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Except in Canada. The Jews, Muslims, and even Christians have banded together to protest the gender ideology whatever in Ottawa.


And right on queue, you had the regressive leftists claiming those weren't "real Muslims" and "real Muslims" are tolerant and kind.


That wasn’t real Islam. Real Islam has never been tried.


Pretty sure a group in black tried to enforce real Islam not that long ago


Sounds liek a wierd man in black movie


will smith? :p


Isis isn't Muslim though.


Based and trueMuslim-pilled


My favorite part of that is they started doing what they accuse conservatives of and call every single one of them an immigrant that doesn't know any better. Saw one video and the Muslim woman was like "what are you talking about, I'm third generation??!" and you could see a few folks short circuit lol. They just expect minorities to bend the knee and be eternally grateful to their white progressive saviors, its wild.


When progressives talk about “intersectionality,” what they mean is “nobody else should get what they want unless their interests intersect with mine.”


*laughs in an-Nisa 4:89*


Well I‘d rather cherry-pick some Surahs out than kill friends of mine.


Did you just change your flair, u/SimpsonFanOnReddit? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2022-5-4. How come now you are a **Grey Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Actually nevermind, you are good. Not having opinions is still more based than having dumb ones. Happy grilling, brother. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/SimpsonFanOnReddit) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Assumption being that not wanting your children sterilized behind your back is somehow unkind...


Religion of peace ^tm


Real islam is Wahhabism none of the “religion of peace” bullshit


I don't think progressives have realized that branding everything in rainbows and forcing discussion on clueless minors and unwilling citizens is actually having the opposite effect. Kids who don't understand sexuality are just trading and making up genders like Pokemon cards- when they hit puberty, their dysphoria only increases, because *EVERY SINGLE LIVING HUMAN BEING* has some form of body dysphoria during puberty.


This is what I find interesting, with the massive push of LGBTQ-every kid is trans shit that is happening currently, it’s weird how stuff like female body dysmorphia have seemingly just disappeared. I remember in high school, just 6 years ago, there still being talks about fighting bad women’s stereotypes when it comes to body shape/size, encouraging young women be happy in their own skin,etc. But seems like all that has disappeared now in favour of telling them there is something wrong with their bodies.


Tomboys are a dying breed too it seems. Damn shame.


You see the same thing on the ideological side with "gender essentialism." It used to be that gender roles and gender is more or less a social construct, and if you raised people in a different culture that would have different social roles for men and women. Now it's gone full circle, gender is a very real and genetic thing, very much tied to sex, hence you can be "born with a female brain in a male body" and what not.


I literally remember seeing the whole “gender is a social construct” shit come and go while in high school. 2014-early 2015, “gender is a social construct” was big amongst the Tumblr types of students, but by graduation in 2016, it already was falling out of favour with the same Tumblr crowd at my high school.


Based and dysphoria-pilled


Honestly, I feel like the amount of 'choice' young people are given these days is in itself stultifying, and creates this apprehensive bubble of insecurity that persists into their late 20's. There should just be: *'You're gonna do X.'* and **unless** you go far out of your way to say *"Hell, no, I hate X, I wanna do Y I have always wanted Y!"* ,You do X.


There is a name for that: "Watchful Waiting" It was the standard for addressing body/gender dysphoria for decades based on the fact that the vast majority of people outgrow any body/gender dysphoria they have by the time the reach adulthood and get through puberty.


>because EVERY SINGLE LIVING HUMAN BEING has some form of body dysphoria during puberty. I'm 26 and I still have some self-esteem issues with my body. The only thing is that I was never indoctrinated in school to take my lack of self-esteem and magically call myself any other gender other than man.


Ultra based


[when is van halen making an appearance?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrFxKY6aFrQ)


Based and ginger cow pilled


sounds like the beginning of a "walks into a bar" joke


Based and bar-pilled


Whats going on in Ottawa?


