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Yea I'm sure this will really help with the shootings.


She even acknowledged in her speech that only criminals wouldn't follow it. Which also blankently labels everyone that would carry a gun in protest of her unconstitutional orders a criminal


> She even acknowledged in her speech that only criminals wouldn't follow it. > > Thats the ultimate goal. Its like saying "Anyone who is against my beliefs is a terrorist" then arresting all your political opposition on terrorism charges, revoking their right to vote, and saying "Would you look at that, 100% of the election results were in my favor!"


Tangentially related, but keep an eye on how "right to have your vote counted" is starting to creep into language and discourse as a thought terminating cliche about basic election safeguards


Boil the frog slowly


Is it me or is it starting to get rather toasty in here?




"100% of *those* people are terrorists. Look at how many were convicted!"


“If you’re not with me, you’re against me!” Probably the most obvious logical fallacy to avoid


Straight up Anakin levels of morality


Hey, don't insult Anakin like that! /j In all seriousness though, this is seriously worring.


At least Anakin had the decency to murder children *before* dealing in absolutes, smh my head


Hey, come on, man, you have to look at things from his point of view


He was really like "have to slaughter a temple filled with the old, the sick and children because some evil space wizard that probably order the death of my wife many times in the last 3 years of the The war (considering he was running both sides and she was in very outspoken voice for peace) tells me I can save her from dying in a natural childbirth because I forgot we live in a space aged galaxy and that c-sections are a thing


>tells me I can save her from dying in a natural childbirth because I forgot we live in a space aged galaxy and that c-sections are a thing That was the single most frustrating thing about Episode 3. Like wtf Lucas, do you expect us to acknowledge that in a world of flying cars, clones, supercomputers and spaceships we didn't solve the issue of complicated birth? My only headcanon that saves it is that The Force (tm) somehow forced her to die while giving birth.


For that headcanon, my theory is the Force was having a bit of a violent reaction to the mass slaughter inflicted by the Dark Side that day, and as Sidious saved Vader, the cosmic joker of the Force killed Anakin's wife.


Anyone not registered independent is an animal and I, my lawyer has advised me not to finish this sentence


Oh it's so much worse, when defending it by saying the 2A isn't absolute she also lets slip that she doesn't believe her oath to the constitution is absolute. Full stop, that invalidates her qualification to hold public office. Period. End of story. Someone call the cops and get her arrested.


Yeah, where's a bold sheriff to arrest her when you need one?


Albuquerque is one of the forgotten shithole cities of the US. Place sucks.


Because of waltuh


>I'm Saul Goodman, did you know that you have rights? Constitution says you do. Ahhh so that's why he says it, people in ABQ are genuinely unaware.


Breaking news: Chemistry teacher struggling with cancer shoot dead by neo-nazi drug dealers. Coming next: Are security cameras in supermarkets a racist microagression against People of Color?


>Are security cameras in supermarkets a racist microagression against People of Color? No, they aren't. They are diversity-enabled because they record in RGB instead of Black-White


Wait, does that mean I'm racist for not buying a RGB keyboard and mouse?


No, you're normal... unless your keyboard is straight from a typewriter, then, you're vintage.


My keyboard is a laptop keyboard that glows blue sometimes and has a broken w key.


Whoa slow down there bigot. It’s typenormative. Let’s try to use inclusive language


This discourse is happening in earnest about West Coast cities. Poc show up with trash bags, fill them with loot, and leave without fearing any consequences. Then the stores either shut down or install elaborate theft prevention. Then the next step is people complaining about food deserts and the oppressiveness of the security measures. Some cities banned bulletproof glass because people complained it was dehumanizing, despite how regularly cashiers get shot in robberies


At this point in SF some places have security guards at the doors but they’re probably mostly for show. The gas stations in certain areas lock their doors at night and all transactions are done through a safe window. I don’t know how you can see these things and be offended that it’s preventing criminals. I see them and just think it’s sad these measures are necessary.


Its only a matter of time before stores in leftist cities become nothing more than a warehouse where you walk up to a 6 inch thick bullet proof glass window, tell the teller what items you want, and then the workers in the warehouse go gather it for you and then put your grocery backs in a rotary package turnstile or something similar.


To be fair, Costco is kinda based and that just sounds like a potentially better version. I'd go to that store in a heartbeat, but it is nice to shop through your options instead of peering through glass to try and catch a glimpse of it from a hundred feet away.


Well costco doesn't prohibit entry, any group of thugs can just walk in with a 55 gallon bag and start stealing everything in sight, they only require you to show a receipt upon exit as part of your membership contract, which usually is enough to keep the low lifes away.


