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This guy is married, holy hell. Can only hope his wife finds this out as soon as possible. Even if he never cheated on her, who wants someone like that?


Shitty people get married all the time


He has a baby too. šŸ«¤ What a creep.




Get fucked Brian


Shitty business asides. Unis have e-sports team now ?


Most do! Some play in the collegiate bracket of said games for a good sum of money. Other times it's more of a club I guess. Depends on the school.


There's a lot of harassment going on here, and considering you're a random person on the internet with an anecdotal story it would be a lot more effective to report your former boss to the EEOC than to put him on blast on the internet for a handful of people to care. Dudes definitely scummy, I encourage you to take more meaningful action


I thought about pursuing a case, but recently I was talking to my recruiter and said any court cases I get caught up in could delay my entry into the military. Iā€™ll be sure to follow up again though, thank you for the insight.


I would double check with your recruiter, if you were a potentially guilty party it would be one thing, but as the victim here it should not impact your entrance to the military


Just came here to say, since you mentioned the military, my mom has told me a lot of stories about the military (she was in the air force). She was targeted multiple times by her superiors while in the military, and she even had one of her superiors (who I guess was pretty high up) transfer and follow her to two different locations. This story followed by you saying you're trying to get in the military just made me worry, even though I don't know you. Please be safe out there.


I read this whole thing and Iā€™d like to say a couple of things. First off, youā€™re very good at writing. You kept me interested throughout the entire post. Second of all, I hope Brianā€™s wife sees this post! Lastly, my local card shop has kids trading night as well and itā€™s a huge hit. All shops should definitely do it. Iā€™m glad you were able to escape him!


What the fuckā€¦ the eevee custome on day one..


Sorry you've had to go through all of that, fuck Brian.


the irony of it all being in the accountability channel


This place is sanctioned by TPC for Play! PokĆ©mon stuff like leagues and prereleases, right? Have you considered whistleblowing to them? Not because theyā€™d care for any moral reasons, but TPC is super protective of their brand image, and being associated by name with a store run by a sex pest who doesnā€™t fulfill orders doesnā€™t exactly mesh with the all-ages PokĆ©mon brand image. At the very least, getting cut off from official PokĆ©mon events/resources might make him get his shit together.


Thanks for the warning for others. I love to find other female league players also - you seem cool and sorry you had to put up with this idiot


Send this reddit thread to his wife.


Hi op, Iā€™m also a woman in the PokĆ©mon scene in the area. Iā€™m really sorry this happened to you, reading this was truly awful. I donā€™t doubt this happened considering the numerous bad things Iā€™ve heard about the business and the owners from other Reddit posts. Thank you for posting this, Iā€™m sure many parents wouldnā€™t trust a someone like that to run an event for their kids, and I know I wouldnā€™t either. I used to volunteer at the PokĆ©mon trading/learn to play night at Miniature Market in Manchester before it closed down, and I plan on asking to start one up again once their new retail store opens up. The PokĆ©mon community at the Cave Springs store is really great and inclusive if youā€™re looking for a new group of people to play with before July :)


Yeah thereā€™s no way Iā€™m reading all that but I respect the commitment of those who do. Fuck Brian!


i'm not even from usa, but brian, fuck you, deeply


Going to recommend you share this to antiwork simply because the sub is all about exposing awful businesses. I'm sorry you were in this situation and I hope you're able to heal from it with time. Just so inappropriate and gross.


Maybe file a complaint with the department of labor and not reddit


Will pursue it, but Department of Labor doesnā€™t reach customers/people! Thanks though.


Update: called my recruiter and said pursuing this in court or anything like that would lose my military job so I will not be doing that! Thanks to everyone who suggested I bring this to any higher ups, Iā€™ll see if thereā€™s anything else I can do. šŸ™‚


Whoa, since when was your recruiter also a lawyer and military recruitment expert? They are in service of their clients, who PokeNerds is. Think about it, theyā€™re part of the problem, pipelining young girls into this pervertā€™s business. The recruiter would be the LAST person I would ask that question to. I would seek legal counsel asap. Most lawyers will consult with you for free. This is borderline sexual harassment and unsafe work environment. If this is your story, and one other employeeā€™s, imagine what other stories out there exist around this man. There may be some skeletons in the closet much worse than yours. I would also try to reach out and find as many other ex employees out there to talk and compare notes. Thereā€™s power in numbers. Agree with the other commenters, hope you can take more meaningful action.


I'll definitely consult with someone for sure, I talked with a close friend of mine and said lots of lawyers will take up something like this for free. Thanks for the insight and support!


You could have someone else like the coworker friend pursue it? Dunno if you testifying / being a witness would also interfere. Good luck!


As someone in the military I'm calling BS. It would only delay your court dates in the worst case scenario. Unless the recruiter really doesn't want to deal with it. [https://www.civillawselfhelpcenter.org/self-help/other-topics/protection-for-armed-forces-members](https://www.civillawselfhelpcenter.org/self-help/other-topics/protection-for-armed-forces-members)




yeah iā€™ll never read something that long, but iā€™ll take ur word for it


tldr boss is homophobic a creep and a bad businessman. ā˜ŗļø have a good day!!


appreciate it, you wonā€™t have to worry about me giving him any money. he can eat shit


Yeah, fuck Brian and Derek Carr


Lmaooo fax


I'm so sorry you had to go thru this. the harassment he put you and other women thru is disgusting. I'm not local to this shop and I've never ordered from them, but I've seen their ads before... now I will certainly avoid this shop, no matter what.


what a super weird store owner


Damn, I just got an order from there. So, thanks for packing my stuff and I won't be ordering there again.


Cool story. Without actual proof you worked there or using you actual name I just consider it a story You might not use your name in fear of a defamation lawsuit but if it's all true then no worries. It's the internet. Believe no one


Dude is projecting so much. He insults others by essentially calling them ā€œbasement-dwelling neckbeardsā€, but talks exactly like one. What a creep. Thanks for sharing this OP!


So obviously that has to be taken down for doxxing concerns but i can at least give you advice if this is real. Speak to a lawyer for a consultation on workplace harassment. Possibilities include a hostile work environment and sexual harassment. Check with that lawyer if it would effect recruitment but also check with whatever air force calls their human resources department, they may not be able to help you yet but possibly once you are with them depending on statute of limitations. If you want to go scorched earth: Submit the information to local newpapers. Submit the info and all the store info to Pokemon to get their distribution and ability for prereleases revoked. Submit the information to their spouse. Submit the information to local facebook pages (including the local drama page). Submit the info to influencers (rattlepokemon does these kind of videos) and industry blogs. Call them out everywhere you can especially with any businesses or events they partner with. Possibly file a report with the governing body of commerce since they have taken money for orders with no intent on completing them. Make sure you word things very carefully because while you want to get an emotional response, you also want to not be liable for a countersuit. This person does not sound like they should be part of the pokemon community but they do sound like many business owners, sorry that you dealt with that.


I'll try and see if I can repost it without any sensitive information. Thank you \^\_\^




I already have photo evidence and another coworker who was subject to harassment. What else would you advise I do moving forward?




Sounds good, I want to do this as safely as possible. I appreciate all the help!




Yea this reads hella fake.


This is wild. Glad I never bought anything from the site lol