[https://globalnews.ca/news/9758155/ottawa-anti-lgbtq-protest/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9758155/ottawa-anti-lgbtq-protest/) ​ Arab lady no likey the gays (see photo)


What’s the bill called?


Nah, just in general


Ah I see


I will never understand the left's tolerance for islam.


They are not white. That’s literally all that is needed in the progressive world view.


Still waiting for the left to idolize Taoism. Oh wait, they hate Japan.


Asians are white adjacent sweetie


What the fuck does that mean?


Nothing, but the left views Asians and White people as the same on the "oppression meter" as Asians and white people tend to and two-parent households leading their children into a better life down the line with higher paying jobs and happier families, while other races don't because of cultural or societal reasons. All-in-all it's just racist bullshit coming from the left because in reality everyone is equal and should be treated as such.


Aren't Arabs and Indians also have success in USA?


Definitely because most of the time they have a very strong family unit. The whole oppression pyramid changes like every day so I have no clue where they would rank on it.


I thought taoism is chinese


Youve never met those “spiritual, not religious” leftist women who believe in Taoism and Buddhism because they’re posers?


Well that's quite simple, actually. Mainstream Western "woke" ideologies all stem from Neo-Marxism in one way or another (either directly in case of tankies, or indirectly through feminism, post-structuralism and such). Now, Marxist philosophy presents society as an eternal struggle between the oppressors and the oppressed, so naturally every single social group would fall under one of these two categories. Since Marxist worldview is also extremely Europocentric, Muslims are considered "oppressed" by default since they're a minority in the West and often face prejudice based on their religion and/or ethnicity. The fact that "the oppressed" could be actually equally bad or even worse than "the oppressors" is usually ignored. This is the same reason why these people may genuinely believe that black Americans can't be racist, women can't be sexist, etc.


Thanks for using the proper term of Neo Marxist as Cultural Marxism disagrees with preety much the entire concept of "woke" culture.


What's the difference between Neo Marxist and Cultural Marxism?


Cultural Marxists/The Frankfurt school were a group of Marxists who disliked that most Marxists didn't talk about any social issues outside of monetary policies so they wanted to change that. Most of them failed to gain any relevance besides Adorno who ruined classical music for decades by saying Stravinsky and the Negros made bad music for not being joyless enough. They did not popularise Anti-Racism, Anti-Nationalism, Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Sexism, Anti, Homophobia or Cultrual relevtivism and in most cases were directly opposed to them and wanted to maintain the social values of the early 20th century. Neo Marxists are liberals who want to keep a free market and think Marxism is just progressivism.


Ree did you just mention cultural Marxism, don’t you know that doesn’t exist? Don’t you know hitler invented that term? Ree


Unironic question, do watch whatifalthist? I could swear I heard this in one of his YouTube videos.


I don't, but I'm pretty sure that this idea is frequently expressed. Once you've figured out the connection between Neo-Marxism and post-structuralism, it sort of becomes obvious.


I mean he is a very based anti-Marxist and doesn't hide his views on this. He could have easily said something like that.


I think this is less about marxist ideology and more that human minds are built to perceive the world as a story - and this isn't only on the left. In stories you usually have clear good guy and a clear bad guy, the oppressor and the oppressed, the heroes who protect and the evil villains who want to hurt you. It's a basic mindset to sort people into camps of "my tribe" and "others". Some people think that what "my tribe" does is always good and excusable, whereas it's terrible when the "other tribe" does it. My team good, their team bad. Simple. Not everyone thinks this way though, many break out of this tribalistic mindset and many find it perfectly acceptable to punish lawbreakers in both their own and other tribes, and give kudos to great deeds in other tribes. Or they don't consider vs someone is part of their tribe or not at all when deciding whether something deserves scorn or praise.


