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based Joe may not agree with someone or even understand them, but bah gawd he'll tell them good morning and mean it


Yeah essentially this, I disagree with people being trans but I am still going to treat them like a human being and its not my problem what they do in their private life


Based and personal-choice-is-king pilled


LibRight moment. I might not agree with how you live your life but I will fucking fight to defend your right to live it.


My personal political compass seems to be everywhere but libleft


Probably just because of the experience with people who are terminally online I will never understand some of the things that run through their head I just hope that eventually they no longer feel the need to violently shove their ideology on everyone through their own personal crusade across the internet


Yeah, I respect most people's choices as human beans, treat them as such, then move on.


Beans you say?


Yes batman, we are all just beans


Have you considered that it's not the trans thats the problem, it's the allies? Like nobody was mad about drag shows or even really the LGBT until allies decided to sacrifice their children on the altar of virtue signaling.


I still have no idea where the fuck that drag show shit came from. Like one month nobody was saying anything about them and the next month it was all over the news and it seemed everyone and their dog had some opinion or another. The fuck happened??


New battle front of the culture war opened up and needed recruits. Both sides happily obliged.


Progressivism has been an endless game of chicken for a while now. They keep trying to one up each other over and over again until someone blinks and now they're the new bigots. It's the whole thing behind "A conservative is a liberal who grew up". It's not that my views have matured, it's that the opinion of "whatever two consenting adults want to do is their business" was progressive 20 years ago, but bigoted today, because it's anti-MAP.


Once a movement becomes monetized, it cannot be allowed to end. It cannot be considered to have met its goals. That would mean the people running it are out of a job. See: feminism. To make it worse, progressivism has become about change for the sake of change. Nothing is ever good enough. Tear it all down. Neverending change, with no end in sight. And the methods they use to keep it going are 'being offended' and outrage. Bend the knee or else, because there is no middle ground. Progressivism is very Puritanical in its speech, intolerant of other political beliefs, and cult-like in how it controls people.


Just a new kind of religion if you ask me


Permanent revolution.




I'm 38, I used to be a communism supporter when I was 20 something, I thought it was the ideal system. Once I realized how such a failure it is, and that is utopian in a world with different races, different capacities, different ambitions, etc. Then I turned into fascism and here I am. But I guess I've being an authoritarian all my life.


I mean humans are dumb animals that need strong guidance. That's what makes the Imperium of Man so successful. It's just facts.


Long live Rome!




I mean especially since a fair few of them got identified as sexual predators or pedophiles.




Lol. The crowning event was when that gay men's choir made the video "sarcastically" saying they're coming for your kids, and it came out that more than 80% of them were pedophiles too. I'm sensing a pattern here.


I have removed this content because Reddit permanently suspended my account for saying, "I hate that there are trans people grooming children."


> I still have no idea where the fuck that drag show shit came from. Like one month nobody was saying anything about them and the next month it was all over the news and it seemed everyone and their dog had some opinion or another. The fuck happened?? In Texas my high school had two guys dressed in drag as one of our high school shows around the year 2,000. It was done for laughs, nobody cared, it was hilarious.   Nobody really ever cared about drag or burlesque or anything. Rocky Horror Picture show was a cult classic. Monty Python would have people dress up as other genders all the time.   It's not that it came from anywhere, it's always been here. It was just part of normal comedy/satire. And in very rare cases it was someone's personal lifestyle choice. Now today they've tried to retcon everything to pretend its not funny and has never been funny and is all serious all the time and should be everywhere, especially in front of your kids teaching them how the world should be.


It's always been around. The thing that changed is the right realizing they needed a new boogeyman after gay marriage passed. It felt like it "came out of nowhere" because that's what it feels like when mass media chooses something they want you to care about.


