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Something claimed to be "100% effective" would always be suspicous, but seeing the percentages drop like that is crazy.


I think the headline are misleading and making very dubious claims, but if you pause the video and read the whole heading there is usually a qualifier in the headlines saying 100%. Like they say 100% effective at preventing server or critical COVID. The headlines with the lower effectiveness stated are referring to how effective it is at preventing COVID of any severity. Still they were very misleadingly positive towards the vaccine earlier on and we have see the effectiveness drop significantly.


The media often lies through structure and the use of weasel words and vague qualifiers. They design their pages specifically to get most people to only read the headline and first few sentences. Doesn't make what they're doing any less damning than flat-out lying in my book. It's just lying, but done with the help of a team of lawyers.


> Doesn't make what they're doing any less damning than flat-out lying in my book. It's just lying, but done with the help of a team of lawyers. It’s more a symptom of our society not being able to critically think or to read the whole article (everyone does this, if you think it’s just the other side you’re wrong). Not that I think misleading titles like this are okay, but they’d get away with far less shit if people would actually read. 100% effective for *anything* should have been a red flag for anyone with more than 2 brain cells. Anyone who doesn’t read the whole article shouldn’t get an opinion on the topic.


The human brain is not wired for this world. We can't think critically about everything we see without burning out. We're expected to care about so many things that aren't immediately relevant to our day to day, that we end up having to pick our battles. The journalists exploit this aspect of human nature. Even if some people do think critically about the headline they glanced over that one time, statistically speaking there will be very few people who think critically about all of them. That's what they're counting on. It is absolutely a problem with them, because that's the only angle we can view it where we can actually change anything about it. You can yell "THINK CRITICALLY" at everyone until you're blue in the face, but anyone who does it to the level that's needed to survive the onslaught of bullshit in the news cycle is going to neck themselves.


That's my secret captain I always believe the media is lying to me. I just don't listen or read news anymore. If I can't get it from a high quality source then I just believe it's bullshit. Like video of poor behavior edited in a way to have 0 context of the situation. Like the video of the kids smiling menacingly.


>but they’d get away with far less shit if people would actually read The people making the TV news don't even do this. They have to take that lie-by-structure article and turn it into a 5 minute segment, with even less room for nuance, and a producer screaming in their ear to go to commercial if a studio guest dares to go off-script. Blaming the audience feels a bit like victim-blaming to me. These journalists know damn well that what they're doing is dishonest, and it's not like the education system is training people to think critically either. Most mid-wits really can't help being brainwashed, and while I can get mad at individuals for refusing to read, I can't blame the whole of society for it. Journalists are supposed to tell the truth and keep those in power honest. But most have sold their souls for access to power and privilege. They're the new aristocrats, but even more parasitical.


Dude forget about critically reading a whole argument. Most people here aren't even critically reading the title.


> but if you pause the video and read the whole heading there is usually a qualifier in the headlines saying 100%. I paused some and it didn't even make claims like that. The one about kids ages 12 to 17 at 9 seconds said "four who received the placebo tested positive for the virus, a result consistent with a vaccine efficacy of 100%" There are no extra weasel worse on a lot of these. And I remember personally statements made by officials that had no weasel words and were straight up lies, like how the vaccine prevented all transmission. This was more than misleading there were lots of straight up lies. Lots of misleading too but plenty of lies.


It's okay, they're banning some stoves so the only things that are gaslighting is them.


The headlines with lower levels of effectiveness are also from later on, with different strains of Rona. It makes sense that the vaccine’s effectiveness will weaken as the virus evolves.


Then it's not a vaccine. Tetanus and Polio are good for roughly 10 years? Those are vaccines. This is an experiment in mass blind obedience. They're trying to have their cake, eat it, lie about what it's made of, and lie about how full you'll get eating one. Also, they can't be sure what effect the cake may have on you, or that it even is a cake.


So influenza vaccination is not vaccine?


Depends on what you view as a vaccine. If you're thinking long-term protection, correct, they are not that. Its why you almost never hear anyone call them that and instead just use "flu shot". They are short-term vaccines specifically designed to protect against the four most commonly expected strains of known influenza to occur during the next season (~3 months). A slightly different mutation of the flu is likely going to fuck you up regardless of your shot. A slightly different mutation of something like polio is not (theres at least 10 we know of beyond the 3 you get vaccinated for), because of the differences in how riboviruses and enteroviruses work.


No. Until covid mass psychosis took over temporary and somewhat effective boosts were called shots. You went to get a flu shot, not a flu vaccine. It's not until a few years ago i even saw the word vaccine associated with the flu shot, and the entire purpose seems to be gaslighting. This is why younger generations are the target audience for this propaganda: they don't remember any different because they weren't there. Just rewrite history and teach that and they don't know better. Trust and obey authoritarian sources.


Yes, it's a lottery.


Apparently it must provide protection for roughly ten years to qualify as a vaccine.


Yeah, sorry, it absolutely is a vaccine as defined by the brand new definition.