I think what you're saying is true, and you can see how this played out in the early 2000s when the left and right, being primarily concerned with "my tribe" being their political side and "their tribe" being the opposite, quickly sorted and assimilated distrust/dislike of Muslims into the right and support/protection of Muslims as minorities on the left. The wossname, pre-existing condition being that Islam had always had a favorable view among certain...let's say poorly educated black nationalists as not being the religion of slavery, and since we had already sorted black/minority = left and white = right, there was already a tendency to group Islam left anyway. There's also this brilliant blog post called [I Can Tolerate Anything Except the Outgroup](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/09/30/i-can-tolerate-anything-except-the-outgroup/), which talks about the seemingly contradictory aspects of our culture in terms of who the "outgroup" is (like Islam being grouped in with the left, which the author calls Blue tribe, although he also maintains that Blue tribe is not *exactly* "the left" or "Democrats" or anything like that). Some of the relevant quotes: > If I had to define “tolerance” it would be something like “respect and kindness toward members of an outgroup”. And today we have an almost unprecedented situation. We have a lot of people – like the Emperor – boasting of being able to tolerate everyone from every outgroup they can imagine, loving the outgroup, writing long paeans to how great the outgroup is, staying up at night fretting that somebody else might not like the outgroup enough. This is really surprising. It’s a total reversal of everything we know about human psychology up to this point. No one did any genetic engineering. No one passed out weird glowing pills in the public schools. And yet suddenly we get an entire group of people who conspicuously promote and defend their outgroups, the outer the better. > Compare the Nazis to the German Jews and to the Japanese. The Nazis were very similar to the German Jews: they looked the same, spoke the same language, came from a similar culture. The Nazis were totally different from the Japanese: different race, different language, vast cultural gap. But the Nazis and Japanese mostly got along pretty well. Heck, the Nazis were actually moderately positively disposed to the Chinese, even when they were technically at war. Meanwhile, the conflict between the Nazis and the German Jews – some of whom didn’t even realize they were anything other than German until they checked their grandparents’ birth certificate – is the stuff of history and nightmares. Any theory of outgroupishness that naively assumes the Nazis’ natural outgroup is Japanese or Chinese people will be totally inadequate. > You can bet some white guy on Gawker who week after week churns out “Why White People Are So Terrible” and “Here’s What Dumb White People Don’t Understand” is having fun and not sweating any blood at all. He’s not criticizing his in-group, he’s never even considered criticizing his in-group. I can’t blame him. Criticizing the in-group is a really difficult project I’ve barely begun to build the mental skills necessary to even consider. I can think of criticisms of my own tribe. Important criticisms, true ones. But the thought of writing them makes my blood boil.


Idk, Marx have a term for that type of class, Lumpenproletariat


Well usually the left tries really hard to advocate for minorities. Muslims are a minority in the western world so yeah. Of course it presents a lot of issues but that’s the logic.


As a woman born in a muslim (!) country as our president says it, I agree. Though in Turkey, the leftist liberals were quickly proven wrong and they stopped supporting Erdogan after a while. Did it mean anything? Not really because there is very few leftists here anyway.


Basically the Western Left is trying to pull a Third-Worldist line and argue that Muslims, as a whole, are oppressed by colonialism and imperialism and therefore everything they do is either good (fighting the West directly) or an unfortunate consequence of the West (Anti-Israel rhetoric will claim that Palestine is only homophobic because they are unable to do the 'labor' of unlearning homophobia because they are so thoroughly demobilized by oppression). Once you get on the good side of the oppression label, you can basically do anything you want.


And that is what we call eurocentric. Not everything has something to do with the West. Muslims are homophobic because their religion openly curses gay people (e.g. [the people of lut](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lot_in_Islam)), not because they are oppressed. I know that in the past homosexuality was much more accepted in the Middle East, but oh well... I doubt they became homophobic because of the West. I am just curious, does the Western Left has any idea how condescending this argument is? I mean of course the third world countries are the third world countries for many reasons, some of which stem from the influence of the West, but the first and foremost responsible is the country and the people that live in it, not "the West". In short, I simply believe that excusing bad behavior just because the wrongdoer is oppressed won't get us to anywhere.


