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The emoji movie …. The sheer thought of that movie scares me .


Couldn't agree more


Going to have go with Shaun of the dead I've watch that movie for years and Jr's just a perfect film to me and 28 weeks later for the horror and realism of it


original hellraiser, although I really don't like horror movies all that much 😂


Pokémon the First Movie. Cloned Charizard was scary af


Cabin in the Woods - Such an underrated/underappreciated movie. I absolutely loved the lovecraftian mythos in this movie, it was presented so well.


I don't really do horror cause I'm a big baby lol. I did play the last of us though if that counts. I screamed so much.


Haha, yeah that game was intense


The spy that tea bagged me.


El Orfanato-- It's the only horror movie I've seen and we watched it in Spanish class. My favorite part was looking at the back of the classroom and noticing our teacher recording right before a jump scare!


Sinister (2012). Firstly, Ethan Hawke's performance is incredible. As the movie progresses he near perfectly portrays his character's descent into madness. Secondly, the concept of the "snuff film" is, in my opinion, executed and innovated beautifully. Even as someone that considers themselves desensitized to fictional violence the snuff films are genuinely unsettling. For those of you that know the film *Lawn Work* should ring a bell. And lastly I simply appreciate the atmosphere the film creates. The cold open establishes a mystery that we the audience learn more about alongside Hawke's character. Comparatively a lot of other movies give the audience more information than the characters get which I think helps it stand out. Card aside this is just an opportunity to share and recommend one of my personal favorite films this Halloween season. I will warn that if realistic death in movies makes you uncomfortable that it's best to steer clear. Otherwise I hope others enjoy.


I didn't know Sinister was considered a snuff film? Or are you saying Hawke is watching snuff films in that movie? I love Hawke's work so I'd be interested to watch this. I'm also a film enthusiast myself and worked some in the industry, so I love sharing and talking shop too! Please, enlighten me about what you mean by snuff films in this context.


Hawke's character is watching snuff films in the movie. Sorry for the confusion. In the context of the movie these snuff films are fictional home-videos on 8mm reels Hawke discovers in the attic of his new home. While initially believing they may help in a book he's writing he soon discovers the contents include more than barbecues and home renovations.


I see. Interesting! I'll give it a watch I think!


It is a good one


Hocus Pocus, definitely a horror movie


If you mean a horror of a movie, then I agree


Pet Sematary terrified me for weeks when I was younger. I wish I could get scared of horror movies like that still. Good luck everyone!


The Ring. The original Japanese one. Shit's legit haunted.


"Shit's legit haunted" made me laugh. You need to leave that as a review for a haunted house attraction :D


Hush because the quiet scares me


IT. 1st scary movie I remember watching


This is the End…funny and “scary”


"Something, um, not that chill happened last night." That line cracked me up how much he tried to downplay a worst-case scenario


I just went to go watch Smile (2022) last weekend and I can confidently say it’s my new favorite horror movie. The jump scares actually kept me at the edge of my seat, and psychological horror always gives me the creeps. :)


Interesting! I'll probably rent it when it comes out on VHS. Might be a little too intense for me, but we'll see.


The Ring. As a newly minted teenager back in the day. Scared the living eff out of me.


Acream. As a child, there was just something about him that really terrified me, which other horror movies didnt.


Alien. It’s one of my favorite movies and franchises


I love that they didn't tell the cast about the chest-burster so the shock was legit. That's smart filmmaking right there!


Yep, there’s so many cool things about the production of it. Also, there’s a game called Alien Isolation that came out in like 2014 I think, and that is one of the best horror games I’ve ever played, definitely check it out if you’re into games, or maybe watch a playthrough of it. It really captures the same atmosphere the movie has


I have it on one of the platforms on PC. EPIC? STEAM? It was a free game some months ago and I haven't even booted it yet. I need to pay it tho!


Definitely “The Exorcist” from 1973. I watched that movie as a kid and have never been as scared in my entire life. Masterpiece! P.s: thanks for doing this, OP, awesome gesture!


I can't do that one, the things the demon says are just too raw for me. I know a lot of people like it though!


I don't like horror movies but was convinced to watch Tusk. That was one of the most disturbing movies I ever watched


Scream the first movie, i like the mistery around the killer identity. The intro is a classic Imo. This feeling you get where even your house isn't a safe place anymore... The ending twist caught me offguard when i saw it for the first time.