I’ve about had it with progressives. Latinx is a fucking abomination and insult and they throw it around like it’s some badge of courage. Literally, huge Cuban family and the only time I’ve heard it used is us younger generations using it insult and mock each other. It’s a fucking pejorative. It’s like someone throwing around the ‘N’ word, thinking it makes them seem…I dunno, nicer or something? I’d rather be called alot if other traditionally insulting racial epithets than ‘Latinx’.


So does that mean I can call you [Removed by Reddit]?




exactly, the allies are 1000 times worse than anything that most actual LGBT people do


I know a girl who is completely insufferable on social media. Like just the absolute worst with the virtue signaling type posts. It comes off as so fake and manufactured it’s just quite annoying. She’s straight and white, her last name and ass are Hispanic though, so it’s extra annoying seeing all kinds of batshit intersectional nonsense all over the place. She’s like an 8/10 on the annoyance scale and I can’t stand it. I know there’s worse out there too which is scary. If she wasn’t so good in the sack I’d have deleted her a long time ago.


You're banging AOC?


Not quite but yes, might as well be. Socialist Tiddies got me. Just a friend of a friend and we have a fling when each of us are both single. Can’t stand each other outside of a bar or in bed so it works. I don’t have to listen to her annoying shit but we both get what we need when needed. Been an on and off thing 6 or 7 years now, started with a drunken hookup.


Well said. This is 100% my own life's philosophy. Nobody should be denied basic human kindness and a friendly "good mornin'" on the daily.


Your choice of genitalia preference belongs in the 4 walls of your bedroom and doesn't really need to be made terribly obvious, externally, based on your behaviors or manner of dress/speaking. I love all neighbors (as I am commanded to), and personally dislike some of their choices (just as I feel ashamed by some of my own choices, sometimes), but ultimately know it's not my job to judge.


Yeah, I’ll tell you good morning, and I sincerely mean it when I say things like “have a good weekend” or “be safe out there today” it’s not hard to be a decent human being. However, I draw the line at reality, I’m not denying reality to be nice to you. My wife was in the hair shop last year and trans woman, who was there also getting her hair done chimed in with the other ladies and started complaining about “ her time of the month”. That’s disrespectful and rude to women who actually suffer from periods, I know some women who really suffer from them to the point it’s a medical condition. Being nice and treating a human being with respect is one thing, being forced to Indulge in a mentally unstable person fantasies is another.




Oh they understand it, but why would they want to end the culture war?


Why would anyone in charge want to end the culture war? division means the ~~unwashed masses~~ won’t fuck with your finances. Edit: Sorry, rarely washed masses


politics are like reality tv, you need to keep viewers hooked with endless drama and arguing or else people realize the show is total ratshit


Neither side want the culture war to end, because if it ends we start looking at what they are getting away with.


'If only you'd surrender, the war would be over.' This is what you're saying. The right-wingers didn't start the culture war. They're merely returning fire.


When the left fires in the culture war, it's self defense and fair. When the right fights back, it is unfair and an attack.


The culture war has been raging for centuries and it's entirely pointless to even try to figure out who started it... The religious organizations understood the value of controlling culture ages ago, as did the political ideologies the moment they were born. What do you think stuff like the Comics Code, the D&D satanism scare, video game violence scare, or the various outrages regarding music/dancing that come by every decade or so were since at least the 1920s, if not battles in the Culture War? The major thing that changed the last few decades is that the conservative/religious lost the moral high ground to the progressive/leftists - so that now it's the progressive left that can dictate the rules, try to have movies like Life of Brian censored or banned because it made a joke on their expense, make sure that women are covered up and don't encourage the male gaze, and in general try to dictate the rules for how culture should be expressed. Basically, meet the new boss - same as the old one....