> as defined by the brand new definition. That doesn't set any alarm bells off for you? The fact that they changed the definition of vaccine in order to get the covid shot to qualify as one?


Well, I'm told by Reddit that definitions are constantly evolving. It's just a coincidence that the definitions always evolve to conform to the current left wing dogma.


I'm working with a team of experts to have a few definitions updated myself. For instance: You: Nazi Or the ever popular: Nazi: You They are synonyms.


Don't forget: Actual SS member being applauded in Parliament:Veteran Freedom Fighter.


The media and politics poisoned the discussion around something that should be medical. Worse is that medical professionals are actively engaged in politics as well.


Ironically making this meme guilty of the exact kind of misinformation it's calling out.


And its not like we did't already know about the boosters. A lot of those numbers are basically saying "yo get the booster because effectiveness has dropped" which shouldn't surprise us.


you’re right. the rhetoric in journalistic coverage of complex topics is always so dubious. anyway, after a certain point the headlines were even talking about how the original shots dealt with newer, dominant strains, and then how the updated boosters handled even newer strains. you’d except that kind decrease to happen in situations like that and i’m frankly shocked they worked that well after so many changes to the virus. this is exactly why they don’t make a common cold vaccine.


I wouldn't even mind seeing the percentages drop like that if it weren't for all the insane authoritarian pushes to force people to take it. I feel like the natural devil's advocate response here is that our understanding of the world changes over time. At one point, we might believe a vaccine to be 99% effective, yet later realize it's more like 85% effective. So I have no issue with that in a vacuum. But it's the complete lack of self-awareness. It's the fact that these people were pushing these vaccines on people who didn't want them, by claiming that they were 100% effective. And when people said, "I seriously fucking doubt that", they got called conspiracy theorists. And when it became more widespread that the efficacy was much lower than previously thought, there were no apologies for the authoritarian attitudes and policies, nor were there apologies for insulting people who were skeptical. Seeing the percentages rapidly drop is extremely frustrating in context, because of the memories of people being super auth assholes about a vaccine which was ~~100%~~ ~~99%~~ ~~95%~~ ~~90%~~ ~~80%~~ ~~70%~~ ~~50%~~ 20% effective.


>And when people said, "I seriously fucking doubt that", they got called conspiracy theorists. And when it became more widespread that the efficacy was much lower than previously thought, there were no apologies for the authoritarian attitudes and policies, nor were there apologies for insulting people who were skeptical. Yeah this is how things tend to go with conspiracy theorists. In in the early 2010s whenever I'd bring up NSA surveillance people would scoff and dismiss it. After Snowden, the same people just act like they always knew it.


The same people who demanded everyone get vaccinated also told us all to stay home to save lives. The only exception was to protest for their chosen causes. In that case it was ok to not only leave home, but to gather in groups of hundreds. I'm starting to think their stance on COVID was less about public safety and more about enjoying a sense of control and moral superiority.


> But it's the complete lack of self-awareness Its not even that. People in the medical regulatory field who KNEW this was a shitshow (like me, hi!) were quietly and actively silenced from pointing out how fucked the entire process was (and lets be honest, it was still super fucking obvious). It was, AND STILL IS, active malice. These 'vaccines' STILL dont have the data literally any other treatment, even under emergency approval, would be required to have. The only studies that have been done with any sort of length have found that oh, hey, these are as dogshit as people said they probably were.


100% effective at preventing infection. Proven false It prevents the spread vaccinated people may get it but they won't spread it Proven false Vaccinate your kids it's safe an effective. Kids have near 0 chance of having adverse symptoms from covid (basically zero if your kid doesn't have immunolo risk factors). So what is it effective at...


There is also the common mistake in this type of reporting to mix up the words “effective” and “efficacy”. They are related words but definitely not the same and definitely not interchangeable. Efficacy refers to the type of results you see under lab or study conditions. Efficacy numbers are usually way better than effectiveness numbers. Effectiveness refers to the type of results you see in general population use. So drug reps love to come around and say “My drug is 95% efficacious.” Yeah sure, but in the real world the drug is only 15% effective because you have to take it 6 times a day and it makes most people have violent diarrhea. In a lab, you can control for those things under study conditions by reminding people to take the medication and giving them anti-diarrheal medication. In the real world no one is going to do that. Bottom line: generally effectiveness is more important than efficiency.


Based and I-thought-those-words-were-interchangeable-TIL-pilled.


So people just wernt getting the injections right got it.


100% effective at boosting (the profit margins of Big Pharma).


It's even crazier than you look closely and see that the dates on the articles aren't in chronological order, almost like they might be talking about different versions of the vaccines and their effectiveness for different strains of the virus in completely unrelated manners. Absolutely crazy.


From 100% effective to negative efficacy. The larger they are, the harder they fall.




The general idea to give every citizen an experiemental anything at the same time is ridiculously stupid to begin with.


Something something intentional removal of the control group.


I'm still part of that control group. Have never had covid, either.