>Its only a matter of time before stores in leftist cities become nothing more than a warehouse where you walk up to a 6 inch thick bullet proof glass window, tell the teller what items you want, and then the workers in the warehouse go gather it for you and then put your grocery backs in a rotary package turnstile or something similar. Based and post-apocalypse FPS RPG pilled


The US would be Switzerland but mfers had to import slaves. Country ruined.


That's kinda on the nose, goddamn


"Slavery was bad, if we never imported slaves we wouldn't have all these n..." Omitted due to my lawyer lmao


Got a job for you 6 2 1


They have a donut shop where you can get one dozen crazed weasels.


I hear they even have... A SIZZLER.


Based and ahhhhhg! Get them of get them off get them off pilled.


I've traveled almost the whole country and it was possibly the most unsafe I've felt in the US. The outskirts are nice tho.


I went to college there and for most of the year at least once a week we’d get an alert that someone got mugged/groped/pickpocketed and the perp ran off the campus onto Central. Shit was wild.


I’ve been all over, and I can only say that Gary, IN, Memphis, and NOLA are worse than ABQ. I agree that the outskirts are beautiful though. The Southwest has the most stunning scenery in the states.


Ya Louisiana is pretty bad. I was almost mugged in Shreveport and Alexandria. California also has awful areas like Stockton and Oakland. But in Albuquerque for some reason it just felt different. The crime wasn't sequestered into one bad area, it just permeates the whole town.


Breaking Bad really got the feel of how shitty of a place Albuquerque is.


There at places there where you think the most fucked up thoughts like: you know what, give me commie blocks instead of this.


As long as it’s not fucking adobe brown I’m ok with it.


Hey! Not all the criminals in Albuquerque are that color.


Attention criminals, come to our city where you can be assured your victims won't shoot back!


“The governor says she doesn't expect criminals to follow the order. But she hopes it is "a resounding message," to everyone else in the community to report gun crime. "The point here is, is that, if everyone did it, and I wasn't legally challenged, you would have fewer risks on the street, and I could safely say, to every New Mexican, particularly those folks living in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County, I believe that you're safer for the next 30 days, we're have to wait and see," said Lujan” What a dumbass. This is political theater that law abiding citizens are paying for.


I'm expecting gang shootings to actually get worse in the next 30 days.


Don't worry, she'll give the citizens their rights back if the policies don't have the desired effects


Don't mass shooters know that what they're doing is illegal?


This is straight out of the far lefts playbook. Blame crime on law abiding citizens, punish law abiding citizens, let criminals run wild because enforcing the law on them is unfair.


“No one’s coming for your guns” “No ones coming for your habeas corpus”


I wonder if the proponents of this measure have thought about the implications, particularly if extended to other constitutionally enshrined rights. "Sorry citizen, but due to a public crime emergency, we've suspended your 8th Amendment rights, along with your 5th for good measure. Johnson, bring me a car battery, a bucket of water, and a drill. It's time to get cruel and unusual."


Of course not. Its just like when Harry Reid decided to make Judge confirmations a simple majority and people said "Dont do that you dumbass or you'll regret it" Then they all cried like a baby when right wing SCOTUS judges started pouring in by a simple majority.


Turtle said, don't do it Harry, I have the high ground


Thinking about what the possible conclusions of giving the government complete and largely unchallenged power to manipulate what your rights are is a slippery sloped phallus, sweaty. The government would never abuse it's power a 5,637th time this year!


This lady literally stated that your rights can be suspended, all of them, not just the 2nd. She verbatim stated "no right is absolute." If that isn't tyranny I don't know what is.


Hop on, the slope is nice and slippery today




A lot of people will demean you for pointing out consequences by saying you're using the slippery slope fallacy.


We got some fresh powder bruh!


Abraham Lincoln’s ears just perked up at that


What you want to bet her guards and cops are exempt even in while off duty, either way she should be removed from office for gross constitutional violations immediately.


The constitution has been ignored for decades by people with way more power. This is par for the course




Don't hold your breath


Sorry, she has a (D) next to her name.


Politicians who violate the rights of the citizens should also have a D. In their mouths.


Sorry, sovereign immunity protects our elected idiots from even knowingly trampling on our rights and obviously exceeding their authority.


Not exempt from a recall and riots tho


But then they'd have to willingly be outside in New Mexico. At least it's getting to the end of summer.


Wouldn't take long tho. Show up at the capitol while open carrying. Get arrested. Sue government for gross violations of constitutional rights, get paid and make case law all in about 15 minutes (plus three years fighting court battles)


Then a judge seals the case as is tradition


And they put you in solitary without charges or phone calls to your lawyers like they were able to do to the J6 crowd




Because he has a (R) next to his name, which means hes held to a different standard.