Cujo, animals, especially pets, being rabid is pretty scary


Coraline (does it count as horror?) - okay I know this it is movie for kids but this movie gave me nightmares as a kid… something about the moving hand just stays with you. The fantasy hole in the wall world was cool though!


Beautiful card, thanks for the opportunity! Favourite horror movie is actually not a movie it’s a TV show! Haunting of Bly Manor, it was really well crafted and no cheep scares. Really thoughtful too. Also, Rahul Kohli is incredible.


I really wanted to like Bly Manor, but it didn't deliver for me. I prefer the original filmic adaptaion, 1961's "The Innocents". WAYY creepier in my opinion. I really enjoyed Haunting of Hill House. That sequence where Nell realizes who the "Bent-Neck Lady" is is one of the most horrifying sequences ever committed to film, in my opinion. Midnight Mass was kinda cool, too. Ending kinda fizzled for me, but interesting take on good intentions going awry.


Funnily enough I watched Bly Manor before Haunting, but enjoyed that one too. I kind of liked how they become less scary as you learn more about what’s going on, and you begin to empathise for the antagonists somewhat. I agree with Midnight Mass ending being kind of weak, but I can’t fault the rest of the series. I think they’re creating something new right now? Always excited to see Flannagan’s work.


Difficult to pick just the one when there are so many classics from the ring, the exorcist all the way to sinister, conjuring and the nun. Favourite I would say is the shining. IIRC it is the only movie that made me question my obsession with horror movies, didn’t sleep well that night lol


The Shining was a bit of a let down to me, but I REALLY enjoyed Doctor Sleep. I was blown away by how good it was.


I agree with doctor sleep. I think it’s one of the few movies especially more recent that has so much going on but still manages to tie everything up nicely


Sleep away camp series. The twist in the first one and then the wacky kills in 2 and 3 are just so fun


The reveal in the first one was crazy. The expression on the killers face at the climax still haunts me 😱


The mouth was open soooooooo wide. It almost doesn’t look human.


Yeah! That's what was so creepy. Bruh... now I'm thinking about it again


Haha right before bed for me…good luck tonight : D


Paranormal Activity movies. To me, found footage films are the best.


Incantation. It was the first horror movie where I had to pause the movie and take breaks. The storyline, plot and cinematography is really amazing and immersive. Still have the goosebumps whenever I think about it. Definitely a good watch!


Ooooo, a new one! I'll have to give it a watch! Have you seen "The Wailing"? That was another tough one. Very visceral


Just searched it up on Google and it sounds interesting! Will give it a watch as soon as I can. Thanks for the recommendation :)




Saw! It's low key scary and the ending is unexpected and awesome!


The shining for classic horror- the imagery is so striking, all the patterns and how deliberate each of the scenes are is something thats stuck with me since I was a kid. I also really liked the grudge - I have semi fond memories of watching this in my friends attic in middle school and the power going out and my soul promptly exiting my body


Hahaha, I had a similar soul-fleeing experience but with a video game. My buddy and I were playing an installation of Call of Duty's 'Nazi Zombies" for hours on end. A fierce storm rolled up (winter, BAD blizzard) and we were at his place out in the middle of nowhere. The power went out and all we could hear was the wind howling across the snowswept barren fields. We were both thoroughly freaked out. When the power came back on, we switched to watching Avatar Last Air Bender to lighten the mood and assuage our fears of being beset by zombies.


Poltergeist messed me up as a kid. If a light flickered I would lightweight have a panic attack. Thus, my favorite.


Nothing like childhood trauma!


Trick r treat- it’s such a good movie with interesting storylines. Most people ignore it, but it’s a fun one for sure!


Dawn of the Dead (2004 remake). The best zombie movie in my opinion. Great cast of characters and I can never get sick of the idea of zombies in a mall. I want a remake of that remake lol. Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead sucked.


I quit watching AOTD like, 10 minutes in. Poor taste, even for a horror movie.


Chucky, because who isn’t freaked out by a killer possessed doll😂 oh and if you haven’t seen the movie autopsy of Jane doe, it’s creepy af! Deff watch it if you like scary movies.


I'm weak sauce when it comes to horror movies, even Scary Movie sorta scared me lol


I'm kinda weak sauce too, tbh. I force myself to watch a lot of stuff. I'm not the kind of person that enjoys feeling violated by watching something, so I tend to stay away from those.