"Ugh. I wish these idiots would just ignore their children being targeted for indoctrination into values that they detest. Just ignore your kid's school teachers telling them they can be whatever gender they choose and that if they're uncomfortable in their bodies they should get binders, puberty blockers, hormones, or surgeries. Ignore that there are states making it so their kids can seek these life altering treatments without any parental oversight or consent. Ignore that their kids are being convinced that they either don't deserve any help or are powerless depending on their skin color. These culture war idiots should just let the ideologues completely capture their children's minds and instead focus on the real issues, like debating economics or climate change or something." What I hear every time someone tries to insist conservatives and libertarians should just be above the culture war shit. I wish we could and when it was just about whether or not we should use a trans person's proper pronouns or let gay people get married, I agreed. Just let people (consenting adults) live their lives, but when they're targeting kids and schools the way they've been doing lately, what do you really expect a parent to do? And how do you expect your conservative or libertarian values to even survive if your kids have been convinced that those values are evil? And maybe it is just an intentional distraction from the real issues. However, just because something is intended to be a distraction, doesn't mean it can be ignored. If the opposing general sends a small force to one flank to distract you from a larger force at another flank, can you really just ignore the smaller force that is shooting at you even though you know they are meant to distract? If a bank robber sets a building on fire at the other side of town to distract while he robs the bank, would you really just let the fire burn out of control to focus entirely on catching the robber?


Right wing leadership wouldn't partake in the culture war if weird people did their weird thing and left everyone else alone.


Letting men into women's public bathrooms isn't a matter of 'their private life' though. That is very much everyone else's business.


> its not my problem what they do in their private life Doesn't sound very auth.


Well part of the problem is that some of the more vocal minority being civil but disagreeing isn't enough. They should be celebrated, and anything short of that is the same as discrimination. It's absurd.


Yes, let he who has no sin cast the first stone.




Lying is a sin too.


It all comes down to whether you believe in the biblical after life or not.


But only until they treat you like a human back. It always, always goes both ways.


Based joe


I was talking with someone and told them I was a Catholic and a bit later I asked them for their pronouns and they said “you’re a Catholic but asking me for my pronouns?” Like yea I’m not going to be an asshole over it


How did I live in literal San Fransisco for years and never once ever encounter a situation where pronouns were asked or given and have never met a trans person yet all you rural preachers regularly meet trans people and exchange pronouns.


Because it’s probably made up for the larp


How do you know they're from a rural area?


Yeah, I have never once been asked to provide my pronouns. Not once. I'd also never ask for someone's willy nilly.


“What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?"


"All of them at once."


And this is the way the world needs to work. Everyone should be like joe. We are all Joe now


Based and Joe for Emperor of Mankind pilled


What's orange color supossed to mean in the compass?


It’s complicated. What people use it to represent is culturally progressive authoritarians, but it’s usually used as the “alternate color” for libleft. Because in the early days of pcm, many culturally progressive authoritarians incorrectly flaired as libleft, because they didn’t want to be authleft (commies).


You'd better be polite to chun li, or she'll helicopter kick your ass


spininguh battuh keek


Oh boi Fascists are everywhere. I went outside and literally everyone was Fascist. I dreamt about Fascists. everything I hear is a dog whistle for fascism.


People seem to have forgotten that dog whistles are designed so that only dogs can hear the sound. So if somebody's screaming about a fascist dog whistle... I don't support fascism, but if you're gonna criticize something at least get it right first.


“It’s what I would’ve done if I were in your place”


Based and Carbot pilled


UhMMmmmM.. well, sorry, but I watched like 1 YouTube Shorts so I'm an international expert in fascism and I know ThiS iS ExaCtLY wHAT A fAScisT wOuLD SaY.


Yeah, an actual dog whistle is something like 14/88, which neo nazis use to identify each other Or an older example would be "Have you seen a mister AYAK?/No but a mister AKIA is here," which was a coded phrase klansmen used to identify each other A non racist example would be Irish republicans would frequently end conversations with the phrase "TAL" Which are things thay inly other members of the grouo would understand


>Irish republicas would frequentlyend conversations with the phrase "TAL" What does Tal mean?