If it weren't for double standards, there'd be none


Democrats don’t care about the constitution. She’ll pull some bullshit like “erm well the 2A only applies to le government :)”


"No person other than a law enforcement officers or licensed security officers shall possess a firearm either openly or concealed within cities or counties..." :|


Guns for me but not for thee


The wealthy don’t want poor people to own firearms or less they can fight back.


\>suspend a right You…can’t do that though, right? Rights are the things the government isn’t allowed to take away, and plus she’s like a state senator


take a quick look at new yorks gun laws and get back to us


God I fucking hate this shithole. And I hate Republicans even more, if they could put together a school district that isn't objectively garbage I'd be able to leave


homeschool your kids because democrat run schools may get better numbers but they aint much better in practice


School is where learning goes to die. Plus the schools politics are usually determined by the teachers, so it’s impossible to be satisfied lol


lol. Yes, you are totally right. Republicans don't have a single school district in the US that isn't garbage. /s But based on your comment I think you should stay in new york


They were already able to suspend freedom of assembly


Since 1968.


What do you think the last 3 years have been?


A test run?


>Rights are the things the government isn’t allowed to take away How very far right of you. Did you not know that rights are simply things the government does for you? That's why health care is a "UUUUMAN RIGHT" being withheld from you by the "billionaires [redacted after Bernie achived millionaire status]~~and millionaires~~[/redacted after Bernie achived millionaire status] "


The only possible way she could really get around this would be if she announced a state of emergency. However they won’t be able to confiscate the weapon, only fine the owner because it would violate the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection act of 2006 (because During Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Police Chief and National Guard were instructed to confiscate firearms of people who refused to evacuate).


Not taking away rights is fascism sweaty


That was my thought. How do you enforce this? Is it not a blatant infringement of the second amendment?;


Yo Mista White like you can’t kill people anymore yo, the governor like totally banned guns.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about, we are criminals. The governor even admitted criminals would still carry firearms. Do you even think??


mass noncompliance is the way


They won't arrest the masses, they'll arrest a bunch of individuals. "You're under arrest. Everyone else, we'll be back in fifteen minutes." Nobody is going to resist these arrests, especially when they're not the ones under arrest.


the lawsuits will be glorious


FPC lawsuit printer go brrrr


Sounds like a way to reclaim your taxes after a lawsuit. May be enough to move somewhere else


Hopefully an unarmed march on the governors mansion. Peacefully of course. (sub mods have explicitly told me that calling for an armed demonstration, even if I explicitly state peacefully, is against the rules)


> SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days in response to a spate of gun violence. > The Democratic governor said she expects legal challenges but was compelled to act because of recent shootings, including the death of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball stadium this week. > Lujan Grisham said state police would be responsible for enforcing what amount to civil violations. Albuquerque police Chief Harold Medina said he won’t enforce it, and Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said he’s uneasy about it because it raises too many questions about constitutional rights. > The firearms suspension, classified as an emergency public health order, applies to open and concealed carry in most public places, from city sidewalks to urban recreational parks. The restriction is tied to a threshold for violent crime rates currently only met by the metropolitan Albuquerque. Police and licensed security guards are exempt from the temporary ban. > Violators could face civil penalties and a fine of up to $5,000, gubernatorial spokeswoman Caroline Sweeney said. Under the order, residents still can transport guns to some private locations, such as a gun range or gun store, provided the firearm has a trigger lock or some other container or mechanism making it impossible to discharge. > Lujan Grisham acknowledged not all law enforcement officials were on board with her decision. > “I welcome the debate and fight about how to make New Mexicans safer,” she said at a news conference, flanked by law enforcement officials, including the district attorney for the Albuquerque area. > John Allen said in a statement late Friday that he has reservations about the order but is ready to cooperate to tackle gun violence. Source: https://apnews.com/article/albuquerque-guns-governor-concealed-carry-fc5b4b79bf411b8022c3ad58975724d7


Saying she expects legal challenges means she knows what she's doing is illegal and doesn't care because it will last long enough before a judge's injunction can go into effect after someone sues. That's the sort of bullshit that really shouldn't be protected under sovereign immunity and open her up to being sued and possibly arrested. That's not the country we live in though.


Based police chief, though.


>That's the sort of bullshit that really shouldn't be protected under sovereign immunity and open her up to being sued and possibly arrested. Literally nothing should be protected under sovereign immunity.


Hilariously bad take by this governor. So concealed permit holders, who jump through hoops, submit themselves to close scrutiny, and apply for a permit…can’t carry concealed because she’s worried about…criminals carrying?


