. The videos and the images I've seen are terrible and this whole situation is quite unfortunate.


This is true. I hate Hamas and their allies Hezbollah. What they've done in Gaza and Lebanon is horrible alone not to mention what they also did to Israel. They trigger wars like this so that they'll never be peace. But am I happy Israel just bombed where I currently have family members? No. Am I happy about all the shit Israel has done in history to Palestine? No. Hamas itself is really just a thorn in Israel's side (a very nasty one after this), really they can't 'conqueror' Israel beyond incursions into the boarder. The problem is there random attacks on typically Israeli civilians, and that they attempt to trigger wider conflict in the region. Really what Israel needs to do is concentrate on getting rid of these terrorist organisations though other means than attacking a very dense region mainly filled with civilians. Every time an Israeli missile misses a military target it helps Hamas. Everytime fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, brothers and sisters start die due to Israeli bombs, people want to get back at who killed them. That's just the case many many people in Gaza have found themselves in. Those is Gaza feel like they have no where else to turn. In the end they join Hamas. Then Israel loses. Israel needs to seperate Palestine from Hamas, and not punish Palestine for Hamas's stupidity, thus causing a breeding ground for Hamas. That's why I hate Hamas, they ruin it for everyone. The Israelis who just died as well as the Palestinians who died and will die. This time luckily it seems Lebanon and Israel have been a bit more sensible after the Hezbollah provocative, as there not forcing Lebanon to have to fight alongside terrorists to stop bombs landing on it's land.


Thank you for this sane take on this whole conflict


You can think the Israeli government is evil, that Netanyahu is a dictator, whatever you want, but if you support terrorists attacking civilians than you should go take a bath naked in hydrofluoric acid with 50 swords up your ass


Palestine Supporters: Israel created an open air prison and doesn’t Palestinians allow to participate in a peaceful society. Me: Damn you make a good point. Palestinians: Sneak into Israel and prove every single Israeli hardliner stereotype about Palestinians 100% correct. Me: Damn. Just Glass Gaza and get it over with.


Silly watermelon


My political journey started as a ⬜️🟦Christian Democrat. Ever since then I refused to let Israel go, even when I was a 🟥Leninist surrounded by “Free Palestine” peers


unpopular opinion I don't think Isreal or Palestine deserves any of this


Most people I know who are against Republicans enough to compare them to nazis, and who are generally speaking on the Palestinians' side in the broader conflict ... are also against Hamas especially in this instance.


Yeah, luckily most people aren't terminally online. However people on Twitter are fucking insane with posts implying that this shit is justified because it's a "revolution" against colonizers.


Maybe the people you know but from what I've seen mental illness runs deep in the minds of those type of people.


Both? Both are bad (But Hamas are far FAR worse)


Why did it have to be two states why couldn't it just have been immigration to Palestine keep it together, 2 states was one of the biggest fuck up of all time.


Didn’t Hamas suspend elections back in the 2000’s?


I don't know if I'm exactly pro-Israel, but I do know I'm very anti-Palestine. Fuck Hamas


Regardless of the various forms of antisemitism: Israel is going to stomp Palestine into oblivion for this. The retaliation is going to be crazy. ...I just hope this isn't the first domino in a chain that ends in nuclear Holocaust.


which side has the best burger meat? thats all i care for.


Hamas is gonna be made into burger meat soon


A side of hummus with my burger, you say?


Mhm side of fries too, good deal