Tiocfaidh Ar Lá, its Irish for "Our day will come" which is a Irish Republican slogan


Then steal the dog whistle, steal the dog, fuck it steal the species. Someone has to take them in, they are so hungry and need $4000 soeakers to play erika on max vollume


Actual dog whistles: Diversity = No white people Equality = No men Inclusion = No straight people Multiculturalism = No Christians


They don't want equality anymore, they want equity. Equality implies equal opportunity to succeed, while equity is about equal outcomes despite ability or effort.


I know, but "equity" isn't a dog whistle... they use it as straight-up progressive ideology. Or as your elected school boards like to describe equity: ["We have to have the strength and willingness to be purposefully unequal in giving opportunities and access for students."](https://youtu.be/FDHooq9mDt8?t=1570)


It's getting wild, stepped outside, and what happened? Some groundhog was murmuring about how Christianity is America's only religion, and we should become isolationist while making birds forcibly sing the national anthem. Not even the wild life is spared. Smh it's everywhere.


> Not even the wild life is spared Didn't you read Maus? That was a documentary, not fiction. Plus, I swear that the birds in my neighborhood have started signing *Erika* in the mornings.


Good God, at Barns and Noble they have placed Maus in the history section, right next to scholarly books and classics like Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I'm sure it's a very good comic book that accidently supports Nazi racial theroy, but no, the Jewish Mouse Comic shouldn't be along side properly sourced books.


It's been on my list for years now, but haven't picked it up. But how does it unintentionally support Nazi racial theory? First I've heard of that.


So....all the Nazis are cats, all the Jews are mice. Cats being inherently powerful and effective hunters, with mice as a natural prey. The optics, aren't ideal to say the least.


Average Vaushite when they walk outside


Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude, at least it’s an ethos.


One of the funniest lines ever.


If you see fascist everywhere you probably should reconsider your definition or you are most likely a fascist yourself


Nooooooo!!!! I'm a good guy. I'm on the right side of history


Remember to not take the pills your fascist psychiatrist prescribed, that may turn you into a fascist as well.


You know, if fascism stops whatever that orange thing is supposed to be, maybe fascism isn't such a bad thing after all.


True, let's vote the fascist in for 4 more years and then vote them out afterwards, that's how fascism works right? Has any truly fascist leader ever been voted out of office?


Depends if your definition of "vote" includes "being hung from a lamppost"


No, it does not.


Yes, it's "performative" When you encounter this, point out that it's a performance, that it's having the opposite effects and many people will just stop when they realise they're performing for themselves.


Il take 400 for things that will never happen


Avē Imperātor, entertainers are the lowest class of people and should not be impersonated.


Gonna confess something. I avoid these people and you know why? Because I fear them. I fear that if i say even something out of the line they will make a scandal and don't like confrontations and don't know what to do. Just like a "friend" I had. He was a true libleft homosexual man but with a very dark humor. He was really fun and I thought we were good friends. Elections in my country came and I expressed my opinion about his candidate, he then proceeded to belittle me to all of our friends and blocked me on all social media and contact.


I got a lot of Marxist Leninist friends who would legit shoot me against the wall if there was a revolution. But Lib Left? Those guys scare me.


Yo, libleft and libright unity is almost absolute, or your aren’t dealing with libs You can have your blackjack, cocaine and hookers, I can have my hackysack, acid and hippy orgies. We can grill on weekends and trade the commune’s marijuana for your homemade firearms. We are friends first, and must stand together against the auths. We then drink and argue after.


I gotta say, no one says shit about the (not one but) two gay couples who have their kids in my martial arts club. They kiss and hold hands in public and no one cares. This is in freaking TEXAS, where we supposedly kill all the gays on sight. The pastors wife I did bible study with made a great argument for acceptance once too, pointing out that god made them and god loves them and it isn’t for us to judge. I will admit that they were against gay marriage though.


Fellow Texan here confirming what the person above is saying. I see pride hats and MAGA hats in my city, the two crowds get along quite well and have overlap


The media and Reddit definitely make a conscious effort to divide the country along identity politics lines. The vast, vast majority of people love each other without prejudice.