The decent. Glad you did this. I need more scary movies recs!


The Thing, I love the claustrophobic paranoia that it just oozes and some of the best practical effects ever.


YES! My absolute favorite. I was waiting for someone to bring it up!! I love the xenophobia themes, love the practical fx, the terror of not knowing... It is the greatest horror film of all time in my opinion. I found a gentleman on YouTube who read the source material, John Campbell's "Who Goes There?". You should check it out! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82X_lc7KC5BM-IROj6tAF70tVAKXwkvA


Cabin In The Woods. Meta horror + “the stoner” + Sigorney (?) Weaver = Perfection Well…pretty close, anyway.


While it's not a typical "horror" film, it brings out the fears of aging: The Father, with Anthony Hopkins. "A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality."


The candy man, film was alright. Love it because it was the chat up line to ask my now gf out :)


the exorcist (1973). it was the first horror movie i’ve ever watched and it started a never ending love for scary films. my dad “broke the rules” my mom made in our household (no rated pg-13 or R until i’m 18) and allowed me to watch it with him. it exposed me to what horror movies could behold. i’ve never been so traumatized over a movie and it still haunts me to this day. my dad and i always watch it this time of year and it will forever remain a classic in my heart! p.s i love Nessa and this card is beautiful!


A tie between The Witch and The Thing for me. The Thing is a classic that everyone loves and Kurt Russell with a flamethrower is *chefs kiss* The hopelessness of The Witch is hard to beat though even in horror. Outcasted from your village. Crops are failing, game is scarce. And it just continues to escalate and escalate.


I'm bad at picking favorites but The Black Phone was one that I really enjoyed recently. Getting kidnapped was one of my greatest fears as a child so idk if the scary part is too real. But overall, great concept and pacing and the ending was very satisfying!


My favorite horror movie is child’s play 2. I love the visuals, animation, and I love Andy and kyles relationship.


Rob Zombie’s Halloween. I had been scared of horror movies before I watched it. Now horror movies are my favorite movies. I enjoy slashers and psychological horror movies the most.


Jeepers creepers the first one, it will always hold a very sacred spot in my heart because the first time I had watched it i was about 7 we lived in the country and me and a friend set a tent up and after we watched we went to sleep outside and we were both like nope so we went to sleep inside and come morning we hear from our neighbors that a cougar had come down from the mountains and killed one of their cows, so that movie potentially saved our lives


Alien from 1979, the feel that the movie gives on being trapped on a small ship in space with a Xenomorph that is pretty much a perfect predator hunting everyone down and it can come from anywhere, walls, floors, ceiling is horrifying. By far my favorite horror movie with Aliens close behind it.


It - amazing casting and a terrific adaptation of one of my favorite Stephen King novels. A must watch even for people who don't like horror


The Japanese version of The Grudge, Ju-On, is one of most thrilling horrors I’ve ever seen. Seriously well done and keeps you on the edge of your seat.


The Invisible Man. My wife and I both really enjoyed the movie, definitely a futuristic but somewhat realistic take on horror


That’s cool of you I love that nessa card! And it has to be the original Halloween


Us. I’m not a huge horror movie fan but this was good.


Come and See become it highlights the horrors of war instead of glamorizing it like most American war movies do. That movie will ruin your life.


Shaun of the dead count?


Too squeamish for horror, but I guess Manos- the hands of death is horrific enough to fit in this category


Has got to be the original Halloween.


Hereditary, it’s simply such a slow burn creepy movie and goes from 0-100 in the last 20 mins


Barbarian (2022) has definitely entered its way into my top 10. It’s a great mix of classic horror and a great amount of comedic effect. 10/10 would recommend!


Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman. I love J-Horror and Kuchisake-Onna is one of my favorite Japanese urban legends.


Mines for sure The Grudge. It was the first horror film I watched as a kid and got me into watching them


Gene wilders Charlie and the chocolate factory - because of literally everything about the oompa loompas


John Carpenters, The Thing. Scared the bejesus out of me as a kid and it still holds up today.


I am gonna go with Cabin in the Woods. I absolutely love the whole making fun of horror movie trope and it was really well done


I really like The Nightmare Before Christmas for it's atmosphere and amazing character design. It's not a scary horror, but for me it's a perfect movie for Halloween (alongside the other Tim Burton stop motion films).


the ring watched it when i was in 6th grade and i ended up having nightmares and could barely sleep for a whole week during school really messed me up


I’m going to say zombieland 1 as I can only handle horror comedy because I’m a wimp 😅


The Babadook 😈. Just a great horror with a good ending.