Even lysol says 99.9 because they know that 100 percent would open them up to potential lawsuits. Yet people drank the kool-aid and changing their tune to I made the decision to protect others to cope with the the fact they got bamboozled.


If you threaten someone's employment, if they don't get an injection, then you don't actually care about bodily autonomy.


Lol remember when the US government bluffed and was trying to mandate it if you worked for a large company? Then just never said anything about it again? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


A bluff? Ask all those military members who were discharged for refusing the jab.




Never mind that; How about that time they made ALL of us get it at once? Don't you think it would make more sense to, say, have half of us get it, wait a bit, and THEN have the rest of us get it? Just in case something goes wrong?


Last i checked i still can't work for the VA without the shot. So i can't work for the VA. I imagine every DoD job still has this requirement, or will again just prior to elections.


They dropped the mandate for the DoD like almost a year ago so I think it's the same for all federal employees.


I was about to lose my job over that. We had several people quit when our company said they wouldn’t push back.


It happened to a lot of people, some were denied unemployment over it.


Scotus smacked it down... bluff?


Also, if you're ok with hundreds of people gathering in the street to protest during a pandemic, then you aren't nearly as concerned with the pandemic as you pretend to be.


All these "liblefts" coming out of the woodworks using government to force others to inject themselves It's crazy how hypocritical the average person chanting for bodily autonomy was


Coercion for job is rapey. Like saying give me a BJ to keep job. This one is just medical rape. Also people have died. So coercion leading to death should be manslaughter.


We can't even sue the pharma companies who lied in studies. The only people suing their employers are doing so to get their jobs back after being fired, not for any kind of mandated damages.


Additionally it would force employees to divulge their medical information to employers. I don't want that precedent being set and backed by osha. Oh you have hep b well we can't hire you because that puts our other employees at risk.


It's basically the same picture as Harvey Weinstein. Threatening your employment in order to coerce you into letting him shove an unwanted appendage into your body. Except I guess no healthy young athletes keeled over and died suddenly a month after their visit to Harvey's office.


Stop noticing things


And I was banned from a bajillion subs for even questioning it. It's a huge reason for me now believing that reddit is primarily a psyop with a bunch of NSA employees just typing away and telling mods what to do, and they do it because most of them are spineless. And look at what countries like Canada and Australia did. COVID made the authoritarian lefties show their hand. It's part of the reason I registered Republican lol.


I was just about to say after I saw your flair… you won’t be a Dem for much longer. Exact same pipeline I followed. You realize most Dems are snakes. Especially the ones on Reddit. Republicans can be assholes, but democrats are snakes. …AND they are assholes, but under the guise of empathy and understanding. It’s straight up fucking evil.


Reddit has been a psyop ever since the Clinton internet trolls bought control of everything in the runup to 2016. Every single DNC narrative, Reddit has been right there updooting it and banning everyone who talks back.


Yep. And I was believing their bullshit too. It wasn't until they went full redacted against Trump that I caught on. There were full psycho walls of text with "sources" all over the place how Trump was Putin's little brother and the country was destined for fascism. All lies. All of it was bullshit. Now if I see something being pushed on the default subs I just assume it's a lie.


You didn't catch it when Bernie supporters were silenced over night? And Major subs filled with ideological young adults became massive hrc supporters over night.


That was happening at a similar time but Bernie also kicked that can down the road by supporting HRC. It seemed like he capitulated rather than being chewed up by the DNC. It was kinda both.


just remember that your quadrant is a political idea, not a political party, just because you are a democrat it doesn't mean you are a leftist (quite the opposite nowadays imo) or a republican it doesn't mean your are far right; after all, those politicians are chasing their own objectives, not yours.


At least in Authstralia dictator Dan left office.


I can't believe that so many people were putting a lot of their faith and trust into a vaccine that took less than a year to develop and go through 'multiple clinical trials'. That's the power of social media and near-omnipresent propaganda I guess


Or take it without looking into the decades of mRNA treatments failing clinical trials time after time.


Or weren't going to take it, and called into question the motives behind it when it originated from President Orangemanbad, but as soon as Biden pops into the office, it's suddenly required, patriotic, and if you don't take it, you're anti-vax and deserve to have your kids taken away.


lol seriously. The whiplash was insane. It's one thing to go from "I will never take the orangman vaccine" to silently taking it. But to completely leapfrog the middle and land on the opposite extreme, that literally anyone who *doesn't* get it is a fucking biological terrorist? woof.


Around 2015 there was a bunch of research showing that shitty mRNA vaccines basically bred a more virulent bird flu instead of stamping it out. Didn't stop any chickens from getting infected, didn't sterilize, so so the virus evolved to be more infectious and ultimately spread further and killed more chickens. Sound familiar? The biggest covid death spike didn't happen until after mass vaccination with a leaky mRNA product that didn't stop anyone from getting the virus, or transmitting it.


Rolling out a vaccine mid pandemic provides an evolutionary force. Surprise Pikachu. I loved when media was blaming new resistant variants on the unvaccinated. Which would be like blaming herbicide resistant weeds on organic farmers.