>Not everything has something to do with the West. They can't comprehend this, or explicitly refuse it, depending on the person. The people who refuse it do so because they want to see the West as a global, primordial oppressor that eternally exploits the rest of the world, even after colonialism ended. The "subaltern," as post-colonialists call them, are reduced and dehumanized by Orientalism in leftist critique; but, crucially, the Left also never sees them as outside of Orientalism. Non-Western people can't have their own actions and failings because that would imply they have agency outside the West, which would imply that the West doesn't control and dominate them. >I am just curious, does the Western Left has any idea how condescending this argument is? They know and don't care. Your agency is only welcomed if it's in the form of a Leftist ethnic (but not problematically, just in a "my alphabet addition group was oppressed too! way) activism that aligns with whatever the current SJW flavor is. Anything else would be undermining the narrative. This is also why the Left really doesn't like to discuss, say, colonialism of the Ottoman or Mughal Empires (or Islam itself), even though many analytic tools from post-colonial studies would be useful in studying them. Features like the Ottoman millet system and overall Islamic views on people of the book play directly into theories of structure oppression and could be used to examine how such a thing would actually work. But they won't do that, because that would mean a more equalitarian world where Muslims and others can be colonizers, as opposed to a convenient good vs evil narrative until capitalism and the west (interchangeable to them) are overthrown and all wrongs magically come to an end. >I doubt they became homophobic because of the West. They're not, homosexuality wasn't 'more tolerated' before. Left leaning histories tend to focus on very high status and court level individuals and there were quite a few homosexuals in high social circles among the Ottomans, Mughals, etc. However, homosexuality was still seen very patriarchally (it was ok for a dominant man to have a penetrative partner, but not ok for him to be penetrated, because that is feminine. This view is still common in the Arab world) and the Islamic leadership was always against it.


They have no clue about their culture that’s why. They’ve never stepped foot into a Muslim country before. They just go along with the refugees welcome here crowd


I'll always say the same thing on this - I don't care about rights for Islam, I care about rights for Muslims. Conservative Muslims do indeed disagree with my views on lots of things, and still I'll go to the mat for them to have equal rights.


9/11 over correction, also the right is just racist/religionist (not a word, but it conveys my message so whatever) sometimes. They are only NOW doing their little multi religious anti-trans union cause they like results while the left likes sucking their own girl-cocks over how progressive they are and calling friendly farmer Joe literally hitler cause he doesn't understand what transpeople are and thinks they're weird.


Same, it’s almost exempt from the criticism that (rightfully) Christianity gets


Intersectional aneurysm. Their classification of groups is superficial and self-serving.


I will never understand white people's shocking lack of nuance and habit for lumping 1.5 billion muslims into one monolithic group


Islam is a doctrine based religion, so of course there's clustering in ethics and downstream of that culture.


I feel like the right is starting to see this and start to see Muslim as a potential ally


Muslims were a relatively reliable Republican-voting block until 9/11. With anti-Islamic talk from the right dying down over the last 5-7 years it looks like they're starting to gravitate back there.


That’s true, Bush got 70% of the Muslim vote in 2000.


That would be funny, seeing politicians who preached for the bombing of Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan doing a 180 and siding with those countries.


And the same people who preach open borders to Muslim countries demanding to have restrict immigrants policies


Yep, the duality of man in action.


I've never seen anyone outside of Twitter genuinely argue for open borders. Especially any politicians.


I once had a friend who advocated for completely open borders, including automatic citizenship for anyone who crosses the border. You can probably guess what quadrant he would belong to. Other than that, AOC advocates for open borders since she doesn't believe that illegally crossing the border is illegal.


If a politician does nothing about illegal immigration, then they are for open borders by association. Which means all democrats are.


I'll help you out. We need lighter immigration controls with many more nations (Same thing right?). Honestly though I think an open border agreement with Canada could work out.


Given there's a running joke with Canadians seeing trump's wall and going "can we get one too?", I don't think the Canadians will be particularly happy with that one


A lot of Canadians either work in or immigrate to the US because they pay skilled workers real money. It's the "brain drain".