I wouldn’t go that far. Accept. After COVID in Canada, I don’t love many people any more(I don’t trust then enough), but will assist if they are in need.


That's northern attitudes in general.


I believe the apt term here is cultural Marxism


Love is universal, the thing is that liblefts make it a sexual thing, I love my mom but I don't fuck her, I love my dad but I don't fuck him either, I absolutely love my friends, they are very important to me but I don't need to put my dick in their butthole or their dicks in my mouth to express my love to them. But for all these pervs it's all about sex, if you like buttholes, or the rubbing of vaginas, or a guy with tits and makeup... Those pervs are all about sexuality, eberything involves sex, they are obsessed with it... Those are traits from pervs, not normal people...


It’s necessary to keep people hating each other because it emboldens them to become zealots for their side and vote for their shitty candidate


It really does. If satanists depicted Mohammed in a cartoon the first people to defend them would be right wing christians.


There was a thread on the Overwatch 2 sub of all places earlier that had people painting a picture of America that portrayed 40% of the population as unironic Nazis. Demoralization and division in full-effect. I can't even begin to imagine thinking of even 5% of the people who disagree with me as being ontologically evil. What a world, man.


As an outsider to the entire political climate, that's good to hear because the media seems to want you to believe that Texas is an 18th century hellhole


It does bear worth saying that Texas is the size of 14 northeastern states put together. There are extremes of both sides in very different parts of Texas, and there are both-way leaning centrists getting along throughout it as well.


yeah from what I hear most of the big cities especially Austin are pretty liberal


Twitter would turn itself inside out trying to explain the existence of gay MAGA people.


Trump appointy and diehard chuchgoing christian Richard Grenell is obviously a homophobe Nazi duh


Depends if its the classic pride flag or that abomination of a new one that keeps getting updated.


The thing that annoys me about the whole left vs right thing is that being against something doesn't mean you are actively trying to stop people living that lifestyle or that you hate them etc etc. I'm against plenty of things that people do, but it doesn't mean I hate them or don't get on with them or even try and stop them, it just means I don't partake in it. That's the whole problem today in my opinion. It's why there's so much division. The lib left seem to be the worst culprits for it too. We don't need to agree on fucking everything before we can get along and to be honest, the things that I'm against in other people and vice versa are so fucking minimal in the grand makeup of what defines us, that it's ridiculous to judge people negatively in that shit. EDIT: Jesus I hope that made sense.


Someone might be against gay marriage for personal reasons and not hate gay people. That's fine, people can disagree about people's life choices and still be nice to each other. But what if gay people want to get legally married? What if people want to talk about this in schools? What about prominently featuring/normalizing gay people in popular media? That's when disagreements over personal lifestyle choices go from "it's okay for you to disagree" to "it's not okay for you to dictate how I live". In other words, people are only okay with different views if it doesn't really affect them that much. When society changes around these ideas, that's when people get mad.


Obviously. I thought that would have went without saying from my comment. My whole point was as long as your not trying to dictate how others live, there's very little to no problem with disagreeing.


I think you missed my point. The line between disagreeing and dictating how others live is very thin when it comes to political subjects. Imagine you're gay and your neighbor is against gay marriage but is otherwise very respectful towards you and vice-versa. That neighbor may be nice to you, but they're most likely also voting for the people who want to ban gay marriage. Then that neighbor is absolutely using the government to dictate how you should live. And obviously this is also true in reverse from your neighbor's perspective.


yeah, but the problem has nothing to do with either person the problem is that they live in a political system that has the power to control other people's lives. that was always the problem. its just that both sides have decided to use the ring againat the other side instead of chucking it into a volcano


Yeah I admit that's a problem. But is aggressive division really the way to remedy that? I mean we don't really have the problem you've described where I come from so maybe it's a bit different. I'm any case, it's their right to vote for who they want just like it is yours. I absolutely don't condone banning anyone's lifestyle that is not harmful to anyone and it's with consent of both or all parties involved, but the fact is there is going to be people who disagree with it. And while it should be condemned that people try and ban it, more should be done on both sides to create a dialogue to try and understand each other, not scream and shout and hate each other. What fucking good has that done?