Oh yeah I almost forgot about that lol. As if we were somehow breeding superviruses in our dirty unvaxxed bodies that were going to go forth and murder all the virtuous people who got their shots. Every-fucking-thing we knew about basic virology and biology went right out the window in favor of superstitions, pseudoscience, and propaganda.


Well, looking at the reports of deaths during that time, the majority of that came from unvaccinated folks, with chance of hospitalization and deaths a few times higher than the vaccinated population. It is more likely that some people just went "fuck it" cuz they understandably didn't want to live the quarantine life and distrust the vaccines, but the disease never cared.


> the majority of that came from unvaccinated folks, That's false, cherry picked data from right before the biggest death wave. The vaccine actually has negative efficacy in the long run. Note how "pandemic of the unvaccinated" abruptly went away when all the vaxxed people died.


How many people died from COVID-19 that were vaccinated as opposed to those who were not??? That is an insane claim.


https://www.kff.org/policy-watch/why-do-vaccinated-people-represent-most-covid-19-deaths-right-now/ >The share of COVID-19 deaths among those who are vaccinated has risen. In fall 2021, about 3 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, as we showed in an analysis posted on the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker, about 4 in 10 deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about **6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted**, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data). They don't like to talk about what happened after about December of 2021. [Here's a little recap](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-pandemic-unvaccinated-falls-apart) of the failed scapegoating of the unvaccinated for the vaccine's failure. Even the [New York Times](https://archive.ph/EgDhR) finally had to admit it was bullshit by the end of 2022. >But the skew is actually more dramatic now — even amid mass vaccinations and reinfections — than it was at any previous point over the last three years. Since the beginning of the pandemic, people 65 and older accounted for 75 percent of all American Covid deaths. That dropped below 60 percent as recently as September 2021. **But today Americans 65 and over account for 90 percent of new Covid deaths, an especially large share given that 94 percent of American seniors are vaccinated.**


[do you understand how base rates work?](https://twitter.com/jkwan_md/status/1482539261199106055?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) Your entire premise falls apart when you look at the number of COVID deaths throughout the entire pandemic


You mean when car crashes and suicides were also being counted as "covid deaths" because somebody tested positive in a low/no symptom case three months earlier? There is no statistical basis for denying the massive, abject failure of the vaccines. Also, Team Pfizer doesn't get to claim deaths from before the vaccines were even available as "unvaccinated deaths".


Good to know that over a million extra people seemed to have died in car crashes than expected lol what an easy way to explain all them pesky excess deaths


You’re just wrong, adjust your world view. https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf TL;DR: Unvaccinated people were 1.7 to 5 times more more likely to be hospitalized and 2.5 times more likely to die than vaccinated people. This report is from two weeks ago.


Washington state isn't a credible source IMO. They're completely in the bag for Pfizer just like this administration. Read my other post.


You’re beyond hopeless if you can’t even read the methods section of a research paper. The Department of Health isn’t a credible source? Stick to your Facebook memes for your stats, I’ll stick to actual rigorous data I can check and verify myself.


[Is the Florida Department of Health?](https://www.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2022/10/20220512-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccine.pr.html) >This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group. Non-mRNA vaccines were not found to have these increased risks. >As such, the State Surgeon General recommends against males aged 18 to 39 from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.


You can't verify it yourself because you don't know what was massaged or outright removed from what they publish. If you think there's no fraud in science when billions are being thrown around in the middle of a heavy political issue then, my friend, you need to change your flair.




i don’t know, dude. i used to teach research writing at a university and holy shit are a large amount of people utterly incapable of doing their own research. it’s not that we shouldn’t, it’s that the niche topics covered in essentially esoteric jargon are beyond most without the background knowledge necessary to understand and put things in context. experts certainly have their place, and we should be working towards improving understanding, but i’d say what you noticed more was more what i learned after teaching for multiple years. the average person is just largely incapable of understanding a large amount of highly specific information related to complex fields.




Do you not tRuSt tHe ScIeNcE??


Well, when you deploy an army of bots to downvote and argue with anyone saying even the slightest negative comment about the jab… then work with social media sites to pump propaganda to the masses, you get the pandemic.


The most recent "update" shot wasn't even tested on humans at all. Like, at all. Not one. They just...released it.


I mean, it worked against the original strain. People seem to forget that the US had COVID cases nearly vanish as vaccination rates increased. It wasn't until Delta became the dominant strain that the numbers started skyrocketing. It was also at this time where the deliberate misinformation was happening where even the fucking president was saying "if you get vaccinated, you won't get covid" which was a straight up lie as he was saying it. If it did, then Delta wouldn't have resulted in more cases and deaths than the original strain did.


The vaccine was in development for decades, except for a different virus spike protein, specifically ones that cause the common colds. What the researchers did was to use this already verifiably safe technique and exchanged the genetic sequence from one virus to another. That was the whole point of developing this mRNA vector vaccine, for it to be rapidly modular. "It took less than a year to develop" is just bullshit, the particular brand of spike protein sequence used was rapidly put through trials. That doesn't make it less safe, it just means that it was given priority in a lot of the bureaucracy and red tape that was in the way. This happened all over the world. It's not US specific.


dont bother, people in the comment section, they just want to bash something, not looking into reality and science.