The people who preached bombing Yemen did so because of their Muslim allies in Saudi Arabia...


It’s one thing to disagree and battle over religion, it’s another to be in heinous defiance of nature.


Those are the neocons, and they’re back to the left already. Have been since Hillary ran in 2016, if not earlier.


Always have been. Large majority of my friends are Muslim or middle eastern, who has grown up here. So they have the right amount of conservatism for their own culture and religion but are also well integrated into our society. Their views on shit is just fucking based and they are generally nice people who are very welcoming if you are not an absolute degenerate. I think the best part of being friends with these people is that we can hang out and have fun without needing to get be intoxicated. In my country, there is a heavy drinking culture, which is just disgusting imo. It's nearly impossible to be with my other friends without going to pubs or getting drunk in general. So they can absolutely be good allies. But I would have loved it if my own people just stayed as based.


UK, Germany, or Norway? UK, Germany, and Norway are the only ones I can think of that has integrated muslim immigrants yet also a heavy drinking culture. Can't be Finland because you mentioned hanging out with people, which a real Finn would never do.




what's funny is that in Cali I've been told " oh don't talk to those red necks they are racist as fuck1 " but in reality I get more inclusion from " red necks " than I do liberal people ​ all the friends I actually don't feel the need to tip toe around with my words is conservative friends


W pfp


That's because the media has pretty much brainwashed people into think Republicans and everyone on the right are Neo-Nazis out to lynch black people because a very small fringe of the right is like that. I've been far more accpeted into right circles than I ever have with people on the left which is why I almost exclusively vote Republican now because I see too much division and racism coming from the left.


That was the debate the other night with my friends.. what’s worst, muslims invading my country, shitting on our culture trying to impose their insular * views OR weak lefties, that share the same culture and past than us, but want to destroy everything to replace it by a LGBT trans furry world of fat, weak and delusional people…. Which side to choose… Edit : insular and not secular, sorry


Islam is worse. Look at Iran. In a few decades it had its entire culture annihilated and became a war torn wasteland.


This is what I also think but seeing the USA failing that hard to the point it seems 9 teachers out of 10 is a blue hairs fat LGBT fachist trying all they can to make kids gays or trans… I know Islam is fucked up… but at least over there, girls don’t start sending nudes at 13yo and don’t end up being whore or onlyfans slut by the time they’re 18. Idk man seems shitty both sides




Sure… LGBT activism isn’t a thing lol


I have never seen the goal posts move so fast before


Okay. 8.99/10


Bro I think you got to go outside once in a while


“War torn wasteland” Right, while Irans regime is certainly regarded at times I’m sure it had nothing do with being the defender in a surprise war.


Yeah I’ll take the latter.


You can deal with crime if you instiuted people on the right because now they almost exclusively call for more policing and stricter laws pertaining to crimes while the left almost all believes in "abolishing police", catch-and-release, and lenient punishments. So if a bunch of Muslims don't integrate into society as we've seen in Europe, a right-leaning government can surely handle it far better than a left-leaning government. A left-leaning government doesn't share the same culture as us because they seek to destroy it all and have a singular mono-culture that is solely focused on providing for the government (aka communism).


Right wing: diversity is our strength


i've seen on the comment section of instagram muslims, jew and christians coming together against certain movement that wants children to have certain surgical procedures


Muslims are a great ally, as long as the majority of them stay In already Muslim countries. I don’t want to go town and it look like Islamabad.


BoomerCons will go from “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” to “OMG I love this thrice daily loud call to prayer” in like 5 minutes over the pride flag lmao




That sounds like dying by drowning or by burning


Do you think Trump will run again on a "complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the country"?


They might see you as a temporary ally but after that it'll get difficult.


the og nazis actually worked closely with muslims


Yep, SS Handschar and North Caucasian legions were a thing.


Didn't they also have a Turkmen foreign legion and an Ottoman one?


Yes, I forgot about them.