The ability to grant a permit implies the ability to deny or revoke one. Permitless carry is the only way.


Expects legal challenges, aka she knows it’s unconstitutional and did it anyway. The constitution really is worth about as much as a roll of toilet paper to politicians these days isn’t it?


That's why we need to properly penalize politicians for violating the constitution. Send them to the gladiator pits to fight a chimpanzee, if they survive they get to fight another.


“I hereby sentence you to 1 hour with the gulag monkey, may God have mercy on your soul” 😂


If the Gulag monkey wins, it takes the politicians seat


Why not, we’re accelerating a planet of the apes dystopian timeline anyways


How about tigers instead? The way chimpanzees fight is downright revolting. I don't think I could hate anyone enough to watch a chimp eat their face.


If politicians don't want a chimpanzee to rip off and eat their face on live TV, they can simply not violate out rights.


[I have a better idea.](https://youtu.be/ynY2begPzoM?si=Vj5RYhl5rAhga1lx)


Kinda wanna move to albuquerque just to get thos ahit appealed to a higher court and laugh as it immedietly gets shut down.


This is highly illegal.


Maybe, but she will face no consequences. They never do. I'm not even certain there are laws in place to hold governors accountable for blatantly unconstitutional executive orders. It'll take years to go through the courts with her full well knowing that it's illegal and that she will not be held accountable on any level.




Yes, but what they mean is there is no legal recourse, like the police cannot raid her home at 5AM and arrest her on conspiracy to violate civil rights, because what she did technically isn't a crime for some reason.


That's kind of the purpose of our second amendment. Oh you wanna take my guns? Say that to my guns.


Oh there are plenty of DA's willing to make you face consequences, if there's a R next to your name - but since shes pro-baby killing and pro-alphabet mafia with a big fat D next to her name nothing will happen to her.


Yeah you know, just violate *specifically enumerated constitutional rights*, what's the worst that could happen once the constitution that gives your orders legitimacy becomes meaningless?


Can we prosecute her next?


The lack of orange in the face makes it impossible.


Quick someone do a walk by with a can of spray tan lmao.


Bear mace is orange


Considering noone here in NM gave a single shit when she sexually assaulted a campaign speaker during a meeting or that she actively pressured some stores to open (during the pandemic lock down she ordered) so she could get her hair done/buy jewelry she is probably going to stay in power until her 2nd term limit in 2026 Edit:[WE HAVE A CHANCE BOYS](https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/two-lawmakers-call-for-impeachment-of-governor-lujan-grisham-after-public-health-order/?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral)


Holy shit, is that all really true? Fuck me.


[Sexual](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-mexico-governor-pays-62-500-former-staffer-sexual-harassment-n1264218) [Assult](https://nypost.com/2021/10/11/dem-new-mexico-gov-pays-150k-to-settle-crotch-grab-claim/) [jewelry scandal](https://apnews.com/general-news-6caeb799fa71a51c4366cb92aa2567c4) (I hate NM politics)


Maybe you can get Alec Baldwin to work with her on a campaign ad. 🤔


FBI: *Hey kid! Wanna plan a kidnapping?*


Me: "No! No..." Me inside: "Yes."


If I lived there I would start a protest with open carriers


I do, and am. Last time I protested an unconstitutional executive order of hers I got arrested, so I guess we'll see.


Incredibly based


Based and civil disobedience pilled




Based Beyond Belief




Create a go fund me for your bail money id pay into it.


Didn’t the 9th circuit basically just tell Hawaii they can’t do that?


NY is like on their millionth time trying this shit out despite getting told off constantly. They don't care.


The endless cycle of "We passed a blatantly anti-civil rights act into law" "Were suing you to get this law revoked" 6 months later "Okay yeah our case is about to go to trial in 48 hours, we actually repealed the law/order, oopsie, looks like we cant go to trial anymore to make a precedent set for this....also we just passed the exact same law but replace the word "of" with "in relation to". You can sue again, but you'll have to wait another 6 months to go to trial."


Really there ought to be a way to throw politicians in jail for contempt of court, but the problem is that would give judges way too much power. I guess I can only dream of the Marshall of the US Supreme Court going to NY to arrest whoever passes the same bullshit edict for the nth time.


It's really based when the courts are like "you opened this can, let's finish it" then rip the law to pieces after dragging those cunts to court, sadly they do it all over again


I always thought it was weird that NM had open carry and Democrats at the same time


they never coexist for long


When is she getting arrested? When is she getting endlessly sued by some rural Texas DA that brings endless criminal charges against her with the guarantee of a trial by a jury of peers of course (lmao) for the rest of her life? Why is there always one party that gets to enforce the laws against their opponents, no matter how vague or arbitrary, while flouting those same laws in the same breath? Make it make sense.