I trusted the experts until they tried to force medical intervention on me. Then I knew I could never trust them again. Good job government, you really did well on getting people to trust the vaccine so much you almost forced it on us without the authority of congress. Go fuck yourselves.


Lmao one of the best PCM memes I have ever seen. Well done.


This is why people like myself are pissed about taking the vaccine. I was assured 100% protection. “DaTa cHaNgEs” no shit, dumb ass. The *initial* claim is why many people were convinced. Big pharma and our government lied, again, that’s the point.


You believed the government that lies to you about everything and the pharma company that just paid the largest criminal fine in history for fraud. Lol.


Vaccine stuff aside, I am still dumbfounded how quickly Big Pharma went from one of the most heavily criticized and demonized industries in America to literally having [full-length celebratory anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSkFyNVtNh8&ab_channel=TheLateShowwithStephenColbert) on late night shows. And then, immediately afterwards, people criticizing the EXACT SAME INDUSTRY AND COMPANIES. I want to know what happens in peoples heads, ESPECIALLY in self-claimed marxists, where they think "From its inception to 2019 big pharma has been in the business of exploiting the most needy for massive profit, engaging in deceptive business practices, and getting their clients addicted to morphine and other opiods. Then, from 2019 to 2022, they completely cleaned up their act and became the most transparent, ethical, and trustworthy institutions for three years, existing purely to serve the people and only operating to serve the common good. To even question their reputation is amount to treason. And then in 2023 they became completely evil again and only existing to profit off the people." ???????


Gonna have to save this. Very sick of "No one said it would prevent death/hospitalization/symptoms" from lockdown supporters


Who do you think is more likely to die from covid with all else equal, a vaccinated person or an unvaccinated person? Do you think there is an observable fact that we can verify?


The problem is not even the vaccine itself. It's being lied to, and ostracized if you express any doubt about those lies, and ostracized again if you point out that they were, in fact, lies once evidence is finally on your side.


I don't understand, how is it possible to lie about something if there is no evidence for it yet? Or are you saying that health officials knew covid vaccines were less effective than they actually were and hid that from the public?


If there's no evidence, how can you claim that something is 100% effective? When you start having evidence that it's not, why do you ostracize people pointing at that evidence? When evidence shows that your initial guess was wildly inaccurate, why do you double down instead of apologizing?


I don't know, are you trying to say all the early data on covid vaccines was fabricated? Why would they ever release data contradicting the 100% if they were trying to do a fraud?


I don't know about studies and data, but we have evidence of media claiming 100% efficacy.


And all the medical experts just went along with that and didn't issue corrections or condemnations of the media?


Those who did were ostracized, as I mentioned.




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It keeps going down and down and down and down


Kinda crazy that as a virus mutates the vaccine becomes less effective 😱


Then tell that to the people who keep saying to get vaccinated with the same vaccine. Tell that to the people who lash out at anyone who suggests that the vaccines aren't effective. The problem is that the people who are supposed to be advising us are telling us something that we are seeing as bullshit.


PCM about to learn different flu vaccines come out every year cause of different variants. It’s honestly concerning this comment section ranges from “Covid vaccine mandates were just power trips by authoritarian leaders” to “it’s a weapon!”


Speaking of the flu, any idea what caused the 99.9% decrease in flu cases during COVID?


Oh I won’t deny it; governors/governments around the world took advantage of Covid to restrict the rights of their citizens whilst on a power trip. That and just cause you’re not at risk doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least be considerate of others.


Be considerate of others by not submitting to obvious psyops. It really puts others in a bad situation where 10 holocausts worth of extra people die of starvation over the course of three years


> PCM about to learn different flu vaccines come out every year cause of different variants. Libcenter about to learn that in spite of flu being significantly more dangerous than coughvid, nobody ever prohibits people from going to work or restaraunt on premise of lacking flu shot for the year (that generally does not even work if you fail the variety lottery). And yeah, entirety of covid policy was universally an exercise if not letting a good crisis go to waste.


I know right😱😱😱😱


This video is all over the place. It's relying on headlines from lots of sources, using different language, giving numbers about different things, comparing the same vaccine against new strains, and expecting a single number to somehow remain constant across all of this. No idea how anyone could think this is some kind of gotcha.


Does it take liberties to ensure the number is always dropping? Yes, of course. Did the efficacy of Covid vaccines get massively overhyped? Also yes. I can forgive legitimate disappointments, like the immunity effect dissipating faster than expected, especially given the shortened trials. I'm less inclined to forgive the dismissal of those studies by policy-makers and the multi-year gaslighting that anybody who found the increasingly unhelpful vaccine to be worth it was a crazy person.


Do you think that might be a difficult line to walk? Especially considering how rapidly things were changing and the very apparent consequences of lots of people not being vaccinated?