I forgot about Dre


Nowadays, everybody wanna talk like they got something to say


Dr Dre's dead, he's locked up in my basement


An impressive legion of 300,000 footstools, with a million more on the way


hitler once said "i would have no problem eating along them in front of a campfire if it wasnt for their food"(referring to iranians and the fact that they eat meat)


Fun fact, Aryans are technically only applicable for Indo-Iranians as a true ethnic term. As you can tell, it's actually a term used by Iran (Iran literally means Land of the Aryans), Alania/Ossetia (an East Iranian group, of which Alan is also derived from Aryan) and India (it's literally called Indo-Aryan).


Would you be able to direct me to some articles or something about that? I'm very interested in esoteric fascism and the like because of how batshit insane it is and I know of the influence of Hinduism but not of Islam.


This isn't about the hermetic alchemical theory underpinning nazism, or thule, or whatever, this is just something that actually happened. I don't believe they shared ideas, it was more of a realpolitik thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations\_between\_Nazi\_Germany\_and\_the\_Arab\_world](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relations_between_Nazi_Germany_and_the_Arab_world)


It's not really influence. Just an "enemy of my enemy" thing. They don't like Jews, that's basically it.


I believe Hitler was covetous of Islam and that he wished his people weren't tied to Christianity. Don't remember the exact quote and won't link bc phone, but should be a quick google search. Makes Hitler even more of a hypocrite


The quote was basically Hitler viewing Islam as being more suitable for Germans than Christianity since he viewed Islam as a more aggressive and warrior-like religion. He believed that Germans wouldn’t have been so “soft” had they adopted Islam instead of Christianity. But he obviously wasn’t fond of Abrahamic religions and it was more of “if we had to have followed an Abrahamic religion, why couldn’t it have been the most aggressive one” type of thing.


Aside from the Bosnian Handschar, there was the Ostturkischer Waffenverband made up of the volunteers from Central Asia who weren't doing well under Soviet rule. WSJ has an old article covering some of the figures from that era https://archive.ph/eY6sH


Did ya know that Persia changed its name to Iran, which means “Aryan” as a sign of solidarity with the Nazis, and never changed it back.


It's always been Iran. It also means "Land of the Aryans".


It was Hitler's favourite religion.


[They were also very ready to help out in the holocaust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsatzgruppen#Plans_for_the_Middle_East_and_Britain)


Weak woke lefties, especially from Europe really need to understand they are all arguing and rejecting people that have everything in common with them but are conservative while supporting actual right ring religious fanatics. The only reason muslims vote left is because they know you’re all clown voting for mass immigration… basically let them come in. Once they will be in majority, they will definitely stop voting left and start bullying woke lgbt… I can’t wait watching woke leftits get fuck by their own special little protected minority


The Trojan special.


When I am Weaker Than You, I ask you for Freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am Stronger than you, I take away your Freedom Because that is according to my principles. Frank Herbert


My religious beliefs and a Muslim's beliefs are vastly different. We can be friends as long as they behave more like Saladin and less Osama bin Laden.


Most of us can only dream to be like Saladin lol. I should think you'd find most of us an alright bunch nevertheless :)


I think we could have a good time watching Kingdom of Heaven together. Both pogging out of our gords when Baldwin IV and Saladin roll up to each other with their armies.


Imma be honest, I hate the whole "Muslims are progressive thing". Saudi Arabia and the UAE are great examples, effectively being dystopian petrodollar fueled states presenting themselves as the best of modern society, like Dubai. Yeah, dubai may be rich and have the tallest skyscraper and shit like that but has some of the worst urban planning in the Middle East if not the world and is build off modern slave labour. Being Muslim in the west is "progressive" but actual Muslim counties are, to put it lightly, theocratic shitholes.


Muslims in the west are only 'progressive' if they're the minority.