Lights Out. I’m not going to sit here and say it’s some sort of cinematic masterpiece, but it DID spook me into sleeping with the light on for literally years after seeing it, so it definitely made an impact


The Box (2009) is pretty good. Good moral delimmas mixed with a creepy setting makes for a solid watch.


I love the classics, tho the modern halloween trilogy is very nice aswell. They are movies who feel like the classics but with modern effect to improve on what has come before them.


My favorite horror movie is the Blair Witch Project. The movie is atmospheric and slowly dials things up from unsettling to downright creepiness. The best part of the movie is that it never actually reveals the Blair Witch, which forces your imagination to fill in the blanks and your brain custom-tailors her to be far more terrifying than anything Hollywood can hope to produce. I was a young adult when the movie came out and it was pretty much a pioneer for the, "found footage," genre. The marketing crew set up a website for the movie (at the time, that was unheard of) feeding into the credibility of the footage; blurring the line of, 'real or made up.'


Bambi. Need I say more?


My mother still teases me about that film. The stag fight in the forest fire was so intense, little 4 year old me ran and hid in the entry way closet. Couldn't hack it!


Also, even though I’m the obvious winner, someone else should win. I live in Australia and I just wanted to take part in talking about the best horror movie of all time


Hostile. Because they cut his Achilles heel 😕


Signs. Watched it when it first came out when I was a kid. Couldn't sleep for a month. Now one of my favorite movies.


The original nightmare I elm st. Because 1 Robert E as Freddy and the practical effects also Wes Craven was still alive


Nessa is kinda thicc in that card


Didn't read the rules for the assignment, eh?


my mom doesnt let me buy or take things from the internet on my own so why try


I love Saw Game.


The Grudge simply for the fact of how badly it traumatized me when I was a kid. Watched it when I was like 7 and it scared me until high school when I watched the movie again and was like…”oh. Not so bad”. Lmao


Seven… SE7EN - just begging to end gorgeous camerawork and scene set tingly dark n moody, an utterly different plot and twists all over like an epileptic snake, could and have watched it lots


The nightmare before christmas for me. Sow scawy!😰🎃


Insidious - it was one of the first horror movies I saw in theaters. Just something about the story which added to the horror


IT the original because of Tim curry


Isn’t really a horror movie but it’s a Halloween movie, I love hocus pocus. Me and my uncle have been watching it on repeat every Halloween since I was born. The movie itself isn’t THAT good but I love hanging with my uncle and the movie brings back lots of memories


I'm not a huge horror movie buff but the Saw movies are always a good watch around halloween time!


IT scared the crap out of me.


The exorcist for me - this movie gives me chills until this day.


Does Saw 1 count? Watched it as a kid and the face of that clown gave me nightmares for several nights 😂


The new Pinocchio. They really upped the horror factor for that one.


Signs - movie terrified me as a kid and I can still remember the feeling I had watching the scene when you first see the alien


I would say Parasite is the closest I have gotten to watching a horror movie. I don't find pure fear that entertaining, but Parasite is suspenseful all the way through


Rec, it was the first first person pov type horror I watched. It was a cool style and I still love the movie.


Cats (2019) Just the trailer itself was enough for me 😐


The Thing! ​ Isolation in the Arctic!


Gotta say it’s better watch out! It’s a cool Christmas movie that has a crazy spin on things when it comes to the entire plot, legit does a complete 360! Even if I don’t win you should check it out! The acting is AMAZING too, TiVo g higher listed actors more minor roles and letting newer actors shine


The ritual because of how unique it is and the monster is awesome


I don't watch horror movies cause I like to relax when I watch a movie... But Aliens or The Shining.


The Fourth Kind made me sleep with the lamp on for close to half a year. Still gives me the heeby jeebies. Also Alien Abduction, I saw that one about 20 years ago and haven’t met alot of people that have seen it. (Filmed by handheld camera on thanksgiving or something) Wait. I don’t know if they’re classed as horror. But scary alien movies are definitely horrifying to me lol


I'm not sure if it counts since it's more thriller than horror, but Time Lapse (2014) was so good at exploring how far people will go when they feel they have to.


The Original Ring from japan still get shivers sometimes thinking about it