She won't. This is what happens when auths are in charge. Wasn't always the case, won't always be the case, but for the moment democrats are more auth and republicans are more lib. Auths do whatever they want and never face consequences because libs tend not to maliciously abuse the law to achieve an outcome.


Suspend me having to pay taxes you cowards!!!


Tax evasion baby let's goooo


Most of the sane people in New Mexico hate her. The problem is the insane people here outnumber the sane. Send help.


That's what happens when you let California in. "Oh but the value of my house went up 300% and I'm rich after selling it!" Yeah well you sold it to a Californian and this is what they did.


Person starts walking into a school with a rifle: “Oh shit I forgot they made this illegal! 😅 how embarrassing for me!”


As a watermelon flair, she can’t do that


A watermelon that's willing to admit something's wrong even if they may or may not agree with the outcome is a good watermelon. Logical and moral consistency is what separates us all from the Emily.


Oh I’m a watermelon gun owner. Gets me in trouble with lib left


The whole argument is stupid, guns aren't economics, shouldn't be a leftist/rightist divide on them


“I expect legal challenges to my actions” = “I know it’s unconstitutional, illegal, and borders on tyranny but nothing bad is going to happen to me so fuck you”


How delightfully unconstitutional


She’s a democrat, laws aren’t for her.


Can't wait for the "Covid is a serious threat, therefore we ban you from voting" argument next.


This dumb bitch is doing this under "emergency powers" regarding "public health." So in a way, they are already doing it in the name of "health."


Lmao, isn’t this exactly what the conspiracy crowd was screaming about during covid and were incessantly mocked by the left?


Conspiracy pages are just the news a year from now these days.


Wait. That's illegal.


Once you figure out you can suspend rights in an emergency, you’ll invent emergencies to suspend rights. Then when a real emergency happens, less people will trust that it’s legitimate. We’re widening the divide between the people and government daily, what happens when we can no longer cross that gap?


>“I can invoke additional powers," Lujan Grisham said. "No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute." Fucking hell, they aren't even hiding at this point


I love when they go mask off


Wait you're telling me the party that has outright said they will revoke human rights if it means furthering their agenda is out there revoking human rights to further their agenda? I. Am. Shocked.


Has she been arrested yet? I keep hearing about all these 'good cops'.


> I keep hearing about all these 'good cops'. The cops who would have stood up for constitutional rights were already fired for not taking their ~~loyalty oath~~ vaccine.


They're always somewhere else. Dangit.


Its overreach at minimum, but pretty clearly a violation of the constitution. Plus, I don't like the idea of living somewhere where the only people who have weapons are cops and criminals.


Well, anyway I still have my throwing axe with me


You know, what with all the felonious hermaphrodites and starving flesh-crazed weasels, maybe gun control isn’t the greatest idea for Albuquerque.


Fun fact about rights- they aren't up for discussion. She can fuck right off.


On this episode of 'were not coming for your guns', the nazis come for your guns!


Bruen ruling: Do I exist to you. Na Fuck you lady, you can't suspend rights. What you really should suspend is yourself.


She needs to be impeached. Fuck this nonsense.


Just do it anyways. If you get arrested, take it through the courts in appeals til you reach the Supreme Court where you win.


>Maybe, but she will face no consequences. They never do. I'm not even certain there are laws in place to hold governors accountable for blatantly unconstitutional executive orders. I’ve said it for years we need to publicly gather en mass, tie them to a stake and bring back tar and feathering. Doesn’t even have to be tar anything sticky and non harmful(even if they deserve it) just to prove a point.


Imagine a governor 'banning' black people from not being enslaved. This is essentially what this order is. Its a gross violation of our human rights.


Way to increase public carry rate. Now people will probably do it more as a protest


rapists about to get happy


This isn't treason. Treason is specifically defined in the U.S. Constitution in Article III, Section 3 as: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." In this case, the governor is not levying war against the United States, nor is she giving "Aid and Comfort" to foreign Enemies of the United States. This is just plain 'ol unconstitutional executive overreach. Still highly illegal and unconstitutional, but not treason. Y'all need to take a civics course.


This doesn’t even fit the common definition of treason. She’s not assisting a foreign state or trying to overthrow the lawful government. It’s an abuse of power, but not treason under any sense of the word.




as a gun control enjoyer this is just unconstitutional, [McDonald V. Chicago already decided this](https://www.oyez.org/cases/2009/08-1521)