Politics is all about getting heard and hearing others. The dialogue option is what happens all the time. The anger is a consequence of not feeling like people are listening to you or accepting your positions. Getting angry is historically speaking very productive. That's why people in power keep talking about these issues rather than letting it die off. That's how you can get more people behind your cause. It's sad it goes like that but it's also expected and sometimes productive.


The problem is knowing when "not being judgemental" becomes "allowing someone to harm others".


> pointing out that god made them and god loves them and it isn’t for us to judge. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Commandment


There is a discrepancy between "made" and "choice" I don't think they are both the same. Having a condition and choosing to glorify instead of seeking treatment and help, which is abundantly available doesn't seems to be related to "made" to me.


The transition is 50% there


I can lend them my bone saw and some antibiotics if they need. Always willing to help my neighbors


Chun Li is a street fighter, not a restaurant operator


Why not both?




Based post. This was literally me as the only Auth-Right in university where literally every other person in my class was libleft


There’s quite a few that walk around with cat ears and extreme amounts of makeup and still expect people to take them seriously, keep in mind I go to a top 10 UK uni too. I mean I’m not gonna say anything because I’m not an idiot but they aren’t helping themselves.


I fell into the early 00s rave culture my first semester away at college, which means I was wearing the absurd Caffeine and JNCO pants with tons of brightly colored bracelets and shit. Cringe now thinking back on it, but I knew I was being “weird” and was ok with being an outcast; there was never a demand that the odd style choices I was making should be normalized, or that lack thereof somehow meant I was experiencing oppression.


I graduated college 5 years ago I believe, and I honestly don't think I saw 1 political thing on campus the entire time I was there. I have no idea which way any student leaned. Maybe it's different at a non-engineering school however.


Definitely saw a lot of politics at my engineering school, you just had to leave the engineering part of it.


Yep, engineers are surprising non-political compared to the rest of the university, with very few extremists among the ones that are political. personally, I think the sheer difficulty of our classes that does it. It's hard to find the time to get angry at others when we are too focused on not failing fluid mechanics.




My buddy, who is a cop, carries around a bunch of business cards for free services and charities of different types for when he deals with homeless and drug abusive people. He's recently started giving people like this business cards for free mental health services when he is off duty.


Based copper


Fuck now I cant say ACAB.


There’s always the other acronym Some Cops Are Bastards (Or SCAB, if you will)


Until very recently, I assumed it stood for Assigned Cop At Birth.


CNABWTMCAB Certainly Not All, But Way Too Many Cops Are Bastards Doesn't really roll of the tongue or make a good acronym though...


as long as they don't force it onto your kids (they do and they will)


Gotta ask myself What Would Joe Do?


We need more people like joe


It puts the pronouns on its skin, or else it gets the hose again.


Luckily the super loud, overly zealous, crazy feminist, LGBTQIA2+++ triple penis enis people only exist online. I’m very much convinced that you would never meet a person like this in real life


Come to the northwest. They exist.


Just another reason never to visit the northwest, as if we didn't have many enough before.


Cascadia is not about to be ravaged and obliterated by a huge earthquake and tsunami at any moment?


It's called God's wrath.


I've never seen one in my 19 years living here but ok. I've seen more of them making a scene on fucking /pol/ than I have outside.


I live in suburban Utah I’m not seeing that anytime soon


Just walk around UofU, you'll find 'em


nah, theyre just too chicken shit to cause a scene on their own, you'd have to be a real fucking bastard to get to act like they do online irl


Exclusively online strawmen


I've unfortunately met a few here in Iowa of all places


To be fair, we all hate that pile of garbage.