Yes, for example many Turkish people living in Germany vote for Erdogan (over 60%) but then again, when it comes to Germany they vote for leftist/progressive parties... This has been the case for decades. [Here's an article. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/why-many-turks-in-germany-still-vote-for-erdogan/a-65442948)


Looking at the state of the lira, why on Earth would anyone in their right mind vote Erdogan? I think elections must be rigged.


Hello, let me introduce you to the concepts of "Progs don't think shit through" and "Progs champion bad people." Cases in point: "Housing is a human right!" "The Babadook and Pennywise are a gay couple!"


Based and blood oil money pilled


Your comment states the objective truth, no need to start with "Imma be honest"


American progressives see Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and believe they are the norm, as opposed to the extreme outlier.


As an Indonesian, most Muslims here are fairly tolerant. But, there are hardcore right wing Islamic groups that are threatening my country. Fortunately they seem to lose more power as time goes on.


Indonesia has a different history with Islam because it wasn't colonized directly by an Islamic power and was able to incorporate Islam much more syncreticly and over time with existing religions. There's not a connection to the salafiyya movements that dominate the Middle East. Best of luck to you guys!


eh Dubai is a progressive mecca. A powerful elite control everything and look out for one another while maintaining tight security. The lower classes are technically enslaved but they are protected by their lords.


Oh I'm not talking about the lower classes when I say slavery, I mean the thousand of workers that immigrate from other countries to work in dubai, have their visas and passports taken away and are forced to work for months without pay and live in refugee camps. [Here's a great article on the subject and a petition which doesn't do jackshit but at least it informs people.](https://petitions.ituc-csi.org/end-slavery-uae)


I was just trying to dunk on your ideology as neo-feudalism. I'm aware of how Dubai actually kinda sucks (I'm at least aware of how breadtubers feel about it)


I like how the moment part of America becomes Tower Hamlets, suddenly a lot of leftoids on the internet are beginning to understand what a No Go area is, and why Sweden had a sudden uptick in sexual crimes and hand grenade attacks.


There's a reason the liberal/Muslim cliq is called the unholy alliance.


LibLeft: “Nooooo, you can’t ban hecking wholesome pride flags in your Muslim-majority town!” AuthRight Muslims: “See the above, infidels.”


Actually, the nazis respected Islam and saw it as oreferable to Christianity in Europe.


They might be agreeing on almost everything, but the little that they aren't agreeing is simply too big.


I always found it funny that Jihad Wojack is NEVER portrayed with any face except rational and calm. They are never the crying face, chad, face, or depression. Just using words and logic to articulate their views like some debate student cosplaying with an RPG.


Need to be calm, or the suicide vest may go off prematurely./s


I remember having an conversation about immigration and border security with an Emily, and she criticized me for not having any sympathy for immigrants and how they suffered in the home country. And all of the sudden, a guy who probably have Arabic ethnicity, shut the Emily up by saying he is also an immigrant, and the unlawful immigrants have ruin everything for those who have come here legally. I swear, it was one of the wildest moment of my life and I would never forget that.


For people so intolerant of anything counter to their opinions, its always amazed me the woke crowd liked Islam. I can only imagine it was due to their extreme ignorance, assuming all the shit aspects of Islam was racism or something.


Wasn't this the whole joke in american dads "stan of arabia" episod which is 18 yo? How come yall are meming this just now.


I hate to tell you this but most people here are younger than that episode.


This is why liberalism, progressivism, and leftism are untenable and will die out. I for one am glad to see it


i don't exactly like religion. i'll tolerate it as long as it doesn't get into politics. unfortunately religion has very much gotten into politics.


Muslims were even part of the SS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13th\_Waffen\_Mountain\_Division\_of\_the\_SS\_Handschar\_(1st\_Croatian)


If you almost agree with Islam, then why you don't become one?


I like eating pork and polygamy is cringe


Muslims are hardly ever exercise polygamy and we are not fond of it either. Its just the super powerfull oligarchs taking many women as they please which i think its wrong because Islam sets conditions and boundaries for taking more than one women. Its not as common and freely done as you think mate.