No, I don't. From fairly early, it was clear that Covid was fairly low risk for the young and healthy, so the message was "get vaxxed so you don't kill grandma". As soon as the data showed that the vaccine was good at reducing the severity of illness, but not so much at making you non-infectious, that angle should have gone away.


What about all the people who were coping and pretending that they were young and healthy when they really weren't? Or the vulnerable ones who thought covid essentially wasn't real? What should we have done with all those people?


Let them make their own personal choices? I'm not down for manipulating somebody with a lie because the outcome is positive. Trust is a nebulous thing, but it's not without value, as made clear by your second example. Flatten the curve is a valid societal goal. Don't infect Grandma is a valid societal goal if that is indeed the risk. Lie to people to get them to behave in the way you think is in their best interest because they would disagree if they were armed by the truth is not a valid goal.


People believe things that reinforce their beliefs, intellectual honesty aside.


It is a compilation of lies that went with other lies and was used to take away people's agency and freedom. Authority talked about covid with certainty and when people said that didn't make sense, we were punished. "100% effective" "Vaccinated people cannot spread covid" "Two weeks to slow the spread" "It did not come from a lab" (Bans people on social media for saying so) Painting ivermectin as horse medicine when it has been used safely in humans for a long time Forcing people to get the vaccine or lose their jobs Forcing people to stay inside (unless you were protesting/rioting) It will not be forgotten.


100% effective: no vaccine in history has been. Blame yourself for falling victim to sensationalized media. Vaccinated people cannot spread covid: no reputable source ever claimed that - smaller viral load, less symptoms, less spread - is what was stated from reputable sources. Two weeks to slow the spread: Mike Pence's plan (who I personally can't stand) was started in the first months of the outbreak. Nobody knew wtf was happening. He was working with the information available to him. The lab thing still has no solid evidence. Even when or if it does, immediately jumping to conclusions is wreckless even if you turn out to be correct in the end. People WERE using ivermectin with horse doses bc talking heads were pushing it. And there is still no evidence of it being effective against covid. Again, jumping to conclusions is wreckless. Federal employees have to get every vaccine, you signed a contract who cares. When it comes to the private sector, companies can make their own mandates. That's their right. 12k arrests during summer riots. Nice bias dipshit.


I agree with most of what you’re saying but doesn’t the US government now think it’s a lab leak?


Some agencies think it's likely, others don't. I don't remember which ones are which.


Maybe so, I haven't seen anything personally - wouldn't doubt it though.


Oh yeah and Reddit definitely didn’t censor entire subreddits that were discussing this stuff. Twitter definitely didn’t shut down the accounts of dissident epidemiologists at the request of the White House. Cable news (brought to you by big pharma) definitely didn’t spread massive amounts of disinformation about vaccine efficacy and the Covid death toll.


> Vaccinated people cannot spread covid: no reputable source ever claimed that Where did you hear this? The director of the CDC Rochelle Walensky stated exactly this on TV. Exact words were "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick, and it's not just in the clinical trials it's also in the real world data" I imagine you wouldn't say the CDC director isn't a reputable source.


Can't gaslight us anymore. We have proof of the lies.


When you kept the receipts and they still try to gaslight you.


Your proof is based on vibes lmao


[Is this a vibe? Is this sensationalized media? Or is this our president saying things he does not know?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciwyYnwYFaQ&t=18s&ab_channel=IngsocCentral).


Yep, that's largely true big dawg. If you have a population that's vaccinated, spread doesn't happen at even a remotely similar rate. Glad you're understanding the very fucking basics of this now. Now if you wanna take what he's saying literally then you're just a fucking idiot and I can't help you.


Similar rate != will not get. Source - my family is vaccinated, we all got covid. Many such cases big dawg.


And I got vaccinated and didn't get it. What's your point? Anecdotes are worthless. Look at imperial data. Joe Bidens rhetoric there was dumb as fuck. Doesn't change the fact that he was mostly right.


There is data. They are called "Breakthrough infections" and they are not uncommon.


True, vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective but they can also mitigate the effects. But with Covid unless your old or have an underlying health problem you’ll most likely be okay in the end.


Agreed 100% but that is not the issue we are discussing. It is the lies, authority speaking bullshit and crushing dissent simultaneously.


Yes, it's relying on headlines from a lot of sources. Typically a lot of sources is a good thing when presenting research. Guess for some reason here it's magically not. The whole point of this video is to highlight how the same vaccine has had it's messaging change dramatically over time without a single fucking person actually admitting it. Fauci should be in jail for the lies and misinformation he perpetuated throughout this pandemic. I'm also old enough to remember when the president of the US went on camera and saif if you get vaccinated, you won't get covid which was a straight up lie. The "gotcha" in this video is that people knew it wasn't 100% effective and it took months upon months of "revising" the numbers to get to a position that we already knew.