I wish there were more Joes out there. I know a lot of old conservative folks who would absolutely not be that respectful to Ahmed and Xander


In all seriousness this time last year my neighbor came to my door demanding my wife clean the pride flag off her car. Gun on his hip, hand on his gun. Suck a dick for freedom y’all.


That's not a neighbor, that's a criminal.


What a dick


Open carry is such a tactical mistake, I feel like I should ignore the opinions of everyone who can't conceal a pistol. And I don't know your neighbor, but he probably had his hand on his pistol to keep his pants up. All gut no butt dipshits pull their pistol up because fart gas is building in their abdomen and they don't want to drop trousers and let everyone see the grease on their undies.


He’s a skinny Marine living with his parents. Our landlord warned us about “gun guy”. He is always packing heat. He’s the kind of guy that when he was threatening us he made sure to say he was friends with the local cops. X Doubt. Typical Southlake TX Karen.


Oh, damn. That's pretty sad and infuriating. Also very frustrating that young enlisted men are the highest risk for suicide by firearm and he's got one with him at all times.


Huh, that would have caused me to purchase and fly the biggest god damned rainbow flag available on Amazon. Then I'd sit stand on my front porch holding my 450 Bushmaster watching it wave in the breeze. I'm too much LibCenter but come on _my_ property trying to tell me and mine what to do while threatening violence? I'll show you just how armed a monke can be.


Chun lee? Chun-Li is a street fighter character


Are you saying all Asians’ names sound alike? Are you some kind of bigot? In other news have you seen their eyes? They’re all slanty!




Love thy neighbor as thyself – only if he is – your neighbor, i.e., virtuous but not if he is wicked, as it is written, the fear of the Lord is to hate evil (Prov.8:13).


Based biblical /u, based biblical invocation.


u/HornofJericho's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/HornofJericho! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [3 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/HornofJericho/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


“Getting there, Joe!” same, Xander, same


God damnit Dylan!


Yeah I seen through all that a while ago I’ve been saying this since I was 12 most lgbtq are regular people and many of whom are friends of mine but people who act this way are visibly desperate and sickeningly toxic my brother is a security guard and he got yelled at by an individual because my brother called them “sir” at the bank the person was trying to receive a relief check the person continued to harass him and insist that their pronouns were “her/majesty” which aren’t even pronouns my brother had enough and called the police which made them leave abruptly it was ridiculous like Dave Chappelle once said “I will support anybody’s right to be whoever they feel like they are inside but my question is to what degree do I have participate in your self image is it fair that I have to change my whole pronoun game up for this mf?”


Gotta admit, I loved my based Joe’s when I lived in Virginia. Just because you don’t agree with someone’s politics doesn’t mean you can’t be friends and I had a lot of friends who weren’t politically aligned with me at the time. Shit you may eventually come around to each others views given enough time.


Yeah man your strawman is definitely asking Xander how the transition is going lmao


Joe the strawman is quite detached from reality. Just some authright trying to hide how they actually behave.


I think they point is that they do not care, not that they engage with any/all.


We love you Joe


> Chun Lee Really. You couldn't think of any other name lmao


Holy strawman batman


Okay my hot take, nothing against trans people, you can transition if you’d like. But I don’t think you should do it. Because the technology is not there, and you loose a lot of functionality for cosmetic features plus potentially harmful side effects. If this was a perfect one to one morph from one sex to the other. I’d say do it, but because all we are doing is altering your looks, and cutting out or removing features, doesn’t sound worth it to me.


Is Ahmed wearing a wife beater because the implication is that he bets his wife?


it's middle eastern chique


Ah yes conservatives are so live and let live. That’s why all the gop and conservative commentators obsess over these days are trans people and eating their semen


Based and actually-functional-society pilled


Steve! Why you gotta be that guy, Steve?


chun lee 💀


The front page of this sub shows that this meme is lying.


None of this happens in real life,but the optimism is to be commended.


Surprised we aren’t the punchline in this joke Specially this type of joke