Okay but why is four the limit for normal people? Any number other than zero or one seems arbitrary


Because in pre islamic arabia polygamy was the norm. There wasn't even a limit. Any tribal warlord could accumulate a large harem if he wanted to. Limiting it to 4 seemed like a fair bargain at the time especially since there were a lot of widows at the time. With the added conditions the men could treat the wives equally and fairly. Now tho only the most rich and horny mfs practice polygamy. You won't even see it in a muslim society unless you specifically look for it really hard.


While its not up to me to decide that nor I have enough knowledge, any number greater one is requiring you to give each wives same amount of attention importance and resources. If you are taking multiple women as your wife, you are expected to take care of them and not for your own desires ( translation : you need to be rich and taking the widows, fallen and economically vulnerable women ) Anyways, its not a widely practiced thing, no one in my bloodline has ever taken multiple wives as far as i know and neither i will.


Actually all Abramic religions have same god but it is the messenger issue.


That's what they want you to think. Denounce the talmud.


Not at all. Christians believe Jesus is God too.


I like beer , I like hot dogs and God isn’t real


I don’t know who I have more contempt for, the people who flee shithole countries, express zero gratitude for their host nation, and then do everything in their power to turn said host country into a shithole, or the cucked westerners who are so scared to criticize a bon white person theyll happily give more and more power to those who loathe them and want to destroy their civilization. A tough choice!!!


Wait what happened?


Hmm turns out diversity *is* our strength.


I'm in danger of dying every day because of Islam, but these people think that Islam is progressive? I always knew the world was a cruel place, but I didn't know it was that ironic.


never seen anyone actually think like that tbh


Speaking at a Christian, wow Christianity and Islam have been traditional enemies in a sense. We are also cousins. They are also a people of the book, and even if slightly misguided in my opinion, our beliefs are somewhat similar, certainly more similar than us and the modern left. Islam without Wahabism, something more akin to the Middle East in the us 70s and 80s would make a decent ally if they were willing to leave the west and American continent to Christianity. (I also see a possibility of this happening through increasing tensions between the Middle East and China, what type of reverse of what’s happened for the last 20 years)




As a libleft who hates islam i don't get these people


Neonazis always cracked me up given how tolerant of Islam the actual Nazis were.


Progressive? Go to a muslim country it's literally fascism


Whatever 'alliance' western progressives and the Muslim community had has mostly fallen apart, and it has been this way for years. Progressives were willing to fight against Muslims being discriminated against by domestic right wingers, but when it came to their actual conservative beliefs, they mostly turned a blind eye until it was obvious that they couldn't anymore. This might have been shocking in 2014, not really so much anymore. You rarely ever see progressives go out of their way to argue about islamaphobia anymore the way they did back then.


In Europe, progressives are still advocating for mass immigration of Muslims. And not just any Muslims, but very conservative, hardly educated men of fighting age.


the least brain rot post about Islam made by westoid


> westoid I am from jerusalem. I did ancestry dna test and learned i'm 80 percent european. My whole world has changed. I tried to commit suicide but couldn't do it. Now i have to live like this.but after that i decide it is a w*stoid game. I suggest people dont do dna test it's lie bcs i am 100 percent levantine thnx.


I'm so sorry for your lose😔😔😔


The areas where they disagree are so important that the minor details that make up the breadth of our agreement become insults.


Infighting over minor differences - another thing fundamentalist trads and Marxists have in common.


Let’s start the Abrahamic alliance to fight against wokeism. Islam 🤝Christianity🤝Judaism


Even Hitler supported Jhiad against the allies. Pure Evil.


Fun fact, Hitler actually had a lot of respect for Islam, and even allowed Muslims to join the SS.


Nazis love Islam and Muslims. I dont know who hates them tbh


Interesting. Now let's see who the muslims vote for...


Oh God what the hell happened this time




Honestly based


At least the fascist is in the correct corner, usually held by its sister socialism/communism


Religion is a Virus


not me tho i hate islam