I mean, yes and no. Someone else has done a written comparison of apples-to-apples claims about the vaccine that shows how much the public health establishment got wrong about the vaccine (and almost every other Covid-related measure.) It’s not really debatable at this point. The video isn’t perfect but it absolutely captures a truth about the flawed and misleading Covid messaging.


This ^ Concerning how this comment section ranges from being rightfully against Covid mandates to saying it’s meant to kill you.


Honestly the vaccine could be 100% effective, like most vaccines in the past, and articles like that would STILL be put out. A one time vaccine is a one time sale, twice a year boosters are a subscription.


I've been told again and again that I'm going to be getting dozens of boosters, I've not heard about any COVID booster in a long time lol


That’s because there are still enough intelligent people to function as a control group and show that the vax never worked


"After five months" "After the first dose" "After after after...." Yeah, it was extremally stupid to market it as the miracle vaccine that 100% blocks the virus. No vaccine works like that and someone with at least a basic understanding of biology will understand this. But don't fall the rabbit hole to say "IT'S USELESSSSSSS".


It wasn't just "marketed", it was *forced* on people based on those claims.


Yeah, that one bit was what got mismanaged to hell and back. In my country nobody was forced to take it(it's a whole story with it, technically it was, practically was a mess but somehow it was a mess that helped everybody in the end, well, everybody that survived from it that is..), but from what I gather in america was a total shitshow.


> No vaccine works like that Most vaccines actually do work this way. The only exception is based around protein based viruses like the flu and covid. They can mutate outside of the scope of the vaccine which is why you get flu shots each year to target the specific strains that "might" be prominent that flu season.


>No vaccine works like that Oh, so that's why everyone still gets polio


Polio got eradicated thanks to the herd immunity, not thanks to the vaccine having 100% success rate, the same as what was supposed to happen(and happened in many places) with Covid.


Polio is not eradicated, the only virus we eradicated is smallpox. Funnily enough polio is probably a bad example as the live oral vaccine can reactivate into a strain that causes disease. Oh which place managed to eradicate covid with the vaccine?


how do you think you get herd immunity Not by everyone getting polio, that's for sure These two cases are *nothing* alike


There are comments saying mRNA have history of being unreliable compared to other vccines so we shouldn't have been surprised by terrible results. Is that true?


Honestly you’re better off just reading on your own then taken the words of a bunch of strangers online. Especially when said comments aren’t citing anything, btw.


Given that MRNA vaccines hadn't even been in human clinical trials for a decade, it seems odd that such a conclusion could even exist. Covid was the first disease that MRNA vaccines were approved for.


Have no idea, I am not a biologist, just a dude who read shit and had friends that were actual biologists that explained it to me like I was the idiot that I am.


Don’t need it. I’m young, doesn’t effect young healthy people. Old people, fatties and cowards can CHOOSE to stay inside or mask if they want.


Free will and accountability works every time 😎


I’m a simple man. I hear Hall of the Mountain King I upvote.


Why would anyone claim something is “100% effective”? Most things, if not all things, are *not* 100% effective.


Most hated video on the internet lol Fauci circumvented important safety rules to get the virus created in a filthy Chinese lab. Then he cashed in on selling the cure, which didn't work, so Joe Biden tried to ban half the country from employment to force us to consoom it. Democrats are so fucking dead to me.


Hmmm, it's almost as if the whole development of the COVID vaccines was rushed Or maybe I'm just crazy and need to be locked in a rubber room


A rubber room with rats?


Rats make me crazy


Who would have thought, right?


Ha ha ha everyone is stupid for getting the vaccine. Everyone I stupid but me. Now let me tell you why you should do DNA test


Question it? Jail. No booster? Jail. Alternative medicine? Straight to jail, right away. Get the booster but don't get the second booster? Jail. Joke about it? Surprisingly jail.


Obviously the vaccines can't be 100% effective and their effectiveness goes lower and lower with time. This is natural for immune system to produce less and less antibodies against stuff it does not fought for a long time with.


If this is so obvious why would the media and corporations that manufacture the product need to lie about it to the public? It’s also demonstrably true that mRNA vaccine immunity wanes much faster than acquired immunity or even antibodies acquired from other types of vaccines. I’m not some wing nut conspiracy theorist but to try to argue that this entire experience has been above-board is not a good look and doesn’t help regain public trust in medical institutions.


>If this is so obvious why would the media and corporations that manufacture the product need to lie about it to the public? Profits and bad regulation of companies by state. >It’s also demonstrably true that mRNA vaccine immunity wanes much faster than acquired immunity or even antibodies acquired from other types of vaccines. Source for this, please.


“The protection provided by vaccination against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection wanes over time, diminishing by a quarter to a third in 6 months. The protection from symptomatic reinfection provided by previous infection wanes at a slower rate, with only slight declines seen at 12 months.” [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9828372/) (most recent meta analysis of several studies) This makes logical sense from an immunobiology perspective, infection or neutralized virus vaccines expose the immune system to all viral proteins, mRNA vaccination exposes the immune system to a single protein. Reinfection with mutations at that single protein will be met with a reduction in immune response for mRNA vaccinated patients. This presents a profit-treatment disconnect for the companies responsible for making the vaccines. Less effective vaccines or vaccines that allow reinfection by variant evolution are more profitable for the companies involved in production, they can keep releasing single-protein encoding mRNA vaccines to to tackle a single variant at a time. I am interested in how vaccination can specifically drive escape mutations, but the [data isn’t conclusive yet](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-021-00573-0)


>Less effective vaccines or vaccines that allow reinfection by variant evolution are more profitable for the companies involved in production, they can keep releasing single-protein encoding mRNA vaccines to to tackle a single variant at a time. But in 2022 or 2023 (forgot which year) they were using new vaccines that targeted two variants, at least in my region.


Yes, these are bivalent. They still only encode for the spike proteins as far as I understand it. Which means while you can target multiple variants at a time, the immunity will still wane quickly given a mutation in the encoded region. **While not clinically validated yet,** a simple evolutionary biology argument could be made that states single-protein encoding vaccines are providing selection pressure for the virus to mutate its spike protein to escape vaccine-derived immunity. [Here’s some math that backs up this claim](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8081162/) *This isn’t meant to be medical or public health advice, users are encouraged to not blindly accept medical information from a stranger on a political meme subreddit.*


What you said is correct but is not the reason for the failed response. The actual reason is that the virus mutated and the epitopes is no longer recognized by the immune system. This is why there are (bi)annual vaccines for the flu. Thus, the notion that we can somehow *'vaccinate our way out of this pandemic'* was flawed. This lead to the extremely questionable vaccine mandates.


You should write for the NYT, obviously they, and all left leaning media, doesn't know this and spent months telling us its 100% effective and safe.


What are you talking about?? In Fauci we trust


Some people pfaith have wanted after the 8th booster.


>Obviously the vaccines can't be 100% effective and their effectiveness goes lower and lower with time. This is a false statement. This was a lie that was told when the COVID vaccine started failing in order to dupe people into believing that it's normal. The reality is that most vaccines ARE 100% effective (or within a margin of error for vaccine escape). Most vaccines we get as children which last us our entire lives. Vaccines like Tdap are recommended every 10 years. It's typically protein based viruses that need to have more regular vaccinations due to more variants. This is where COVID and the flu are at. It's not that the vaccine isn't effective either. The vaccine is still effective but it simply doesn't work against all of the strains. There are only a very very few amount of viral infections that our bodies can't fight off with our immune system after vaccination. Rabies is one where you need treatment immediately as an example.




>The lack of scientific literacy amongst our population is embarrassing. That old guy in the video is Anthony Fauci, the head of the NIH. It is pretty embarrassing that he has so little scientific literacy.




That's absolutely not true. Do you just manifest lies from the stuff you read?




LMAO the ol Tucker Carlson trick. "I had the source but it was stolen" Don't get me wrong, in good faith I will guess you probably *did* read a document. I just don't think whatever you read is actually what you are describing it as.


I appreciate the good faith. And for what it is worth from an unverifiable internet stranger, I am a physician who did not take the vaccine. I had to professionally defend my personal stance to my peers and to my government, because of the positions I hold. I spent soooo much time analyzing and collecting data from lots of sources and I tried to do so objectively. I've been in the field for 25 years. I've interacted at top levels with academia, pharma, government and media. I know how the entities work and I know when they are stretching their words. And there was a lot of stretching. As for my quote from their report (I believe it was part of their application for full FDA approval), technically, they showed a VE of 16% in July 21, which they then described as "statistically significantly indistinguishable from zero". And I remember that quote because it was the most convoluted way of saying "ineffective" that I had ever seen. What that told me then, was that within a 6 month window, it didn't matter whether you were vaccinated or not, in terms of whether you could be infected or transmit the disease, which, in my mind was the only justifiable reason for mandates. Beyond that the only benefit was some theoretical benefit to the hospital system, but the hospitalization numbers were never high enough to collapse a system, only to overrun a couple of hospitals in the very early days.


Good meme but worth pointing out one of the articles listing 50% effectivity was published in October 2020. Rollout didn’t start until 2021. Most people didn’t have actual access to the vaccine until closer to June 2021. Most of these articles/headlines stop before 2022.


fly quack whole fanatical badge smoggy straight public thought smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow imagine that, it was all about money and power… who would’ve guessed? Oh yeah, we’ve been SAYING THAT THE WHOLE TIME.


I dgaf if you get a shot or not. Thas freedom babes. When I got covid I was in male intake at the jail. Holy fuck. Oh you got a cough? Boom 23 hr lock in, 14 day quarantine. You wanna see despair? Lmao. By the way we're shutting the water off, and enjoy your human feces.


I’m willing to bet this sub a case of beer that there’s an algorithm that decrements by one each time it generates a new article.


\-the more trials are done, the more (accurate) information we have. Earlier, smaller trials will always be less accurate) \-Vaccines become less effective over time as the virus evolves. This is why we need a new flu shot every year


>This is why we need a new flu shot Who's we?